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Week 1

Academic Language

The language used at university has various features which distinguish it from the language
styles used in other contexts. Consider the language used in novels, conversation, newspapers or
law courts. Each has its own style, with varying degrees of formality and objectivity. Academic
language is:

 formal
 objective
 impersonal.

These features ensure that ideas and arguments are communicated in a clear, convincing and
professional manner. If you write in an informal style that reminds the reader of a casual
conversation, your reader may not take your ideas as seriously. It is important to edit your paper
for language that is informal.

Activity 1: Diagnostic: Instructions: Read the following sentences and try to identify why
they are informal.
1. Criminals are dangerous. / Americans are overweight.

2. School is a big thing in my life.

3. They arrested some people at the march.
4. Drinking while driving is bad.

5. When you work with a patient who is very ill, you need to be patient.

6. My aunt has a lot of kids.

7. The criminal justice system is messed up.

8. I looked up information about nursing positions.

9. Many patients don’t listen to their doctors.

10. I chose to attend a CUNY college. Because it is near my home.

Activity 2:
Read the following academic style rules, then check the sentences that follow
and decide which one in each group is formal and which one is informal.
Justify your answer by referring to one of the rules mentioned in the chart.
Avoid direct Place adverbs within Avoid addressing the
questions the verb. reader as ‘you’.

Avoid colloquial Avoid needless Avoid using ‘etc.’

words & phrases wordiness & aim for and ‘so forth’ to
efficient use of present examples
Avoid contractions. Use single-word
verbs that reduce
the informality of
the sentence
Use appropriate Use gender-neutral
formal negative language.

1. a) What are some of these consequences?

Or b) Some of the consequences could include…

2. a) The Corona pandemic has had a pretty big influence on the entire world.
Or b) The corona pandemic has had a significant global influence.

3. a) Export figures won’t improve until the economy is stronger.

Or b) Export figures will not improve until the economy is stronger.

4. a) As previously noted, taxes have increased.

Or b) As you saw earlier, you noticed that taxes increased.
5. a) Online learning models should consider the availability of several requirements, such
as/including devices, Wi-Fi connection, and electricity.
Or b) Online learning models should take into consideration the availability of devices, Wi-Fi
connection, electricity, and so on…

6. a) Actually very little is known about the general nature of scientific dishonesty.
Or b) Very little is actually known about the general nature of scientific dishonesty.

7. a) Choosing the proper method may be difficult.

OR b) It may be difficult to make a decision about the method that we should use.

8. a) According to some biologists, coming up with clear proof is difficult

Or b) According to some biologists, offering a clear proof is difficult.

9. a) The government didn’t allocate much funding. This problem doesn’t have many viable
Or b) The government allocated little funding. This problem has few viable solutions.

10. a) Many students prefer to become businesspeople instead of taking a career in science.
Or b) Many students prefer to become businessmen instead of taking a career in science.

a) If a teacher is enthusiastic, he can have a significant impact on students.
b) If a teacher is enthusiastic, he/she can have a significant impact on students.
(Or) If teachers are enthusiastic, they can have a significant impact on students.

Activity 3: Replace these phrasal verbs with an academic word.

Don’t write: Write: Don’t write Write
Brought on CAUSE Come up Adduce
Look into Investigate Come up against Ex
Figure out Deduce Cut out Replace
Make up Concort Find out Discover
Go together Company put off Delaye
Start off Begin Think about Considerate

Activity 4: Work with a partner and write 5 sentences that include 1 academic verb each.
Keep in mind other academic style rules as well.
1.According to researches, the population growth caused global warming
2. The police department will start investigating the scene
3.The business manager should considerate the offers
4.In order to have a better team, the coach replaced some players
5.Blind people are always companied with a trained dog

Activity 5: Activity from PDf (Blue Chart)- Formal and Informal Language in Handouts

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