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GETTING IN, Staying on, Moving Up C1

on S o f t S K I L L S
Creating a

Ted Houghton and Tony Proscio

A P U B L I C A T I O N O F P U B L I C / P R I V A T E V E N T U R E S
on S o f t S K I L L S
Creating a

Ted Houghton and Tony Proscio

2 Working Ventures

Public/Private Ventures is a Board of Directors Research Advisory Working Ventures seeks to

national nonprofit organiza- improve the performance of
tion that seeks to improve
Siobhan Nicolau, Chair the workforce development
the effectiveness of social field by providing practition-
policies and programs. P/PV President Jacquelynne S. Eccles
Hispanic Policy ers and policymakers with
designs, tests and studies ini- Chair
tiatives that increase Development Project University of Michigan the knowledge and tools
supports, skills and opportu- Gary Walker needed to operate effective
Ronald Ferguson
nities of residents of President Kennedy School of employment programs.
low-income communities; Public/Private Ventures Government We support the field by
works with policymakers to Amalia Betanzos documenting effective
Robinson Hollister
see that the lessons and President employment strategies
Swarthmore College
evidence produced are Wildcat Service and practices, convening
reflected in policy; and Corporation Alan Krueger
Princeton University practitioner workshops
provides training, technical
Yvonne Chan and providing resources
assistance and learning Katherine S. Newman
Principal to encourage program
opportunities to practitioners Kennedy School of
Vaughn Learning Center
based on documented effec- Government innovation.
tive practices. Mitchell S. Fromstein
Chairman Emeritus
Manpower Inc.
Susan Fuhrman
Dean, Graduate School of
University of Pennsylvania
Christine L. James-Brown
United Way of Southeastern
Matthew McGuire
Telesis Corporation
Michael P. Morley
Senior Vice President
Eastman Kodak Company
Jeremy Nowak
Chief Executive Officer
The Reinvestment Fund
Marion Pines
Senior Fellow, Institute for
Policy Studies
Johns Hopkins University
Robert Putnam
Peter and Isabel Malkin
Professor of Public Policy
Harvard University
Isabel Carter Stewart
Executive Director
Chicago Foundation for
Cay Stratton
National Employment
Panel, London U.K.
Marta Tienda
Professor of Sociology
Princeton University
William Julius Wilson
Lewis P. and Linda L.
Geyser University
Harvard University
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 3

The authors would like to thank the many people who
made this report possible. All four programs profiled were
extremely generous with their staffs’ time and provided
P/PV with complete access to their facilities. The chapters
on Training, Inc. and ACHIEVE would not have been possi-
ble without the assistance of the administrators of the
programs’ parent organizations: at Training, Inc., Elsa
Bengel, Vice President of the YMCA of Greater Boston,
and at ACHIEVE, Cabrillo College’s Dean Rock
Pfotenhauer, and Watsonville Center Director, Rachel
Mayo. Dan Geiger, co-founder of Op-Net was also helpful
in this respect. All of the programs’ staffs were honest and
straightforward in interviews, and quick to share their
insights about the job training process. In particular, the
following staff members were tremendously helpful:
Dolores Abbruscato, Sarah Sawhney and Mary Ann
Garafolo (Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow); Jody
Mahoney, Valeria Perez-Fereiro, La Shawn Wells (Op-Net);
Judy Kittleson (ACHIEVE); and Jim Kilgore, Stephanie
Grell, Antonia Marroquin, Leigh Payne Hewlettt, Eileen
Wilmot and Katy Roberts (Training, Inc.). Participants at all
of the programs were also open to questioning and obser-
vation. The authors are especially grateful to the trainees
at Training, Inc., who made time out of their demanding
Lester Hill schedules, and to four graduates of ACHIEVE—
Angel Bocha-Terreros, Rocio Garcia, Ricardo Mendez and
Reyna Rodriguez—who returned to talk about the program.

Lastly, the authors wish to thank the four directors of the

programs for their hospitality and patience, their valuable
insights on job training and education, and finally, for
reviewing drafts of the final report. Willard Pinn of Training,
Inc., Joe Hawkins of Op-Net, Sister Mary Franciscus of
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow, and Maia Chisholm of
ACHIEVE, who all took considerable time out of their busy
days to comment on and strengthen this report, without los-
ing a step in their more important work of helping people
improve their lives.
4 Working Ventures

hen she concentrates, Susan K. can
type at least 40 words a minute. She
would probably be faster without the
three-inch fingernails. Her spelling is
decent, and she can format a
document in the major word-
processing programs with basic
commands like centered headings,
indented text and boldface type. She
knows the rudiments of Excel and
Lotus 1-2-3: she can enter and sum a
column of numbers, move the column
elsewhere, and multiply the rows by
those in another column. Susan K. is
smart and more competent than many
first-time clerical workers.
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 5

The longest she has held a job is three “smile” that employers say they want is
weeks. really just shorthand for a cluster of
personality traits, social graces, facility with
Few workforce development practitioners language, and personal habits that many
are fond of the phrase “soft skills.” It is older working people take for granted and
vague, it is mildly dismissive, a bit of a most find hard to list. Any such list would
cliché. But then they meet someone like include a good deal more than a smile—
Susan K. and try to describe why, with all although the more cheerful virtues, such
her unquestionable “hard” skills, she is as friendliness and optimism, would surely
so frustrating to work with and employ. rank high.
Suddenly the phrase and the distinction
it embodies become almost inescapable.

Susan K. slouches in her chair, chews gum

loudly, swears like a trucker at rush hour.
She genuinely likes people and is known to
go out of her way to be kind to neighbors,
but she comes on so harshly that most
people are frightened of her. She dislikes
criticism and responds either with unprint-
able putdowns or icy sullenness. She has
learned most of her office skills on her own
(“when the teacher just leaves me alone so
I can do my work”).

It is no surprise to learn that Susan’s

background is grim. The details are heart-
breaking. But for a workforce development
program, especially in the high-pressure
policy environment of “Work First,” Susan
is first and foremost a “soft-skills” challenge.
Many employers are begging for her talents.
But at this stage, no one can use them.

“We hire the smile,” says a spokesman for

the hospitality industry. “We can train the
skills.” Increasingly, in an economy domi-
nated by communication and teamwork—
whether electronic or face to face—the
6 Working Ventures

Admittedly, these qualities are of only

With those would come a list
modest use without the technical aptitudes
something like this one:
essential to nearly all jobs. Employers,
Work ethic—a motivating belief that employ- increasingly desperate for mature, socially
ees owe their employer a full day of diligent well-adjusted workers, sometimes underesti-
work, including following supervisors’ mate the difficulty of teaching the basic
skills they expect from every employee.
Courtesy—the habitual use of “please,” And sadly, even if people have a full 12
“thank you,” “excuse me” and “may I help
you” in dealing with customers, supervisors years of formal education, more and more
and colleagues. who are enrolling in workforce programs
Teamwork—the ability to share responsibil- lack both the social and the technical skills
ities, confer with others, honor commitments, they will need in the workplace. In that
help others do their jobs and seek help when respect, Susan K., for all her problems,
is far above the norm.
Self-discipline and self-confidence—the
ability to arrange one’s own tasks for best Even so, in many employers’ eyes, the
performance, to learn from experience, to
ask questions and correct mistakes, and to
social skills are a sine qua non. In Northern
absorb criticism and direction without feeling California’s Santa Cruz County, within the
defeated, resentful or insulted. commuting orbit of Silicon Valley, Rock
Conformity to prevailing norms—the ability Pfotenhauer, a community college dean,
to govern one’s dress, grooming, body reports that business executives in the
language, tone of voice and vocabulary region are worried that a lack of skills,
according to the particular style of a given
workplace. particularly the “soft” ones, is jeopardizing
the region’s economic growth. “There [is]
Language proficiency—the ability to speak,
read and write standard English in a busi- a tremendous need for well-qualified office
nesslike way. (Whether this is a “hard” workers, and more than any other issue,
or “soft” skill depends on the person. One the lack of them could hinder the area’s
may have the “hard” skill of knowing what
economic competitiveness.” Yet, he says,
usage is correct and what is substandard
but lack the “soft” skill of knowing when “The CEOs tell us, ‘Don’t worry so much
to use only standard forms and in what about the technical skills…We need you to
tone to use them.) teach them how to show up on time, how
to work in teams, how to take supervision.’”

This is difficult terrain. The qualities that

a daintier age once called “deportment,”
“poise” or “citizenship” came to be
regarded by the late twentieth century
as code for a set of arbitrary northern
European cultural preferences—the sorts
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 7

of things vilified in the 1960s and 1970s self-control—what Rutgers University

as “cultural imperialism.” Many who came psychologist Daniel Goleman calls
of age in those years—including a great “emotional intelligence.”
many leaders of workforce development
programs—still cringe (at least inwardly) The following pages describe four highly
at the idea of a middle-aged white person regarded workforce development pro-
telling young black or Latino adults how to grams, concentrating on how they cultivate
dress, choose their vocabulary, sit in a chair “emotional intelligence”—how they pre-
or respond to criticism. Yet that is precisely pare trainees for the cultural demands
the job many of them now face. of the workplace. All of these programs
approach the task in many ways, mixing
Worse, even if one manages to sidestep and matching their tactics to the needs of
the sensitivities of race and class, there particular groups of trainees. Still, each of
remain other, more practical quandaries them has developed a degree of expertise
to contend with: Today’s rules of “deport- or a distinctive style in one technique that
ment” are no longer clear even in the stands out from all the others. We have
social mainstream. Upscale clothing stores therefore drawn attention to these areas
now provide “consultants” for executives of special strength or insight, while still
baffled by the rules of casual Fridays. Show trying to capsulize their general approach
up for an interview at a typical dot-com in a to soft skills.
classic three-button suit and you might just
kiss the job good-bye. A gifted trainee from All four organizations are also distinguished
a New York workforce program found he at least as much for their effectiveness
needed a whole new wardrobe when he in teaching hard skills: Each has built
stepped into his first job at one of the city’s a reputation among loyal employers for
“Silicon Alley” startups. After excelling in a producing technically able graduates.
training program that demanded white But for this discussion, the focus will be
shirts and ties, he suddenly found himself on the even harder work of teaching the
the lone “geek” in a room full of denim intangible and largely unquantifiable skills
and T-shirts. of demeanor, professionalism and self disci-
pline—in short, training the “smile.”
Nonetheless, workforce practitioners are
finding more and more that the uncertain-
ties of the soft-skills world are inescapable
and that success at all levels of training
depends on being able to teach social
disciplines like courtesy, teamwork and
8 Working Ventures

re flect

ACHIEVE She uses posters or fashion-magazine

cutouts to show types of dress appropriate
Cabrillo Community College, for different situations. As the year goes on,
Watsonville, California she will sometimes chide students about an
At the beginning of a discussion on office ill-chosen dress or pair of shoes. But this
attire, Maia Chisholm, director and lead time, early in the program, Chisholm had
instructor of the office-skills training something different in mind.
program ACHIEVE, suddenly walked
to the back of her classroom. Telling the A day or two after the initial discussion,
students not to turn around, she asked, she says, “I put on mismatched socks,
“What am I wearing?” Some knew; most a hat to cover my bad hair day, my slip
had not noticed. was showing, I didn’t wear lipstick. I even
wore this low-cut blouse.” She laughs, “It’s
Her clothes were from her usual, fairly embarrassing for me to even think about it.
conservative wardrobe, no more remark- I had to get dressed at the program, I was
able that day than on any other. She pro- so afraid of being seen by my colleagues.”
ceeded to lead a brief discussion about Then, at the morning briefing that starts
business dress: what is usually considered off each day at ACHIEVE, Chisholm again
acceptable, what is inappropriate, and walked to the back of the class. As before,
why memorable clothes are not always a she asked the students not to turn around.
good thing. “What am I wearing?”

ACHIEVE has taken many approaches They could describe the whole outfit from
to this subject. Chisholm sometimes shows hat to socks.
videos to draw attention to the subtleties of
business dress (one recently was a clip from “It was a good way to get the students to
the film Erin Brockovich, with Julia Roberts be aware of how clothing makes us appear
as the coarse, halter-sporting secretary). to others,” Chisholm explained. “It provides
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 9

them with a context to judge what an them—posters, videos, the teacher’s

appropriate outfit is. On me, it was clear wardrobe—as well as their own clothes and
that these clothes were inappropriate.” dressing styles to define categories like busi-
The demonstration also provided a good ness attire and casual or professional dress.
laugh, which made it memorable. And They make columns of attributes and talk
there was a subtle but important bonus to over the pros and cons of each. In the end,
the stunt: Chisholm’s willingness to poke they decide how many days a week should
fun at herself made self-criticism easier for be required for each type of dress.
the rest of the class.
Although Chisholm is not really keen on
In the end, they proceeded to the base- five days of mandatory professional dress,
ment, where Rachel Mayo, the director she typically argues for that. Some students
of Cabrillo’s Watsonville campus, has usually counter by advocating full-time
collected a store of used clothing for the casual. Eventually others suggest compro-
students. Although the clothes may not mises. In one recent semester, the final vote
always be the right size or the latest style, was for two days of professional attire, two
and some students do not like taking what casual days, and one day when students can
seems like charity from the program, the choose either one. In this way, the students
earlier discussion at least put some people have gone through the entire thought
more at ease about considering the process behind a dress code and come
resource. The lesson after all had been to many of the same conclusions that their
meant to lift some of the emotional freight future employers might.
from the task of picking a wardrobe: Work
clothes are something you use to make a It is a theme that arises frequently at
living. Whether you buy them, borrow ACHIEVE, as at many programs that excel
them or take them from Cabrillo’s base- in teaching the culture of work: Students
ment, they are a tool, not an identity. The learn to see the world through an
trick is simply to make sure you are using employer’s eyes. By learning to manage,
the right tool. they also learn to be managed.

