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How to Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Hello teacher and my friends.My name is DIVYA BARATHI.My previous school is SMK
SRI KURAU .Today I want to present about How To Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is undeniably the is important duty we owe ourselves. As the
saying goes, ‘If you do not have good health, you do not have wealth’. A healthy lifestyle
means maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet as well as engaging in sports or other
fitness related activities. A physical activity helps to keep one in shape and free of sickness
and disease.

First way to maintain good health, we need to eat a balanced diet. The food must contain
the different classses of food such as fats, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrate and minerals to
together fiber. We should consume more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Include whole
grains such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice as they are good sources of
carbohydrate. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. As such one should take three
servings of fruit and vegetables with vitamin supplements and fibers to ensure we stay
healhy. Beside, the intake of salt, oil, fat, sugar, carbonated and caffeine drinks must be

Beside that, We must also exercise regularly to maintain good health. Exercise is regular
or repeated use of a faculty or bodily organ, bodily exertion for the sake of developing and
maintaining physical fitness. For example, join a gym or find a sport that we like such futsal,
tennis and others. This exercise reduce stress, which greatly affect how we look. Next, we
can also fit physical activities into our daily routine such as walk or cycle or jog to meet our
friend instead of going to meet them by car. Hence, doing these activities for thirty minutes
every day keeps us fit and cheerful.

Furthermore, Eating right and participating in physical activities, regardless of the type,
are important aspects of maintaining overall health and fitness. To maintain a healthy
lifestyle we need rest and sufficient sleep about eight or nine hours a day. It will help us stay
healthy without any problems such as drowsy at work. Then, practicing yoga is a mental and
physical therapy to relieve stress. Stress reduction is one of the most important thing for
improve our health and looks.

Water is the most important for a healthy lifestyle . For example, Drinking water after
exercise helps us to replace the fluids lost during physical activity to ensure we stay properly
hydrated. When we work up, our body lose large amounts water which can lead to
dehydration if we don't replace them by drinking water. Although humans might be able to
survive for weeks without food, without water we would die in a matter of days.
In conclusion, leading a healthy lifestyle is a conscious decision. We should make healthy
eating and physical activities everyday. In doing so, we will grow stronger stay active longer,
look and feel better.

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