Where Is My Life Going? To Answer That, I Need To Know What I Wanted To Do in My Life

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Quo Vadis of My Life

One day, I tidied myself up. I pick my favorite clothes and wore it on. I even
sprayed a perfume all over my body. My cousin curiously asked, “Where are you
going?” I simply answered. “To a friend’s house” As I answered that, I thought she won’t
asked anymore but then she followed it by asking “Why? What purpose? Why are you
preparing like that?”I simply answered my purpose and left but with that simple
conversation, I realized something. I can only find out the place I’m going to take, I can
only tell where I am going when I already know what to do or what my purpose is.
Where is my life going? To answer that, I need to know what I wanted to do in my life

Growing up in a rural area, different things that is modern and advance always
fascinates me. I always wanted to produce the same thing, or give knowledge on
different things to people around my community. I want to receive love and acceptance
from them in that way. That’s the reason why I really wanted to graduate and take up
the course, Chemical engineering. It’s about innovation and discovering new things so I
feel like it suits me. Once I get that job, I planned to buy things that I can’t have right
now as I think it will make me happier. At that moment, I promise to myself that my life
will take the path to that profession. That is my destination. That is where my life is
going to be.

You see, when talking about where my life is heading before, first thing that
popped out to my mind is graduating, getting a job, and having luxurious things. But
after a series of self-reflecting, to be honest, I think it is not the main part. Life is more
complicated that it seems. If we’re going to think profoundly, those things are just a
façade of my real purpose; just a façade of what I truly wanted, and that is happiness
and love.

As a human person with emotional and social needs, my life is going to where
there’s happiness on it. As a human person, my purpose in life is to love and to give
back the love I receive. As long as I live, I’ll always seek for those and find the path to
that destination no matter how tough it is.

Where’s my life going? My life’s going in a destination where I can achieve

happiness and love in the end. As it is what I wanted.
Diana Marie R. Vetonio

STEM 12- Regalario



1. D
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. D
16. D
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. C

Explain the meaning of “Live your life as if it is your last”. Write your
essay below.
“Live your life as if it is your last” means living each day as if it
matters. We never know what’s just around the corner, good or bad, so
we should take full advantage of every moment that we had. It’s about
making the most out of our life.

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