Clothing is an essential part of any soft- Best of all, when they violate the code, they
skills curriculum. But at ACHIEVE, this are no longer taking a swipe at authority—
exercise was also a necessary preparation they are just breaking their own rules.
for one unusual aspect of the program:
After their first five weeks at ACHIEVE,
the students set their own dress code. They
use examples that have been presented to
10 Working Ventures

Skills and Culture, in Two to apply for welfare or unemployment

Languages benefits, special work-study positions, or
Cabrillo Community College has two financial aid or to get academic or personal
campuses: one in the fashionable redwood advice, health services, child-care referrals,
area of northern Santa Cruz County; the job-search assistance, or anything else they
other in the blue-collar south, an area of might need in order to get to work quickly.
agriculture and cannery towns like Gilroy, Fast Track and the programs and services
the garlic capital of the world, Castroville under its umbrella allow ACHIEVE to con-
(artichokes), and Cabrillo’s southern base, centrate on skills training, both hard and
Watsonville, where nearly all non-Chilean soft, with just a three-person staff. Without
strawberries are grown. The student body these support services, ACHIEVE would be
at the South County campus reflects the much less likely to maintain its record of
local demographics: 70 percent of accomplishment.
Watsonville is Latino, as is just about
everyone who attends Cabrillo’s local In its first year, ACHIEVE graduated 21 of
campus. Because public transportation its 22 students. Over eight years, 147 of its
is limited, almost all of the students who 160 students have completed the course.
attend are from the immediate town. Students often reach ACHIEVE through the
Human Resources Administration (the
The eight-year-old ACHIEVE program, county welfare department), although that
based at the southern campus, is actually pipeline has diminished in the last few years
just one course among hundreds at since welfare reform took full effect. The
Cabrillo Community College. Unlike most slack has been picked up by referrals from
others, it is designed to end not in a degree other agencies serving unemployed and dis-
but in a job. And it is far more demanding placed workers, and many students are
than a typical class—for example, students referred by friends, graduates or English-as-
have to attend the course 20 hours a week a-Second-Language (ESL) instructors.
(plus another six hours a week in Cabrillo
English classes). But because it is part of a “Our students are new immigrants,”
larger institution, it can and does make says Rachel Mayo, the director of South
extensive use of the other resources of the Campus, “or they’re displaced workers
community college, including many ser- from the canneries that have closed in the
vices like personal counseling that other area, or they’re the sons and daughters of
workforce development programs would cannery workers or farm laborers. In these
have to create on their own. cultures, there’s a real persecution com-
plex, and rightfully so—they have been
A prime example of these institutional persecuted, and still are. But if you come
services is the college’s “Fast Track to from this background, it’s easy to adopt
Work” program, a central place in which a feeling of victimization in all situations;
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 11

and if you have that victim mentality, you Rather than teaching English within the
tend to interpret events negatively. The ACHIEVE program or having to depend on
boss may ask you to redo a task, and you’ll outside programs with possible time con-
think, ‘Oh, he must hate me.’ It’s easy to flicts or different expectations, ACHIEVE
see everything in terms of discrimination. students can rely on the college’s English
We try to show that when something bad and ESL programs to provide a comple-
happens you try to fix the problem, that mentary course of learning. ACHIEVE
you don’t automatically view the issue in requires every student to attend some type
terms of defeat.” of English class at the college on Tuesday
and Thursday mornings, for four hours a
Bad things do happen, even in the best week. That study is complemented by a half
of circumstances. Even when graduates are hour a day in ACHIEVE’s own Business
prepared, as they must be, to work in the English program.
English-speaking North American culture
of a typical California office, they must All of these efforts are essential for
also know how to handle being different ACHIEVE’s students, many of whom are
in a world in which some will expect them struggling to learn the professional use
not to measure up and where even compli- of a language whose rudiments may still
ments can be double-edged. One successful be new to them. To make matters more
ACHIEVE graduate reported that “even difficult, some students are not fully literate
though my boss was very positive, he still in Spanish either. Says Judy Kittleson, the
was surprised at how I worked. He said I ACHIEVE instructor in computers and
was the only Mexican he’d ever met who business language, “Some of our students
was efficient and worked hard.” are fluent and literate in both languages,
and some are literate in Spanish but are
Teaching students to function in an new to English. But many are cannery
English-speaking workplace is partly a workers or longtime residents of the area
matter of being alert to a different culture who speak both languages fluently but are
and adapting to it. (“I learned that it wasn’t not literate in either. ESL classes will serve
appropriate to speak Spanish with other the second group well, but this last group
office workers of Mexican descent,” said needs just as much help, and it’s not as
one recent graduate, “even though it felt easy to teach them.”
more natural.”) But part of it is mastering
the language itself, both written and At ACHIEVE, English is thus both a hard
spoken. This area is another in which and a soft skill: Learning to read the lan-
ACHIEVE gets substantial help from the guage and speak it correctly is a matter
community college. of conventional teaching, rote learning
and practice. Mastering its subtler rules of
formality, courtesy and tone is hard
12 Working Ventures

enough for native speakers; for newcom- The other three principles are more un-
ers, it is a double challenge—a “soft” skill usual, and they apply at least as much to
with hard edges. soft skills as to hard, often more. “Respon-
sibility,” for example, is more an attitude
than a technique, a habit of mind and per-
Learning to Reflect, and Reflect,
sonality that requires experience to instill
and Reflect
and perfect. “Resource management”—
Maia Chisholm’s training philosophy is
which to Chisholm encompasses managing
organized around what she calls the
time, setting task priorities and balancing
“Four Rs of Structured Occupational
limited personal budgets, among other
Immersion”: responsibility, reflection,
things—is likewise a compass by which
repetition and resource management.
to gauge all sorts of challenges, whether
Of these four, the one most closely aligned
interpersonal, spiritual or material. Both
to conventional hard-skills training is
these tenets of the program—along with
obviously “repetition”—a nearly relentless
“reflection,” which we will discuss in a
drilling in typing, language, proofreading,
moment—are woven into every facet of
filing, procedures and the habitual tasks
the curriculum, soft and hard, usually in
of office work. When students learn a
ways that students scarcely notice. Often
computer skill, for example, they do not
all four principles are in play at once.
just take notes on it. They copy verbatim
the relevant passages of the user manual
For example, in a recent class, Chisholm
into their notes. They then retype the
asked students how far they had progressed
whole thing—manual text plus their own
in their self-directed keyboarding lessons.
notes and comments—into a “How-Do-I?”
Only three students said they expected to
manual of their own. Each iteration of writ-
finish that part of the course on time. She
ing, rephrasing, copying and typing drills
responded with concern—the class was sup-
the instructions more deeply.
posed to start mastering a word-processing
program by the end of that week—but she
Yet ACHIEVE’s discussions of social and
was sympathetic as well. She explained that
cultural skills often follow a path of repeti-
in the business world “we’re always adjust-
tion as well. Soft-skill topics like dress,
ing timelines, and deciding which are
demeanor, punctuality and thoroughness
fixed and which are flexible…So here’s
deliberately arise over and over again
your problem: I want everyone to finish
throughout the course, in different con-
all the typing lessons by next Friday. So let’s
texts but often in the same, repeated terms.
take a 10-minute break, and you work out
All of this is critical to the program, but it
among yourselves how long you think it will
is also the feature of ACHIEVE that is most
take all of you to finish; then we’ll come
typical of successful workforce development
back and negotiate.”
programs elsewhere.
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 13

When they reconvened, Chisholm pointed environment. When they walked back into
out that their current situation illustrated a the room, she did the same again: This expe-
common problem they would often face in rience, she told them in effect, is just one
the future: “What are you going to say when instance of a universal set of problems, and
your boss asks, ‘Why isn’t this done?’ You it’s possible to think through those problems
don’t say, ‘I’m so-o-o sorry, I’ll do it right with a few guiding principles that we all can
now!’ You might not have time. And you learn, master, internalize and repeat.
don’t say, ‘I just didn’t do it. So what?’” (The
class laughs). “No, you tell him, ‘I’m sorry, Before the students went off to discuss how
but I had too many tasks to do. How would they could finish their keyboard training
you like us to handle it?’ That way, you on time, Chisholm had drawn their atten-
haven’t tried to duck the problem, but both tion to the virtue of flexibility: the fact that
of you are going to have to solve it together. schedules can be adjusted, but only in the
So now, how should we solve our problem?” interest of getting things done, not in the
interest of shirking responsibility. When
The class made it clear that they would be they returned, she shifted the reflection to
able to finish by Friday, if only they did not interpersonal skills: how subordinates can
have to complete other practice exercises raise problems respectfully and enlist the
scheduled for the same week. Chisholm boss’s help in solving those problems with-
accepted the bargain: “Based on your rec- out falling into an extreme of being either
ommendations, next week I won’t give any servile or insolent. Both reflections were
additional assignments. And in return, far broader than the matter at hand: how
you’ll be finished by next Friday. So there, to learn some skills by the end of the week.
we’ve reached a compromise. But I’m But both provided a framework in which to
going to hold you to it, OK?” The students think of the next such problem and solve it
agreed, and the class moved on, having just just as responsibly.
practiced a combination of responsibility
and resource management, all in the inter- In ACHIEVE’s world, reflection is the
est of completing a repetitive learning exer- consummate soft skill. Says Chisholm,
cise. And, they just practiced negotiating “Reflection means taking time on a daily
with the boss. and weekly basis to develop an awareness
about how you fit in at home, with your
But the pacing of this exchange also subtly friends, and most important, in an office.
illustrates the program’s most distinctive and We’re not trying to change students’
pervasive principle: reflection. Just before identities, we’re trying to give them a new
the class stepped out for its impromptu context in which to view those identities.
time-management caucus, Chisholm deliber- If the students know who they are and
ately broadened the discussion into a reflec- where they’re going, they’ll be able to
tion on the general dynamics of a work accomplish a lot.”
14 Working Ventures

Everything taught at ACHIEVE is explained “getting it” and by periodic check-ins

in a broader context or, better yet, left to and discussion with the students (as in the
the students to figure out or decide for example with the unfinished keyboarding
themselves on the basis of guiding princi- skills). Students even get some say in what
ples that echo throughout the program. level of achievement should be required.
It is a very self-conscious learning process, Chisholm explains, “After a few days in an
starting with the program handbook: There activity, I’ll ask the class, ‘In order to get
is not one. Students gradually compile their an A in keyboarding, for example, what do
own handbooks and “How-Do-I?” manuals, you think a person would need to be able
updating them daily, weekly and monthly to do? To get a B? or a C?’ Together, we
throughout the course. The college’s stan- then build criteria that they will be judged
dard course description for ACHIEVE out- on. In this way, the students can’t say the
lines “expectations” rather than require- course is too hard or unfair, and they have
ments and presents program “protocols” a chance to step into the shoes of the peo-
rather than rules. ple who will be judging them—indeed, the
people who will be depending on them.”
Even the behavioral rules that ACHIEVE
shares with most other employment pro-
grams are couched in explanatory, or even The Office Simulation
positive, terms: “No food or drink allowed” Students can practice the “four Rs” directly
is prefaced with the information that “The when they work in ACHIEVE’s Model
ACHIEVE suite is carpeted.” The rule Office—four complete workstations
against gum is stated thus: “GUM may be crammed tightly into the rear of the class-
chewed anywhere, any time, EXCEPT at room, each with its own secretarial return,
ACHIEVE at the Watsonville campus.” computer, phone, calculator, file cabinet,
The most important rule is highlighted: in and out boxes, and everything else one
“Learn to ask if you are unsure.” Instead would find at a private desk in an office.
of a handbook, many of the rules and The fax machine is nearby, as are the stu-
procedures are decided through facilitated dents’ mail slots and shelves for storing the
discussion among the students, like the boxes containing their professional belong-
dress code issue. ings—files, pens, highlighters, dictionaries
and so forth. The cramped conditions are
Instead of a strict week-by-week schedule, part necessity, part virtue. As one grad-
the ACHIEVE program uses “instructor uate put it, “If I had been comfortable at
checklists” that provide a rough guide for ACHIEVE, I probably would have been dis-
teachers as to what knowledge and skills appointed when I moved into the cubicle at
need to be imparted. The pace is deter- my real job. Instead, I was, like, ‘Hey, I can
mined by the instructor’s minute-by-minute really stretch out here.’”
assessment of whether the students are
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 15

