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[24/7/2019] International travel is becoming cheaper, and countries are

opening their doors to more and more tourists. Do the advantages of

increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages?


Intro: Advantages > Disadvantages

Body 1: Economic and Political advantages

Body 2: Environment, Health and Crime issues => Counter by pointing out
how to address such issue


[This 407-word essay is less feasible in real exam context, but can serve
as an informative reference source]


The global travel industry has witnessed a massive growth in the recent
decade, attributable to the rise of the low-cost carrier business model. As
a result, nations around the world are  embracing international tourism as
an essential source of economic growth. I believe the advantages of
welcoming foreign tourists far outweigh the corresponding
disadvantages as long as certain risks are adequately controlled.

Tourism has long been the lifeblood of many economies around the world
as well as a tool to carry out international politics. The money that foreign
travelers bring to another country creates vital short-term and long-term
impacts. In the short-term, the expenses paid by tourists go directly to the
local populace, improving their livelihood. Thailand probably serves as the
best example as many coastal cities such as Pattaya or Phuket have become
a heaven for people who want to make a good living. In the long-term,
private companies, sensing income opportunities, will heavily invest funds
into the country, region, or city. These funds will further boost the  wealth
of the nation. Besides, tourism also plays an integral part in maintaining a
balance in global politics by making countries closer and friendlier to each
other. The relationship between Vietnam and Korea clearly illustrates how
two countries can move from foes to friends by promoting each other’s
tourism industry.

Despite the aforementioned benefits, it is understandable that n othing

comes without some drawbacks. The growth in international travel has
brought up many concerns regarding environmental damages, health issues,
and criminal activities. The influx of people to a new destination often
creates monumental challenges in waste management. In 2018, the situation
was so dire that the government of the Philippines had to shut down
Boracay, a hugely attractive traveling destination, for six months to clean
out the trash. Airborne diseases, such as SARS or MERS, are also spread
faster due to tourism. It is also notable that crime rates have risen sharply
in popular holiday spots. However, all of the stated problems can be well
handled if governments and nations around the world can cooperate
efficiently to promote positive tourism practices. For example, the
Southeast Asian countries have created a shared database of people with
health risk to track contagious disease movements around the region.

In conclusion, increased tourism will bring about great positive benefits

despite certain containable shortcomings. It is expected that countries and
companies around the world will further direct their efforts to promote the
travel industry.

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