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Data Communication and Networks (B2) – Assignment 2

1. Our university currently has only a single lab with 100 computers. It’s been shared by all the
students of first year to final year.
• List down and briefly explain the available options on how files can be shared separately for
each batch year. (ex. Files shared with first year students should only be accessible by first
year students.

2. The university has decided to have 4 separate labs for first year to final year. According to this
decision, 3 new labs will be setup. Another 300 computers will be purchased for the other 3 labs
(100 computers in each lab)
• What are the possible options for creating a proper network using these 4 labs (400
computers). Briefly explain.
• How can file shares be maintained separately for the 4 batch years. Briefly explain
• Draw a network diagram of the 4 labs. Include any network devices (switches, routers)
needed for the network.
• Include the IP ranges you will use in the diagram and explain briefly why you have selected
the IP range/s.
• How can you increase the performance and security of the 4 labs? Briefly explain with
• If you were given the task of putting up 3 new labs, what would be your plan of setting up all
4 labs? Give suggestions on any additional tasks that may need to be done. Think of the real
scenario and give suggestions.

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