Students work in ACHIEVE’s Model Office are effectively in both environments at

Simulation (MOS) for about 10 days at a once. While they balance their attention
time, with each student spending approxi- between the two worlds, students have com-
mately four weeks there over the course of plete discretion to decide when they are
the training cycle. Working in the Model going to do which tasks, as long as they
Office does not exempt them from what- meet their deadlines. Again, the arrange-
ever is going on in class—it is additional. ment makes an important culture-of-work
Balancing the office work against the virtue out of a tight scheduling necessity:
demands of periodic classroom lectures, the need to squeeze a work simulation into
which are normally confined to mornings, the course’s tight time frame also helps
is part of the challenge. “They’ve got to students learn to organize conflicting
understand,” says instructor Judy Kittleson, demands and keep their cool.
“that [in a real office] sometimes they’re
going to have to attend staff meetings, even More subtly, it helps them ease into the
when they’ve got a lot of work to do, and world of desks, in boxes and cubicles—an
they’re going to have to give their undi- environment that most have never experi-
vided attention.” The afternoon “lab” enced and that may at first seem alien,
period, when students work independently confining and intimidating. When it is
on mostly self-guided projects, provides a their turn to occupy a desk in the MOS
little more quiet for the MOS workers—but area, students usually arrange and adjust
they are not exempt from the lab work as everything so that they make it their own.
they carry out their office responsibilities. A graduate explained, “I had never sat at a
desk in an office before. [MOS] wasn’t
While working in the Model Office, students quite the same, but it helped me get
help cover ACHIEVE’s phone and reception used to it.”
duties, negotiating among themselves how
to divide the coverage. MOS students also Dean Pfotenhauer sums up the philosophy
take care of mail, filing, copying and any of the Model Office: “In general, none of
other real-world needs that arise in the us transfers skills well by listening to some-
ACHIEVE office. In addition, they have one talk about how to do something. You
exercises and activities specific to the MOS have to apply it to a specific context and
that they must finish by certain deadlines, use it in that context before you can be
like writing and faxing memos, compiling an confident that you’ve mastered that skill.
individual “How-Do-I?” manual, and writing The more ACHIEVE’s students can apply
out procedures for various office machines. the instruction to the actual situations they
will face, the more effective it is.”
All these activities are in addition to what-
ever assignments and exercises are being
done in the class at large—the model cubi-
cles open onto the class space, so students
16 Working Ventures

A Virtual Workplace lead clerk, equipment clerk, lab clerk and

To some extent, in fact, ACHIEVE is not suite clerk. But task groups rotate, and
a training program with an office compo- eventually every student will share in each
nent; rather, it is a training office—as much task. The tasks are essential to the smooth
as possible, the environment and schedule operation of the program, but they are also
are conceived and carried out as if the basic: Equipment clerks take out and put
students were already in an office environ- away the typewriters; lab clerks keep the
ment and receiving training on the job. MOS area tidy; suite clerks open up and
Even many routine administrative needs close the regular classroom; and lead clerks
of the program are turned over to students facilitate discussion and handle filing.
to solve as a practice exercise. When the
program’s projector needed a dust cover, The tasks may be dull, but to accomplish
for instance, the class was told to write a them, the students need to work as a team.
memo requisitioning the cover and justify- On the last day before the tasks are rotated,
ing the expense (the costly machine would Chisholm typically asks each group to come
deteriorate without an inexpensive cover). up with recommendations and additional
instructions for their successors “so they do
Even routine learning drills tend to be a better job based on your experience.”
organized as office work. Every day, The groups plunge in, writing up new job
students fill out a “Daily Individual Goals descriptions and instructions and deciding
(DIG) sheet,” a version of the to-do list on recommendations together, with some
that any office worker would recognize. facilitating and the occasional leading
The list includes the daily work plan and question from Chisholm. As basic as the
what projects are due by the end of the subject matter was, the students usually
day, what new vocabulary they learned, and rise to the challenge of finding clever
what new computer skills were practiced. improvements. They then write up their
The form is reviewed and corrected each recommendations and make presentations
day. In this way, the students discuss and to the rest of the class.
review what they learned that day, then use
this accumulated information to write an On the surface, the simulations, mock
Individual Monthly Report that in many procedures and team exercises are orga-
ways resembles a resume. nized around the hard-skill fundamentals
of office work: writing, typing, organizing
“Basic Task Groups” likewise spin a training projects, assessing progress and so on. But
opportunity—in both hard and soft skills— just beneath the veneer of textbook skills
out of the program’s daily drudge work. is a foundation of social and personal
One member of each MOS group is part of development every bit as important to
an office task group. Students can choose the program as typing speeds and effective
their task assignment from a standard list: presentations: learning to deal effectively
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 17

with supervisors and colleagues, to handle

stress and rebound from mistakes, and to
look constantly for ways of making things
better. Reflection, in ACHIEVE’s world,
is a way of internalizing training—to
become, in a sense, your own trainer,
critic and coach.

Practically everything the students do

becomes a writing exercise—a combination
of English composition, typing and reflec-
tion. The Individual Monthly Report, writ-
ten in the style of a resume, breaks down
week by week everything that they have
done in the course. They periodically
write a “Who Am I?” essay that gets more
personal. Three-month and six-month
progress reports then lead to individual
conferences during which strengths and
weaknesses are discussed privately, with
students signing plans on how they are
going to improve in their weak areas.

Says Chisholm, “We have to give them the

tools, the strategies to make adaptations
in their lives, to make those adjustments.
We’re empowering students to interact
in the workplace in a positive, yet assertive
way. They’re not taught to be passive,
to accept the status quo. They’re able to
evaluate a situation and figure out how
to achieve a specific goal, then suggest solu-
tions that work in a professional manner.”
18 Working Ventures


Opportunities for a Better expects its students—called “clients”—

Tomorrow to learn what most of them did not learn
in school. But it keeps their sights trained
Brooklyn, New York forward toward the workplace, not backward
“They correct you all the time,” says a trainee to the classroom.
at Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
(OBT), a 17-year-old program in the
“Broken Windows”
rough streets of Brooklyn’s Sunset Park
On entering OBT, the typical client may
neighborhood. The last three words
at first feel barraged by corrections,
emphatically sum up the program’s most
reminders, prompting and nudging
striking feature: its unblinking attention
(“At first I was like, look at all these rules! ”).
to detail. But then she adds, “Not ’cause
Lapses of grammar or posture, a chin
they’re mean; it’s because they want you
resting on a hand, speaking out of turn,
to do good.”
the merest hint of street slang, all draw
immediate comment. Trainees are
A teacher quickly snaps: “Do well.”
constantly interrupted mid-sentence
Actually, make that “manager,” not for using such forbidden words as “aks,”
“teacher.” Counselors are “supervisors.” “youse” and “ain’t.” The correction often
For all its relentlessness in drilling both comes with an explanation—but a short,
technical and social correctness, OBT quick one. Attention never wanders far
goes to great lengths to distinguish itself from the matter at hand, and trainees
from high school, an environment in which are encouraged to speak up (without
most of its students did not thrive. (Seventy interrupting), not to hold their tongue
percent of the average class reads at an for fear of some slip. The instructors’
eighth-grade level or lower, and less than corrections are usually phrased as gentle
50 percent received high school diplomas reminders, sometimes accompanied by a
or passed the equivalency test.) OBT
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 19

comic roll of the eyes or a theatrical sigh; they are preparing. When they misstep,
often they are no more than subtle hand they will hear about it just as they would
signals to cease and desist. from a future employer—albeit one speak-
ing rapid, no-nonsense Brooklynese and
To borrow an analogy, OBT is the training wearing a blue habit.
world’s embodiment of the “Broken
Windows” theory of law enforcement. In Sister Mary Franciscus, a Sister of Mercy
the doctrine of policing reformer George and former parochial school principal,
Kelling, careful enforcement of the minor created OBT with two former co-workers
rules of order and civility makes people from Brooklyn’s St. Agatha’s School. They
less likely even to consider more serious started by working with a neighborhood
infractions. Leaving one broken window high school equivalency program that the
unrepaired, Kelling argues, invites more local community board had asked them to
vandalism and chaos, and soon all the improve. But they quickly concluded that a
windows are broken. diploma program alone would not work for
most high school dropouts in Sunset Park,
Likewise, at OBT, it is the attention to an area that struggles with youth gangs,
minor rules that makes major problems drugs and ethnic tensions. So they started
rarer. Enforcement of the dress code, by expanding the program to teach typing
for example, is so strict that the executive and other clerical skills. They added com-
director recalls (with an embarrassed puters in the early 1990s. Next came
laugh) the day she turned away a major English as a Second Language (ESL) to
funder from OBT’s front door because serve the increasing number of immigrants
the foundation’s representative was wearing in Sunset Park.
a mini-skirt. “I stopped her as she was walk-
ing up the steps and sent her home. No By then, the program was also receiving
way was I going to let my clients see her more and more inquiries from slightly
dressed like that for work. I’d never hear older people, some formerly homeless or
the end of it.” recently released from prison, who needed
job training but did not meet the strict age
Attention to the small-but-critical mistakes limits (17 to 22) that came with funding
may seem at first glance like hectoring, but from the city’s Youth and Employment
it is always in the context of the expecta- Departments. So Sister Mary and her team
tions waiting for clients in “the real world” raised money from other government
of corporate employment. OBT trainees sources, including the federal Displaced
punch a time clock, wear business dress Worker program, to accommodate the
and focus their studies on mastering the population mix. And they started holding
practical skills that will help them survive GED and ESL classes in the evenings.
in the mostly clerical positions for which
20 Working Ventures

The OBT “tough love” approach does not subject, participants are often painfully out
always suit the older participants as well of touch. Late in the 2000 presidential cam-
as it does their younger, more malleable paign, for example, they were unable to
peers, although job placement rates are name either candidate. No one in the
comparable. Says one manager, “They’re room even knew whether the Mets and
often very set in their ways and challenge Yankees had won their games the previous
the program’s methods. The younger night (both were on their way to winning
trainees trust us more and are willing to their league’s pennants that season).
take our word that what they learn here is
going to help them to get a job.” Sawhney erupted, “You have to watch
the news! Who’s the biggest Yankee fan
in New York?”
Drill, discussion, practice—
and an introduction to the world Easy question. The group answers in
Throughout their six daily classes, or “labs” unison, “Sister Mary!”
in Business English, Business Math, Typing,
Microsoft Office, Office Procedures and “Right,” Sawhney laughs. “Now, do you
“World of Work,” discussion is constant, think I’d have a job today if I didn’t know
and all clients must participate. It is that something about the Yankees? When you
constant give and take along with the pal- go for an interview, are they going to ask
pable concern and solicitousness of the about your health? About your boyfriend?
instructors that distinguishes the constant No! They don’t care about those things!
drilling and testing in these courses from You’ve got to be able to talk to them about
the rigors of high school. The discussion what’s going on in the world, so you sound
not only livens up the training atmosphere, smart. Am I smart? No. But I can talk about
it also keeps the participants practicing what’s in the newspaper.”
the one soft skill that, most practitioners
agree, makes the greatest difference to And with that, Sawhney starts handing out
future success: clear, correct, courteous homework assignments on various subjects
communication. currently in the news. The group accepts
them like prison sentences. One whines,
The discussion also gives managers a forum “I try to watch the news on TV, but it’s so-o
for constantly reminding trainees how their bo-o-o-ring.” Sawhney snaps back, “Car
work at OBT relates to the demands of a crashes are boring? That doctor who mur-
future workplace. In an Office Procedures dered her parents is boring?” (One client
course taught by manager Sarah Sawhney, says excitedly, “Oh, I heard about that!”).
for example, the regular drills on vocabu-
lary, spelling, alphabetizing and math are Sawhney knows it will take more than a few
supplemented by geography, the language homework assignments to break down this
of business and current events. On the last ingrained cultural isolation. But she has
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 21

kept at it all week, drilling and exhorting personal information that has any bearing
away. And she cannot help smiling when on employment. “Usually clients will say
she sees a New York Post peeking out of that they don’t remember how long they
one trainee’s bag. It is obviously unread, worked at the supermarket or when they
as pristine as when it rolled off the press, started an internship,” says Mary Anne
but at least it’s a start. Panzo-Sheridan, a job developer. “The data
sheet lets them put everything down with-
out the pressure of creating a resume out
“World of Work”
of thin air.”
Of all the courses in the OBT curriculum,
the one called “World of Work” is the most By the second month of the program,
different from the high school classes that participants draft resumes using a template
failed the participants their first time developed in the computer course. They
around. In World of Work, participants do some of the work, in fact, as part of
develop resumes and participate in collabo- their computer training, but the resume
rative assignments, like one that took place is reviewed and polished in the World of
soon after Sarah Sawhney’s lecture on the Work course. All three of the job develop-
daily news during the Office Procedures ers review each one (“as many eyes as
class. In World of Work, clients had to possible”), both in and out of class, until
make a presentation on the presidential the document is considered complete.
race then under way. The point is not just to develop a good,
crisp resume, but more broadly it also helps
The assignment, of course, was less
trainees view their experience as an asset,
about the presidency than about team-
to find the elements of their past that might
work, research and public performance.
persuade an employer to hire them, and to
Taught by OBT’s three job developers—
recognize that the “world of work” is a place
the people who work most closely with
in which they must play roles and capitalize
prospective employers—the course focuses
on traits and abilities that are valued in that
on public speaking and how people pre-
world—regardless of the personal “style”
sent themselves in business and in life.
that governs their private life.
Participants observe and critique each
other on how they come across in various Although OBT does not use a workplace
situations, with special emphasis on the simulation like others described in this
job interview. When they are not present- report, its teacher-managers are constantly
ing, group members are role playing as at pains to review every moment of the
employers. OBT day as an object lesson in the
demands of the “world of work.” On
Within the first two weeks of World of
another occasion when Sawhney’s
Work, trainees begin assembling a Personal
trainees were unhappy about a homework
Data Sheet, a document that lists all
22 Working Ventures

