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Other Works by Margerite Duras Published by Grove Press Fou Novels (he Afernoon of Mr. Andesmas; 10:30 on a Summer Night ‘Moderts Cantabile: The Square) India Song The Malaty of Death Destroy She Said Practcalies | | HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR Text by MARGUERITE DURAS for the film by ALAIN RESNAIS ‘Translated from the French bby Richard Seaver Pleture Editor: Robert Hughes i Grove Press ‘New York HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR Proved by: ArgorDeiet-Como Copyright ©1961 by Grove Pet I Allright reserved. No pat ofthis book maybe any fom ort mechanical meas, cating infomation storage and PREFACE ‘have tld to give fitful an acount as posible ofthe work ‘Resmi on Hirose Mon Amour Surprised that Resnal “petri” con never deerbed in this work. My tle i ing thon element fom which esas made iost ily conversions and geld al thre of recion, and T Was weve SYNOPSIS “The tines sme, 187~Augst-at Hiroshi, A French woman, about thi years ol, hs came to Hiro shima playin afin on Peace “The story begins the day before her etrm to France. The film in which she's playlg i practiallyGnished. There's only one ‘more eee 10 shoot "The day before her ret to France, this French woman, whose mame wil never be given in he Bkm-thi nenjmour wom. tncmetss Japanese (enginetor architect) and has avery bl love afar with him How they met wil not be revealed inthe ptr. For thai not what really mater. Chance meetings occ everyre the ‘orld What important i wh these ony martigs en to. “nthe beginning ofthe fl we dont se thi chance couple Nelther er nor him, Istead we se mutilated bodies—the het, the hips-moving-in the throes of love or dethand covered succesively with the ashes, the dew, of atomic detth~sed the soe of ove fle, Tes only by slow degres that from these formes, anonymous bodies thelr own bodier emerge “They ae ling i shoe oom. Naked. Smooth bodies. Intact. ‘What are hey aking about? About Hizxhin She tells hi that she has seen everything In Hiroshima, We sez what she has sen Ts hose An! meanwhile his vic, a negitive vols, denies the deceftfl petre, and in an impor: tonal, unbearable way, he fepeat hat she has seen noting at Hirsh | | | “Ths hein exchange is allegorical. In short an operatic cexchinge Impossible otk about Hirsh. AT one eam do tak aut the impossibly of talking abot Hiroshima. The Tnowedge of Hioshine Beng sted piety an exemplary Sikeston the mind aan “This beinnng his offal parade of already wellknown hr ron feminine in hotel bd hisses tecllecton, voluntary Ove can talk aboot Hiroshima any ‘here evn ina hot! Bed, during» chance an adulterous love Uru badisof beth protagonists, who are rel in ove wih ch lhl red ow of th, Whe ely sega Seything is irri fale. There's no point being REO thls aviding the ee However lite he has ben shown of th Hiroshina Monument, these mderable remains of «Monument of Emptiness, the spect torshull ome away pega of patel all rejdie ad ea {osccopt anyting bey be tod sot the to potagonsts ‘And at ths pout the fm comes buck t tht own soy ‘banal tale one tat happens thousands of tines every ty ‘The Japenese maried, bas len. So the French wom ho bebe children Tei rs one-night af Dot where? At Hirsh ‘Their embrace-so bana, so commonplce—takes pace inthe eyo te wed where td ag Hirsh Nathng eves at Hori. Every geste every wor to an Sn of ening that transcend ft Mora meaning And Ah on of the principal goal ofthe Bm: to have done with the description of fort by homo, for that has ben done bythe Jepamcse thonselve, but fake thi borer reagan fom i She by incorporating nuove that il ees be pei hd "wonders on tat wl be ove cede than I ad reured anjhee en the worl, place that death had not rene Pane two people as dsr geographically, pilsoph cally, storia econmicly, rail, st It pesto i Firshima wl be the common ground (Pehaps the oly one ‘Sihewor) where the uve factors feos, ve nd unhappiness wil appt in an impeable Hight. Everywhere ex ‘cept Hiroshima ie san sccpted convention. AX Hiroshima ‘esanot ent or ele i wil be denounced Before falling slop they talk again of Hiroshima, tna dies. ‘ent way, With desire and, perape without thie belng aware of Ie with nascent love. “Thee conversation concerns both themelves and Hiroshima ‘And thir remarks ae mite in Such a way frm tis point on {allowing the opera of Hiroshinna-that 1 wil be impossible to Alstingih one from the othe. “Ther pesonal story, however brief 8 may be, always dom ates Hiochinn. TF this grenibo were wot adhoved to thls woskl he jest one more made-to-order pte fo mae intrest than any Bion lied docemeatary. fi i adbored to, well ead up with a sort, Of ase documentary that wl probe the lesson of Hoshi more ‘leply than any made t-order documentary “They awake, And talk gain hile sho geting desed. OF ordinary things ad sso of Hiroshima. Why ot? Its quite mat (ra This ts Hiroshi ‘And suddenly she appear completely desed, asa Red Cross (Chis uniform, which actualy the ariforn of ofa veto, renwakens his dsr, He wants to see her again. H's lke every. tome ele ike all men, exactly, and in travesty there i an ert Fetor that intrigue all men. The eternal murs of an eternal weed ‘Wy, since she also desires him, dost she want to se him again? She door give any clear eason. ‘When ty awake they slo talk of er pas. ‘What happened in Nevers, her native oy ia that rgion called Iitvre whore she was brought up? What happened to make er they she nde Bune, on ad Zt ichooest, 20 equivocal and s0 clea? So predisposed to chance love alae? So owned when faced with lve? ‘One day she tells him, one day at Nevers ae was mad Mad with spite She saye the sane way she might say that once at ‘Revers she ste things with perfect lity. The sme way. IF that Novers “incident” explains her present conduct at Hino shim, she sys nothing about She talks about the Nevers inc: ‘ent ae se might tll about saything ele, Without revealing ‘She leaves She hs decided not to sce him again Bat they wil soe onch other again. Four oclck that aReroon Peace Square at Hoth (ori Feoat ofthe hsp) “The cireramen are moving of (whenever wo 226 thm in the ‘they moving of with Weir equipment). The grandstands are being mantle The bunting s being removed. “The French woman ir aslep in the shadow (perhaps) of one € tsps which ig ae sw An elihtening len about Peace as jst been complete, Not stall a rdioulow Bm, bt ist another Bi. ‘A Japanese man makes he way through the crowd which once gsi, preses narod the stings forthe fl that ha jot been ‘ompleted, The same man wes this morning inthe Bote room. He vec the French woman, sop, goes toward her, wate her sleeping. His gaze awakens her They exchange looks, both filed ‘eth desk, He has not come by chance. He has come