Krishnamoorthi Chapter 1

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28 Industrial Engineer

What, By
K.S. Krishnamoorthi

and how
The importance of statistical
thinking for Six Sigma

In January of last year, The Wall thinking among black belts, and quality
Street Journal reported that “recent studies analysts in general, seems relevant.
… suggest that nearly 60 percent of all
corporate Six Sigma initiatives fail to Statistical thinking — What?
yield the desired results.” The article by Since the days of Walter Shewhart,
Satya Chakravorty suggests that lack the father of modern statistical qual-
of adequate know-how for performing ity control, knowledge of statistics has
sophisticated statistical analysis is one been considered essential to under-
reason for the high failure rate. stand the variability in product and
Another article, “Six Triumphs and Six process variables, to find the means for
Tragedies of Six Sigma,” by T.N. Goh in minimizing this variability, and thus
the journal Quality Engineering (December to produce quality products. Shewhart
2010), bemoaned the lack of statistical wrote in his 1939 book Statistical Meth-
skills among black belts: “Black belts ods from the Viewpoint of Quality Control,
using conventional Six Sigma proce- “The long-range contribution of statis-
dures on service systems could end up tics depends not so much on getting a
with results that could not stand up to lot of highly trained statisticians into
serious scrutiny of a good statistician. industry as it does in creating a statis-
… The tragedy is doubled if the black tically minded generation of physicists,
belts are not even aware of their own chemists, engineers and others who will
inadequacy or limitations and instead in any way have a hand in developing
brandish to management or customers and directing the productive processes
the outcomes of half-baked studies.” of tomorrow.”
Goh, an international consultant and W. Edwards Deming, the quality
academician of the International Acad- guru recognized for teaching the Japa-
emy for Quality, was lamenting the nese how to make quality products,
inadequacy of statistical thinking in realized the need for training engineers
black belts he had come across. and others in statistical methodology. In
A study of the inadequacy for statistical his book Out of the Crisis, he wrote that,

October 2011 29
what, why and how

“Industry in America needs thousands an analyst with such ability views should contain more than a half percent
of statistically minded engineers, chem- processes that produce products, he or of ash.
ists, doctors of medicine, purchasing she sees signals among noise, extracts The chemical engineers in charge of
agents, managers.” He further said, “No meaningful relationships among vari- production did not know how to inter-
one should be teaching statistical theory ables and gains a deeper knowledge pret the specification; they just made
and applications, especially to begin- about processes. This knowledge helps the product as well as they could and
ners, unless he possesses knowledge identify solutions to problems and delivered it to the customer, hoping it
of statistical theory through at least the produce quality products. would be accepted. Often packages were
master’s level, supplemented by experi- rejected by customers, returned to the
ence under a master.” His emphasis was Statistical thinking — Why? plant and burned in incinerators.
that engineers and others should learn The case studies below illustrate how It was a revelation to the engineers
the statistical methods along with the statistical thinking enables an analyst to when they were shown how the normal
theory behind them from people who frame a problem in the models of statis- distribution model shown in Figure 1
have the competence to teach that theory. tics and then find solutions. In each case, could be used to interpret the specifi-
Many others have written about the note that statistical thinking allows the cation, and how they could verify the
need for statistical thinking for quality analyst to understand the problem and acceptability of their product even as it
professionals. Notably, Lynne B. Hare, generate solutions. Without that abil- was being produced. They had to take
Ronald D. Snee and Roger W. Hoerl ity, the problem would continue to be small samples of four packages from the
have written extensively on the subject. misunderstood and produce waste and process periodically and create and R
The special publication by the Statis- customer complaints. All these cases are charts for ash content. Estimating the
tics Division of the American Society drawn from manufacturing since that process average as , the center line of the
for Quality (ASQ) titled 30 Years of environment offers the most challenges. -chart, and the process standard devia-
Promoting Statistical Thinking provides a Cases three, five and six are taken from tion as where is the center line of
compendium of work published in this the author’s book, A First Course in Quality the R-chart, the proportion of packages
regard. Most of these modern authors Engineering. Cases one, two and four are having more than 0.5 percent ash could
tend to view statistical thinking as a from an article presented by the author be estimated on normal assumption and
problem-solving approach that empha- at the Annual Conference of IEEE on compared with the specified limit.
sizes the use of statistics, much like Industrial Engineering and Engineering Case study 2. In a shipping dock,
the breakthrough sequence of Joseph Management, held in October 2010. skids were assembled with each skid
Juran, the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) Case study 1. A customer’s specifica- stacked with 36 bags of a chemical.
cycle of Deming or the DMAIC (define, tion for a chemical product stated: No Before loading the skids onto trucks,
measure, analyze, improve, control) more than half a percent of the packages the trucker checked the skid weights as
process of the Six Sigma system.
This article attempts to define
statistical thinking following the LIMITING ASH
“statistical mindedness” that Deming
and Shewhart used to describe the
phenomenon. This statistical minded-
ness is not just learning to calculate the
average and standard deviation of data
or even apply a given statistical method
to solve a given quality problem; it is the
ability to view the world through the
lens of statistics so that the otherwise
random, haphazard or chaotic would
show patterns and reveal relationships 0 0.3 0.5 % Ash
among variables, which in turn enable
predictions about their behavior. When Figure 1. Using normal distribution to model percent ash in packages

