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Hamstring Muscle Strains in

Professional Football Players

A 10-Year Review
Marcus C. C. W. Elliott,* MD, Bertram Zarins,y MD,
John W. Powell,z PhD, ATC, and Charles D. Kenyon*§
Investigation performed at Peak Performance Project, Santa Barbara, California

Background: Investigations into hamstring strain injuries at the elite level exist in sports such as Australian Rules football, rugby,
and soccer, but no large-scale study exists on the incidence and circumstances surrounding these injuries in the National Football
League (NFL).
Hypothesis: Injury rates will vary between different player positions, times in the season, and across different playing situations.
Study Design: Descriptive epidemiology study.
Methods: Between 1989 and 1998, injury data were prospectively collected by athletic trainers for every NFL team and recorded
in the NFL’s Injury Surveillance System. Data collected included team, date of injury, activity the player was engaged in at the time
of injury, injury severity, position played, mechanism of injury, and history of previous injury. Injury rates were reported in injuries
per athlete-exposure (A-E). An athlete-exposure was defined as 1 athlete participating in either 1 practice or 1 game.
Results: Over the 10-year study period 1716 hamstring strains were reported for an injury rate (IR) of 0.77 per 1000 A-E. More
than half (51.3%) of hamstring strains occurred during the 7-week preseason. The preseason practice IR was significantly ele-
vated compared with the regular-season practice IR (0.82/1000 A-E and 0.18/1000 A-E, respectively). The most commonly injured
positions were the defensive secondary, accounting for 23.1% of the injuries; the wide receivers, accounting for 20.8%; and spe-
cial teams, constituting 13.0% of the injuries in the study.
Conclusion: Hamstring strains are a considerable cause of disability in football, with the majority of injuries occurring during the
short preseason. In particular, the speed position players, such as the wide receivers and defensive secondary, as well as players
on the special teams units, are at elevated risk for injury. These positions and situations with a higher risk of injury provide foci for
preventative interventions.
Keywords: National Football League; NFL; injury; muscle strain; hamstring

According to recent epidemiological studies, football has Muscle strain injuries are a cause of considerable dis-
the highest injury rate of any team sport in the United ability in football. In high school football, muscle strains
States, at both the high school and collegiate levels.18,31 have been reported to comprise between 12% and 24% of
The high risk of injury makes it imperative to identify all injuries.8,23,29,34 Muscle strains in a major college foot-
players and environments at risk for specific injuries so ball team were reported by Heiser et al17 to occur at
that scientifically supported injury prevention programs a rate of 7.7% per player-year. Furthermore, muscle strain
may be developed and implemented.36 injuries accounted for 18.9% of spring practice and 22.2%
of fall practice injuries in collegiate football across all divi-
sions over the course of 16 seasons from 1988 to 2004.10 Of
Address correspondence to Charles D. Kenyon, Peak Performance
Project, 110 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (e-mail:
these, the thigh accounted for nearly half of all strain inju- ries during practice.
*Peak Performance Project, Santa Barbara, California. In a recent 10-year study of preseason injuries of 1
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Children’s Hospital Boston, National Football League (NFL) team, Feeley et al11
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
z reported that muscle strains account for 46% of practice
Graduate Athletic Training Program, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, Michigan. injuries and 22% of preseason game injuries. Hamstring
One or more of the authors has declared the following potential con- strains were the second most common preseason injury,
flict of interest or source of funding: A grant from NFL Charities was used with an injury rate of 1.79 per 1000 athlete-exposures
to support this study. for practices and 4.07 per 1000 athlete-exposures for
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 39, No. 4
DOI: 10.1177/0363546510394647 A growing amount of research categorizing risk factors
Ó 2011 The Author(s) associated with hamstring strain injuries at the elite level

