Sample Chart

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DOB: 4 May 1986

TIME: 1.14 am


Some terms:

Nakshatra: Star constellation.

Lagna: Your ascendant.

Moon ascendant or Rashi: where your Moon is placed at birth.

Conjunction: where 2 planets are joined in a house

Aspects: where a planet casts some of its energy with another planet due to its placement.


Ascendant: Capricorn

Ascendant Lord: Saturn

Birth Moon or Rashi house: Aquarius or Kumbha

Rashi Lord: Saturn

Your ascendant is in Capricorn.:

People having a Capricorn ascendant have a materialistic and practical mindset. They are patient,
persevering and can be distant. They have a tendency towards negativity and depression. They are
materialistic in approach, very ambitious and hardworking.

Saturn here owns the sign Capricorn and

Dhanishta Nakshatra for Lagna or Ascendant:

Dhanishta Lagna people feel a sense of duty acutely.

Your Moon Rashi is in Aquarius:

Aquarius as an alternative rising sign, is a sign which is also a humanitarian by nature. They are
independent, talkative, original, idealistic, workaholic and can be perceived as eccentric and inventive.

Moon is in Purva Bhadra nakshatra:

Moon placed in this Nakshatra will make the people with this placement feel a lack of self-confidence.
They can be spiritually minded, they want to find answers with their newly found spirituality. Saturn
here can create restrictions for the people born with Moon here.
The houses and planets in them:

The first house:

The first house is the house of your self and your personality.

Your first house has no planets in it and is owned by Saturn. Saturn is in the 11 th house and is strong for
you. 11th house is a growing house in that it gets better with time.

Saturn signifies slow growth, being methodical, being organized and serious.

The second house: earnings, inheritances, family.

The second house of earnings and inheritances is in Aquarius sign and has the Moon and Jupiter in it.

Moon in 2nd indicates: being unstable or emotional about your earnings. The Moon here is considered
weak as it is near the Sun. The mind can become depressed as Moon is in Saturn’s house, and this
combination can create a sense of depression.

Jupiter in 2nd indicates: that your earnings will increase with your wisdom. Here Jupiter is in Saturn’s
house and it indicates a constriction of earning power. Jupiter’s expansive behavior will be controlled in
Saturn’s house.

Ketu aspects (5th aspect) this house: Ketu usually causes obstacles wherever he aspects or is in the
house. In the 2nd house he can cause harsh speech, misunderstood speech, disturbances to earnings.
This situation can improve with maturity and time.

Jupiter Moon conjunction: this conjunction helps the moon as Jupiter will help to expand the Moon’s
emotions as Saturn constricts. This can sometimes create confusion though in your house of earnings.

Jupiter in Purva Bhadra nakshatra: People with Jupiter in this placement have to understand how to use
their wisdom for higher matters. They need to trust their own inner voice and wisdom.

Moon in Purva Bhadra Nakshatra: Moon placed in this Nakshatra will make the people with this
placement feel a lack of self-confidence. They can be spiritually minded, they want to find answers with
their newly found spirituality. Saturn here can create restrictions for the people born with Moon here.

The Third House: Siblings, communication and short travels.

The third house of siblings, communication and short travel is in Pisces and has Mercury in it. Mercury is
debilitated in this position. Mercury is a little weak in your chart and is not that effective here.

Here your communications can be confusing, you will have trouble sometimes expressing yourself and
your needs. Your analytical ability might be affected. As this planet is Vargottama, in same position in
Navamsha chart, it becomes strong in its significations. Mercury here may make you feel restless and
unsure. You may make some wrong decisions based on this placement.
Mercury is in Revati Nakshatra: People with Mercury placed here are not good in material matters and
need to train themselves to be practical. They can be profound thinkers.

Ketu casts a 5th aspect here: Ketu casts an aspect on Mercury here can create a block to Mercury’s
abilities as Ketu usually creates blocks where he is placed for development.

The fourth house: Mother; homeland; emotions

The fourth house has Rahu and the Sun in it in Aries sign:

Rahu is not that beneficial in the beginning of life, and Rahu in the 4 th house of home, mother and
homeland can indicate some troubles and conflicts at home while you were younger. Separation from
home and mother is indicated here.

Sun and Rahu together usually indicates that Rahu will make the Sun become like itself. There will be
emphasis on ego, ego battles, using deception at home.

Sun in Aries here is exalted which again indicates a person who has a strong ego and wants to be famous
or respected. As long as the ego does not go overboard this placement is good.

Rahu is in Ashwini Nakshatra: As rahu is moving back into another sign, it can be life-changing for people
with this placement if they understand the patterns of behavior that are being repeated as lessons. It is
a difficult position but will change them completely if they understand this.

Sun is in Bharani Nakshatra: The sun here will make people strong but at the same time creative and
soft. They can compromise their independence to be with someone.

