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The Big Picture ELEMENTARY

Name: Francisco Delgado Date July 26th, 2021

Unit 9 | Reading
Read the text. Select True or False.

The carrot is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. It originated in Afghanistan
many thousands of years ago. We can see from ancient Egyptian temple drawings from 2000
BC that people ate the purple variety of carrots in the Middle East. It was the Romans who
introduced white and purple varieties into Europe.
Did you know that the carrot comes in many different colours - white, purple, yellow and even
black? We often associate carrots with the colour orange, but carrots were probably purple
originally. It was the Dutch who produced the orange carrot in the 16th century. Orange was
the colour of the Dutch Royal House of Orange and it was the colour associated with Dutch
independence. It is the orange variety of carrots that is mostly eaten in Europe today. The
orange carrot is one of the most important vegetables in Western cuisine, appearing in salads,
soups, roast dinners and even cake.
My favourite carrot dish is orange and carrot soup. It is very simple – a little olive oil,
vegetable stock, a glass of orange juice and, of course, orange carrots. It doesn't take much
time to cook – around 20 minutes. First cook the carrots in the stock and then purée. Taste
before you serve, adding salt, pepper and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.
1. The carrot came from Afghanistan and was introduced to Europe by the    x
2. Ancient Egyptian art shows that people ate purple carrots.  x  
3. Only orange carrots are used in Western cuisine.    x
4. Orange carrots were cultivated in Holland in the 1500s.  x  
5. To make orange and carrot soup you need half an hour cooking time.   x 

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The Big Picture ELEMENTARY

Unit 9 | Listening
Listen to the conversation. Select True or False.

1. Lily wants to go to the fast food restaurant.    x
2. Green Earth is a vegetarian restaurant.  x  
3. Jake thinks that the Turkish restaurant is expensive.  x  
4. Lily doesn't want to go to the Japanese restaurant because she went there  x  
  last Wednesday.
5. Lily and Jake agree to have a picnic in the park.    x

Unit 9 | Writing
Write a reply to a blog post. Follow the steps.

1. Read Sandra's blog post: Sandra says:

'Hi! I'm coming to your town this weekend. Can anyone tell me what I should visit and where
we should eat out? I would like to try the local food. We love music, is there a place we can go
to on Friday night? We don't have a lot of money so any cheap, budget suggestions are
2. Send a short reply to the blog post giving suggestions.
3. Write up to 60 words and remember to use adjectives in your description.

Hello Sandra,

I recommend you go to Ronda in the center of Quito where you can enjoy traditional music,
typical foods and drinks at an affordable price. In that place they sell typical food such as
choclomote, drinks such as canelazo and other very delicious foods.
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The Big Picture ELEMENTARY

You can enjoy live traditional music, and if you like to sing, the bars have karaoke.
This place is open from Friday to Sunday or evenings.


Unit 9 | Grammar - Quantifiers (2)

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. There's a few of fruit juice.

2. How much yoghurt is there?

3. There's not much yoghurt.

4. How many olives would you like?

5. That's too much pasta for me. I don't like pasta.

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The Big Picture ELEMENTARY

Unit 9 | Grammar - Countable and uncountable nouns (1)

Read the sentences. Select True if grammatically correct and False if grammatically

    T F
1 Would you like to eat some spaghetti?
2 I'm thirsty. I want to drink a wine.
3 Is there a slice of cake for me?
. x  
4 Would you like an eggs?
5 I can make a cake for your birthday.

Unit 9 | Grammar - Countable and uncountable nouns (2)

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Would you like... toast?

a. an
b. a

c. some  
2. There are... delicious biscuits in the kitchen.

a. a
b. some
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The Big Picture ELEMENTARY

c. an
3. I'd like... please.

a. an,
b. a,

c. some,  
4. She had... bowl of soup for lunch.

a. some

b. a  
c. an
5. I usually have... for breakfast.

a. a

b. some  
c. an

Unit 9 | Grammar - Quantifiers (1)

Match the parts of the questions and sentences.

1 How a eggs do you

. much . need?

2 There's too b lot of

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The Big Picture ELEMENTARY

. much . sweets.

3 I don't c much rice, thank

. want . you.

4 He likes eating d pasta is

. a . there?

5 How meat
. many here.

Unit 9 | Vocabulary – Food and drink (1)

Read the sentences. Select True or False.
    T F
1 An apple is a drink.
2 Biscuits are sweet snacks.
3 Bread is a carb.
4 Cheese is a type of fish.
5 Beef is a type of meat.

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The Big Picture ELEMENTARY

Unit 9 | Vocabulary – Food and drink (2)

Match the food categories and the foods.

1 fruit and a mi
. vegetables . lk

2 dai b pas
. ry . ta

3 car c carro
. bs . ts

4 d chick
meat and fish . en

5 drin e fruit
. ks . juice

Unit 9 | Vocabulary - Talking about food (1)

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. I don't eat much convenience food___________________.

2. Do you throw away a lot of food?

3. Burgers and chips are a popular type of fast food.

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4. Ice cream is a type of frozen food.

5. Some people like eating ready meals because they are convenient.

Unit 9 | Vocabulary - Talking about food (2)

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Frozen pizza is a type of...

a. fast food.

b. tinned food.  
c. fresh food.

2. My parents... dinner every night.

a. waste

b. cook  
c. throw away

3. People put... in the fridge.

a. fresh food

b. frozen food  
c. tinned food

4. Ice cream is a type of...

a. fresh food.
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The Big Picture ELEMENTARY

b. frozen food.  
c. tinned food.

5. If you have food on your plate at the end of a meal, do you...

a. cook it?
b. eat it?

c. throw it away?  

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The Big Picture Elementary © Richmond, 2018

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