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Faculty of Sciences/Northern Borders University

Chapter I

Introduction to Computer Networks
Computer Science Department

Key concepts
• Telecommunication is communication at a distance by
technological means, particularly through electrical signals or
electromagnetic waves

• A basic telecommunication system consists of three primary

units that are always present in some form:

– A transmitter, takes information and converts it to a signal.

– A transmission medium, also called the "physical channel" that

carries the signal.

– A receiver, takes the signal from the channel and converts it

• Examples: Radio, Telephone, TV, etc.

Computer Networks 2
Classification of networks based on the distance
• Networks can be divided into several categories, according to
the distances covered

– Multiple processor system

– PAN (Personal Area Network)

• Example: Bluetooth

– LAN (Local Area Network)

• Example: Ethernet, WiFi

– MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

• Example: WiMax

– WAN (Wide Area Network)

• Example: Internet

• Reminder:
– 1MB =1 000 000 bytes =106 bytes

Computer Networks 3
Why a Network?

• Ressources sharing (data, printer,… )

• Increase processing capacity

• Reduce the cost of communication

• Faster data access

• Broadcast

• Unicast

 More effective communication and organization

Computer Networks 4
Network Devices

Computer Networks 5
Network Connections

Computer Networks 6
PAN (Personal Area Network)

• Let devices communicate over the range of a person

• Example: A wireless network (Bluetooth) that connects a computer

with its peripherals

Bluetooth PAN configuration

Computer Networks 7
LAN (Local Area Network)
• A LAN is a privately owned network that operates within and nearby a
building like a home, office factory or University.
– Restricted in size
– High throughput
• Wired LANs run at speeds of 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps
– Recent LAN reach higher flow rates up to 10Gbit/s  HSLAN (High Speed
• Low delay: nanoseconds< delay < microseconds
• Very few errors
• When LANs are used by companies, they are called enterprise

Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11 (WiFi) Wired LAN: Switched Ethernet

Computer Networks 8
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
• A MAN may covers a city
• The cost of a MAN is greater than that of a LAN
• The error rate is relatively low
• Low delay
• Simple routing

• Examples:
– Cable television networks available in many cities
– IEEE 802.16 known as WiMax

Computer Networks 9
WAN (Wide Area Network)
• Generally extended > 100 Km

• Allows the interconnection of LANs and MANs across a country, a

continent or the planet

• The infrastructure is in general public

• Modems are one of the basic elements of WANs

• Example: Internet

Computer Networks 10
• Network topology is the arrangement of the various
elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network

• The topological structure of a network may be depicted

physically or logically

– Physical topology is the placement of the network components,

including device location and cable installation

– Logical topology illustrates how data flows within a network,

regardless of its physical design

• During this course we will be limited to the basic

– point-to-point,
– bus,
– star,
– ring or circular.
Computer Networks 11
• The simplest topology with a permanent link between
two endpoints

• There are two types of point-to-point topology

– Permanent (dedicated): a point-to-point communications channel

permanently associated with the two endpoints

• Example: Two computer connected by a cable

– Switched: Using circuit-switching or packet-switching

technologies, a point-to-point circuit can be set up dynamically
and dropped when no longer needed

• Example: conventional telephony

Computer Networks 12
Bus Topology
• Each node (machine) is connected to a single cable

• Each computer or server is connected to the single bus


• A signal from the source travels in both directions to all

machines connected on the bus cable until it finds the
intended recipient


Computer Networks 13
Bus Topology

Computer Networks 14
Star Topology
• Each host is connected to a central hub or switch with a point-to-
point connection
• All of the traffic that transverses the network passes through the
central hub
• The hub acts as a signal booster or repeater which in turn allows
the signal to travel greater distances.
• Widely implemented
• Hub is the single point of failure

PABX Matra

Computer Networks 15
Star Topology

Computer Networks 16
Ring Topology
• Each host is connected to the network in a closed loop or ring
• Each host has a unique address that is used for identification
• The signal passes through each machine or computer
connected to the ring in one direction
• Ring topologies typically utilize a token passing scheme, used
to control access to the network
• By utilizing this scheme, only one machine can transmit on
the network at a time


Computer Networks 17
Ring Topology

Computer Networks 18
The OSI reference model
• This model is developed by the International Standards
Organization (ISO)
• The OSI model has seven layers

Computer Networks 19

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