844 Elliott et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

exists for sports such as soccer43 and rugby.4,9 In particu- The number of players available during preseason activ-
lar, a recent emphasis on hamstring strains can be found ities is variable by week, with the final team roster set
in the literature concerning Australian Rules Foot- before the first regular season game. To account for this
ball.12,25,41 Despite their high frequency and potential for and other seasonal variations in number of players practic-
prevention, there have been few attempts to characterize ing or playing at any one time, the number of players who
the specific relationships between hamstring strains and participated in each session (practice or game) was
the factors associated with playing the competitive grid- recorded along with the number of games and practices.
iron football season. Of these, most studies have suffered The total numbers of games and practices are used to esti-
from small sample sizes, unreliable injury definition, and mate injury rates per session. Aggregating the man-
short surveillance periods.34,38 sessions creates an estimate of the number of opportunities
The purpose of this study was to characterize the factors for injury and is referred to as athlete-exposures (A-E).
that are associated with hamstring injuries in NFL players This provides for a denominator with which to calculate
during a 10-year period. We were particularly interested in injury rates at different times during the season and to
whether injuries were incurred in activities related to foot- compare relative injury risk for practice versus games, var-
ball’s ballistic collisions, whether they were similar to ious positions, and different types of plays. By dividing
those experienced in noncontact activity, and whether injury incidence by both the number of years (10) and the
identifiable periods or activities of higher injury density number of NFL teams (28-30), we get the mean injury inci-
exist. We hoped that identifying player characteristics dence per NFL team in one competitive year, referred to as
and activities associated with a high incidence of ham- the injury rate per team-season. In all, 288 team-seasons
string strains would provide foci for preventative were studied.
interventions. The analysis includes a review of the injury patterns for
player position, player activities, onset of injury, time lost
from participation, injury rates per session, injury rates
MATERIALS AND METHODS per team-season, and injury rates per 1000 A-E. Data anal-
ysis used SPSS 10.0 (SPSS, Inc, an IBM Company, Chi-
The NFL athletic trainers collected the injury and expo- cago, Illinois).
sure data prospectively between 1989 and 1998. The data
included all players on each team’s roster and focused on
activities from the first practice day through the last
game. The NFL added 2 teams in 1995, and thus the
data reflect 28 teams from 1989 to 1994 and 30 teams Between 1989 and 1998, 1716 hamstring strains were
from 1995 to 1998. The teams’ data reports were submitted reported among players on NFL teams (Table 1). The per
to the central database every 2 weeks throughout the year. season range over the 10-year study was 132 to 210.
The athletic trainers conformed to uniform reporting defi- From 1993 through 1998, the number of injuries remained
nitions of injuries and exposures that were established by consistent at about 183 injuries per year (Figure 1) with
the NFL Injury Surveillance System. These measures a range of 160 to 210. During the study years, 1129 differ-
resulted in a high level of compliance, standardization, ent players incurred the 1716 reported injuries. Annually,
and consistency of data. a mean of 144 different players sustained a mean number
Data regarding recorded injuries included team, date of of 172 hamstring muscle injuries.
injury, activity the player was engaged in at time of injury,
position played, mechanism of injury, and history of ham-
string strain injuries. From 1989 to 1995, a reportable
injury in the NFL Injury Surveillance System was any
injury that caused the athlete to miss at least 2 days of par- Hamstring strains resulted in a mean of 2222 days lost
ticipation in either practices or games. Beginning in 1996, annually. A mean of 13.2 and a median of 9 days were
this definition was modified to reflect 1 day of lost time. For lost per injury. The average season showed 213 man-games
consistency, the data in this article reflect only those cases lost because of hamstring injuries with a median of 1.2
that met the definition for reporting used before the 1996 man-games per injury. Injury severity was classified as
season. For the purpose of this study, hamstring strains minor in 40.6% of the injuries, moderate in 41.0%, and
were defined as any muscle strain injury to the posterior major in 18.3% of all hamstring muscle injuries.
thigh resulting in a minimum 2 days of lost participation
in either practice or games. Injury severity was calculated
and identified as minor, moderate, and major. Injuries that Type of Session
resulted in less than 7 days of missed participation were
defined as minor, those that resulted in between 7 and During the study, a majority (52.7%; n = 904) of the
21 days missed were defined as moderate, and those result- reported hamstring injuries occurred in practices, with
ing in more than 21 days missed were defined as major. 47.3% (n = 812) occurring in games. This translates to an
Injuries classified as reinjuries reflected injuries in which injury rate per 1000 A-E of 0.47 for practices and 2.7 for
the athlete reported previously straining the hamstring games and reflects a 5.74 relative risk of hamstring injury
muscle group on the same side during the current season. during games relative to practice sessions.
Vol. 39, No. 4, 2011 Hamstring Muscle Strains in Professional Football Players 845


Injuries per Year




89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

Figure 1. Injury incidence per year over 10-year study period.