to ee her gue ‘Alinost mediately after they meet, there iss parade WS the final scene of the film, Children parading, stents parading Dogs Cats dlrs. Al Hicahina i there et aways i when the ‘nu of work! pence al stake. A barogue parade. Tes tery Bot. The sky i heating. They wat fr the pr ae to pas. Ae tos be eller he thinks he loves he. He tikes her to his howe, They tll bey about dee respec: tive Bren “They're both happy married, ot loklng fora subst for an unhappy maeiage ts there, during the act of Tove, that she begs to ell him shout Nevers ‘She rans stay from the house, and they go to a ete overlook Ing the iver "all ine before her departre” Night now. “Tey remain therefor several boure Ther love ows in ‘verte proportion tothe time let before the plane's departs the Naf, that she tell him why she was madi Nevers Her hen was shaved at Nevers in 1944, when she ws twenty sir ol. Her fit lover ra 9 Corman, Killed atthe Liberation ‘She rerined in collar In Nevers, with er bead shaved Tt swat ony when the bomb ws dropped on Hoshi that she was Frese cont eve the cer ann th ins ‘Why did she chaos this personal sorrow? No doubt becanse he too fsa person of extremes, Fo shave a gis head boone she Tas loved-reallyloved-an offal enemy of her country, isthe ‘timate of horror and stupidity We see, Nevers, 2s woe alrendy seen it before in the hotel room: Ane gain they tlk of themselves, And once again an ver Tipping of Nevers and love,of Hiroshima and love It wil ll be neds without any preconceived principle the way such things Frppen everywhere, every day, whenever couples newly in love ‘ale "Agia she leaves Again she une away from him She tres to go back to her hotel to collet her, does suc ceed, emerges gain fom the hotel and rtore to hoa, eich by thn is closed And she stay there, Rermembering Nevers (i ‘erloe monologue), therefore love Hse "The man has followed her. She matics i. She Tooks at him “They lok at each other, completely ia love. A hopeless lve, Tile lite the Nevers love. Therefore aleay relegated to bl ton. Therefore tera ‘Ana yet she dose oi hi She wanders through the ety, And he follows her ar he would ‘an unknown woman. At certain moment he accosts her and asks ter tostay in Hiroshima, nan aside She mays no. Everyone's refuel. Common cowardice” "or ther: the de I aly cast He docs init. ‘She wanders to the road sation. He ois er Took at cach eter like shadows jer, They rom now on, nating further to say to eachother. The im ence of the departure feces them in funeral silence Tes relly lve All they can da now i remain sen An ut imate scene takes place in cf. We se her thre in the eampany ‘of anater Japanese. And st snaer table the man ake loves, completely motionless, bit only rection that of pa, o which he is wholy resigned tnt which transcends bi phil, Te already as 1 she be Vonged tothe thers” And heen ony fully wdertand st ‘A awn se returns tae oom. fer mines ater be knocks at the dor, He eat elp Impose not to came,” he apa. es “Ao in the room nothing happens. Bath ate rede toa te. sifings tual impotence, The rom, the way of the world emains around ther, and hey wil distr io more No vows exchanged. No frtber gesture They simply cal exch other once ain, What? Nevers, Ho shina For infact, in each others aye, they are no one. They are times of places names that are hot samen. TE fas though, thvough them, al of Hirshina war i Toce with al of Necer. ‘She say to him: “Hirota, thas your arse ote: Certain years of the lo thn she “eon wp" by tay at et tea ay in weve hon cnc er SCENARIO. (he hospital, haltuays, sts, patons, the camera coldly ojee- five" [We never ae her seeing | Thon te come back to the land ripping not eting go ofthe darker shoulder) tm; Yow didnot the howptal in Hiroshima. You sw nothing in Hicoshina, (Phen the women's oice becomes more... moreimperonal Sts (the museum The ome blading ight, the same ugly igh here thatthe howptl. Explanatory signa pices of coldence fromthe Dombardent,senle models, muted ion, skin, burmel hair, tone models te) se; Fur ines atthe mas, ae; What nse in Hiroshima? se: Four tes a the museum in Hirskima. 1 saw the people walking around, The people walk arovnd, lst in thought mong’ the photographs, the reconstruction, for watt of Something ese, among, the photographs, the photogs, the reconstructions for want of something ee, the eran ‘our tines atthe moteur in Hiroshina "Tooke tthe people. myself looked oughtaly at the iron The burned ion, The Broken iron, the toa made vu remble as flesh 1s the Douquct of bolle apse who Mtould ive sepected tht? Human skin eating tevin. Zl in the bloom of it agony. Stones. Burned stones. St tered lone. Anonymous ead of hair Ghat the women of Frosh, when hey awoke inthe morning, discovered had fallen ont T'was hot at Pence Square. Ten thovsand degre at race Square, Lknow it The temperature ofthe fun at Pace Square How ca you not know i+. The grate ete simple. sureties ame: You sw nothing in Hiroshima. Nothing. (Gore shots ofthe muscu, Then a shot of Feace Square taken ‘eth a burned skull nthe foreground. Class daplay cae with ured models inside. Newel shots of Hivshime} 1; The reconstruction have been made a authentically as pos sible “The fils have een made as authentically ax possible. ‘Te illusion, is que simple the sin so peeect that the toute ey. “One ca alas sof but wht ele cana tourist do, realy, Dbutery? Te always wept over the fate of Hirothima, Abways (A panorama of «photograph taken of Hiroaki eter the bomb, (“an desert” without reference 10 the other dverts of the ‘word a: No, What would you have ered about? (Peace Square, empty under Binding sn tat recall the Bind Ing light ofthe bomb. Newsrecs taken ater August 6, 191. Ants, ‘comme, emerge from the ground. Intrspereed with shots ofthe ‘shoulders The woman’ coe begin again, gone mad, ob the fequenc of pletres hs elo gone mal) sz: Isa the newarcl ‘On the second day, History tells not making it up, on the second day certalnspcies of animale rove agin from the ‘lepth of the earth and fom the ashe. Bos were photographie, Forall eternity Tenth so the newsreels ae then nthe fst dy (On the second day. (nthe third day. (interrupting her) You saw nothing, Nothing (A dog with tog amputated. People, chdren, Wounds, Burned ‘hilren screaming) sr: onthe tenth day too Fitoshina was blanketed with fowers. There were com Aowers and gladiolar everywhere, and morning glories and ‘hy lies that roe again from the ashes with an exraor ‘ary vigos quite unhesrd of for Sowers tl then.