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Methods of teaching English

Languages have always been among the subjects required for study in schools, gymnasiums,
colleges and universities. Of course, over time, the approach to teaching and learning languages,
including English, changed – something new was added, and something was abandoned. Let's
look at the main and most well-known methods of teaching English.

Grammar-Translation(Грамматико-переводной метод)

Audiolingual Method(Аудиолингвальный метод)

Direct Method(Прямой метод)

The Structural Approach (Структурный подход)

Suggestopedia (Суггестопедия)

Total Physical Response (Полный физический отклик)

The Lexical Approach (Лексический подход)

2.What is the main objective of Flipped Classroom?

Flipped classroom

A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning, which aims to
increase student engagement and learning by having students complete readings at their home
and work on live problem-solving during class time.

3. Which methodology is used to group students together ?

The group methodology is used to bring students together. In order for all students to work
together, it is necessary to choose an interesting topic. You can create a cluster or conduct a
lesson in the form of a game

4. Which advantages are observed with the use of Problem-Based Learning?

Advantages of Problem Based Learning: PBL replaces the traditional lectures with assistive
learning, facultative mentoring, discussions and on site experience. This promotes deep learning
within the individual. Hence the students’ knowledge grows as more and more discussions are
made. Direct teaching is reduced. This promotes students to take up their initiative in learning.
This increases the feeling of motivation within the student. Hence, making the learning
experience more interesting. Problem based learning requires prior knowledge for the
completion of problems. ... It’s a known fact that PBL doesn’t provide that many facts when
compared with the traditional method, so many of the teachers hesitant to take up this form of
teaching. Скрыть

5. Competency-based learning or competency-based education is a framework for teaching and

assessment of learning. It is also described as a type of education based on predetermined
"competencies," which focuses on outcomes and real-world performance.Competency-based
learning is sometimes presented as an alternative to traditional methods of assessment in

In a competency-based education framework, students demonstrate their learned knowledge and

skills in order to achieve specific predetermined "competencies." The set of competencies for a
specific course or at a specific educational institution is sometimes referred to as the competency
architecture.[4] Students are generally assessed in various competencies at various points during
a course, and usually have the opportunity to attempt a given competency multiple times and
receive continuous feedback from instructors.

Key concepts that make up the competency-based education framework include demonstrated
mastery of a competency, meaningful types of assessment, individualized support for students,
and the creation and application of knowledge.


In a competency-based learning model, the instructor is required to identify specific learning

outcomes in terms of behavior and performance, including the appropriate criterion level to be
used in evaluating achievement.[8] Experiential learning is also an underpinning concept;
competency-based learning is learner-focused and often learner-directed.

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