Performance Management in Agile Organizations

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Organization Practice

management in agile
Performance management is tough enough in traditional organizations;
in agile organizations, three changes are essential to success.

by Lucia Darino, Marcus Sieberer, Arthur Vos, and Owain Williams

© akinbostanci/Getty Images

April 2019
The evidence is clear: a small number of priority dynamic people model? Colleagues rightfully ask a
practices make the difference between an number of related questions:
effective and fair performance-management
approach and one that falls short. Organizations —— Why do I need individual goals when the locus of
that link employee goals to business priorities, organizational performance is my squad, chapter,
invest in managers’ capabilities, and differentiate and tribe?
rewards for the extremes of performance are
84 percent more likely to have performance- —— Who will coach and evaluate me when I have no
management approaches that their employees boss? How can my evaluator understand my
perceive and recognize as being fair. Furthermore, performance when he or she doesn’t see my
these practices are mutually reinforcing: work day to day?
implementing one practice well can have a positive
effect on the performance of others, which leads —— How can we maintain a team spirit while still
to positive impact on employee and organizational fairly differentiating the highest- and lowest-
performance, which, in turn, drives organizations to performing colleagues?
outperform peers.
The good news is that there are answers to these
But how do these priority practices work in the questions—and, going further, agility can be a
context of agile organizations, which feature springboard to improve performance-management
networks of empowered teams and rely on a practices that traditional organizations struggle with

What defines an agile organization

“Traditional” organizations, designed powerful common purpose to cocreate —— a network of empowered teams
primarily for stability, involve a static, value for all stakeholders. Such agile
siloed, structural hierarchy. Goals and operating models allow for quick and —— rapid decision and learning cycles
decision rights flow downward, with the efficient reconfigurations of strategy,
most powerful governance bodies at the structure, processes, people, and —— a dynamic people model that
top. These organizations operate through technology toward value-creating ignites passion
linear planning and control to capture and -protecting opportunities. Agile
value for shareholders. Although such a organizations thus add velocity and —— next-generation-enabling
structure can be strong, it is often rigid adaptability to stability, creating a technology
and slow moving. critical source of competitive advantage
in volatile, uncertain, complex, and For more, see “The five trademarks of
In contrast, agile organizations ambiguous (VUCA) conditions. agile organizations,” January 2018, on
are designed for both stability and
dynamism. They are made up of a Five trademarks distinguish these
network of teams within a people- organizations:
centered culture that features rapid
learning and fast decision cycles —— a North Star embodied across
enabled by technology and guided by a the organization

2 Performance management in agile organizations

(Exhibit 1). Nearly all organizations, for example, feel to have a sense of meaning and purpose in their
the need for more frequent feedback. Working in work. But agile organizations may worry about
agile sprints of a few weeks each creates a cadence how the emphasis on individual goals marries with
into which collective and individual feedback the autonomous teams that characterize agility.
naturally fits. Similarly, a culture of more autonomy There are three approaches that can help agile
and risk taking opens opportunities for employees organizations to adapt and ensure that goals remain
to stretch, take on more responsibility, and find out meaningful and linked to business priorities.
quickly how they can improve.
Introduce team objectives in addition to (or
Agile organizations will, however, need to adapt each instead of) individual targets
of three core performance-management practices Empowered and autonomous teams are central to
to make the recommendations actionable in the agility. It therefore makes little sense to manage
agile operating model (Exhibit 2). performance solely—or even primarily—on an
individual level. Successful agile organizations
focus on team performance when setting goals and
Linking goals to business priorities evaluating performance, often allowing teams to
Transparently linking employees’ goals to business define their own goals to drive ownership. At one
priorities and maintaining a strong element of bank, for example, performance objectives are a
flexibility are core practices of agile ways of working. combination of team goals, individual contributions
Insights 2019 They are also significant practices if employees are to the team, mastery of competencies required
Performance management in agile organizations
Exhibit 1 of 4

