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1. Monetary Choice Questionnaire, Extended Monetary Choice Questionnaire

(MCQ-27, MCQ-36)

Year: 1999
Instrument Use & Availability
Kirby, Kris N.; Petry, Nancy M.; Bickel, Warren K. A complete list of MCQ-27 trials (dollar
amounts, day delays, and order of items)
Description: used in the original MCQ can be found in
The MCQ-27 was developed to assess impulsiveness in terms of "delay discounting," Table 3 of the source reference (Kirby et
the reduction in the present value of a future reward as the delay to that reward al., 1999). For the MCQ-36, see Table 1
increases. It asks participants to make 27 choices between smaller immediate of the Towe et al., 2015 reference.
rewards versus larger delayed rewards, for example, "Would you prefer $54 today or
$80 in 30 days?". The 27 items are a fixed set with immediate rewards ranging from For more information, contact:
$11-$78 and delayed rewards ranging from $25-$85 with a delay of 7-186 days. For the MCQ-27:
Delayed rewards are grouped into three categories based on size, with nine items Kris Kirby, PhD
per category: small ($25-$35), medium ($50-$60), and large ($75-$85). In the Department of Psychology, Williams
source reference study (Kirby et al., 1999), heroin users had discount rates about College
twice as high as those of the controls (this means that for the average heroin addict email:
in this population, $50 would lose half its value if delayed about 40 days, whereas
for the average control, $50 would require a delay of about 77 days to lose half its For the MCQ-37
value). Sheri L. Towe, PhD
Duke University
An extended version of the original MCQ using 36 items (MCQ-36) was developed in email:
2015 and adds three new items to each of the delayed reward categories (small,
medium, and large).
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Instrument Details:

Source Reference: Kirby KN, Petry NM, Bickel WK. Heroin addicts have higher discount rates for delayed rewards
than non-drug-using controls. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 1999;128:78-87.
doi: 10.1037/0096-3445.128.1.78

Population studied: Adults

Instrument Type: Assessment

Validity/Reliability: In the source reference study (Kirby et al., 1999), Discount rates were positively correlated
with impulsivity as measured by other self-report questionnaires. The results lend external
validity to the delay-discounting rate as a measure of impulsiveness, a characteristic
associated with substance abuse.

Supporting References:
Towe SL, Hobkirk AL, Ye DG, Meade CS. Adaptation of the Monetary Choice Questionnaire to accommodate extreme
monetary discounting in cocaine users. Psychol Addict Behav 2015;29(4):1048-55. doi: 10.1037/adb0000101 [MCQ-36]

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