assignment, she half jokingly said, “If you requests for information. OBT fills nearly
complain, I’ll give you even more. I can all of its slots by word of mouth. Its reputa-
make your life miserable, you know.” tion for strictness is apparently leavened by
a “buzz” on the street that the rewards of
This instantly provided an occasion for a the program are worth the hassle. Not only
riff on different managerial styles—to wit: does the program consistently meet its
While the clients may all get good jobs enrollment goal of 100 to 120 participants
when they leave OBT, they may not all get a semester, but it is not unusual for broth-
good bosses. The tough ones need to be ers and sisters to follow each other through
played up to. You have to adopt a style of the program. In one recent semester, the
behavior that works, and keep your private mother of a previous graduate enrolled in
impulses to yourself. She wraps it all OBT when she saw what the program had
up with a lesson about the importance done for her daughter.
of acting: that just as she performs in a
certain way while leading the course, it will Yet however much the demands of the
be necessary for them to act in a manner enrollment process may seem like a high-
acceptable in the office environment. hurdle race, that is just the beginning of
the staff’s search for information and
“When you go on a job interview, you insights into the clients’ lives and needs.
can’t just be yourself. You need to act like Next, after the first two weeks at OBT,
a person who will be a good employee, just participants face the assessment process—
like I’m acting up here to keep you inter- a grilling in front of staff and peers that
ested, to keep you learning, on your toes. looks to some almost like a kind of tri-
Do you think I’m like this at home? No!” bunal. On assessment days, groups of five
She pauses for effect. “I’m even meaner trainees rotate through a series of three
at home.” The group laughs, and this time 45-minute question-and-answer sessions,
even she lets out a smile. each attended by five staff members, with
clients and staff facing each other across
two rows of desks. Participants are asked
Understanding by Grilling
in front of the others about their education
Trainees arrive at OBT after an exacting
and work histories, family situations, child
succession of interviews and paperwork on
care arrangements, self-images, career goals
welfare, work history, family and immigra-
and why they are at OBT.
tion status, and personal identification. It is
designed primarily to help the staff under-
Staff may raise issues like criminal records
stand each client better (and to maintain
and bad credit histories that could disqual-
records for OBT’s contract compliance).
ify participants from particular jobs (in
But it is also a way of making sure that
banking, for instance). Although some of
trainees are at least motivated enough to
the information is known to many of the
follow up on successive appointments and
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 23

staff, the assessment serves as a formal warned that assessment (like landing a job)
opportunity to discuss and question all of is a kind of trial, and they understand that
the issues pertinent to the clients’ prospects their performance there will determine
for success. And it gives trainees the first whether they can remain in the program.
cold dose of OBT’s insistence on polished, (Assessments do occasionally result in a
well-considered speech. client being referred elsewhere, but this is
rare—typically no more than one or two
It also makes clear that trainees’ lives are trainees per cycle are referred to pre-GED
up for review at OBT. Staff will zero in on and remedial programs or to trade
why a participant quit a job, why she does schools.) And although some staff attempt
not collect child support from her child’s to reassure them beforehand that the three
father, what she thinks about the program hours in assessment are not absolutely
rules, how much she expects to earn on critical to their future, they are allowed to
her first job, and where she sees herself in experience a certain discomfort in prepara-
five years. The questions are pointed but tion for the all-important interview process.
gently posed, and while the public setting
can sometimes make them sound harsh, a Immediately after the three 45-minute
healthy dose of humor and verbal support assessment sessions, the staff meets for
from staff soften the blows. lunch and discusses each case, sharing
notes from the different sessions and the
The answers at one recent assessment paint staff members’ sometimes-conflicting
a daunting picture of the challenges ahead: impressions. What starts out as a free-for-all
In one day’s sessions, all of the participants of opinions among the staff gradually
were women (typically only 15 percent of simmers down to a systematic survey of
OBT’s participants are male), nearly all the strengths and weaknesses of each
between the ages of 17 and 24, and all but client, followed by a consensus vote on
two of them had two children or more with whether to keep them in OBT or refer
no fathers present. Most live with their them elsewhere. The tone is noticeably
mothers, most of whom also do not work. more supportive and concerned than in
Some of the questions are logistical, like the assessment session itself: “I don’t care
“Who’s your back-up child care?” Others about any of the other problems she has;
offer opportunities for the participants to if she can do two years at McDonald’s, she
focus on their positive qualities. can do anything.”

In another early taste of life at OBT, the This staff discussion about participants’
clients’ answers to assessment questions needs and possibilities continues, in infor-
are often interrupted with coaching mal but regular ways, throughout each
(“Speak up! You can’t talk like a little girl, group’s 22 weeks at OBT. The most
or they won’t hire you”). Participants are frequent of these stock-taking discussions
24 Working Ventures

are at lunch, when the faculty gets some Besides the trouble most clients have had
quiet time together. At lunchtime, all in school, they come with other burdens
clients are required to punch out and that make their situation tougher. The vast
leave the building, and the staff gathers majority are young women, 65 percent have
around a single table to eat their meal. children, and nearly all are single. More
The conversation draws on the staff’s than three-quarters are Hispanic, and
formidable collective memory: A trainee’s nearly 60 percent speak English as a second
relation to others in this or previous enroll- language. A history in jails, gangs, youth
ment cycles is always remarked on; even in facilities and homeless shelters is not
the first weeks, someone on the staff knows uncommon.
their mothers, sisters, where they live and
what they are up against. Yet the mix of drilling, constant discussion,
role playing and staff support seems to
The informal daily gathering functions as work. More than 75 percent of OBT’s
an oral history encyclopedia, used to keep students end up in jobs that pay between
the program’s eye on the client who did $7.50 and $12 an hour by the time the
not show up the day before, to discuss who program’s 22 weeks are up. OBT’s word-of-
is ready to go on interviews, to share infor- mouth enrollment draws clients from all
mation on a new potential employer, or to over Brooklyn, with some commuting up
note which trainees need extra counseling to an hour each way to attend.
because of a family problem at home.
Although the gathering is completely infor- Yet like many of the tougher approaches
mal, it appears to be an invaluable manage- to soft skills, OBT inevitably confronts
ment and team-building tool, not only for some skepticism. As Sister Mary recalls,
Sister Mary but also for all the staff. “When one funder first saw the program,
the president was taken aback by our style.
She thought we were too structured. But
Battling Long Odds her assistant was there, too, bless his heart.
At its core, OBT’s approach to soft skills And he said, ‘No, I was like these kids; this
aims at internalizing the relentless disci- is where I come from. They need this.’
pline that participants encounter every And they’ve been in our corner ever since.”
day in the program. OBT succeeds in a
sense when a trainee’s inner voice begins to
say “sit straight,” “speak up,” “don’t say aks.”
This running inner commentary is an asset
that luckier young people develop at home,
in religious and social circles, or in effective
schools. OBT’s clients are not so lucky.
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 25

S I M U L aT I O N

YMCA of Greater Boston/ It was going to be a chaotic morning, but

Training, Inc. she knew she would not let Lester Hill’s
customers down.
Boston, Massachusetts
It was 10 o’clock in the morning at the The situation, although stressful, is not all
Lester Hill Corporation, and everyone in that unusual. But the same cannot be said
the warehouse department was out with of the Lester Hill Corporation itself. The
the flu. Shirley Hanson’s boss had day care first thing that sets it apart from other busi-
difficulties and would not be in until the nesses facing the occasional staffing crisis is
afternoon, if at all. So Hanson would have that Lester Hill does not exist. It is a mock
to take care of the problem herself. business, or simulation, but it is a
strikingly complete and realistic one. It
Thinking quickly, she asked Jean-Pierre in is the centerpiece of the Boston YMCA’s
the “traffic” division to check inventory on employment program, Training, Inc.—one
some of the warehouse orders, knowing she of six Training, Inc. programs in a nation-
would still have to pull someone else out of wide network.
the billing department to keep up with the
other orders that would come in as the day The top-to-bottom simulation is complete
progressed. That meant she would have to with catalogs, products, warehouses, depart-
train that person in the entire ordering ments and even customers (mostly volun-
procedure in less than 15 minutes because teers from Boston’s business community
Francine in the accounting department still who know firsthand what an impatient cus-
needed to be taught how to enter invoice tomer sounds like). The total-immersion
approvals. exercise lets participants experience work in
a realistic office environment in which they
Shirley finished her second cup of coffee, can learn the cooperative skills they will
pushed back from her desk, and smiled. need in real businesses, without the risk that
a slip-up will cost them their livelihoods.
26 Working Ventures

Says Training, Inc. Executive Director must inspire staff, and customers must be
Willard Pinn, “We try to teach participants served. Trainees in managerial roles even
to learn how to face stressful situations pay attention to the company’s bottom
without yelling, screaming, crying, and line, making decisions that balance profit
then running away. We get them to under- concerns with serving customers effectively.
stand that the course gives them strength, By the final week of the simulation, the
the strength that allows them to negotiate stress and satisfaction felt by the partici-
these problems.” pants are very real.

The taste of virtual employment appears

The Virtual Workplace to strike a resounding chord with the
Although it occurs only in the second participants. At the end of the program,
month of an 18-week training program, no one seemed to resent the fact that they
the “Lester Hill” job-simulation exercise had just spent weeks of stress and turmoil
is where all the elements of the program on something that simply evaporated.
come together. Developed by the McGraw- Instead, several of them proposed that in
Hill Company more than 30 years ago, the next semester Training, Inc. take the
Training, Inc. managers have modified it ruse one step further and start by telling
over the years, almost beyond recognition, the next group of trainees that what they
to increase its relevance to today’s job are doing is in fact real.
market. (The most obvious change has
been introducing computers.) In the While it is perhaps the most strenuous
simulation, trainees apply for and fill and invigorating activity in the program,
positions in the fictitious supply company and the one participants talk about most,
Lester Hill; then they participate in every the fact that the job simulation occurs for
aspect of its operation, from taking orders less than a quarter of the cycle hints at its
over the phone, to ordering merchandise limitations were it not for the buttress of
released from the warehouse or purchased a much broader curriculum. In fact, even
from an imaginary outside wholesaler when the job simulation is in full swing,
called Tallidata (also run by trainees), it still takes up only three hours a day, and
to shipping the supplies out to their trainees still spend the other three hours
virtual customers. practicing their keyboarding and other
office skills.
Considering that all of this is technically
make-believe, the level of detail in the “Lester Hill allows our trainees to gain
simulation materials and the roles played valuable office experience,” says Stephanie
by staff and volunteers make for a surpris- Grell, a job developer. “But if they’re not
ing level of reality. Tasks need to be com- typing at least 25 words a minute by the
pleted and schedules adhered to, managers end of the semester, or if they don’t know
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 27

how to use Microsoft Word, they’re still advise them to think bigger. But mostly we
not going to be employable in an office. just let them make their own decisions.”
Learning the hard skills is just as essential.”
Staff members go through the applications,
The business simulation exercise is neither using their knowledge of trainees that they
the first nor the main vehicle for focusing have gained over the past six or seven
participants’ attention on social and weeks to place participants in positions that
behavioral issues. But because it so com- suit their abilities. The following Monday,
pletely reflects the program’s integration the participants are told which division in
of “soft” and “hard” training and because the company has hired them and the name
it is among the most highly developed of their supervisor. A manual describes the
work simulations anywhere, we begin with tasks and responsibilities of each division in
a detailed look at the Lester Hill experi- step-by-step detail. Although the newly
ence and then broaden the scope to the appointed managers are not saddled with a
remaining 14 weeks of the Training, Inc. fixed goal for profits, they do take out an
learning cycle. imaginary working capital loan to accom-
pany the virtual inventory they inherit.

How Lester Hill Works To make a profit or at least keep solvent,

A week before the job simulation begins, Lester Hill’s new managers may find that
Training, Inc. staff post job descriptions they have to make changes, like transfer-
and take applications for 20 to 25 different ring staff from one department to another.
job titles at the imaginary company. The But disruptions like that may slow down
model can be expanded or contracted the number of orders filled and thus affect
depending on the enrollment in each their imaginary bottom line. “It’s interest-
cycle. No one, of course, is in danger of ing to observe how different management
not getting a job. Available jobs range teams approach the model,” says Kilgore.
from data-entry clerks working in the “Eventually they realize that adjustments
billing department, to customer service have to be made, and when people are
representatives fielding phone calls, to placed into new positions, they have to
seven managerial positions that require be trained. Often the best learning is
all the people skills and diplomacy of real- when they have to explain to someone
world management. Participants apply for else how to do something they’ve
three positions each, indicating their pref- mastered themselves.”
erences. They get almost no counseling or
advice in choosing. “Very rarely,” says Jim In a post-simulation review, trainees who
Kilgore, deputy director, “if we see that held managerial positions expressed
someone we think has management poten- frustration with having to learn Lester
tial has applied for a data-entry job, we will Hill’s procedures right along with their
28 Working Ventures

subordinates, with little guidance from recent Lester Hill customer service repre-
Training, Inc. staff. But the confusion sentative, “Sometimes I even like to get the
and uncertainty of the first week are hard-to-please customers because it’s kind
intentional. Real managers face the same of a challenge to me. I try to hold my
quandaries, and real subordinates must tongue and see if I can get them to smile
take orders from people with little exper- before they finally hang up.”
tise. To further encourage this sink-or-swim
dynamic, trainees must treat staff as outside “You’re not a manager if you can’t handle
consultants, going to them for guidance the problems that come up,” says Keisha
only as a last resort. And in that case, the Miller, the Lester Hill general manager one
company will have to cut a check to pay recent semester. “The worst was just trying
for the “consultant’s” advice—once again to give people enough to do on the first
draining their virtual bottom line. couple of days. The customer service reps
and the warehouse department were busy,
One of the first challenges of “management” but it takes a while before the forms finally
is maintaining the workflow. Lester Hill make it out to billing and accounting.”
is ostensibly a hotel and business supplier,
providing large quantities of beds, sheets, After the order is filled out longhand by
kitchen equipment, cleaning supplies, the customer service rep, another sales
office furniture, and any other supplies rep enters it into the computer. It is then
needed by large institutions and corporate passed along to the warehouse workers,
customers like college dormitories, hospi- who check the computer to see whether
tals, summer camps and Fortune 500 the item is in stock. Once the item is
companies. The imaginary firm has an located and ready to ship, the shipping
extensive catalog with product codes and charges are calculated by the traffic depart-
price lists that has been distributed to the ment, and billing prepares an invoice.
trainees as well as to corporate volunteers Accounting double-checks the transaction,
who pose as customers. The volunteers, and all the paperwork is generated and
who are usually recruited from employers filed. There are no virtual forklifts for
of past Training, Inc. graduates, take a few warehouse workers to mount in search
minutes out of their regular workday to of products to deliver. But if the computer
call in an order. Lester Hill’s customer shows an item is not in stock, they have to
service representatives in turn take the write up an order form and send it to
calls and fill out the order forms, fielding Tallidata, a wholesaler located in another
as many as 15 calls a day. The volunteer office at Training, Inc. The Tallidata
customers are usually supportive, but employees—also trainees—then check
sometimes they are purposefully impatient their own supplies and complete forms
or even rude to test the customer service that record the transaction.
skills of the trainees. Says Diana Moseby, a
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 29

