Mahadashas The Speed of Light

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Mahadashas @ The Speed of Light

by Kapiel Raaj

© copyright 2015

please be courteous to my hard work and do not upload this book on any
online format. I have put two years into writing this book.

Edited by
Corey Dowds


Beginners Note: .......................................................................5

How to judge the Impact of Dashas ..............................................11

Planetary Meaning: .......................................................................35

The Sun Through the Houses: ...............................................45

The Moon through the houses: ..............................................58
Mercury through the houses: .................................................70
Venus through the houses:.....................................................84
Mars through the Houses:....................................................100
Jupiter through the houses:..................................................117
Saturn through the houses: ..................................................136
Rahu through the houses: ....................................................154
Ketu Through the houses:....................................................175
Important Note for the Beginner .........................................193
Chart Study:.........................................................................196

Beginners Note:

You must have basic knowledge of Vedic Astrology before

reading this book. If you are extremely new to astrology please
read my book 'Astrology @ the speed of light' followed by
Conjunctions and Aspects @ the speed of light.. You should have
fair understanding of houses, signs, planets, nakshatras, aspects,
conjunctions and transits. These concepts can be understood in
less than a day by reading my book. If you have never seen your
Vedic birth chart before then please go to my website

What are Mahadashas? First, instead of me spelling
the name "Mahadasha" in the entire book, I will simply refer to it
as “MD”. It will make things easier on everyone. MDs are known
as planetary time periods in Vedic Astrology which every single
living entity is running through from the moment they are born
until the moment they die. These are cycles of planets that come
into our lives to bring about a change, whether it's a certain
situation, our ego, personality, perspective in life or even
material/spiritual progress. MDs are the code breakers to
predicting the past, present and future. They tell you what has
happened, what is to come and what will happen in the coming

The first thing about MDs you need to know is that planets do not
start effecting you through some magical powers. The MD cycle
shows activation of a certain chakra within your body at a certain
age which are linked to the planets. MD are also the karmic pattern
put as a set path by looking at the degrees of your moon. The
position of the moon at birth sets this automatic path for you to alk
on. Of course activation of chakras will not make you holy or wise
because 99% of our chakras are clogged with dirty from past life
karms which needs to be clean in this life. When the cycle of a
certain planet starts it first affects your mind. You become a
different person from the inside out. You start to behave and think
like the planet through which your actions are brought forth in the
world. The calculative method given by Rishi Parashara is simply
to show "light" upon the path for a jataka.

I am sure you all know a person who went through the same
routine year after year, not changing anything; but then suddenly
they became different, unique, weird or even cool. Most will
blame it on age, or their birthday; but many do not know that this
same person might have just started a new MD after perhaps
decades. Each planetary MD has its own length of time. Each
planet has a certain number of years that they will operate in a
person's life. The chronological order of planetary MDs you see
below occurs for everyone.

Sun - 6 years
Moon - 10 years
Mars - 7 years
Rahu - 18 years
Jupiter - 16 years
Saturn- 19 years
Mercury - 17 years
Ketu - 7 years
Venus 20 - years

No matter what happens, after the Sun time period an individual

will run the Moon time period. After that they will run the Mars
period, and then comes Rahu, and so on and so forth. You will
never see a chart where a person runs through a 7 year time period
of Mars and then starts Saturn, no. After Mars, there will always
be a Rahu period. Do not forget this order which starts from Sun
and ends with Venus.

When an individual is running through their Sun time period they

will act like the Sun. If someone is running through Rahu period
they will act like Rahu. A certain planetary time period brings
many things to the surface. Below are the things that the individual
will deal with in each mahadasha.

Why this sequence though? Why does Venus come after Ketu,
why does the Sun come after Venus and why does the Moon come
before the Mars period?

The actual sequence of dashas actually starts from 'Kritika'

nakshatra; the fire of creation, the spiritual fire that gave life to this
Universe. Krittika is the desire of God that wanted to created this
physical existence. But we will stick to what is known as the Ketu
starting period. Why does the first nakshatra start with Ashwini
which is controlled by Ketu? That is why when the Moon is in this
nakshatra the Ketu MD starts. Ketu is our past, what we have
accumulated in past life is the experience we are now bringing into
this life. Our past karmas are the reason why we now exist again
on this plain.

The way to determine which MD a person will start at the moment

they are born is seen through the nakshatra that the moon is placed
in. You must have basic knowledge of nakshatras to understand
this part. These are 27 lunar mansions which are known as
constellations in english. They are the group of stars working
behind the scenes of a zodiac sign. Depending upon a certain
nakshatra the native will start their life with a particular MD cycle.
They can either start from the beginning, middle or end of a certain
dasha. This part is determined by the Pada that the moon is placed
in. Each nakshatra has 4 padas.

If the moon is placed in Magha nakshatra at birth, the native will

start their life with Ketu mahadasha running. But how long will
that MD be? Perhaps that MD may only last for 1 year, or 3 years.
For this look at the pada of the moon in the child's report. If the
Moon is in the 4th pada the baby will start their life towards the
end of Ketu dasha. If moon is in the 2nd pada then they will start
from 1/4 of the way into the dasha.

Each of the 27 nakshatras are ruled by a certain planet, this is how

we know which planet the MD of a native will start from.

I will now show you the nakshatra name and the planet that rules

1. Ashwini - Ketu
2. Bharani - Venus
3. Krittika - Sun
4. Rohini - moon
5. Mirgshira - Mars
6. Ardra - Rahu
7. Punravasu - Jupiter
8. Pushya - Saturn
9. Ashlesha - Mercury
10. Magha - Ketu
11. Purva Phalguni - Venus
12. Uttara Phalguni - Sun
13. Hasta - Moon
14. Chitra - Mars
15. Swati - Rahu
16. Vishaka - Jupiter
17. Anuradha - Saturn
18. Jyestha - Mercury
19. Mula - Ketu
20. Pruva Ashada - Venus
21. Uttara Ashada - Sun
22. Sharavan - Moon
23. Dhanishta - Mars
24. Satabisha - Rahu
25. Purva Bhadrapada - Jupiter
26. Uttara Bhadrapada - Saturn
27. Revati - Mercury

How to judge the Impact of Dashas

• The person will become more like the planet in its time

• Whichever house the planet is the karaka of those houses

will become active as well.

• The house which the planet rules in the horoscope will

become the focus of life and will become active.

• The house in which the planet sits in will express the issues
related to the house it rules.

• The sign placement of the planet will show in which form

the person will experience those things.

• The nakshatra in which the planet sits in will give results of

the placement of nakshatra lord.

• Day vs. Night birth

• Aspects of the planets become active

• The pada of the planets shows the time of major results.

• Mahadashas can also be judged from alternative


• Planets in the nakshatra of the MD lord will also activate


• Through the understanding of Varga Vimshopak of planets

• Through the Dasha Pravesh concept

• Through the Varshphal Chart

Details of bullet points
• The person will become more like the planet in its time

The person will become more like the planet simply means that the
personality of the person will be taking on the astrological qualities
of the planet. If a person is running through MD of Saturn, which
is a 19 year time period, the person will become more serious,
mature, wise, more of a workaholic, will feel old, may get grey
hairs, and will start loving older, classical and antique things. If a
person is going through the time period of Mercury, (17 years)
then they will become more jolly, fun, communicative, desiring to
have a social circle, perhaps will educate themselves or attain a
higher education, take some certification course, or write a book. If
Venus period is operating then the person wants to become
creative, artistic, feminine, and experience more of the luxury and
pleasures of life. They will be surrounded by more women than
men. Even if a lawyer or doctor goes through the time period of
Venus they will be inclined to take on creative activities, whether
its painting or playing a piano. Jupiter period makes a person
(sometimes) too optimistic, philosophical and a natural teacher,
they feel hopeful, inspired and yearn to learn wisdom. They love to

direct things and guide things in Jupiter mahadasha and things
come easily into their life. The Moon will make a person more
motherly, emotional, attached to home and mother. They will be
extra nourishing to everyone they love.

The Mars time period of 7 years will make the person extremely
competitive, aggressive and technical. They will seek to win every
opportunity they get in life, and in such times they will either
benefit from male siblings and friends or will go against them.
Many men who run through Mars mahadasha in late teen and early
20's will probably want to join the army, police, navy or become
an athlete. Rahu’s period of 18 years can be quite an unorthodox
period. One will be free spirited, ambitious, wanting to break the
rules and law and perhaps be part of activity that might be
considered taboo in current society. The Ketu period of 7 years
will make a person more spiritual and introverted, wanting to join
a yoga/meditation group, or search for things of an occult or
mystical nature. They may go into research based studies and
travel to spiritually isolated places. If Rahu and Ketu become part
of a Raj Yoga in the birth chart then these same planets can give
material and political success.

• Whichever house the planet is the karaka of those

houses will become active as well.

In astrology each planet is a holder or the permanent landlord of a

certain house regardless of which house it rules in your ascendant
or where it's placed. During their MD, AD, PD period you will
deal with not only the houses the planet rules, but the house it's a
"karaka" of aka significator. Below is the table of the planet being
karaka of certain houses.

House 1 - Sun
House 2 - Jupiter/Mercury
House 3 - Mars
House 4 - Moon/ Mars for Property/Venus for vehicles

House 5 - Jupiter
House 6 - Mars/Saturn
House 7 - Venus
House 8 - Saturn
House 9 - Jupiter
House 10 - Sun, Saturn
House 11 - Jupiter (guru, teacher)/Sun (father)
House 12 - Saturn

Regardless of which houses the planet is placed in or which house

it rules it will also activate the houses rule by that planet.

i.e. If Jupiter in Libra ascendant rules the 3rd, and 6th house while
it's sitting in the 10th house; it will also bring about situations
related to 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th house which is family, wealth,
speech, children, education, long distance travel, higher education,
father, friends, gains, hopes, desires and organizations.

If Saturn MD is operating then regardless of its placement it will

bring about situations related to 6th, 8th and 12th house which is
debts, diseases, transformation, occult, secrets, bed pleasures,
foreign lands, isolation and dealing with the outer world.

• The house which the planet rules in the horoscope will

become the focus of life.

In astrology the planets rule zodiac signs. Most rule 2 signs each
while the Sun and Moon only rule one sign. This is astrology 101
which I am hoping you already know, if you don't then read my
book “Astrology @ The Speed of Light”. Depending on which
ascendant you are, a planet will control a certain house because
that house will have that planet's sign placed in it. When the
mahadasha of a certain planet starts, whichever house that planet
rules, those houses will start bringing situations to you regarding
their agenda.

i.e: If you are a Cancer ascendant and you are going through a 16
year period of Jupiter, then which houses will be activated in its
time period? If you are a Cancer ascendant then Jupiter will rule
the 6th and 9th house. This means for 16 years the person will be
dealing with service, enemies, obstacles, debts, higher wisdom,
philosophy, long distance travel, post grade education and coming
across spiritual gurus, which are foundational meanings of these
two houses. Jupiter as you know brings over optimism and a broad
sense of thinking in the individual's personality; these folks in any
condition will be optimistic about dealing with all the situations
related to 6th and 9th house.

i.e: If you are a Taurus ascendant and you are going through the 19
year time period of Saturn: Saturn for Taurus ascendant rules the
9th and 10th house which means these two houses will be
activated for 19 years and will be the major focal point for the
person. They will be dealing with authorities, bosses, reputation,
father, law, morality, higher philosophy, long distance travel,
spiritual wisdom and post grad education. Since Saturn is a straight
forward serious planet, the person will be facing all these
situations with due-diligence, discipline and organized skills. They
will be extremely practical about their reputation in public life, and
what they learn because what they learn must come into use in the
practical world.

i.e: If you are an Aries ascendant and you are going through 7 year
time period of Mars that means for those 7 years you will be
focused on your self, health, inheritance, secrets, surgeries, secret
affairs and gaining through death. But due to Mars being active
you will be extremely aggressive, to the point of becoming
competitive about achieving such goals. This is because for Aries
Mars rules the 1st and 8th house.

Just imagine the activation of mahadashas as the activation of a

certain energy or aura that comes over you like a plague. You
know you can't escape but you embrace it.

• The house in which the planet sits in will express the
issues related to the house it rules.

This bullet point simply means that when a planet is activated, the
houses it rules are activated. Depending upon which house the
planet is sitting in, the native will experience things related to its
houses through the house where the planet is sitting in. Doesn't
make sense? let's look at an example.

i.e. . If you are a Cancer ascendant and you are going through a 16
year period of Jupiter, then which houses will be activated in its
time period? If you are a Cancer ascendant then Jupiter will rule
the 6th and 9th house. This means for 16 years you will be dealing
with service, enemies, obstacles, debts, higher wisdom,
philosophy, long distance travel, post grade education and coming
across spiritual gurus; all of which are cornerstone meanings of
these two houses. If Jupiter is sitting in the 7th house then that
means you will experience things of 6th and 9th houses through
the 7th house. You will be dealing with obstacles, enemies,
diseases, higher wisdom, philosophical knowledge, and meeting
spiritual gurus through partnerships, relationships and marriage.
There would be natural disagreements in the marriage or with the
marriage partner. Your marriage partner might be your guru. You
may have to face litigation in court houses to solve a dispute since
the 7th house represents court houses. You may be guiding and

counseling people who are running through disputes, divorces and
making business deals for day to day activities since the 6th house
also represents our everyday routine. But will the person face all
the things, or certain ones, or will he or she face everything at the
same time? That's the question you must be asking. All of these
details will be discussed in later chapters. Whether you will
experience everything, or some of the things depends upon the
condition of the planet, the sub periods (antar dasha) and transits of
planet coming at the right time.

• The sign placement of the planet will show in which

form the person will experience those things.

The above statement simply means what kind of a jacket or coat is

the planet wearing. How are they expressing themselves? Imagine
if you are a planet but you have a certain sense of style; maybe you
are Goth and wear all black and love dark demonic stuff along
with dark punk rock music or you are a hippy with long hair and a
beard with some grass in your pocket, perhaps you love wearing
sweat pants and shirts because you are a natural athlete. All of
these qualities simply means how you are expressing yourself.

Sun in the sign of Libra means that the Sun is wearing the outfit of
Libra. Mars in Gemini in your horoscope shows that Mars is
wearing a jacket and hat of Gemini. The sign in which the planet is
placed in is how they express themselves through those signs. I
have already made a video on planets in signs on my Youtube
channel. For example, if Mars is in Gemini in your horoscope it
shows that you love to rush and gather information before anyone
gets it, you have too many ideas that you want to aggressively
pursue. You want to compete with everyone regarding who has the
correct information. If Mars is in Gemini in the 3rd house, this
shows us that one competes with their siblings and friends

regularly regarding intellectual discussions. They will make
countless arguments to satisfy their evidence.

If you are an Aries ascendant and Mars is in the 3rd house in

Gemini, this shows that your personality and your agenda in life is
to expose secret information by doing investigative journalism, or
someone who wants to know secrets of other people and be the
first one to announce it to the world like a paparazzi. This means in
the mahadasha of Mars, in such a position, will incline you to be
rushing towards gaining access to secret documents and
information to use it for your advantage.

If the Sun is in Libra in your 3rd house, this means you are a Leo
ascendant. The Sun is wearing the outfit of Libra and it shows that
one's ego, self-esteem and confidence will be shine through by
creative expression, artistry and artistic self-expression. This is
because the Sun rules the 1st house of self while expressing
himself in the 3rd house of media and skills with one’s hands. In
the MD of the Sun, one will suddenly find themselves collecting
information, putting their own effort into making money, and
wanting to do creative things or take on artistic hobbies. Since the
Sun represents the father it shows that one's father could damage
one's effort towards work if the Sun is close to its maximum
debilitation which is 10 degrees of Libra. In other degrees Sun will
simply show that the father will be involved with creating
business deals, relationships with siblings and helping the
individual to express themselves.

• The nakshatra in which the planet sits in will give

results of the placement of the nakshatra lord.

This is a fairly unique concept. Nakhsatras are the constellations

working behind the scenes of the zodiac signs. I have covered in-
depth details on nakshatras on my channel so please watch those
videos before going further into this book. Most of the zodiac signs
have 2-2.5 nakshtras working behind the scenes. Aries zodiac

signs has Ashwini, Bharani and Krittika nakshatra working behind
the scenes, the Krittika nakshatra spills into the Taurus zodiac
signs. In which nakshatra your planet is placed in depends upon
the degrees in which your planet is placed in your horoscope. All
these details are given on my channel and website.

If you are a Leo ascendant with the Sun in the 3rd house in the
sign of Libra and nakshatra of Vishaka, what this means is that the
Sun is at a certain degree of the Libra zodiac sign where this
nakshatra of Vishaka is working behind the scenes. This means the
Sun must be between 20 degrees all the way to 3.20 degrees of
Scorpio. Vishaka nakshatra is ruled by Jupiter. We now have to
look for the placement of Jupiter. Let's assume Jupiter is sitting in
the 9th house. What does this mean? This means, the person will
not only deal with issues with the father, power struggles with
siblings while pursuing traveling related to contracts, business
partnerships or creativity, but the person will be seeing the effects
of the 9th house and may travel to a long distance place for
religious, educational or work purposes. What is happening is the
Sun starts to act like Jupiter but in a more Solar way. Imagine the
Sun wearing the outfit of Libra but has the undershirt and
underwear of Jupiter; internally he feels philosophical, spiritual,
and like a teacher. In Sun MD the person will find a guru either in
a long distance place, ashram or at their university.

I will also add that I tend to mash the KP Astrology method while
reading the result of the dasha lord. The dasha lord is set to give
results of the houses of the nakshatra lord it sits in including where
the nakshatra lord is placed. For example: If Jupiter is in Uttara
Phalguni nakshatra in the 1st house that means the nakshatra is
ruled by the Sun. Let's say the Sun is in the sign of Virgo in the 9th
house while the Sun rules the 8th house. Jupiter in it's dasha will
give results of 12th, 3rd, 8th and 9th house through the 1st house
placement. Try this and you will never fail. The same analysis can
be used for antar dasha, pratyantar , sookshma and prana lord

• The pada of the planets shows the time of major results.

Each planet sits in a certain nakshatra in a birth chart but each

nakshatra has four padas. Padas are important determining factors
in understanding how long the native's first MD will be and when
the trigger point of the planetary MD will be felt. If you were born
with the Moon in Leo, in the 4th pada of Magha nakshatra, this
means you started your life from the end point of Ketu MD. If you
were born in the 2nd pada of Magha nakshatra, then you would
start your life from the middle of Ketu's period of 7 years.

But knowing which pada each planet is placed in will show at

which point the planet will give his or her results at its maximum.
If you are running the MD of Jupiter in your life, look at Jupiter in
your birth horoscope and see which pada it's sitting in. If Jupiter is
in the 4th pada of any nakshatra then the true nature and effects of
Jupiter will be strongly felt towards the end of Jupiter's MD,
around 3/4 of the way. For example, lets say Jupiter is sitting in
pada 2 of Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra while you're running your
Jupiter MD from the age of 25. Knowing the Jupiter period is of 16
years, you will really feel the effect of that Jupiter in the horoscope
towards the end of 16th year, or perhaps from the 13-16 year
period when you will be 41 to 44. Depending upon how Jupiter is
situated, these results will either be felt positively or negativity.

• Day birth vs. Night birth

Being born during the sunrise or sunset will cause different planets
to gain strength. This is a little different than the Sun or Moon hora

If you are born during the day or before sunset then the Sun, Venus
and Jupiter become strong regardless of their placement in the
horoscope. If you are born after sunset, then Moon, Mars and
Saturn become strong. If you're born during sunrise or sunset then
Mercury becomes strong. This will impact the implication of MDs
for the native.

As an example, if you are going through your Saturn MD and you

are born between sunset and the next sunrise then Saturn naturally
becomes strong. From 7pm to 4 am Saturn is naturally strong. This
doesn't mean if you are born in day time Saturn is not strong, but
there is a natural strength and accumulated strength through sign,
house, nakshatra, varga and ashtakavarga.

If you are born between Sunrise to Sunset as in 6 am to 6 pm then

Sun, Jupiter and Venus naturally become strong. Even if Venus is
debilitated it's capable of finding strength within itself to love, and
have selfless devotion. However if Venus does not have
accumulated strength as per the house, nakshatra, varga position
Venus will still have the ability to win and reach its highest of
purity through native's own will power.

When I see someone born at night I know they have to work extra
hard to work on their confidence, self-esteem and ego due to Sun
naturally being on the dark side. Even an exalted Sun will have a
tough time exposing its strength at first, but over time they come
out shining.

Mercury is naturally strong during Sunrise and Sunset because

logically you can see Mercury during these early and late
afternoon time with your telescope if it's rotating in front of your
horizon. Mercury also represents change of time due to its dual

nature since Night transforms into Day and visa versa; summer
turns into fall and spring turns into summer which are controlled
by Mercury's zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo due the transit of
Sun during these months.

• Aspects of the planet becomes active

Whichever planetary MD you are running through all of its aspect

become activate. In astrology all physical planets Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have 7th aspect meaning
they look directly opposite to their placement in the house. When
their MD runs that particular aspect becomes active and alive.

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have special apsects.

Mars - 4, 7, 8 as in Mars will always aspect 4th, 7th and 8th place
from itself.

Jupiter 5, 7, 9 aspect. Jupiter will always aspect 5th, 7th, and 9th
place from wherever he sits.

Saturn 3, 7, 10 aspect. Saturn will always aspect 3rd, 7th and 10th
place from itself where ever it sits.

Rahu/Ketu have 5th and 9th aspect.

Please read my book Aspects @ the speed of light to understand

aspect and they work.

If you are running through 16 year period of Jupiter and Jupiter is
sitting in the 2nd house in your horoscope then it will always
aspect 6th house, 8th house and 10th house. All aspects are
counted counter clock wise. In Jupiter period image 6th, 8th and
10th house having bright yellow light of Jupiter hitting upon them.
This can show one will have blessings to pay their debts of and
win over enemies and overcome their illnesses (6th house). There
will be less sudden dramatic events, surgeries, or hidden enemies
while one will find great hidden knowledge during this period (8th
house). The career will always feel blessed, even if someone loses
a job they will find another job soon after and their reputation will
always be protected no matter how bad the situation is.

• Judging mahadashas from alternative ascendants

What are alternative ascendants? Alternative ascendants are used

to judge planetary MDs (as well as Antar and Pratyantar dasas)
through different ascendants like your main birth ascendant, Moon
ascendant, Sun ascendant, Jupiter ascendant, or also making the
current MD lord the ascendant.

In Parashara Hora Shashtra it's said to check for events not just
from one ascendant but from other places as well to confirm the
event. But also the reason why we check through different
placements is because with bad times you can also run into good
times. In Vedic astrology, the Moon ascendant becomes equally
important to your birth ascendant as we can read the chart from the
moon and predict just as accurately, including using transits. Then,
the Sun is the third option as we see how the ego of the native will
be effected by a certain MD. Making Jupiter the ascendant is also
important as Jupiter is the Jeeva karaka, karaka of "Life", this is
why Jupiter controls Biology and all living existence on this

MD planet as the Ascendant:

If you are going through the MD of Saturn, and Saturn is in the 5th
house in Aquarius, that means you are a Libra ascendant, but for
the 19 year time period of Saturn you will be changing as a person
in your ego, personality and persona; this is why we want to make
Saturn’s position the ascendant. Just switch the chart to Aquarius
ascendant with Saturn in the ascendant and look for planetary
placements of your birth chart from Saturn.

i.e.: If you are going through the MD of Saturn, and Saturn is

placed in the 8th house from your ascendant, this can show that the
19 year period may bring sudden ups-&-downs in life. But if from
the Moon, Saturn is in the 9th house, this can also show that one
does very well academically, spiritually and has good luck during
this MD. If Saturn is in the 5th house from the Sun then it shows
great academic achievements, interest in politics, or birth of
children to improve the status of the native. But to see how the
individual's personality is going to be, and how other antar dashas
will reach and how their results will be you will also want to judge
the horoscope by making Saturn the ascendant lord. One thing to
understand here is that you should also judge your dhan yog and
raj yogas from making Saturn the ascendant lord as well. All dhan
yogas and Raj yogas occurring from Saturn will come alive during
it's dasha; especially during the transit of major planets over those

• Planets in the nakshatra of the MD lord will also

activate themselves.

In Vedic Astrology Nakshatras are also ruled by planets and when

a certain MD is running, let's assume Jupiter MD, then any planet
in the birth chart sitting in the nakshatra of Jupiter will also
activate themselves and situations related to that planet. Jupiter
rules the nakshatra of Punravasu, Vishaka, and Pruva Bhadrapada.
If any planet is in any one of these nakshatras then they will

activate themselves to bring certain results into play. This is
something I learned from Sam Geppi (Sada Siva). He also gave a
lecture on this on my Youtube channel. I found this to be quite
accurate and helpful during my own research and studies.

i.e. If you are a Cancer ascendant and you are running through the
MD of Ketu who is sitting in the 8th house; this can show someone
might suddenly find themselves being involved in occult,
mysticism, or secret underground worlds. If the person has the
Sun, Mars, Saturn and Mercury in the 10th house in the sign of
Aries but nakshatra of Ashwini, which is ruled by Ketu, then
suddenly the 10th house will come alive with all these planets.
Usually people suffer in Ketu MD and feel isolated, but in this
case one can suddenly find themselves in a leadership position,
receiving sudden benefit from government or becoming a
government leader.

If one is going through the time period of Venus, of 20 years, and

you have planets in your horoscope sitting in the nakshatra of
Purva Phalguni, Bharani or Purva Ashada which are Venus'
nakshatra; then all those planets will come alive and start giving
their results at that time.

This is why in any given MD we will experience everything in our

lives but we can still pinpoint each event by narrowing down
through the MD, AD, PD, SD and PD and transits.

