Excessive Usage of Mobile Phones and Its Effects in Our Health

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Excessive Usage of Mobile Phones and its Effects in our Health

By D.M V

Mobile phones have made our lives more convenient, easier, and enjoyable,
which is why we use them so frequently. Almost all of us use our phones every day.
When we wake up, we often reach for our phones to check the time or a notification. If
we wanted to communicate with someone, we could pick up our phones, compose a
message, and send it right away. It also serves as a conduit for our work and business
transactions. It also includes some form of entertainment. Scrolling through social media
accounts has become a part of our daily routine, and for many, it serves as leisure time.
Most of us are so reliant on our phones that even losing them for a day can be
inconvenient. It shows how much we rely on technology and how much it is ingrained in
our daily lives. But, as they say, too much of anything is bad for us. The same is true for
cell phone use. Excessive use of this phone is harmful to our health.

There are approximately 3.5 billion Smartphone users worldwide. The specific
reason for the situation is that many people prefer to use it because it is more
convenient than other devices. The recommended daily phone usage is at least 3 hours
and 15 minutes. However, this is consistently exceeding. Top mobile phone users
spend at least 4 hours and 30 minutes per day on their phones.

There have been reports of fatalistic health effects from using mobile phones.
Excessive mobile phone use contributes to some musculoskeletal issues. We hold our
heads in an unnatural forward-leaning position when we use our phones, putting a lot of
strain on our neck, shoulders, and spine. Sleep patterns are also affected. The blue light
emitted by phones can suppress melatonin and disrupt your circadian clock. It made it
difficult to sleep and made me less alert in the morning. Excessive cell phone use can
also cause psychological and physical problems, such as eyestrain and difficulty
focusing on tasks.

Some solutions may assist us in reducing our reliance on mobile phones. Before
we pick up the phone, we must first think. Is it necessary at this time? If it isn't, we can
put our temptation aside and focus on our responsibilities instead. Distracting apps
should be deleted or eliminated. Minimize using your phone before going to bed
because it may interrupt your sleeping pattern. Instead, use it while maintaining
excellent posture.

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. It may have some
disadvantages, but we cannot deny that it has many positive effects. Knowing the
negative consequences of excessive use of this can help us take the necessary steps to
avoid them. Identifying its side effects and knowing what to do may assist us in devising
more effective methods of using it so that we can continue to enjoy the benefits it

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