Messages 2 Workbook

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CAMBRIDGE ‘Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-69674-6 - Messages Workbook 2 ‘Noel Goodey, David Bolton and Diana Goodey Frontmatter ‘More Noel Goodey David Bolton Diana Goodey Messages Workbook wy My name is _. s |am in Class The name of my school is oo MA CGUGA TECH S a erence ‘My address is aia ii Nett CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-69674-6 - Messages Workbook 2 ‘Noel Goodey, David Bolton and Diana Goodey Excerpt Moreinformation Getting started 1 There is/There are (> Complete the sentences with There’s or There are. Then match the sentences with the places in the box. ‘Austalia London the USA San Francisco New York Gamada 4 People speak English and French here. There are _ 7 million French speakers. Canada. enn 8 big park called Central Park. 3. This is a very big country in the south Pacific only 20 milion people cones 8 famous bridge here, called the Golden Gate Bridge. 50 states. My favoutite is California, 2 big clock called Big Ben. 2 can/can't Qa Complete the sentences. Use can or can't with the verbs in the box. walk wis spell fly jump speak The elation fon the right, 1 Martin can’t. 2 The tourist _ SWE nent * nen ‘two metres. hands. Word work Odd one out Which word isthe odd one out? 1 phone tree rgd) aly swim spon nun fy bats aeroplanes tarntulas balloons yes spiders wings knaos cup coffee ice tea cheetah om Uon penguin _- 6 Inher dream, Kelly Cambridge University Pres ‘Cambridge University Press (978-0-521-60674-6 - Messages Workbook 2 Noel Goodey, David Bolton and Diana Goodey Excerpt ‘Moreinformation 4 have got @> 10> ‘Complete the sentences. Use have/haven't gator has 3) / ‘hasn't got with the words in the box. CD player aticket a cold alot of homework eacket 2 Susan can't go tothe concert 3 Jill and Ann can listen to music in because she ________._bed because they in their room. 1 I can't play tennis because | haven't get ars 4 Steve can't go to school because 5 Sam and Ella can watch television NE this evening because they Reading Arricat Read the text about the AfriCat Centre. Are sentences 1-8 true or false? 1. Namibia isa country in southwest ica. Trve. 2. In danger means ‘dangerous _ 2 The people at Africat want to save Namibia's cheetahs, leopards and lions, —__ 4 The people at AfriCat want to kil farm animals, _— 5 Namibia's big cats are a problem because they kil farmers. _ 6 The big cats aren't good for tourism 7 The people at AiriCat meet a lot of Namibia's schoolchildren. 8 "How can the big cats and Namibia's farmers live together?” Ths is @ dificult question. — Frica’s ‘big eats’ (cheetahs, leopards and lions) are in danger. The AFriCat Centre wants to help them, The ceneres in Namibia in southwest Africa. There's a hospical foc the animals and there's «an education centre (00 sn Namibia the big exes area problem because chey ‘sometimes kil farm animals, The Farmers often ory co ‘atch them or kill them, ‘Alot of tourists goto [Namibia because they wane to see the big cats. Tourism is important for this pare of Alica. Tiss another reason, why AfriCae wanes to protect the wild animals cere ‘Schoolchildren from all cover Namibia visi che AIHCat Centre. They meet che cheetahs, leopards and ions and chey learn about the importance of helping ‘Aliica's wildlife. They ty to find an answer to the 6 Extension Your room In your notebook write a description of your room Use There's / There are and I've/We've got or 1/We haven't got. Write at least four sentences. My room is quite small. There's a I share the room with my brother. care eeeeraee We've got... racoonaee live together? Unit 1 oO © Cambridge University Press vcam ‘Cambridge University Press (978-0-521-60674-6 - Messages Workbook 2 Noel Goodey, David Bolton and Diana Goodey Excerpt More information Use J agree / | don’t agree and I think / I don’t think, 1 Key vocabulary Expressing opinions “1 I Read the sentences and then give your opinion 1 Matt doesnt think mobile phones are necessary. I don't agree. I think they're. ry useful Listening For and against (CB Listen to Paul and Anna talking about the new sports centre in their town, Cirele the right answer: a, b or c. 1 Paul doesn't think the sports centre Is 2. expensive. or Lagree. I don’t think they're necessary. ® very good 2. Ben thinks maths is boring, = mee 2. Anna and Paul a agre. 'b have got the same opinion. € don't agree. 3 Paul doesn’t lke the swimming pool bb basketball © tennis 4 Paul thinks the town needs a a skate park ba skateboard. © a sports centre. 5 How many ball games do Paul and Anna talk about? a Four b Five, © Two. Vocabulary revision Adjectives Complete the crossword with adjectives. Across 5 It's very sunny, The shy’s blue. It’s 2 6 The opposite of serious. 5) 7 This word means ‘really good’ and it also begins with 0. (5) day. (9 letters) Down 1 Everyone likes Sadie. They always say, ‘Sadie’s ... (4) 2. This word means ‘very bad. (5) 3 This word describes James Bond films. (8) 4 5 ‘his word means ‘eally fantastic’. (9) ‘he opposite of interesting. (6) © Cambridge University Press ‘Cambridge University Press (978-0-521-60674-6 - Messages Workbook 2 Noel Goodey, David Bolton and Diana Goodey Excerpt ‘Moreinformation 4 Object pronouns: him/her/it/them (Gp» 28a. 28». 