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Math 105, Prepared by Dr.

Ahmed Ezzat Matouk, Lec 1

Partial review:

The function:
The function is a relation between two sets A and B, such that each element x in A has a
unique image y in B, we then say that f(x) = y.
In the function f(x) = y, the letter x is called independent variable, and y is called dependent
The set of all independent variables-A here-is called the domain of the function, and the set of
all dependent variables-B here-is called the range of the function.
Types of functions:
• The polynomial function:
The general form of the polynomial function of degree n is
f ( x) = a n x n + a n −1 x n −1 + ..... + a1 x + a 0
When n = 1, the polynomial function becomes linear function and when n = 2, it becomes
the quadratic function and so on.
The domain of the polynomial function of any degree is the set of all real numbers R.
• The rational function:
The rational function is always written as a quotient of two function, for instance
g ( x)
f ( x) = , the domain of the rational function is set of all real numbers except zeros of
h( x )
denominator. i.e, domain = R − {zeros of h( x)}.
• The radical function:
The radical function always equal expression under the radical sign, for instance
f ( x) = E ( x) , where E ( x) is a mathematical exp ression. To find its domain, put

the expression under the radical ≥ 0 , then the domain will be { x x ∈ R, and E ( x) ≥ 0}.

• The logarithmic function:

For instance, f ( x) = log ax , and f ( x) = log ex , … .

The number e ≈ 2.71828 is base of the natural logarithm, therefore we briefly write
log ex = ln x .

Math 105, Prepared by Dr. Ahmed Ezzat Matouk, Lec 1

• Trigonometric function:
For instance,
sin ( x ) 1 1
f ( x) = sin( x), f ( x) = cos( x), f ( x) = tan( x) = , f ( x) = sec( x) = , f ( x) = csc( x) =
cos( x) cos x sin x

• Case defined function:

For instance the modulus function f ( x) = x , which is defined as follows,

 x, if x > 0
x =
− x if x < 0.
Graphs of some basic functions:

The function f(x) = x The function f ( x) = x 2

The function f ( x) = x The function f ( x) = x 3

Math 105, Prepared by Dr. Ahmed Ezzat Matouk, Lec 1

1 The function f ( x) = x
The function f ( x) =

1 The function f ( x) = cos x

The function f ( x) =

Math 105, Prepared by Dr. Ahmed Ezzat Matouk, Lec 1

The function f ( x) = ln x The function f ( x) = log bx , 0 < b <1

The function f ( x) = sin x The function f ( x) = e x

Math 105, Prepared by Dr. Ahmed Ezzat Matouk, Lec 1

The function f ( x) = tan −1 ( x) The function f ( x) = sec x

The function f ( x) = csc x The function f ( x) = e − x

Math 105, Prepared by Dr. Ahmed Ezzat Matouk, Lec 1

Math 105, Prepared by Dr. Ahmed Ezzat Matouk, Lec 1

In other words, for the function y = f (x) :

∆x is the change in x, i.e.
∆x = x 2 − x1 ,
∆y is the change in y and is given from:
∆y = y 2 − y1 = f ( x 2 ) − f ( x1 ) ,

∆y f ( x 2 ) − f ( x1 )
Now, = is called the average rate of change of y with respect to x over the
∆x x 2 − x1

interval [ x1 , x 2 ] .

Example (1) Find the average rate of change of the function f ( x) = x 2 at the point P(1, 1).
Solution since a = 1, f(a) = 1 , b = x and f(b) = f(x). Then the average rate of change of
f ( x) = x 2 is given as

f (b) − f (a ) f ( x) − f (a) x 2 − 1 ( x − 1)( x + 1)

= = = = ( x + 1).
b−a x −1 x −1 x −1

Remark. The average rate of change can be rewritten in a simpler form if h represents the
distance from a to x then x = a + h . Therefore, a modified form of the average rate of change is
given by the formula
f ( a + h) − f ( a )

Math 105, Prepared by Dr. Ahmed Ezzat Matouk, Lec 1

Example (2) Find the average rate of change of the function y = at the point (3, 1).
Solution since a = 3, f(a) = 1 and
3 3
f (a + h) = f (3 + h) = , the average rate of change of the function y = is
3+ h x
3 3 − (3 + h) −h
f ( a + h) − f ( a ) 3 + h −1
= = 3+ h = 3+ h = .
h h h h 3+ h


1) Find the average rate of change of the following functions:

i) f ( x) = 2 x + 1, at any point.

ii) f ( x) = x , at the point (1,1).

iii) f ( x) = 2 x /( x + 1) 2 at the point P(0, 0).

iv) f ( x) = 1 + x + x 2 at the point P(1, 3).

2) The number N (in thousands) of cellular phone subscribes in Malaysia is shown in the
following table

Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

N 304 572 873 1513 2461

Find the average rate of growth in each of the following cases:

(i) from 1995 to 1997
(ii) from 1995 to 1996
(iii) from 1994 to 1995.

3) The displacement of a function moving along a number line is given as:

s = f (t ) = 3t 2 + 5 , where the time t is given in second and the displacement s is given in meters.
Find the average velocity over the interval [10,10.1] .

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