• Varga Vimshopak of Planets:

Varga Vimshopak is a concept which takes the strength of each of

the planets in the divisional charts and shows us how strong a
planet is in terms of giving its results. When we look at Varga
Vimshopak, I personally have found only a few divisional charts
we must pay attention to. Besides the birth chart we should always
look at the sign/house placement of planets in the D9 (Navamsa),
D3 (Dreekana), D7 (Saptamsa), D4 (Chaturtamsa), D10 (Dasamsa)

and the D60 (Shastiamsa). D9 is the heart of the planet, the
strength of their health, D3 shows the courage of planets and
willingness to fight the battle, D7 shows the manifestation of
planets and how strongly they can manifest your desires, D4 is
what the planet is destined for, D10 reveals what success the planet
will give professionally, and the D60 shows the ultimate strength
of the planets. When analyzing the divisional charts, always look
at the conjuncts and aspects of other planets and once you have
seen all the charts then with your intelligence make the decision of
what impact the planet will have in the native's chart. Do not go on
automatic calculations given by the software, they are not taking a
lot of things into account as I mentioned here. You must use your
divine intelligence whenever deciding the shadbala and varga
vimshopak strength. Perhaps in future the software will become as
sufficient as a human astrologer.

• Dasha Pravesh of planets:

This is a concept I learned from Marc Boney and Vaughn Paul

Manley when they came on my Youtube channel. It's a concept
that takes the day and time you will enter your new dasha and puts
the exact planetary placement upon your birth ascendant like a
snapshot of the sky. This is the concept that shows the foundation
of the coming dasha and how it will operate along with which
house it will really effect based on which sign the dasha lord is
currently transiting in. You must look at the aspects, conjunctions
and yogas being formed in the chart. This technique sets the tone
of the dasha regardless of how the planet is in your horoscope.
This is why perhaps you may see an exalted planet giving ill
results despite having high shad bala and ashtakavarga points. This
is why it takes a super brain to really decode this super science.
Many who learn jyotish get discouraged due to such in-depth
analysis and knowledge but it's like being a chef; you can't make a
100 dish from only 5 spices. You need to know about hundreds of
spices and ingredients to really become a top chef.

What are Sub-periods? Sub-periods are mini periods of planets
that come within the major time period of a planet. If you are
going through a 6 year time period of the Sun then in that period
other planets will come into play to do their part and bring other
house situations alive. This is why in one single MD we
experience everything but the main theme is always the MD. There
are about 4 major sub-periods within an MD.

• Antar Dasha
• Prayantar Dasha
• Sookshma Dasha
• Prana Dasha

What are Antar Dashas? We will refer to Antar Dashas as AD to

make things easier. AD are the sub periods that come within a MD.
This is why we as human beings do not just experience one
situation give by one planet; sub periods bring us other situations
within our major agenda given by the MD.

i.e.- In a six year time period of the Sun MD you will have all the
other planets come into play for about 4-5 months at a time. The
time period of the Sun will start from Sun MD and Sun AD,
followed by

Sun MD / Moon AD
Sun MD / Mars AD
Sun MD / Rahu AD
Sun MD / Jupiter AD
Sun MD / Saturn AD
Sun MD / Mercury AD
Sun MD / Ketu AD
Sun MD / Venus AD

In the six year time period of the Sun, all the planets come in and
play their part. This will bring situations related to many other

The first MD, AD, PD, SD and PD will be of the planet itself, as in
Sun/Sun/Sun/Sun/Sun period, followed by Sun (mahadasha), Sun
(antar dasha), Sun (Paryantar dasha), Sun (Sookshma dasha),
Moon (Prana dasha) period. The time of birth has to be extremely
accurate for these last two periods to be studied, a few minute
difference can throw your prediction off by weeks.

i.e. #2
If you are a Leo ascendant with your Sun in the 3rd house at 21
degrees, this means the Sun is in the sign of Libra and Nakshatra
of Vishaka. Let's still assume that Jupiter is in the 9th house in the
sign of Aries. But Mars is in the 7th house in the sign of Aquarius.
The person is running through a MD of the Sun and AD of Mars.
Sun rules the 1st house and Mars rules the 4th and 9th house. What
will this time period bring?

In such periods, especially the 6 years of the Sun, he or she will be

doing a lot of short distance traveling, as well as or including long
distance travel since the Sun is in the nakshatra of Jupiter; who is
in the 9th house of long distance travel. They might be dealing
with authoritative figures, father related issues, issues with
siblings, or experience a creative time period. But Mars’s time
period comes into play for 4 months. Since Mars is in the 7th
house the person will also have to deal with the issues of
relationships, marriage or partnerships. Since Mars rules the 4th
and 9th house, Mars will give results of the 4th and 9th houses
while wearing the costume of Aquarius. This placement of Mars
will show issues related to relationships will arise due to
involvements of the mother and traveling. There will be power
struggles felt in a relationship due to home, mother and gurus.
Also, this period can show the mother traveling away from home
in search for a person's partnership or due to property related

issues. This can also show your spouse or partner will travel since
Mars rules the 9th house.

We also have to take into account the nakshatra of Mars. If Mars is

sitting in the nakshatra of Satabhisha which is ruled by Rahu, we
have to see where Rahu is placed. If Rahu is placed in the 2nd
house then Mars will not only bring the issues of the 4th and 9th
house through 7th house but will also give results of the 2nd house
which is the house of family, assets, earnings and banking.

In Sun MD and Mars AD, the person can experience gains through
property related issues, or through the spouse or mother. This is a
positive period because Rahu is sitting in the house of money,
wealth and savings.

What about the dispositor of Sun and Mars? How does the zodiac
sign lord’s placement affect this? Sun in Libra means that Venus
becomes the dispositor and Mars in Aquarius means Saturn
becomes the dispositor. This determines the positive, negative and
neutral results of the given time periods. Dispositors are like
nakshatras lords but with a louder voice.

Dispositors are like a foundation of the planet. If the foundation of

the house is weak the house can fall or will be very unstable to live
in, putting the person in constant fear of having the roof fall on
their head. This also sets the tone on how the planet will behave by
seeing which sign their dispositors are placed in.

i.e. If Jupiter is in the sign of Leo and nakshatra of Maga in the

ascendant, while the Sun is in the sign of Libra and nakshatra lord
Ketu is in the 8th house in Pisces, how will the MD of Jupiter be?

In the MD of Jupiter the person will not only want to do creative

things like cinema, acting, directing, writing and being part of the
media but they will also find interest in the occult, spirituality and
mysticism. The creative part comes due to the dispositor of Jupiter

being in the creative sign of Libra in the 3rd house. The occult part
is due to nakshatra lord Ketu in the spiritual sign of Pisces and in
the 8th house of the occult. These two things will be the major
highlight of the 16 years. But there will be different timing as to
when such events will trigger their maximum juice.

When a person runs into the MD of Jupiter and AD of the Sun they
will suddenly find themselves in a creative realm. When the person
runs into the MD of Jupiter and AD of Ketu they will suddenly fall
in love with the darker side of life, especially occult science. But
we must not forget that Jupiter will bring his own quality into play
and will make the native act more like a teacher, guru or advisor.
Jupiter will also activate the situation related to the house he rules
which are the 5th and 8th houses for Leo ascendant.

What is a Prayantar Dasha? We will refer to Prayantar

Dasha as PD to make things easier. PD is known as the sub-sub
period within a MD. In Vedic astrology most astrologers use
MD, AD, PD and transits of planets to make a prediction. MD
is about the overall period cycle, AD narrows the time down to
months and PD shows the initiation of the event that is to
happen. Through this method a well qualified astrologer can
see that within a 2 to 4 month time period you may get a
surgery, accident, have a child, get married or go for a higher
education. All the basic necessities of life can be predicted
through this including when really bad things happen as in
someone being raped, murdered, or killed.

i.e. Lets say you are a LEO ascendant with Mars in the 8th
house along with Jupiter in Pisces and while the Sun is in the
4th house of Scorpio. We can see the general conception of the
event if the person is going through MD of Sun, AD of Mars
and PD of Jupiter that in such time a person may either get a
surgery, or get a sudden windfall of wealth through real estate
and in-laws. By the first glance at the horoscope we as
astrologers feel that something related to major transformation

will be happening with either home, mother, health or

What we want to figure out is will this even be good, neutral or

bad? In such case we use, dispositors, naksahtra, pada, and
varga charts (divisional charts), Since we are mainly dealing
with a time period related to 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th and 9th houses,
we will glance at the D16, D24, D30, and yes, the D9 chart.
Why D4? D4 is the chart related to home, D24 relates to
education, D30 relates to diseases and misfortune and D9 tells
us the strength of the D1 planets.

Sounds complicated? Yes, it is, and for some time until you
regularly see people's charts, patterns and situations…
Suddenly everything will come to you quickly, but you will
never, ever be 100% right, getting close to a 70%-85% of
prediction is a good prediction as most astrologers are missing
the most important ingredient: intuition. By the end of this
book you should have a pretty good idea about how the timing
system works.

• What are Sookshma Dashas and Prana Dashas? SD and

PRD (Prana Dasha) are simply the narrowed down version
of the time period. If Jupiter is a 15 year period, the AD in
Jupiter is a 2.5 year long period, PD is a 5-6 month long
period, SD is a week long period, and then PD shows the
date itself.

Who uses MD-PD system? There are few astrologers that use
these, and yes, it's not easy to predict the exact time of the event, at
least not for me. It will probably take me another 20 years to
master the SD and PD system. Do you need to know this right
now? No. As a beginner you will be perfectly okay with the first

three cycles but if you want to be known as a guaranteed
astrologer, then SD and PD will have to be mastered.

• Varshphal Chart:

I have not touched upon this part of astrology on my youtube

channel yet but I will be discussing a lot of things on it. This is a
yearly chart that is created by looking at the position of the Sun
and Moon. When the Sun and Moon are the exact same distance in
the same sign, same degrees, as they were when you were born,
during that exact moment every year the chart is casted. This
concept is known as Tithi Udday.

This chart can show what will be the focal point in your life, will it
be marriage, relationship, career, wealth, family, property, health,
travel etc.

The simple way to study the chart is see which "day" the chart is
casted; was it a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc.. all the way to
Sunday. Who is the lord of that day then see the placement of that
planet in the chart.

Sunday - Sun
Monday - Moon
Tuesday - Mars
Wednesday - Mercury

Thursday - Jupiter
Friday - Venus
Saturday - Saturn

2. You need to see where the ascendant lord of this chart is sitting;
this will show the focus point for the native.

3. Look at which house the mahadasha planet is sitting in. This

will show how the MD planet will manifest that particular year for
the position it originally rules in your birth chart.

Planetary Meaning:
This chapter will explain how each planet will effect your mind
during it's mahadashas and what you can expect during their

Sun MD of 6 years: When a person runs into a Sun MD many

things change within a person's personality, persona and soul. The
basic point is that the Sun wants to put the native in an
authoritative position or come into contact with authoritative
people including government officials. In this period things related
to the father suddenly come to the forefront including family
lineages. The Sun is our confidence, prestige and power; but all
this can also be reversed depending upon the sun's condition. If
the Sun is in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, or Capricorn the person will
find themselves in the positive side of the dasha. The main theme
of the Sun is the boost of ego and pride. One feels close to their
homeland and to issues of social well fair and politics of their
home country. There is a need to service the public during this

In Sun MD, or any MD for that matter, you must look at each
divisional chart when predicting about a certain area of life. If you
want to see whether the sun is really good, really bad or neutral for
the native regarding career affairs then look at the D10 chart and
the Sun's position therein. In matters of children look at the D7
chart. Regarding marriage and spiritual progress look at D9 and
D20 chart. If there is an issue regarding property look at the D16
chart. For wealth, look to the D2 chart. If the Sun is well placed in
70% of the charts and ill in 30% of the divisional charts then it’s
MD will be quite good for the native even if it's debilitated in the
rashi chart. Understand that a debilitated Sun in the main rashi
chart shows how we react to certain things. Debilitated Sun at 20
degrees in the ascendant will give low confidence and lots of doubt
within a person, but since Sun is exalted in the D9 chart, matters
related to marriage and relationship will actually fair well. Just
because we feel low about ourselves during a 6 year period of the
Sun, doesn't mean its all bad. We still end up getting some
benefits from other aspects of life which are seen through
divisional charts. In a bad Sun period the father or father like
figures might pass away if in the D12 chart the Sun is badly
placed… Or the father may fall ill or might get laid off; many
things can happen. Yet you as an individual may be getting
progress in your life because your Sun might be exalted in the D10
chart and well placed in a kendra.

Moon MD of 10 years: Moon MD is all about emotions. In its 10

year period one becomes more sensitive, receptive, emotional, and
closer to home. Issues or things related to the Mother and
motherhood also become important, even for a man. In this period
one is emotionally closer to family, home, and becomes more
needy of creating a family. No matter what the person’s career,
even a President of a country, they would be more involved in
"domestic" affairs than foreign affairs. Most people who live in
foreign lands and go through the time period of the Moon tend to
become closer to home and homeland and may even get home
sick. I remember in all my antar dashas of the Moon when I was

away in New York, I missed my home in California. I wanted to
be near my family and friends and couldn't stand the concrete
jungle. This is the time when a man or woman wants to create a
family, home, and serve the mother. Moon being the karaka of
travel can also cause one to do quite a bit of traveling due to
emotional fulfillment.

Moon MDs can also show psychological matters coming to the

surface including depression or perhaps suicidal thoughts if the
Moon is severally damaged in the horoscope. When the Moon is
damaged anything related to it can suffer. This is why there are
two sides to each MD. But the same Moon if coming up in the
MD, AD, PD, SD, or PRD will give the same results as the MD.
No matter what the cycle is, the Moon will give the same results as
per his condition in the horoscope.

Mars MD of 7 years: The Mars MD of 7 years makes a person

aggressive, competitive, face obstacles, and defeat those obstacles
while at the same time the person will be dealing with issues
related to brothers and real estate. One's discipline also rises during
a Mars MD if Mars is strong. A person becomes extremely
ambitious and in need to win in every opportunity. Such patterns
can also cause great frustration and anger at times as patience is
very low in the person. The need to take risk or in risky
investments also becomes the shining issue. Whether in youth or in
old age one also loves to compete in sports and do physical
exercises. Mars is all about attaining power and things for survival.
As a solider Mars simply wants to accumulate things that will help
him keep going in rough times. In Mars MD people also usually
spend more money than other MDs. They feel like they must have
things to protect them; whether it's buying guns, knives, land, or
simply basic clothing and food.

If Mars is in the 3rd, 6th, or 12th house then one will be getting
into quarrels and fights with enemies and be part of a bad group.
When Mars is active one tends to have fire within them which can

also lead to a “short fuse”, as in anger. This can be especially so if
Mars is in pitta dosha, as in too much fire energy. This is a great
time for people who want to join the Navy, Army, or Air Force.

Rahu MD of 18 Years: Now here is the planet of misdirection,

disillusion, impulsiveness, unnecessary fear, and extravagance.
Rahu is mainly known as a natural malefic planet. Rahu is all
about taking the native into a direction he or she didn't choose but
by creating a mirage which shows the destiny. A person wanting to
be a successful financial broker may end up doing things illegally
even though he or she didn't intend to, but this is hardly the case
unless Rahu creates an arishta yoga (yoga of misfortune). Most of
the time Rahu MD makes a person innovative, original, and doing
things outside the box. The energy of Rahu makes a person want to
break rules and expand to new horizons. This also brings great
needs for lavish and material wealth. One is attracted to cars,
motorcycles, big houses and everything big. Rahu is like Jupiter,
where Jupiter expands Rahu explodes. Imagine a balloon slowly
being blown up by a mouth…but Rahu is inflating that balloon in
less than a second. This shows sudden things and sudden events
occurring in the Rahu time period. The native may run into snakes,
reptiles, and any creatures that have snake like movement. A belly
dancer is ruled by Rahu with their snake like twists and movement
of the waste.

No matter who it is, whenever someone comes out of Rahu MD

they feel like they were in some dense fog, driving around without
really knowing where they were going. They were paying their
bills, doing their work, taking care of the family but it was all a
blur. A person is not themselves because there is this eclipse upon
them like black magic. They simply follow the instructions of this
smoky ghost. But material success, when it comes, comes in a
huge package. Rahu has the ability to make a beggar into a
billionaire. With the nodes of the moon you do not know where
you're going even if you think you know. It's like going into a

foreign country and driving with an expert, you may think they are
an expert but they might be taking you somewhere to rob you.
Rahu mostly benefits those who want to stay and live in the
illusion of maya. The more you seek spirituality, the more you will
be lost, and it will be further away from you; unless Rahu is
conjunct the 9th lord in moksha houses or creating a yoga of
spirituality and moksha.

Jupiter MD of 16 years: Most of the time you will hear that

Jupiter MD is all about happiness, prosperity, wealth, and
receiving fame in life. This is far from the truth. Jupiter is like any
other planet. Its qualities and results of MD depends upon its
condition, the house it rules, the sign it's in and the nakshatra its
placed in, including all the aspects and conjunctions. But mainly
what Jupiter does in its MD is it makes a person too optimistic
about life and circumstances, makes them feel inspired and hopeful
about the future. No matter what the results are or how bad the
results are the person maintains hope of a better tomorrow in
Jupiter MD. Now, most of the time you will see people get
children, marriage, travel, and gain of friends in the MD of Jupiter
because Jupiter is the karaka of 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th house. The
native will also feel like a teacher, director, or wise-man. They feel
they have something to give to the world. This is the period which
most people find spiritual mentors and teachers in their life.

This is the MD that makes a person far more faithful, religious,

spiritual, and conservative if Jupiter is rightly placed. They feel
like they are unbeatable and unstoppable. Reality seems to be a
bed of roses even if the person has less than a dollar in their
pocket. They know something will come up and will save them at
the end. The person will find himself amongst people who will
also act like they are teachers even if they are friends. It's an
overall positive period filled with mixed emotions if Jupiter's
placement is mixed. One mostly attains or likes to attain
philosophical knowledge than a MBA or PhD, this is something
that usually happens in Mercury MD, which we will discuss later.

But Jupiter is more about attaining the principles of living life and
knowing the soul's desire. A person can go to jail in a time period
of Jupiter but they will still have that great optimism and hope of
living a better life tomorrow, instead of someone going through
our next MD.

Saturn MD of 19 years: Now here is a planet for discussion. This

is a planet that might be the most misunderstood planet in the
astrological science. When Saturn comes to play in your life for 19
years one thing you will quickly notice about yourself is that your
sense of humor is getting lost, you no longer laugh at the same
jokes, funny movies as much as they interest you they just can't
seem to make you laugh and you are suddenly Mr. Serious
Business. Everything is about the practical and realistic approach
to live with constant work. Saturn in astronomical perspective is
the most beautiful thing to look at in the sky but from the
astrological perspective it's dry, dreary and dead. It brings fear and
anxiety within a person. I remember doing a consultation of
someone whose Saturn MD started a week before and on the 2nd
day of the MD he ended up in the ER due to panic attack. But what
Saturn really does is it makes you see the world as it is, it makes
you see things as an “old Wiseman”. You feel and become old,
mature, and sluggish. Life becomes more about taking care of the
necessary work and doing the duty you were supposed to do.
Saturn is about service and duty, and no matter when it comes up
in your life you will be called to perform a duty. This can range
from having responsibilities of family, children, people working
under you, or simply serving the government. Most U.S.
Presidents became presidents during their Saturn MD, especially
Barak Obama in his second term. If you notice, he looks more
older, mature, wise and is taking slower and wiser decisions.
Saturn slows the person down in their approach to life.

But Saturn will not stop you from reaching your goal. Saturn is all
about work and being a workaholic and if you have a goal and
passion then Saturn will do whatever it takes to make you achieve

that goal. In order to achieve any goal one needs discipline,
organization, and structure; everything that Saturn represents.
Saturn can also bring some of the joyful moments like the birth of
children, marriage, or success in finances and wealth. This is
especially true when Saturn receives the aspect of the 2nd, 5th, 7th,
9th, or 11th lords and especially Jupiter. Saturn is like any other
planet, if conjunct or aspected by a certain other planet, Saturn will
also give results related to that planet and the houses it might rule.
Saturn in reality is the karaka (signifier/producer) of the 6th, 8th,
10th, and 12th houses. These represent, respectively: work and
illness (the 6th), transformation and taxes (the 8th), career (the
10th), and moksha (the 12th). This is why no matter which age
Saturn MD comes into play, it makes a person realize the value of
life, their duty to the government, achievements of career, and
realizing that there is a more peaceful place after death.

Mercury MD of 17 years: The Mercury MD of 17 years comes

after a grueling 19 year period of Saturn where you were serious,
without much sense of humor or playtime, and all you wanted to
do was, work, work, work. You wanted to be serious, but now you
are back to your optimism as you once had in Jupiter period, as
that is what Mercury MD is about. In the time period of Mercury
the person becomes overly verbal and extremely eager to attain
knowledge, this is why in Mercury periods you will see many
people wanting to go back to school to attain higher education.
They also feel like Jupiter where one wants to become a teacher or
become a consultant of some sort. This period of Mercury is all
about communication as one feels like they need to write, blog,
publicly speak, or simply go towards a sales and marketing
direction. In this 17 year period the person will finally be able to
enjoy life to the fullest. Most of the time a person will never have
the worst time in a Mercury time period even if Mercury is
debilitated because Mercury is that one planet that is able to adjust
to any sign, conjunction or aspect. Mercury is a curious planet that
will always enjoy exploring the sign it sits in. The person feels

young, youthful and many who run the dasa of Mercury and Rahu
in older age get interested in face lifts, plastic surgeries and face

In the time period of Mercury, business and management become

the forefront of a person's life. They are curious about money,
management of money, budgeting and especially announcing
things. Marketing and sales becomes a big part of the individual's
personality. Even a professor will be interested in marketing him
or herself in this period to grow their bank balance. Can Mercury
give a hard time though, in its period? Yes, it can, but the person
will still be able to adjust to the time.

Ketu MD of 7 years: This is the MD that many worry about more

than even Saturn. Why is this MD so feared? This is a time period
of isolation, meditation, spirituality, interest in the occult, and exile
from material wealth and relationships. Ketu is feared due to our
own attachment to the Maya of Narayana. We are so attached to
our relationships, wealth, and bank account that we have a hard
time facing the truth that nothing we possess will last. Ketu simply
shows us that. It shows us nothing is here forever except your own
divine eternal soul. I do many consultations with people who are
suddenly finding interest in astrology, yoga, meditation, and feel
isolated from work and marriage, due to the MD of Ketu. Most
who have Ketu in the 1st, 8th or 12th house also experience
unusual psychic phenomenon through dreams and unusual
situations. This is the period when one has to look within for
everything, including wealth. The real wealth, as they say, lies
within, and Ketu is the light that shows us that.

One of the biggest misconceptions about Ketu MD is that it never

gives wealth which is far from the truth. Ketu gives wealth, but
that wealth doesn't effect the native's source of joy, happiness or
ego. Most of the time they do not even care how much they make
in this time period, but if Ketu is becoming part of a Raj or Dhan
yoga then Ketu will give wealth. Ketu conjunct the kendra lord in

a kendra can give a sudden promotion. Ketu conjunct the 2nd, 5th,
9th or 11th lord in trikon houses will give wealth. But wealth and
money is a far deeper subject that requires not just yogas but
mathematical calculations of Ashtakavarga and Binashatakavarga.
But if you want Ketu to give you health, wealth and joy then one
must do meditation at least one hour a day in Ketu period.

Venus MD of 20 years: Venus MD gets everyone excited, it's the

planet of beauty, love and luxury. Venus is also the planet of arts,
culture and cinema. In the 20 year period of Venus the native will
feel extremely joyful, playful, and most of all passionate. Passion
transforms into creativity. This is the time when even a tax
accountant feels like they need to get a hobby of crafting and
sowing. Venus is also the karaka of currency as in cash money.
You will see many people leaning towards currency trading and
cash business. The native would buy expensive items which are
highly luxurious. Instead of buying a regular phone, the person
would want the latest smart phone with all the accessories. If the
native never wore brand name cloths or shoes then in the Venus
MD they will be more inclined towards such items. Mainly its love
and relationships that become important including what you're
passionate about. This time period can be excellent if you have a
passion in life and the same period can become torturous if you
have no interest or no motivation in life. Venus is our devotion to
someone or something, and if one is not at least devoted to God
then life will feel empty. I have seen this too many times when
people go through this period and feel null and lethargic. This is
due to the fact that Venus is a princess and a princess wants to get
things with ease and get things when she wants, how she wants.
Venus periods feel like “Someone just get me a glass of water, I
don't want to get up”. The periods of Venus that can bring hardship
is when Venus is a "functional malefic" planet and is not in it's
own sign or in a friendly alignment. But, even if Venus is a FM
(Functional Malefic), it can suddenly give great results for you if
you are either in the field of arts, culture, healing or hospitality.

You can't be doing work in IT if it's not your passion and you are
only in it to get a raise, and get projects during Venus period.
There is a simple motto for Venus MD, "Where energy flows, is
where prosperity flows". Too many people are without interest and
passion in life. That is due to the position of their Venus, and only
in such cases the person is unmotivated, and not willing to do
much to make things happen. Here is a trick, check for Venus'
position in the D60 chart to truly find it's result, and remember to
check for all yogas, cancelations, and avasthas in the D60 chart.
Some small secrets I never discussed with people. Glancing at the
D60 shows the real value of a planet.

Mahadashas Through the Houses:
Whatever is written in this chapter is without the consideration that
a planet in your particular horoscope or someone else's might be
receiving malefic or benefic aspects, or might be conjunct malefic
or benefic planets or in its placement in divisional charts which
give the final determination of how the timing of the planet will
be. But this chapter will give you a very good idea of the things
the native will deal with on a foundational level.