28.286 Write sentences. Use the words In the box + him, her, itor them. ike 2) Can Ispeak to Heart fad Inever wear | don’t Uke ‘Where are my glasses? ‘You can have this T-shirt. ‘What do you think D (eee mya 2) (wanimetsTam) G nt find them. oe " Extension Giving your opinion Write your opinion about at least three things /people. You can write about the things/people in the box or you can choose others. the food in the school canteen the Harry Potter films computer games geography Real Madrid rap music I don't think the Harry Potter films are very good. © Cambridge University Press vcam ‘Cambridge University Press (978-0-521-69674-6 - Messages Workbook 2 ‘Noel Goodey, David Bolton and Diana Goodey Excerpt ‘Moreinformation Key vocabulary Interests and activities like/enjoy/hate + -ing @Q»> “2 <1 |) what are their interests? Match the people with Make sentences. the wards in the box. 4 what / Ben / Uke / do? ‘computer games swimming eetine-iends horor films using the Intemet going shopping athletics going out ‘every Saturday. We sit im a café and talk, Personal questions Complete the questions. 1 You want to know where someone ives you. tne? 2 You want to know someone's mobile number Ws great. They've got _— your mobite number? anew 50-metre pool at the sports centre. Tve got Voices: night on video. It's really scary. | love itt 3 You want to know if someone can speak Italian, ———— you Italian? 44 You want to know what sort of food someone likes. ns YOU lke? 5 You want to know if someone has got any brothers. _ brothers? 6 You want to know what someone's favourite subjects are, your favourite subjects? Extension Can / ask you some questions? Write atleast three more personal questions. What's your favourite sport? Do you like swimming? I hate staying at home in the evening © cambridge University Press woe camibeidgeorg ‘Cambridge University Press (978-0-521-60674-6 - Messages Workbook 2 Noel Goodey, David Bolton and Diana Goodey Excerpt ‘Moreinformation Unit] Learning diary ...._ ‘At the end of Unit 1, I can: Easy Not bad —_ifficult ‘© give my opinion. i oO a Tt IK IS ee enn + don't think its a What do you think of ______? Tike ____. (ie/him er‘them) © agree and disagree. ao a a agree. /1 don't oa nn © VagrO€ ee an an YOU? ‘© talk about things | like and don’t like. oO a Oo Tlike don't like _ sive details about myself. o o a My favourite subject at school is ask about people's interests. Do you like os What's your favourite What sort of do you like? KEY WORDS Adjectives, Interests and activities computer games... Unit 1 was interesting [] Unit1 7 © Cambridge University Press vcam Aslice of life Present simple: He lives... @)'».\ Complete the sentences. Use the right form of the verbs in the box we have got play fly go. snow Se > \ 1 Dan _.. lives in Alaska. = 2 It alot in Alaska. 3 Dan ‘to school fon a skidoo. 4 At weekends he 5 His dad a 6 He 10 Anchorage basketball, small plane, every week, Present simple: negative >» Complete the text about Dan and his family. Use don’t or doesn’t with the verbs. Dan. doesn’t enjoy _ (enjoy the winter in Alaska, He * (key | the short days and the tong nights. It? {snow every day. butits | always very cold The summer i diferent. Is never really dark. so Dan and his brother | ‘ (go) to bed before twelve o'clock at night. Their parents | * (care) because the boys are on holiday. In the summer Dan | 4 {go to school for three months! Reading Antarctica Read the text about Antarctica. Then read the sentences and write T true), F (false) or ?(the answer isn’t in the text) «9 the south of South ‘America, there's a cold and empty continent: Antarctica. ‘There aren't any roads or towns, bot there are several research stations. About 4,000 scientists fromall over the world work therefor short periods. No one lives in Antarctica al the time — ‘only millions of penguins! “The weather is always cold and windy. In June (Antarctica’s winter) the temperature at the Vostock Research Station is ‘60°C, and it’s dark all the time. In January (Antartia’s summer) the temperature is about ~18°C, and i's light ll the dime. Antarctica has got mountains, ‘voleanoes and fantastic wildlife. Every year thousands of tourists visit the continent. Some people are worried. They don't want a lot of tourists in this wild and beautiful place. 4 Present simple: questions and short answers (j}> Complete the questions and write the short answers. ‘These people work at a research station in the Antarctic. Here are the languages they speak. Engtish | Spanish | French | Arabic | ttatian Mae | x v vik Luis v v x xiv Adriana | x v xiv Jamal | x v vix —— 1 Does _ .uis speak English? Yes, he does. 2 ‘Adriana speak Spanish? 3 Luis and Adriana speak Arabic? 4 Jamal speak Spanish and Italian? 5 Marie speak Arabic? 6 they all speak English? 7 What about you? you speak English? ‘Antarctica is in South America, F 2. There are roads between the research stations. Scientists study the penguins in Antarctica It never rains in Antarctica, but it snows a lot. ‘When it's winter in Europe, it's summer in Antarctica People at the research stations n't work in June, because e's 60°C. It’s completely dark at night in the Antarctic summer. The Antarctic is wild and beautiful, but tourists don’t want to go there, ff Extension in the evening ‘What do you and your friends or family. do in the evening? Write at least four sentences. Carlos and I play cards. My dad does the crossword in the newspaper. unit2 oy Key grammar (> Frequency adverbs Put the fequency adverbs inthe right order. Start with the opposite of never sometimes never often always usually 1 2 3 4 5 never Complete the sentences with frequency adverbs. 