Exhibit 1

The five trademarks of agile organizations have profound relevance for

performance management.
Trademark Changes affecting traditional performance management

North Star embodied across Leadership sets broad direction and priorities, against which teams define their own
the organization objectives, iterating at pace

Network of Flat organizational structure with limited hierarchy and no middle

empowered teams management

Empowered and autonomous teams, with end-to-end accountability and

clear purpose

Rapid decision and Risk taking, failing, and learning fast are encouraged
learning cycles
Continuous people development aimed at improving the level of performance

Dynamic people model that Culture that empowers the agile way of working
ignites passion
Craftsmanship (ie, development of expertise) as a cornerstone

Next-generation Performance management isn’t materially different just because of enabling tech
enabling technology

Source: McKinsey analysis

Performance management in agile organizations 3

Insights 2019
Performance management in agile organizations
Exhibit 2 of 4

Exhibit 2

Adapting three core performance-management practices will be crucial.

Performance-management practice What agile organizations may want to do

Linking goals to Introduce team objectives in addition to (or instead of) individual targets
business priorities
Set objectives as a team, discuss results frequently, pivot as required

Create transparency of targets and performance

Investing in managers’ Clarify the roles that leaders play in development and evaluation
coaching skills
Focus on continuous feedback and ongoing development conversations

Frequently collect input from multiple sources when evaluating performance

Differentiating Differentiate individual contribution to team performance based on desired values,

consequences mind-sets, and behaviors

Increase the emphasis on intrinsic motivation and nonmonetary rewards

Source: McKinsey analysis

at the level of individual jobs, and alignment of This is where objectives and key results (OKRs),
professional behavior to the bank’s values. The popularized at Intel in the 1970s and now used in
weighting of these components varies by role, with many organizations, from the Bill & Melinda Gates
specialists, in particular, more inclined toward team Foundation to Google, come in. Every quarter, a
performance to encourage collaboration. Another clear cascade from strategic priorities to objectives
financial institution experimented with replacing at the team level is created, while performance
individual objectives in contact centers with team versus key results is made transparent and
objectives. Within a few months, it saw productivity discussed. To allow for changing priorities coming
gains of more than 10 percent, compared with out of the QBR, team and individual objectives
control-group centers, in addition to a noticeable need to be dynamic, rather than fixed in a once-a-
increase in teamwork and cohesion. year exercise. Setting objectives collectively can
have other benefits, too, particularly with regard
Set objectives as a team, discuss results to engagement and ambition. Unsurprisingly,
frequently, and pivot as required commitment to goals that you have set for yourself is
Teams in agile organizations work autonomously typically stronger than to those set for you by others.
and at pace, with a clear focus on output. They At a B2B sales organization, shifting to bottom-up
follow broadly set directions and strategic priorities goal setting (versus top-down setting by executives)
rather than detailed, top-down instructions (Exhibit resulted in 20 percent higher overall targets.
3). Agile organizations typically rely on a tightly run
process—often a quarterly business review (QBR)— Create transparency of targets and performance
to ensure alignment among the autonomous teams. The decentralized nature of agile organizations

4 Performance management in agile organizations

Insights 2019
Performance management in agile organizations
Exhibit 3 of 4

Exhibit 3

Agile organizations need to adapt their goal-setting approach.

Organization Business- Project is Project is Product owners Chapter leads or

decides to expansion assigned to assigned to one translate the product owners
expand goals are chapters and squad project into meet with individuals to
business in assigned to squads OKRs1 set goals
China one tribe

Executive board Tribe leads Tribe and chapter leads Product owners Tangible OKRs Assess individuals on impact against
sets goal provide translate project into provide are set. business goals and desired
to expand feedback and tribe, chapter, and feedback and behavioral attributes.
business further shape individual OKRs. further shape “We will hire x
into China; organization tribe and people in y For flow-to-work and
communicates goal. “We will have our office chapter goals. functions, have mono-skilled teams, chapter leads
strategic opened and our first Mary: regulatory meet with all part-time members to
direction to “We will achieve customer in China by requirements xyz set goals.
chapter and tribe xx sales in end of quarter; Mary will “We will fulfilled, have an
leads. China by end of take care of open our office space rented, For the cross-functional squad for
year; Jason will opening office and John first office by end and all IT opening the office, product owner
“We will be in lead this” of business of quarter” infrastructure meets with individual squad members
China next year” development” bought and set up (eg, sales, government relations,
by end of quarter” supply chain, HR, IT) to set goals.