30 Industrial Engineer
a quick way of checking the bag weights.
The bags had a tolerance of plus or THE PAPER TRAIL
minus 0.5 pounds, so the trucker
had been given a tolerance of plus or Desired
minus 18 pounds for the skid weight. distribution Current
The customer frequently complained distribution
about underweight bags. The chemical
manufacturer was at a loss as to why the σ1
bag weights would be low when skid σ0 too tall
weights were right.
The employees used an incorrect
method to compute the tolerance for
the skid weight from the tolerance of
the bag weight. They should use the
root sum of squares (RSS) rule instead. 3.5
The tolerance for the skid weight should
Figure 2. Distribution of difference between actual and ideal height of paper cubes
be plus or minus ,
not plus or minus 18 pounds. The RSS
formula is based on the laws for calcu- Case study 4. The president of a the overage that can be avoided, shown
lating the variance of a sum from the company that produces paper cubes, in Figure 2. This difference is converted
variance of components. an advertising specialty, believes that into a dollar amount. Estimating the
Case study 3. A foundry no longer the workers are making cubes too tall variability in the ideal distribution and
can buy a brand of machine that tests compared to the specs. The cube height proportion too tall needs a bit of sophis-
the strength of cores made of sand depends on the height of the “lift” of ticated statistical thinking.
with bonding material, and the exist- sheets of paper the workers pick from Incidentally, this study discovered the
ing machines cannot be repaired. A new the paper stack using eye judgment. sources of variability in the cube height,
brand has to be purchased, but all speci- The height varies from lift to lift for the which led to new production rules that
fications for core strength in the foundry same worker, from worker to worker reduced variability and reduced the
were created using the old tester. Tech- and over time. Humidity also confuses paper giveaway, all without the expensive
nicians argue that all the specifications the judgment of the workers because sheet-counting machine.
(hundreds) should be reset using the the paper bulks and contracts with Case study 5. A huge consignment
new tester. Another group argues that humidity changes. The workers err on of castings, cylinder heads for automo-
new specs are not necessary; they are the safe side by making the cubes too tive engines, was returned to a foundry
concerned about the enormous time and tall. The president wants to know how by the machine shop because of blisters
expense needed in redoing the specs. much money the company is losing in found when the castings were machined.
The question to be answered: Are the excess paper given away, and if that The customer’s machining and assembly
the populations of readings generated loss would justify installing an expen- operations needed the castings badly;
by the two testers for the same sand sive sheet-counting machine that will the foundry could lose the customer if
identical? The question was answered deliver the same height for every lift. the problem could not be resolved soon.
using hypothesis testing comparing the The current height of the cubes is a The foundry engineers did not know
means and variances of the two popu- random variable and has a distribution. what caused this defect, although they
lations. Samples were collected from The ideal height desired is also a random knew that a few cost-saving changes had
both testers for several sand types, and variable with a distribution because every been made recently. The engineers agreed
hypotheses were tested as stated below cube cannot be made exactly the same to run a 23-factorial experiment with
for each sand type. height. We assume normal distribu- factors and levels as shown in Figure 3.
tion for both, and parameters of the two Preparations were made, the experiment
populations have to be estimated. The was conducted and results were obtained
The testers gave “equal” results. “difference” between the distributions is within 48 hours. When the castings were

October 2011 31
what, why and how

poured, cooled, cut and inspected, the foundry process from the outside rain. air temperature increased or when the
percentages of defective castings at each It was suspected that atmospheric conveyor speed decreased. Using this
treatment combination were as shown humidity caused by the rain affected the knowledge, when the humidity increased
in Figure 4. The results showed that drying ability of the oven that dried the on a rainy day and dry-ability dropped,
there was a treatment combination that molds after they were dipped in a wash. the other factors were adjusted to get the
had zero blisters. A trial production run Data was collected on factors such as dry-ability back to the desired level.
with these “optimal” parameters for the hot air temperature, conveyor speed For example, when the dry-ability
process confirmed the findings from the of the oven and atmospheric humid- dropped on a day (these readings were
experiment, and the process specs were ity, corresponding to a measure called taken twice a day on a regular basis) due to
changed. The problem was resolved. the dry-ability index of the oven, which increase in humidity, the foreman would
Case study 6. Whenever it rained reflected how well it dried the cores. call for an increase in hot-air tempera-
outside, a foundry experienced an Regression analysis derived the ture. If increasing the hot-air temperature
increased amount of scrap. The foundry impact each of the factors had on the dry- alone did not restore dry-ability, the fore-
wanted to know how the rain outside the ability. The results confirmed that the man would authorize reducing conveyor
buildings affected the processes inside, dry-ability decreased when the humid- speed. Increasing the hot-air temperature
and if there was a way to proof the ity increased, but it increased when hot made the workplace hot and reducing
the conveyor speed reduced production
output, yet the workers and foremen
Critical inputs understood the relationship between
dry-ability and casting quality and were
LEVELS willing to make the sacrifices.
FACTORS LOW HIGH When the dry-ability was maintained
A: Sand for port-cores Silica Lake at a consistent level, the casting scrap
B: Drying oven temperature 350OF 400OF declined. The foundry process was made
C: Flow-off vents Yes No robust against an uncontrollable vari-
able, the rain outside, which, along with
Figure 3. Factors and levels for the experiment to eliminate blisters in castings the resultant casting scrap, had been
accepted earlier as facts of life.

