Test Mod 7 IWRB

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Worksheet No. 7 Quarter 4

Learner’s Name: _____________________________________________________

Year and Strand: ___________________________ Date: _________________

Assessment 1 Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer in the blank
provided after each question.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT a belief about God shared by Jews, Christians,
and Muslims? _______
A. God is all knowing C. God is all seeing.
B. Jesus is God's son. D. God is all powerful.
2. How are the Torah and the Christian Bible similar? How are they different? _____
A. The Torah is the Old Testament, while the Christian Bible contains the Old and New
B. The Torah and the Christian Bible are exactly the same.
C. The Torah is the Old Testament, while the Christian Bible is only the New Testament.
D. The Torah is a record of past events, while The Christian Bible is a moral guide.
3. Why do Christians believe they are offered salvation? _______
A. Christians believe they are the chosen people.
B. Christians believe that they should follow the Five Pillars.
C. Christians believe that Jesus' death offered salvation to his followers.
D. Christians believe in a covenant with God, which guarantees salvation.
4. Which of the following do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have in common? _______
A. All believe in the same god.
B. All three have an important messenger and a holy book.
C. Jerusalem is the holiest city in the world for all three.
D. All of the above
5. Christianity has roots in which religion? _______
A. Hinduism B. Judaism C. Islam D. Buddhism
6. Which of the three beliefs had the biggest influence on the other two belief systems?
A. Judaism had a great influence on Christianity and Islam.
B. Christianity had a great influence on Judaism and Islam.
C. Islam had a great influence on Christianity and Judaism.
D. Islam had a great influence on the religions around the world.
7. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all go together because _______
A. they all believe in one God. C. they all started in the Middle East
B. they all have holy books D. all of these.
8. Who is the "founding father" of all monotheistic religions? _______
A. Moses B. Jesus C. Mohammad D. Abraham
9. The use of water to make a person's entry into the church and a sacrament known as:
A. Baptism B. Fasting C. Communion D. Lent
1O. If I believe that Abraham made an agreement with God then I am most likely a _______
A. Muslim B. Jew C. Hindu D. Buddhist

Assessment 2

Identify what is described in the following statements and look for it from the choices
inside the box. WRITE ONLY THE LETTER of your answer in the space provided.
1. ______ The oldest monotheistic religion. Followers of this religion consider Abraham to be
the person who founded many beliefs.
2. ______ The monotheistic religion based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Followers
believe he is the Messiah, or son of God.
3. ______ This religion was founded by Muhammad (around 600 C.E.) in Arabia.
4. ______ Belief in one God.
5. ______ A teacher and prophet whose life and teachings form the basis of Christianity.
Christians believe Jesus to be Son of God
6. ______ Founder of religion of Islam. Muslims believed he was given messages from God to
share with others.
7. ______ Founder of Judaism who, according to the Bible, led his family from Mesopotamia
to Canaan (in modern Israel) in obedience to God's command.
8. ______ City in western Arabia; birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad, and center of the
Islamic religion. Muslims face this city when they pray.
9. ______ Jewish place of worship.
10.______ Christian place of worship
11.______ A Muslim place of worship
12.______ A city in the Holy Land, regarded as sacred by Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
13.______ Jewish leader who led his people out of slavery from Egypt across the Red sea on a
journey known as the Exodus. He also received the 10 Commandments from God.
14.______ A religious teacher who is regarded as someone who speaks for God
15.______ Jewish religious leader
16.______ Leader of the Catholic Church (the largest type of Christian church)
17.______ a savior sent by God
18.______ A Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
19.______ The day on which Christians celebrate Jesus' resurrection from the dead
20.______ Make up the first part of the Bible and history before the coming of Jesus Christ;
acknowledge by Christians but not by Jews
21.______ A Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days) celebrating their freedom from Egypt
22.______ Month of fasting by Muslims to bring oneself closer to God
23.______ A Muslim festival coming at the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting.
24.______ The first five books of Jewish Scripture, which they believe are by Moses
25. ______ The second part of the Christian Bible, containing descriptions of the life and
teachings of Jesus and of his early followers

A. Islam B. Monotheism C. Judaism D. Muhammad

E. Jesus F. Christianity G. Abraham H. Prophet
I. Rabbi J. Church K. Pope L. Mecca
M. Synagogue N. Mosque O. Messiah P. Christmas
Q. Moses R. New Testament S. Old Testament T. Passover
U. Easter V. Jerusalem W. Ramadan X. Torah
Y. Eid Z. David AA. Diaspora BB. Sin

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