Objectives and Key Results.
Source: McKinsey analysis

creates a risk that devolution and empowerment Investing in the coaching skills
might drift into chaos. One way to avoid this is to of managers
introduce extreme transparency of objectives and Our prior research shows that managers—
performance. At Google, all OKRs, starting with typically, line managers—are important stewards
the CEO’s, are visible to all other employees. At of effective performance management. Investing
LinkedIn, the CEO’s executive team reviews OKRs in their coaching skills to help them become
weekly. This kind of transparency also has several better arbiters of day-to-day fairness is often
benefits: surfacing interdependencies among teams the most powerful intervention in performance-
and units, creating urgency and “mindshare,” and management transformations. The agile
reinforcing the nonhierarchical culture and mind-set organization, however, challenges the traditional
that characterize truly agile organizations. model of the line manager. Who, then, acts
as the day-to-day arbiter of fairness? And
whose capability needs to be built? Agile

Performance management in agile organizations 5

organizations can address these questions traditionally been the conduit for all information
through three approaches. about the employee. But without the line manager,
who acts for the employee? This requires a single
Clarify the roles that leaders play in development person to gather feedback on an individual from
and evaluation several sources, synthesizing it, and working
In a prior publication, we described three different with other peers to make sure that evidence and
types of managers in agile organizations. In the decisions are calibrated. At a telco, for example,
context of performance management, each a chapter lead1 evaluates the development of
performs different roles. Chapter leaders evaluate, an individual within the chapter, gathering and
promote, coach, and develop their people. Tribe synthesizing input from the product owners, team
leaders set directions linked to business priorities, members, and agile coaches that the individual has
match the right people to opportunities or squads, worked with. The chapter lead then presents the
coach their teams on how to enable collaboration individual’s case to a people-review board made
across organizational boundaries, and empower up of chapter leads. The board makes a collective
people. Squad leaders strive to maintain a cohesive performance decision and provides advice to the
team by inspiring, coaching, and providing feedback individual on how to develop further, which is then
to everyone. The common theme across these relayed by the chapter lead. Technology can help
leaders is active coaching for ongoing development here. A leading e-commerce player developed an
and arbitration of day-to-day fairness. app for its employees that facilitates feedback and
allows employees to share feedback with others
Focus on continuous feedback and ongoing after every interaction, the aim being for each
development conversations employee to collect more than 200 feedback points
As in any organization, individuals in agile during the year.
organizations develop through receiving feedback
and being exposed to development opportunities.
In successful agile organizations, feedback is Differentiating consequences
the heartbeat in a culture of taking risks, Employees are more likely to view their
failing fast, and pursuing continuous personal performance-management approach as fair if
development at all levels. These organizations outcomes are differentiated, particularly at the two
encourage employees to ask for and give feedback extremes of performance. In some ways, this can be
constantly. Making this happen is often hard. harder in agile organizations, at which collaborative
Managers and nonmanagers alike may need to and highly interdependent teams mean that it is
overcome mind-set and capability barriers to difficult to trace results to individual efforts. Two
giving and receiving feedback more frequently— practices can help maintain differentiation and the
not just up and down the hierarchy, but also to accompanying sense of fairness, without detracting
peers. A European financial institution, for example, from the team spirit.
invested in dedicated capability building for teams
on how to have courageous conversations in a Differentiate individual contribution to team
peer-like way. performance based on desired values, mind-sets,
and behaviors
Frequently collect input from multiple sources Successful agile organizations embody agile
when evaluating performance methodologies and ways of working that are
Agile organizations need disciplined rituals for tangible and visible in day-to-day work. Less
continuously gathering feedback and evaluating tangible, but a critical stable practice of agile
performance (Exhibit 4). The line manager has organizations, is culture—the strong, shared

Chapters are groups of employees with similar functional competencies who share knowledge and further develop expertise. The chapter lead
typically coordinates performance evaluations of the chapter’s members.