1] retuayt areas ats “@ ace thy nds 2 @ go out on Saturday evening. 5 ») pave ‘uses 2 mobile phone. 2 (Dsus bays compar sones Frequency adverbs: word order (@}» 20 Put the words in the right order and make sentences 4 never / 0/1 / swimming I never go swimming. 2 music / often /10/Usten / 1 2 ty / sister / my / often / oom / her / doesn’ 4 always / she / baseball / 3 / does / cap / wear? 5 parents / my / always / about / wony / me - 6 hungry / my / is / brother / always i 7 usually / breakfast / you / what /have / fr / do? 8 fends / pessimistic / usualy / my / arent Listening Megan and her mobile (cB Listen to Megan. How often does she do each activity? Put a tick (#) in the right box. ‘always | often | usually | sometimes She sends text messages v ‘She talks to Emma before she goes to bed. 3 She uses the computer for her homework. 4 She writes two or tree emails a day. '5_ She plays computer games, Write complete sentences about Megan. 1 She often sends text messages. 2 Key vocabulary Expressions of frequency (jp 24 ~ Word work Sport |) Make sentences. Use the words in the box. Compete the questions. Then writ the answer. 0 | swimeing rollerblading runing bowling ~ play | basketball volleyball once aay twice a | week = three times year - 1 ROSIE: | see my grandparents every Sunday. i: How. often does Rosie see her grandparents? 8; Once a week, 2. KATE: wash my hair on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. » often does Kate wash her hait? 8 {3 SIMON: We go on holiday in February and in August. * son do Simon and his family 90 on holiday? 8 4 GHARUE: | have a shower when I get up and before I go to bed. & Charlie have a shower? 8 55 SAAMI stay with my cousin every summer * stay with her cousin? 8: Extension How often? Write sentences about a very energetic person. Use always, every day, three times a week, etc. Fabio runs to work every day. He usvally goes to the gym four times a week. 1 Tom / once a week a 3 Tom goes swimming once a week. 4 Ruth / twice a week Ve Wi A e 6 Alex and John / on Saturday 5 Luke and Fiona / after school Key vocabulary éveryday routines Silly sentences? When do you do these things? Write three lists. For each sentence write OK or Silly. wakeup have a drink go to bed get undressed 1. wake up before my alarm clock rings. get up gotosleep getdressed wash Ok. hhave something to eat get home get ready for school 2 Ihave a shower after | get dressed. In the morning Inthe evening Moming or evening - wake up 2. | get undressed and then I go to school, 4 Ihave a bath and after that | go to bed. Link words: before, after, then, after that B ) aveanabiileoftan optihonit Read the information and answer the questions. ny 6 | get up and then | go to sleep. < Extension An average day Imagine an average day in the lite of dog. Write atleast four sentences. Blackie usually sleeps under the table in the kitchen. He wakes up at...and then he... Andy gets up half an hour before Beth gets up. Beth gets up ten minutes after Chris gets up. “Maggie gets up and then Chris gets up five Maggie gets up a quarter of an hour after Andy gets up. Andy gets up at seven o'lock, | utes after that. 4 Who gets up fist? 2 What time does he/she get up? 3 Who gets up next? 4 What time does Chris get up? 5 Who gets up last? 6 What time does he/she get up? « Module 1 . Unit2 Learning diary Date At the end of Unit 2, I can: Easy Not bad Difficul © talk about my daily life, a a oO Tlive in. manatees aE soneitrrcinentaansmnnntanionrnionn © describe what other people do, o Oo o Nick lives os He a © spell the third person form of these verbs. Oo o o Iplay he plays. ley study he studies I wash Igo he have I wateh 5 © talk about how often I do things. oO Oo oO T sometimes - Tnever ‘ I a week. © ask about other people's daily life. Oo o oO Does she to school by train? your brother play 2 Where live? KEY WORDS Frequency adverbs : Expressions of frequency Everyday routines always every day getup ence.a week Unit 2 was interesting [_] quite interestir 1) not very interesting (-] unit2 13 a Stories ext Key vocabulary Numbers Write the answers in words. 1 thirty + thiteen = forty-three 2 twelve + eleven ~ 3 five point six + one point seven = |4 eight point four ~ one point three = 5 two hundred and seven + nine hundred and thirteen = 6 three million, one hundred thousand ~ two hundred and ten thousand = Key vocabulary Months Find the 12 months and answer the questions 1. Which month begins with the fourth letter of the alphabet? December ESJANUARY NE BN M A U © F| 2 Which two months begin with the first letter? OP TOA PG CE! § Which month begins wit the sixth letter? JTUVLERUTB VEME C1 $0 R| 4 Which three months begin with the tenth letter? LMAMELT BU YB RB MAY E A! 5 the third and the fifth months of the year begin with the same letter. What are @ECEmMBEDR| A, rRHRJUNEY " {6 What are the other three months? Key vocabulary Dates Wirite these dates in words 