Business English Basics

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Introduce the person from this business card:

What do they do?


Write five differences between Spanish and English people.

Complete the dialogue with suitable words:

Tom: __________________ I don't think we've met. My name's ______________.
Jenny: Hi, Tom. ______________________________________________ My name is Juanita,
but everybody calls me ________.
Tom: Nice to meet you, Jenny. So,
Jenny: Well, originally I'm from __________________, but we moved to the
_____________________ when I was about ______years old. My parents now live in
______________. That's where they first met. How about you, Tom?
Tom: I was born in _______________ and we lived there until I was seven. Then, since
my father worked for the military, we moved all over the place.
Jenny: Oh yeah? Where are some of the places you've lived?
Tom: Mostly, we were overseas. We spent a total of ten years in
_______________,_____________- and __________ We were transferred back to
________________ three years ago, but I think my parents would have liked to live
overseas for at least 20 more years.
Jenny: Wow. It sounds like you've had an interesting life. So,
___________________________________________ now?
Tom: I'm a student at Purdue University.
Jenny: Oh really? What are you studying?
Tom: I'm majoring in ________________. How about you? What do you do?
Jenny: Well, I'm working as a ____________________ for Vega Computers downtown.
Tom: No kidding! My brother works there too.

True or false. Correct the false ones.

Design arranges artwork.__
Marketing makes products.___
IT mantains the company’s computer systems. ___
Production sells to customers. ___
Finance deals with the company’s accounts.
Buying buys products or services for the company. __
Sales invents and develops new products.___
Human Resources hires new employees and organizes training. __
R&D promotes products or services. ___

a) Write an email to Mr Smith.

Introduce yourself and say what you do.

Describe your company (name, number of employees, headquarters, departments,
Ask him for a meeting on July the 3rd
The concept of teamwork is extremely important to the success of any team. All
coaches talk about working as one unit, as a unified team. Teamwork and unselfishness
create the backbone of a great team, without them a team cannot realistically
compete. You can have a group of superstars, but if they do not work well as one
unit, chances are they are not going to be as successful as you would think. The team
working as one cohesive unit is going to be the key in their success.
A productive team has players that share common goals, a common vision and have some
level of interdependence that requires both verbal and physical interaction. Teams
come into existence through shared attitudes about a particular sport. They may come
together for a number of different reasons, but their goals are the same - to achieve
peak performance and experience success. The ends may differ but the means by which
one gets there is the same - teamwork. Every member of the team is accountable when
it comes to teamwork.
About the Author
Karlene is a Mental Training Consultant in California and works with athletes and
teams teaching mental training techniques and team building strategies. She works
with athletes in various sports and has worked with the University of San Diego
baseball team since 2000. She is a Professor in the Sport Psychology program at John
F. Kennedy University.

1. Answer these questions:

a) What is the name of the author of the text?
b) How are the players of a team?
c) Is every member of the team accountable when it comes to teamwork?
d) Who does Karlene work with?
e) What is the key for being successful?

2. True or false:
a) Working as a team is important to the success of any team. ____
b) If you have a group of superstars, chances are going to be successful.____
c) A productive team has players that don’t share the same targets. _____
d) The ends may differ but the means by which one gets there is the same.
e) John F. Kennedy is a Professor in the Sport Psychology program. ___

3. Find a synonym of:

Targets, challenges: __________________
Opportunities: ______________________
Specific: __________________________

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