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The project proposes a basic manhole monitoring system which utilizes a
sensor network and IOT to overcome the challenges of manual maintenance as
well as manual scavenging. The focus of the project lies in collecting important
data from the manhole chamber such as temperature, presence of gases,
overflow, and detection of any unauthorized access by checking if the lid is
open. The collected data is further displayed on web which enables authorities
to actively monitor the manholes and take immediate action when needed.
The vital objectives of this system are low cost, longer life and proper
installation for improved accuracy and efficiency. The desired results are
overcoming the problem of sewage overflow especially during monsoons,
ensuring high level of safety for workers and preventing any possible accident
or explosion in a manhole chamber.

On its way to being a smart nation, India still lags in the basic infrastructure
and amenities it provides to a significant percentage of its population.
Drainage system is one such area where India still awaits a big leap. The
sewage system has a direct impact on the economy and administration. An
efficient underground drainage system ensures smooth movement of goods
and human resources irrespective of weather and time. Therefore, proper
functioning of sewage system is an inevitable requirement for a nation that
eyes high goals of development.
The maintenance of this underground system through inspection chambers is
one of the many aspects of drainage infrastructure. Manholes are the largest
chambers that provide access to a sewer or drain and easily accommodates
maintenance equipment and humans. While these chambers provide a way to
access and control the underground drainage system, they inhabit a complex
and dynamic environment composed of gases and fumes that can be fatal for
human lives. It is important to note that the current methodology of drainage
management essentially involves repairing the sewer vents only after overflow
has occurred. Detecting and locating the blockage and corresponding manhole
chamber is no cake walk with such a basic infrastructure. After an overflow has
happened, it only keeps worsening every minute. The consequences can vary
anywhere from roads overflowing with drainage water, sewage water mixing
with drinking water to pipe explosions, water stagnation and contamination.
All these consequences can be evidently found in a plethora of reports that
flood the newspapers during monsoon season, not to miss that monsoons are
the most vulnerable time for our underground sewage system.
Manual scavenging has been employed for centuries to accomplish the process
of cleaning, repairing, and maintaining these inspection chambers. However,
this method of drainage maintenance is incompetent and inefficient.
Moreover, it is an extremely inhuman and risky way of livelihood and very
often results in fatal accidents. This practice also promotes caste-based
discrimination as only people of certain castes are employed to do this job.
Therefore, maintenance of these underground systems calls for technological
intervention. The innovation should focus on countering maximum number of
limitations of a manual drainage maintenance system while following the
principle of “Prevention is better than cure.” The idea is to curb the menace of
flooding due to overflow which causes great inconvenience and obstructs
transportation and smooth running of a city.

One of the vital aspects of any drainage

system is its access point, i.e. the
manhole chambers
Manual Scavenging continues to be the
most dominant but highly unethical
saviour of manhole maintenance.

Manhole Monitoring System incorporates the idea of remotely monitoring the

manhole chambers for temperature, presence of various gases, overflow, and
blockages. It is a small step towards ending the practice of manual scavenging
while improving the efficiency of underground drainage maintenance. Instead
of repairing the damage, the system will help prevent the damages and save a
significant amount time and cost. With constant monitoring of underground
system, the authorities can not only detect any possible overflows and
blockages but also prevent any possibility of fatal accidents and explosions
during maintenance activities. A basic monitoring system will make use of a
dedicated sensor network for getting various real-time parameters of a
manhole chamber and a transmission network for sending the collected data
to the server. The system can also achieve advanced objectives by
incorporating artificial intelligence and a more complex sensor network to
sense maximum number of parameters with higher accuracy.
The Manhole Chamber
A manhole is an opening through which a man may enter a sewer for
inspection, cleaning and other maintenance and is fitted with a removable
cover to withstand traffic loads in sewers. Many aspects of system
performance depends on proper installation inside the manhole chamber. The
working of various sensors and data collection largely depends on their
position and configuration inside the manhole. Therefore, in order to build a
highly reliable system, understanding the dynamics inside a manhole chamber
is of utmost importance. In the following sections, we have discussed the
various parts of a manhole structure which are relevant to the system
installation and working.