1 1/9/2008 the first of September, two thousand and six 2 ya/isa9 35/11/2010 4 8/7/2008 3 31/12/1986 6 22/2/1990 7 4/6/2000 8 6/8/1995 Modute 2 Past simple: was, were (j)> Complete the text with was or were. Marilyn Monroe! Was. an American film star: She® born in 1926, Her real name» Norma Jean Baker: Her most famous films ‘ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1983) and Some Like it Ht (1959). ‘The baseball player Joe DiMaggio and the writer Archur Miler § wo of Marilyn's husbands She ® 4 very popular actress and, when she die in 1962, people all over the world ” very sad Past simple: regular verbs)» » Last weekend was special for these young people. Complete travel will sail, play ficish wwe: the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs. 1 Dylanused_hisnew 2. Molly across 3 Pete to London skateboard for the frst time, the lake on her own, (on his own, 4 lee thiny 5 Julie her Harry 6 Jamie for his kilometres. Potter book school team for the first time. Extension An exciting weekend Imagine that last weekend was a special time for you. What did you do? Write one or two sentences. Choose from these verbs: talk, play, travel, use, visit, watch. Last weekend I talked to unit3 @ Key vocabulary Holidays ‘Match the words in A with the words in B and make sentences. A B 1 We had a holiday a in the sea 2 We avelled only had two beds. 3. My friend travelled by «the beach. 4 carted all my things @ ina tent. 5 We stayed at fin Portugal last summer. 6 We never # a campsite 7. My parents’ caravan ‘9. my new sleeping bag, 8 My friend and | slept hh by ferry, 9. was very comfortable in 1 ima rucksack. 10 Every day we went swimming J stay at a hotel, 11 We often played vatleybalt on plane from London, 162030 4 5 6 7 8. 9 wt Past simple: irregular verbs (> *° Compete the crossword withthe past simple form ofthe verbs. e Across Down A 3 90 1 mun a 4 come 2 see 5 sleep 3 be 8 take 5 sy 9 have 6 pu 7 get Complete the sentences with verbs from 2a. 1 anna usualy sleeps for eight hours every right. bt lastnight she slept fortwelve hous 2 Joe and Sadie usually have cereal for breakfast, but yesterday they toast 3. Usa usually gets about three emails a day but yesterday she tent 4 Sally usvally goes rollerblading at the weekend, but last weekend she swimming, 5 Mes Taylor usually takes her children to the park on Saturday but last Saturday she them tothe cinema, 6 Gemma doesn't usually see her boyriend during the week. but last week she him on Monday and Wednesday. 7 Matt usually puts ham in his sandwiches, but yesterday he cheese in them. 8 Lee doesn’t usually run to school. but he this moming because he was late. ¢ Module 2 Reading Alone across the Atlantic >>» Complete the text about Seb Clover. Use the past simple form of the verbs. acai ata sailed (sa acwoss the Attante/on his own, He (00) om Toner 10 Antiqua in 25 days. He ® (be) only 15 years old The 25 days (bo) oltan efit. One day, in the middle ofthe Ationtic, he (see) some whe. He was a bt soared when they (Core) ust two metres orn the boat ‘nether problem was food. Three days before he (arve)n Antigua, he" (ean nis lest piece of chocolate! In Antigua he was a hero. He (have) a great tie. In the stroots, everyone (wan to say helo ta him. He vas on TV and in newspaners al ver the weld. Buta | | | | | sarunmic ocean | wwe later ho" (Get a pane to England and then he (00) back to schoo! Listening Adam’s weekend BD Listen to Adam talking about his weekend. Circle the right answer: a, b or c. 1 On Saturday Adam and Pete 3 They went to bed at 5 They had a problem. @ went to a campsite. a about 10 o'clock. Their sleeping bags were too short slept on the beach. b about 10.0. Someone was in their tent. played football © Lo'dack Their tent had a hole init 2 In the afternoon they 4 In the night 6 On Sunday morning played volleyball 2 they slept for eleven hours, a they went home. went swimming 'b_ someone came into the tent b itstarted to rain © had lunch at the café. ¢ Itrained, they went on a boat trip. Extension Find the verbs Find ten irregular past simple verbs in the wordsnake. Write them with their infinitive form, 1 2 3 8 a 5 I you like, make another wordsnake and ask a friend to find the words. unit3 | was, wasn't, were, weren't (jj 4 Undertine the right verb form 1 I had a good holiday. but the weather (was / wasn’) very good. 2. L1was / wasn't il the weekend, so stayed in bed 23. My parents (were / weren't) very happy because | came home late 44 The exam was awful The questions (were / werent really dificult. 5 I wanted to buy 2 new skateboard, but the shop (was / wast open 6 The CDs (were / weren't expensive, so! bought thee. Past simple: negative (jx 2. Write a negative sentence and an affirmative sentence for each picture. Use the vers inthe box. Ne 90 invent come from go across OG < . fan step < oF oe iS 1 Marconi didn’tinvent 2 seb Clover 3. The Beatles 4 Apollo 14 the mobile phone. He He They tt to the moon. Word work The ballad of Billy Magee Write the words. ‘A sort of policeman in the USA, sheriff The opposite of easy. h Bill works with Fiona, and Fiona works with Bill. They work Bill loves Fiona and Fiona loves Bil, They're Nick hasn't got any grandparents now. They're all This verb means ‘to take something that doesn’t belong to you" We say: I don’t __' when something doesn't worry us. Extension they were different When your parents were teenagers, they probably weren't the same as you and your friends. Think of at least three differences and write sentences. Use didn’t + listen to, wear, go, have, etc. They didn’t listen to hip-hop. They didn’t wear ... 