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CUH-ING, Joan B.


Identify 2 most common risk factors that affects the non-communicable diseases discussed then enumerate
at least 2 health teachings on each identified risk factor that is applicable in the community

1. Tabaco Use
 Encourage clients to find something else to do instead of smoking in each situation. Say for example: try
to sip water instead, do deep breathing, move around, and keep their hands busy. Remind them that the
urge will soon fade.
 Encourage clients to avoid tempting situations. Say for example, locations such as bars or even people
who can influence them to smoke again. Discuss also the benefits that they can get by quitting.

2. Unhealthy Diet
 Encourage clients to follow a plant-based diet, which includes consuming more fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, and nuts while consuming less red meat and dairy products.
 Encourage clients to decrease their intake of junk food and processed food and replace it with home-
cooked meals made with fresh ingredients.

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