The Sun Through the Houses:

The Sun in the 1st house:

Sun MDs with the Sun in the 1st house will not only give results of
the Sun in the 1st house, but also things of the 7th house will be
influenced. Here the Sun period will make the native gain
reorganization, feel extremely proud and egotistical, while also
giving their father fame in the 6 year period. If the Sun is well
placed here, not only the native but the father will also benefit
during this time. Things related to health and self-image will
become important but also the person may be inclined towards
dominating their spouse, business partner and all the other people
they come across. They will order others around and expect
respect from the other people for their needful deed. This period
can bring the native across other authoritative figures and can
bring situations related to marriage if the period occurs between
18-42 years of age. Naturally the person finds interest towards
politics, government and dealing in temples.

Sun in the 2nd house:

This type of Solar period will bring attention to family affairs,
assets, and the father's property. The native will try to take the
authority over their family lineage and assets. The speech of the
native will be very authoritative. They will suddenly command and
demand things from family and their near and dear ones. The
earning source for the native will also be affected as they will
either take up the family business or will want to do business for
the family. I have seen people become heads of banks and
financial institutions during their prominent period when Sun MD

The Sun aspecting the 8th house shows that one will be
discovering treasure, taking authority over joint assets with their
spouse, and things related to the spouse's family will also become
the main focus. Depending upon the Sun’s dignity it will either be
a great time or a roller coaster. The Sun will also try to expose
hidden assets, secrets, and dealings with tax issues. One's father
will be interested in taking up life insurance during this time or
may deal with wills & estates. The Sun in this position either
brings honor from in-laws or one can be humiliated.

Sun in the 3rd house:

In this MD of the Sun the person will be busy with the affairs of
siblings, sales, marketing, and in putting more effort than before
into their professional life. One will find this time period full of
information and they will take the center stage to announce such
information. But the Sun being the hot planet of ego also shows
that one will try to dominate and rule over their younger siblings
lives. They will also take a leadership role when it comes to team
settings at work. There will be short distance travels for the native
and their father if the father is still alive. One will find many
friends in this period who will boost the native's ego.

The Sun's aspect on the 9th house shows one will take an
authoritative position over their father, or they will try to be the
teacher themselves and eagerly want to preach to a crowd like a
leader. They will find a great boost of the ego through higher
education, or learning spiritual and philosophical knowledge. They
will want to attain a head position in higher educational places for
the ego boost. If the Sun is in a satwik sign the native will truly
deserve to be a leader.

Sun in the 4th house:

Sun periods in the 4th house will bring sudden interest in politics,
home, issues of the mother, and in dealing with father issues
within the home. There will be great ego battles between the native
and their father or mother. The person will always try to dominate
their mother in this period and will try to gain access to parental
property. This is going to be a period where the native will either
shy away a lot from public life or they will be extremely popular
with the people of their "homeland" only. In this period the native
will be extremely interested in political affairs of the government
including political affairs of the home. I have seen many get
interested in wanting to become IAS, IPS and IIS officers. They
may want to join the army or marines.

The Sun aspecting the 10th house is what shows sudden interest in
leadership areas of careers in government or the private sector.
One will either take another authorities power at their work place
or will leave their work place to be their own leader, but either
way, one usually loves public service. The native's public persona
will rise along with the reputation of their father. In the 6 year

period one will mainly be focused on being admired for their
highly spiritual and philosophical leadership.

Sun in the 5th house:

In this 6 year period of the Sun being activated in the 5th house,
one will be mainly focused on children, if they have children, or on
their students. They will find that they want to take leadership
roles in a field of sports, political, or entertainment businesses. If
one is in school they will find that their ego and confidence will
develop more through what they learn and in expressing
themselves creatively. The Sun here gives a strong interest in
political science, history, and subjects like “green energy”. They
take authority over children. If one tries to have a child in the Sun
period they most likely get a son or a very dominating off-spring.

The Sun's aspect on the 11th house shows that one will gain
through their knowledge and they will dominate their network
circles and elder siblings. They will also dominate their son or
daughter in-law through their knowledge and charm. Through
authorities and government one can increase their investments.

Sun in the 6th house:

In the MD of the Sun in the 6th house one is inclined towards

public service and especially to authorities in government. This
period of the Sun will show that one finds tremendous interest in
serving the poor, helping the needy and dealing with illnesses of
the father or themselves. They will finally tackle their enemies in
this period and the solar brightness will expose who their enemies
are. The person will suddenly find that their ego and pride comes
from public service and serving humanity in general.

The Sun's aspect on the 12th house shows that one wants to attain
spiritual knowledge and enlightenment through their work. They
want to do something that will fulfill them spirituality and not
monetarily. The native also wants to travel to distant places for self
fulfillment and for government purposes.

Sun in the 7th house:

The Sun's period in the 7th house will mainly be focused on other
people, marriage, partnerships, and ego battles that come up while
interacting with other people. No matter what the sign placement is
of the Sun here, one will always have heated battles with the
opposition, their business partner, and spouse. This is mainly due
to the fact that the Sun is setting at the time of your birth. The 7th
house is the house of the setting Sun, and here the Sun is losing it's
power and positive quality. What happens here is the person either
shies away from public affairs or may have an ego battle with the
public/masses. But one will always brighten the positive quality of
their spouse due to the Sun's bright rays.

The Sun's aspect on the ascendant shows one is trying to perfect

their image in this MD through other people and their spouse.
They love to overtake other people to make themselves look great.
One is quite attentive to the health of the body and its look during
this period and wants their image to be that of a king. A weak Sun
will show that one relies on their external beauty and material
wealth to develop their ego.

Sun in the 8th house:

The Sun MD period will show undiscovered truths about their
personality and their hidden enemies. Extensions of their self will
be involved in secret projects, occult interests, and investigating
hidden truths. There could be a discovery of treasure left by the
father or government. This period brings great transformation into
one’s personality, soul and ego. They either find their hidden ego
and passion during this time or their father may try to hurt their
ego and dig a 6 feet grave for it… this is why such people shy
away from public life during this time. This is the time to look
inwards and shine the inner light outwards.

The solar aspect on the 2nd house shows that one will look to their
family as a source of light, joy, and happiness. Family assets are
also attained during this time period but mainly the person wants
to experience the lighter side of life through their family which
becomes the source of exterior image. One earns or throws away
money given by the government or father depending upon the
condition of the Sun in the birth and divisional charts.

Sun in the 9th house:

The Sun's period of 6 years here will provide great benefit, luck
and prosperity to the father. Great involvements of the father in
one's spiritual and religious progress could occur. They may find
themselves becoming an authoritative figure within their religious
roots or government. There is great involvement with religious
pilgrimages during this time with or without the father. Their rank
in spiritual and educational fields increases while they find overall
good times in all areas of life. One will also be curious about
becoming a leader in common society or local society; or with
becoming the head of some educational institution.

The Sun's aspect on the 3rd house shows that one finds that it's
their duty to preach and teach their younger siblings and friends.
They want to give authoritative direction to other people by what
they have learned in their life. Sun periods will show gaining
kingship over information becomes important, as well as short
distance travel.

Sun in the 10th house:

Sun MDs in this house will show great interest in leadership
positions in private or government sectors. One wants to be
respected and admired by other "authorities". Their career
brightens up and brings fame from all around the world, if not
from the local community. The Sun being at its highest position
here in the sky shows one's ego is well attained and doesn't have to
be over powered to show its power. This is a natural leader who
doesn't have to do too much to have the other know they are in
charge. One finds great positive attention from the government if
the Sun is nicely placed, and may also become executives at such
times. In youthful years this can show great achievements in
education and being the leader of their class.

The Sun's aspect on the 4th house show sudden love for the
homeland, military, mother, and childhood friends. They somehow
overtake authority within their home and express great amounts of
positive leadership skills. They also find that they have to solve
political issues within the family or especially the mother's side.

Sun in the 11th house:

Sun in the 11th house will show a period of great networking. One
will be meeting and greeting lots of authoritative senior boss-like
figures. They will be receiving recognition for their achievements
if the native is working in government or working a business with
the father. There are gains that can come in this period from the
government; as in someone getting a huge tax return on previous
taxes, or receiving a grant from the government. In such periods
the father himself will get tremendous amounts of gain and
prestige if the Sun is well placed in the horoscope.

The Sun's aspect on the 5th house shows that this period will have
them taking control of their children's lives or their own education.
The Solar light brightens up the 5th house with its illuminating
rays. The native takes an authoritative position on their education
and fellow students, or one gets interested in politics. But what this
aspect really shows is that father of the native will be greatly
involved with one's educational decisions and creative self

Sun in the 12th house:

Sun in the 12th house will show in its MD the evolution of one's
spiritual senses. Here the ego will be hurt and lost, and through this
will discover its true self. This is known as a marna karka position
of the Sun where the king goes to lose his kingship. This time
period for the native will take them into isolation and towards
discovering their soul which is without the jacket of ego. One finds
themselves going to foreign places to discover who they are. The
native will also be dealing with foreign government affairs
including corporate executive affairs. The father of the native, if
alive, will either taken foreign trips or may have to exile due to his
own reputation. If the Sun is in a sattwic sign the native will
pursue spiritual activities.

The Sun's aspect on the 6th house shows one will want to serve
others after knowing their ego is an illusion, the native wants to
become a true leader for the unprivileged people. Their is a great
need for public service and service to the higher lordship. But
depending upon the Sun's sign condition one will expose their
enemies through which a war may start, or the native will destroy
enemies after shedding the light upon them. Since this is a
marnakarka position of the Sun, the native may take a leadership

role in a malefic organization in a secretive manner. A well placed
or exalted Sun will become a spiritual leader in foreign lands.

The Moon through the houses:

Moon in the 1st house:

Moon MDs of 10 years here will make the native emotional
towards their body, look and health. They will emotionally connect
with their image into the world, but also the mother of the native
will be involved in the health and wellbeing of the native to some
level. If not the mother then a mother like figure. The mind now is
focused on one’s own self-being and one's own health. The Moon
being the karaka of the 4th house shows one will deal with things
of the home and mother throughout the time period. But the
Moon's sign placement is extremely important. The Moon really
behaves like its sign placement. But here one simply wants to be a
mother to everyone.

The Moon aspecting the 7th house shows one wants to emotionally
connect with everyone, including their spouse. Their mind feels
balanced when they hang out with other people and have an
emotional connection with anyone and everyone. At this time,
having any kind of disagreements or emotional set backs will
hinder the health of the native. Since the ascendant represents the
head, the 10 years will be filled with emotional ups and downs due
to integrating with other people.

Moon in the 2nd house:

The Moon in the 2nd house will show that for 10 years the native
will be emotionally connected to the family; whether its negative
or positive will depend upon the condition of the Moon. They
would especially want to engage with family members. The 10
years that the Moon is operating in the native will deal with
collecting and hoarding resources rather than spending because a
mother always saves for its young ones, so naturally one wants to
hoard assets for security purposes. There is great interest in arts,
culture, heritage, and wanting to connect with one's blood line.
During this period one will have a soft speech pattern and will talk
calmly. Emotions will charge the speech in this period.

The Moon's aspect on the 8th house shows the mind is greatly
interested in engaging in joint ventures with the spouse and other
people and to gain through other people's money. The native also
finds sudden interest in occult affairs, mysticism, and secrets of the

Moon in the 3rd house:

The Moon's 10 year time period in the 3rd house will show that
emotional communication will become the key focus. One will be
extremely receptive to information, gathering information,
distributing information, and to finding emotional connections
through writing. There is an emotional need to connect with
siblings, cousins and friends. There will also be a need to
emotionally travel to different places and express one self through
creativity. The mother during this time will also be traveling far
away from home since the 3rd house is 12th from the 4th house,
the house of mother.

Lunar aspects on the 9th house show that there is also an emotional
need to connect to long distance travel, spiritual gurus, and higher
philosophical learning. One will find that they need to have an
emotional relationship with their father and father figures. During
this time one may be wanting to also have a child if they are the
right age. The 9th house shows the 3rd house, but it's “bhavat
bhavam” from the 5th house, so the need to have a child in general
becomes clear.

Moon in the 4th house:

The Moon in the 4th house shows an MD of great emotional need
to connect with the mother and home, people of one’s home land,
childhood friends, and dealing with issues of property and real
estate. One will find that these 10 years will mainly be spent
looking inwards into your own heart. One may even be introverted
if the Moon is forming a kemdrum dosh. Women during this time
have a great desire to become mothers or grandmothers. Issues
related to the mother or a mother like figure becomes important. If
one lives in foreign lands they will have a desire to go back to the
home land to connect with everyone they left behind previously.

The Moon here also aspects the 10th house and shows that
working hard for the family is what drives one to strive. We want
to be emotionally connected with people at work as they become
part of our inner family outside. This also shows that interest in
political affairs may suddenly arise. The mother may also feel like
being a professional during this time or may go back to her
professional job in the native's moon's period.

Moon in the 5th house:

The Moon MD in the 5th house will bring about the child in us.
We will be very playful and wanting to express ourselves
creatively. Our mind is occupied by movies, education, sports, and
drama. We feel the need to make life our stage and have ourselves
as the main star. Moon periods may also give a legacy to a person
through the mother. There is also a great chance of one having
children during this period as the Moon represents motherhood and
is sitting in the house of children. The mother during this time may
become a grandmother as well since 5th house is children and the
Moon is the mother.

The Moon aspecting to the 11th house from the 5th house makes
one emotionally want to connect with their friends and social
network circle. Their hopes and wishes will also be more
emotionally based, rather than practically based. The mind has too
many wishes that it wants to be fulfilled and they will get fulfilled
only if the Moon is very well placed. One will also worry about
their investments and the gains from their investments as well. The
native will also connect with the elder siblings in a good or bad
way depending upon the moon.

Moon in the 6th house:

The 10 year Moon MD will be about service, healing others, and
nourishing others when it is in the 6th house. In Vedic Astrology
the 6th house is the house related to obstacles, enemies, diseases,
and suffering. In this period the mind will be attracted to dealing
with suffering and diseases of other people. Giving one's emotions
towards small animals, pets and poor people. Somehow the person
feels like they need to serve the community and serve the ones
who can't help themselves. The mother may get a job as a nurse or
caregiver during the 10 year period of the Moon MD.

The Moon's aspect on the 12th house shows that the mind will be
emotionally attracted towards reaching spiritual enlightenment by
serving others and helping others.

“Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light.” ~
John Milton

This quote is a perfect description of Moon in the 6th house. One's

mind will fight the light by seeing the suffering of others. One will
find salvation during these 10 years when they help others with
their suffering. Sure, there can be disputes and arguments with the

mother if the Moon is badly placed, but one will realize their
spiritual potential during this time.

Moon in the 7th house:

The Moon in the 7th house will show growing emotional

connections with the spouse, the idea of marriage, (as well as
business), but mainly partnerships. You want to know other people
and you want to attach yourself to other people. You want to know
other people but also want to mother other people. You want to
listen and serve people you may not know personally.

The Moon in the 7th house aspects the 1st house. This aspect
clearly shows that one will feel the need to emotionally connect
with their own well being and health during this time. They will
want to concentrate on themselves to feeling emotionally balanced
at this time.

Moon in the 8th house:

An 8th house Moon being activated for 10 years in its MD will
show sudden emotional connections and a need to be aware of our
own psychological makeup. Our deepest darkest desire becomes
alive and we have a marked increase in curiosity to explore the
unknown in this Universe. The mind is suddenly interested in what
is not known to the self, what is not known to the ego and
consciousness. The 8th house is the house of havoc and sudden
events, the mind experiences great amounts of ups and downs
during this time. But if the Moon is strongly placed, the up and
downs become more stabilized because the mind is calm enough to
understand that what is happening should not affect one. Anything
related to the Moon can have a sudden transformation. I've seen
people whose mother went from being a real estate broker to a
yoga teacher during Moon MD since the mother is ruled by the

The Moon's aspect on the 2nd house shows one will start to value
secret information. One will be drawn to connect with family
members after having a transformation. They will relate to their
family in a different way then they did before. Their love,
emotions, and needs will be much stronger and more intense
during this time.

Moon in the 9th house:

In the MD of the Moon in the 9th house, this will bring about a
great broadening of the mental horizon. One will experience the
expansion of mind, body and soul. There will be long distance
traveling and even the mother herself could travel to a far away
land. One will be curious to know about other cultures and want to
understand higher philosophies of life. One will come across
motherly figures who will be highly educational and philosophical
and one can even have experience with a feminine goddess.

The Moon's aspect on the 3rd house shows that one will be
emotionally attached to their friends, siblings, and will want to
communicate with them regarding their higher experiences. They
will feel the need to share the information with people they know
and possibly through writing and teaching.

Moon in the 10th house:

The Moon in the 10th house shows that for the 10 year Moon cycle
the native will be emotionally drawn towards career and public
life. One will be dedicated to providing service to people of the
community or government, and to their overall well being.
Opportunities related to milk, water, sailing, nursing, arts,
nourishment, nursing homes, cooking, and hospitality will arrive in
the native's life. There can also be professional achievements or a
downward spiral for the mother and the native depending on the
condition of the Moon.

The Moon aspecting on the 4th house shows emotional needs to

connect with the home and to nourish people within the home
through work life. One will be able to feel balanced in mind by
taking care of the people at home through professional
achievements. This aspect will also bring strong desires for a
political career and to serve the people of one’s homeland. The
Moon being another karaka for government shows great interest
towards local government affairs.

Moon in the 11th house:

This is a great placement for the Moon to bring incredible amounts
of wealth to the native if the Moon is well placed in the horoscope.
The mind will get all its hopes and wishes fulfilled through some
mother-related or self desires. This is where one will have great
emotional connection with the elder sibling. Situations related to
an elder sibling will come up or there will be invitations to many
networking parties. The 11th house is also the house of
professional achievements, and this shows one will be recognized
for their work and customer service skills.

The Moon's aspect on the 5th house shows that this time of 10
years will be either filled with games, fun, joy, happiness from
children and students; or one of emotional frustration, and lack of
concentration on studies and children. The Moon will try to find
the loving connection with one's children or sports due to the
desires the mind holds in the 11th house. This time period can
surely bring a child into one's life; or there will be a lot of
interaction with children of all ages.

Moon in the 12th house:

The Moon in the 12th house will show that for 10 years one will
feel extremely creative, spiritual, isolated, and will have a great
emotional need to escape everyday life or the reality of life. If the
Moon is in a movable sign then one is surely to either travel a lot
in the 10 years or settle down parentally abroad. The mother, too,
will travel a lot during this time. The mind will have a great need
to be alone and be by itself. They may indulge in reading books,
writing, doing spiritual retreats, or simply to just not do anything
of a worldly function or quality. The 12th house is also hospitals,
jails, asylums, monasteries, and spiritual sanctuary.

The Moon aspecting to the 6th house shows that there is a great
emotional need to connect with small animals, pets, non-profit
organizations, solving disputes with enemies, or dealing with
taking care of other people's illness and diseases.

Mercury through the houses:

Mercury in the 1st house:

Mercury’s period of 17 years in the first house will bring about a

desire to attain higher education, learn a new skill, or wanting to
mass communicate and teach. This period will also bring about
many social opportunities including relationships as Mercury loves
to mingle with other people when it aspects the 7th house of other
people. The whole point of this dasha will be to improve one's
communication, and to manage one's health, wealth and psyche.
You will also be heavily influenced by either siblings, cousins or
friends regarding all your major decisions.

Mercury's 7th house aspect makes a person extremely curious

about engaging into relationships, partnerships, and simply
creating all kinds of relationships in their lives. Mercury is never
exalted or debilitated, Mercury is always curious. This is one thing
about Mercury people do not realize. Mercury is so curious that it
enjoys being debilitated because it loves the experience.

Mercury in the 2nd house:

Mercury in the 2nd house for 17 years brings about a major focus
on managing one's own or one’s family's wealth and assets. There
will be more opportunities to speak, talk and counsel people in
your family. Since the second house shows family, wealth, and
culture; the individual will be highly interested speaking, talking,
and negotiating their way into increasing their wealth via family.
There is interest towards writing, and even singing with such a
Mercury. There is going to be great focus on managing debt as
naturally Mercury rules the house of debt. The person also has a
very youthful face during this period will do whatever they can to
look youthful and young. If Mercury is being aspected by Mars or
a hot planet then pimples and acne will also appear.

Mercury in the 3rd house:

This period of Mercury in the 3rd house will be a very fun and
enjoyable time if one has a passion for communication, writing,
sales, traveling, marketing, or arts. This is the original house of
Mercury, where he feels comfortable. There is an urge to find all
types of information during this period. One is always becoming a
part of gossip, chit chat, and having a communicative time with
near and dear ones. This period of 17 years will force you to travel
a lot locally and long distance, while also working with your hands
in terms of writing and doing technical work. Your communication
with siblings will be very verbal; whether of the negative or
positive. For that we have to see the entire chart and influence of
other planets on the 3rd house. For example, if Mercury, Mars, and
Ketu are in the 3rd then one will curse a lot during this time, fight
with their siblings, and always look to pick battles with others.
This is also the house of athletes and one will surely be interested
in playing sports and games during this time.

Mercury's aspect on the 9th house will bring interest towards

higher learning, reading books, philosophy, and perhaps forming a
better bond with father and father-like figures. One will also come
across astrologers and guides in their life. They will be very

curious about broadening their horizon by traveling to long

Mercury in the 4th house:

If Mercury is in the 4th house in a friendly sign they will feel very
comfortable with improving communication within the home, and
in dealing with business matters of home, property and land. This
time the person's heart will want to connect with people they have
lost contact with as the 4th house is our heart, love, and what
makes us feel comfortable. Mercury doesn't always like being in
the 4th house because its natural tendency is to communicate with
masses of people rather than just folks inside of four walls. But at
the same time, Mercury is a planet that adapts, adjusts and enjoys
every scenario. In this period of time we can now say in 2016 that
you will enjoy making connections from the privacy of your own
home through social media networks. You will have great times
meeting, talking and communicating with people from the privacy
of your own home, rather than to go out in the world and try to
find people who are alike.

Mercury's aspect on the 10th house shows one will improve their
situation at home and manage things better at home by improving
their social structure in the world. Mercury will be dealing with
many people professionally, but such dealings would happen
behind closed doors and in privacy. Even though Mercury sits in
the 4th house, he is always looking outside the window and talking
to people passing by on the street. Mercury keeps his ear on what
is happening outside but enjoys the comforts of home.

Mercury in the 5th house:

Mercury in the 5th house will bring great passion and enjoyment
towards speculative business, stock markets, learning, teaching,
and having many romantic experiences. This Mercury loves to
write in a creative form such as movie scripts, poems, and songs.
This 17 year period will bring many creative interests in a person's
life. Even investments are a creative process which not only
require study and analysis (which Mercury also represents), but
also to use the creative wits to foresee the rise and fall of a stock.
The person will also be curious about being informed on political
agendas of the country they live in; including interest towards
learning mantras, astrology, and numerology. If single or just

wanting to mingle, one will find themselves having many romantic
or flirtatious encounters with the opposite or same sex. In adult or
mature stages such a person will make sure their children are well
fed with knowledge, information and participating in fun games.

From this point Mercury aspects the 11th house which shows one
has a lot of desires they want to fulfill. There is certainly more
interest towards increasing ones network circle and engaging and
connecting with an elder sibling. There can also be gaining
through one's uncle from the father's side. If Mercury is a lord of a
good house in the horoscope then the individual will gain quite a
bit in speculative business.

Mercury in the 6th house:

Mercury's 6th house position will have a person managing and

dealing with debts of society or oneself. They will become more
practical about their work and communication as well as become
more political, social, and like a voice for underprivileged people.
There will be lot of interaction and communication with servants
and everyday folks just making a living. The person will

communicate the least in this house as the mental side of Mercury
is used more than the communicative side. There is eagerness to
learn about improving health and diet. During youth the person
will be interested in diet and nutrition studies or studies related to
the nervous system. This is the best place, where Mercury acts at
his highest form and becomes a great manager and supervisor.

Mercury aspecting the 12th house shows their service to others

will encourage them to enterprise in foreign lands. For 17 years
Mercury will have a person bound by a routine of everyday
thinking, analysis, and management, which will also lead Mercury
to run towards exile to find peace in an isolated foreign place.

Mercury in the 7th house:

Mercury for 17 years here will have you deal with finding
diplomacy in relationships, marriage, and business partnerships.
The whole focus will be towards spouse, business, and making
large amounts of network connections. This is the time when the
person will come across many many strangers. As an example, a
sales person comes across hundreds of people in a single day to

make connections with; v.s. someone who might be doing
administrative work in a cubical. This period always tends to make
a person engage in trade. Mercury loves doing negotiations, trades
and business and this is the perfect house to do such activities for
17 years. If Mercury is not supported by a solid planet like Saturn,
Jupiter, or Mars, then one will also be very flirtatious and could
have many affairs if the dignity of Mercury is not well placed.

Mercury aspecting the ascendant shows the person will go towards

self-improvement through communication, relationships and
business. They will find themselves learning more and attaining
more information when meeting new people. The person's
appearance will become more youthful during this time or will try
their best to look young via health, diet, or plastic surgery.

Mercury in the 8th house:

The 17 year period of Mercury will bring great interest and

curiosity towards the occult, mysticism, and understanding not
only the darker side of life but also one's own psychological
baggage. One's own sibling may be either doing research study in
science, be a detective in the police department, be in a tax office,

or one may not have siblings if 3rd and 11th lord are also
influenced by malefic planets. This period brings about
communication in secrecy, discovering hidden information, and
always keeping it quiet about what the native communicates.
Secrets are kept safe with such a person especially when Mercury
is active. There will be attainment of family secrets, letters and
gossip as well. This is a placement where Mercury feels like the
phoenix bird, no matter how tuff the situation it always tends to
rise out of it through communication, network circles and attaining
hidden knowledge.