2 » Unit3 At the end of Unit 3, I can: say dates. My birthday is on use the past simple form of regular and irregular verbs. Learning diary ... Easy Not bad a bitficutt QO a a Present Past Present Past Present Past anve arrived (aslbere cm | get * | te came « ‘talk about events in the past. Twas born Yesterday 1 We play put ‘un say see use the past simple negative. Twasn't We didn't Billy Magee KEY WORDS ‘Numbers: 3___ three 1 13 thirteen 50. thirty 13th thirteenth 30th thirtieth. sleep __ | stay take travel use walk oO oO when Twas little. at school yesterday. Holidays caravan, ‘quite interesting [] not very interesting [] Entertainment 1 Word work verbs in the quiz Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Then write the infinitive form. found bit wrote Invented took place sold 1 Shakespeare Wrote at least thirty-seven plays. (Write _) 2 Alexander Bell the telephone. ( ) 3 In 1626 the Native Americans Manhattan to Holland for $25. ( ) 4 The first Olympic Games in Athens in 1896, ( ) 5 Assnake the Egyptian queen Cleopatra and killed her. ( > 6 Four teenagers some very old paintings in a cave in France in 1940. ( ) Question words Complete the conversation with Wan Whitfield, Use What, Where, When, Why, How or Which. Ac + How. old were you when you started writing? 8: 1 was eight. ae id you live when you were small? B: In Bristol we Bristol football team did you support, Bristol City or Bristol Rovers? ': Bristol City, of course! at id you move to London? : In 2001. ae was the name of your fist book? 8: A Cat Called Tiger Ivan Whitleta : ae id you call the cat ‘Tiger’? writer of children’s books 8: Because my cat’s name was Tiger. was/were: questions (> *» = "ARSENAL payed Liverpool on Saturday afternoon Read the information in the box and complete the ir tiverpo. Liverpool won, 3-2. Alan Lang got all questions. Use question words and was or were. Liverpoot goal A Tot of people didnt get tenets for the maton, but they watched ito TV on Saturday night 1 Where was... the match? = 8: In Liverpool. 25 Whe the two teams? § & the score? 8: Arsenal and Liverpool 8: 3-2 to Liverpool aa the match? 6a Liverpoo' star? 8: On Saturday afternoon. 8: Alan Lang an the winners? Th: the match on TV? 8: Liverpook, 1: On Saturday night. « Module 2 J Past simple: questions (j}> “") Put the words in the right order and make questions. Then write true answers. 1 get up / this / when / you / moming / did ? a: When did you get up this morning? 4 Uke / what / weather / the / was ? 8: I got up at & 2 breakfast / what / have / you / did / for? 8 A 5 your / what / lesson / did / fst / start / time ? 8 A 2 time / eave / did / what / you / home ? 8 = A 8 Past simple: more questions (3) 2 Complete the questions. 1 A What did you de on Saturday ? 8: | went shopping. a 4 Wee: ‘ 2 «Wo 2 & We had lunch ina café B: | saw Jess and Molly. 5 & What time z ak What 2B: Wegot home at about four o'clock 8: | bought some trousers and a new top. Dialogue completion (jj 2. What were Anna’s questions? Choose the right questions from the list (a- anna: 1d IMATE Ie was fantasti. a How did you get there? ANNA: 7? b Where did you buy the tickets? MATT: I wert with my brother. © What time did the concert finish? ANNA: 0? a Rane te ‘© Which song dd they sing atthe end? MATT: All the songs on their new CD. F Wawitteramenstat! anna 5? 18 Who did you go with? ‘MATT: Come into my word hh What did you dor ANNA: ©? 1 Which songs did they sing? ‘MATT: About eleven, Extension Write a song! Imagine you're a songwriter. Write some questions in the past simple for a new pop song, Why did you leave me? What did I sa md 2 units was/were: questions and short answers {> “> Put the words in the right order and make questions. Then write the short answers, 1 Elvis Presley / English / was ? 44 Sophia Loren / actress / an / was? aw Was Elvis Presley English? & 5: No, he wasn’t 6: 2. George Washington / first / the / president / 5 were / pop group / Pilgrim Fathers / a / the ? ‘American / was ‘ A 8: 8 6 animal / a / real / was / Tyrannosaurus Rex ? 3 painters / were / and / Van Gogh / Cézanne? ‘ * &: 8: Past simple: questions and short answers | {j-» 2. > Write a question and a short answer for each picture. Use the verbs in the box. beat catch bite phone enjey win 1 your 3 iuyour a: Did you enjoy it? ® ® oe: Noy] didn’t 8 8 4 he/the American champion? 5 you/anything? 6 David/you? ® a x 8: e & < Module 2 Reading JAR. Tolkien > Read the text about Tolkien. Then complete the questions and write short answers. PEL _Jorrtonttzet iin nas gh te warn nsx {J rican 192, Both is parents dled hen he was abo, John Went tole whan aunt in Engand, fer ele shool fe wet > to Oxford University and studied English. Then he got a job as > a teacher at the university. Tolkien had four children and he often told them stories. They really enjoyed one story. Itstarted: Ina hole inthe ground lived a hobbit.” This story became Tolkien’s first book, The Hobbit, He later wrote The Lord ofthe Rings. Both books were fantastically popular, especially in the USA. Tolkien became rich and famous, but he hated being well known, Tolkien created an imaginary world called ‘Middle Earth’ for his stories, He invented ages for Middle Earth, and he could speak and write these languages! special Lang He died in 1973. Thirty years later, the New Zealand film director Peter Jackson made three films of The Lord ofthe Rings. They were big its all over the world, 1 & Was Tolkien born in England? 