F F F F F E FDR: Fisika Material

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Fisika Material

Atomic Structur and Atomic Bonding

Point 3.

1. Bonding Forces and Energies

Net force between two atoms is the sum of both attarctive and repulsive components.
F N =F A + F R
(1 )
But when F A and F Rare equal there is no net force.
Mathematically, energy (E) and Force (F) are related as:
E=∫ F dr
( 2)
Energy and force for atomic system is:
E N =∫ F N dr

(3 )
r r
E N =∫ F A dr +∫ F R dr
∞ ∞
(4 )
E A =∫ F A dr

( 5)
E R=∫ F R dr

(6 )
r r
E N =∫ F A dr +∫ F R dr
∞ ∞
E N =E A + E R
2. Primary Interatomic Bonds
Definition = ikatan antar atom
 Ionic Bonding
We can found ionic bonding very easy, it’s always found in compounds that are
composed of both metallic and nonmetallic elements. Atoms of metallic elmentss easily
give up their valence electrons to nonmetallic elements.

 Covalent Bonding
In covalent bonding, stable electron configurations are assumed by the sharing of
electrons between adjacent atoms. Each atoms contribute at least one electron to the

 Metallic Bonding
Metallic bonding can found in metals and their alloys. Metallic matterials ate least have
one valence electrons. Zthese valence electrons are not bound to any particular atom in
the solid and are more or less free to drift throughout the entire metal. The free
electrons shield the positively charged ion cores from mutually repulsive electrostatic
Some general behaviors of the various material types may be explained by bonding
type. Metals are good conductors of both electricity and heat, as a consequence of their
free electrons.
3. Secondary Bonding (Intermolecular Bond)
Definition = ikatan antar molekul
 Van der Waals Bond
 Ionic/Electrostatic
 Cpvalent Bonding
 Hydrogen Bonding
4. Molecules

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