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[Carica papaya)
The Papaya is a versatile fruit. A slice of ripe water after an hour .One simple way to lose
Papaya for breakfast is a great way to start weight is by consuming unripe papaya fruits
your day, for this fruit is literally bursting both raw and cooked.
with healing and rejuvenating enzymes. Not
Ayurvedic physicians use Papaya used for
only do these enzymes sti mulate the liver for
treating digestive problems and intestinal
proper functioning, but also cause an overall
worms . lt is a remedy for flatulence, liver dis-
improvement in the digestion and as a result
orders and infection of the pancreas, as well
provide an increase in the health and vitality.
as for gastro-intestina l problems and enzyme
lt is orange-yellow when ripe and used in jel- deficiencies.. Ayurvedic medicines for arthritis
lies, preserves, and fruit juices. The green, un- use Papaya too .Fresh cuts orwounds are treat-
ripe fruit is used in curries and salads, while ed with applying the juice of a fresh fruit. The
the leaves and root of the plant are also used dried latex collected from unripe papaya fruits
in a vari ety of dishes. are used in the preparation of some Ayurvedic
medicines that are effective in the treatment
Papaya contains a digestive enzyme called
of warts, moles, eczema and skin allergies.
'Papain' which has a unique property to di-
Apart from the fruits, the roots and leaves of
gest proteins and fats. There is an abundance
this tree also have medicinal properties .
of vitami ns viz. vitamin A, vitamin B complex
and vitamin C found in this fruit. Not on ly this, The fruit of Papaya is a destroyer of the vata
the fruit could benefit by increasing the blood and kapha doshas (air and phlegm body hu-
pressure as well as the blood sugar levels. This mors). This is in accordance to the special
is highly suggestive for those suffering from properties it sustains . All the more, in the ripe
the symptoms of fatigue, lack of vigor and oc- state, papaya also tends to combat an aggrava-
casional loss of sleep. tion in the pitta dosha or the fire body humor.
Papaya creates 'virja' or hot energy and kindles
Papaya diet is advisable i n the urinary disor-
'agni', the digestive fire. Toxins are burned by
ders in which there is a decrease in the normal
better digestion. A person with excess Vatta
flow of urine. ln case ofexcessive pain during
shou ld eat Papaya.
menstruation or an irregular or decreased flow
during the cycle, papaya again comes to use. According to Ayurvedic texts, a powder pre-
The seeds and leaves of papaya are believed to pared by pounding t he seeds of the fruit is to
be helpfu l in decreasing pain and swelling. ln be taken along with warm water in a dose of
case of joi nt pains, the leaves are to be warmed half to one gram. Also, the lactating mothers
and applied as a hot fomentation onto t he af- need to supplement t he fruit in their daily diet
fected joints or the seeds can be crushed and regímen. This could result into a better produc-
mixed into mustard oil for massage. tion of milk.
To get rid of intestinal worms mix papaya la- Papaya fruits offer many benefits to diabetics,
tex with castor oil and take this mixture in the including a low sugar food choice and an an-
early mornings. This time tested remedy for tioxidant source. Choosing to eat papaya for
intestinal worms is very effective and has no diabetes is especially helpful since it has low
adverse side effects. The latex from t he un- sugar amounts compareci to other fruit. Many
ripe fruit is also excellent for the rapid cure of diabetics need to reduce their fruit intake
stubborn ulcers in mouth, tongue, and t hroat. since natural fruit sugars cause high blood
To treat skin diseases, especially scabies and sugar levels. Although papayas are sweet to
scalp eczema, papaya latex is mixed with alum taste, t he glucose levels are relative ly low
powder and the paste is applied on the affect- throughout the fruit's edible portion.
ed areas. The area is then cleaned with warm from the desk

AVU RVEDA & Health Tourism ~ July/September 2014

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