6 Performance management in agile organizations

Insights 2019
Performance management in agile organizations
Exhibit 4 of 4

Exhibit 4

The performance-appraisal process may also need adjusting in agile organizations.

Mary compiles exposure list from Mary’s chapter lead Chapter lead Mary’s chapter Mary receives
people she had significant sources feedback summarizes Mary’s lead presents her executive feedback
interactions with during cycle in from her exposure performance and case in calibration when her chapter lead
review; her list includes some list, ensuring leaders, recommends a rating meeting and presents calibrated
description of the type of peers, and subordi- updates her memo results to her
interactions, and her chapter nates provide input accordingly
lead approves the list

Mary holds regular one-on-one “Can you tell “…in summary, Mary “Is this enough to “Congratulations,
interactions with her chapter me about your opened the office with a justify a top you achieved your
lead to discuss achievement of experience working 1-month delay. However, performer?” goals in the cycle!
OKRs.1 with Mary? What she retained the same Let’s go into the
“…it is taking longer than impact did she have contractors and our next details …”
expected to hire people as the on the team?” office will be open ahead
HR lead had to leave due to a of time.”
family emergency…”

Objectives and Key Results.
Source: McKinsey analysis

values, mind-sets, and behaviors that underpin Conversely, organizations should make clear
and enable those methodologies and ways of choices with employees who don’t actively live and
working. Successful agile organizations evaluate show the desired values, mind-sets, and behaviors,
and manage performance of individuals not just as in the case of a fintech company at which
against hard targets but also by the extent to individuals not aligned with its core cultural values
which the individual has shown and “lived” the and defined associated behaviors are simply let go.
desired values, mind-sets, and behaviors. Potential
rewards or consequences should be well aligned Increase the emphasis on intrinsic motivation
with these goals. In the case of a telco, for example, and nonmonetary rewards
rewards for sales teams are based on achievement Work at most successful agile organizations is
against individual and team targets in addition characterized by a sense of fulfillment and fun: it
to how well and how often employees offer is common to hear employees describe how their
coaching and mentoring to their team members. daily activity “does not feel like work.” Netflix offers
These contributions should be well codified and flexible benefits, such as unlimited vacation days.
recognized because they both motivate individuals Employees stay because they are passionate about
and create “pull” for the next opportunity. their work and the unique culture. While individuals

Performance management in agile organizations 7

expect to be paid fairly for their contributions,
offering flexible benefits gives agile organizations
an opportunity to place greater emphasis on Organizations embarking on agile transformations
intrinsic motivation and frequent nonmonetary cannot afford to ignore performance management.
rewards—including special assignments, Even teams undergoing pilots need to be ring-
opportunities to present externally or attend special fenced from traditional approaches to ensure that
events, high recognition in the workplace (awards agile practices and mind-sets have the freedom
and celebrations), and time for pro bono work. For to take hold and are appropriately recognized and
example, a North America–based fintech company rewarded. Done well, performance management
offers unique leadership-exposure opportunities that is customized to the agile goals and context
and mentorship programs to reward performance of an organization will enable full capture and
and increase retention. sustainability of the benefits promised by agility.

Lucia Darino is a senior expert in McKinsey’s New York office, Marcus Sieberer is a senior partner in the Zurich office, Arthur
Vos is an associate partner in the Amsterdam office, and Owain Williams is an associate partner in the London office.

The authors wish to thank Bryan Hancock, Kyla Kelly, and Andrew St. George for their contributions to this article.

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8 Performance management in agile organizations

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