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=== Blog2Social - Social Media Auto Publish ===

Contributors: Blog2Social, Adenion

Tags: admin, api, automatically share to, autopost, auto-post, auto-Posting, auto-
publish, auto-schedule, auto-schedule social media posts, automatic social sharing
plugin, blog marketing, blog2social, blogger, buffer, crossposting, cross-
promotion, cross-promoting, delicious, delicious auto post, facebook, facebook auto
post, facebook pages, google auto post, google plus, google plus pages, instagram,
instagram auto post, jetpack, jetpack sharing, linkedin, linkedin auto post,
medium, medium auto post, multiposting, path, pinterest, re-post, scheduling,
scheduling plugin, social media, social media auto publish, social media
automation, social media button, social media manager, social media plugin, social
media publishing, social media scheduling, social media scheduling tool, social
media sharing, social media tool, social network auto publish, social network icon,
social network widget, socialmedia, timing, torial, torial auto post, tumblr,
twitter, twitter auto post, xing, xing auto post, xing groups, xing gruppen, xing
personal profiles, xing company profiles, xing business pages, xing pages, xing
seiten, auto post scheduler, repost, social media management
Donate link:
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.6
Stable tag: 3.0.0
License: GPLv3
License URI:

Auto post, crosspost, schedule & share blog posts to cross-promote on social media
networks, customized for profiles, pages & groups.

== Description ==
**Supported languages: English, German**

**Automatically post, re-publish, re-post and schedule your blogs posts to social
media: e.g. to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, XING.**

* Blog2Social posts to profiles, business pages, community pages and groups of your
connected social networks. Optionally, customize posts for each network with
individual comments, #hashtags, tags or @handles - all in one easy step and auto-
posted with one click only.
* Share new posts or re-share old posts. Post entire blog posts or individually
formatted comments with selected images and backlinks to your blog.
* Corporate Blogs and Multi Author Blogs: Create multiple sets of social network
profiles, pages and groups for each user and different sharing purposes.
* Drive more traffic to your blog by cross-posting and promoting your blog posts on
all of your social media network accounts faster and easier than ever.


= Supported Networks =

**Social Networks**

* Twitter - autopost to your account. Auto-submit an image and link with your
tweet. Optionally, add #hashtags and @handles or select an specific image.
* Facebook - autopost to your profile and to pages. Auto-submit your attached post
with image and link. Optionally, add individual comments and #hashtags.
* Google+ - autopost to your profile, pages or Google+ communities. Auto-submit
your attached post with image and link or auto-submit the entire blog post to your
Google+ account. Optionally, add individual comments and #hashtags.

**Business Networks**
* LinkedIn - autopost to your profile and to company and focus pages. Auto-submit
your attached post with image and link. Optionally, add individual comments with
* XING - autopost to your profile. Auto-submit the link to your blog post to your
profile. Auto-submit an post excerpt to your business page's updates and the
complete blog post to groups. Optionally customize your posts.

**Image Networks**

* Flickr - autopost your photostream with tags. Auto-submit an image of your blog
post and the entire post. Optionally, customize your post and tags.
* Pinterest - autopost to selected Pinterest board with tags and #hashtags. Auto-
submit a selected image from your blog post and link it to your blog. Optionally,
add individual comments and #hashtags.
* Instagram - autopost to your profile with tags and #hashtags. Auto-submit a
selected image from your blog post, add tags and #hashtags and a link to your blog

**Blogging Networks**

* Tumblr - Re-publish your blog post to your Tumblr blog. Auto-submit the complete
blog post in rich text HTML with tags and a selected image to your Tumblr blog.
Optionally, customize the title and copy and add tags and #hashtags.
* Medium - Re-publish to your account. Auto-submit the complete blog post in rich
text HTML with tags and a selected image to your Medium blog. Optionally, customize
the title and copy and add tags and #hashtags.
* Torial - Re-publish the complete blog post in rich text HTML with tags and a
selected image to your Torial blog. Optionally, customize the title and copy and
add tags and #hashtags.

**Social Bookmarking**

* Diigo - auto-submit the link to your blog post to create add bookmark to your
* Delicious - autopost to your profile. Auto-submit the link with tags and
#hashtags to add a bookmark.

Blog2Social allows you to share your blog posts on social media fast and easily.

Blog2Social auto-shares while maintaining the benefits of turning your blog posts
into optimal format for each network.