58 The Lord ofthe Rings his ie first book? 2A his father die when Totkien ® was young? 6A his books popular in the USA? 8 aA he go to live with his 7A Middle Earth a real world? srandmother? a ® an Tolkien work with Peter Jackson? aa his children tke the story a about the hobbit? Listening / Key vocabulary Jobs (CB Who are the eight people talking to? Use the words in the box. builder disc jockey mechanic waittess shop assistant farmer secretary tax! driver 1 Waitress 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 Extension Whar did you do yesterday? Choose one of the jobs in Exercise 4, Imagine you're that person. Write about what you did yesterday. Tm a dise jockey. I started work at. Unit 4 Key vocabulary Past time expressions Write the missing time expressions, 1 in 2002 in 2003, Jn 2008 2 Indu in September 3 on Tuesday (on Thursday 4 last week two weeks three weeks ago 5. this year last year ‘wo years 6 month last month ‘two months ago 7 yesterday morning yesterday yesterday evening 8 yesterday afternoon yesterday evening last Time expressions with ago Make complete sentences with the first. and ... years ago. Then match A the sentences with the pictures. 1 George Beauchamp / make / frst electric guitar (1928) George Beauchamp made the first electric guitar... years ago. Prete C | 2. Clarence Saunders / open / fist supermarket (1916) | Picture 3. lgor Sikorsky / invent / fist helicopter (1939) Picture 4 Yuri Gagarin / become / fist spaceman (1964) Picture 5. James A. Naismith / play / first game of basketball (1891) Picture Extension When did it happen? Write about at least three important events in the past. Use verbs in the past simple and ago. Lazio won the Championship ... years ago. I was born ... ago. Module 2 Uni t4 Learning diary At the end of Unit 4, | can: use question words. o Where? (in my language) Who When? = What? = Which? = How? = ask and answer questions about things and people in the past. oO were the Beatles? did Clare Burgess do at university? Tolkien a film director? No, he " Clare like her firstjob? Yes, she John Lennon live in Hollywood? No, he say when things happened in the past. oO Yesterday afternoon I Last night I went to the cinema ago. tree weeks ago = describe different jobs. o My uncle’ a Twant to be taxi driver, My In English we use (or an with the names of jobs KEY WORDS Jobs builder. Past time expressions last night Unit 4 was interesting [] quite interesting [_) Not bad o Why? = in my language) o Difficult o Oo ‘not very interesting [_] unit \ 25 On the move Key vocabulary in town Match the things/people withthe places. Write the letters A-J Key vocabulary Directions A hospital B bank E post office F police station G clothes shop H newsagents [shoe shop | J chemists Give directions to the Internet café. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Go across Go along Go past tum left Tum right attheendet on the left on the right 1 There's a big square .at the end of. = 5 the hospital TL this street fF] 6 tm é t] 2 the square eh x Lt — ee a 3 and you'e A” 7 There’ a car park in iu street. and the Intemet café is ===. Mill Street « Module 3 Word work Prepositions of place Describe where Lightning Is in each picture. Use the prepositions inthe box. opposite next to outside behind in 1 Behind the tree. 2 3 4 5 Listening Can you tell me the way? Extension The way to my house I James is outside the station. Listen to two people Imagine that your English teacher is iving him directions to the football stadium. Who's ‘coming to your house in his/her car. right? Put a tick (/) in the right box. He/She doesn’t know the way. Write directions. The man] The woman [] Turn right at the school gate. Go along... Go past... Ilive =] = me e GENE) at number ..., onthe... floor. London Road Gwen 2 ea sommes orem a SierSuee co || 2 ¢ ||Saon z cl § | [eboni 2 tem] 2 3 | aoe Tages" oho town Hl ost unit 5 ¢ © / Present continuous: affirmative (j-> °° Complete the two poems. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in the boxes. Then answer questions a-d. Poem 1 wait look sit eat We! ‘re sitting con the plato 2 Where are they? we? for our tran Theyre at my fiend > peanuts. Whats the weather lke? cs. at the rain. is Poem 2 stand have shout swim Dave * a scary dream. ¢ Where is Dave, in his dream? He® Inthe dark. He's in His fiends” fon the beach. | @ Why's he scared? They © shark’ A shark (come) Present continuous: negative (>> * Complete the sentences. Use the negative form of the present continuous. 1 Can come to town with you? /m not doing (do anything atthe moment. 2. You can have our tennis rackets. We (use them atthe moment. 3 We can go fora walk. It (can row 4 1m tying to shone Nick. but he (answer 5 Kate's atthe cinema, but she (watch the fim, She’sastee 6 Tom and Dave stem tothe teacher. Tey'e bored. Present continuous: questions (5 \) © Put the words in the right order and make questions. ‘Match the questions in 3a with the answers. 