Seeing the World Through a Hanson’s reaction is familiar to most

Boss’s Eyes employers, but by the second week, Lester
While participants get plenty of practice Hill’s “employees” have already started to
at putting their data entry and other com- take matters into their own hands. Line
puter skills to work during the simulation, employees often take on projects that lie
they also have to exercise judgment at beyond their job descriptions, as was the
every step of the process, making quick case with Taisha McCall, who worked in
decisions to keep the ever-growing pile of personnel one semester and rewrote the
orders moving. If only some of the items entire Lester Hill employee handbook to
ordered through the sales department are match her higher standards. “I just couldn’t
in stock, for instance, the warehouse staff hand it out in the state it was in when I got
must decide whether to send out an incom- it,” she said. “There were spelling errors
plete order with the remainder to go out and typos, and it didn’t even answer the
later or whether to hold the whole order questions most people had about work
for shipment until it is complete. The deci- rules and overtime.”
sion has ramifications for the Lester Hill
bottom line: Do they incur the additional McCall smiles when she says this, recalling
shipping charges for two deliveries or risk that the whole exercise is a fantasy. But at
losing the customer, who might choose to the same time, she is obviously proud of
cancel and go elsewhere? her work. Future cycles will use her new
handbook and, ideally, some successor will
The trainee-managers are faced with these improve it further. This constant reworking
types of decisions every day, as well as the and augmenting of the simulation’s materi-
usual personnel headaches. Sometimes als forces trainees to examine and exercise
they show less patience with their “employ- their new skills even as it gives them a
ees” than staff does with them. “If I could chance to make a real difference—even in
tell you how many times somebody asked something that is not fundamentally real.
me to tell them how to do something,”
Shirley Hanson, a recent assistant general By trying to make the experience as lifelike
manager of Lester Hill, says with a roll as possible for the participants, the program
of her eyes. “I mean, even managers will confronts all the motivation and morale
come and ask me to show them how to use problems that affect real companies. For
a form or something, and I’ve never even example, because of the strong network of
seen this form! All I do is read the instruc- volunteer “customers,” service representa-
tions with them and figure it out that way. tives find their imaginary jobs challenging
If they had done that in the first place, they and satisfying fairly quickly. But those in the
wouldn’t need me. But their first reaction less busy Tallidata company often have to
is ‘I can’t do this, I’ll go get Shirley.’” wait longer for work to finally come their
30 Working Ventures

way. Sometimes the orders do not take up The emphasis on management skills may
enough of their day. But tedium and down- seem out of place in a program designed
time are part of real jobs, too. to help unskilled workers land entry-level
office jobs. But it pays dividends almost
The real-life experience becomes most immediately by forcing participants to see
successful when the stress of the work leads their job performance through manage-
to interpersonal conflicts. “We [recently] ment’s eyes. The importance of mastering
put one participant, who was somewhat the soft skills of cooperation, giving and
strident and rough-edged in her dealings taking supervision, and conflict resolution
with the rest of the trainees, in charge of becomes manifest more quickly in the
one of the departments,” Pinn recalls with simulation than in a classroom setting.
a chuckle, “knowing that there’d be some Says Pinn, “They not only learn how to act
sparks. By the end of the day, we had a in a office more quickly, but it gets them
mutiny on our hands. It could have been to start thinking about what they like and
a disaster, but we knew we had to do it— don’t like about the work, what they’re
both for her sake, so that she could see the good at and where they need to improve.
results of her management style and try to Finally, it makes them think about promo-
moderate it, and for the other participants, tion and career tracks: How can they keep
who are going to have to learn how to improving themselves after they get a job?”
deal with some bosses who aren’t so fair or
diplomatic.” The results are impressive. By the third
week of the simulation, Lester Hill is
Allowing trainees so much independence humming along, with little oversight from
can have risks, but Training, Inc. staff try Training, Inc. staff. When the job simula-
to keep tabs on the tenor of the simulation, tion is in full swing, the boundaries
and they will step in if help is really between trainee and staff, program and job
needed. “There’s a chain of command simulation, become less and less evident as
within Lester Hill, from employees, to some program staff give up their offices to
department managers, to the general job-simulation activities or work side by
manager’s office,” says Kilgore, “and we do side with trainees on other Training, Inc.
expect them to follow that. But we also try projects, such as planning graduation
to listen in on what’s going on, and we’ll ceremonies or developing volunteer
help them out for free by asking leading resources. By the seventh week, with six of
questions, that sort of thing. And if it’s a the program participants working in staff
computer problem or something like that, offices as managers in the simulation, it
outside of the province of the simulation, becomes difficult to distinguish who works
then we jump right in and fix it.” for Lester Hill and who works for Training,
Inc.—difficult even to tell which business
is the real one.
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 31

Trainee Profile Marroquin’s background as a former client

To draw participants for each cycle, is a useful part of her recruitment drive,
Antonia Marroquin, the one full-time staff but it becomes even more useful once the
member responsible for recruitment, program starts. “After the first week or so,
speaks or sends flyers to churches and com- most of my time is spent encouraging and
munity centers in low-income neighbor- supporting the trainees as they try to keep
hoods, welfare centers, homeless shelters up with all the work. I’ve got to show them
and wherever unemployed or underem- that I could do it, and there’s really no dif-
ployed people may congregate. She can ference between them and me, except a
tout the program’s 16-year history and its few years at work.” She makes a particular
high placement record, but her main effort with those whose success is jeopar-
drawing card is herself: She graduated dized by poor attendance and punctuality.
from Training, Inc.’s 45th cycle before “Most attendance problems come out of
being hired by the program. difficulties with day care, so I’ve got a lot of
resources that I can share with the clients
Each Training, Inc. cycle begins with a to solve those issues. When someone misses
roster of roughly 40 enrollees. Typically, two days in the first two weeks, they will get
about 70 percent of them are on welfare, a written warning, and we’ll draw up an
20 percent on unemployment and the attendance plan together, acknowledging
rest on privately funded scholarships. the problems they’re having and how we’re
The classes are made up predominantly going to solve them. They’re on probation
of women—usually well over 90 percent. for a month then, and if they keep having
According to Pinn, this seems to be a attendance problems, they’ll have to leave
consequence of the type of jobs in which the program. If they make it through the
Training, Inc. specializes: mostly adminis- probation period and they begin to have
trative support, data entry and receptionist attendance issues again, we treat it as a
positions still held more often by women. clean slate. They can stay, but they go
Slightly more than half the women in the back on probation.”
average class have children at home. The
make-up of the classes reflects the ethnic Marroquin’s success in promoting
diversity of the Boston area, with three- Training, Inc. has helped to attract a
quarters evenly divided among black, white population that is somewhat more
and Hispanic participants (including a motivated than what other programs enjoy.
large number of Caribbean immigrants); While the program draws almost exclusively
the remaining quarter of the enrollment from welfare recipients and unskilled and
is a combination of Eastern European and unemployed people throughout Boston,
Asian immigrants. Fully half of the partici- it requires that all participants have a high
pants speak English as a second language. school or general equivalency diploma
32 Working Ventures

(some applicants are allowed to begin A Corporate Atmosphere…

the program if they have passed at least with a Heart
three of the five GED test sections and The attempt to create an authentic work
will complete them all before the end of experience does not wait for the start of
the semester). In addition, the program the job simulation in the fifth week. It
requires near-perfect attendance from begins on the first day of instruction.
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., five days a week, for 18 “Quite intentionally,” says Pinn, “we’ve
weeks—a bigger commitment than what tried to recreate the type of workplace our
most of the other Boston job-training clients are going to go into. There’s a
programs demand. reason this office is right downtown in
the financial district: To a lot of our clients,
Despite such a high percentage of partici- downtown is another country. Even though
pants on welfare or with other poverty- we have to pay more in rent, it’s essential
related barriers, a close inspection of a wall that they get used to coming here, until
displaying the previous cycle’s resumes pretty soon they start to see downtown
reveals surprising pockets of significant job as their neighborhood, a place in which
experience among these mostly unproven they belong.”
future employees. A fifth of the resumes
shows almost no employment outside of Just blocks away from many of the trainees’
internships arranged through Training, Inc., eventual employers, mostly in the financial
and another fifth exhibit spotty work histo- services industry, the Training, Inc. offices
ries that feature short tenures in dead-end exude a decidedly corporate air. The car-
jobs. However, another third of the resumes peted and tastefully decorated rooms, the
reveals extensive job histories in unskilled or modern workstations and the traditional
semi-skilled labor. Some of these partici- office layout could be turned over to a
pants have been laid off and unemployed bank’s back-office operations without
for extended periods of time; others intend modification. The computers used by
to use Training, Inc. to break into career trainees are set up in the six largest of the
positions in white-collar industries unavail- office’s 12 rooms. These rooms serve as lab
able to them without the program’s place- space, offices during the job simulation,
ment assistance and support. The remainder and work areas for trainees using the
consists of foreign-born residents, some with Internet for job searches and other
extensive work histories, albeit in another research activities (almost all participants
country and another language. spend at least some time after program
hours practicing online and other
computer skills at the readily available
computers). Trainees and staff observe
the same standard rules of business dress
and behavior, and many of the tasks to
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 33

operate the program itself are done by explained in terms that frame proper
trainees, including the Training, Inc. behavior not as an outside imposition but
receptionist position, which is covered as a personal choice. Even the program’s
almost entirely by trainees in morning handbook explains the dress code as a way
and afternoon shifts. of “presenting the ‘Right You’” rather
than as dictates that must be followed.
Although some programs find it helpful
to erect a wall of authority around teachers Of course, confrontations do arise, and
and coaches—both to enforce high stan- participants who often have never had
dards and to teach students how to deal positive experiences in education are apt
constructively with superiors—Training, to challenge anything they perceive as
Inc. takes a more collegial approach. From excessive authority. According to Katy
the first day of training, staff makes a con- Roberts, a program trainer, Training, Inc.’s
scious effort to treat trainees as co-workers enforcement mechanisms are always being
rather than as clients. Says Pinn, “We don’t fine-tuned in search of the right balance
like to call them students, partly because between serving the neediest and maintain-
many of them had a bad experience in ing an effective program. “As a social ser-
school, but more important because to call vices organization,” she says, “we don’t
them students would imply that they are in want to kick someone out who has been
school. We want them to think of Training, excluded from previous educational oppor-
Inc. as being work.” Courses bear more tunities. But it’s important for trainees to
resemblance to a college seminar than to a learn to obey a dress code in order to be
high school classroom. Trainers’ statements ready for their new jobs. When someone
are open to extensive discussion, and par- comes to the program in jeans, for exam-
ticipants are expected to learn as much ple, we talk to them the first time, but the
from their interactions with each other as second time we might have to send them
they are from instructors. Program rules home. Which is not great because then
are explained and justified repeatedly in they’re missing that day’s training. But if
the broader context of the participants’ you don’t do it right away at the beginning
future employment; peer pressure is of the cycle, it’s very difficult to try and
expected to be as powerful an enforcement enforce the rules later.” A closet of clothes
tool as the program staff’s authority. at the program’s offices provides another
option for trainees who repeatedly violate
For instance, while the dress code is the dress code.
business formal and smoking, chewing
gum and eating in the work areas are not For other, more serious behavioral prob-
allowed, the rules are enforced in a lems, Training, Inc. uses a combination
non-confrontational way and are always of private counseling and peer pressure.
34 Working Ventures

Roberts continues, “We try to create a tion, with different ethnicities, languages,
friendly atmosphere in the classroom, job experiences and ages mixed together
where people can joke with each other, so that the individuals’ various strengths,
even tease each other, without it being skills and knowledge can be of most use to
threatening. It allows participants to call the others, and trainees have opportunities
each other on things like being late or to learn from and work with people from
being inappropriately dressed without it different backgrounds.
always coming from the staff. When you
trust your peers and you’re hearing it from
Teaching Human Relations
them, it’s often more effective.” “But we
The business simulation, the program’s
would never want to embarrass anybody in
corporate atmosphere, and the web of
front of a class,” adds counselor and trainer
personal reinforcement and team building
Leigh Hewlett. “If it’s serious, it’s always
that pervades the program all serve to inte-
better to wait until you can talk one on one.”
grate soft skills training into participants’
As the program’s counselor, Hewlett sees daily experience. But like other successful
all of the trainees at one time or another workforce development programs, Training,
during the program, but she is backed up Inc. addresses soft skills head-on as well, in
by Training, Inc.’s “supervisor” system. a morning briefing, in talks by visiting busi-
Each staff member, except for the director nesspeople, and most consistently in an
and the job developer, serves as a supervi- hour of every day dedicated specifically to
sor for five to seven participants, allowing the topic.
them to take a special interest in those par-
In the first three weeks, this hour is given
ticipants’ progress through the program.
over to orientation, setting personal goals,
Training, Inc.’s third layer of support for and making site visits to employer-partners
its trainees—behind the counselor and the of Training, Inc. in order to demystify the
supervisor network—is a system of support office workplace. In the weeks to come,
networks among participants themselves. volunteers from many of these same com-
Early in the program, participants are panies lead workshops in various topics
divided into three “teams” of about 12 related to white-collar employment, from
each, nicknamed the “Professionals,” interviewing skills, to customer service
“Specialists” and “Promotables.” There is techniques, to how to dress for success.
no hierarchy among the teams; the names Finally, once a week, this hour is given
are meant solely to create an esprit de over to the main forum for developing
corps. Trainees attend labs with the other participants’ self-esteem, confidence and
members of their team, although they will interpersonal skills: The Human Relations
interact with others in the job simulation, course, taught by counselor Leigh Hewlett.
daily assemblies and other forums. Each
group has a deliberately diverse composi-
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 35

(The title “counselor” may be misleading

in Hewlett’s case, according to Willard
Pinn. “I don’t know if counseling really
describes what she does. So much of the
counseling that our trainees have received
is just listening. They come in and talk
about their problems, cry and then leave.
Instead, we try to refocus these conversa-
tions to the next step: What are you going
to do about it? That’s the important part.”)