Mercury aspecting the 2nd house shows one will be secretly trying
to attain family assets and wealth, and keeping themselves
informed about their in-laws and spouse's family affairs. There
will also be interest in managing family finances and debts. One
will also attain property during this time as the 8th lord’s MD, or a
planet in the 8th house brings about gains of property, because its
the 5th from the 4th house.

Mercury in the 9th house:

Mercury in the 9th will bring about great luck through higher
education, sudden interest in traveling, religion, and philosophy
may intensify one's analytical mind. Tremendous amounts of
communication with the father, father like figures, or gurus. One
will also become a preacher or teacher themselves during this time.
This is the time to learn about higher values and to be curious
about theological inquiries with everyone you meet. There is a
need to publish literary work and to be heard across a distance.
The native will engage in learning about the law, religion, and
philosophy on a personal basis. The native's siblings will be
traveling to long distances and the native themselves will travel
quite a bit for learning experiences.

Mercury aspects the 3rd house, so there is a great need to

communicate with near and dear ones regarding what the native is
learning. They are eager to write and share their higher knowledge
with others, especially their siblings.

Mercury in the 10th house:

Mercury in the 10th house makes for an excellent manager and
professional communicator. These folks love to communicate like
a Politician or a corporate PR professional. There communication
during these 17 years will always be about how to gain status in
career and society. Each sentence and syllable will be devoted
towards improving one's condition and climbing the latter of
success. Most of the time this period yields a position in
management, teaching, communication, marketing, or law.
Mercury loves to showcase his communicative and literary ability
and the person is inclined towards a career where such things can

Mercury aspecting the 4th house will also transform the native's
communication towards family and home. They will be more
focused, disciplined, and practical in handling the matters of the
home. There is also a curiosity towards bringing professional
people and that life into a home environment. You will be more
inclined towards inviting your co-workers and bosses to home for
a conversation, compared with any other time in your life.

Mercury in the 11th house:

This 17 year period of a person's life will be spent in networking,
collaborating, and making connections for improving one's
business knowledge, circumstances, and using their mental
capacity to fulfill their wishes and desires. There will be business
dealings done with the elder siblings that will benefit the native's
children. There will be a major focus on communicating in a large
organization or corporation; or perhaps becoming a marketing
professional or sales manager. The communicative pattern of a
person will always be in regards to making social friendships.
They will have more enthusiasm towards arranging parties and
events where they can increase the phone numbers and email
addresses in their contact app. If a person has kemdrum dosh, or
Mercury is debilitated, Mercury will simply love to be part of an
organization where there skills can be utilized from behind the
scenes in written form. There is much more appreciation for the
market place and financial institution.

Mercury's aspect to the 5th house shows one's desire and

networking will lead to romantic encounters with many, fulfilling
desires of their children, attaining connections to help in
speculative business, and to increasing their education. There will
be a need to have more fun and games in the life of the native. One
may also do business dealings with the spouse of the elder sibling.

Mercury in the 12th house:

When Mercury MD runs from the 12th house the native will
experience travel to foreign lands due to education, work
conferences, and business dealings. One's communication will
become very private or will only occur amongst people of foreign
lands. The native will find themselves retreating to an isolated
place to express themselves communicatively. This also shows a
natural born writer. A write needs to be isolated to communicate
with the entire world and this is the perfect position for such
ventures. Skills of hands will be used in places like scientific
laboratories, hospitals, asylums, jails, and any place that is isolated
from rest of the world. One's analytical mind works best when left
alone or it only works through divine creative imagination. There
are many opportunities to seek bed pleasures or become part of a
spiritual organization.

Mercury's aspect on the 6th house shows one wants an everyday

routine of writing, speaking, and blogging for their everyday
living. They also want to be a voice for social welfare and social

reform from behind the scenes. They want to help pets, small
animals, or manage other people's debt. This aspect can make a
great accountant as working with numbers and crunching numbers
happens from behind the scenes. The job of an accountant is to be
the invisible financial force in a business.

Venus through the houses:

Venus in the 1st house:

With Venus in the 1st house, for 20 years the native will
concentrate on their appearance, body, status, finding admiration
from others, and wanting to look beautiful. They also look for
appreciation of others as the Venus nature is now becoming part of
the native's nature. Relationships, encounters with many women
for both men and women is expected; this does not mean they will
all be sexual, it simply means more interaction with women or
feminine personalities. Being the natural karaka of luxury, wealth
and arts, the native indulges in activities where they will seek
immense pleasure through material wealth and relationships. If
Venus is well placed as in exalted, in own sign, in Pushkara
Navamsa, or Pushakra baga, or even Vargottama, the native will
attract people to themselves along with wealth. Venus can be
debilitated and one will find success if Venus is at 28th degree of
its debilitation. Debilitated Venus may bring some hard times in

relationships but will give great authentic love for arts, media,
creativity, and the performing arts.

Venus aspecting the 7th house brings a love nature towards

meeting other people and strangers with whom the native can have
a harmonious relationship with; which may even lead to sexual
encounters. The 7th house is a mirror of ourselves and shows one
will only seek things related to Venus's condition, a good Venus
will make the native seek beautiful, compassionate, and balanced
people. In bad condition one will be attracted to harsh, rude, extra
sexual and rude personalities. There was a saying back in my days
when seeking advice of my peers and seniors, "Women are
attached to assholes and men are attached to Bi***es". When our
values, which is Venus, are in bad condition, we will seek those
types of conditions to feel balanced.

Venus in the 2nd house:

Venus in the second house for 20 years will bring great love of
being near the family, enjoying family assets, wealth, food, and
love. There will be a great need to indulge in eating sweets, wine,
collecting art, or earning money through art, art galleries or

singing. The native's voice is very soft and smooth if Venus is not
being aspected or conjunct a malefic. Money and wealth may
come fairly easy if the rest of the circumstances are met correctly.
The earning of the native will mainly be through currency, art,
pleasure, leisure, food, or media. They will need to have a sense of
comfort and love from the family more during this 20 year period.
Your spouse during this period will also be more attached to your
family than her or his own. Wealth through the spouse is also seen
if one is married on time or goes through the dasha of Venus in
their young adulthood.

Venus aspecting on the 8th house will bring harmony and lovable
relationships with in-laws and a sense of comfort in their company.
There is a secret tendency to enjoy and receive other people's
wealth, and interest hunts for buried treasure. If Venus's dignity is
damaged one might have secret affairs with someone in the
spouse's family or be addicted to secret sexual affairs. Venus also
brings passion towards understanding deeper truths about life than
just material gains. The second half of Venus's dasha will bring
interest in the occult. Why the last 10 years? Because Venus's
aspect will take time to be activated and be realized by the native.

Venus in the 3rd house:

Venus in the 3rd house will surely make the native follow a
creative direction in life for these 20 years. This is the house of
Venus's friend Mercury, where Venus finds a playground to play
in. Natives will enjoy and will have passion towards media,
performing arts, writing, journalism, marketing, PR work,
traveling, and healing people; healing because the 3rd house is the
8th from the 8th, which shows dealing with emergencies of people.
Relationships for a single person may feel like a train station
where one person gets on and the other gets off. Relationships
become frequent before marriage. As mentioned above, the 3rd is
the 8th from the 8th which shows a sudden stop and go quality to
Venus's energy, just like a train at a train station. The native in
their youth or young age may be gifted with a little sister who will
increase the native's wealth and bring a beautiful wife as the
karaka of the 7th house is 9th from itself. Therefore the activation
of good luck in life will occur through a younger sister or if the
native treats a girl like his or her younger sister.

Venus aspecting the 9th shows one will take great long distance
trips for pleasure, work, and anthropology reasons. One finds great
passion and love for study, observing, and interacting with people
of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. The native will
broaden their horizon during this time about ethnic views of the
world. There will be great love and comfort given from the father
if Venus is positively placed in the chart. Higher learning may
involve arts, study of sperm, DNA, and women.

Venus in the 4th house:

This is one of the best positions for Venus to give great results.
Venus gets full directional strength in the 4th house because it
loves being in a beautiful homely environment where it can
express herself through her creative output. The 20 year period of
Venus will try to give comfort to its maximum by giving love and
compassion from the mother, family members, cars, fixed assets
such as houses, and most of all peace of mind. Even if Venus is
debilitated in the 4th house, one will still be able to attain the
material pleasures of life because a debilitated planet in a kendra

always acts stronger than other placements. The planet has the will
to come out of its debilitation in due time.

Venus’s aspect to the 10th house shows one will seek creative
output in career and will be engaged in improving the career by
bringing the zeal of creativity. Venus will give pleasure and a
pleasant environment at work and the native might work with a
majority of women, unless the 10th house is being impacted by
more masculine planets. Venus however will also show
desertification from doing mundane work or work which is dry and
uncreative. Such natives will seek to do their own business or look
for work opportunities in a more creative and friendly

Venus in the 5th house:

This position of Venus is all about creative self expression. This

period of Venus will feel like a romantic novel; with all the spicy,
juicy, and dry characters coming in and making the masterpiece.
This is the placement that will force the native to learn through
creative output and visual images. The most logical of people

surrender to the artistic side of this process. There is much
happiness and wealth driven from birth of children, especially
girls. One will be an excellent salesman, performer, and gambler.
There is a pleasure that comes from taking risks but Venus is a
planet of pleasure, the native will only risk for pleasure, not for
kicks and winning.

Venus aspecting the 11th shows passion and interest towards

increasing friends, social network circles, and seeking pleasure and
romantic encounters through meeting new folks. Venus looks to
fulfill her hopes, wishes and desires by her creativity which the
11th house is. This period will be all about social events, whether
they are fun, spiritual, business oriented, creative, or about being
part of a large organization.

Venus in the 6th house:

Venus in the 6th house for 20 years will show desire to give
compassion and love to those who are underprivileged, wanting to
make friends out of enemies, and having an everyday routine
where the artistry of Venus is felt; but that isn't easy. Take a
princess from her room and put her in the middle of a war zone;

she will rather run to a safe place for protection than pick up a
weapon. The princess will realize this is her duty now for 20 years,
so instead of shooting someone, she will be helping the wounded
and giving all her love to them. This is how this placement feels.
This type of placement of Venus produces some of the best artists
because there art and creativity reflects the struggle of everyday
man. Once the person finds the beauty in the gutter, like the Lotus
flower, life will begin to flourish. Lord Krishna had Venus in the
6th house and during the big war of Mahabharata he made a tale
out of his conversation with Arjun which is known as the
Bhagavad Gita. Even though this book is not written by him, it
shows the creative ways of Krishna and his role in the war while
also making roses out of cactus. This is the house of disputes,
fights, enemies, and sickness. Venus here will find happiness if it
treats others with such problems rather than running away. Venus
being the karaka of vehicles can also show bumps and scratches no
matter how good or bad Venus is. The 6th house being the natural
house of accidents can bring accidents if Venus has bad dignity.

Venus aspecting the 12th house shows the princess's mission is to

find enlightenment, peace, and isolation after the war. One sees the
ugliness of war, crime, and struggle, and only hopes for peace.
This 20 year period of Venus will enable a person to find passion
and beauty in foreign places and ashrams.

Venus in the 7th house:

Venus in the 7th house will bring a main focus on marriage,

partnerships, business and dealing with masses of people. Venus is
the karaka of the 7th house and although most astrologers would
say it's a bad placement for Venus I beg to differ. In Vedic
Astrology if the karaka (significator) of the house sits in the same
house it is bad for the planet. I have hardly ever found this to be
true unless there were malefic aspects on Venus and Venus were
badly placed in divisional charts. This is Venus' own original
house, this is where Venus is most comfortable. This period of
Venus is best suited for business and managing the ins-&-outs of
marriage and partnership. There is a harmony in the life of the

Venus aspect on the ascendant will make the person improve their
lives by spending more time with their spouse and relationships of
all kinds; or simply doing business. The more the native meets new
and creative people, the more the native will improve their own
outlook on life, will feel beautiful and will be willing to express
themselves in arts, creativity, and charm.

Venus in the 8th house:

Venus in the 8th house will give great wealth through joint assets
for this 20 year period. The spouse and their family will be the
greatest support for the native financially. Venus loves being in the
8th house as it finds passion in treasure hunting, whether its actual
treasure or treasures of information, knowledge, or sexual
encounters. Venus is also aroused by secret affairs. During this
period the native will find passion in the occult, the mystical, and
somehow their interest may turn towards death and rebirth. There
is a deep dark way of expressing one's creative side. Any art,
performing art, painting, or act of expression and creativity they
make will have death as a major theme point. This is the position
of Venus which leaves a legacy in life, meaning people will
remember you after you're gone. In the 20 year period the native

will build their life in such a way that their life will be celebrated
even after their passing. Venus in the 8th house, ruling the 8th
house or connected with the 8th lord or Saturn can always show a
legacy. There will be many secret meetings with women or the
opposite sex. If Venus is not in its highest dignity then the native
will surely have affairs, but a good Venus will bring about secret
meetings but without the affairs. This period shows that the native
will retreat into a small hole through which they want to see the
world. Relationship wise one may suffer great heart breaks but it
will bring about equal amounts of creative force which can make
the person rise like the Phoenix. No matter how good Venus is
here, the car of the native will always seem to find some scratch or
small bump.

Venus aspecting on the 2nd house shows natural passion for vocal
skills, poetry and being close to the family. One always finds
family ties and family to be a helping hand in dark times. There is
a strong chance of receiving inherences either by ones’ blood
family or the spouse's family.

Venus in the 9th house:

Venus in the 9th house for 20 years will be a time of expansion of
one's own ability to see the world with their own eyes. The native
will travel extensively to foreign and distant lands to experience
culture, religion, and to expand the ideology that has been
embedded in the native. Venus loves the 9th house because it
allows Venus to extend its love energy towards a higher cause.
This period will bring great optimism for pleasure, love,
relationships, and passion for knowledge. Regardless of what the
subject is the native will find their passion in it. The native will be
more interested in meeting someone of a different cultural and
ethnic background than someone of their own culture. Exalted
Venus will make the person a devote of God, especially Krishna.
This period of 20 years will be all about learning. There will be
natural attraction towards older, wiser, and mature people for
romantic encounters.

Venus’s aspect on the 3rd house shows that for 20 years the native
will have a great interest and love towards writing, teaching and
marketing the word of God and religion to others. There will be
great interest in interacting with siblings and cousins regarding
their travels and gaining of knowledge.

Venus in the 10th house:

This is a placement where for 20 years the person can reign in a

field of arts, media, fashion and currency. Venus loves the open
space where everyone can notice her brightness. The native
willfully looks for opportunities for center stage and is appreciated
by many for their sensual and serene personality. This period of
Venus will provide either great collaborations or great disputes
with women in a professional setting, depending upon how Venus
is. Naturally this person wants to do business and work that is
related to Venus. These folks are not power hungry, but they have
passion for rising in the ranks. Passion does not equal to obsession.
They do not mind taking a second place but they are passionate
about each step of the ladder they step on which makes them the
ultimate candidate for the highest office. They are attracted to
professional encounters which may turn romantic and erotic. The
native loves a professional looking partner.

Venus aspecting the 4th house will show great love for taking care
of family members through their professional life and connections.
They seek the comfort of a beautiful home by chasing their passion
for career. They love mixing home life with professional life. They
will bring work home, invite co-workers, and seek a social
environment from the privacy of their own space.

Venus in the 11th house:

This Venus MD for 20 years will try its best to fulfill the natives
hopes, wishes, and desires. There will be sudden increases of
network circles professionally and on a personal basis. Mostly the
native will be coming across women and organizations that have
women as leaders. This period of Venus grows better with each
day as this is the best of the upachaya houses (houses that grow
better with time). There will be romantic encounters popping up
through large organizations, meetings, and mingling. Venus will
help the native be recognized and achieve awards in fields related
to Venus. The native will gain immensely through their spouse in
Venus MD as the karaka of the 7th house is in the 11th house. All
the sexual desires of the native will be fulfilled through many
women. The elder sibling will be of a great help in fulfilling the

native's desire and even helping them to meet their spouse (for a
male native mainly).

Venus giving its aspect to the 5th shows tremendous interests in

professional romances with many. Desire for children is the major
part of their desire and education of the native will most likely be
in business management, event management, or arts. The native
will be able to express themselves creatively through the help of
their large network circles.

Venus in the 12th house:

If there is one word for the desires of this 20 year period of Venus
it is "Devotion". The native will be devoted to a higher spiritual
entity and will passionately surrender themselves to a spiritual
deity. There is an illogical and abstract vision of the spouse and
soul mate. This native in such a period is looking for a mate that
they will never meet due to their high expectation. There will be
lots of foreign travel due to arts, creativity, or spouse and female
related issues. This can either make a native seek too much of bed
pleasure or seek too much of spiritual pleasure. There is this side
to the native that is attracted to unusual substances like LSD,

marijuana, or anything that can help the native elevate to the
higher dimension and astral plain. Their dreams are extremely
pleasant, romantic, or sexual during this period. The natural
imagination of the native will suddenly flourish and they will seek
work and careers that keep them isolated from the rest of the
mundane world. Passion for yoga, meditation, and psychics will be
very evident.

Venus aspecting the 6th shows great passion and love for small
animals, pets, the sick, and underprivileged. This MD of 20 years
may even attract the native to fall in love with their servant or co-
worker. One will try to seek spiritual enlightenment by helping
those who also seek such a path.

Mars through the Houses:

Mars in the 1st house:

Mars MD in the 1st house will bring about a whole new set of
confidence, macho attitude, competitive spirit, and willingness to
conquer goals during this 7 year period. These 7 years will show
the native is thirsty for competition and wants to fight for his or
her right to exist in this world. There will be competition and
challenges coming to the native due to the activated energy of
Mars. It's like a bright light attracting flies; in such times many
athletes thrive and receive awards and championships. If you have
a male sibling, they will have the main dominance in your life in
terms of social and personal achievements. If you don't then your
male friends will be the focus of this MD. In youth the native will
engage in sports and fighting competitions and will have too much

testosterone flowing in the body. If afflicted in the horoscope it can
bring cuts through sharp objects, weapons, or an enemy.

Mars giving its 4th house aspect on the 4th house shows sudden
dominance upon fixed assets, home, and conflict with the mother.
At the right age the native may buy a property or piece of land, but
mainly they will take control of the home and will act like a
general. Mars aspecting the 7th house will show no time for
negotiation or working together in a partnership unless they
dominate the partnership by 80%. The native will not want to
compromise in a relationship, they will simply look to dominate it.
This is the true nature of Mars. The 8th aspect of Mars will show
fear towards health, living a healthy life style, and to finding the
hidden agenda of people and hidden enemies if there are any. The
native will look to transform their life by leading a healthy life
style, but they will also look to transform their in-laws and
spouse's family (if married) by their dominating/aggressive nature.

Mars in the 2nd house:

Mars in the 2nd house will for 7 years bring domination over
family assets, money, and wealth. The native will have energy in

their flow of money. The money will come and be spent in various
necessities of life. This period will make the native hoard things
like a solider for a rainy day. The native will invest, build, and
protect the family by spending money. There could be conflict in
the family over assets and land. The brother of the native will be
either a help or a hurdle in attaining more money and wealth.
Whether the native is a peaceful person or not, with this activated
Mars, the native will get agitated and aggressive and have a short

Mars aspecting the 5th house will show control over children as
well as aggressive behavior towards educational and entertainment
pursuits. Many changes of short but energetic romantic encounters.
The sexual appetite of the native will be on alert and looking for
prey, especially with the aspect to the 8th house of sexual secrets.
The native will not compromise with others and their wealth, they
will simply want to be the leader of other's assets, and perhaps
show aggressive behavior in sexual encounters, in-laws, and in
wanting to attain the spouse's wealth. The native doesn't want to
compromise with anyone and will rush towards exposing the
hidden enemies. Mars's 8th aspect on the 9th house shows no
respect for the father, gurus, or elders who do not share the same
view points as the native. There is going to be a need to transform
the way the native feels about their lessons learned in life and they
will take a new macho approach to learning wisdom on their own.

Mars in the 3rd house:

The 7 year cycle of Mars in the 3rd can either bring great jolts or
great deflations to one's courage and strength. Mars being the
karaka of the 3rd house shows one will be extremely competitive,
driven, and fight their way to success. Regardless of the age, the
native will take on some new skill-set involving the hands;
whether technical, sporty, or artsy. They will be passionate about
mastering it. There will be great energetic interactions with
siblings, friends, and family members; which would spark
spontaneous short trips for leisure and fun. Its a great time to get in
shape and achieve physical goals as Mars pumps more blood to the
muscles when activated. There is a need for speed when traveling
as well. An interest in agriculture will also arise if the native grew
up in farmlands. Depending upon how Mars is placed in the 3rd
house; one will either gain or lose through brothers. Mars being
aspected by malefics can make someone a criminal, robber, and a
chronic bar fighter.

Mars giving its 4th aspect on the 6th house shows some agility to
conquer enemies, as well as love for competition, competitive

sports, and career activities. One will want to dominate and control
their enemies, debts, and obstacles. There is a love/hate
relationship with facing problems. On one hand, competition and
enemies will excite them; on the other hand they will want to win
the war as soon as possible and get rid of the problem. Mars
aspecting the 9th house will show a non-negotiable attitude
towards the father, gurus, and teachers. The native will create a
type of relationship where their own philosophy and view of the
world is accepted by their seniors. Such a period of Mars will
bring aggression and arguments with the father. Mars's 8th aspect
on the 10th house shows a need to destroy and transform their
career, work and, colleagues. There will be great battles at work
with co-workers and bosses which will lead the native to walk
away from work or get fired. Such people make better
businessmen and self-employed people than workers. During this
time they would make a better soldier or police officer than they
would a corporate slave.

Mars in the 4th house:

This period of Mars can bring conflict and fights at home or with
the mother or motherland. It can also bring gains of land and

property through family ties or self-will. The major period will
have the native focus on their assets and values at home along with
their professional life. There will be a need to protect the home and
many will either install security systems at home or hire guards if
wealthy enough. Mars brings this natural paranoia about enemies.
The happiness of the native during this time comes from acquiring
land, property, and fixed assets. One may have to fight for their
homeland via government work, as a solider or police officer, if
the chart shows civil service.

Mars throwing its aspect on the 7th house shows that the 7 year
period of Mars will aim towards controlling the spouse,
conquering the heart of the spouse, and having a passionate
relationship with them. The aspect of Mars on the 10th house
shows them dominating the professional world, including the
people they work with. The native has a nature towards being a
folk hero at work and being easily agitated by co-workers who do
not follow their directions. Mars’s aspect to the 11th house with
his 8th aspect shows one to be finding a great deal of ups and
downs with friends and network circles. One will always have
secret enemies amongst their friends. One will be transformed by
their friends, or will transform their friends with their dominating
war-like nature.

Mars in the 5th house:

Mars MD in the 5th house shows energy moving towards creative

self expression, making children competitive, and fighting for
one's right to education. This period of the native's life will be full
of fun and joy in competitive sports and education. They will feel
like they must be the winner in all types of examinations and tests.
If you have children you will find yourself driving your children to
be more competitive and putting them into competitive activities.
There will be flair and sparks while dealing with children as one
side will seek power for control; and the other, power for freedom.
The native will be more aggressive towards sports betting, stock
markets, and speculative business. If Mars is in the air signs or the
fire sign of Leo, they will be attracted towards performing arts and
creative writing.

Mars’s 4th aspect on the 8th house shows the need to understand
their psychological self and to have self-control over their will.
They must conquer their fears during this time, which makes them

fearless in competition. One is eager to face the unknown
challenges of the 8th house. Mars aspecting the 11th house shows
a hard time maintaining relationships with friends and social
network circles, if it requires compromise. They are wanting to
conquer their hopes, desires and wishes at all costs. Mars’s 8th
aspect on the 12th house shows power struggles with the grand
mother from father’s side, or with the family of the father. One
will have psychological transformations through spiritual activities
and will have many hurdles to overcome with foreigners. The
native has a hard time controlling their spiritual progress or the
people they come across in monasteries.

Mars in the 6th house:

This period of Mars will either give great victory or great defeat.
Mars being a natural malefic, loves being in the 6th house, which
is a war-zone. It loves to battle and defeat the enemy; in today's
context we can say the person would defeat their business
competition or sports competition. The native would show
aggressive and winning behavior for 7 years more so than any
other time. This can also indicate that the person will come across

a wrong crowd if Mars is not well placed by sign. Even if exalted,
the native still can comfort the bad crowd, as a police officer does
on a daily basis.

Mars's 4th aspect on the 9th house shows that during this 7 year
period the native will try to conquer higher education. They may
try to win over their father and teachers, or try to win over their
sister/brother in-law. The 7th aspect of Mars to the 12th house will
show the need to dominate in bed pleasures and sexual activities.
There could be addictions to fighting, in controlling their patience,
or issues with inmates in jails/hospitals. Mars's 8th aspect on the
ascendant can show bodily harm to the physical body, via fights,
accidents, cuts, bruises, or winning wars with enemies but still
being bruised. The native will be fired up to transform themselves
into a fighter or a dominating manager.

Mars in the 7th house:

A Mars mahadasha in the 7th house will show great energy and
devotion to marriage, the spouse, business partnerships, and
relationships with people in general; depending upon how strong

Mars is by the sign and avashta its in. Mars shows one's energy
towards dealing with relationships and partners will have a great
quality of fire and domination to it. Mars will make the native
completely non-negotiable. They will want to do what they believe
in and will not follow in a relationship. Business-wise, this can be
a time to aggressively push for deals and make business ventures
happen. If Mars is debilitated or in an enemy sign this will surely
produce fights between the spouse or business partners.