* Tit make anytng vp tne You made tall up se: Nothing uta in lve the son ext, this sion of eg able never to forge, col war under the son that I would never Forget Hiroshi, it in lve iis sc tla amt vin Jn H's cp Sitch a tls spl hc rye ee sue: Women risk giving bith to malformed chien, to: mon ters, butt goes on ‘Men rik becoming stele, but lt goes on. People are ala of the rs, “The rain of aes onthe waters of the Pac “The waters of the Paci kil Fishermen ofthe Pui are dead People ae afraid of the fod ‘Thood ofan entire cy i trown way “The food of entire cites is buted, Amentive ety es up in anger. Ese iis He up in anger (Wevsrel: demontratons) Agtnat whom, the anger of entire cites? ‘The anger of entire ee, whether they Uke it oF mo, agai the Inequality set Fert principle by certain peo- ‘ple agunst other people, against the Inequay set forth a: [ipetnepl by cain rer against oter races, aint the inequality st forth a8 plciple by coran cases aginst ther cate. (rocesions of demonstrators “Mule” speeches from loulspeak oa) 9 (fy) sen toe. Tike you, {how what to Forget. a: No, you don’ know what to forget Like you ave # memory. now what i it forget ne: No, you don’ have memory HE: Like you 1 too have tried with all my might nt to forget. Like your Forge. Like yoo, I wanted to have a inconso ble memary a memory af shadows and toe. (ie sot of @ shadow, “photogrephe” on sone, of someone ied et Hiroshima) For my put, Ustrogled with all my might, every day gains the horror of o longer understanding a al the rv ton for remembering ike you, forgot {Shops with hundreds of sale models of the Place of Industry Ihe oly monument chow tcisted shelton remained sending tater the bombeand wae aftereard presereed. An empty shop. ‘buon of Fopanese toute. Tours on Peace Square. A eat traning Peace Square) Why deny the obvious necessity for memory? (A sentence punctuated by shots ofthe famercork ofthe Palace of Industry.) Listen to me now something ee. will beg all over agai. “Two hundred thousand dead Eight thousand wounded. Tnnnine seconds. These girs are oc. 1¢ wil bagi all cover again (Tees. Church. Memy go-round. Hiroshima rebuilt. Banality) ‘hare willbe ten thousand degrees on the eath Te thou sand son, they wil say. The asphalt wil bum. (Church, Jepaneseaeertsng poster) Chaos wil prevail. whole city willbe razed from the cath and fal boc in ashes, (Sand. A package of “Peace” cigars, A fet plant sprend out like apider onthe sand.) [New vegetation wil ise fom the sands. (Pour “dena” student chat beside the ricer. The reer. The tle. ‘The dely per of Hivshina rebut) Four students await together a frsteral ad legend a toe gedany The sven branches of the delts estuary in the Ota river Aan and il at the usual Dou, etaly atthe wal hous, ‘with water that esha ich with Bs, gray or bl de: ‘ending onthe hour or the season. Along the my banks people no longer watch th tide rising stow In the seven ranches ofthe delta ectuary ofthe river Ot (The tncanttory tone ceases, The tects of Hiroshima, more treet, Bridges Covered lanes Streets Suburbs. Ralroad tock. Suburbs, Unicel bonality) se: «Test you 1 remember you. Who are you? You destroy me. ‘Youteso good forme How could {ave Known that this ity wat made tothe sive of ne? Flow could I have known that you were made tothe sae cof my body? "You're grt. How wonderful Yue great. How slow alos sudden ‘And how west. ‘More than you ean know. You destoy me. Youre so good forme You destroy me. Yoxte so good for me Plenty of tine Pleas Takome Deform me, make me uly Why not you? Why ot you inthis ty ain hi night so Uke the others you can't el the difernee? Pes, (vith exaggerated sutdoness the women's foe appears, filed teil tenement, tuned tocard the mais) sr: Is exrordinary how bestifl your skin test) (itis face eppeare. He lng ecttelly, which has nothing to lo with thtt won, He turns) ta: Yes ne, You wil hve sen me. (The two naked bodies reappocr. Same voice of the woman, fnuted, but this tne not declematory) sm: Ae you completly Japenese raze you completely Japs {silence They look eachother) You wee ere at Hiroshima sus (eughing, athe might at edi question: No su (enressing hie naked shoulder ae Stop ofa (Almost sniling) ns (oe ‘gh su (tii, iin nove) A stoke of ck tn (ot ooking at her, weighing the pro and con): Yes fe: ack forme ton (raw) tues What are you dog at Hiroshima? the war sa: A Bl, ae; What ln? sve: Tm playing nes And befoce coming to Hireshima, where were you? ste: Fa Pris (Aonger pou) ne: And before Pass? tir: Bafore Pari? wasat Nevers. Ne-oers es Nevers? tht: Tein the provine of Nie. You Jott hnow it (Pause, Then he ass, as though Ipeceen Hiroshi ond Never) tne An why il you want to see everything at Hiroshi? ‘a (tying 1 be sincere): esas (eens about For Instance, ‘Tg something that has to be lened. of a) That's te. «How , hstent): But my fal was at Hiroshi. 1 was of he hl jut discovered Tink interested me. have my Think looking coely at Part It (Acar of bicycles poses inthe are, the noise growing loud fr then fang. She leon the belay ofthe hotel, tn desing fon. She i looking ot him, She holds @ ewp of cofee tn het Tend. He el elep, ling on Vie omach, hi arms coed, Inn tothe wit She looks ery intently otis hands, which tremble sigh, ‘hitdrons hands cdo sometieswhex they ae asleep He has very eau, ery ere hand While she is looking a them there suddenly appear, in place of the lepoest, the hay of young man, lying the same post tin, Dut in posture of lth om the Bank of rer in full day Tight. [Phe roms isin semtslrkrae| The young man & near death. He too os becutfl hands, strikingly Uke hase of the Tepente, The apprach of death mekes them jek alent Theat tan extremely Dre} oe She remain frosen, leaning agin the whuow, He aus and ies fer She ean reten he amile immediatly. She com tinuce fo look ot him atenticely, woul moving. Then she taker ecole over to him’) se: Do you want some colle? (ite eset, takes the cup. Powe ) se; What were you dreaming abot? tm: I dont remember... Why? (She hes become heel agin, extemely nice) sx; Twas looking at your hands, They move when you're asp. (examining his hands, pores moving his fingers): Maybe ts “when yu dreum without Faoming 2 (my plenty blige ead) Hm, (Theyre together tthe shower ofthe hotel rom, Ina gay mood. ‘He pts his hand on her forehend an arches her head back) ve: You'ea beaut woman, do you know that? ste: Do you think oP ae Think so sae A tale wor vee (laughing: A tie uly. aot 0 (omling ot hs cares: Dont you sind? me: That's what I noticed lastnight in that cxf The way youte sly. Aad alo. su (cory reared) And alsa? 1: And aso how bored you were sm (her curosty aroused) Tell me more You wore bored in way thit makes men want to krow 2 su (oniling locering her epee: You spenk French very well 1m (gay: Dea though! Tm glad you ally noticed how well speak French. (Powe) 1 bade’ noied that you tide’ speak Japanese... Have you eer noticd that abe the une sense that people wate things? se: No. noticed you, thats al (laughter) (Alter the bath, Her Ii wet, She ie