Hewlett’s course begins in the second

week and runs for 10 to 12 sessions. Each
of the three groups attends a separate
session, and because they already have
begun to know each other better and it is
led by a counselor they have already spent
some time with, the atmosphere is con-
ducive to honest, up-front discussion.

The course is structured around extensive

role modeling, interactive exercises during
which trainees play through different
scenarios in the workplace. “We talk a lot
about cultural differences between where
participants come from and where they’re
going to work,” says Hewlett, “about how
it’s not that you have to become a new
person. You just have to play the role
appropriate to the place.”

She sums it up this way: “I try to help them

learn not just how to get a job, but how to
keep a job. So a lot of what we talk about is
relationships—with your co-workers and
especially your boss. Everything really
comes down to learning to know yourself,
learning to appreciate your strengths and
watching out for your weaknesses.”
36 Working Ventures

L O N G - T E RM

Op-Net graduates, staff and students forming

lasting relationships that reinforce the brief
San Francisco, California training and carry the lessons into the first
The bargain that Op-Net offers its trainees job and even several jobs after that.
would be hard to resist, even for some
successful workers with dreams of a new
Higher Skills, Similar Needs
career: Give us five weeks (plus a two-
Op-Net is not, to be sure, a good fit for
month internship), and we will turn you
most of the lowest-skilled young people who
into Web designers. The fact that
take center stage in the other programs this
Op-Net consistently delivers on that
report has profiled. The program is pur-
bargain, even with some of the lowest-
posefully intense and necessarily targeted
income young people in the San Francisco
only to highly motivated people with high
Bay Area, makes the idea all the more
school diplomas or the equivalent and with
remarkable and alluring.
some proficiency in computers. At a bare
minimum, students must demonstrate some
Yet Op-Net managers are the first to point
familiarity with word processing, Web
out that the deal is not nearly as simple—
browsers and e-mail programs.
or as quick—as it sounds. “Anybody who
wants to replicate this program has to
Yet even if that disqualifies most low-income
understand that the five-week course is
youth, more than enough disadvantaged
only the beginning,” says Op-Net
applicants meet the criteria to fill four
cofounder and former executive director
classes of 15 people each per year. All meet
Dan Geiger. “Grads are going to experience
the federal definition of low-income, and
all sorts of ups and downs, job gaps and a
some preference is given to applicants from
host of other setbacks. For them to suc-
San Francisco’s poorest neighborhoods.
ceed, the program has to be there. That
Roughly one-third of participants are
can be a two- to three-year commitment.”
African Americans; Latinos and Asians
So Op-Net’s success depends partly on
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 37

make up about one-quarter each, and the tant a part of Op-Net’s mission as teaching
remainder are white or of other ethnicities. them the mechanics of Hypertext Markup
The average age is 21, and the male-female Language, better known as HTML.
split is 59 to 41 percent—a much higher
percentage of young men than in any of
The Confusing Code of the
the other programs in this report.
Modern Workplace
Even as Op-Net’s target job market
One recent recruit was a young man
demands more refined technical skills
who slept in his car while taking the course.
than the typical entry-level job, the working
Another found out about the program
environment of Silicon Valley requires a
directly from Op-Net executive director,
much subtler understanding of the social
Joe Hawkins, whose shoes he used to shine
skills needed to be an effective worker.
each week on Market Street. Both men now
“These companies have a deceptively casual
have full-time technical jobs.
culture,” says Valeria Perez-Fereiro, Op-
Though the students entering Op-Net Net’s director of program development
are, on the whole, more capable than and community relations. “Employees wear
those in other programs profiled here, jeans to work, and there might be a ping-
the economic and social leap they are pong table in the conference room. But
attempting is in some ways much more you can’t be fooled by that stuff. Everybody
substantial. Their future colleagues will works incredibly hard. You’ve got to under-
probably include confident scions of privi- stand what’s appropriate because you can’t
leged families, some from distinguished afford to be known as ‘that guy who’s
secondary schools and colleges here and always playing Nerf-ball.’”
abroad, many making starting salaries of
Accordingly, Op-Net has only a short list
$50,000 a year and more. As a result, the
of explicit rules, including the standard pro-
issues and barriers that Op-Net trainees
hibitions against sexual harassment, drugs
face are surprisingly similar to those in
and alcohol and threats of violence.
other programs that try to move more-
Violation of any of these rules results in
troubled students into clerical jobs. The
immediate expulsion from the program.
students are higher on the skills ladder
Students do not punch a time clock, but Op-
but just as unprepared for the world they
Net is serious about being on time: Anyone
are trying to enter.
more than 10 minutes late two times or
Preparing them for the culture shift— more may be expelled; anyone absent two
developing the soft skills peculiar to the days without an excuse is terminated.
emerging Internet industry—is as impor-
The program consequently works hard
to recreate the industry’s subtle balance
between demandingly high expectations
38 Working Ventures

and a superficial lack of formal structure. a joint. We were tactful with him, saying
Students are reminded, for example, that ‘Perhaps this isn’t the best place to wear
even on first encounter, the seeming infor- this. You might be applying for a job here
mality of technical firms can be dangerous. in a few weeks.’ We could have sent him
“A lot of companies have applicants go on home to change, or something punitive, but
an all-day interview,” says Perez-Fereiro, “so it was enough for him that his peers were
they can get a more thorough impression embarrassed by it. He was so self-conscious
of them. Over the course of a whole day he wore a backpack the entire day.”
meeting, [with] friendly people talking
about this thing that interests you so Students are not required to abide by a
much, you can get pretty relaxed. We try dress code, but staff may offer quiet advice
to prepare our students to be aware of if what they wear may be inappropriate at
that—that it’s easy to feel too comfortable. some offices. Just to make sure, one day
We had one guy who made a great impres- toward the end of the training, students are
sion until the end of the day, when he felt told to come in dressed for an interview to
relaxed enough to tell an off-color joke. show that they have learned how to dress
It was basically the end of his interview.” for success.

Halfway through the course, Op-Net helps In short, more than most other training
students get acquainted with the high-tech programs, Op-Net must go beyond
work culture by taking them on a half-day- employee handbooks and dress codes and
long field trip to an Internet company. teach students how to assess for themselves
During one such trip, the group visited what proper appearance and behavior are
the Learning Network, which creates in the new culture they are joining. “I tell
online educational applications. Students them to check out the company culture as
met the user interface tester and the much as possible,” says Perez-Fereiro.
graphic designer, and in a series of conver- “Look at their website, walk by their offices,
sations they walked through the stages of a talk to people who do business with them—
project’s life. It is also something like a low- find out what the atmosphere is like. As for
risk dry run for any day-long job interviews dress code, ties aren’t usually necessary, but
in their future. [applicants] should be clean-cut. It’s best to
err on the conservative side.”
On one such tour, an Op-Net student
wore a T-shirt advertising a friend’s software
The Op-Net Challenge
company—clothing he thought would be
According to the Op-Net staff, of all the
appropriate for a trip to an office in the
jobs in the Internet economy, website
same industry. “The only problem was,”
design using HTML programming code is
Perez-Fereiro recalls, “the shirt had a
a skill both in high demand and relatively
picture on the back of it of a guy smoking
easy to learn. Even so, it can be learned
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 39

only if students are willing to spend For example, Op-Net recently joined a Bay
considerable time trying to figure out Area program developed by the nonprofit
things on their own, besides keeping up Juma Ventures that encourages saving and
with the rapid pace of instruction. retirement planning by matching every
After that, success depends as much on dollar that low-income graduates save
their performance during a two-month with an additional $2 contribution to
internship as during the classroom training the student’s “Individual Development
it follows. Finally, to help students make it Account” (IDA). The financial aid and
in the extremely competitive high-tech cul- support services generally ensure that
ture of the San Francisco Bay Area, Op-Net students will make it through the course
provides more extensive placement and if they can follow the rules and keep up
ongoing support services than any other with the course work. Students rarely drop
program we have described, often for out because of personal troubles.
as long as two years after a student has
completed coursework. More than one employee described
Op-Net as a “family” in which instructors,
“Our approach is to do whatever it takes to graduates and volunteers all come together
get our students to succeed,” says Dan to support the students as they try to break
Geiger, former executive director and now into this competitive field. Graduates con-
vice president of the Op-Net Board, “but in tinue to play a large role in the program,
return, we expect the students to give their tutoring and mentoring of new students,
best effort.” And Op-Net’s commitment to and Op-Net has even gone so far as to let
its students is not just philosophical: students sleep in its offices when they
Trainees receive weekly stipends of $200 became homeless.
during training and can get emergency
financial assistance for housing, child care, This level of support comes at a price:
and any other needs during internships Op-Net is highly selective, and most
and job searches. Op-Net expects its students applicants do not make it in the door.
to ask for further help when they decide to There are about 60 to 70 applicants for
switch jobs, are laid off, or even when they the 15 slots in each class.
are fired.
“It all starts with the interview,” says Perez-
The financial aid comes bundled with an Fereiro, the Op-Net staffer most involved
arsenal of support services to keep students in soft skills teaching. “We have high
from falling behind because of personal expectations, and if you’re late for your
problems, whether they are related to child interview, we have to assume you’re not
care, health care or housing or graver ready for the program. We have too
threats like domestic violence. These many other people eager for a chance
supports continue well into employment. to participate.”
40 Working Ventures

Joe Hawkins, the current executive director A User’s Manual for Life
and one of the founders of Op-Net, even To help prepare the new students for the
compares the program with STRIVE, the rigors of the five-week Op-Net course and
nationally known New York City program the internship, program graduates come
that trains New York’s toughest youth with back to address students on the first day of
a combination of inspiration and quasi- classes. They present an inspiring picture—
military severity: “We focus on discipline, exciting-sounding jobs with impressive
and we try to create a culture of personal salaries—but they typically emphasize how
responsibility. We’re not here for excuses. much the students have to learn, both tech-
Either you do it or you don’t. If you’re nically and socially, and how hard they are
late, you’re out. Absence means you’re going to have to work.
not ready.”
Students are told that their success
Applicants who do arrive for their interviews depends most on whether they are willing
on time must first take a computer skills to commit to changing not only the way
proficiency test that includes using the they work but also the way they live. The
Internet, e-mail and word processing, with point-blank message is that this may involve
a section in which students must exhibit giving up old friends and keeping unsup-
some ability to write clearly. Applicants who portive family members at bay. Board
do not pass the computer test are not inter- President David Ellington, who founded
viewed, but they are referred to other local Op-Net along with Dan Geiger and Joe
computer training programs. They are wel- Hawkins, gives the students what one staff
come to reapply to Op-Net once their skills member describes as a “scared straight”
meet the basic requirements. speech. “He tells them ‘we’re not going to
let you screw this up.’ Sometimes I think
The application interview is structured like that maybe it’s too strong, but it does reach
a job interview, and the program looks for the tougher students. They really respond
signs that the student is motivated and can to his example and what he has to say.”
work as part of a team. Besides evidence of
a diploma or GED, applicants must bring At the end of the program’s first day,
two letters of reference, proof of income, Op-Net students have a “download session”
and a sample of any work they have done where they discuss office culture and
on the computer or otherwise. About 80 develop “rules of respect” for the five
to 90 percent of the applicants are working weeks they will spend together. This
or recently had jobs before they reach facilitated discussion helps them to get
Op-Net, usually in clerical, retail or acquainted and share their values at the
temporary positions. same time that they reflect on what they
have heard from staff on the first day.
Facilitators also use the process of laying
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 41

out the program rules as an introduction to life? How are old friends and patterns of
the basic concepts of project management behavior going to fit in with your future
as it is understood in the Internet industry. development?”