The one-page preview allows you to customize all of your posts in one single step.
You may add individual comments or handles to your posts to enhance your posts with
a personal touch.

With one click only you publish your customized posts on your personal selection of
profiles, pages and groups on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, XING,
Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram, Tumblr, Medium, Torial, Diigo and Delicious.

**Customize your posts in a one-page preview**

Customize your posts and comments per network and add #hashtags, tags, keywords and
@handles in via the publication form. Just one click and your post will be auto-
published on all of your selected profiles, pages and groups.

Every post will be submitted with link to your blog post by default. You may remove
or edit this link.
**Schedule your posts for the best times to post**

Schedule and buffer your posts easily. Blog2Social auto-submits your posts to your
selected profiles, pages and groups at the scheduled time. You may select and save
your own time settings. Alternatively, choose the ready to use best-time scheduler
provided by Blog2Social.

Select one-time scheduling for immediate sharing or recurring scheduling to be

posted at your scheduled times. Use options for scheduling on weekly basis and
define days and time.

Automate your social media management, boost your social media exposure and gain
more outreach and traffic for your blog. Forget about the time-consuming manual
sharing of your blog content to each single network. Achieve more outreach in less

= Blog2Social Free Features =

* **Autopost** to all of your networks profiles.

* **Customize posts** and add comments, tags, hashtags and handles for each
* **Manage your authors' posts** and share the blog posts of all authors of your
blog (administrator rights needed).
* **Post images** with your posts.
* **Keep the overview** of your publications with the dashboard.

= Accessible Social Networks =

>* Twitter
>* Facebook profile and page
>* Google+
>* LinkedIn
>* Flickr
>* Pinterest
>* Instagram
>* Tumblr
>* Medium
>* Torial
>* Diigo
>* Delicious

= Blog2Social Premium Features =

Blog2Social Premium includes all features of the free version and awesome
additional features including:

* **Schedule your posts on network level** to automatically share them on your

profiles, pages and groups at the best time.
* **Follow the links in your dashboard to shared posts** to your timelines.
* **Activate up to 10 users** per license to profit from Blog2Social Premium.
* **Easily connect multiple profiles** of your social media accounts easily switch
between your social profiles.

**Additional** sharing options:

>* Google+ pages

>* Google+ groups
>* LinkedIn pages
>* XING groups
>* XING pages
>* multiple Twitter accounts
>* multiple Facebook accounts
>* multiple Google+ accounts
>* multiple LinkedIn accounts
>* multiple XING accounts
>* multiple Flickr accounts
>* multiple Pinterest accounts
>* multiple Instagram accounts
>* multiple Tumblr accounts
>* multiple Medium accounts
>* multiple Torial accounts
>* multiple Diigo accounts
>* multiple Delicious accounts

= Support and Contact =

* Email:
* Twitter:

= Upgrade to Blog2Social Premium and Payment Options =

>Blog2Social Free is free forever. If you want to use all awesome features for
sharing and scheduling upgrade to Blog2Social Premium.

>Upgrade Blog2Social now ? []

( "Blog2Social Service")

Your payment options are: PayPal, Credit Card, Debit, Transfer.

== Installation ==
1. Go to the Admin Panel of your Wordpress dashboard

2. Select "Plugin" -> "Add New" in the left hand side menu

3. Enter "Blog2Social" in the "Search Plugins" textfield.

4. Click "Install Now" on the Blog2Social banner

5. If needed enter your FTP data to install the plugin

6. After the installation click "Activate Plugin"

7. "Blog2Social" appears in the left hand side menu

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Is it free? =

Yes, Blog2Social is completely free to publish your blog posts to your social media
profiles. For more elaborate features and options you may upgrade to Blog2Social
Premium whenever needed.

= Can I to use one Blog2Social Premium licence for more than one blog? =

Depending on the license you choose you use your license key for multiple users or
blog installations. You are free to use the license key for different users in one
blog or for users in different blogs depending on the number of licenses you

If you want to change the users of your license, log in with your user credentials
on [](
"") and delete the respective user. For new users enter the
license key in the license key field in the Blog2Social dashboard settings.

= I registered for the trial of Blog2Social Premium / I upgraded to Blog2Social

Premium. Where can I find my license key? =

You receive your license key with your welcome email, together with the login
credentials. Please check your inbox and the spam folder of your email system.
If you have the login credentials for []
( "") log in to your account
and pic up the license key.