4 you / what / doing / are? a No. i's really boring What are you doing? To the sports centre 2 his / your / dad / job / new / is / enjoying ? ee 4 Because I'm angry Yes, they're very tired. 3 going / you / where / are? Some 16. 2 3 4 5 4 Kate / are / to / and / Helen / bed / going ? 5 why / you / are / shouting ? 4 Module 3 } Dialogue completion ® Complete the conversation. Choose the right sentences from the list (a-g) BETH: Look, Anna. that Dave over there atthe bus stop? ANNA: Yes. itis. 1F 2 But Dave doesn‘ lke football BETH: 1 think i's Janet Smith bb Why’s he talking to her? fwna: Janet Smith? = © What's her name? BETH: I'm not sure, but theyre having a great conversation! Why's he going to the match. then? ana: * © Dave and Janet are going tothe match BETH: Yes can se. Perhaps theyre going othe football match, —Wherhe-saltlag-ot ais * 9. They're wearing blue and white scarves BETH: | know. ana: ‘BETH; Well, I know Janet's crazy about football. And perhaps Dave's crazy about Janet! Reading Real ora copy? © Look at the three paintings aha Gi? by Bisteo Dok | ‘One of then Is the real In Dols painting The Gift a woman is standing under an apple wee, | painting by Pietro Doll. The Shes tal wih ong fr ir She wearing long white dew and a neckce | ther two are copies. Read the witha siher star She's smiling Inher right hand, she's holding an apple description ofthe real painting ane there are several apples oma table next to her ‘There's also a cage on the ‘wo Title children are playing with a ball. The ball is our planet, the Barth, | ble, The eage door is open and a bird is fying out. At the woman's fet, and decide if itis A, B or C. Is the reat Piet Dati painting Extension What's happening? Find an interesting picture or photo and write about it in your notebook. Describe the place. What are the people in the picture doing? unit 5 Present continuous or present simple? {> * Aw Choose two true sentences for each picture. Sr b @susie isn't drinking cotee. 4 Liam isn’t playing the guitar. (: aN f) What am I doing? p> 5" G complete the text. Use the present simple o the present continuous form ofthe verbs. ‘This is Fran Baker. She! comes (come! from England. She ? (work) as a waitress in London. She isn't usually a very adventurous person, she? {not like) dangerous sports and she * (hate) \ heights! At the moment Fran’s on holiday in New Zealand, She °_ _. (dob 2 bungee jump! She's temified. and she ® (think V7 (0 enjoy) this. Why ® 1 aot I'm crazy ©) Extension A puzzle © Read the clues and find the answer. Ie takes people all over England. It sometimes goes under the sea to France. At the moment the 18,05 is leaving Paddington Station in London. I's taking 400 people to Plymouth. What is it I's Now think of a thing, an animal or a person and write some clues. Can your friend guess the answer? « Module 3 Units Learning diary ». At the end of Unit 5, I can: tasy Not bad iffcut describe places in my town, a a a In the town centre there's a understand and give directions. a a a on tho left ‘in my language onthe ight = Tum tet = Turn right. = Go across the square, = a So Geo along King’s Road. = Go past the chemists = spell these verbs in the present continuous. a ao a sit Tm sitting get put tun Tm.renaing. swim travel come arrive dance lene describe actions in progress at the moment. a ia a At the moment I'm writing in my Learning Diary. Im sitting use the two present tenses in English, a a ie} Tm at the moment. (present cominuous) Tosvally «(resent simple) KEY WORDS In town bank car park “unit 5 was interesting [] quite interesting [] not very interesting [] Echoes of the past Key vocabulary Places Write the words. 1 Avery tal bulding skysenapes 2 Trafalgar isn London and Times sn New York a 2. The town’s leaders work here a a 4 5A small group of houses and shops. isn't a town, 6 You can buy things here. e's usually outside nthe street. 7 There ar a lot of tees here W 9 Ifyou want to dive a car across a ve, ths is necessany 3 10 A large building where people make things (cars, for example), There was/were: affirmative and negative “> " Complete the sentences. Use There was/wasn’t/were/weren't, 1 Roman town here 2.000 years ago. in the garden last night. In the 13th century in the Stone Age. Module 3 There was/were: questions and short answers {> ut the words in the right order and make questions. Then write true answers. 1 2/TV/ night / James Bond / was / film / on / last / there ? i: Was there a James Bond film on TV last night? 8: No, there wasn't or Yes, there was. 2 interesting / were / any / programmes / there ? ® 8: 3 your / there / pany / at / was / house / yesterday / a? 8 4 letters / moming / there / this / any / for / were / you? A 8 5 was /a/ morning / of / traffic / lot / this / there ? A There was/were and It was / They were Qp vs Alec had a bad dream last night. Complete his description. Use there was, there were, it was or they were. 1 There was a forest.