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26 PART | INDIVIDUALS AS LEADERS (On the fine before each statement write for yes or N for no. | enjoy meeting new deople. Im good at remembering people's names. 3. When | meet new people, I learn their names and call them by name. Im interested in and wiling to improve my abllty to remember anc use names. —2 — If you answered yes to Questions I-3, you have developed some skill in this area, Your answer to Question 4 indicates whether you intend to further develop your skill The choice is yours. Developing Your Leadership Skills @® Identifying Leadership Traits and Behaviors Objective “To gain a betier understancing of leadership traits and behavior AACSB General Skills Area ‘The primary AACSE skil developed through this exercise is analytic sis and applation of knowledge Preparing for This Exercise ead and understand the trat and behavioral leadership the: es,On the folowing Ines ix specfc tats and behavos that you beleve effective leaders hae or should have You answers ‘ay or may not be based on your observation of success leaders “rats: Behaviors Endnotes Doing This Exercise in Class Option | (5-15 minutes) Students give their answers to the inst-utor who wartes them on the board uncer the heasing of Tras or Behaviors. During or after the answers are Isted, the class may discuss them Option 2 (10-20 minutes) Break into groups of five or sic and select 2 leacer to perform the spokesperson role (remem ber this 2 leadership chs). The spokesperson records the answers of the group and then writes them on the board (5-10 minutes). The instructor leads a class discussion (5-10 minutes. © open case references B Stone “The Secrets of Bezos How Amazon Bec the Everything Store” Buses Week (October 10,2013} 58-76, "Scorecard” Forbes (October 28,2013) 23;, accessed October 14,2012;"Largest US, Corporations Fortune 500" Fortune (May 20, 2013): 1-20; G. Anders, "Jef Bros Get i Fares (Apri 2, 2012} 77-86 Anas, “randngs Big Gna Enreprencr (Ar 20125055, M.A. Hogg, D.Van Knippenberg. and D.E Rast, itergroup Leadershp in Organizations: Leading Across Group and (Organizational Boundaries!” Acadeny of Management Review 37(2) (2012): 232-255 © 6 Yun “ehectnve Leadership Behavior: What We Know and What Questions Need More Attention” Academy of ‘Management Perspecives 26(4) (2011): 66-85. © 2 Schyns.T Kiefer: 8 Kerschreiter, and A.Tymon,"Teaching Implict Leacership Theories to Develop Leaders and Leadership: How and Why it Can Make a Difference” Academy of Management Leoring & Education 10(3) (2012): 397-408 Google search (wwengoogle-com), accessed October 3, 2013. ° ee ele a a eee Soe eee ee eee CHAPTER | WHOIS A LEADER AND WHAT SKILLS DO LEADERS NEED? a © Kare “Games Managers Phy Phy as. Form of PexteeteN eee terse tearing & Easton 192) (2011) SO7-527 8. Benjamin and C. 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