Mars aspecting the 10th house will speak to the career and
conquering the career with great domination. One will fight to
either restore or retain their reputation in a public domain. Mars
aspecting the ascendant shows the nature of the native will heavily
be dominated by others. At times it can bring great aggressiveness,
anger, and agitation by others. Mars throwing its 8th aspect on the
2nd house will show that one can lose family wealth by their anger
and dominating nature. One will also try to control everything in
the family due to fear of losing their assets; which usually
backfires unless Mars is in the sign of Aries in the 7th house.

Mars in the 8th house:

This 7 year period of Mars will be the ultimate test that Mars is put
through to see his will, strength, and courage develop. Mars loves
challenges and this is that one place where Mars finds Goliath.
This is the ultimate combat he will have and Mars is always ready
for such a challenge. This is the period where the native will be put
to the test; to go through the maze and find the door. This period
will make the native strong enough to find their hidden enemies
and to face the ups and downs that coming around each corner
brings. If one is a healer, then Mars will be the best surgeon and
healer and will do whatever it takes to revive prana (life). Such
people actually have the power to heal. Mars may sound like a
planet of fights, wars, and disputes; but he knows what it takes to
save lives on the battlefield. Mars will dominate joint assets, and
their in-laws or spouse’s family will not intimidate them. This is
the time that one can even have surgery themselves. Sexual energy
will be alive and kicking and one will need to have sexual
stimulation constantly to balance such energy.

Mars's 4th aspect on the 11th house will show one will do
whatever it takes to attain gains and their desires; even if it
requires secret dealings, sexual favors, or even to commit crimes
which are fatal. Yes, there are thugs, murders, gangsters, and all
kinds of people including you. This doesn't mean you are them.
Each planet has its own dignity and condition in the chart that will
either make them do good or bad deeds. Mars giving its 7th aspect
on the 2nd house will show secret wars waged involving family
assets and money. One will try to conquer wealth issues with any
means necessary. Mars's 8th aspect on the 3rd will show one being
focused on either transforming or destroying one's siblings, close
family, or friends. They will try to manipulate the situation in their
favor by changing the outlook of the third house. There will be lots
of secretive information being collected on near and dear ones, or
one will perhaps find their strength in attaining information.

Mars in the 9th house:

This 7 year MD of Mars will produce a time when the native will
have to take charge of their lady luck and push forward with their
will to win the battle of education and higher learning. This will be
the time when the person will be overly competitive about
achieving their goals and fighting for what they believe in. They
will push forward their agenda and beliefs in order to make a
difference in the world. The father will be feeling too aggressive
during this time which will create a rift between him and the
native. One will also be debating their professors and teachers
more than usual. Whatever they want to teach and preach will
occur with aggression and assertiveness. Mars is fire and one can
burn bridges with authorities figures in educational fields if Mars
is debilitated. An exalted Mars will be a devoted, hard working,
and disciplined student or preacher.

Mars casting its aspect on the 12th house shows one will force
themselves to seek bed pleasures through attaining power and

authority as a guide, priest, or teacher. This can be a good and bad
measurement from the human perspective. Such positions are the
reason why you hear about priests molesting boy and girls in their
life. But this also shows one will attract sexual pleasure due to
their discipline of knowledge, like when students get attracted to
their professor. Or a person on a date being attracted to the native
due to their knowledge might occur; but Mars also shows one
wanting to attain spiritual knowledge and enlightenment through
discipline. Mars aspecting the 3rd house shows them dominating
the information age and seeking to teach siblings, family, and
people local to them. They want to come out as the go-to person
for advice. Mars giving its 8th aspect on the 4th house shows
major quarrels with the mother and within the home due, to their
religious beliefs or educational level. Perhaps they will either
choose something against the wishes of their mother to learn and
follow; or having more knowledge may empower them to
dominate the home environment.

Mars in the 10th house:

This 7 year MD period of Mars can bring great victory in career,
and in climbing the ranks at work, military, or government. If Mars
is debilitated, the person will force their way into higher ranks by
either cheating or threatening…but Mars may still get his way
during this time. The King of the jungle is now in the jungle,
fighting off all types of enemies, which is how Mars thrives and
receives his strength. If Mars is debilitated, one may be dis-
honorably discharged from the army unless there is a “neecha-
banga” raj yoga. In the real world one may lose their job due to
power struggles with authorites. But in business, however, a
debilitated Mars will make enormous money. This is the time
when the public will see the heroism of the native. You will feel
more powerful than before as well as more aggressive than before
about achieving your professional goals.

Mars aspecting the ascendant indicates a complete focus on

professional improvement. It awakens a new drive to be much
more competitive and aggressive than before. The personality
becomes cut-throat and a straight shooter. They can no longer
tolerate people who beat around the bush, including their own self.
Mars aspecting the 4th house shows things at home will be
imbalanced, and power struggles will not bring peace into the
home unless Mars is in good dignity. Mars’s 8th aspect on the 5th
house shows complete domination over children, to a point where
children will rebel against the native. But one will be transforming
themselves and showing their creative side in the professional
arena. This time the native will also enjoy playing games, sports,
and wrestling events.

Mars in the 11th house:

This 7 year MD of Mars in the 11th shows energy will be spent in

wanting to be recognized for hard work and aggressively pursuing
new network circles as well as professional contacts. There is a
need to take command in large organizations. There will be many
dealings with elder siblings or there would be many quarrels with
them. If Mars is badly placed then one's own social network circle
and friends will turn against them. There is a greater need to take
command for social welfare and social reform since the 11th house
is the 6th from the 6th. There will be a need to beat competition in
a corporate organization or banking sector.

Mars aspecting the 2nd house shows a drive for accumulating

wealth, money, and family assets. One will attain gains of liquid
wealth to save money, or if Mars is not in the best of positions he
may over spend money. One will be very shrewd and aggressive in
speech. One may eat red meat of cows and goats. Mars aspecting
the 5th house shows competitive behavior by or involving
children. It can also indicate aggressively pursuing studies and the

learning of mantras. Passion, romance, and sexual interactions
become the norm. Mars throwing an aspect to the 6th house shows
one will transform or destroy enemies, diseases, and debts.

Mars in the 12th house:

A Mars MD in the 12th house speaks to 7 years of extreme sexual

behavior with the spouse or mistress, and secret love affairs and
love triangles. This house is the 'Marnakaraka' position for the
Sun, meaning the house where the Sun comes to die. Mars, the
planet whose sign the Sun is exalted in also feels confused and
drowsy in the 12th house of spiritual ashrams. The energy of the
native feels scattered towards many things. They have a need to
travel and experience spiritual and sexual bliss. They also have a
fear of imprisonment though (not that it will happen 95% of the
time). There will be trips taken to hospitals for cuts, burns, and
bruises. In the house of the astral world, the spiritual intuition of
Mars will only do well when it's exalted or in a friendly sign of
Jupiter. Mars in Scorpio brings fear of isolation but also discipline
in spiritual practice. An Exalted Mars, Mars in its own sign, or in
the sign of Sagittarius will show a person who is willing to take
strictly disciplinary action towards enhancing their spiritual views.

This is the time when the native must practice meditation to calm
the subconscious and bring the senses to ease.

Mars’s 4th aspect on the 3rd house shows the need to conquer the
world of information, to attain skills with their hands (especially in
martial arts and fighting sports), to engage in competitive behavior
with younger siblings and friends, and the need to communicate
with aggression and passionate behavior. Mars aspecting the 7th
house brings the native face to face with their enemy which may
take them to foreign lands for asylum. This could also put them in
jail for fights or something worse as Mars transforms the energy of
facing enemies into spiritual lessons. This period can show a need
to be careful while driving as competitive behavior on the road can
be seen. Mars’s 8th aspect on the 7th house shows aggressive
sexual behavior in relationships or with the spouse. A need to
manipulate the business partner or spouse is common and one will
have sudden bursts of aggression in marriage due to sexual

Jupiter through the houses:

Jupiter in the 1st house:

Jupiters 16 year Mahadasha period will and should bring about an

increase in respect to the individual, interest in religion, higher
philosophy, and a desire to become a teacher in life. Jupiter is
naturally a teacher, guru, and preacher, and so makes the native
follow in his footsteps. Being the karaka of 4 houses, and ruling 2
houses, while also simultaneously aspecting 3 houses, shows that
the majority of the houses in the horoscope will become alive and
will be experienced by the native in physical form. If such an MD
happens to be in their 20's, the native will see achievements in
education, higher education, marriage, children, gains, family
growth, growth of friends, and finding a solid mentor in life. Even
if Jupiter is debilitated, the native will overcome hurdles in life
through extreme practical approaches, as opposed to philosophical
approaches. If Jupiter receives a “neecha bang raj yoga”, it

advances Jupiter's quality to a higher level. In a female's chart the
child is promised because Jupiter aspects the 5th house, regardless
of his dignity.

Jupiter’s aspect on the 5th house shows that part of the native's 16
years will be focused either on children, education, mantras, or
dealing with creative self-expression through higher knowledge.
Jupiter's 7th aspect to the 7th house suggests preserving and
maintaining the flow of marriage, business, and to expanding one's
teachings to other people. The native will mostly come across
scholars and educated people. Jupiter's 9th aspect on the 9th house
shows that it will be a 16 year period of enhancing one's
philosophical views and broadening their educational horizon.
Regardless of the age, the native will engage in learning some
form of higher education, whether it's institutional or not. There
will be great honor and protection to the father. The birth of
children are seen if this runs during adult years.

Jupiter in the 2nd house:

The 16 year period of Jupiter will be mainly focused on

maintaining family values, earning money through food, textiles,

banking, or land. This is the time when the native will be overly
hopeful about making lots of money, achieving all their goals, and
finding great interest in writing, public speaking, and art. If Jupiter
is debilitated, native will be more focused on making money and
gaining authority; as Capricorn is the sign which makes Jupiter
lose his creative side and focus on giving to society through hard
work. Fluctuations in wealth will be seen only if Saturn is in bad
dignity in the horoscope, otherwise I have mostly seen people do
well with a debilitated Jupiter.

Jupiter's aspect on the 6th house will show that one will be
encouraged to borrow money from the bank, or become dependent
on credit cards. They will expose their enemies to the world.
Jupiter mostly protects the native from illnesses and diseases. One
will find it easy to get a job and be in service. Jupiter's 8th aspect
shows a growing interest in the occult and in attaining other
people's wealth. One might even be inclined to manage and hoard
other's money as well. Jupiter shows great wealth and resources
coming from the spouse's family, possibly finding hidden treasure,
or even gaining secret insights into their own lives. Jupiter's aspect
to the 10th house shows that one will always be respected during
Jupiter's dasha. Even if the bad time comes, it won't last for long,
as the light of Jupiter will always keeps the germs away from the
10th house of authority, respect, and work environment.

Jupiter in the 3rd house:

This 16 year MD of Jupiter will cause the native to be more

proactive towards communication, gatherings, and preaching
through the medium of media to spread their gospel. This is known
as a 'Marnakaraka' position for Jupiter because the guru comes
here to die. A guru like Jupiter belongs in a higher institutional
place or “gurukul”. Putting a guru amongst chit-chatting house
wives will be the death of his or her knowledge. However, many
have misconstrued this position and made it look like all doom and
gloom. This position of Jupiter will make the native a great
businessman who has the ability to create disciplines underneath
them. Their communicative ability helps them sell, market, and
spread their genius. There will be many visits to teachers, gurus,
and astrologers. There will be a tremendous interest in writing and
teaching. There is quite a lot to benefit from group activities, as
well as attaining wealth from younger siblings, at this time.

Jupiter's 5th aspect to the 7th house shows a need to make business
deals happen along with having a sincere relationship. They have

much to learn through partnerships and marriage. Business
becomes a game and a land of fun. Jupiter's aspect to the 9th house
shows that one will always be facing their gurus, father, and
teachers as a part of their journey to learn and grow during these
16 years. There will be many long distance travels taking place due
to business deals abroad and to attain higher education in their
field of interest. Jupiter's 9th aspect to the 11th house suggests the
main focus of the native is to attain gains and find more people to
increase their earnings. The period shows that gaining is dharma
for the native. There is a sense of a philosophical attitude towards
gaining liquid wealth, which gives the native a higher purpose to

Jupiter in the 4th house:

This 16 year period of Jupiter will provide much benefit from the
mother, from land, from real estate or just happiness within the
home. The native will learn throughout the MD from their mother
or the divine mother. There will be a need to devote themselves to
a higher motherly figure. This is where Jupiter feels most
comfortable, because a guru wants to teach in the privacy of their
own space and in the arms of the divine mother. There will be

much focus on home, raising children, and dealing with issues of
parents and connecting with childhood friends. There will be great
devotion towards the people of one’s homeland. Even if
debilitated, he can bring dedication to public service via politics.

Jupiter's aspect on the 8th house shows much needed knowledge

about the occult must be attained in this life, and the curiosity to
attain secret knowledge will awaken during Jupiter's MD. There
will be a focus on inheritances and finding wealth by using other
people’s money. Jupiter's aspect on the 10th house shows plenty of
respect will be given to the native at work. He or she will come
across highly intelligent and qualified co-workers and bosses; and
a female may meet her spouse within the home or in the kitchen.
Jupiter's 9th aspect on the 12th house shows a sudden urge to visit
foreign lands, to attain higher spiritual knowledge, and to expand
one's dwelling into foreign lands. Jupiter will bring knowledge to
the native from foreign sources.

Jupiter in the 5th house:

This period of Jupiter will bring a major focus on benefiting and

learning from children. This is a period of dharmic growth as these

houses make up the dharma triangle. The native will be focused on
learning and gaining knowledge while also having great hope
towards creative self-expression. There will be an expansion of the
number of children, investments, stocks, and bonds. Interest in
mantras will also be invoked. In youth the native will take interest
in subjects like biology, zoology, creative writing, and law. Jupiter
is the seed of the guru, teacher, and a principled man. During this
period the native will feel a child in search of a guru or mentor.
There will be many opportunities for romantic encounters if
Jupiter is in air or dual signs.

Jupiter's 5th aspect on the 9th house will show one eagerly looking
for a guru and teacher, or wanting to connect with a father like
figure. During this 16 year period, the native will have fun with
higher education and will try to grasp as much of a higher
philosophy as possible. If Jupiter is in a good position, the native
will find a guru who will show him or her their dharma. Jupiter's
9th aspect on the ascendant will bless and protect the native
throughout the dasha. Even if debilitated, Jupiter will at least
protect if he cannot give. The native will feel like a natural guru
and teacher themselves and people will flock to him for advice on
their life, education, and personal issues. No matter how bad the
time is, the native will find hope and optimism in their life.

Jupiter in the 6th house:

A Jupiter MD from the 6th house will encourage the native to

engage in social service, social welfare, and to be of service to
others during these 16 years. Jupiter here can make a person an
excellent debt manager and debt collector; but also one's own
credit card can hit the limit during this time because of too much
optimism. The native will feel like they can take on the debt and
repay it, but certain conditions have to be met for such a move.
Jupiter exalted or in its own sign is a sure shot that debt will be
paid off with ease. Enemies will come in the manner of gurus,
teachers, and wise men, but enemies will not survive in front of the
gas giant. Jupiter being the karaka of children will show that one
may be a servant to their children, or have to constantly work for
them. The 16 year period may not feel so bad in terms of facing
challenges or enemies as one will always have the hope of
defeating them all. There will be much love given to small animals
and the poor. One will attain wealth if they get a servant. The
native will learn wisdom through the streets, (as in the real world,)

or through enemies, obstacles, and diseases. During this period one
should watch their intake of sugar, alcohol, and fried foods. For a
female this may bring arguments or disagreements with the
husband. If well placed, the husband will destroy her enemies.

Jupiter's 5th aspect on the 10th house assures the native a good
reputation at work, less worries about work, and one will find great
help through professional mentors. Even if fired, or let go, Jupiter
will always protect and find the native their next employment
quickly. This position will often have the native getting money at
the very last minute. Jupiter's 7th aspect on the 12th house shows
one will engage in spiritual meetings and foreign travels to
understand their harsh world better; as this house is the mirror
Jupiter looks through in hard times. Jupiter's 9th aspect to the 2nd
house will always bring wealth and money regardless of how the
conditions are. This also means having food and clothes instead of
money. The native will find resources no matter what. The native
will always be hopeful to earn money and to attain assets. There
will be many blessings to the family. If Jupiter is not so well
placed, sudden fluctuations in wealth and savings will be seen.
This is because when Jupiter is badly placed he suddenly switches
from giving to protecting.

Jupiter in the 7th house:

This 16 year period of Jupiter MD from the 7th will be

concentrated on diplomacy in business, partnerships, and
courthouses. The native will keep running into highly qualified and
educated individuals for friendship, romance, and even marriage.
The mirror which is the 7th house shows the native seeks only
wealthy and educated individuals that can mirror their image in a
brighter light. Jupiter's job to expand the house he sits in will
increase the popularity of the native during this time, especially in
the time of social media networks. They seek a mature, older
individual, who not only has a good head on their shoulder but a
heavy pocket. Jupiter, the karaka of children, shows one will have
children to tighten or strengthen the legal courtship of marriage.
The native may not pay as much attention to their children,
however, during this time, as Jupiter sits in the “marka” house
which shows one will be seeking fulfillment of pleasures and
desires, rather than having the duty of a responsible parent. If
Jupiter is in a friend sign or exalted, this will not be the case. The
native with such a Jupiter will be keen on business and business

partnerships during this period. They will also be especially
focused on their spouse. Jupiter's wisdom for the native in this
period will be to find diplomacy in the marriage and to learn
wisdom from others, including the marriage partner.

Jupiter's aspect to the 11th house again confirms the native is

wanting to have social fun, create friendships, and attain liquid
wealth. The entire focus will be towards social progression in life;
how many friends they have, how many parties and gatherings
they attend, even the Sattwic Jupiter, in such placements cannot
help but enjoy the maya created by Bhrama. Jupiter's 9th aspect on
the 3rd house shows one's dharma in this time period will be to
pursue hobbies, expand their communication with siblings and
nearby family, and even perhaps take up lessons in dance, working
out, or the arts.

Jupiter in the 8th house:

This 16 year period of Jupiter will be filled with hidden knowledge

and secret dealings. There will be gains from inheritances
depending on which pada Jupiter is in, which will give an
indication of which part of the dasha the native will find hidden

treasure. There is a sudden interest in tantra, occult secrets, and
knowing the mysteries of death. For a female, this can show that
she will meet her spouse in a very secretive meeting or in a
secretive affair if the dasha occurs during her 20's. This placement
shows tremendous amounts of money and wealth through joint
assets. The native receives tremendous respect and prosperity
through the spouses's family, whether male or female. Even if
Jupiter is debilitated, especially if it's debilitated, the native may
become a millionaire during this time, regardless of their sex. But
the main focus during this time is either on insurance, wealth
management, research, or the occult.

Jupiter's 5th aspect on the 12th house shows a secret desire to learn
about the world outside of the earthly realm. It can indicate a
growing desire to know about astral projection, space, aliens,
UFOs, and to be in isolation and in surrender of a higher spiritual
power. Such people have no time for religion, but only want to
devote themselves to the source energy, the energy that is
controlling everything. Jupiter's 7th aspect to the 2nd house shows
one will value family, culture, and one's lineage, but the native will
also be attaining wealth and earning money via research and
learning secrets. Jupiter's 9th aspect on the 4th house shows great
devotion to the mother, home, and the people of their homeland.
The native will seek gurus in a female figure and motherly figure.
Jupiter makes sure that the native has happiness and love through
emotional security.

Jupiter in the 9th house:

Jupiter's 9th house MD will most of the time give the native
tremendous joy from higher learning and research based studies. It
can also bring jovial qualities to traveling and to religious and
educational places, while also bringing about the most magical part
of living, a Guru. Those who are lucky will find a Guru in the MD
of Jupiter, especially if it's sitting in the 9th house, or rules the 9th
house. This is a period when we follow the truth path we were
meant to walk, as the 9th house is the dharma house, our place of
our highest spiritual deeds. You will certainly become more
interested in God, religion, and finding out the truth of life, the
root of human essence. The native may have 3 children with the
first and 3rd child being a boy. There will be sudden loss of faith,
or belief in the wrong path, if Jupiter is debilitated or surrounded

by enemies. One will get an astrological reading during Jupiter
period at least once.

Jupiter's aspect on the ascendant shows the personality and the

body of the native will grow. There could be actual weight gain or
the native may just become more positive and optimistic about life
and their body while also becoming a teacher themselves. There
are blessings towards a good recovery in health and less pain on
the body. Jupiter's 3rd aspect shows benefits to siblings, possibly
guiding siblings and family members towards a higher cause, and
great curiosity and interest in teaching others. The native will be
more curious about their cousins and nearby family members and
in creating a more spiritual connection with them. Jupiter's 9th
aspect on the 5th house promises children, luck in speculative
business, and in having many people under you as students or

Jupiter in the 10th house:

This is the period where career becomes the most optimistic focus
of the native's life. Jupiter being the planet of abundance, wealth,
and expansion, gives great success in career matters. Even if

debilitated, Jupiter does well in a government sector or with
administrative jobs. One will find great respect in society and the
native's career will shine through with the help of a guru or
mentor. If Jupiter is well placed, one is bound to find a
professional mentor to guide progress in their career regardless of
the field. The Banking sector becomes very powerful with such a
Jupiter, if in an earth sign. Jupiter, the guru, doesn't really like the
corporate world and jungle of maya. However, if he is forced to be
in such a situation he or she will find a wise way of doing their
work, unless Jupiter is corrupted by malefic planets.

Jupiter's 5th aspect on the 2nd house insures the accumulation of

wealth and savings and the providing of the necessary resources
for abundance within the family. Jupiter's aspect on the 4th house
shows one to be engaging in educational conversations, and great
happiness and prosperity within the home through personal
interactions. Jupiter gives tremendous knowledge from an elderly
person within the home. Jupiter's 9th aspect on the 6th house
shows gratitude for service and one giving themselves to help
others who are not privileged. One will also find themselves in and
out of debt, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as many
businessmen loan money and pay it off to run their business.

Jupiter in the 11th house:

Jupiters position in the 11th house can give maximum results in

terms of wealth. The 11th house is known as the highest of the
kama houses, which means the strongest of the desire houses. The
desire the 11th house carries is all about money, material wealth
and possessions. This is why Rishi Parashara gave the 3rd, 6th, and
11th houses as malefic houses, as they incline a native into
material activity. The native will be a part of a large organization
where he or she will be asked to council and teach. The dignity of
Guru gains strength each day, and the wisdom gets better and
better each day, because the 11th house is the highest of the
upachaya houses. Although it's regarded as a malefic house by
Parashara, it's only malefic in the sense of needing to gain material
wealth through one’s knowledge and gratitude. In the time when
man needs to pay bills, mortgages, and feed themselves, this is a
much needed and demanded house for the expansion of one's gains
in life.

Jupiter's 5th aspect on the 3rd house shows one finds
communication to be fun and a creative aspect of dealing in
business and networking. The native has the ability to sell
themselves like a parent to a child, since the 5th house aspect is the
aspect for children. They have the ability to be an authority
without really being an authority on a certain subject. Many
bankers and stock brokers are seen with such a Jupiter as they use
the market place knowledge to sell themselves to the people near
them. Jupiter's 7th aspect on the 5th house shows that the native
will strive to achieve a balance between the marketplace and
children. They will teach their children about the value and game
of dealing with money for the next 16 years. The 9th aspect of
Jupiter to the 7th house shows that one will be able to provide the
highest of dharma, money, and wealth to their spouse. They will
nourish the spouse with their ability to gain the wisdom of the
market place.

Jupiter in the 12th house:

This 16 year journey of Jupiter MD from the 12th house will take
the native into spiritually isolated bliss. This period will invoke
tremendous interest in transcendental meditation and Self-
awareness by engaging in yoga, meditation, travel to spiritual
places in foreign lands, and one will simply expand their spiritual
horizons from the narrow perspective they grew up with. This
period will also bring many foreign trips, especially if Jupiter is
placed in a movable or dual sign. Fixed signs may have the native
work behind the scenes in a fixed place like a lab, hospital, or
asylum. This can also take the native to an ashram if Jupiter is in a
water sign. Some great astrologers I have known personally have
spent time in an ashram at a young age when their Jupiter MD was
running, as Jupiter ruled the 12th house while sitting in the 9th
house. The same effect can be seen with this placement as well.
There will be financial gains from foreign lands or perhaps one
will work for a foreign financial institution. After all, Jupiter is
also the karaka of finances, money, and banking.

Jupiter's 5th aspect on the 4th house shows that for the 16 year
period the native will be protected within the home, and strong
emotions towards the mother and family will flow like a river.
They will be blessed with a brand new house regardless of the
native’s age, as even a child can bring about good luck to the
parents. Jupiter's 7th aspect on the 6th house shows a great need to
serve others in social reform and to pay off debts that have been
looming from the past. One will always find protection towards
health and accidents during this time. Jupiter's 9th aspect on the
8th house shows one will have tremendous knowledge and wisdom
of kundalini, the occult and mysticism.