The fifth house: romance; friendship; short term relationships; creativity; the mind.

Venus is in the 5th house of Taurus: Venus is in its own house in Taurus, and as Venus is the planet for
love and relationships, especially for males, you will be able to have relationships easily and will be
attractive to women.

Here Venus in its own house, which will give you the desire for a comfortable lifestyle. You can be fairly
creative if you put your mind to it.

Venus is in Rohini nakshatra: venus in this placement makes the person pleasure seeking and happy in
it. They can be creative but in a practical way and comfortable in life.

The sixth house: Disease; obstacles; enemies.

The 6th house of Gemini has no planets in it and belongs to Mercury: as Mercury is debilitated in your
chart. It might not give you the strength to fight off your enemies. You might have a nervous disorder
as in thinking nervously or worry about things unnecessarily.
It has the 7th aspect of Mars on it which can help to fight off enemies and win against them. However,
Mars can add aggression to the nervousness.

Ketu casts a 9th house aspect here: again ketu will cause some issues here with regards to enemies
(hidden usually) or your mind or diseases and obstacles.

Jupiter casts a 5th house aspect here: it will assist to a certain extent, though Jupiter can cause you issues
in your spirituality it may help you with your obstacles placed in this house.

The Seventh house: is your house of spouse, long term relationships and partnerships.

The seventh house of Cancer has no planets in it and is owned by the Moon who is in your 2 nd house.

Your partnerships or relationships whether romantic or business, can be connected to earnings. There
will be earnings with partners.

The Eighth house: hidden matters; secrets; occult matters

The 8th house has no planets and is owned by Leo and the Sun which is in the 4 th house.

The 8th house is for secrets, occult powers, hidden earnings. There may have been secrets and secret
arguments in your family home. Some hidden matters which people outside may not have known

Rahu casts a 5th house aspect: Rahu will give you obsessions in this area of the 8 th house and wanting
status and recognition as in Leo’s house.

The Ninth house: long journeys; pilgrimages; gurus; father; dharma.

The 9th house of Taurus has no planets in it and is owned by Mercury in the 3 rd house:

The 9th house is for long travels, spiritual pursuits your father or gurus. Mercury is aspecting this house,
is debilitated and owns this house.

Mercury is the planet of communication and mental analysis and therefore you may tend to mentally
and intellectually analyse religion or dharma or your spiritual inclination.

The Tenth house: Your public image; profession; occupation.

The 10th house has Ketu (the south node of the moon in it) is owned by Libra and Venus: The 10 th house
is your profession, public image and how you achieve your goals. Your profession will be ruled by Ketu
which tends to make you disconnect from matters. Ketu creates obstacles, which at first you will want
that profession and public image and later will make you disregard it.

Ketu is in Chitra nakshatra: Ketu here can have access to higher wisdom if the person wants to pursue
that path.
The Eleventh house: Gains; profits; your wider social circle.

The 11th house has Saturn retrograde in this house owned by Scorpio and Mars.

Your gains and profits and your wider social circle and reputation is affected by the Saturn placement.
Saturn in retrograde position indicates karma that needs clearing. Saturn is your ascendant sign and will
always help you as well. Even though the profits and gains will be disturbed by this Saturn placement
you will eventually have gains, as Saturn is a slow planet and any gains will take time. Saturn is also
Vargottama as is in the same position in the D9 chart, and therefore the effects will be strong of this

Saturn is in Anuradha nakshatra: Here Saturn will force the people to maintain a work ethic and be

The Twelfth house: losses; isolation; liberation; isolated places.

The 12th house is owned by Saggitarius and has Mars in it. Mars owns your 4 th and 11th house and is not
so good for your ascendant. In the 12 th house it will not cause that much harm as it is a malefic placed in
a negative house.

Mars is in Purva Ashada: Mars placed here finds both weakness and strength. Sometimes it causes lack
of direction and Mars can be unsure of what action to take next. They have strong underlying passions
and desires.

The planetary time periods:

Mercury Dasha or timeperiod:

You are currently undergoing the mercury dasha period. This activates your houses owned by Mercury
which are the 6th house and 9th and the planets they contain. It will activate the 3 rd house where
Mercury is currently placed.

Mercury – Mercury period: 22/6/2020 to 19/11/22

During this period it will be important to use your communication or wit or analytical ability. This period
usually makes a person be interested to study and learn subjects.

Mercury –Ketu period: 19/11/2022 to 16/11/2023:

During this time you might feel tempted to let go of current commitments. It is an intense period.

Your Atmakaraka planet:

Your AtmaKaraka planet is Mercury which signifies your soul’s yearning. People with Atmakaraka
Mercury want intellectual development and are analytical. They want to communicate and analyze
everything, and usually do not honor their instincts.

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