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T-Flip Flop

The T Flip-Flop
The essential characteristic of a flip-flop is that it changes its output state in
response to a positive or negative transition on the control signal. But there
is more to a flip-flop than this: we also have to define the input-to-output
relationship. This is why there are different types of flip-flops; they are all
sensitive to clock edges, but they perform different actions in response to
the input states.

The “T” in “T flip-flop” stands for “toggle.” When you toggle a light switch,
you are changing from one state (on or off) to the other state (off or on).
This is equivalent to what happens when you provide a logic-high input to
a T flip-flop: if the output is currently logic high, it changes to logic low; if
it’s currently logic low, it changes to logic high. A logic-low input causes the
T flip-flop to maintain its current output state.

Here is the same information in truth-table form:


A T flip flop is known as a toggle flip flop because of its toggling operation.
It is a modified form of the JK flip flop. A T flip flop is constructed by
connecting J and K inputs, creating a single input called T. Hence why a T
flip flop is also known as a single input JK flip flop.
The defining characteristic of T flip flop is that it can change its output
state. You can change the output signal from one state (on or off) to another
state (off or on).

The clock signal must set high to toggle the output. When the clock is set
low, the output remains as it is whether the input signal is set high or low.
So, to change the output condition, the clock signal has to be high.

The graphical symbol of T flip flop is as shown in the below figure.

T Flip Flop Truth Table

T flip flop is a single input flip flop. Along with this input, we need to give
a clock signal to the flip flop. The T flip flop only works when a clock signal
is high.

When the T signal is set low (0), it will not affect the present state of the
output and the response will not change.

When the T signal is set high (1), if the present output status is also high
(1), it converts into low (0); if the present output status is low (0), it
converts it into high (1). It means it will toggle the output signal.
The below table shows the truth table of T flip flop. In this truth table, we
have assumed that the clock signal is set high for all operations. Q n
represents the present state and Qn+1 represents the next state of the output.

T Qn Qn+1

0 0 0 Unchanged/hold

0 1 1 Unchanged/hold

1 0 1 Toggle

1 1 0 Toggle

T Flip Flop Circuit

There is no IC available for the T flip flop. Generally, it is modified from the JK flip flop.
The most common IC used to make T flip flop is MC74HC73A (Dual JK Flip Flop).

T flip flop can be derived from JK, SR, and D flip flop. The easiest way to
construct a T flip flop is from a JK flip flop.

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