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MG-4111 Metallurgy of Metal Forming


1. In a plane-stress system x = 750 N/mm2, y = 150 N/mm2, z = 0 and xy = 150 N/mm2. What are
the magnitudes and directions of the principal stresses? (use Mohr-application).

2. Show (from #1) that the normal stress on the planes of maximum shear is equal to the mean of the
principal stresses
a. from first principles
b. from Mohr circle diagram

3. A compressive stress of 150 N/mm2 is applied between opposite faces of a 250 mm steel cube.
Determine the normal forces on the other two pairs of faces that would prevent the cube from
expanding by more than 0.050 mm. For steel E = 207 k N/mm2, v = 0.3

4. If x = 450 N/mm2, y = 450 N/mm2, z = 0 and xy = 150 N/mm2, what are the principal stresses and
the maximum shear stresses? (use Mohr-application)

5. If the stress of #1 just causes yielding, what is the uniaxial yield stress Y of the material, according to
(a) the Tresca criterion, (b) the von Mises criterion?

6. A material is tested under the state of stress 1 = 32 = -23. Yielding is observed at 2 = 140 M Pa.
a. What is the yield stress in simple tension?
b. If the material is used under conditions such that 1 = -3, 2 = 0, at what value of 3 will yielding
occur? (Assume distortion-energy criterion of yielding).

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