2.1 Sizing of a manhole chamber

Manholes are constructed where there is a change of direction and/or a
change of gradient, or where access is required for maintenance purposes. The
minimum internal dimensions of a manhole are 600x900mm and they can be
of any depth, although most modern manholes tend to be at least 1 metre
deep with inspection chambers used for shallower depths.

Fig-2.1.1: Manhole cross-section

Fig-2.1.2: Plan view of manhole

2.2 Cover Slabs and Manhole Covers

Cover slabs are the lid for the manholes. The opening for entry into the
manhole (without cover) are of such minimum dimensions as to allow a work
with the cleaning equipment to get access into the interior of the manhole
without difficulty. A circular opening is generally preferred. A minimum clear
opening of 60 cm is recommended. Suitable steps, usually of malleable cast
iron are provided for entry. The basic role of a cover slab is to provide a firm
platform to both 'cap' the chamber and to carry the cover along with
any regulating brickwork.

Fig-2.2.1: Manhole cover slab dimensions

Covers for manholes come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and materials.

Fig-2.2.2: Various shapes of manhole covers

Fig-2.2.3: Manhole covers fitted on a manhole

2.3 Gas composition inside manhole

Hazardous gases are present naturally in a drainage system. The
decomposition of organic matter in sewers, manholes and pits of the drainage
system can generate extremely poisonous gases. Most gas poisoning accidents
in drainage work occur as a result of lack of data on the inside environment of
the manholes and improperly identifying the dangers of atmospheric hazards.
It is absolutely essential to have adequate knowledge about the characteristics
and composition of various gases inside a manhole so that a system can be
designed to constantly monitor and measure the dynamic levels of various
gases present in the chamber.
Fig-2.3.1: Dangers of lethal gases inside a manhole

2.3.1 Characteristics of common hazardous gases

Hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide and methane are the most common
hazardous gases found in drainage worksites. Additionally, oxygen deficiency is
another major cause of illnesses and fatalities. While gases like Carbon
Monoxide are odourless and colourless, certain other gases like Hydrogen
Sulphide have characteristic unpleasant smell at lower concentrations.
The characteristics of these major gases can be understood from the table
Hazardous gas OEL IDLH Relative LEL/UEL Remarks
(PPM) (ppm) Density
Hydrogen 10 100 1.2 4.3%/45.5% Rotten egg
Sulphide (H2S) smell
Carbon 25 1200 1.0 12.5%/75% Colourless
Monoxide and
(CO) odourless
Methane(CH4 -- -- 0.6 5.3%/15% Displace air
) causing
Table2.3.1: Characteristics of various gases present in a manhole

 ppm: Parts per million

 OEL: Occupational Exposure Limit- Time weighted average

 IDLH: Immediately dangerous to life or health concentrations

 Relative density: <1.0 means lighter than air, >1 means heavier than air
 LEL/UEL: Lower Explosive Limit/Upper Explosive Limit

Fig-2.3.2: Different hazardous gases accumulated at

different levels of a manhole

1) Hydrogen Sulphide Gas (H2S)

Hydrogen sulphide is a deadly gas with a distinctive "rotten egg" odour
that can be detected at very low concentrations. At concentrations
above 100 ppm, hydrogen sulphide has a paralysing effect on the sense
of smell. Even at lower concentrations, hydrogen sulphide can affect the
olfactory nerve and workers cannot detect the changes in
concentrations. Therefore, it is very dangerous to rely on the smell to
detect the presence of hydrogen sulphide. An airborne concentration of
hydrogen sulphide above 100 ppm is immediately dangerous to life or
health and concentrations over 1,000 ppm could cause immediate
2) Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Exposure to carbon monoxide at concentrations over 350 ppm can cause
confusion, fainting on exertion and collapse. An airborne concentration
of carbon monoxide above 1,200 ppm is immediately dangerous to life
or health.

