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Final Project

I was very happy when we chose a topic and met with my friends. I
asked, and they answered. We had a great conversation and it was
good. They also expressed their views and explained them nicely.
They also believed that women should have the same rights as men
and not be harshly treated. Women need to be respected in every
society. And men and women are equal. We talked about a few
important things. It was a great feeling for me when they accepted
my request. They also thought that these issues should be
considered and discussed. The issues we discussed in the interview
should be well-publicized and they should also be careful not to be
soft-spoken and angry with women. About the Solia program, I had
a lot of fun when I was able to participate in this program. Because
in this program we meet new friends and acquaintances, this is a
place of joy for me. We were able to discuss and discuss a number
of important issues. It was a great help out there and it was very
beneficial to the community. He has discussed many important
issues over the past few weeks. We were able to work together and
do a good job together. Whether we were a group or a team, we
always worked together. So we were able to get good results and be
useful to those around us. I learned a lot from this program. I was
able to get new experience and develop more in a second language
and have more skills. And I got a lot of information from the topics
we talked about. In the program, we talked about a lot of problems
in the world. We talked about the solutions. As a result, we were
able to come up with new ideas for each other. It was generally a
very useful program. It was a new and important experience. And
he learned that we should always work together to achieve success.
Develop participants’ cross-cultural communication skills and
ability to engage in constructive dialogue across difference. -
Enable participants to recognize the necessity of engaging
constructively with alternative perspectives to craft sustainable
solutions to shared problems. - Develop the ability to represent
Final Project

ones points of view and provide space for hearing the points of
view of multiple and diverse parties in a productive discussion
process. Empathy: Relationship Building, Appreciati. Develop the
ability to think more critically and complexly about issues relevant
to engaging with difference. - Encourage all participants to have the
opportunity to genuinely re-examine and analyze pre-existing
opinions and beliefs in a space in which transformation and
reconsideration of existing views is possible. Finally, thank you to
all the Solia program staff. Thank you for their hard work. I wish
them success. I hope to further develop this program. And thank
you to all my dear friends. Thank you very much to my university
for helping me to participate in this program. Thanks again.

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