* Itwas. a dark, scary forest. : some people in the forest. “ very tall, with strange clothes. In front of me * a river. | wanted to swim across, but & sharks in the fiver. silver with cruel, yellow eyes. Suddenly, heard a voice behind me. * my mother’s voice. Then | woke up. Listening What did they say? (BD Listen to four short conversations. Puta tick (Y) under the right answer: A.Borc, 1 How many people were there at the pany? A 8 c 23 || 30 13 oO Oo 2 What time did Paul catch the bus? aaa 3 What did the gil buy? oi 4 What was there in the man's village? A it if Oo Oa Oo eS Extension A map In your notebook, draw a map of an imaginary town, Use pictures or symbols and label the places river castle, factory, town hal, te Unité Present continuous and past continuous =~ ‘Two months ago Sally was on holiday in Biarritz, She sent this postcard to her friend Emma, Now Sally is home and she's looking at the postcard. Write her memories. Put the sentences in the postcard into the past. SAL: | remember when | wrote that card! 1 We were sitting on the beach. 2 The sun 3 4 5 6 7 Past continuous: affirmative and negative) Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous form of the verbs in the box. Then match the sentences with the pictures notfeel read not wear get dark fai Usten to 1 We dit go fora walk because it Was raining 2 She lett the beach because 3 He did't hear the telephone because 4 He went tothe wrong door because ‘She didn’t want to watch TV because 6 We-didn't enjoy the boat trip because Modute 3 music: his glasses. her magazine. very well Picture F Picture Picture Picture Picture Picture Writing a report). Someone stole some money from a newsagent's yesterday. A woman, Mrs Dean, saw a boy and girl in the shop. Read the conversation and complete the police officer's report. Use the past continuous form of the verbs in the box wear (x2) catty look at not wear ‘ ‘ stand otbuy OFFiceR: Where were they standing when you saw them? Pi Police report ' ts IMRS DEAN: Neat the doo , oFricer: Were they buying anything? 1 The boy and the girl Were standing near the door. | MRS DEAN: ?No. 2 They Weren't buying anything. oFFicer: What were they doing? manne § MRS DEAN: * Looking at magazines. 3 They ¢ OFFICER: What was the boy wearing? 4™e { MRS DEAN: Trousers and a T-shirt. vey / orricer: Was he wearing a jacket? 5 He IRs DEAN: °No. one { OFFICER: Was he carying anything? tMRs Dean: Yes a rucksack 7 The etl ) ofFiceR: What was the git wearing? neh f IMas Deaw: 7 green anorak Past continuous: questions)» °» Put the words in the right order and make questions. Then complete the conversation with the right. questions. ‘going / you / fast / were /? stn yee here Het? speed / doing / you / were / what / ? your / you / mobile / using / were / ? road / watching / were / the / you /? you / there / why / going / were / ? rater: + Where were you going? PETE: To Long Ashton. warner: ® PETE: | was going to see a friend. Famer: > PETE: No, | wasn't | never dive fast Famer: ¢ PETE: Oh, about 40 kilometres an hour. warner: & PETE: Yes, 1 was. There weren't any cars infront of me. Famer: * PETE: No, | wasn't SS Extension 4 historic moment! Aliens came to Earth at 7.30 this morning! What was happening in your home at 7.30? Write at least four sentences. My brother was having a shower. Iwas... Key grammar could, couldn't > Complete the sentences, Use could or couldht with the verb inthe box. goto sleep hear choose ge-eut play football see 1 Judith hada lt of homework yesterday evening, she couldn't go out 2. Joe was standing behind two tall people at the concert. He 3. Kate was tired, She got into bed. At lst she 4 Carla's hotel was near the beach. At night she the sea 5 Andy broke his le, He 6 Fiona had a problem. Three boys wanted to go out with her. She Reading saved! Read the newspaper story. Write Titmue, False) or ?(the answer isn't in the text, ‘The water was moving very fast | 1 Chris Hinds lives in Middlesbrough | and soon the dog was fy metres | 2 He was walking along the river ee deat | because he wanted to find his dog. seal. It wns swimming round the dog. | 3 It was Saturday aftemoon. | When the ds ead went under the | 4 The weather was good, water the sea went into ation! 5 The dog came towards Chris and Ie pushed the dog to the river bank eso ‘Then ivawam back tothe mide of | & Ci gidn't know thatthe dog hed the river and waited, Chris ran flong the bank and pulled the dog a broken leo ‘onto the path, Atthat moment the | 7 The dog didn’t want to go into seal disappeared the river Charis couldn't believe his "Yo only see that sort of thing in 8 The seal pushed the dog's head tnder the water. HRIS HINDS from Disney films, but [saw it in real Middlesbrough saw an | life. It happened right in front | 9 When Chris pulled the dog onto amazing thing yesterday ‘of me! he said. "I couldnt believe the path, the seal disappeared. ‘afternoon, ray eves! 10 The seal saved the dog's life. Chris and Neil were at the cinema, The dog's name was Lucky. Ho was walking along the bank of ‘he river Tees with his son Nei. It ‘was a fine afternoon and they were enjoying the walk. In front of them, they could see a dog. It was sitting fn the path, Chris could see that it had a broken leg When be and Neil went towards the dog, it tried to run away, butt dav, and it fell into the river Extension memories Think of things you can do now, but you couldnt do when you were two years ol I couldn't play the guitar. < Module 3

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