Saturn through the houses:

Saturn in the 1st house:

The 19 year period of Saturn Mahadasha will be all about

responsibility on each aspect of the native's life. They will
suddenly become mature, old, and wise, regardless of their age. A
15 year old with such a Saturn mahadasha may start getting grey
hairs, as Saturn will start to transform the inactive into a Saturnine
energy. You will suddenly feel a lack of humor within you, not
laughing at the same things as you used to in your Jupiter period.
Suddenly you will develop a love for antique things, old music, old
books on wisdom, and you will face reality as you were supposed
to. One won’t feel like running around unless of course Mars
influences Saturn. Saturn will automatically put you in a situation
where you are doing routine and relative work. Even as a
millionaire, you will be doing routine work and will be happy with
it. There is a great emphasis on career, practical, and financial

goals and status in life due to Saturn's natural nature of 10th house

Saturn's 3rd aspect on the 3rd house will show a lack of interest in
dealing with siblings or nearby family members and more interest
in learning and engaging in the collection of valuable ancient
information. One will be putting a lot of effort into attaining skills
needed to perform their work, including an interest in long writing.
Saturn's 7th aspect to the 7th house shows the native will be very
focused on maintaining marriage and relationship responsibilities.
They will take a very practical approach to dealing with other
people, rather than hoping for things to just fall into place. Saturn's
10th aspect on the 10th house will bring about great responsibility
and a focus on work, government, or just finding a higher status in
life though sheer hard work.

Saturn in the 2nd house:

The Saturn MD from the 2nd will provide a 19 year period of

enormous responsibility towards family, family businesses, and
finances. There will be a great need to have a steady source of
income that enable the native to fulfill his duty but not his desires.

Saturn can bring huge amounts of wealth through speaking the
truth and speaking for social welfare and social reform. Engaging
in activity for social causes will bless the native with wealth; not
through the causes themselves but by the blessings of Saturn. The
native will be far more conservative with accumulating wealth and
hoarding assets they need to feed themselves. The native will be
engaged in working or earning money through routine and
repetitive work. There are natural fears from taking risks with
finances and a darker undertone towards dealing with the family.
One usually has a very pessimistic way of understanding their
family and people around them. Saturn is the karaka of separation,
like Ketu and Rahu, and here the native usually leaves their home
at an early age to find the real world. The slow moving Saturn does
however bring about either a late speaker or someone who speaks
very less.

Saturn's 3rd aspect on 4th house shows lack of understanding from

the mother during this period. It can also indicate attaining
multiple properties and real estate. There is a lot of pressure upon
the mother regarding the responsibility of the house, and peace of
mind only comes from working, working, working. When you
work, Saturn feels at peace and gives peace at home. If you slack
off that, is when Saturn brings about trouble at home or with the
mother. Saturn's 7th aspect on the 8th house shows one's life will
be protected during this period and joint assets will be a main
focus as well. Relationships with the in-laws is either very formal
or completely isolated and restrained. Saturn's 10th aspect on the
11th house shows a lack of understanding of the network circles
and wanting to only interact with people through which one can
have a secure income. Saturn looking at his own original house
shows that with hard work and discipline, the native will fulfill all
of their hopes, wishes, and desires. One will find that their network
circles and friends are either moving away or they are simply not
interested in them.

Saturn in the 3rd house:

The 19 year period of Saturn in the 3rd house will insure the native
takes action towards learning a lengthy task regardless of the
subject. This the period where Saturn wants the native to put their
own effort into making money and building their empire. There
will be great pressure building up between the younger sibling or
siblings in general, but if Saturn allows the native to have a
younger sibling then there will be no interest in interacting with
them, or anyone of their close family members or cousins. Saturn
may actually make the native move far away due to its aspect on
the 9th and 12th house. This period is best for writers and
filmmakers from all walks of life, as Saturn teaches patience and
perfection with technical and creative skills of the hands. This is a
major transformation period for the native when a storm of
activities will take place. The 3rd house is 8th from the 8th. As
such, it suggests a transformation of a higher kind taking place that
improves the native's life. There could be problems with ear
infections and boils around the ear if Saturn is not well placed or in
a hot sign.

Saturn's 3rd aspect on the 5th house shows major responsibilities
will come up regarding education or children. This aspect of
Saturn gives children later in life. When it comes to sports and
engaging in mental activities like chess and other brain games, the
native does very well. A troubled Saturn can also block interest in
education. Saturn's 7th aspect on the 9th house speaks to one
coming across very strict teachers, gurus, and father figures. They
will learn their life philosophy and dharma slowly and through
sheer hard work. Saturn's 10th aspect on the 12th house shows one
will take foreign journeys due to work or a lack of work.

Saturn in the 4th house:

The 19 year period of Saturn in the 4th house will be fully

concentrated on duty, commitment, and discipline, all focusing on
the home, mother, and issues related to the people of the
homeland. This period will show great responsibility upon the
native, and his or her mother. The native will be greatly involved
in improving the structure of the home, planting, gardening and
striving to acquire land. There is a great deal of fear towards social

injustices that affect the homeland and its political affairs.
Educational affairs of the middle school will feel like a drag for the
young one, and there is a tendency for laziness about striving for
goals. There is much needed comfort that is derived from being
inside the safe four walls. The rules and regulations set forth by the
mother will either train the native in becoming a disciplined,
organized, and hard working person, or the native will resist such
rules and will fight against the will of the mother.

Saturn's 3rd aspect on the 6th house shows great desires to work
hard in a routine, repetitive environment. The native will strive to
achieve good ethics and balance with co-workers and will also put
effort into giving a helping hand to the poor and needy. The 7th
aspect of Saturn will be upon the 10th house, showing one will
attain the responsibility of leadership, high status, or will be given
a very strong and hard reputation. There will either be comfort
from the bosses, or too much work with little reward. Saturn's 10th
aspect on the ascendant shows that one will slow down as a
person, and may lack energy to work out and keep the body in
shape. They will become a very mature, persistent, and patient
person, however. Regardless of the age, the Saturnian energy will
take over very quickly. If the dasha occurs during teenage years,
then it is quite common for one to see grey hairs early on.

Saturn in the 5th house:

When Saturn MD occurs from the 5th house, the native's full
attention will be either on developing skills in learning,
commitments, or responsibilities to children. A lack of time and
interest in the enjoyments of life is also common. This Saturn
proves to be a bit harsh on the native in terms of finding a “head
over heels love story in the rain. The romantic area perhaps
becomes quite dried, unless there is another planet conjunct Saturn
then Saturn will find support to learning how to enjoy the small
silly things in life. But here there is a karmic payback towards
intellectual development and raising children. Saturn the karaka of
delay will surly bring children late in life or having children early
will bring too much responsibility that the native would not want
to handle. During the period one lacks the power of giving and
receiving love especially if Saturn rules the malefic house. This is
a great position of Saturn find discipline in learning the mantras,
ancient studies, mathematics, accounting and physics; subject
which require sheen concentration and persistence.

Saturn's 3rd aspect on 7th house shows responsibility towards
marriage, partnership or finding lack of enthusiasm towards
marriage. This dasha gives much better and mature results when
dasha occurs late in life. Saturn's maturity is not realized too well
with a young brain. Saturn shows marriage is responsibility, dry
and may not be like a Hollywood movie as one thought. Saturn's
7th aspect on 11th house shows friends will feel like a drag and
desires seems too impractical to strive for, one only wants to
achieve practical desires and have friends which are few but loyal.
Saturn's 10th aspect on 2nd house shows greatly focus towards
earning money and saving money due to fear of poverty.

Saturn in the 6th house:

This is the place where Saturn feels the most comfort. This is his
“karaka sthana", his place of service, and where he deals with the
problems of the world (3rd world problems). The 19 year period of
Saturn MD running from the 6th house will encourage the native
to give their service to others in social causes. They will aim to
help animals and improve people’s health, while at the same time
destroy their enemies. But if Saturn is not situated in a friends or in

its own sign this can show little to no regard for pets or animal life
and can easily make the native a butcher if Saturn is in a
relationship with Mars. This is the house where Saturn can usually
bring chronic illness during its long period of 19 years, but if
exalted, it can actually take care of a chronic illness that you have
been suffering from for a long time. In the house of arguments and
litigation, Saturn shows the native's critical and realistic approach
to such things. One will always try to shut down arguments and
suppress enemies. This is a position where Saturn ignores divorce,
and whether such a thing will happen or not, it will take a long
time to resolve.

Saturn's 3rd aspect on the 8th house shows less sudden events
coming up in life, including accidents, as Saturn suppresses the
house it sits in or aspects. This can become a blessing for the
native. Saturn promotes longevity here. Saturn's 7th aspect on the
12th house shows service towards a spiritual organization and the
decreasing of expenses and losses. But Saturn may also bring
losses if not in the best of positions through varga vimshopak (the
divisional chart strength). Saturn's 10th aspect on the 3rd house
indicates that the fruits of one's labor will be rewarded during this

Saturn in the 7th house:

Many ignorantly dread this placement of Saturn without really

understanding this planet. Saturn is commitment, duty, sacrifice,
discipline, and organization, but also there is a key word here:
Sorrow. Many feel afraid that Saturn's 19 year period will bring
sorrow. Saturn simply says you can have the best time in marriage,
relationships, and in business during my time period, as long as
you stay...committed and disciplined towards this task. There is a
reason why there is a saying "through sickness and death" during
marriage vows. People only feel suffering when they are not
practical about what marriage is, what partnership is, it's sacrifice.
If you are not willing to sacrifice, you will suffer, sure. But Saturn
loves to keep things going for a long duration and Saturn wants
you to be married or be in a lasting business, but it wants you to
take a realistic approach during this period. This period of Saturn
is all about focusing on the duty of marriage, public service, in
making business contracts happen, on being cautious, and in
staying within your boundaries.

Saturn's 3rd aspect on the 9th house shows that one's luck during
this period will increase through sheer effort. One will see their
father and gurus age faster than before, and wisdom from such
people will be given to the native at will. There may not be so
many foreign trips taken unless it's with work or for a practical
reason, but not for leisure. Saturn's 7th aspect will bring maturity,
age, and wisdom upon the native, and make the native work harder
than before to achieve their goals. This is because Saturn is more
goal oriented than Jupiter, which is the previous dasha.

Saturn in the 8th house:

The 19 year period of Saturn in the 8th house will suggest great
interest in exploring short comings and the limits of our
understanding of our own psychological makeup and the hidden
world. Dealing with chronic problems of the joints can occur, but
also the Saturn MD may takeaway the chronic problem you have
had previously. This period is mainly focused on one's well being
and following a healthy lifestyle. One may be fascinated by
precious metals, develop a sudden interest in oil investments, or
become more serious about making sure government taxes are

taken care off. Being the karaka of the 8th house, Saturn enjoys
the 8th house and gives a long life to the native. There could be
spontaneous travel to foreign lands if placed in a movable sign.
There could be steady growth in joint assets and very orthodox in-
laws. The relationship with the in-laws could either become cold
or very formal in a good way. There are many hidden secret
dealings related to career affairs and dealing with enemies. This
can show a criminal who may take care of their enemies from
behind the scenes to excel in their career.

Saturn's 3rd aspect to the 10th house shows jobs and the corporate
world being filled with hard work. One is always putting their own
effort into climbing the success ladder and will have little support
from their co-workers. Saturn's 7th house aspect on the 2nd house
shows an urge to be secure and accumulate wealth for a rainy day.
One feels they need to control all aspects of their family and
family business. Saturn's aspect on the 5th house shows late
children especially if in feminine signs, or a fear from risking
money in speculative business. There will be a lot of responsibility
to raise children but the children's career will be stable due to the
10th aspect.

Saturn in the 9th house:

Saturn's 19 year long MD from the 9th house will bring structure
into a person's ethics, higher beliefs, and their thinking will
become more conservative. There will be a sense of responsibility
to fulfill the duties of the father and guru. One will be forced to
regain their belief in a higher cause by strict discipline. Such
structures of religion, philosophy, and spirituality will be heavy
upon the native where even if they do not want to deal with it, it
will be handed down to them. There will be strict teachings from a
guru regarding higher wisdom. Gaining access to higher
institutions will be through hard work and self-effort. No one will
open the door for them, they will have to break down the door to
learn the higher wisdom. There will be an urge to either destroy
their higher beliefs and follow a practical path, or they will break
their old ways to become more traditional; the exact details will
depend upon the sign placement of Saturn.

Saturn's 3rd aspect on the 11th house shows that through higher
knowledge one will be restricted towards making many new

friends. The native will only be attracted towards having a few
highly moral people in their circle. The gains for the native will be
slow and steady, and later in life will increase immensely. Saturn's
7th aspect on the 3rd house shows one finding it hard to
communicate or relate to the siblings due to a lack of
understanding. One may even live far away from their close family
members. Saturn's 10th aspect on the 6th house shows that service
will become the focus of the native's life for these 19 years. They
will enjoy giving themselves to humanitarian work, social work,
and fighting for justice through higher knowledge. They will also
suppress their enemies, and debts will be much less significant
during this time.

Saturn in the 10th house:

Saturn in the 10th house is a very strong position and for its 19
year MD it will bring great stability and a solid position in the
career. Most of the time Saturn can show laborious work, routine,
and redundant work in a factory-like environment. Saturn, if
exalted, in its own sign, or friendly sign, will give a solid
foundation in the career and a high executive position after hard
work. One will be known as a hard worker and a great employee.

There will be slow and steady growth within the career. The native
will enjoy doing administrative tasks during this time, or in being
involved in social welfare or social reform of some kind. There
will be a lot of responsibility upon the native regarding their career
and reputation. One has a constant fear about their image in the
world for the 19 year period. They also give service, duty, and
commitment to the government.

Saturn's 3rd aspect on the 12th house will show one will have to
make great effort to understand their spiritual existence in this life,
however, one will also be able to lessen their expenses themselves.
Saturn's aspect on the 4th house will show great duty and
commitment towards their family, mother, and to raising the
household; while 10th aspect upon the 7th house will show great
success in career, business, and marriage responsibility.

Saturn in the 11th house:

Saturn's 11th house period of 19 years will bring about duty and
commitment to the elder sibling, social network circles, and in
gaining through the approval of authorities and government
figures. This can be a great period where gains of authority and

influence can occur, especially if Saturn receives the mutual aspect
from Venus or Jupiter. The 11th house is the house of gain of
authority and Saturn is the “karma karaka”. Due to the native’s
karma they will gain authority. It can be a huge or small gain
depending on the karmas Saturn gives. During these 19 years the
native will only make friendships with people who are old, mature,
and responsible in their life. A badly placed Saturn can show no
friends or no benefits at all from network circles; in this case the
native will be better off by themselves.

Saturn's 3rd aspect on the ascendant will show the native will toot
his own horn and show more courage than he actually has due to
his lack of confidence in himself. The native will slow down and
take there time in doing physical tasks, and will also get grey hairs
regardless of their age, if Saturn is not well placed. Saturn's 7th
aspect on the 5th house will bring responsibilities to children,
education, and a lack of interest in making any risky investment.
Saturn's 10th aspect on the 8th house suggests a gain through
insurance, wills and estates, as well as gaining through help of
occult sciences or destroying hidden enemies. One will find career
success through the spouse's family as well, or perhaps through her
family connections.

Saturn in the 12th house:

Saturn in the 12th house will give duty and commitments to either
a spiritual organization, foreign governments, or to having
responsibility in multi-national companies. Saturn will decrease
experiences during this time and the native will be on a budget. If
the chart shows other combinations then the native may take up a
position of a warden in a jail or of an anesthesiologist. There is
great administrative work that needs to be done behind the scenes
and the native will feel very introverted during this period. Many
secret foreign trips may be taken with only a few people being
aware of it. There will be more drive to stay up at night and work
rather than sleep. The person becomes a workaholic in this period,
but many people may not see that side. There is little time to dwell
on spiritual matters and more time for working towards them and
bringing them into action.

Saturn's 3rd aspect to the 2nd house shows great responsibility to

the family and a need to show great wealth to others. One will be

very courageous in earning money or at least in boasting about it.
Saturn's 7th aspect on the 6th house shows service will be a key
focus during this time in order to maintain one's sanity. Great love
for small animals will also be seen if Saturn is not damaged. If
afflicted, one will be very afraid of dogs and cats. Saturn's 10th
aspect on the 9th house shows a time of responsibility to the
father, government, and in attaining higher wisdom that is of an
orthodox quality. One will be interested in priesthood if Saturn is
in Pisces or Sagittarius.

The meanings of Rahu and Ketu's periods are taken from my

previous books.

Rahu through the houses:

Rahu in the 1st house:

Rahu for 18 years will bring about a great sense of ego, pride,
inflation of one's image, and a great need to be admired by people
regardless of the cause. There will be many foreign opportunities
coming to the native, and one will feel detached from their birth
dharma and dwelling place. One will feel they need to conquer the
business world for the sake of their self esteem, self worth, and to
live a life of luxury. The native will also become extremely
independent if in air signs or in the sign of Pisces. Rahu shows one
going through many transformations within their physical self; like
an extremely overweight person losing most of their weight. A
person who never wants to travel will suddenly want to travel and
experience life.

Rahu in the 1st house aspects the 5th house. This aspect brings
about either great obsession or disillusionment about children,
politics, and education. They are inclined towards adopting
children from foreign lands, or in conceiving children outside the
boundaries of society; like having children out of wedlock. In
Rahu's mahadasha, one will conceive children in a very unusual
way. It could be anything from artificial insemination, adopting,
having a c-section birth, or through a surrogate mother. Rahu also
brings a very unusual stage performer who dives deep into their
craft and becomes obsessed with perfection. However, these
qualities can be completely dead if the Lord of Rahu's sign
placement is debilitated, combust, or in a planetary war.

Rahu in the 1st house aspects the 9th house of religion, higher
learning, the father, teachings of the guru, wisdom, philosophy,
and long distance travel for education. Rahu's 9th aspect to the 9th
shows that one wants a higher education from a university. One
has a strong desire to be known as a taboo breaking philosopher
and teacher. Rahu also brings his taboo breaking ways by making
someone a fan of foreign religions or studying in distant lands. The
native can pick a subject related to anthropology or other religions.
They may become a foreign diplomat, travel expert, or pursue
mysterious philosophical avenues like the occult. One will also
seek teachers and gurus of a foreign descent.

Rahu in the 2nd house:

Rahu in the 2nd House for 18 years can bring extreme amounts of
wealth through self-efforts, making an impression on people (like
an actor or public figure), and one will also move away from their
nearby family to a completely foreign place. There can be very
unusual problems within the family if Rahu is sitting with a
malefic planet. This period is all about the expansion of self-image
and seeking fame to achieve wealth. There will be plenty of
interaction with the grandparents and one may even get wealth
through them. A foreign person will come into the family during
this period…usually in human form, but people always tend to get
pets during this period, especially cats. If a cat comes into your
home during this period or any period of Rahu, it's a sign of great
luck to come.

Rahu in the 2nd house aspects the 6th house. This brings enemies
in foreign lands and of different religions or cultures. Rahu's
extravagant ways bring debt by overspending to appear rich. Rahu
can also manifest unusual diseases that doctors may not be able to

diagnose. This placement can bring victory over enemies through
unusual, taboo-breaking ways. All malefic aspects on the 6th
house are a good thing. Rahu's nature to amplify issues can bring
obstacles in its Mahadasha. If Rahu's dispositor is strong, then one
will easily prevail. The native may create wealth through enemies
and people of lower realms of society, like criminals and drug

Rahu’s aspect on the 10th House shows that one will have to make
an impact on people in order to make a living. The native has to
“be the product”, and use an unorthodox approach for gains since
the 10th House represents career along with the 2nd House. Since
the 2nd House is 2nd from the 1st, it demonstrates the wealth of the
native, and how it will be created. This aspect shows an unusual
career. One could be in the film industry, in public speaking,
singing, or be a science fiction writer. If they follow a traditional
career path like a doctor, lawyer, or engineer, they will be in
unusual places and situations. They make an impact on clients
through their personality, in order to earn a living. They may have
a good or bad status in society, depending on Rahu's sign
placement, and condition of the sign dispositor.

Rahu in the 3rd house:

Rahu in the 3rd House for 18 years will bring about great interest
in engaging in marketing, sales, and attaining technical skills
involving the hands. One's ego will be overblown and extremely
selfish. Rahu can either bring great benefit from siblings or total
confusion and delusion from them. There is an obsession with
media, online media, and nowadays, social media. This is where
the person becomes obsessive with selfies, wanting to gain
attention on social media through superficial ways that boost their
ego. But the main key during this period is dealing with

Rahu in the 3rd house aspects the 7th house of marriage, legal
partnerships, other people, and trade. This aspect brings about a
foreign spouse. There is a huge deal of interaction with the
opposite sex, sexual obsession, and the need to form a union.
Business and trades occur mostly with foreigners. Rahu’s aspect
gives one the ambition to learn about the legal side of business
partnerships, and how to gain resources through marriage. Rahu
does not deny, nor destroy marriage. A conclusion can only be

reached depending upon the aspect, conjunction, and condition of
the 7th house.

Rahu in the 3rd house aspects the 11th house. The native has
contact with many foreign friends and business minded people
during this time. Rahu will do whatever it can to gain as much as
possible through them. Rahu in the 3rd (upachaya) house means
things do get better with time, and as the MD plays out Rahu will
bring a lot of gains through business, sales, and marketing. The
native wants to lead a large organization and work in scientific
think tanks. Since Rahu also aspects the 7th House along with the
11th House, one will gain through their business partnerships and

Rahu in the 4th house:

The MD of Rahu in the 4th house will take the native to a foreign
and unusual home environment. They may have a foreign or
adopted mother. Rahu brings ambition to the house of home,
mother, and property. The home environment may be full of hope
for the future. Parents can be very encouraging, but the native

needs to realize that hard work is needed to fulfill desires,
whatever they may be. Rahu can make one travel frequently to
foreign lands and one’s mother may also travel to foreign lands
during this period. The Rahu native wants to be the first to attain
parental property and build a large home in this MD. Rahu is still a
natural malefic, and it can make one so obsessed with attaining a
home that they may take an illegal route. They may steal property
from others, if Rahu sits in an enemy sign, or if Rahu's dispositor
is weak, or conjunct another malefic planet. Rahu indicates that
many foreigners will come inside the house whether they have
good or ill intentions during these 18 years.

Rahu in the 4th house aspects the 8th house. This aspect also
brings obsession about obtaining property and assets through
marriage and in-laws. Holding onto secret information is a great
resource and will provide them much in life at this time. The
native can blackmail people for property and vehicles. During the
Rahu period, one will be interested in the occult sciences and
tantric knowledge, but such knowledge will be used to gain power
over others. Rahu is not sincere about information, and always
wants to find a way to gain something from divine secrets. Rahu
can also bring sudden transformations within the home; where
either the native gets a huge home, or suddenly loses their home
and moves to foreign lands.

Rahu in the 4th house aspects the 12th house. This aspect can
bring frequent travel to foreign lands for pleasure, education, or for
property reasons. They find happiness away from home and in
isolated places. Such an aspect can also be dangerous though, as it
can take the native into jails or mental hospitals. Rahu’s aspect
also makes one interested in the psychological side of life, and
they may become a psychiatrist or psychologist in a mental
institution. This placement is about taboo-breaking situations such
as working in jails or going to jails, building an unusual house in
foreign lands, or growing up with foreign parents.

Rahu in the 5th house:

Rahu in the 5th house for 18 years will bring about great changes
to educational interests, children, and in expressing one's creative
interests. There will be interests either towards learning about
software, tarot, or politics. One might have children outside of
their culture as in mixed-race children. There may also be an
adoption during this period especially if Rahu is also in the 5th
house from the Moon. One's children will go to foreign lands to
study and great fame can come during this period by doing
creative activities including entering into sports and political
arenas. Rahu is a very foreign energy and most of the time the
native picks a subject of study that maybe of a foreign or taboo
quality, if no other planets put their influence on Rahu.

Rahu in the 5th house aspects the 9th house. This aspect makes
one interested in the philosophy and religion of other cultures.
They love traveling for purposes of education and learning about
other religious views and countries. Rahu always wants to be the
first at everything, for this reason Rahu wants to take the role of

preacher and teacher. Being a taboo breaker, Rahu may be
involved in occult and foreign religions that are not accepted by
society. The native may convert religions in Rahu mahadasha if it
also aspects the 9th Lord.

Rahu in the 5th house aspects the 1st house. This aspect brings
about creativity, ego, and overconfidence within the native unless
the Sun or Moon is debilitated. The native's personality is very
manipulative and clever. They feel like they have to be the pioneer
in creative or political pursuits. One can go into world politics or
become a member of the United Nations. The life of the native
becomes more about illusion and delusion. They think they are
above everyone else, when they are in fact, beneath. If Rahu is in
Scorpio or the dispositor of Rahu, it can spell loss of identity and
ego for the native.

Rahu in the 6th house:

The 6th House is one of the best placements for Rahu for its 18
year MD. Just like Mars and Saturn, Rahu destroys enemies,
overcomes obstacles, and manages to cure diseases. One may also
be fascinated with studying poison and cures through snake

venom, or just fascinated with the study of snakes (herpetology).
Rahu wants to be the first to cure and operate on people, solve
disagreements, and become the beacon of hope for the poor and
disabled. They want to be known as the one who cures others, or
solves problems of society at large. In the house of crime and
criminals, Rahu excels as the master. The native can smooth talk
their way into any deal, and take care of the ones who don’t
comply. Due to certain yogas, the native may go into the world of
crime. If the yogas are good, then the native can go into the world
of crime, but this time try to prevent it; like a police officer. This
Rahu is a calculative risk taker.

Rahu in the 6th house aspects the 10th house. This aspect makes
the native hungry for power and status. One will defeat any enemy
in order gain their place in high society. The native will climb the
ladder of social success by winning the hearts of the poor and
underprivileged people. One will do whatever it takes to bring
social order and justice to the world. They will do so by providing
medical attention and housing to those who can't afford it. Such a
native is also equally cunning, for they will use anyone, including
the poor, to become rich with status. This placement insures a
public life because Rahu has to make an impact upon people to
make a living. They have to be the face of the company or non-
profit organization. They can be an attorney, and fight for the
rights of non-profit organizations.