Total Injuries and Exposures Over 10-Year Study Perioda Injury Rate by Session Type and Time of Yeara

Practice Game Total Injuries Exposures IR/1000 A-E

Injuries 904 812 1716 Preseason

Exposures 1 921 960 297 053 2 219 013 Game 199 80 691 2.47
IR/1000 A-E 0.47 2.70 0.77 Practice 713 872 202 0.82
Regular season
A-E, athlete-exposure; IR, injury rate. Game 603 206 696 2.92
Practice 182 999 999 0.18

Temporal Aspects a
A-E, athlete-exposure; IR, injury rate.

The data were analyzed in relation to the month in which

the injury occurred. The majority of reported injuries (n = 35) for games. For the regular season, the reinjury
(53.1%; n = 912) occurred during the preseason months of rate rose to 22.0% (n = 40) for practices and 19.1% (n =
July and August despite the fact that the preseason period 115) for games.
is approximately 7 weeks long compared with the 16-week
regular season. Of the total hamstring muscle strain inju-
ries, 45.7% (n = 785) occurred in the regular season. Of all Player Position
practice injuries, 79.8% (injury rate [IR] = 0.82/1000 A-E)
Of the 1716 injuries, 0.4% (n = 7) did not report a position.
occurred in the preseason (Table 2); 56.0% of the
For the remaining 1709 injuries, position played proved to
practice-related injuries occurred in July, 23.8% occurred
be a significant factor in the incidence of injury (Table 3).
in August, and only 20.3% occurred after September 1
Offensive players sustained more injuries (45.1%; n = 771)
(Figure 2). Of all practice-related injuries, 20.1% (n = 182;
than defensive players (41.7%; n = 716), whereas the play-
IR = 0.18/1000 A-E) occurred during the regular season.
ers working on the special teams unit sustained 13.0%
Of the game-related injuries, 21.8% (n = 191; IR = 2.47/
(n = 222) of the injuries during the study period. When
1000 A-E) occurred in the preseason, and 74.3% (n = 603;
the units are more clearly defined, the defensive second-
IR = 2.92/1000 A-E) occurred in the regular season.
ary alone accounts for 23.1% of the hamstring injuries
and shows an injury rate per team-season of 1.37. Offen-
sively, the wide receivers represent 20.8% of the injuries,
Reinjuries with a corresponding injury rate per team-season of 1.23.
An estimate of the annual number of hamstring
In total, 16.5% (n = 283) of total hamstring injuries, includ- injuries expected in the NFL equals the injury rate per
ing 19.7% of regular-season injuries and 13.8% of presea- team-season multiplied by the 30 teams and is 178.
son injuries, were reinjuries. During the preseason, the By position, the defensive secondary group in the NFL
reinjury rate was 12.7% (n = 91) for practices and 17.6% has a mean hamstring injury frequency of 41 per season,
846 Elliott et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine








Practice Injuries Game Injuries

Figure 2. Injury incidence by week of season for both practice and games sessions of 10-year study period.
The first 2 weeks of the preseason do not necessarily reflect participation by all teams.

TABLE 3 practice injuries and 73.0% of game injuries (Figure 3).