Because Op-Net trainees have already Students make presentations to the rest of
been screened for many “hard” skills, the class on assigned readings throughout
there is less emphasis on basic training in the course, and in the fourth and fifth
computers, typing, math and English than week, Fridays can also be a time to conduct
in other workforce development programs. and review mock interviews. Sometimes
The kind of rote-and-repetition learning there are tests on assigned readings, almost
that other programs expend on those all of which come from Op-Net’s encyclope-
skills are, in Op-Net’s world, devoted to dic soft skills manual, an enormous tome
mastering basic HTML coding procedures. of readings related to the demands and
Otherwise, the focus is on preparing for culture of high-tech employment. The
the new culture that students are going to soft-skills manual presents articles on
enter. That preparation is handled with various jobs in the Internet industry, the
as much rigor as is HTML. There is even core skills needed for those jobs, develop-
a “user’s manual” for soft skills. ing “emotional intelligence,” holding onto
jobs, and an extensive how-to section on
Fridays at Op-Net are reserved for presenta- job searching specific to the industry.
tions and workshops focused primarily on
soft skills development. During the first Most of the readings in the soft skills
hour of the morning, students are drilled manual are adapted or pulled directly
on the business vocabulary and industry from articles in Fast Company, SkillsNet,
jargon they were given the night before., and other industry publica-
Sometimes the tests require students to tions, and are aimed at the well-educated
write sentences using the words; other technology worker, not the typical training-
times they are oral: “How would you use program student. While these readings and
‘intranet’ in a job interview?” Next come presentations constitute the only official
presentations by industry representatives “homework” of the course, the students are
on such topics as preparing for interviews, usually working after hours on the intense
conducting job searches, project manage- in-class workload.
ment and working in a team. Woven into
these and staff presentations are lots of
“Learning How to Learn”
discussion about “how to be the person
After the orientation on the first day,
you’re trying to be,” as Perez-Fereiro puts
Op-Net students spend their first week on
it: “Things like who do you include in your
a crash course in HTML, the computer
language that controls the appearance
and functioning of most Internet websites.
42 Working Ventures

There is an HTML test twice a week and Wednesday and Thursday nights. “If they’re
the testing continues throughout the five having difficulty learning the language,”
weeks, expanding to other technical skills, explains Perez-Fereiro, “especially among
industry vocabulary and other essential the women, they start beating themselves
information besides HTML. Days are up about it. Having recent grads tutoring
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., although students are them helps in two ways: They get extra help
also expected to take advantage of to learn the code, but they also get support
volunteers and program graduates who from someone who has been in the same
offer tutoring Wednesdays and Thursdays position, who got through it successfully.
from 5 to 8 p.m. And if it’s someone from the industry
tutoring them, it gives them a chance to
Yet for all the rigor of this exercise, the see what people there are like. It shows
program does not attempt to teach total them how to ask questions and demystifies
mastery in five weeks. Instead, it provides the culture for them.”
a foundation of classroom instruction and
project-based applied learning and then The intellectual rewards for all this effort
insists that students spend further time and come quickly. Before the first week is out,
effort learning and mastering skills on their students see what they have learned take
own. The point is not just to get them to shape on their computer screens, in the
master a huge amount of information in form of a webpage they have designed for
a short time; it is also to get them in the themselves in HTML. In the second week,
habit of constant self-directed learning. they move on to Adobe PhotoShop, an
industry-standard graphics program; a
In short, besides the soft skills of effective week later, they begin learning the more
social interaction and personal discipline, complex web design language of Java Script.
Op-Net tries to inculcate habits of curiosity,
experimentation and discovery. Says But even as this rapid-fire software training
Geiger, “Everything changes so quickly in is under way, the trainees are headed
this industry that it’s all about learning how straight into a total-immersion exercise.
to learn. Even if you’ve mastered one design In their second week of training, while they
program, you’ve got to keep up with con- are still struggling with the rudiments of
stant changes and improvements that are HTML, the Op-Net neophytes begin devel-
being made to it. Even then, it might oping a website for a corporate customer.
become obsolete, and you’ll have to learn It is not a simulation. The customer is real,
a whole new program.” and the result needs to be a site that the
company will actually use.
Setting an example for this kind of mental
discipline is part of the job that graduates
take on when they volunteer as tutors on
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 43

Crunch Time mock-up could be compared to a written

The staff begins by dividing the class into report’s outline, the first iteration is the
two teams. A designated leader from each first full draft. The client gives more
team reports to one student who is the over- feedback, and the teams go back to
all project manager; other students are continue developing the product.
assigned project roles according to their
interests and abilities. The most likely candi- At this point in the process, all of the soft
dates do not always get the leader-ship posi- skills issues that have been discussed in
tions. “We try to make sure that there’s at Op-Net classes start to come out. “Ideally,
least one woman in a leadership position, in the project is the most important activity of
order to bring out any gender issues anyone the entire course,” says Geiger. “It’s when
might have,” says Perez-Fereiro. everything comes to the surface. We’ll be
talking about anger, or conflict resolution,
The newly formed teams then meet with but when it actually happens during the life
a business or nonprofit organization of the project—when one team will do
that needs a website. For the client organi- quite well and have all their ideas adopted
zation it is a bit of a risk, but the service and the other can’t even sit in a room
comes with website hosting thereafter, and together—the students really get it. They
all of it is free of charge. On those terms, see how it’s a lack of soft skills that will
there have been no problems attracting keep you from working in this industry.”
clients for every training session. Recent
clients have included a mediation and Says Perez-Fereiro, “In some classes, we’ve
counseling service, a maker of gourmet had a presentation on the language of
sauces and a former Black Panther who criticism, but it can’t compare to what
gives historical tours of Oakland. happens in the project, especially after the
first iteration.” While clients understand
After the client explains his or her needs the purpose of the exercise and are
and ideas for the website, the teams spend generally supportive, they also want
the next couple of days developing design websites that fit their needs. So invariably
mock-ups, using (and learning) PhotoShop a lot of students’ suggestions and ideas
in the process. The students present the get shot down, even when they have taken
mock-up and their design ideas to the hours of work to make them operable.
client in a second meeting. Then, with the “If there are hurt feelings, then they learn
client’s suggestions and eventual approval, that’s how this work is. You’ve got to learn
they begin to create the actual site in how not to let your ego get invested in
HTML code, dividing programming duties your ideas. You just move on and get the
among the two teams. A few days later, the project done.”
teams meet with the client again to present
the “first iteration.” If the PhotoShop
44 Working Ventures

At this stage, the process becomes more distribution. The students continue to
Darwinian than might be the case in a practice mock interviews, using the new
simulation. The two teams are merged, technology in the process: To be scheduled
and because the project is real and must for a mock interview, students must first
be completed, the project manager must write an e-mail requesting an appointment
assign duties to those most likely to get the and document their job experience not on
job done. The students who are left off the paper but with an e-resume. (The soft skills
second team begin to work on their own manual has an extensive section on resume
websites or update and maintain existing writing geared specifically toward creating
sites hosted by Op-Net. Usually the client electronic resumes.)
has a completely operable website up and
running by the fourth, or sometimes the In the background, staff members are
fifth, week of the course. meeting to appraise each student’s
strengths and weaknesses, both “soft”
By that final week, most of the students are and “hard,” and then to match them
working on their own websites, which, in the with internship opportunities.
world of Internet employment, act as elec-
tronic resumes and work samples all
The Long Follow-up
in one. By this stage, the pressure can be
Op-Net’s reputation has given it an edge in
particularly intense: Students are trying to
finding internship opportunities for those
digest all they have been taught in the past
who finish the five weeks of training. At the
four weeks while trying to finish projects
interns’ going rate of approximately $12
and assignments. The $200 per week stipend
an hour, Op-Net can usually arrange an
will soon end, and the uncertainty surround-
internship opportunity for every graduate,
ing internship placements makes the per-
and the internship can often (although not
sonal website seem like the most important
always) lead to a permanent job at the
thing in the students’ nascent careers.
same firm.
“The number-one issue for many of our
“We used to subsidize the internships,” says
students is a fear of failure—or maybe it’s
Geiger, “but then we realized how valuable
a fear of success,” says Perez-Fereiro. “Every
the interns were to the employers. With the
session, a number of students won’t finish
skills they have, they’re a bargain.” While
their websites, I think because they’re afraid
every student eventually gets an internship,
to put out something that’s so personal.”
it can take a while: Varying levels of techni-
Meanwhile, also in this final week, Joe cal expertise and language, math and soft
Hawkins leads a class in writing resumes, skills among the students can draw out the
and students will eventually produce at placement process for as many as four
least three drafts before they are ready for weeks after the course is completed.
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 45

Meanwhile, the $200 monthly stipend termination or other job disruptions,

ends with the completion of the course, and be able to find another position
and most students can experience a gap when necessary.
of two to four weeks before they are placed
into their internships. While this accurately “The nature of the industry creates employ-
reflects the volatility of dot-com employ- ment gaps,” says Wells, the person most
ment, it is a prime opportunity for students responsible for helping students bridge
to fall through the cracks. So the program this divide. “They’re going to experience
is ready with emergency cash grants during knockdowns, layoffs, companies closing,
this period, which in some cycles become and they’re going to have to be able to get
more the rule than the exception. up right away, update their resumes and
start over.” Graduates regularly return for
Given the short training period, the intern- help polishing their resumes, developing
ship is an indispensable part of preparing new leads or improving their technical
students for the world of work. And it is the skills. In the Op-Net “family,” graduates are
next stage of the long, supportive relation- always welcome back, whether to serve as
ship that graduates form with staff and mentors and tutors to current students or
alumni. Contacts between staff and interns to get help getting back on their feet after
by phone and e-mail are steady throughout a setback.
the internship. In particular, job developer
and coach La Shawn Wells shifts into case- More routinely, graduates are invited back
management mode, making sure that stu- every two months for Op-Net’s Alumni
dents are continuing their timely progress Support Group, which attracts as many as
toward a permanent job, checking with the 60 graduates at a time. These meetings can
intern’s employer to see how the relation- be informal and unstructured, but usually
ship is working (and encouraging employ- offer a presentation about subjects useful
ers to hire the interns permanently), to people with a new (and in some cases,
informing the student about other job their first) income stream—topics like how
openings, and making sure that the student to manage credit cards, where to get invest-
is thinking ahead and independently ment advice or how stock options work (a
searching for a job. potentially life-altering matter in the more
successful dot-coms). During and after the
Even when Op-Net finds job openings for basic Op-Net course, there are seminars on
students to pursue, the onus is always on budgeting, investing, home ownership ver-
the student to make the connection on his sus renting, and other issues of personal
or her own. The volatility of the industry finance. These are not synchronized with
makes it imperative that Op-Net’s graduates the course, but students are expected to
keep up to date on their job opportunities,
have the tools to recover quickly from
46 Working Ventures

attend them at one point or another. And $50,000-a-year position at a software

the themes carry on into alumni nights and firm, but her success quickly attracted the
other follow-up support. attention of old friends and family. Soon
she let the (abusive) father of her children
All this advice is timely and in some cases move back in with her. Next came homeless
urgently needed. But the main reason cousins. Before long the abuse resumed,
graduates go to the support groups is for even as she was now trying to support a
peer support. It is a great place to network, large, extended family. Tragically, she was
hear about new job opportunities and learn too ashamed to ask Op-Net or her
what other companies are like. “They come employer for help or advice. It did not take
because they have a connection with the long for her absences and the declining
program,” says Jody Mahoney, director of quality of her work to lead to termination.
training and consulting services. “It’s a very
strong bond. I mean, 87 percent of the “You can be a mirror to them and give
people in this industry are white men! I’ve them advice,” says Perez-Fereiro, “but at
got one graduate who is one of just three that level of problems we need to refer
employees of color in a 200-person com- them to professional counseling. But you
pany. So it’s great to have the support of can’t make them go—that’s always going to
your peers.” be up to the individual.” For many of
Op-Net’s less-advantaged students, the
“A lot of times,” she continues, “our gravitational pull of an earlier life—of
graduates are welcomed at companies, disintegrated communities and troubled
but they’re promoted in public as a kind families, and of personal habits formed in a
of poster child for a diversity that doesn’t world of few opportunities—remains strong
always exist in the company. Or their co- for years. To counter that downward pull,
workers want to broaden their horizons— the program tries to maintain a constant,
gentrify them, so to speak. Or, in a worse countervailing pressure, through continued
case, they work for a 22-year-old computer programs and services and support of
geek with no management skills who is faculty and sympathetic employers and,
telling them you have to work 60 hours this most of all, with peer support from a
week or you’re fired.” These kinds of cul- growing alumni network.
tural clashes cry out for the kind of support
that come best from a graduate’s peers, who Roughly one-third of the way through
are struggling with the same challenges or the hundreds of pages in Op-Net’s “Soft
have found ways to master them. Skills/Job Readiness” manual is a reprint
of psychologist Daniel Goleman’s Harvard
Even with all this support, some alumni Business Review article on “emotional intelli-
do not make it. One recent graduate was gence,” titled, “What Makes a Leader.”
doing phenomenally well at her new
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 47

It includes this exhortation, which could

just as well be a rallying cry for the whole
Op-Net “family”:

To enhance emotional intelligence,

organizations must…help people break old
behavioral habits and establish new ones.
That not only takes much more time than
conventional training programs, it also
requires an individualized approach…With
persistence and practice, such a process
can lead to lasting results.
48 Working Ventures

of WORK ”

Lessons and Principles tition and practice, not through explana-

tion. In all the programs we have profiled,
The four programs profiled in this report the whole curriculum is carefully organized
obviously take different approaches to around multiple opportunities to practice
different kinds of students, and some social interactions that are likely to arise on
would no doubt disagree with others over the job: interviewing techniques, respond-
the fine points of training philosophy. ing to criticism or pressure, negotiating with
Still, they offer several general lessons team members or supervisors, and so on.
for anyone who sets out to help trainees
adapt to the culture of work as well as learn Each of these exercises seeks to form
technical skills. Among the insights these some habit of personal discipline or
programs illustrate, here are six real-world behavior that students can use later. Once
lessons that most practitioners can readily the principle is established in a discussion
adapt to whatever population they serve, or class exercise, it is practiced over and
alongside whatever mix of hard skills over throughout the training cycle. Most
training they provide: often, the exercises are fairly low risk (the
worst that can happen is usually criticism,

