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Danica L.

BSA – 1K
Activity 5: The Art of Music

Narrative about Purcell’s Aria, “When I am laid on earth”

Henry Purcell is the composer of this aria during the Baroque Period, which is also known as
“Dido’s Lament” that is based on the opera of Dido and Aeneas. As I’ve heard this piece, the first thing I
notice is the tone which I felt the feeling of sadness. The music is sung with a deep and warm voice which
really fit with the lyrics and the tone. The first time I listened to this song, I am emotionally attached
probably because of the tone and the lyrics. The way the singer sung the song captivates my emotion as
if it portrays the agony and death of a person. In addition, the instruments are played very-soft which
goes well with the lyrics. Moreover, the lyrics depicts the sadness and tragedy of the story. For me, the
lyrics “May my wrongs create, no trouble” means that she hopes that what she did, will not create trouble
for anyone. Also, the lyrics “Remember me, but ah! Forget my fate”, means that she want to be
remembered, but her dreadful fate is forgotten. Overall, the mood of the music was sad and brings the
listener into tears, but it was a great and incredible piece.

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