munching soy on ‘ppl. She iron the balcony, desu ia ativbe; she Toks at Tin, techs, al wf to pnpoe” thelr itution, aye sol, sttieugh scoring the tconte:) sue: Tosoeta-Hiosins, It dest happen every day (Alte drese-his shit collar coen-be joins her x the Ba ‘ony alison oppotite her, Mera omen? heaton, he aia) sae: What cid Hiroe moan for you, Pane? He: The end ofthe war, I mesa, rally the ond. Amazement atthe len tht they hal dave. amazement at the Ken that they had suceeded. And fn on, for the begining ‘ofan unkaown for, And then, indierence, And als the feat of indierence, ne: Where were you? ses Ul st et Nevers Iwas x Pas Tn the street ‘ne; Thats prety French word, Nevers softer pone): Its 8 wor Whe any ober Like the ity (She moves may, They beg tot out onliary things) (tte seated onthe Bed he lige cigarette, loks a her inte, then sks) tes Have you met many Japanese at Heoshina se: ve met some, yes. te ne ke you vo (onling, ey Ute Bt Japenese in your He? (iter tanger of-camers. She reappons schile she Ws getting threwet) | 1 (lowering his eyes, cally): The whole work was happy. You were happy sith the whole worl. (Continuing, tn the same tone T head Ht was 8 beanie summer dy in Bi hat dy hk ih? se: Yes, it wae bestia day. ee: How old were you? sue: Tweuy. Ane you? sm; Twentytwo, ane: The same age, ely. ne: Ye, practically (She appenrs completely des, ut hei puting on her Red | Crovt mare's erchie, She bend done bese him wath aude} entre, or lie dven beste hin. Sh plage lh is hand, Rize | Fe bare arm. They takeout odinary things) se: What dl you do n MP re: Architectre. An politic to. ste: Oh, that why you speak sch good French tne; Thats why. To road shout the French Revolution. (hey ough. Any preci indications about Ms poiics oul be tslutely impossible, since he scold be immeditely teggel ‘an bese, could be nee. Nor shoul it be forgotten thet ‘only nan of Noeral opinions wou have made the precelng, remark) ne: What's the fm you plying in? st: A ln about Bese, What ele do you expet ther to make ‘in Hiroshima except» petre about Pesce? (A noieyscerm of begets patie.) tae: Tike to see you agin se (geting negatively: At thi ime tomorrow Il be on my wry tack to France sm: Ietha tre? Youd tele, ‘sm: Hes te, (Pause) There was ne pint in tling you tue (seriou, token aback: Ie that why you lt me come wp 10 your room lastnight?» Bosna it was your let day Hiroaki? se: Not atall The thought never even crowed my mind ne: When you tal, I wonder whether you lie or tl the tah ‘Iie, tll the trot. But I don't ave any reason to he to you. Why? se: Tell me. .do things ike se; Not very often, Butt heppens have a weakness for men, (Paws) have dob morals, you know. (She laughs) ss: Whatdo you cal having doubtful orl? his happen to you often? st; Being doubtful about the morse of other people (He lag heartily) 1: Td We to se you aun. Even if the plane i leaving tomer row. Even if yon do hve dubfl moral (Pause. A feling of love returning) sa: No, aes Why? s(t iritation): ecnse (Ute decent puree the concersation) ‘ai; Dost you want to talk tome any ore? He (after a pause): Tike tose you agin (Thay are i the hotel comin) se; Where are you going in France? To Nevers? ‘si; No, To Pars (A pause) I dont ever goto Nevers any more se: Not ewe? soe (grinacing a8 she says i): Not ever (Then, caught i her ‘ton rap, ads) ln Nevers Twas younger than Ue ever teen ae: Young inNever. sum: Yes. Young in Nevers And then too, one, rad in Nevers. (hey are ping back at fort i ron ofthe hoe, She ise In forthe er tht i apposed lo come al pk her upto tke ert Peace Square Fete peopl, but lt of ears passing I Doolcard. The dine i ab sented becnse ofthe nose othe car) se: You sec, Nevers the city nthe work, al even the thing in the work, Tem shout om fen at night Ard tthe ‘net the ing TH aout the ease a: What ws your madre ike at Neve? se: Manes ik inllgence, you know Yow cant explain it ‘Jt lke itligenee. comes om yon ls yn a then You eran at when gore sry you ca er. and tat al any longer a Were yo ful of hate? tts That as wat my madness asm ith at, Ha ‘the imprenon ou he onble to make real career of hate AIT ears about was ote. Do you unentane? a: Yes fe: Is tr, suppose you mast srs that to. i: Didi eve happen 0 you ail? snes No. (Ina nee whisper) 5 oer tit During the war? sues Right after it (ose) te Wat that part of the diflevhes of fein France after the ae; Yes thats one way of puting ts When dit you gt over your madness? se (nfo evice she scowl talkin normal circumstances) Te went sway itl by lil, then of couse when Thad culdren (The noise of the cars grows an fades in inverse proprton to the serine of tei romark) aie: What did you say? soe; [sid it went away litle by ile, And then of cour when had chien snes Td relly Hike to spend a fow days with you somewhere, se: I woul oo. ta Seeing you sin today woud rely be setng you sgn YYousaetaee peopl again in such short time elly woul se: No (She stops infront of him, cbtinate, motionless, silent He almest accepts) am: Allright. {Se ag But fred he eo gly, at ste ally, spiteful. The taxi arrives.) a sm. 1s because you know I'm leaving tomorow. (Phey laugh, but hae hearty than her. pus.) va: Tes ponte that part of But that's as good a reson as eyo Th thought f oo sing you again ever, jina few hours. 7 o (he text has ersced and topped atthe Inerecton. She signals {ott hat shes coming. She takes her tine, looks at the Japanese, and say) st: No (itis eyes follow her, Perhaps he smiles) | | Part 11 (te four vou Peace Square in Hirai, tn the dence @ es of fn technica ir mocing cay crying & exe fig, endrefectorsJepnes crkers are donating the of Cl somisend that her ost oon wed inthe Ts scene of he fim ‘er inportant not: wl lays se he lcs in the de Iceni nccee know what in ie theyre shotng a ir ‘lie Ae ocr ac the scenery being taken down iuthand are coring porters Sriouslonguages-Jopancie Ftc, Geena, etwas miosiin. The workin Ire tes Puy donanting the ofl grandstands and reno Sie bani On the et ess the Pench woman, She ep {er mac’ kerci has sipped perl of her hea. She yng inthe show of ono the ta. Whe gather ta ey hace jut fed sting om eltenin nn Pesce shins Is not neces iin Airy om enltening one A croed passe) along the ore ‘Ser dey he ut Ben sting the fm. The ced tll ote Beep for ee chien no one looks, they are wed 1 sec elng sot Hiring. Farnse man pen, tps an lok, the man we had sen pe een er otl ron He approaches the muse, end wets see gc wit fly sees herp. bt ony afer helas Ber leaking therfore goo while Dori the sone perp sce ee foe tals inthe dene, Peace motel ofthe Pac of usr. guide sur site couple of ex nal eben. amy Shag on ret corer She makes et fligue ens. Jey ately fod thomaccesincleed gan with thle Teg. Tis peumal story slays dominates the nectar de wtowatce