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Do you ever wonder what is an ODL? ODL or Open

Distance learning is form of education in which
the main elements include physical separation of
teachers and students during instruction and the
use of various technologies to facilitate
between students and teacher communication.
Distance learning traditionally has focused on
nontraditional students, such as full-time
workers, military personnel, and nonresidents or
individuals in remote regions who are unable to
attend classroom lectures. However, distance
learning has become an established part of the
educational world, with trends pointing to
ongoing growth.
The Malaysia Government introduced this distance
learning system due to the pandemic that has
occurred in the world, since 2020.
Do you know what is pandemic? A pandemic is defined
as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very
wide area, crossing international boundaries and
usually affecting a large number of people”. The
classical definition includes nothing about
population immunity, virology, or disease severity.

So now, I will explain the related between an ODL

and Pandemic issue in Malaysia. Generally, COVID-19
is the pandemic that takes almost 2 million people
in the world. To reduce infection, Malaysia
government introduced to make an Open distance
Learning to limit the movement and apply the
physical distance between teacher and student. In
Polytechnic Ibrahim sultan, they provide an E-
learning platform to facilitate their student
understanding their studies and easy to submit the
As we know due to this pandemic, every section of
society is advised to stay at home to reduce
infection. The same applies to IPTs that do not
recommend their students to return to campus to
prevent infection.

So, learning continues even though all the students

are at home but what are the benefits of ODL that we

Accessible learning. For students who live far from

the institution, it becomes difficult to go to the
institution unless there is accommodation provided
by the institution or a rental house that is easily
available. Distance learning can facilitate students
in continuing online learning without thinking about
accommodation if they have a computer and internet
connection as well as a conducive learning

You can save money. For any given program, the fee
of a distance education may be much more affordable
than the fee of a regular on-campus. Students do not
have to pay boarding fees and living with family can
also save on food expenses.

You can study whenever, wherever. During this

pandemic, students who study at home do not need to
prepare early to go to class but only need to get up
early to enter online classes. Students are also
able to review lessons no matter whether in the
morning or at night and students are free in
choosing the time to study.
In something good on ODL, there must be
disadvantages faced by each student. what are the

Chances of distraction high. With no faculty around

for face-to-face interaction and no classmate who
can help with constant reminders about pending
assignments, the chances of getting distracted and
losing track of deadlines are high. You need to keep
yourself motivated and focused if you want to
successfully complete you distance learning course.

Complicated technology. Overdependence on technology

can be major drawback in distance learning mode of
education, especially when the learning takes place
in an online environment. Any malfunctioning
software or hardware can bring an ongoing class to a
standstill and interrupt the learning process.

Mental health issues. This ODL causes students to

experience mental health problems because of a less
conducive learning environment. The students also
have problems in managing household chores and
assignments because the work given is too much in
the time to be submitted.

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