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Guide Lines for the Preparation of BE Project Report/BSE/MS Thesis

• Page size in final print out : A4

• Font: Times New Roman only. No fancy fonts allowed.
• Size: 12 for text and 14 for headings
• Spacing: 1.5 line or double line
• Text: Left aligned or justified
• Major Headings: Bold underlined
• Minor Headings: Bold only
• Left margin: 1.5 inches
• Right Margin: 1 inch
• Top Margin: 1 inch
• Bottom Margin: 1 inch
• Page numbering: Top Right side
• Each page shall have a footnote giving the title of the project/thesis only. In
case of long titles shorter versions should be used.
• Only one side of the paper will be used. The other side shall be BLANK.
When a report is opened, the right side would be text or figure or table side
and left side would be blank.
• Tables and figures shall be placed on one side only.
• Separate pages shall be used for text and figures/tables. One page may contain
more than one figure of the table but text will not be combined or interlaced
with figure or table
• Each chapter shall be numbered as Chapter 1, Chapter 2 etc. The name of the
chapter shall be written immediately below. Both shall be centered and are
major headings
• Each article shall be a major heading and shall be numbered. Example: “2.2
Mathematical Modelling.” Meaning that this is the second article of chapter
2 and is titled mathematical modeling. It shall be referred to as article 2.2 in
subsequent referencing. All sub articles shall be numbered as for example,
“2.2.3 Model” implying a minor heading and the 3rd sub-article of 2nd article
in chapter 2.
• Mathematical equations numbering (XXYY) where XX is chapter number and
YY is the equation serial number in that chapter. Example: (3.14) means 14th
equation of chapter 3. If an equation in chapter 3 is used which has previously
been numbered as say, (2.3) in chapter 2, then the eqatin in chapter 3 will
remain as (2.3).
• References are to be laced in square brackets and interlaced in the text.
“Example: The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius [12].” This
implies that the information being given in the statement has been recorded
from the book or journal article given in serial 12 in the references list given
at the end of the report. It is scientifically and ethically correct to record all the
references. A project report/thesis shall not be accepted without references.
• Each figure shall be numbered as for example, “Figure 2.3” which would
imply that it is the third figure of chapter 2. It shall be placed as normal text
with figure number and title at the bottom of the page or sideways with figure
title coming on the opening side of the paper and not on the binding side. The
same format shall be used for tables.
• No cut and paste is allowed.
• Re draw the figures rather ten copying then.
• Front Page
• Page I: Abstract. (This is a short summary of the project giving all its
important aspect and achievement and should not exceed one page)
• Page ii: Acknowledgements. (should acknowledge the support of the
Commandant for providing all the facilities to undertake this project work. Should
acknowledge the advisor, and all who helped during the project etc.)
• Page iii: List of figures. (Titled as such and gives all the page numbers where
each figure is located).
• Page iv: List of tables.
• Page v: Table of Contents. (should look like the following):

Table of Contents:

Contents Page #

Abstract I
Acknowledgements ii
List of Figures iii
List of Tables iv

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Basics 3

1.2 ----

2. Models 13
2.1 Development 14
2.1.1 15

References 45

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