Mochi Hoy Sige oe oor toe Kin He Tah i iy Then they become sero) tae 1 as cay toi you fn Hiroshima (She loughs happily A pause, He took ther again. Two worker “caring an enlarged photograph from the pctre The Chit ‘ren of Hivshina sowing a dead mother ano ch crying i the smoking mune of Hiosina pare betceen them. They dow Took atthe photograph. Another photograph, of Einttn, followsp Immediately efter he one ofthe mother an hil.) Ts ita French in? Se: No Intmato On Pesce we Ital? sie Ys or me ts Bad, The tl have sone cod fe ma etre extent re, compo prodcing mech oat We hie inl mmc mt et arnt cele ek oa So... by stressing it... peshaps. Jfmussed as it was in bed the night before. She lets him take off se (ith ery clear es onthe sj Ys, by sesing ifr ec se es on hse aya she mat hae lt in era Hsin we dt pst as Pes Pore rectifier, en n eae (ie bck ower her The pha hace ne completely toa ee ly by. Tnatinetcely they move closer tether. She readjusts her be lowers her eye. An incomprehensible pout. She toys with Kercie. which has slipped partly of wile she was sleeping.) pomething on the ground, then ries her eyes agin.) es ‘You ge me grat dee tole se (looking at him in a way that is both prococative and gentle. WShe doesn't answer right away. His words upset her, = fer (daly Atay. chance lve ae... Me ton ene evry oa at ery dpe, pes been hen I cee mene tom] ey pee for, at tn ve ben thinking f yo, your plans ving toma hater erste ea mao tu (nconingflly 1 ag of Nevers in France (She snier) row? = mee No Not always ke ti. You now i ee ees (Shout in the dstone, Then cilren singing, But i dost di sue: Ys. The plete is behind schele. im 2 moath overve fect them, She maker an incomprehensible face (liceious turing to Pais ould be the on}. She rates her eyes again, but this time 10 (She Tooke squarely at him. Slowly he takes ler Rerchief of. fhe ky, and ays, gin incomprehcnnbly, a she wipes the event Titer sei ery henily made wp, bu chic cose her Hip are 30 Pom her frghend:) Alok they scom Back, 0 cle she it harlly mae wp atoll end |e; Thy 9ythere'l bo a thunderstorm before nightfall ‘cme pate wer the a (A shot ofthe sy she sees. Clone seulng .. The singing be} ames more distinct Then [the ent ofthe para begin. ‘They back suey She clings thin like the postures income ‘mains, her hand on issuer His face against her hate When she miss fer eyes ae sees hon, Hell try and lead her cay from the parade: She reat. Bush go anya, eihont reali she’s lensing Children parading carrying posters) st Foter HEU Abombe qual 100 rilion ordinary nbs 1 “This etrnontinary seine Sale he ig chien, Dos allo ie i From smock da the 42,000 ‘ade, i threatening. Clouds cover the sun. There are Tot of cil (ler deny alpine 4 Bot ts reretible that then, beaut children, They are fet. and sing early ot leet ele ma otal inligece | in wil. rey, an sion witout eng the — is 100 times less developed } Japanese pushes the French woman in the same—or in the oppo- bad earl hed sever, sighs, and while she is sghing:) eee tm: Thate to thik aboot your leaving, Tomorrow. I think love vein mn Sih Poser you Met do 000 Fond Which eps us fom ely} ie bur i tp inher it Her awl gt on hse. Tombs mean? acing an Sly er eyes open. The prade goes on. The cre’ fees see ei Das of ect tod oa onthe wht Feralas ocr ex nen Amon, made 0 isola nth nding pce pay ha pe he Cee seine cs onl ao. eae dogg reg Tyke) tas: Yee coming with me, once more {ste doc’ answer Dena Jopenxe woman, siting on « vee flow, pases. She loses lock of pigeons (or mabe some other Mtegorica, ve: Anewor me, troment. le ts foing her. Ard The opp hing conversation SS your wile? i: She'eat Us is he coming bak? day te of what @ man would do se alone at Hiasina? nthe mountains. im alone ¢(soly af nam ase)» What your wie ke? 1 (purposely): Beast. Yim a man whe's happy with hi purely poy with i (Powe) se: Som ima woman wha's happy with her hoshand (This exchange charg sth real emation,sehich the ensuing ‘moment coor) 1 ss: Dont you workin the aftemoc 1s: Yes. lot. Mainly inthe afternon, sue: The whole thing tpi (ae out e yo Tey othe ten ng en (At Hiroshina The Hight ie already diferent. Late. After they Ive made lee) (Me stil doce’ anacer the phone) se: Was he Freneh, the man yo loved during the war? sur: Te it because of me you'e wasting your afternoon? me, What diference does itmake? (ae Never, A German roses square at dusk) sue: No. he wns French (dt Hirshina, She ie lying on the be, peasy ted. Darker ow) se: You. twas at Nevers. of Nevers Rivers. Quays, Poplar ried. The gen. Th | t sally), Why tak of him ether than the other? se: Why 208 sam: No, Why? se Because of Nevers Ian only begin o know you, and mong the many thousands of things in your if, Tin choosing Nevers, se; Like youd chooe anything ls? (Do we know he's lying? We suspect. She Becomes almost eos len searching for something 02) sx: No,its not by chance, Pause.) You havetotellme why. (tte can reply very important point forthe fln—elher:) de: It was there, [sce to have undertond, that you were so Young a0 young you stl don Belong, to anyone in ya Tule Tike that, (or) sna: No, that’s not it ta: Te was there, seem to ave undetstond, that I almost lost yout hat I sked never knowing you, (ore) te: Tt was ther, Iss to have undetstond, that you mst have Tegun tobe what you sre toda. Part IV long tris of light. The ricer people along Opposite this rier a fide boy window. Those sea the ceri only saguely 0 ecif begin, The place ih {nthe Bock of the room, facing each forehead. In the a tee Wine mel (of hopeleyhepp we: Aside from that, Nevers doesnt’ mes French? sa: No. Noting, tae; Would yu have been cok loved eachother there? make the scone to Tong* ne back to them) su (shouting I want to leave here, (She segs) Loire se cant plture Nevers. (Shots of Nevers: sn. ory small The Mersllaze pases above my head 1s ‘deafening (She blocks her eas in thief at Hirshima). The café su int sry quiet Shots of Never cell. Ric's Boo hands) ane; Hands bocome wilt in collar. They scrape. They rub the inf. againt the walls (Somewhere at Nevert, bleeding hands. Heron the table, fntact. Riva lek heron Blood) se: that’ all you ea find Lo do, to make you fel beter. fd also to remember.» I Fved blo since I had tasted. ae And the Lore? (ite take her heal in his hande Nevers) sa: Rs completely unavigabe ever, aways empty, boone fs wreglarcoure and sand bars. In Franc, the Lok SS considered» very beaut river, expel Deease of ts light 30 sf, you only knew | criey scarey took at ach other a she tat, They lok ot Neo (Ecstatic tone. He frees he hea and tens coe) tbat hem a fey wee och pnd by we Whar yon aretstha eler, ae ded? ever There avec gles onthe table She dks wily He = aa Inoresloely. Ther hander at on the table) sus You arden... and moe (eves