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• Learning Competency
Self-assessment health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical
activity assessment participation and one’s diet. Code: PEH12FH-Ig-i-6

Fitness plays a very crucial role in our existence as human beings. It

is a sustaining base of our physicality that allows us to overcome the
challenges of our daily living. It is with fitness that set our minds and body to
do things that we are capable of doing physically, which eventually leads us
in making our own lives, including that of others, better and more productive.
To become physically fit, we educate ourselves just to make sure that we go
beyond what we are capable of doing and influence others with what we think
is better.
This material introduces you to a better understanding of fitness in the
enhancement of holistic health. This will result in a health context as a state
of good health, exercise, and proper nutrition. You will be provided with
activities in this health-related fitness to ensure the complete awareness of
one’s health. It is expected thereafter that such practices will be used by you
to influence the lifestyle and fitness practices of your intermediate

• Learning Objectives
At the end of the module, you should be able to:
1. Describe the benefits of HRF (Health-Related Fitness).
2. Perform actively the different modes of fitness intensity to achieve
holistically in health.
3. Manifest appreciation in dealing with the health-related components
in fitness.

Direction Choose the best answer from the given choices.

1. Muscular endurance is the _______.

A. amount of force a muscle can exert
B. muscles' ability to work for a long time without tiring
C. same as cardiorespiratory fitness
D. same as body strength

2. Flexibility is best described as the _____.

A. ability to exert force
B. ability to work the muscle over a time
C. range of movement possible at various joints
D. ability to bend and touch the toes

3. The ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles
physical activity for a long time.
A. Agility
B. Body Composition
C. Cardiovascular Endurance
D. Flexibility

4. Which 2 are components of health-related fitness?

A. Breathing and running
B. Flexibility and muscular strength
C. Jogging and swimming
D. Muscular endurance and push-ups

5. Which of these statements describe the results of exercise?

A. Breathing rate decreases to increase oxygen flow to muscles
B. Breathing rate increases to increase oxygen flow to muscles
C. Breathing rate decreases to reduce oxygen flow to muscles
D. Breathing rate decreases to increase carbon dioxide flow to muscles

6. Running, swimming, and using an elliptical machine are all ways to

improve your
A. flexibility
B. cardiorespiratory endurance
C. muscular endurance
D. muscular strength

7. The best fitness foods include all EXCEPT

A. Fruits
B. Soft drinks
C. Plenty of water
D. Vegetables

8. What is the advantage of exercise?

A. Improved quality of life
B. Decrease chronic disease
C. Stress relief
D. All of the above

9. Body mass index (BMI) is a ratio of a person's weight to his or her ______.
A. activity level
B. age
C. basal metabolic rate
D. height

10. Teens should spend performing physical activity every day, or at least
most days.
A. 30 minutes
B. 45 minutes
C. 60 minutes
D. 90 minutes
HRF or health-related fitness involves exercise activities that you do to try
to improve your physical health and stay healthy. Health-related fitness is all
about personal health and how the healthy lifestyle of physical activity
influences us as a person. This is important for anyone who wants to live a
physically active lifestyle to support a better quality of life.

Exercise can be a structured process of physical activity such as going to the

gym, taking cardiovascular classes, and lifting weights. It can also be anything
from walking to the park to intensive cardio workouts.


Cardiorespiratory fitness – the ability to sustain aerobic activity for a
prolonged time.
Muscular strength – the amount of force a muscle can exert in one
Muscular endurance – the ability of the muscle to continue to perform
Flexibility – ability to move joints freely through their full range of motion
Body Composition – the relative proportions of fat mass and lean mass in

Participating in regular health-related fitness helps you with the

following benefits:
1. control your weight,
2. prevent diseases and illness,
3. improve your mood,
4. Boost your energy,
5. promote better sleep

Aerobic Activity
In this kind of physical activity (also called cardiorespiratory fitness), the
body’s large muscles move rhythmically for a sustained time. Brisk walking,
running, bicycling, jumping rope, and swimming are all examples.

Aerobic physical activity has three components:

Intensity, or how hard a person works to do the activity. The intensities
most often examined are moderate intensity (equivalent in effort to brisk
walking) and vigorous intensity (equivalent in effort to running or jogging);
Frequency, or how often a person does aerobic activity; and
Duration, or how long a person does an activity in any one session.
Instructions: Copy and accomplish the log sheet in a long bond paper.
Note: Your safety is our top priority so make sure that you are doing all
necessary safety precautions in doing the activity. Avoid doing your exercises
in crowded places and please always observe PHYSICAL DISTANCING.

Ways to increase physical activity:
Add activity – find a new activity that you enjoy. Walk for 15-30 minutes before
you sit down to watch your favorite TV show or as a break during your work.

Trade active time for inactive time – take a walk after dinner, ride an exercise
bike or do curl-ups while watching TV, walk or ride a bike to return a video
or pick up small grocery items.

Do more of what you are doing – walk at a faster pace, walk for 30 minutes
instead of 20, or walk five times a week instead of three times

Work a little harder – turn your walks into power walks or jogs

DepEd-Schools Division of Negros Oriental

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