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General Education 5


College of Arts and Social Sciences
University of Southern Mindanao
Authors’ Declaration

No part of this material may be reproduced or utilized in any form or

by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from the University of Southern Mindanao.

Copyrighted text, images, and illustrations found in this material

were solely used for educational purposes only in accordance with
the fair use policy stipulated in RA 8293.
Quality and relevant education for its clientele to
be globally competitive, culture sensitive and
morally responsive human resources for
sustainable development.

Help accelerate socio-economic development,
promote harmony among the diverse cultures and
improve quality of life through instruction,
research, extension and resource generation in
Southern Philippines.

Core Values

Assertion of RIGHT and
1. Accelerate the advancement of knowledge to favor the
promotion of mental health, improvement of care, and
enhancement of quality of life;
2. Provide leadership in the promotion of peace, development and
justice thru instruction, research, extension and resource
3. Develop communicative competence and embody nationalism in
multilingual and multicultural settings; and
4. Produce globally competitive graduates who uphold excellence,
moral integrity and compassion to contribute in nation building.

1. To provide programs of instruction and professional trainings
primarily in the fields of science and technology, especially in
agriculture and industrial fields.

2. To promote advanced studies, research, and extension services and

progressive leadership in all fields of agriculture, including
agribusiness, foods and nutrition, fishery, forestry, animal and
veterinary sciences, engineering, industrial education, and other
courses needed in the socio-economic development of Mindanao.
3. To develop courses at the graduate level responsive to the manpower
needs of development-oriented agencies in the region.
4. To provide non-formal education and undertake various extension
programs in food production, nutrition, trades and industries,
engineering, health and sports development, and to offer scholarships
and/or part time job opportunities to the socio-economically deprived
but deserving students.
Quality Policy Statement

The University of Southern Mindanao, as a premier university, is

committed to provide quality instruction, research development and
extension services and resource generation that exceed stakeholders’
expectations through the management of continual improvement efforts
on the following initiatives:
1. Establish Key Result Areas and performance indicators across all
mandated functions;
2. Implement quality educational programs;
3. Guarantee competent educational service providers;
4. Spearhead need-based research outputs for commercialization,
publication, patenting, and develop technologies for food security,
climate change mitigation and improvement in the quality of life;
5. Facilitate transfer of technologies generated from research to the
community for sustainable development;
6. Strengthen relationship with stakeholders;
7. Sustain good governance and culture sensitivity; and
8. Comply to customer, regulatory and statutory requirements.
“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way
we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our
communication with others.”
-Anthony Robbins

College is perhaps the most demanding phase of your life, so far. It is also the
most rewarding and the most memorable. College will mold and prepare you for the
career path that you would want to pursue after graduation. Thus, it is very important
to equip yourself with skills that would make you through university life.

The one of the most important skills you need to develop in school is
communication. Developing good communication skills will help you ace your way to
college. Communication is not just about talking; it is also about listening, viewing,
reading, writing and presenting – skills that you will also use in all your other course
work. Good communication does not happen overnight; it is a product of learning and
constant practice.

Purposive Communication (GE-5) is a complete communication course

intended to help you with college work while immersing you in relevant cultural and
global issues. It teaches the macro skills of listening, speaking, viewing, reading, and
writing in the modern context of the world wide web, globalization and cultural
interculturalization. It teaches the use of the English language in spoken and written
communication, globalization and intercultural communication, evaluation of images
and messages, communication with the aid of technology, multimedia
communication, and academic writing. The graduated and systematic presentation
of the lessons is designed to integrate communication with academic coursework and
modern living which is expected to produce a multimedia presentation and an
academic paper.

Your quest for a bright future starts the moment you teach yourself to learn.
Do not put your thirst for knowledge to rest. Learn on your own, learn with others,
learn from your teachers; but more importantly, learn to use what you have learned.
Describe cultural and global issues affecting
communication through a multimedia presentation
Major Output Multimedia Presentation
CO2 Summarize the principles pf academic structure
Major Output Academic Paper Introduction

Computation for Midterm Grade:
Oral and Written Activities 20%
Midterm Exam 30%
Multimedia and Oral Presentation 50%
Total 100%

Computation for Final Term Grade:

Final Term Exam 30%
Written Assessment 35%
Multimedia and Oral Presentation 35%
Total 100%

Computation for Final Grade:

Midterm Grade (CO1) 50%
Final Term Grade (CO2) 50%
Total 100%
Class Policies
1. Written outputs should be well-written and must follow given specifications.
Honesty and integrity in ideas and content should be exercised; there will be no
consideration for plagiarism.
2. Work diligently on your module activities and written tasks. Prompt submission will
earn extra merit; while late submission will only earn minimum points.
3. Students are expected to practice independent learning but are still encouraged to
consult with the teacher. Teacher will be available for consultation and advisement
during the given consultation period and can be reached thru the given contact


Getting to Know the University of Southern
Lesson 1: 1

Lesson 2: Effective Written Communication 11

Lesson 3: Globalization and Intercultural Communication 17

Varieties and registers of Spoken and Written

Lesson 4: 26

Lesson 5: Evaluating Images and Messages 37

Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of

Lesson 6: 40

Lesson 7: Creating Multimodal Texts 50

Lesson 8: Communication for Work Purposes 61

Lesson 9: Writing an Academic Paper 83

Appendices 103

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