the German dying ery oly onthe quay) sue; The workl moves slong over my hea. Tnstead ofthe sky su: «how eit posible to bese sch pin? ‘couse. Tsce the world walking. Quictly during the “Te cela smal, secck. Stow on Sunday. Te docrtKoow Tim in the cell ‘Thay pretend Fm dead, dead a Tong way trom Nevers. That's srhat my father wats, Becaze Tin disgraced, thats what ty father want (To show with her hands how emal ti she weirs her cheek fom his Then she goes on sil very cose toi, but no longer Touching im, No tenntaton. She speaks Yo hin with passionate cnthasorm) (ever: a father, « Neoers drug, Behind the window of hit ‘rug store) (Ast hey were var ofthese things logeter He moves ay fromer} 1 Drisksomething, sme Yes {ie lds the gas or et dink. he wor ou from rmem- berg) se (aidenly: Afterward Ido remember any mor. ¥ doa ‘meer any more sm (ging fo encourage her): These cllars ae very ol, and ery damp. these Nevers cll = «You wre sg som. Yeu. all ot speter (er mouth ogi th wl of he Necers caller, biting) sme: Socnetimes a ct comes in and looks. Its not a mean eat dont remember any more. (heat comes in the Necrt cella and Took at this woman) sm; Afterward dont remember any moe. sm: How long? se: I promise nit to serum any more Then thay take me ack tomy room oom ot Never, Lying down, one lg raised, filled with desir) Two yrs ny ere te nec at): By See (Someone, «solitary man, puts a record of French Bol-musete tru onthe jukebox To make the mace ofthe lost memories UF Neoers la, to Keep anything from "neing” the Jopaese four te contents of glans it hee Tithe Never cellar the eas eyes end Ric's yes glow, mT se: Of what? {Spots onthe ceiling ofthe room at Nevers, terifying objects a ‘Nesers) afraid, Everywhere, Inthe cll. Fn my rom. sor: OF no ever seeing you nga ver, ver (They moce closer together agin, at at the beginning of the scene) se; One dy im twenty year ol 1 inthe cella. My mothe comes ates me Twenty. (A pase If remembering) iy mother eying ne; You spin your mater Fae? se: Yes | When she hears the music of the recnd she [drunk or madi smiles and screams) se: Ob, how young Iwas once! (Sle comes back to Nevers, hacing hari let, She te haunted the choice of ajeeticestcoluntoriy carted) Se: At night... my mother take ime down into the garden ‘Se looks at my hen. Every night she looks arcu ty head. She still doesnt dave come near me. -- If at night that I can look at the square, I lok at it is eoormons (gesturing 1 cores nin the idle (The ait shat atthe Nevers cellar. Throweh i the reinbocle ‘wheats of bicycles pasting ot den at Nevers) sme: Sleep comes at dave, t: Does trai sometimes? se: along the walls (She sare, searches, scares) fu flmot ei) 1 ink of you, bt do tlk abou ay (they moc oe tgethr oan) me Mad e the: Maly in ov with you. (Poe) My Bae growing bs {ean fel every daimyo Lon care But never thos my bars going bac (Ria inher bed at Nevers, her hand inher hai, She ran her Ions hough er ar) sm; Do you cer, before he call? tan: No. mb {they ae che tocheck thle eye alloted, Hosking) es They shave my eed carly tl theyre Sie. They intr uty dos goed having the wore tents (cry larly Ar yon ase forthe, my lve? (he ha-cutng) sue: The Hanks of the Loire, Dav, People are exssing the ‘ie sometimes marys sometimes few, depending en the howe From fu, ts noone, (Republic Square at Never, at night) ne: Not long after that my mer tll me Lave to leave for ‘ars by night She giverme sme money eave fr Pari 08 bis at night Is summer. The ight are warm, When Trench Pareto days ltr the sane of Hiroshia is in all the nowspmpers. My ha snow a decent length. Tm in the rect withthe people (Someone pts enter balmusete record onthe jukebox) ‘(as he were waking up: Fourton yen have passed (ite gees ee something odin. She drinks. She apparently be- tomes que elm. They are emerging fom the Neves tunnel) sue 1 dont even emember his hands very well. The pain, stllenember the pln ite we Tonight? se; Yes night, I emember: Butane day ¥ woot remember it any mare, Not tall Nothing. (The Jepanese slaps her. (Or, if you prefer, erases her hands Iie She at ar though she didn ow where ih come fom. But she snaps ont of ond octe ae though she realised i had Beennecomry) sur: Aad then one day... had seeamed again. So they pat re back nthe clr. 7 7 (Hor ste resins tx normal rythm. Here the ente scene of the marble thot enters the celle, she marble she picks wp, the tearm marbles enloes tm her hand, ee, and thet she gies back othe citren outa, ee) srs twas warm, (ite ets her tt, without understanding. She goer on) se (ater @ pause: think thn is when T got over my bate {Peed serenm any more (eat) Yim becoming rx Sonabie, They says "Shes Becoming rssonable” (Pour) One night day, they let me goose (Dmn, at Never, beside acer) se (aig her helt Took a i): Tomorow at this tne FL be thos of miles ay fm you, me: Does your band know about this? se (hesitating) No. tee; Then Tm the only one who does? (te gets up, takes her nhs arms, forcing her to get up to, and Iholds er very tightly, shckingly. People Took at them. They Alot understand. Hei ocercheltagly hp He luge) ine; Tm the only one who knows. No one ele? se (losing er ever: Da sy any tore (She moves even clover thin, She raises her han, nd coesee IMs lpe cory lightly. Then, a if she were euadenly very happy) ane: Oh, how god it isto be wi (They separate, very soy, ests back down egain) (Someschere «lamp goce out, ether onthe reer bank or inthe bar. She june Se witha her band, hich she ha place tn on is ps. He hes ogoten the passing tne} se: Tale ore se Alleight (Searches, con find anything) 1: Tal ne more. sue: T ant to have lve through that ement, That ncompar able moment. (Ste rinks. te spooks, though divorced from the present) ns na few yens, when Fl have forgotten you, nd when other sich adventures, from sheer hab, wil happen to me, TH omember you es the symbols forget, 1 sh of this venture ar Of the horor of blivion. Talicady owt xf, She look a them) ling concealing «fel sways people awake ta light, The record stops late but eluctable hour ng, They both close thet tendered world (ite stare ole, lok st dayight yet. Ie: No. (Pens) Probably well dle without ever seing exch te: Yes, probably. (owse,) Part V (iter fuer time ope We ae eri the set waling {ily Then we ern the ly of the hotel She bes her Lee Then eee heron he nen. Phew ce hr open te ibe her rom. Ener te room op so efor on Shgu. ora seh dood ronson sent the oo Troe buco end cows he dr sf Erbin te sn denen png bce wp. Recing fart Coming nt gong tnt ht. Wing hero tcing ora stron fing retring fo her rom lt Sfesutln ts te coming tr th he rz She goes the btn pater trom hr foe And ear ih frsenence orto delgee) sme You ink you now And then. You do Neve send a Gorm ov wo she yo {WeilgeteBurrny ove, na ere