1. Integrate soft skills training into

every element of the curriculum.
not dismissal). But the challenge is to
present them as matters of very high stakes
The most successful training once the real job begins—thus making
programs generally resist the temptation to them worthy of the constant, sometimes
treat soft skills as simply another discipline tiresome, repetition.
to be taught—and thus to relegate it to an
hour of the day, a special exercise or a one- At ACHIEVE and OBT, for example,
week module. These separate treatments social and cultural training do not wait for
are often useful, even necessary, but they a designated course like OBT’s “World of
are not enough. Social and behavioral traits Work.” It starts with the intake interviews
tend to be inculcated mainly through repe- and never stops. A classroom exercise on
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 49

typing or office procedures is invariably programs seem to place soft skills alongside
bound up with discussions about the virtues typing, math and software as a separate
of precision and neatness, strategies for “class” that gets a time allocation all its own.
preparing a memo or handling a negotia- That approach is not only less realistic, it is
tion, or simply awareness of what is going less likely to be effective.
on in the wider world. OBT’s classroom
discussion about the Yankees and the
presidential election not only taught 2. Create work or work-like tasks and
establish teams to complete them.
trainees to be aware of what is happening The tasks can be real work for
around them, it also had the subtler effect real customers, as at Op-Net, or full-scale
of focusing them on topics of conversation simulations, as at Training, Inc. But they
that are acceptable in the workplace—an might also take the hybrid approach of
area where many otherwise successful new ACHIEVE, where day-to-day training
employees can get into trouble. exercises are presented as if they were
office assignments and must be pursued
Op-Net’s approach to integrating soft and with the workplace methods of teamwork,
hard skills is more literal: Almost the entire scheduling and periodic discussions with
course is dedicated to satisfying a customer the “boss.”
while mastering technical skills. There is no
room for either technical or social error in The first thing that all these approaches
this mix. From early in the course, all the have in common is that they replace the
essential soft skills—working efficiently with teacher-student relationship of a traditional
your colleagues to make the customer classroom with the boss-employee or con-
happy—are in play right along with good sultant-client relationship of the business
programming and design. And the conse- world. They get students used to thinking
quences are real. about their work as a useful product, not
merely an exercise. At Opportunities for
The most important reason for integrating a Better Tomorrow, for example—the one
soft and hard skills is not just the efficient program in this report that does not con-
use of time, although that is one factor. The duct a formal work simulation—students
main reason is that the workplace recognizes practice organization and typing and self-
no such distinction: Employees on a project presentation in the creation of a Personal
team need to deal with each other both Data Sheet (which later becomes a resume)
expertly and respectfully, all in the same during a “World of Work” class. They also
interaction. Office staff need to be orderly make public speaking presentations on
and punctual and technically competent all topics they will eventually have to be con-
at once. When viewed from the perspective versant in for the work world. All of these
of the workplace, this point seems glaringly are organized as work assignments, not
obvious. Yet in planning a curriculum, many classroom drills. The objective is to
50 Working Ventures

produce something actually useful, some- Experiencing them has the swift and bracing
thing that prospective employers will read effect of a cold shower, something no three-
or that trainees can use when interviewing week lecture course could ever duplicate.
for jobs. And significantly, many of these
exercises are conducted in teams.
3. Put trainees in the employer’s role
from time to time, so that by
managing they can learn to be
That is the second aspect of this general
principle that all four programs teach: managed.
teamwork. The most important difference Another advantage of the role
between work and school is that in school playing and simulation in these programs
the quality of your work affects only you— is that they place students in the position
bad work will get you an F, maybe, but that of team members, managers or customers
is the end of it. In the work world, your who must react to the quality of work they
mistakes affect other people as well, and get from others. This change of perspective
someone else’s mistake will affect you. helps to take some of the mystery and
Learning the dynamics of mutual reliance seeming arbitrariness out of the culture of
and learning to adjust your habits to the work. Meeting deadlines, being courteous,
needs and abilities of other people are speaking and writing clearly, and staying
indispensable to eventual success. But these calm are important not just because some-
skills are something few schools can teach one says you must but also because impor-
effectively. For this kind of learning, tant things cannot be done without those
description and analysis are almost useless disciplines. How do we know? Because we
by themselves. Practice is everything—the saw a project collapse when someone did
more realistic, the better. not meet the challenge.

At Training, Inc., for example, the Lester To explain why completing tasks is neces-
Hill simulation creates not only a complex sary and inescapable, there is no more
“company” with multiple departments rely- effective tactic than letting students experi-
ing on one another for success, but it also ence the needs and pressures of those who
holds employees to a single bottom line by give directions. All these programs at some
which all of them stand or fall. It then takes point create teams of trainees with their
the mutual dependence a step further by own internal leadership structures in which
creating a second company, the Tallidata some students inevitably exercise authority
“supplier” firm, that is completely indepen- over others. In the more literal work simula-
dent of the Lester Hill crew and yet must tions at Training, Inc. and Op-Net, the pro-
make Lester Hill happy if it hopes to meet grams actually designate trainee-managers
its own bottom line. The layers of mutual of various levels who exercise authority and
reliance are challenging to explain, but then are held accountable for subordinates’
again, explaining them is not terribly useful. achievements. But simulations are not the
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 51

only opportunities for giving trainees a enforced by people they may also not
glimpse of the manager’s needs and respon- like, and applied in ways with which they
sibilities, while also preparing them for will disagree. The sooner that hard reality
manager positions themselves. is established, practiced and re-practiced,
the better.
Recall the classroom negotiations at
ACHIEVE over dress codes or the one over The most obvious areas for this kind of
how to complete a lagging assignment on immediate and consistent discipline are
time. In both cases, the class suddenly attendance, punctuality and clothing.
found itself jolted out of the familiar role Nearly all successful workforce programs
of people being judged. Without warning, establish unwavering dress codes (even
they were suddenly compelled to see the when, in ACHIEVE’s case, the students
world through the eyes of those who do write the code themselves). All of them
the judging. When Maia Chisholm stepped demand regular attendance. And all
to the back of the class in her weird outfit enforce punctuality. Two of the four
and asked them to describe it, she put programs we profiled expect students to
students in the judgment seat and led them punch a time clock on arriving and leaving.
in a discussion about why they had judged Op-Net, however, serves an industry where
her clothing improper. When she sent time clocks are alien. Yet Op-Net may be
them out to caucus over how they would the most exacting of all these programs
complete an assignment on time, she put on the subject of punctuality. Participants
them in charge of getting work done and can be dismissed for three instances of
of establishing deadlines for one another. tardiness, a fact of which they are bluntly
Neither of these cases involved any of the warned before the course begins. And
complexities of a simulation. They simply tardiness is measured by the minute.
tweaked the trainees’ point of view and pro-
vided a window into the world of supervi- At the opposite end of the bluntness
sory responsibilities. spectrum is Training, Inc., whose staff
deliberately takes a more collegial

4. Establish the discipline of the

workplace in all aspects of the
approach to enforcing rules. Yet enforce
they must, and even in the gentle language
of the program’s guide-and-support
This is where “soft” skills lose most philosophy, the room for dissent is point-
of their “softness”—and the work becomes edly narrow. “When someone comes to
both hard and at times stressful. One essen- the program in jeans,” says a staff member,
tial social skill is coping with the reality that “we talk to them the first time, but the
employees cannot behave and speak as they second time we might have to send them
please, even if they are getting their work home.” That is about as much lenience as
done. There will be rules they do not like, one would expect from an employer.
52 Working Ventures

But an atmosphere of discipline goes spending time in ACHIEVE’s cramped

beyond the basic rules of timeliness and office cubicles, a graduate found the
attire. At OBT, for example, every class- more-spacious desk at her first job
room discussion is a ceaseless exercise in actually inviting.
respectful forms of address, good posture,
correct grammar, polite assertiveness and Yet ACHIEVE staff would be the first to
(most of all) handling criticism. Every spo- point out that a more complete re-creation
ken sentence is subject to correction. Even of the office environment would be even
during our interview with a student for this better. Training, Inc. probably defines the
report, OBT managers would not let a high end of authenticity in its training
grammatical error slip by. space, which is all but indistinguishable
from an office. The re-creation extends
If this approach seems a little obsessive, even beyond its walls: Training, Inc. has set
that may well be the point. Even the most itself up amid the imposing glass towers
extensive workforce program occupies a of downtown Boston, an area where many
fleeting moment in the lives of its trainees. poor young people had never passed.
The only hope of making a lasting differ-
ence in their behavior and attitudes lies in Simulating the work environment can
constant practice, correction, enforcement, take different forms. The warehouse mini-
reinforcement, and more practice. malism of Op-Net’s space, for example,
was easy enough to create, but it exactly

5. Recreate the physical environment

of work to the fullest extent
mirrors the conditions of its upstart
industry. The key is not just breaking down
trainees’ fears of the working environment
For trainees from the most disad- but also teaching them how to behave in
vantaged families and communities, just that environment. The message, in other
the sight of an office building, its cubicles words, is not merely “feel welcome here”
and machines and low-decibel conversa- but also “learn what’s acceptable here.”
tions, can seem alien and threatening. In the model offices of ACHIEVE, a racy
Even the tiny, improvised Model Office at pin-up or a sloppy desk would elicit a fast
ACHIEVE—where the community college’s correction.
classrooms provide little chance to recreate
the complete atmosphere of an office—
gave participants some firsthand experi-
ence of the office milieu. “I had never sat
at a desk before,” a trainee told us. After
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 53

just a few friendly faces in the work world

6. Give participants lots of
opportunities to get to know
successful people.
and a source of frank answers to partici-
pants’ basic questions. For closer and more
Trainees tend to draw lasting lasting role models, trainees often turn to
encouragement and positive examples from program staff—who are after all successful
people who are doing well in the business working people who know each participant
world and will spend enough time to help fairly well. But that can quickly become a
them overcome barriers of intimidation or challenge for trainers with limited free time
alienation. These interactions need not and hundreds of graduates a year. It is not,
be intimate nurturing and mentoring in short, a situation that can be encouraged
relationships (which are great, but hard for every student or even for most students.
to engineer consistently). They can simply But it is a powerful factor when it works.
be frank, open conversations with business-
people who volunteer to drop in from time
to time or with any working people—espe-
7. Support services and soft skills are
not the same, but they go hand in
cially some who were once unemployed or
unskilled like the trainees. People close to There are obviously few ways to
the participants’ age and social background teach punctuality to a young mother with
can be particularly helpful, but any emissary no child care, or to engender self-respect in
from the seemingly foreign world of the someone locked in an abusive relationship.
workplace can help bridge the sense of dis- Each of the programs profiled here main-
trust or dread that many trainees feel at first. tains some network of supportive services,
counseling, child care, health and other
Training, Inc. maintains an extensive roster resources that people will need if they are
of friendly business contacts who conduct to get a job and keep it. It’s essential, of
seminars or give talks in the program, role course, that students develop the soft skills
play as customers of the pseudo-company necessary to use these services effectively,
Lester Hill, and ultimately, in many cases, and to know when to call on them before
actually hire some of the program’s gradu- problems become acute. But it can be
ates. Op-Net and ACHIEVE welcome unrealistic to expect students in dire
graduates back as encouraging examples circumstances—economic, social or even
to new participants. And Op-Net provides just logistical—to be able to sort through
what may be the ultimate exercise in rela- their problems armed with "skills" alone.
tionship building: The participants do real
work for actual business clients. In concept, these principles are neither
esoteric nor subtle. On paper, several of
These business contacts do not usually them may seem merely self-evident. Yet
become close and personal; that is not weaving them into the day-to-day practice
their purpose. Most of the time they are of a real workforce program, with its
54 Working Ventures

crushing time constraints and myriad logis-

tical problems, requires careful planning
and constant revision and experimentation.
That is why this report is devoted more
to profiles of working programs than to a
catalog of theoretical arguments.

In any case, the fundamental theoretical

premise is also the fundamental practical
challenge: Students who develop hard skills
alone may end up being just as hard to
employ as those who learn no skills at all.
Developing both social and technical abili-
ties—not side by side, but in the same
routine, with the same degree of emphasis
and real-world concreteness—is the surest
way to equip trainees for the demands of
the workplace, both soft and hard.
H A R D W O R K on Soft Skills 55

Contact Information
Joe Hawkins, Executive Director
965 Mission Street, Suite 705
San Francisco, CA 94103
tel: 415-882-1555

Maia Chisholm, Director
Cabrillo Community College
Watsonville Center
318 Union Street
Watsonville, CA 95076-4612
tel: 831-477-5120

Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow

Sister Mary Franciscus, Executive Director
783 Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11232
tel: 718-369-0303

Training, Inc.
Willard Pinn, Director
YMCA of Greater Boston
294 Washington Street, Suite 340
Boston, MA 02115
tel: 617-542-1800
56 Working Ventures
Public/Private Ventures

The Chanin Building

122 East 42nd Street, 41st Floor
New York, NY 10168
Tel: (212) 822- 2400
Fax: (212) 949- 0439

For additional copies of reports

or for more information:
2000 Market Street, Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Tel: (215) 557- 4400
Fax: (215) 557- 4469

October 2001

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