= I registered for the trial of Blog2Social Premium and do not wish to purchase
Premium. Do I have to cancel the free trial after the trial period? =

The trial period is free of charge and obligations. If you do not buy a Premium
license after the trial period your account will be switched back to Blog2Social
Free automatically. you can upgrade anytime to Blog2Social Premium.

= Do I need special folder permissions to install the plugin? =

The standard permissions are sufficient ( "wp-content/plugins" 755)

= I cannot connect my Google+ account. What do I need to do? =

1. Log in to your Google account [google]( "")

2. Click [unlock captcha]( "Captcha
Unlocker") to open the security settings of your Google+ account.
3. You will be forwarded to a security query. Confirm the query. Your account will
be connected to Blog2Social. Done!

= I cannot connect to Facebook pages. What do I need to do? =

To connect to a Facebook page you have to be administrator of that page. If you

are, log in to Facebook with your account credentials in your browser (in another
browser tab at best) and then try again to connect Blog2Social to the Facebook

= I have installed and activated Blog2Social properly, but I can only post my own
blog posts, not those of other authors and editors. =

To post other authors' posts you need administrator rights for the blog.

= I posted an update without selecting an image, but in some networks the post
still does appear with an image. =

If the page the post links to provides respective meta-tags in the page header,
some networks read out these tags and scrape the image that is named in the tags.
For WordPress this is usually the post image or a default image as fall-back.

= I receive the following error message: "An unknown error has occurred! Please
ensure that your website address (URL)is reachable". =

The social networks require public links in the posts. If your WordPress or your
post is not accessible for public, this error will appear. Please make sure that
your post is published for "public".

= I connected my Facebook page successfully, but still I cannot post to my page. =

1. Log in to Facebook via your browser and open the page settings.

2. In the section "General" look up "Visitor Posts".

3. Select "Allow visitors to the Page to publish posts" and check "Allow photo and
video posts".

If you still cannot post to your page check the app settings of Blog2Social in
Facebook. To do so click the setting symbol left hand side to Blog2Social in the
app list to open the settings. In the very first section "App visibility and post
audience" "public" has be selected.

= I want to switch the language of the Blog2Social plugin. What do I have to do? =

The language of the Blog2Social plugin depends on the language selected in the
general settings.

= Where do you store passwords, usernames and personal data? =

We never access or store personal data.

The authorizations to get access to the networks' APIs are processed as encrypted
code. Blog2Social neither stores passwords, usernames nor any personal data.

We use the official authentification oAUTH methods to third-party applications

provided by the social networks. These methods manage the authentification process
on and only hand over a confirmation to Blog2Social. These confirmations do not
contain any personal data or login information. Usernames, passwords and personal
information will be saved and stored within the social networks only and nowhere

== Screenshots ==
1. Automatic sharing with one click only.
2. Customization of posting texts. For republishing on blog-networks with rich text
editor (edit font-face, images and links).
3. Easy connection of profiles, pages and groups. Just click the referring button.

== Changelog ==
= 3.0.0 =
Re-engineered Post dashboard, new one-page preview features: WYSIWYG editors,
simplified network selection, new scheduler features: best-times-scheduler, my-
times-scheduler, recurring scheduling, multiple accounts per profile (applies to
= 2.2.1 =
REMOVE BUG Trial Version
= 2.2.0 =
Trial Version
= 2.1.9 =
new Networks: Instagram, Torial, Delicious
= 2.1.8 =
new Version: Smart
= 2.1.7 =
new Networks: Medium, Xing Groups + Pages
= 2.1.6 =
usability optimization
= 2.1.5 =
Add Pagination for Lists and sort by Date
= 2.1.4 =
Editing Schedule Prozess
= 2.1.3 =
Editing Schedule Prozess
= 2.1.2 =
Remove Bugs in Social Posting
= 2.1.1 =
more different post types
= 2.1.0 =
New Version
= 2.0.4 =
= 2.0.3 =
Remove Bugs in Social Media Report
= 2.0.2 =
Optimize Handling and Remove Bugs in Social Media Report
= 2.0.1 =
Optimize Handling
= 2.0.0 =
New Version
= 1.0 =
first Release

== Upgrade Notice ==
Blog2Social will automatically turn your posts into the optimal format and schedule
them for the best times to post on each network, once or recurring. Easily select
or remove networks and multiple accounts for auto-sharing or re-sharing.

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