well may ee ES Uitn taing at fel inte lg hse who have never gone o Davis speak ‘her of love. 7 You wee not yet quite den Trad ose. Tes nf to you oh with hanger Ta oratory It you try at cok bl Forteaece yes T de fe tt fa penile eas Sine Nove ak bow forgetting you Tek how Ue forgotten you ek at ee (gute she loss her eyes. Se i ee te ies She dries her face (Ve ae thom now one bouleeard. In the background the lighted Sign of nightclubs. The boulooard ls perfelly staiglt. She & Cooking, he following, We ae frat on, then the other Dares ‘on bth thet faces Hectcher up with her) (softly: Stay a Hiesiona with me (She doce reply. Then we hear her eoce in an interior mono- logue loud ond unconroled:) su; He's going to come toward me, hes ging to take me bythe shoulder, he goingtokissne "Holl Ks me sand I be lost (The word “Tot” aid lino ectatclly) (A shot of hi, Andie notice hs walking more slowly tet the ‘lstance etocen them gross. That isto of coming foward her hhe1mocing farther aay. She doe tum back) 76 (A secession of rete in Hiroshima ond Nevers Reds interior monologue) Trenember you, “Thiscty wat mde tothe sz of lve Youwere made to the size of my body Wheare you? Yow destiny me, Twas hungry. Hungry fr inde, fr adler, fries, Image to die T alvays have been, [alvaye expected that one day you woud descend on me Take me. Deorm me to your likens int noone, fer you, ein understand the reason for uch deste ‘Were gong to remain alone, my lve. ‘Thenight el never end ‘Thesun wil never re again on anyone Neve Never more Ata Youestioy ne Yon so good forte. In pod caneience, with good wil, well mourn the de ited day ‘Well have nothing ele to do, nothing but to mourn the departed day. “Anda ine i going to come, ‘Atine will come When well no ore kao what thing it isthatbinds ux By slow degrees the word wil fade fou memoy. “Thon wl dsappea altogether. (his mee acest her face to face—for the lat time but from 1 ditance, Henceforth she fe inlele. 1 raining. They ore flora sto ening) 1: Maybe ifs possible for yout stay tn: You ow it not. tl mare impose than to leave. sm: White my body i sil on fr with your memory, would he tote Neves again. the Lave. 4 {Slotof Never) Lovely pop toa of Noe, Tf yout bln. (The seo "loti sald be poten ik ar of lose) “Face pete ry. bath ou to clon vies A week su: No, sie Thre days sun: Time enogh for what? To live fom i Tod ram it? ne; Time enaugh toknow which sie: That doesn exist. Nether Une enough to live ro it, Nor tine enough to de fom i ST dat given damn, sn would have prefered that you had died at Nevers So woul I. But Idd ie at Nevers, (Thervins ot Nevers) (One night without you and I waited for daylight to fee ag (Ste ts seated om bench nthe wating oom ofthe Hiroshi raion sttion Stl more tine hs elepeed. An elderly Japanese ‘toman sated beside her. Another interior monologue) se: Nevers, that 1 forgotten, 18 ke tose you agin tonight Every night for month on nd T st you om Bre, while my ‘bay wa ae with is memory. (Lite « shadow the Japanese enters and sit onthe same Dench, tn the epposte se of the od woman. He coca lok at the French woman, His face ie soaked foo the rain. His lips are trembling sligly) 5 Never) ‘ne day witout his eyes was enough kil her Littl gi of Never. Shameless child of Nevers ne day without bs hae and she thinks how sad ito love, ‘Sly eg ‘Who des lve at Nevers Lit git with shaven bead, bequeath out oblivion Ase for hi lvion wl bg with ‘sit wn form, oblivion wl bogin wth your ees. Jost he ame, ‘Then, a twas for in, wil encompass your voice Jost the same “Then, awa for hin, wil encompass you completely Uo bye. You will becomes song. (The mariage! (They ee separate by the old Japanese woman. He takes a ig: free, sc igh, ond ofer the French oman th package ‘That all | condo for you, ofer you a cigrette, e 1 would ofer ‘one to anybody, to this ol woman She doesnt smoke, He offer the packoge tothe od woman lights her igre ‘The Nevers forest moves past nthe Height And Never. While the lowdpeater a the Hodhina sation bles “Hiroshi, Hi roshimal” during the shot of Nevers The French women seems fo be asleep. The two Joponete beside er speak sty to keep from waking her wp) ‘er ou wont: Who it abe? see: A French woman. sar oun wonans What’ the mater? se: She's leaving Jo 4 in tle wile, Wee sal at having to Teaveench oer" Tis ccng tas le nope, Nt mast athe {She ts gone, We see her again jst ous the station. She gett {nto a tat Stop Before a nightclub, “The Caneblance” Then he drive after ‘Shes fone oto table, He sts down at another table jing here Teste end, The end ofthe night shich mark the Beginning of thei ternal separation. A Jopaee soho cast the Toom goes ter toher and engages herinconcersation. re yaraae: Are youslone?! {she replies ony by signs) ‘hr yaranese: Do you mind talking with mea iter (he place ialmost emp. People are Bored) ‘i yaravest; Iti very late tobe only (sheets herelf be accosted by anatr man inorder t “lone” the fone we know, But not only thot not posse, is wel. Fr the (theron area lost) se yaranese: May Tit down? Are you ast visting Hirsh? ‘Ba you lke Japan? Daypou ive in Pari? i page ah (We can se day Deg Interior monologue to her She looks atthe talking to er And then, tefyng, “he down fan be seen bresking though the endows of the xt sen leeing aginst the door inside her hotel room. jar A knock. She opens) “Hise shiana. Tha’ your nae. ook at ech other without seeing eachother. Foreotr) tne; Thats my name, Yeu. Your mame ie Nevers, Newervin Francs look et eoch othr. The sence of dan we Te enters her rom. Inthe distance, Hivos ‘THE END APPENDICES NOCTURNAL NOTATIONS (Notes on Nevers of them, equally ave possessed by of thom is aigyy. They are Its color al form are henceforth prophetic i fom here that ‘is death gan, forall etry Late one afternoon a German sole cross a square some: whore inthe provinces of France, : Even wari boing “The German vl erozser the square ike a peaceful target. Were in th dopthe of the wa the tne when seemed it ‘would never ed. People no longer pay any atention to he ene my Theyve grown wed tothe war The Champs de Mars Square rola quiet despair The German sole fel i too We dont tak enough about tho boredom of wae. Within this boredom ‘women behind utters watch the enemy walking across the quar. Here adventure i creumseribed by patriotism. The other venture mort be strangled. Nevertheless, poop watch Theres ‘mvs in watching We hse hind the ramparts, Desthly afraid, but ately Inppy, 1 Hised my enemy ‘The ramparts were always deverted daring the war. Ding the war Frencanen were shot thee, And after the war, Germans. 