Injuries by Position Among the player positions contributing to the noncon-
tact injuries, the defensive secondary accounted for
Total IR per Estimated 26.4% (n = 287) of the reported noncontact injuries and
Injuries, Team Injuries the wide receivers 20.8% (n = 298). For those respective
No. (%) Season per Seasona
positions, noncontact injuries accounted for 92.0% and
Offense 93.5% of their total injuries. In contrast, the offensive
Quarterback 21 (1.2) 0.07 2.2 and defensive linemen cited 69.7% and 43.2%, respec-
Running back 211 (12.3) 0.73 22.0 tively, of their injuries as having occurred as a result of
Wide receiver 355 (20.8) 1.23 37.0 contact. When analyzing hamstring injuries sustained
Tight end 95 (5.5) 0.33 9.9 during noncontact, 981 (74.4%) were attributed to sprint-
Offensive line 89 (5.2) 0.31 9.3 ing. Noncontact skill drills accounted for 10.2% (n = 135)
Defense of strain injuries.
Secondary 394 (23.1) 1.37 41.0
Linebacker 196 (11.5) 0.68 20.4
Defensive line 126 (7.4) 0.44 13.1 Team Activity
Special teams 222 (13.0) 0.77 23.1
Total 1709b (100.0) 5.93 178.0 For injuries occurring during all NFL games, more ham-
string muscles were strained during passing plays (n =
Estimated injuries across 30-team National Football League 295; 36.8%) than during running plays (n = 147; 18.4%).
season. Special teams injuries accounted for 189 (23.3%), with
Total injuries for which player position was reported. the kickoffs accounting for 140 (74.1%) of those injuries.
In the passing play injuries, 225 (77%) of them were non-
the wide receivers 37, the running backs 22, and the contact, whereas 69 (45.1%) of the rushing play injuries
linebackers 20. were noncontact. Of the 140 injuries sustained during
the kickoff, 120 (85.7%) were noncontact.
During regular-season games, we found that 230
Player Activity (42.9%) muscle strains occurred during passing plays,
102 (19.0%) of the injuries occurred during rushing plays,
The reported injuries were grouped into those that and 204 (38.1%) occurred during special teams play (kick-
occurred as a result of contact or collision and those in off and punt). Based on 129 314 running plays, 148 566
which there was no contact. During the study period, passing plays, and 62 341 special teams plays, these repre-
81.5% (n = 1318) of the hamstring injuries were identified sented injury rates per 1000 plays of 0.79, 1.55, and 3.27,
as a noncontact player activity, and this included 88.5% of respectively.
Vol. 39, No. 4, 2011 Hamstring Muscle Strains in Professional Football Players 847

A 0.82 per 1000 A-E versus 0.18 per 1000 A-E, in the presea-
Injury Rate per 1000 Practice A-E

0.8 Contact son as compared with the regular season. The first month
0.7 Noncontact of NFL preseason games, August, is also the month with
0.6 the highest incidence of game injuries, 192 or 23.7% of
the total. These high preseason injury incidences are dev-
astating not only for their immediate impact but also
because primary hamstring strains are associated with
decreased performance upon return to competition39 and
0 have a high risk of more severe4 reinjury during the com-
Preseason Regular Season petitive season.12,15,17
Time of Year The data presented here confirm the findings of Feeley
et al11 that the preseason is a period during which NFL
athletes are at particular risk for injury. These findings
Injury Rate per 1000 Game A-E

