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Referring to Figure 2,3 and 4, we can see the trenches of the Philippines, the Philippine Trench, Cotabata Trench and Sulu Trench, Negros Trench, connected to Manila Trench and the East Luzon Th ich, The Philippine Fault Zone has many segments, ia Mindanao, thie fault traverses Davao going to Surigag (Davao, Agusan dal Sur. Agusan del Norte and Surigag). We have the Lianga Fault Segment ard Mati Fault Segment. We also have Central Mindanao Fault 2nd Cahanglatan Fault: We alco have the ME(Mindana0 Fault): Western Mindanao Extension slo nown ae Cotabato Sindangan Fault and aloo the Laman Fault System. 2. List dour the major eathquake geacrators in Mindanao and desribe cach generator in tenns of te ype and size Answer: ‘The Major Earthquake Generator n Mindanao are the following, 1) Philippine Trench 2) Philippine Feit Zone 2) Central Mindanao Fault 9) Cotatete-Sindangan Fault 5) Gatabata Trench 6) Sulu Trench 1) danaa Fault Systom Figure 2. Earthquake Generators in the Philippines, ‘There are also Faults and Trenches in Mindanao area (refer to figure 2 above), like ‘the Catabato-Sindangan Fault and trenches which are the Cotabato Trench and the Philippine Trench (East of the Philippines) which both are considered Sub-ducting Plate. That is the tectonic setting of Mindanao, The Philippines as a whole is sandwiched by trenches, we have the Philippine Trench and the East Luzon Trench in the East and in the West, and we have the ‘Manila Trench down to Negros, Sulu and Cotabato, The mass of the Philippine Archipelago is being compressed by two Sub-ducting plates.

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