1 discovered his Bands when they touched the gates to pon them before me. soon wanted to punish his Ids Tite them after aking lve. Tews nse the ramps ofthe ty hat became his i Ino longer semember the gate atthe end of the garden, He waited form there, sometimes fr hour. Especially a ight Any Time could nda free moment He was sad Twaeafraid, ‘When we had to eros the ity together I walked ahead of him. fled with fee People lowes sr ays, We tought they were inflernt, We begin to tke moe anor ask hi to walk: ers the square, behind the fence, otha 1 col ace im once daring the day” So every day he walked long the fence, eting me ok at hi ‘the ruins in winter, the wind blows in ees. The cold. His Tipe were od. Tn my memory, Nevers where I wat bor, 6 lnseparbl from yl tit a ty a child can walk around Bounded on one side by th Laie ver, onthe other by the rampart Beyond the ramps les the forest Never canbe mensored by chil foosteps. Nvors “xis” betwoon the amputs, the iver, the forest, the countryside. The rapats ae imposing. Th ver isthe bros Sst the best known, the most bestia i France “Ths Nevers ie cieumseribed like capital When wasa lite get and walked all he way around Nevers, 1 thought fe as enormons. Ir shadows trembled in the Loire, making Bigger. For lng time Twas ail under the dion that Nevers was enormous, unt T was twelve or thse, “Then Nevers lose in on ll. grew 28 oe grows 1 Kn hing about other iin, I noeded acy the le of love ite Tuite Nevers ale “Tosay that Nevers «small ity isan error ofthe mind and art, Neves was enormos fr me “he wha ot gi To fee atts wows. At ih cowie come into the Burdens, ad you have to stage o hee rom being ar aed {At Nevers, moe tan anywhere ee, hey ee 2 cle wach ‘over love. 7 Lonely people avai ther death there, No other adventure ex cept love cam make them turn thelr attention from this vig. pT mh ta seh ght fdas i Love it unpurdonable there, At Never, ove the great sin. At New hapa rat cin, Brom t Neve, a a “Madmen walk: inthe outskirts. Bohemians. Dogs And love ‘Tospeak deprecatingly of Nevers woud also bean erat of the sind and hen Tseng, And that day beard srenm. Tat ast oe that they put te i the calla, The marble came foward me, taking i Hime, He an event ‘Brightly colored rivers Howed inside it. Summer ws side the mate Ad summer had alo made warm Tralcady knew that one sould eat tings, eat any od thi. tot the walls not the blood of one's own hands nor the wall Tooke at wih tndermet. I placed alos my mouth, but dk bite So much rounds so much perfection, posed an insoluble problem Maybe break it 1 throw buts Bounces back toward my ‘nad tot agin It er come back. It gets lost ‘When it ges lst, something I recognize begins agin, Feat re turns Amable ent di remember. [Took 1 Bad i gx ‘Chkron’s shouts The marble im my and. Shea. Masble te belong to the children No, They wont have it ck Tope ty band There ii, captive. I give it back tothe eden [tm the middle of summer I wore (Black) sweaters At Nevers th summers reco. The sere rng the wa. My father Dovel His shelves ae empty. obey my father kes cid 1 ook bor burn and. 1 hin {bandage isha. Vase my ‘jer and Uriely meet hie Theyre ight. He laughs keesse I hurt im. dost laugh [My father dros ae sent 1 dost even know whether he's oe in my rom at might. Fem the a ‘beyond my by aan tng Te open my ro serves if by making ges ‘Ths grden cold ns you bev n Go. ic drank with bet, cvolgs be "Tout her ming a him a ths moment wok evn log Puiu is este le Tie cen Lie mac She no longer rational. "Tis wat Bt kone, Thi er Bt ain. Wo cn sacely Io at vn thicatate h nothing we ca do for, Ex Sp a ml pie gs hp Frossn dies 1 as i he were bound to the si, Death tok im completly hy sure Hi load ew ie the er, 0d like te. Like sweat He des Te» one, with wnsupcctad Stet I ecepin hin sot completely. aa, wt she es sho bing tendcmess with er amd We senate that {alas to sgl aint Gath Aste Freon yee They snl Yeu. Yon sey my lve, eon tha eas povnble [rua Funeral tnph Flinn. Fn 30 soe 1 cant goon Ivngafter eth ne at you iva mains auane OT QUA ances ante hart 8 nen SISA ton the gn here ea they spt ere ie rma hes inca any Dox? iv ll dest spon. Summer wear on 35 if wothing Kad Isppened, AM France celebrating, Ami joy and confusion "Theives ao stil low ae nothing bad happened. The Lae. ives oye How lke the Loire, bk siete iy pin, anil confsion "Th cella isl init be re. ‘Rvs sere she might remain silent, She docs know she “They pons her to teach er that she screaming Like a deat person “Tay have to teach he to hea when she seus “They told ho that ater ‘Shesenpor ee hands ike an it. Bins, set fre taside hows litle wings and dont fel anything. Riv makes ber gers bisa and then ruck er blood. Grimaces and bexins eum One dy. on a quay, se learad to lve bled. Like an an sera iteh tou really have fo Took at something, Riva iit ‘hn she lok. she ses nothing, But she looks, People's fet ht {herssves be looked at. “Th prope whe pas pass i 2 ocessary universe, yours amd mins inn spa of Hine familar tov iva’ fcking these people's Feet (just as meanings their fants takes place inn organi wives, whence reson bas Bl She Tks 9 werd f eet “Te father i worn ot by the wat He it a bad person, mere iy taped by what hs happened to him, iavoluntary. He is Ahead in blak “The mother 2 lvely person, Csr younger than the futher, Sh toes her hid more than anything nthe word, When ‘ivy cream, sb becomes trily wpet about her. The mother [rad thy de Smething more ther daughter. She's com: [toma the hows A tong, person. She daca want Rvs to de. She teats her child with rough tenderness. But an Infinite tenderness. Contrary to the father, she hast given Up Tope for her daughter. “They take hor down into the cellar a though she were ten yeas old. They are in black. Riva, between thm dresed ia 2 Tight color. Avery young gis lace-trimmed nightgown that her mother made, 2 mother who constantly forgets tht or child is rowing 0. iva, completely white ti a omer of the cellar There, a= cverytre che, always Her eyes nr they were beside the ier ‘The eyer she had onthe quay. Not gully. Terlying childhood. teat aight that she becomes rational gain That she remem tert she i someone's wile. She too has been completely sje ated by dese That hes dead doesn’t ep hor from Going ‘im. She wants him so badly she cat bear i any longer, and be Is dead. An exhausted body, breathing hexvly, Her mouth is ‘molt Her por that ofa itl wom, immodet to the point ‘of ruliganity: More immadest than anywhere ele. Dipgsting She ‘esr dend man ava rou Tu 09/251 ER ROO In this state anything can be sen by Riva, A whe collection of objects, or the objects taken separately. 1 hardly matters: ‘Everything wil be sen by her For lack of somthing better, altpter can be enten, The slt of the tones iva eats the wll She also Listes Uhm. Shei it 4 universe of walls A man's memery iin these wal, one with these the a, the ath

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