Statistical thinking — How?

Blister me not First of all, certain know-how is needed
to recognize the nature of each prob-
lem situation and to pick a method that
will generate the requisite knowledge.
Understanding each method is neces-
sary to apply the method correctly. In
each case, an analyst who knew the
process well and who had the capacity
for statistical thinking was needed to
find satisfactory solutions.
In at least one case, there was no time
to bring in and educate a statistician on
the process details before performing
the experiment. This goes to prove the
point that Shewhart and Deming made
that the analysts need not all be stat-
Figure 4. Results from a designed experiment showed a treatment combination that
isticians, but they must be engineers,
eliminated blisters in castings. chemists and scientists who know their

32 Industrial Engineer
processes well and at the same time have control chart, and how the performance belt in an organization should have this
the ability for statistical thinking. of a control chart is evaluated using an level of capability.
Such ability for statistical thinking OC curve and ARL. Readers, particularly IEs, may not
comes from an understanding of the Some believe that it is not necessary need much convincing about the value of
fundamentals of probability, the laws for an analyst to understand the theory statistical thinking. The task is convey-
of statistics, and the theoretical basis behind statistical methods in order to ing the message to those in a productive
of the statistical methods for qual- use them. They will use the analogy that organization who do not have the same
ity. Several authors have written about “there is no need to know how a car is level of appreciation for statistics. That
what a quality analyst should know in designed in order to be able to drive it.” is the challenge and, maybe, the respon-
order to possess the needed stat-ability. However, when the methods are learned sibility IEs have. d
Hoerl’s 2001 Journal of Quality Technol- without an understanding of their
ogy article “Six Sigma Black Belts: What theoretical background, only half of K.S. Krishnamoorthi is a professor of indus-
Do They Need To Know?” provides an the knowledge is gained. Yes, there are trial engineering at Bradley University. He
overview of such recommendations and places where that partial knowledge can holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical
suggests a lesson plan. The knowledge be adequate, but it does not cultivate the engineering from the University of Madras,
base needed for an analyst, a black belt, deeper statistical thinking needed when India, and a master’s degree in statistics and a
can be summarized as follows. facing larger, more complex problems. doctoral degree in industrial engineering from
There is variability in every popula- the University at Buffalo, State University of
tion. This variability can be quantified The IE mission New York. Krishnamoorthi teaches, consults
and modeled using probability distri- Statistical thinking provides the empiri- and does research in the area of product and
butions. There are several distributions cal complement to the engineering process improvement using statistical meth-
proposed by mathematicians to model knowledge of processes, which leads to ods. He is a fellow of the American Society for
various types of variability. Normal, fuller insight into problems and then to Quality and a senior member of IIE. He is the
binomial, Poisson, exponential, Weibull their resolutions. A certain knowledge author of the recently released second edition
and others are the names attached to base is needed to achieve the ability of A First Course in Quality Engineering.
these different models. Quality analysts to think statistically. Lesson plans are
should know the appropriate application available to grow this knowledge base.
for these distributions and the math- They are not at the master’s level in
ematics to make predictions with them. statistics or even the bachelor’s level of
They should know how to monitor and statistics; they are at a level that would
control the variability in process vari- complement the engineering or science Web exclusive
ables and product characteristics using
control charts. They should know the
knowledge the analyst already would
possess. There always will be the need to testing, 1-2-3
methods to find the relationship among consult a master statistician on issues K.S. Krishnamoorthi has created
process variables and product character- where the analyst recognizes the need an objective test to determine a
istics, such as regression analysis and for help. person’s knowledge base of statis-
designed experiments. It is unrealistic to expect that every tical analysis. The test has 25 to
Methods to determine the variability engineer, scientist or business person 30 questions and can be answered
in measurements generated by instru- in an organization should have this without the use of a calculator. It
ments are another important set of in-depth ability in statistics. An ongoing can determine if enough people in
tools. They should learn these methods survey indicates that less than 5 percent an organization have the requisite
and understand the theoretical basis of the people involved in the design and stat-ability and can be used to plan
behind them. For example, when an production of products in U.S. indus- training strategies to create the
analyst learns about the -chart, he try have this ability. The same survey adequate statistical know-how for
or she should learn how the formulas also indicated that if at least 20 percent the organization. Go to www.iienet.
for the limits are derived, why small to 25 percent had this knowledge, the org/iemagazine/oct11/stat-test to
sample sizes and three sigma limits are quality system of that organization will try six questions from the test.
used, what is meant by the power of the be much healthier. Perhaps every black

October 2011 33
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