3) Methane (CH4)
Methane is commonly generated when organic matter is decomposed
by a variety of bacterial processes. It is a colourless, extremely
flammable and explosive gas that can cause fire and explosion. The
accumulation of methane in a poorly ventilated area will displace normal
air and result in an oxygen deficient environment.

The basic design of the system incorporates a sensor network and a

transmission network.
The main purpose of the sensor network is to collect the data inside the
manhole. The amount of data collected depends on the complexity of the
sensor network and the capacity of the microcontroller to store and process
large amount of data. It is possible to install multiple temperature sensors, gas
sensors, water level sensors, overflow sensors and ultrasonic sensors to get
the best possible readings and highly accurate data. For our system, we chose
to monitor four main parameters:
 Temperature
 Concentration of Carbon Monoxide and flammable gases
 Overflow of water
 Opening or closing of lid
It is important to note that the right method of installation is essential for
proper functioning of the sensor network. The position and location of various
sensors greatly affects the data collected. For instance, manholes contain a
mixture of gases present at different levels. Therefore, the gas sensor must be
installed at the right level to get accurate readings of gas concentration.
Similarly, to detect the possibility of overflow, the float sensor should be
installed at such a level, that overflow can be detected sooner and leaves the
concerned authority with enough time to take appropriate actions. The
various possibilities for positioning these sensors inside the manhole will
require further study so that the best way of installation can be achieved.
The transmission network undertakes the task of sending the data collected by
the sensor network to the server which can be easily accessed by the
authority. This utilizes the concepts of IOT (Internet of Things) and WSN
(Wireless Senor Network). It is possible to send the collected data through e-
mails, text messages or simply displaying it on a website. Our system displays
the collected data on a web browser. The system is programmed to show the
sensor readings and display warning messages if any sensor reading crosses
the threshold value. The frequency of sending the collected data is
programmed accordingly. The final data to be displayed is kept easy to read
and understand for quick actions.
In this we have used sensors to detect the physical environment inside the
manhole. The sensors will give information and actions will be taken by the
municipal. This system consists of 
 Sensor network 
 Transmission setup

Arduino Nano

Analog pins used- 2

Digital pins used- 3
5V pin used as Vcc
GND pin used
3.3V pin used with
Rx & Tx pin used

More information on arduino nano is given in the datasheet attached in

Temperature Sensor – LM35
Temperature is an important parameter while studying the dynamics of a
manhole chamber. Any unusual rise in temperature can indicate probable
explosion. A continuous data of temperature inside the manhole can be
studied to undertake maintenance activities accordingly.

Gas Sensor – MQ9

Detects Carbon monoxide & combustible gases

The sewer gas is a mixture of several toxic and non-toxic gases, the most toxic being,
Hydrogen Sulphide, Carbon Monoxide and Ammonia.
It is important to note that the gases are present in layers inside a manhole. Typically,
methane gas is found on the topmost level, followed my carbon monoxide and finally
hydrogen sulphide at the bottom.
To avoid system complexity while still obtaining desired objectives, we chose to
detect carbon monoxide levels as well as flammable gases. Carbon Monoxide is found
almost midway in a manhole chamber where sensor installation is safer and more
advantageous. Since CO is present above the hydrogen sulphide layer, high
concentration of CO itself means human entry should be prohibited as large amounts
of CO can overcome you in minutes without warning — causing you to lose
consciousness and suffocate. Higher level of CO is also rough indicator that hydrogen
Float levels areSwitch
Vertical also high.
– toHowever low CO levels does not ensure low hydrogen
detect overflow
sulphide concentration. It is therefore mandatory that safety protocols are strictly
followed when working around a manhole.
MQ9 was chosen to primarily collect CO levels and flammable gases.