Rahu in the 6th house aspects the 2nd house. This aspect shows
one will gain money through enemies. Rahu wants to gain all types
of assets and privileges through social reform. One also gains
through providing medical attention to people. The native can lie
to achieve status, as the 2nd House shows our speech. There is
early separation from the family due to school, poverty, or
enemies. They will try to attain assets and wealth by illegal activity
or dealing with criminals in foreign countries. Many corporations
go into third world countries to find cheap labor. They either pay
the politicians or the mob that controls the area. A CEO with such

a placement can easily make a deal to gain status and wealth,
which can still negatively impact others.

Rahu in the 7th house:

The 18 year period MD of Rahu in the 7th shows obsessions with

finding self-esteem through other people. It wants to be admired
by the opposite sex and society. It seeks a union leading to
increased self-worth and gains. Rahu is about breaking taboos and
in the 7th House, one will marry a foreign spouse or someone from
another cast or creed. This position of Rahu also brings massive
fame during the period that the 10th lord or ascendant is conjunct.
Rahu amplifies the energy of any house or planet it sits with. In
this house there will be constant business dealings with the enemy.
This person wants to be known as a great diplomat or deal maker
since the 7th house represents business. It can provide great results
in terms of marriage, but one will marry someone outside of their
religion or homeland. Rahu, like Ketu, is a very surprising energy.
This can take a native from 0-100 or vice-versa, depending upon
it's condition, such as the position of its dispositor and nakshatra
lord. Rahu does excellent in Magha, Pushya, Satabaishak, and

Abijit nakshatras, with Abijit coming under the degree of Uttara

Rahu in the 7th house aspects the 11th house. The main goal of the
native is to find gains through marriage and legal business
partnerships. This aspect shows that through other people, one will
gain wealth; whether it's a media business, legal partnerships, or
marriage. The spouse will bring gains, but the Lord of the 7th
house should be well placed and not debilitated. Usually, this
placement shows someone who wants to give up everything in life
and let spirituality take over due to Ketu being in the 1st House.
Most of the time, there is always some aspect or planet placed in
the ascendant which mediates the spiritual outcome.

Rahu in the 7th house aspects the 3rd house. This aspect brings an
interest in media and artistic pursuits. One appreciates how much
information others have, and how they can creatively present the
information. Rahu in the 7th House is about gaining through other
people's resources. This can also lead one into some unusual
circumstances with siblings. Rahu wants to use their spouse's
resources, and do business with the local community. They market
themselves through their spouse or business partners. In the house
of skills, hobbies, and media, Rahu wants to promote its creative
abilities to the world and gain wealth. The spouse will also be a
huge factor in helping one achieve their media success.

Rahu in the 8th house:

The 18 year period of Rahu will show the native will be obsessed
with secret documents and information which can be used against
others, but for their own gain. Rahu needs to know all about
government conspiracies, occult matters, and tantric science. This
also makes the individual fascinated with reincarnation and
transformation through great calamities and death in general. The
8th house is about unknown secrets, and Rahu represents foreign
elements. Rahu can create unusual experiences of the 8th house,
like paranormal activity, or Rahu can bring traumatizing
experiences through sexual abuse which may be a secret. They
may become treasure seekers, ghost hunters, or paranormal
researchers. Rahu brings in-laws from foreign lands, and one
becomes obsessed with increasing joint assets. They may want to
be a well known healer, but without the support of other planets, it
can make someone a scam artist in the name of magic.

Rahu in the 8th House aspects the 12th House. This aspect makes
Rahu curious about other worlds and spirituality. Rahu wants to
know about foreign lands, planets, and stars. Rahu wants to expose
these secrets to others and be recognized for it. It wants to be the
leader of secret knowledge. It also wants to be known for spiritual
knowledge which the native may not even fully understand. This
creates a person who will seriously seek spiritual redemption under
a guru in foreign lands. Or, their ego will be overblown, and they
think they have spiritual knowledge without properly acquiring it.
If Rahu has the aspect of Jupiter, or well a placed Saturn, then
Rahu will be under control. Otherwise without a good aspect, Rahu
will cheat his way into becoming a spiritual leader.

Rahu in the 8th house aspects the 4th house. This brings about
great transformations and major fluctuations within the home. The
native and their family may move frequently, or may permanently
settle in foreign lands. Many secrets are kept within the family that
could threaten their reputation. There are unusual situations which
occur between the native and their mother, and they may be
disillusioned with each other. This can result in the native
wandering in foreign lands and away from family and friends. If
Rahu is in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, then it can attain sudden
wealth and property because it’s in a stable and safe earth sign.

Rahu in the 9th house:

During the 18 year period of Rahu MD from the 9th house, the
native will seek admiration for preaching and knowledge of
philosophy and rituals. The individual wants to be known as the
king of rituals and scriptures. They want to break taboos of society
and create their own belief system and religion based on
disillusionment. Their ego is overblown regarding teaching and
preaching, and they think they possess the most valuable and
privileged information. Often this can create someone who may
scam others in the name of God, if Rahu is in a troubled sign. The
native is inclined towards unorthodox means of teaching; like sex,
magic, and the occult cultures of the world. One feels they have a
better philosophical view, and people must follow them. This
placement also brings foreign travels due to religion and education.

Rahu in the 9th house aspects the 1st house. This makes one
overconfident about what they know and how others should
behave. They fail at teamwork which requires shared information.

They want to be the first and only one with all the knowledge
required. For this reason they are too egotistical. Their entire life is
dedicated towards proving to others that they deserve to be
respected as a knowledgeable person; though they know they may
not be.

Rahu in the 9th house aspects the 5th house. The native makes
their children believe that they possess valuable knowledge and
that their philosophy is the right path. This can be really good or
bad for their children. If the parents teach them bad habits, then
they will be worse off. If there is a positive aspect on Rahu, then
one will bring universal and multicultural values to their children.
This aspect also indicates that children will be born in foreign
lands or have foreign genetics. They may attain children through
adoption or even kidnapping them for their own status.

Rahu in the 10th house:

Rahu becomes extremely powerful and inflates the status and fame
of the native during its Mahadasha, as long as the rest of the chart
supports the gain of power. The 10th house represents career,
status, reputation, and the father's wealth. This position gives an

amplified need for status. One wants to be known as the king of
their profession, and will do whatever it takes to climb the ranks.
The native can be a flatterer, and take orders from those who can
move them up the ladder. Internally, Rahu wants nothing but
power and fame, and such superficial friendships are only for
gains. The reputation of the native increases with time as the 10th
house is the upachaya house, which means it grows better with
time. This clearly shows that one will have to make an impact or
impression on others to make a living. This could range from
acting, modeling, magic, theater performing, or by being a widely
known political figure. During the mahadasha of Rahu, one will
experience unusual success, but if the 10th Lord is weak, then
there will be a great distance between father and son. The father
will travel frequently to foreign lands during the native’s youth. In
Aquarius, which is co-ruled by Rahu and Saturn, they can become
a lawful government agent or a successful politician.

Rahu in the 10th House aspects the 2nd House. The 2nd House
represents the profession, voice, food, family, family assets, and
wealth. Rahu easily creates liquid wealth by providing enormous
fame to the native. This also means the native will lie in order to
gain status professionally, and their family will be superficial and
pretentious, without other helpful factors in the 2nd House. Rahu
brings foreign objects and situations into our life. In the house of
family, one is bound to marry someone outside of their cast and
religion, and also break taboos of society. It can bring a situation
where one may have to choose between their family and their

Rahu in the 10th house aspects the 6th house. This brings victory
over enemies, and through enemies one will gain status and fame.
They are forced to eliminate their enemies and obstacles. They will
also have enemies in foreign lands. Rahu's aspect is actually
considered to be good in the 6th house, as it wants to be known as
a curer and helper of the underprivileged. The native becomes
charitable towards non-profit organizations. Rahu is open minded

enough to try new and alternative ways of curing diseases. Instead
of just using old fashioned medicine, the native tries ayurveda or

Rahu in the 11th house:

Rahu in the 11th House is one of the best placements, after the 6th
and 10th House. During the 18 year period of Rahu the native
becomes the master of networking. They want to be part of large
organizations, and rise to the top. Rahu amplifies the size of the
11th House. The native may gain more than they can handle in
Rahu's mahadasha. The native has foreign friends and network
circles, and breaks taboos by joining groups that defy the laws of
society. They may be associated with a gay and lesbian network,
or they have friends who are out of the norm, and out of the box.
This placement gives large amounts of friends who may also turn
out to be quite shady. One must always keep their guard up
regarding who they are coming into contact with.

Rahu in the 11th house aspects the 3rd house. This brings about
courage and willpower to network in large organizations as well as
in the local community. The native is obsessed with announcing

and marketing their plan to make the world a better place. They
love communicating in a big way, and want to present ideas to
large organizations. One will have step-siblings and younger
siblings. The native is also curious about unusual hobbies and
talents. This brings intellect and street-smarts.

Rahu in the 11th House aspects the 7th House. This brings a
foreign spouse or someone outside of their own faith. Gains are
attained through the spouse. This particular aspect shows that one
is obsessed with networking and dealing with the opposite sex.
This is good and bad. It can bring foreign people of the opposite
sex who might tempt the native into having affairs if one is not
fulfilled by their current partner, and if there are no positive
aspects also hitting the 7th House. By interacting with others, they
attain higher knowledge of the world and learn how to do business.
This aspect is great for business partnerships, but one has to be
careful about their urge for sex with many partners.

Rahu in the 12th house:

The 18 year period of Rahu in the 12th house will increase the
imagination and bring an interest in the psychic and spirit world.

The native wants to be the best spiritual and psychic guide to
people. Rahu represents foreign things and other worlds. Rahu
easily makes the native intuitive about spirits, aliens, and UFOs
during this period. The native enjoys foreign travel and culture.
They do whatever it takes to settle in foreign lands or spiritual
sanctuaries. Rahu has the tendency to take shortcuts, and cheat into
spirituality. The native may delude people and themselves into
spiritual and psychic beliefs, and may land themselves in jail. This
occurs if Rahu is in an enemy sign, or the dispositor of Rahu is
debilitated and weak. If the depositor of Rahu is strong by sign
placement in the 6th or 8th House, then it can give channeling
powers. This placement of Rahu can make one a great fiction
author, filmmaker, or stage director. The imagination of the native
travels to other dimensions and creates amazing stories. Rahu
loves aerospace, travel, and being a pilot during this period.

Rahu in the 12th house aspects the 4th house of home and mother.
Their mother may have traveled often to foreign lands, been
foreign herself, been a stepmother, or from a different culture. This
aspect separates the native from their homeland, and brings them
to foreign lands. There is a strong desire to build a home in foreign
lands and spiritual places. If Rahu is in a harsh sign, then it makes
someone a type of home invasion robber, especially in foreign
places. Other planetary alignments need to be present as well, like
a debilitated Mars in the 4th house.

Rahu in the 12th house aspects the 8th house. This brings curiosity
and obsession with death. The native wants to learn about death
and the spiritual realm, and tells others that death is not the end of
the road, but a passage way. In the sign of the Moon, Venus, or
Jupiter, the native wants to be the master of the occult and gain
occult knowledge. There are sudden foreign trips that the native
takes due to surgeries, or for investment purposes. In Rahu
mahadasha, one will find themselves traveling on behalf of in-laws
and marriage. There is also a major spiritual transformation during

the mahadasha of Rahu, but such a transformation only happens
after great upheaval.

Ketu Through the houses:

Ketu in the 1st house

The 7 year period of Ketu brings a loss of ego and self, and the
native turns to spiritual life or a life of exile; if there are no other
planets present in the ascendant, or aspecting the ascendant. They
do not want material comfort or material relationships. In a way,
they become loners, and have weird personalities. They love
spending time in isolation, or with people in spiritual places like
monasteries. They derive their self-esteem and personality through
other people, especially their spouse. They have mystical
experiences during this time and one may lose a lot of weight as
Ketu represents a slim and slender body.

Ketu in the 1st house aspects the 5th house. This brings isolation
and dissatisfaction from basic education and children. They may
be in awkward situations relating to school and children. These
experiences would distance the native from striving for such

things. A woman with this aspect may be highly likely to get an
abortion, in the case of an unplanned pregnancy. However, with
Rahu's aspect, curiosity could lead them to carry on with the

Ketu in the 1st house aspects the 9th house. This brings
dissatisfaction from trying to attain higher knowledge, and now
the native also rejects strict religious and ritualistic ways of
society. One becomes a rebel and wants nothing to do with religion
and school. This aspect also brings in bad blood with teachers and
gurus, and perhaps a lack of teaching from the father. These
experiences occurring in early life make the native run away from
educational and cultural establishments.

Ketu in the 2nd house:

In the 2nd house there can be an MD of turbulent family

experiences involving detachment, or the family abandons the
native during this period. This means one can leave home early on
in life or at the age this mahadasha occurs, because the native
needs to learn the value of spiritual wealth and of self-awareness.
They are unattached to wealth or assets of material value. Money

comes easy for the native because they do not seek it, when they
do not seek something it comes easy for them. They can be very
harsh and straightforward in terms of speech that can hurt others,
since the 2nd house represents speech. Most of the time the native
is misunderstood in their communication.

Ketu in the 2nd house aspects the 6th house. This aspect can make
the family a source of obstacles, and they may be their worst
enemy. Any aspect of a malefic on a malefic house suppresses that
house, but Ketu brings experiences and lessons which are hard to
digest. In such instances, we hear about family murders, but this is
rare. Most of the time, there are major differences of opinion with
family members, and they present obstacles for the native. There is
no love for small animals or pets unless there is an aspect of
another planet present, or the Lord of the 6th house is strong. Ketu
also brings unusual diseases which doctors may not be able to

Ketu in the 2nd house aspects the 10th house. This aspect of Ketu
brings career dissatisfaction. One experiences major fluctuations
with their work and reputation, and they face hardship through the
government or from authorities. One’s father may have been
traveling, and was away from the native's life. Or, the father was
simply not present. The karaka of the father, which is the Sun,
must be evaluated to determine the situation. If the Sun is well
placed, there is physical distance without any damage to the
relationship. They are unattached to work or leadership roles
during this time. They prefer to take the back seat and stay out of
the spotlight. Work can also bring humiliation. If Jupiter is present
in the 10th house, or Jupiter aspects Ketu or the 10th house, then
one may pursue a spiritual career. Ketu can also bring a career in

Ketu in the 3rd house:

In the 3rd House, Ketu disrupts communication during this 7 year

period. There is always some issue making the native walk away
from marketing, sales, or media, and to only communicate with
detachment from such things. If they have younger siblings, they
will be detached from them as well, or one may live far away from
their nearby relatives. Elder siblings bring fluctuations, distance,
and are capable of physically attacking the native. These people
have mastered communication, but in this life, they have no
interest communicating, unless other planets aspect Ketu. If Jupiter
or the Sun aspects Ketu, communication can be successful for
spiritual pursuits. Courage can be lost or put into wrong avenues if
malefics aspect Ketu.

Ketu in the 3rd house aspects the 7th house. This aspect shows
tremendous discomfort and dissatisfaction from the first spouse.
The spouse is unable to fulfill the desires of the native; unless there
is an aspect of Venus or Jupiter upon the 1st house. In this case,
the spouse will be very spiritual. Ketu shows an unusual marital

situation. One may experience sexual abuse, physical violence, or
infidelity. This is very distressing for the native.

Ketu in the 3rd House aspects the 11th House. This brings
dissatisfaction through one's network circle. The native can be
betrayed or cheated by their network. The native can also deceive
their network circle, which may distance them from others. Ketu
gives a harsh type of aspect to the house of gains. One may even
beg for money early on in life, but towards their mid 30's, gains
begin entering the picture. This aspect can make someone a loner
in life, as both the 7th house and 11th house represent other people
and network circles, while the 3rd house represents friends.

Ketu in the 4th house:

In the 4th house, Ketu brings detachment from the mother, or she
passes at an early age. The native may be separated from her only
if a yoga from other planets exists, otherwise the mother may
become quite intuitive during this time period. There is adversity
within the home, and one wants to either run, or face the problem
at a deeper level. If there are supporting planets, then Ketu doesn't

leave, but provides spirituality within the home. There is a lack of
security and peace in the home, which is why the workplace gives
the native peace of mind. They move far away from home when
Ketu is in the 4th house. If they stay in the same city, they face a
lot of adversity and damage to their reputation. If there is a lack of
support from other planets, they will reject ancestral property due
to their own psychological dilemma.

Ketu in the 4th house aspects the 8th house. This aspect of Rahu
brings sudden changes within the home during Ketu's maha or
antar dasha. Secrets of the home are exposed to near and dear ones.
There is dissatisfaction from in-laws, and one has to work for joint
assets with their spouse. This aspect usually makes the native the
sole breadwinner. Interest in the occult is intensified during Ketu's
maha or antar dasha if it runs in their 20's. If the native has this
placement, and Mars is transiting in the 8th House, one can face
car accidents, cuts, or burns. If Venus is in the 8th house, then
there can be sexual abuse in childhood. Due to problems at home,
one may become fascinated with the process of death. This can
make someone a serial killer if the Moon and Mercury are also

Ketu in the 4th house aspects the 12th house. This will drive the
person towards isolation and spirituality during Ketu's mahadasha.
This also insures that one will settle in foreign lands or have
property in foreign lands. If Ketu is debilitated, the native can end
up in jail. Debilitated means that Ketu is in an enemy’s sign like
Leo, Capricorn, or Cancer, but mainly in the signs of the Sun and
Moon. The 4th house represents peace of mind, and if Ketu is in a
harsh position, then it can create psychological issues, landing the
native in a mental hospital.

Ketu in the 5th house:

The 7 year period of Ketu in the 5th House can make someone a
master of politics and creativity; yet distant from academic studies
and the performing arts. This also brings about miscarriages or an
abortion in a female's chart. Ketu’s placement without any aspects
from other planets can show dissatisfaction through children. They
may not want to have them at all during such a period. If Jupiter or
Mercury aspects Ketu, then one goes into research based education
and have children whom they have a past life connection with.
There are many unusual situations that happen in relation to the
5th house which discourages the native to pursue things related to
it. Without the support of Venus or Jupiter, one can have bad
romantic experiences to the point of being stalked. They are lazy
about creativity, children, and education. This is also a bland and
serious position. The native is constantly looking to make network
connections, and doesn't stop to smell the roses.

Ketu in the 5th house aspects the 9th house. This aspect brings a
rejection of higher education if Ketu is the only planet which
aspects the 9th House. One will get into a power struggles and
reject religious philosophy, as well as the mundane philosophy of
the world. The native hates rituals and following religious leaders
unless they promote spirituality. One lacks teachings of the father
perhaps due to traveling for work or education. If Ketu has support
from other planets, or Jupiter sits in the 9th house, then one
becomes a great researcher.

Ketu in the 5th house aspects the ascendant/1st house. This aspect
shows that one loses their ego and personality due to past life
deeds, children, and academic education. They feel lost, and forced
to do things they have no enthusiasm for. This aspect may distance
the native after the birth of their child because they lack interest in
raising them. If the Moon is in the ascendant, then it can show
someone with slightly low I.Q. or depression.

Ketu in the 6th house:

This placement of Ketu creates many conflicts in life during the 7
years of its MD, and the native doesn't want to face or resolve
those problems. They tend to ignore enemies, diseases, obstacles,
and crime, leading them to lose wars to their opponents unless
Mars or Saturn give Ketu support. They have expertise in
resolving conflicts and taking care of non-profit organizations, but
one doesn't have the desire to deal with these matters. They are
obsessed with the spirit and psychic world. The native may end up
in jail by associating with the illegal business of drugs. They can
also associate with thieves, or come into contact with them in
Ketu's 7 year journey. The native does not want to be involved in
social conflicts, but rather wants to escape into their imagination.
If Ketu receives a harsh aspect from Mars or Saturn, then one will
be involved in some criminal activity around drugs or chemicals.
They are normal people who refuse to partake in social revolutions
and matters of society.

Ketu in the 6th house aspects the 10th house of career. This aspect
takes the native into the field where they are forced to use their
psychological ability to heal people. They have unusual situations
at work where one can be accused of doing things they never did,
or put in a leadership role they never wanted. Usually, a lawsuit at
work is seen with this placement. This person would rather be
behind the scenes and do routine work. They have no hope for the
future, and feel their life will be spent in service and dealing with
conflicts they can't escape. The best position for this native would
be to work for themselves without anyone around.

Ketu in the 6th house aspects the 2nd house of family, wealth,
assets, and family history. This aspect shows one's family might be
involved in gambling or illegal activities, and the native goes
through experiences which psychologically separate them from
their family. The family can become the main obstacles in the
native's life. They can also suffer from diseases of the throat and
mouth. The native has no interest in family affairs or family assets.
This can also make someone an alcoholic, or curious about drugs

due to peer pressure. Peer pressure stems from enemies of the
native who challenge them in a negative way.

Ketu in the 7th house:

The native is able to maintain relations with society but has no

interest in dealing with them unless forced to during Ketu's 7 year
MD. They know how to make deals and partnerships work, but
with Ketu, they lose enthusiasm for relationships, marriage, and
business partnerships. They rather concentrate on themselves. The
native meets many partners, but will suddenly feel dissatisfied by
them. They run into situations of physical or sexual abuse, and
their partner’s ignorance makes them sick at the idea of a union. If
no positive aspect of Jupiter or Venus is upon Ketu, then one loves
living a single life. There is also a sense of manipulating the

Ketu in the 7th house aspects the 11th house. One will lose their
friends due to bad relationships, and they are also dissatisfied by
their circle of friends because they feel isolated by marriage or
partnerships. Since Ketu's energy is about our expertise in past
lives, it shows that one can survive the business world by working

without the support of networks and friends. Ketu doesn't block
gains. Rather, it shows no desire to gain in life except through
knowledge and education. If they have younger siblings, there is
animosity towards them. The 11th house represents desire, and
Ketu may bring a desire for more spiritual than material
achievements, unless the 11th Lord is strong or planets are placed
in the 11th house, which would minimize the effect of Ketu's

Ketu in the 7th house aspects the 3rd house. This aspect of Ketu
shows that there is discomfort from younger siblings and close
neighbors, and one has disagreements with their siblings about
whom they should marry. Ketu shows separation from younger
siblings or no younger siblings in life. If Jupiter is present in the
3rd house, one will find spiritual knowledge through siblings, as
well as a spiritual spouse with a long lasting marriage. In the house
of communication, Ketu shows a lack of interest in reporting,
marketing, and gossiping with family members unless another
planet is present.

Ketu in the 8th house:

If you feel like leaving and not returning to earth, and think the
world is mundane and you just don't fit in it, then you may have
Ketu in the 8th house. The 8th house represents death, secrets,
underground and occult worlds, revolutions, transformation,
surgeries, and accidents. Ketu may beg for support and love from
in-laws, but it may never happen in this MD. The native might be
the sole bread winner in the family, making joint assets impossible,
but Rahu gives enough to the native to sustain multiple families at
once. Ketu shows that one was an expert in the occult in past lives,
and knows what astrology, tarot, and magic is all about, and during
this period such things will surface very strongly. They are drawn
towards such mystical sciences. There is hardly any family
inheritance, or any attraction to one's family. They love and
practice the occult, but are not attached to it like other masters.
When the time comes, they let go of it immediately. The 4th, 8th,
and 12th houses are about moksha.

Ketu in the 8th house aspects the 12th house. This brings a sudden
urge to be in isolation and wander in foreign lands for spiritual
pursuits. One is forced into isolation, and finds themselves doing
research on unusual subjects like UFOs, ghosts, aliens, or even
predicting the future. Though Ketu's aspect does not reflect
curiosity, it shows automatic expertise and interest from past lives.
This is why the 8th house of underworld secrets brings a desire to
renounce the world, and go to the final place of souls. If the native
moves to foreign lands, they find spiritual connections that are
more interesting than staying in their homeland. There is never
peace of mind in their home or country.

Ketu in the 8th house aspects the 4th house. This brings separation
from the mother due to traveling and sudden changes in residence
in early life. There is distance and dissatisfaction from the mother,
especially if Ketu aspects the Moon, or is in conjunction with the
Moon. The native had a deprived childhood, and feels better away
from their homeland. If Mars and Ketu both aspect the 4th house,
then there is physical abuse from their parents. Since Ketu aspects

another moksha house, we can be assured that during Ketu's
mahadasha, one completely transforms their life from material to
spiritual, which may trigger the life of a yogi or of a spiritual sage.
This also brings in paranormal activity at home, during Ketu's
mahadasha. In the 8th house, Ketu keeps secrets while aspecting
the 4th house. Ketu has domestic secrets which they will not share
with anyone, and will try to forget.

Ketu in the 9th house:

In the 9th house Ketu rejects religious and philosophical teachings

of gurus, rituals, and beliefs in a man made God for its 7 years.
Ketu in the 9th is a rebel of religion; a placement common among
charts of spiritual people who reject separating the value of souls
based on faith. The native hates listening to their father or guru
when it comes to teachings of society. They want freedom of
expression and religion; perhaps like the chart of the United States
of America. This is a great placement for research on cultural and
religious affairs, or debunking philosophical subjects. Depending
upon the sign, one can be a researcher of science or anthropology.
Ketu has no problem preaching. In the 9th house, he preaches
against the religious establishment. This also distances the native

from their father, but it may not ruin the relationship unless the
Sun is in close contact with Ketu, or Ketu is in the 10th house.
During Ketu’s period, one can travel for education and spiritual
pursuits. They will gain more from spiritual learning than
academic learning at this time.

Ketu in the 9th house aspects the 1st house. This aspect makes the
person skeptical about all things known as “the establishment.”
They question the government, and feel that all institutions are
suppressing human beings. They are completely detached from
such things. There is also dissatisfaction from ritualistic endeavors.

Ketu in the 9th house aspects the 5th house. One finds distant
relationships with romantic partners and children because of their
belief system. They find lovers who are more religious, and
incorporated in religious establishments. If Ketu already makes it
difficult to achieve a higher education, it makes it even harder to
achieve an undergraduate education, in the 5th house. One runs
into strict teachers, and dislikes most subjects. These natives do
well with spiritual teachings.

