SMP Kelas 9 - Bahasa Inggris CHAPTER 1latihan Soal 1.1 1

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CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1

1. Shinta : "Will John pass the exam?"

Dewi : ...... . He is a smart and diligent student.

I am quite sure

I am uncertain

I am not positive

I think he won’t.

Kunci Jawaban : A

Pembahasan Teks :

dalam dialog dinyatakan bahwa John siswa yang cerdas dan rajin (He is a smart and diligent student ) sehingga dapat
disimpulkan bahwa Dewi yakin John akan lulus ujian.

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2. Black : "Will John follow a career in business?"

Mr. Smith : ...... He is not fond of doing business.

It might be.

I wouldn't like to say for certain.

I'm sure.


Kunci Jawaban : B

Pembahasan Teks :

dalam dialog dinyatakan bahwa John tidak suka bisnis (He is not fond of doing business) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa
Mr. Smith tidak bisa memaastikan kalau John akan berkarir dalam bisnis.

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3. Jalal : What do you think we should give Arni as her birthday present?

Rusli : A doll, I think.

Jalal : ........

Rusli : Yes, certainly. As far as I know, she likes doll.

Are you sure?

I don’t think so.

Are you kidding?

It‘s impossible.

Kunci Jawaban : A

Pembahasan Teks :

dari jawaban Rusli “Ya pasti” (Yes, certainly. ....) dapat disimpulkan pertanyaan Jalal adalah “apakah Anda yakin?” (Are
you sure?)

Pembahasan Video :

4. Rudi : It’s really boring day today. I’m going nowhere cause I’m broke.

Janet : Well, don’t worry, friend. I can lend you some money if you want.

Rudi : Really?

Janet : ........

Rudi: Thank you very much.

Janet: Don’t mention it.

It’s possible

It will be OK


Nothing to worry

Kunci Jawaban : C
Pembahasan Teks :

Rudi menanyakan kepastian “really?” (Betulkah?) maka jawaban Janet “certainly” (tentu)

Pembahasan Video :

5. Jalu : Well, it is a fine day today. Is it possible to go to the beach?

Ruswi : It can be but ...... cause it is too far from here.

Jalu : So, what do you think?

Ruswi : Why don’t we go swimming?

Jalu : I don’t think so. I can’t swim.

I doubt it

I’m certain

I’m quite sure

I do hope so

Kunci Jawaban : A

Pembahasan Teks :

dari pernyataan “it is too far from here” (pantainya terlalu jauh dari sisni) dapat disimpulkan Ruswi ragu (doubt) untuk
pergi ke sana.

Pembahasan Video :

6. Marvin : Guys, yesterday I watched on the news, in China there are two human bee.

Mora : Why are they called the humans bee ?

Marvin : Because their whole body covered with hundreds of thousands of bee.

Mora : .......................... Why don’t you try to get the truth ?

Marvin : OK. I will try to get the truth.

Just fordet it.

Don’t be silly.

It’s a hoax.
I’m not sure about the news.

Kunci Jawaban : D

Pembahasan Teks :

dari pernyataan “Why don’t you try to get the truth ?” (mengapa kamu tidak berusaha mencari kebenarannya?” dapat
disimpulkan Mora tidak yakin dengan berita tersebut. (not sure ...)

Pembahasan Video :

7. Johan: Hi, Yudi the weather is cloudy. Do you think it will rain soon?
Yudi : I think so, I am ... It will rain soon.

A. Sure    Â
B. not sure
C. Certainty  Â
D. doubtful
Kunci Jawaban : A

Pembahasan Teks : ada fakta yang disampaikan oleh johan ?the weather is cloudy? maka yudi meyakini pasti akan segera
terjadi hujan dan ini termasuk ungkapan certainly (keyakinan)

Pembahasan Video :

8. Luna : What do you think about Titi? Will she come tonight? Maya : I don't think she will come. From the dialogue above,
we know that...

A. Maya feels sure that Titi will come.

B. Maya feels uncertain that Titi will come.
C. Maya doesn't like Titi.
D. Maya tries to think about Titi.
Kunci Jawaban : B

Pembahasan Teks : ungkapan I don't think she will come Termasuk keraguan atau expressing uncertainly yang
disampaikan oleh maya.

Pembahasan Video :

9. Amir : Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment. Ani : Yes, you are right, but, I m sure that I can submit it
before that. How about you? 1 Amir : Im not so sure I will be able to make it. 2 Ani : Yes, you can. Im sure, you can. 3 The
underlined sentence 1 is used to express ......

A. Certainty    Â
B. uncertainty
C. Disagreement  Â
D. suggestion
Kunci Jawaban : A

Pembahasan Teks : ungkapan I ?m sure that I can submit it before that. Termasuk ekspresi keyakinan (certainly)

Pembahasan Video :

10. The underlined sentence 2 is used to express ......

A. Certainty   Â
B. congratulation
C. Doubt Â
D. suggestion
Kunci Jawaban : C

Pembahasan Teks : ungkapan I?m not so sure I will be able to make it termasuk ekspresi keraguan (doubt )

Pembahasan Video :

11. Rahul : What do you think about the English test today? Are you sure you will get a good mark Anjani? Anjani : Im
absolutely sure that I will get A, because the questions seem easy for me. What about you Rahul? Rahul : Im doubt about the
result of the exam, but I tried my best on the exam. Anjani : I think you dont need to be worried about it. I believe you will
get a good mark. The underlined sentence is used to express ......

A. Asking for certainty   Â

B. uncertainty
C. Disagreement    Â
D. suggestion
Kunci Jawaban : A

Pembahasan Teks : ungkapan Are you sure you will get a good mark Anjani? Termasuk ekspresi Asking for certainly

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