2.5 Contact
Noncontact are also consistent with those of Whiteside et al,42 who
found that the frequency of hamstring muscle strains
1.5 was heavily weighted toward the spring preseason prepa-
ration. We believe that a number of factors contribute to
this high hamstring strain incidence during the preseason,
0.5 but most revolve around the relative deconditioning that
occurs in the off-season. Muscle weakness has been impli-
Preseason Regular Season cated as a predisposing factor for both primary7,26 and
Time of Year recurring6 hamstring strain injuries. Studies have also
cited the role of fatigue in causing muscle strains,20,43,45
Figure 3. Injury mechanism by preseason and regular sea- suggesting that fatigued muscles are more vulnerable to
son for practice (A) and games (B). A-E, athlete-exposure. injury.
Protection against muscle strain is provided not only by
Of the special teams injuries, 106 occurred during strong muscles but also by the appropriate timing and
21 633 kickoffs for an injury rate per 1000 plays of 4.90, magnitude of neural control. Activated muscle complexes
whereas 85 occurred during 21 783 punts for an injury are able to absorb larger eccentric forces,13 and high-
rate per 1000 plays of 3.90. Among the kickoff and punt intensity sprinting involves intricate neuromuscular
coverage teams, the kicking team incurred a higher injury coordination in the hamstrings.37 Recent biomechanical
rate than the kick receiving teams, with the kickoff team studies of sprint mechanics suggest that the posterior
incurring 53 of 65 injuries (81.5%) and the punt coverage thigh is most susceptible to such strains near the end of
team incurring 41 of the 54 injuries (75.9%). the swing phase, when the hamstrings reach maximal
length and undergo eccentric contraction just prior to
heel strike.16,33,44 It has also been shown that fatigue
alters neuromuscular activity in the hamstrings during
DISCUSSION sprinting.28 Although Pinniger et al28 hypothesized that
hamstring fatigue-related changes in sprint mechanics
The most striking finding in this 10-year study is that a dis- may serve as a protective mechanism to reduce stress on
proportionately higher number of hamstring muscle the hamstrings during sprinting, changes such as
strains occurred during the preseason time period. Our decreased hip and knee flexion could also be associated
data showed that more than half (53.1%) of all hamstring with a temporary loss of athleticism, decreasing the ability
injuries occurred in the 7-week preseason, before the teams of the athlete to safely and efficiently change direction or
had even played their first regular-season game. These accelerate. Fatigue has been shown to significantly delay
data are striking when compared with the 16-week regular activation of the lateral hamstrings during a landing
season, in which only 45% of the injuries occurred, and the task, thereby compromising knee control strategies.14 It
postseason, in which only 1.1% of injuries occurred. If we is possible that fatigue-induced dysynergistic neuromuscu-
consider only primary hamstring strains, we find that an lar activation, resulting in suboptimal absorption of eccen-
impressive 57.3% occur in this short preseason versus tric forces,13,20 may be responsible for many hamstring
41.4% in the regular season. Despite the high preseason strain injuries in sports that involve not only high-velocity
injury rate in our study, this rate is approximately half sprinting but also multidirectional acceleration. Although
of that reported by Feeley et al11 (0.82/1000 A-E vs 1.79/ the role of these complex sports-specific neuromuscular fir-
1000 A-E for practice and 2.47/1000 A-E vs 4.07/1000 A-E ing patterns that occur during athletic activities has not
for games) in their 10-year report on preseason injuries been fully elucidated, we believe that following the off-sea-
in 1 team. son, sports-specific neural deconditioning, relative muscle
Almost 4 of 5 (78.9%) practice injuries occurred in the weakness, and fatigability make some athletes particularly
preseason, with more than 70% of those occurring in vulnerable to hamstring strain in the NFL preseason.
July, the first month of football participation. Further- This study also showed that despite the ballistic, contact
more, the injury rate during practice is 449% higher, nature of professional football, the majority of hamstring
848 Elliott et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

