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Every animal loves its den, every man his home. This passion of love for country
is called patriotism. Love for one’s country is part of faith according to the
teachings of Islam. It is considered as the greatest virtue for a man. Lt is an
essential for the security and solidarity of a nation and country. This quality makes
the people to idealize their country. This idealization creates the passion for love.
The love created by patriotism is not self-centered and selfish.”
It teaches to love and respect for the other country men. It makes them ready to
share the sorrows and joys of one another. It makes man to work hard for the
welfare of the country. It produces the emotions of love to such extent that man
is ready even to go into the canon’s. It proves that country is the lap of mother
reaching which one forgets all cares, worries and enjoys a sense of security and
protection as the children enjoy. Love means love for all who are friend. Those are
friends and friendly towards the country and similar way the enemies of
countrymen. Sometimes these sentiments of friendship and feelings of enmity
turn to range schizophrenia and a cull. This side of patriotism takes a turn in
Staunch and rigid nationalism which sometimes lead the nation towards the paths
of Nation. It is dangerous.
Patriotism means the love of country but not the total disregard to the existence
and rights of other based on mutual respect, equality and justice. It should create
the feelings of sacrifice for the defense of the country but not to be offensive
towards other nations of the world. If every citizen loves his country and does his
duties and responsibilities honestly and diligently, not try to interfare or injure the
rights and borders of the others, it will be a true patriotism. Otherwise the world
will become hell for its habitants.

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