Ketu in the 10th house:

Ketu in the 10th House can give someone natural leadership
abilities, and make them a spiritual leader at work in this 7 year
MD period. These natives do not like the media or public attention
during such times. There is a need to go inward, in the outer world
of the 10th house. They want to work behind the scenes at guiding
people, like a real professional would who does not seek fame.
They do not care for the limelight, but about success and winning.
The problem is the native often rejects the opportunity to succeed
in status and career, and would rather live in darkness and
isolation. These leaders are not bred in the establishment; they run
against it. They are the whistleblowers and revolutionaries who
cannot stand the status quo. The person has to face many
fluctuations due to Ketu's nature of not caring for status, career, or

Ketu in the 10th house aspects the 2nd house. This brings
dissatisfaction and misunderstandings within the home and family
business. The native has no desire to deal with matters of the
family. They would rather give up family assets and not burden
themselves. Such people are very direct with family, and what they
think of them. If Ketu has an aspect of Jupiter or is in conjunction
with Jupiter, then one will try to guide the family towards charity
and spiritual pursuits. They may have substantial savings in the
bank, and no one may know because they are unpretentious about
it. This aspect usually prevents them from receiving family assets,
and they may be detached from family early on life to make a

Ketu in the 10th house aspects the 6th house. This aspect of Ketu
brings many enemies and obstacles professionally, which is why
they have career fluctuations. Ketu has no desire to deal with
enemies, therefore it never cares to fight them, and surrenders
easily unless Mars is present in the 6th house, which can be a
deadly force. They may not have any opinion about those in
poverty, and do not like small pets. Ketu is annoyed because he is

forced to deal with matters that are of no interest to him. Ketu in
the 10th house might be a good placement for a doctor or healer,
since they are unattached to status or fame; they just want to do
their service.

Ketu in the 11th house:

In the 11th house, Ketu’s MD of 7 years will lead them to reject

their friends, network circles and feel the need to be isolated from
their support system. The native may lack friends regardless of
their needs. The native prefers to live an isolated life. Ketu does
not prevent gains, and the native gains much in life. However, they
feel empty due to a lack of support from friends. One has a very
turbulent relationship with elder siblings, who distance themselves
from the native. They feel they have no friends, or don’t need
friends to survive. They do not want any leadership roles in large
organizations. The native has no desires for material gain; which is
why they can actually acquire the most in life.

Ketu in the 11th house aspects the 3rd house. Ketu’s aspect brings
complete dissatisfaction from media, journalism, and artistic
pursuits. They are disconnected from the media and their own

artistic skills. Ketu brings no attachment to such things, and this is
why they may pursue media and performing arts in a way that
many would reject. There is also an awkward relationship with
younger siblings. The native has no connection with their
neighbors, and if they do, they fight over very small things.

Ketu in the 11th house aspects the 7th house. This aspect of Ketu
may bring many disappointments in marriage and legal
partnerships. The native is incapable of attachment due to bad
experiences in friendships and network circles. They don’t trust
their network and they do not trust their spouses. This aspect
brings very awkward situations with one’s spouse, which
sometimes ruins the reputation of the native in public life, as the
7th house represents the public. One will always find some
dissatisfaction which will quickly push them away.

Ketu in the 12th house:

Ketu in the 12th house is perhaps one of the most positive and
influential positions in a birth chart that can manifest itself during
the 7 year period of Ketu. Ketu is like a final puzzle piece. The
12th house is the final resting place of the soul which passes from

the material world into the spiritual world of other dimensions.
Ketu in the 12th house makes the native feel most comfortable and
attached to spiritual and isolated places. One has already mastered
the art of spirituality in previous lives, whereas this life is about
using psychic intuition to defeat enemies and overcome obstacles.
This placement is about finishing last minute business with
adversaries, paying off debts, and charitable donations to the poor.
They are natural philanthropists. The subconscious mind guides
them in the right direction. Although their artistic vision and
imagination might be blocked, they still know what has to be
accomplished to follow a spiritual path.

Ketu in the 12th house aspects the 4th house. Ketu's aspect from
the 12th house means one had a spiritual upbringing at home.
Although things were simple, there was never great attachment to
the home or homeland. One’s mother was a major spiritual
influence in life, and showed the native how to improve their
intuition. This aspect can detach the native from the mother or
home at an early age, due to their spiritual or artistic pursuits. They
can move to any place and call it home. They always tend to leave
home during their Ketu mahadasha, and permanently settle in
foreign lands or have the spiritual life of a yogi.

Ketu in the 12th aspects the 8th house. This aspect of Ketu on the
8th house shows that one is aware of the process of death and
reincarnation, and is not bothered by it. They have a sense of
completion in life, where the 8th house becomes a 3-dimensional
game of this realm. Ketu is the natural karaka of occult knowledge,
and when it aspects to the house of the occult, they have a natural
gift of guiding people through special powers like psychic vision,
touch healing, astrology, tarot, or mind reading. Ketu is about
detachment, which means the native may have a distant
relationship with in-laws and assets gained through marriage. In
the 12th house, Ketu finally becomes a guide for those who are
fearful of sudden events like death and surgeries. Ketu eases the
pain of others.

Important Note for the Beginner

Now that you know how a planet will react from each house in
their major time periods, we can take the same meaning of planets
and apply it during their Antar, Pratyaantar, and even Sookshma
dashas. When reading a major and sub-period of a planet you want
to see what type of yogas they are forming, especially with each
other. Do the two planets aspect each other, exchange each others
signs, exchange each others nakshatras, or is only one planet
looking at the other planet? You also want to notice if any planet is
transiting and impacting one or all of the sub-period planets,
especially the first 3 (Maha, Antar, and Prayantar) periods.

The Other Time Periods:

In Vedic astrology there are actually more than 65 time cycles

known as dashas. Currently the modern man only uses 26 dasha
systems due to the lost manuscripts, or simply such knowledge is
kept secret in many astrological and religious families. I believe
what we know of Vedic Astrology today is only about 25% of
what is out there. It's simply the watered down version of our
genius sages. But even with the watered down version, the human
mind is capable of unlocking many secrets of this science and can
make extremely accurate predictions of the date of an event.

This book is based on the “king" of time periods known as the

Vimshottari Mahadasha. Is it really the king of time periods? I
believe not. I believe it's just a pop culture saying that has been
passed on for decades, like the use of gemstones in Vedic
Astrology. A good astrologer should use at least 2-3 time cycle
systems to verify the event. I will not be discussing these time
cycles in detail here, but you should at least know that there are
other layers of time working in this single dimension we call our
lives. If the MD and AD shows an accident in a certain year,
perhaps the other time cycle might also show a sudden gain of
wealth in the same year. It could be that winning an insurance
claim from the accident wasn't seen through the MD, but was seen
through a different time cycle.

As mentioned the #1 time cycle is Vimshottari Mahadasha, but

below are some of the other time cycles I am familiar with:

Chara dasha
Kaal chakara dasha
Yogini dasha
Shoola dasha
Lagna Kendradi dasha

Shri Lagna Kendradhri dasha
Panchottari dasha
Niryanna dasha
Mandook Dasha
Sthira Dasha
Ashtottari Dasha
Navamsa Dasha
Shodashottari Dasha
Drig Dasha

The list goes on.

I can confidently say I have not researched on 80% of these dasha

systems. Perhaps in my future life I will be able to spend more
time. Just the mastering of one Dasha to 99.9% accuracy can take
an entire life time. I usually work with Chara Dasha, and Yogini
Dasha. These two dasha systems require their own book due to the
vast amount of information around them.

Chart Study:

This is a chart of random person from my Facebook page. I asked

people to send me their birth information without telling me any
details, and I would do their chart studies in my book. Due to
privacy issues their birth details and names are not being disclosed.
As much as the birth information is not private information in a
general sense, it's an extremely private issue in the astrological
sense. It's like taking someone's personal journal without their
permission and showing it to the world.

Example 1:





We will begin the study of this chart with the first full MD of
Venus, which began from 1960-1980, when they were only 3 years
old. Venus is in the 9th house in Ashwini Nakshatra, conjunct
Mercury, Sun, and Ketu, while receiving the aspect of Jupiter.

Venus is also in an exchange yoga with Mars as they both have

exchanged each other signs. When the 9th Lord and 10th Lord
exchange signs it's known as a Dharma Karma Adipathi yoga.
Venus also rules the 3rd and 10th house in this horoscope, and
creates a Raj yoga with the Sun, as well as a Raj yoga by the
aspect of Jupiter, the 5th lord.

Venus is also less than 2 degrees apart from the Sun, being burnt. I
do not like using the term combust because it hasn't proven to me
by the sheer meaning of it, but being burnt means Venus is
extremely HOT, but can still perform it's duty.

The 20 year period of the native would not have any material
pleasure, but they began their spiritual journey from a very early
age. Venus would initiate the native in higher studies, learning
philosophy, devotion to the father and God, and traveling to long
distance places to learn higher dharma.

This is a day birth and that means Venus automatically becomes

strong. Venus would provide the native with passion towards
higher knowledge and understanding the discipline which comes
through gurukul.

Venus being in Ashwini Nakshatra, which is ruled by Ketu, with

Ketu sitting with Venus indicates that the native would have great
enthusiasm towards leaning about medical science, tarot, and
occult matters.

The divine grace of Jupiter upon the 9th house suggests that the
native walks on a dharmic and pure path of learning, even though
Venus is the lord of a trik bhava (the 3rd Lord), which the classics
say is a malefic house. Knowing this we can see that one will have
to put their own effort into attaining knowledge and that nothing
will come easy. Venus ruling the 3rd and 10th houses and sitting in
the 9th house shows that the agenda of the two houses will be
displayed in the 9th house. The native will have a distant
relationship from their nearby families, cousins, and siblings.
Venus being so close to the Sun shows that one may not enjoy the
company of younger siblings, maybe getting separated from them
very early on, or they may not have younger siblings at all. Rahu
in the 3rd house usually shows that the native is the youngest in
the family.

Venus naturally will make the native creative regardless of what
they study in their life. There will be a natural tendency to express
themselves creatively. They would naturally love to travel and
experience different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. The karaka
of the 9th house, Jupiter, is extremely well placed, and even
aspects the 9th house. This makes the foundation of Venus even

Due to the extreme close conjunction with the Sun, the native will
feel overpowered by the demands of the father. The Father, Guru,
or fatherly figure would play the major role in the native's
development. Duty and discipline would be the first and foremost
law to learn, as Saturn also aspects the 9th house via Rashi aspect.

In this chart we see a yoga occurring known as “Virinchi Yoga”, a

yoga of a person who will eventually walk the path of spirituality.
This yoga occurs when both Jupiter and Saturn are in kendras and
the 5th lord is strong in the 5th, 1st, or 9th house. In her case,
Jupiter is the 5th lord in the ascendant, which is also a kendra
position. Saturn is in the 4th house in a kendra position as well.
Kendras are the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses in Vedic Astrology.

The Dharma Karma Adipathi yoga between Mars and Venus

shows that one will take up religious or spiritual responsibilites as
part of their work.

We must also look at the dispositor of Venus to see how the

foundation of Venus is. Venus is in the sign of Aries, ruled by
Mars. Mars is in the 10th house, the most powerful house, where it
naturally feels exalted. This shows Venus's path would be aiming
towards career and an attaining an authoritative position in life.

Venus is conjunct Ketu, Mercury, and the Sun. This means the 1st,
2nd, 4th, and 11th houses will also be a focal point during this
period. Mercury holds the 2nd house of family, earnings, and

wealth; as well as the 11th house of gains, hopes, wishes, and
desires. The family of this native would travel to a distant place to
provide nourishment to the native in their early stages. Their desire
will be to learn higher knowledge and attain post a graduate
education. They will also make friends in distant places, especially
in religious, spiritual, or educational environments. Ketu co-ruling
the 4th house of happiness, mother, and the homeland shows there
will be separation from family and the things familiar to them.
Saturn sitting in the 4th house shows there was a lack of happiness
and nourishment from the home or mother, but the mother was a
highly spiritual person, due to the Moon being in the 5th house
with the aspect of Jupiter. There would be too much discipline and
rules that the native would have to follow within the home.

Venus is 5th from the Moon which again shows the 20 year period
will focus on education, creative self-expression, and learning
subjects where one can become a counselor, like a psychologist,
lawyer, or a healthcare consultant. There is a natural need for
romance from an early age. It's the hope of romance, love, and
creative self-expression that keeps the native going during this
period; as Venus (from the mind's perspective) becomes a great
creative savior.

The reason we can see great needs for romantic encounters from
an early age is because in the navamsa chart, Venus is in the 7th
house with the aspect of Jupiter (karaka of husband) and this is the
chart of a female.

With respect to career, the native wants to express themselves

creatively in an exotic and unique way as Venus is conjunct Rahu
in the D-10 chart of the career. Regardless of what the native is
doing the first 20 years of their lives, they would dream about
doing creative things.

Finally, in the D60 chart, known as the Shashtiamsha, which holds

the final say on any and everything, Venus is sitting in the 12th

house in Gemini… if the time of birth is accurate, because the D60
chart changes every 2 minutes. Venus here shows that for 20 years
the native will be all about creative imagination, communication,
and traveling to foreign places.

Venus is in the hora of the Sun, which shows Venus is more

receptive towards the father during the 20 year period. From
Venus's perspective (making Venus the ascendant) the 2nd, 5th,
7th, 9th and 12th houses become strong, and so the native doesn't
need to put too much effort in dealing with these houses. This is
another point we must know, the “Dasha Lagna". The Dasha
Lagna is when we make the current MD planet as the ascendant.
Wherever they are placed, take their sign as the ascendant and see
the chart from that perspective.

From Venus's perspective relationships and the need for them

becomes very important and the native does attract people for love
interests even at an early age, though they might not do anything.
Since Saturn is in the 8th from Venus, this shows one will have a
hard time expressing their emotions. One may carry plenty of
psychological baggage during this period on behalf of the mother
and home, since Saturn originally is sitting in the 4th house from
the ascendant.


After Venus would be the Sun MD for 6 years from 1980-1986.

The Sun is in the 9th house with Venus, in the nakshatra of
Ashwini, which shows the energy of the Venus MD would
somewhat carry on in the Sun period, due to them being in the
same house. But this period is going to be all about ego
development and becoming authoritative. The native would shape
their personality after the father. They will be eager to learn about
self-development and becoming Sattwic towards their health; this
is because the Sun rules the ascendant, the 1st house, which is the
body, self, ego, self-esteem, and health.

The development of the ego will come with a price of hard
discipline, duty, and commitment to higher studies and religious
activities, as Saturn aspects the 9th house with it's rashi aspect. The
father would gain high honors and positions in society, but will
also suffer through ego battles with the spouse and the condition
within the home itself. The Sun is beautifully exalted so the native
will have an easier time adjusting to the life of learning and
attaining post-grad education.

From the Moon, the Sun is in the 5th house indicating strong
achievements in education and creative activities. One becomes
quite competitive with their class mates, and wants to be the best at
what they do.

In relationships of all kinds, the native will suffer from a scattered

ego and arguments due to self-pride. The 24th year may see the
native get married, but it has nothing to do with the Sun MD itself.
It's another technique of Bhrigu jyotish I am applying. But the Sun
conjunction with Rahu in the navamsa will crash the ego, or make
the native disillusioned about marriage.

Career wise, the native would shine and be honored in their field
as the Sun is conjunct Jupiter in the ascendant of the D10 chart.
They would've found great inspiration during this period towards
their professional goals and agendas. Being a Rajasic sign, it will
greatly help the native enjoy their position. Being born in the
daytime, the Sun automatically becomes strong.

Overall a period of great responsibility is upon the native and their

father, as well as dealing with foreign gurus and teachers as the
Sun is with Rahu and Saturn in the D60 chart. Due to the aspect of
Jupiter upon the 9th house, however, suggests their will be more
achievements than punishment.

The Sun is in the hora of the Sun itself, so it will overall bring a
good period for academic success. Making the Sun the ascendant
shows one will be prideful during the time of the Sun, and the
aspect of Saturn and Jupiter through Parashara and Rashi aspects
will maintain the Sun's sanity.


The next period will be that of the Moon, from 1986-1996. The
Moon is in the 5th house in Mula nakshatra, receiving the aspect of
Jupiter, Mars, and Ketu. The 10 year period of the Moon will be
quite mixed. First due to being in the 5th house, there will be great
focus and enjoyment from children and in having children. There
will also be feelings of isolation and abandonment from the family
members, this is due to Saturn being 12th from the moon. The
subconscious mind will always be troubled by thoughts of home,
the mother, and dealing with issues of the mother.

Sitting in Mula nakshatra, the mind naturally feels isolated but will
always be attracted towards doing research based studies, as the
nakshatra lord is in the 9th house. Jupiter's aspect will always keep
the native hopeful of the future and inspired to raised children
along with pursuing higher education. But the 10 year period of the
Moon will keep the native occupied within the home, and putting
all their energy and courage into raising children, as Mars aspects
the Moon. This also gives the Moon the stubbornness to deal with
matters of children and education.

The relationship of the native would be okay in standings. The

Moon sitting with Venus in the navamsa will suck the energy of
Venus, making Venus dry like a desert. This is especially so since
the dispositor of Venus and Mercury in the Navamsa is in the 12th
house, with Ketu, in the karmic sign of Scorpio. Jupiter aspecting
the 7th house becomes a saving grace, where even feeling
abandoned in marriage, the native would still be able to carry on
the marriage.

In the career front, there will be great scientific research being
done, and an interest in higher philosophical learning becomes an
addendum to the native's profession.

Overall, the Moon will feel introverted, hiding emotions, taking

great interest in the occult and mystical studies, but being
emotionally drained. The focus of life will be two-fold, children
and studies, as from the Moon chart itself, Jupiter is in the 9th
house, and Ketu is in the 5th house. These are the Moon's two
dispositors. The native would act as a teacher and counselor to
people from all walks of life during this time period.


The Mars period would run from 1996-2003 for this person, as
Mars MD runs for 7 years. This will be the time when the native
will put a lot into the workplace. They will be energetic,
competitive, and willing to take on any authoritative task
professionally. Mars receives the aspect of Saturn and Rahu via
rashi aspect. This is the period of Raj yoga status, as Mars, the
yogakaraka, single handedly creates a Raj yoga. In this chart
particularly, it also becomes part of a dharma karma adipathi yoga,
and creates a Raj yoga with Saturn. Although from Parashara this
is not the strongest of Yogas, as the best yoga for a Leo ascendant
is between the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter. Saturn does give a burst of
workaholic energy to Mars, but Mars keeps its composure, as
being in the rajasic sign of Taurus, Mars takes pleasure and
comfort in the workspace and doesn't feel the need to throw others
from their throne. Mars is at a medium temper but is willing to
work. The dispositor of Mars, Venus, is in the 9th house, which
shows Mars will be involved in higher education or working in a
university type of setting.

Mars is in its own nakshatra of Mirgshira, which is the searching
star. In this period Mars puts it's energy into searching for meaning
at work, and in researching in a scientific field. Sitting in it's own
nakshatra, Mars becomes strong and provides stability to the

Mars is in the hora of the Sun due to its degree placement, but
Mars is in the 10th house which is the house controlled by the
Moon hora; so Mars gains strength but feels the need to work
during the night with such a placement. The native would feel
more energetic after sunset.

The native takes a center stage in their marriage and relationships

but this is due to the respect they get at work, since Mars is in the
10th house of the Navamsa. There would be an increase in
reputation for the person, and a lot of time spent at work, as
opposed to dealing with the task of marriage. Mars finds a great
deal of strength in controlling the lives of children and in bringing
transformation to them by making them competitive. This is due to
Mars being in the 5th house in Scorpio in the D60 chart. Mars
finds a great amount of joy in service and in creating professional
relationships, as it sits in the 6th house of the D10. This is the
placement where Mars destroys his enemies at work by working
with diplomacy.

During Mars's period, the major focus and attention will go

towards working behind the scenes in hospitals or laboratory
settings and places, as Ketu, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun go into
the 12th house. Marriage brings in a lot of responsibilities and a
lack of passion, as Saturn goes to the 7th house in Scorpio. There
is more attention being paid to building joint assets and finances,
then there is to passion.

Study from the Moon:

From the Moon, Venus is in the 9th house as well, so it will give
the same results from her mind's perspective and from her
emotional self. The same goes for the Sun, Mercury, and Ketu
period. From the ascendant and the Moon chart, they are
controlling the same houses. The Moon MD would also be the
same since the Moon is in the ascendant during her time of birth.

From the Moon, Mars goes into the 6th house. Being the lord of
the 4th and 9th from the ascendant would give struggles with the
home life and higher education. Mars will prevail victoriously
though, as being a malefic in the 6th, he would destroy all
obstacles and enemies. But from the Moon, Mars controls the 5th
house and the 12th house. Lots of effort would be needed to raise
children during this period. Raising children would affect the
native's muscles, but children would be very competitive during
this period, regardless of their own dasha at work. The native will
also focus on their health through spiritual sourness and will be
dealing with healing others. Saturn looking at Mars from 12th
house will bring money through service and work. Lots of effort
would be required to maintain work. There would also be foreign
trips taken, or the native will feel a bit lost in regards to their

From the Moon, Rahu is in the 11th house. Rahu would bring
about unusual friendships and connections with people, both
professionally and personally. The native's material desires would
also be accomplished during this period, as Rahu, the great
malefic, is in an upachaya house from the Moon. Co-ruling the 3rd
house from the Moon, Rahu will bring gains to and from siblings if
there are any.

The Dasha Lagna:

If we take this native’s Mars and make it the ascendant and study
the chart from Mars, we will see naturally that Mars is on the head.
Ketu, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun go into the 12th from the

Moon. This period will show great energy being put behind the
scenes working in either hospitals, laboratories, or isolated places.
One will feel a loss of self due to work, since Taurus is the sign
from the Dasha lagna.

Saturn being the 7th from Mars shows a lot of discipline, structure,
and duty will be required to maintain marriage and deal with the
spouse. There could be a sudden attainment of property or a move
from the dwelling place, due to Jupiter being the 4th from Mars
and ruling the 8th and 11th houses. There will be overall optimism
within the home, which will balance out relations with the spouse.

Rahu as the dasha lagna will show great passion and love for the
spouse and a main focus will be in building financial assets with
the spouse. The Moon being 3rd from Rahu shows that the mind
will be focused on information, writing, and media. There will be
lots of short travels during the 18 year period, knowing that the
Moon is the karaka of travel, and the 3rd house is a house of travel.

There will be gains through service, jobs, and writing, as Jupiter

will be 11th from Rahu, ruling the 3rd and 6th house. The Family
will be on a budget and one will be implementing rules and laws
within the home, which will be followed with discipline as Saturn
goes to the 2nd from the house. There will be an attainment of
jewelry and gems, while gains will also come through chemicals,
medicine, and dealing with research.

Antar Dashas:

Let's take some antar dashas from each MD I mentioned so that

you can understand how to study sub-periods.

The Moon-Mars period from March 1987- October of 1987:

This period will have a tendency towards getting pregnant as Mars
rules the 9th house of children and aspects the Moon back in the
5th house. There could be a focus on work and research, but not

for long. The native will be quite agitated and aggressive towards
work conditions since Mars is directly influencing the mind. There
can be success at work but the main focus of the native would be
to have children.

This antar dasha between the Moon and Mars is natural, for this is
why it will give neutral results. In studying dashas, Mars and the
Moon become temporal enemies, but since they are good friends,
they stay neutral to each other. This concept is part of Vedic
Astrology, as any planet 3 places from the left and 3 places from
the right become temporary friends, and the rest are enemies.
When two best friends are near each other, (less than 3 houses
apart) then that major and sub-period brings great results. If
enemies become temporal friends, then they stay neutral to each
other. If two enemies become temporal enemies as well, then the
period can bring great challenges and struggles. There will be
issues related to the mother's health as well, since the 6th lord is in
the 4th house, looking at Mars, while sitting in Mars's house.

The Moon-Rahu period from 10-21-1987 to 4-21-1989:

Rahu and the Moon are 3 houses apart, we know the Moon is a
bitter enemy of Rahu, but in this case they are temporal friends;
they both become neutral to each other. This period of Rahu and
the Moon will be all about doing creative and artistic things. Rahu
will make the native attain creative skills with their hands, as well
as get interested in media, movies, and art. The native will also
take trips to exotic places within the city or state limit.

Moon-Jupiter from 4-21-1989 to 4-21-1990:

This is perhaps the best period of the native's life. There will be the
birth of children, and feelings of inspiration, wisdom, optimism,
and hopefulness. The native will be recognized in their field of
work and have great luck if children are born. The spouse's career
will also flourish. The native can also discover things at work
which others may not be able to find, as the 8th lord is in the 1st

house. Jupiter will help expose hidden enemies during this period,
but mainly it's a period of prosperity.

Rahu-Saturn from 6-26-2008 to 5-2-2011:

During this period, the native will be forced to deal with
psychological issues related to the Mother. The Mother's health
will also be in question, as Saturn rules the 6th house. There will
be a battle fought within the home or relating to the mother.
Extreme amounts of competitive spirit will also be there at work,
and long hours of work may keep the native away from home. The
spouse may also get involved in the mess and fight related to the
native's mother or home. Interest in politics will surely be there.
There will be a pilgrimage taken during this time as well, since the
nakshatra lord of Saturn is in the 9th house.

I hope this one example has given an in-depth understanding of

how you can judge a mahadasha. The study of this concept cannot
be more simplified. If you know even the basics of astrology up to
the nakshatra then you can easily see a the current planetary time
period and see how it's operating in the native's life.




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