strains (81.5%) were sustained by players during noncon- the passing and rushing plays. Within the special teams
tact activities, with 71.0% citing sprinting as the primary data, we found the highest injury rates for the kickoff
activity at the time of injury. Although most previous and punt plays, with injury rates of 4.9 and 3.9 injuries
attempts to describe the injury setting in football dealt per 1000 plays. Of these, the vast majority occurred in
with all types of injuries, our findings are in stark contrast the kick coverage teams, with the coverage teams sustain-
to those earlier reports, which found that most injuries in ing 81.5% and 75.9% of the injuries. It is not unexpected to
football are due to contact.8,24 At the college level, contact have high injury rates in the kick coverage teams, as most
has been found to account for 77.9% of fall game, 56.5% of players in this setting are exposed to high levels of full-
fall practice, and 69.2% of spring practice injuries.10 A speed sprinting. Special teams plays also frequently use
recent report on high school football injuries in California players who are not regularly involved in offensive or
found that more than 78% of all injuries occurred during defensive plays and thus are only intermittently involved
player contact.30 By contrast, within player positions in game activity. Proper warm-up is critical in injury pre-
most frequently injured in our study, the defensive second- vention because an increase in muscle temperature results
ary and wide receivers, 92.0% and 93.5% of injuries were in increased muscle elasticity.32 Irregular participation
noncontact. Because a wide majority of the injuries we allows muscles to cool down, which decreases muscle elas-
studied occurred during sprinting, independent of the con- ticity and ability to absorb energy. In lieu of rule changes,
tact element frequently present in football injuries, our we recommend greater attention to warm-up of kick cover-
findings and injury prevention strategies may be applica- age teams before entering the game. This can take the form
ble to other less contact-intense sports with similar activity of progressively more intense sideline sprinting or progres-
patterns. sive warm-up on a stationary exercise machine (eg, cycle
Hamstring muscle strains were distributed with strik- ergometer, elliptical trainer) that uses the hamstring mus-
ing inequity among players who played different posi- cle group adequately.
tions. Wide receivers had significantly more hamstring It has been reported that muscle strain reinjury occurs
strains than did offensive linemen (n = 355 vs n = 89, at a high prevalence in the hamstring group.12,15 Reinju-
respectively) and injury rates per team-season (1.23 vs ries accounted for 16.5% of total injuries in our study,
0.31). Thus, despite the fact that the standard formation with almost one-fifth (19.7%) of the regular-season injuries
in football uses 5 offensive linemen and only 2 wide being reinjuries. Thus, primary injuries in the preseason
receivers, those wide receivers sustain 403% more inju- appear to account for a large number of the injuries sus-
ries annually than the offensive linemen. This difference tained during the regular season. Comparatively, these
was even more striking in view of previous studies that reinjury rates are similar to those reported at the elite
reported offensive lineman to be among the most fre- level in other sports. Reinjury rates have been reported
quently injured players and wide receivers among the at 12% in soccer,43 23% in rugby,4 and as high as 34% in
lowest.8,30,38 Australian Rules Football.27
We found that all of the ‘‘speed positions’’ (receivers, On the basis of these findings, we strongly recommend
defensive backs, and running backs) had high injury rates an increased effort by athletes to enter the NFL preseason
for hamstring muscle strains compared with the ‘‘strength in a high state of sport-specific conditioning, particularly
positions’’ (offensive and defensive linemen). It is likely with regard to strengthening and full-velocity sprinting.
that this disparity is primarily because of the increased An injury prevention program in Australian Rules Football
exposure to the injurious activity—namely, sprinting—by had success by integrating sport-specific high-intensity
receivers and other members of the ‘‘speed positions.’’ How- interval running and acceleration drills into preseason
ever, we cannot conclude that this is solely the case conditioning programs.40 Also, movement-specific neural
because perhaps some intrinsic physical quality—for training with an emphasis on sprint technique has been
instance, absolute hamstring muscle strength—may be shown to enhance neuromuscular control in elite athletes.5
protective in these generally larger strength position ath- As activated muscles are able to absorb greater amounts of
letes. This possibility becomes apparent when we consider force,13 increased neural control should lead to an increase
that all football players do a substantial amount of sprint- in absorbed energy without tearing. By exposing an athlete
ing, especially during early season practices and condition- to progressively intense bouts of sprinting and sport-
ing, and that many of the ‘‘strength position’’ athletes are specific neuromuscular training during the off-season
capable of high-velocity sprinting, thus exposing them to and early in the preseason, injury risk may be mitigated.
a similar environment in which the speed position players Neural conditioning may be even more important than pre-
incurred most of their injuries. It is hoped that future stud- viously thought in preventing reinjuries. A study by
ies will continue to delineate the intrinsic and extrinsic fac- Sherry and Best35 demonstrated that a program of pro-
tors that are responsible for this considerable variability in gressive agility drills and trunk stabilization proved to be
muscle injury rates. significantly more effective at protecting an athlete from
Although passing plays resulted in almost twice as reinjury when compared with a program focused on static
many hamstring muscle strains per thousand plays as run- stretching and isolated resistance training. Such preventa-
ning plays (1.55/1000 A-E vs 0.79/1000 A-E, relative risk tive measures are especially important for those groups
[RR] = 1.96), the risk of being injured during a special determined to be at high risk for injury, specifically the
teams play was considerably higher than either (3.27/ ‘‘speed positions’’ (ie, wide receivers and defensive second-
1000 A-E), with an RR of 2.11 and 4.14 as compared with ary) and special teams players.
Vol. 39, No. 4, 2011 Hamstring Muscle Strains in Professional Football Players 849

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