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Unit Test-I / 2021-22


Marks: 40 Time: 1 Hour 30 mins

General instructions:
1. This question paper contains two parts:
Part A - Micro Economics (20 marks)
Part B - Statistics (20 marks)
2. Marks for questions are indicated against each question.
3. Question No. 1-4 and Question No. 9 – 15 are 1 mark questions and are to be answered in one
4. Case Based Questions (CBQ’s) are Question No. 12, 13 & 14.
5. Question No. 5-6 and Question No. 16 are 3 marks questions and are to be answered in 60 - 80 words
6. Question No. 7 and Question No. 17 are 4 marks questions and are to be answered in 80 - 100 words
7. Question No. 8 and Question No. 18 are 6 marks questions and are to be answered in 100 - 150 words
8. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible.


1. In the given figure X1, Y1 and X2, Y2, are production frontiers for a hypothetical economy in two
different time periods, Period 1 and Period 2. A1 and A2 represent actual outputs in Period 1 and Period
2 respectively. P1 and P2 represent potential outputs in Period 1 and Period 2 respectively.

The economic growth over the two periods would be represented by movement from: (Choose the
correct alternative) (1)

a) P1 to P2 b) A1 to A2 c) A1 to P1 d) A2 to P2

2. Central problems are found only in the developing economies like India and Bangladesh and not in
developed countries like USA. True or False? Give Reason. (1)
3. Fill in the blank: A Transformation Curve would be convex to origin, if Marginal Opportunity Cost
(MOC) is ____________. (1)
4. Radha is interested in knowing the level of unemployment in India. Is it a microeconomic study or a
macroeconomic study? Give reason. (1)

5. Scarcity is mother of all economic problems. Explain. (3)

6. How will you, as a consumer, react to the situation when Px falls and your state of equilibrium is
disturbed for the consumption of good X ? (3)

7. Identify and discuss the nature of the following newspaper reports in terms of positive or normative
economic analysis: (4)
a) “India jumped 23 points in the World Bank’s ease of doing business index to 77th place, highest in
two years.
b) “Government should further liberalise the business rules.”
c) When price level rises, demand for non-food items falls at a faster rate.
d) The poor should be given food items at subsidised rate.

8. What is PPC? Explain the central problem of “What to Produce” with the help of PPC. (6)


9. The activities performed out of love, benevolence, patriotism, etc. are not ________________
(Economic activities/Non economic activities). (Fill up the blank with correct alternative). (1)

Choose the correct option for below given questions:

a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion
c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

10. Assertion (A): NSSO conducts nationwide surveys on socio -economic issues.
Reason (R): NSSO surveys are released through reports and its quarterly journal Sarvekshana. (1)

11. Assertion (A):Random Sampling is the method where individual samples are selected at random.
Reason (R):The term Random sampling is used to describe the data and also the process used to select
the sample. (1)

Read the following extract and answer Questions 12, 13 & 14 on the basis of the same:
The Centre on Saturday said it has been transparent in Covid data management and has been urging
states and Union Territories to maintain robust reporting mechanism for monitoring district wise cases
and deaths on a daily basis.
Referring to an article published in Economist which claims that India has suffered “five-to-seven times”
excess deaths than the official number, the government said the article — it did not name the
publication — in the international magazine is “speculative” and without any basis.
TOI / Jun 13, 2021
12. Comment on the Covid data collected by the Government. (Will it be considered as primary or
secondary) (1)
13. Comment on the Covid data referred by the Economist magazine which they picked up from a
publication they did not named. (Will it be considered as primary data or secondary data) (1)
14. What can be the basic two sources from which we can collect the Covid Death Data as a primary and
reliable numbers? (1)

15. Write true or false with reason: (1)

In case of natural calamity, the best method to collect data is questionnaire method.

16. A class teacher had to select two representatives from the class for the school cabinet.
She followed lottery method to select two students from her class. In your opinion, has the
teacher done justice to the selection process? (3)

17. School records on admissions is given. See how many students were admitted every year during 10
years. Classify the data as male and female students. Present the data in the form of a multiple bar
diagram. (4)

18. The frequency distribution of marks obtained by students in a class test is given below. Draw
frequency polygon and ogive: (6)

Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

No of Students 5 10 14 10 3


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