The vertical float sensor is used to detect overflow. The main purpose is to
send an alert when water reaches a pre-determined level. Float sensors come
in both horizontal and vertical mounting. A vertical float sensor is better suited
for installation in a manhole. It should be noted that this sensor will not tell us
the water level but only indicate the possibility of an overflow when the water
touches the reed of the sensor. Assuming a 1m deep manhole, the water
sensor can be fixed at approximately half the depth, i.e. 0.5m.

Ultrasonic sensor – HC-SR04 - Detect the opening of manhole’s lid

The idea behind using the ultrasonic sensor is to detect opening and closing of
lid. This is done by installing the ultrasonic sensor at a pre-determined distance
from the lid. When the lid is removed, the distance either becomes more than
the set level or becomes 0 (out of range). In either case the sensor will detect
opening of the lid. When the reading returns to the set value, the sensor will
detect that the lid has been closed.

Wi-Fi module – ESP8266

ESP8266 is a basic Wi-Fi module which provides internet connectivity to

Arduino. It provides a full WiFi networking solution, enabling users to set up a
web server or web client with a separate processor or even standalone.  It is a
cheaper alternative to raspberry pi while meeting our needs of achieving basic
IOT goals. The transmission network of our system makes use of ESP8266 to
show sensor readings on the web browser.

Logic level converter - To step down 5V to 3.3V for ESP8266

A logic level convertor safely steps down 5V signals to 3.3V AND steps up 3.3V
to 5V at the same time. It is used in the circuit to connect esp8266 with
Arduino in order to meet different voltage requirements.
Sensor network upon execution:
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>

const char* ssid = "WiFi Name";

const char* password = "WiFi Password";

ESP8266WebServer server(80);

String SendHTML(float TemperatureWeb,float HumidityWeb, String TimeWeb, String


void handle_OnConnect();

void handle_NotFound();

const int sensor=A2;
float tempc;
float vout;

//float sensor
int FloatSensor=2;  
int buttonState = 1;

const int DO = 8;
float m = -0.522; //Slope
float b = 1.44;

#define echoPin 2
#define trigPin 3
long duration;
int distance;

void setup() {


pinMode(FloatSensor, INPUT_PULLUP); //Arduino Internal Resistor 10K
pinMode(DO, INPUT);  
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
Serial.println("Connecting to ");

WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)




Serial.println("Connected to WiFi");

Serial.print("IP: ");


server.on("/", handle_OnConnect);



void loop() {


void handle_OnConnect() {


Serial.print("Temperature =");
Serial.print(" ");

buttonState = digitalRead(FloatSensor);
  if (buttonState == HIGH)
    Serial.println( "WATER LEVEL - HIGH");
    Serial.println( "WATER LEVEL - LOW" );


float sensor_volt;  
 float RS_air; //  Rs in clean air
 float R0;  // R0 in 1000 ppm LPG
 float sensorValue;
   for(int x = 0 ; x < 100 ; x++)
   sensorValue = sensorValue + analogRead(A0);
 sensorValue = sensorValue/100.0;
 sensor_volt = (sensorValue/1024)*5.0;
 RS_air = (5.0-sensor_volt)/sensor_volt; // Depend on RL on yor module
 R0 = RS_air/9.9; // According to MQ9 datasheet table
 Serial.print("sensor_volt = ");
 Serial.print("R0 = ");
 float RS_gas;
 float ratio;

 Serial.print("RS_ratio = ");
 Serial.print("Rs/R0 = ");
 double ppm_log = (log10(ratio)-b)/m; //Get ppm value in linear scale according to the the
ratio value  
 double ppm = pow(10, ppm_log); //Convert ppm value to log scale
 double percentage = ppm/10000; //Convert to percentage
 Serial.print(percentage); //Load screen buffer with percentage value
 Serial.print("%"); //Load screen buffer with "%"
   Serial.print("CO level is high");

 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  distance = duration * 0.034 / 2;
  Serial.print("Distance: ");
  Serial.println(" cm");
    Serial.print("The lid is open");
  Serial.print("The lid is closed");
server.send(200, "text/html", SendHTML(Temperature,Humidity,formattedTime,Date));
void handle_NotFound(){

server.send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");

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