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Green @ Apple.web Anne Green Gables Lucy M. Montgomery Gl cetlterats LICENCE CODE * Se cee ge Bs 23 ov 35 a2 5 8 23 e g= pe 3 Series editor: Robert Hill Editor: Maria Grazia Donati Design and art direction: Nadia Maestri Computer graphics: Carlo Cibrario-Sent, Simona Corniola Picture research: Alice Graziotin Picture credits: Istockphoto; Dreams Time; Shutterstock Images; © Robert Harding/Cubolmages : 4b; Barrett & MacKay/Tips Images: 30t. iss edition, 2013 First reprint, 2016 ‘© 2013 BLACK CAT PUBLISHING, 1 brand of DE AGOSTINI SCUOLA, Novara © Published by EDITORIAL VICENS VIVES, S.A. Legal Deposit: w.11.5522013, ISBN: 978-86682:17765 VN. Order N* JO15 “This work is protected under the Copyright Law (°RDI. 1/1996") of 12 Apri in which the Tevto Refundids e fa ay de Progucta!Inelctual is established, and any eurrent legislation eelating to i, No part of this publication may be reproduced in aay form or hy any mieans, icluing storage in ¢retieval syatemn or by Imeans of clectroaie word processing systems. All Publisher rights reserved to public loaniag lending oe ‘any other form of granting the use of this cops: PRINTED IN SPAIN, ember of 89 Feceroton RINA 150 9001-2006 Cutten Guay Stern ‘The segn protect and abo at auciosl wea {erie tackceeand oe manogedncoplanc athe wet ‘Gait wenogemen Sr whch ute ogee oe ‘dw sooeot es et No a0 Wt eg oF left) About the Author 6 CHaPTERONE _—A Surprise in Avonlea 9 CHAPTER TWO Mrs Lynde 7 CHAPTER THREE Time for School! 23 CHAPTER FOUR Minnie May 33 CHAPTER FIVE Anne Makes a Cake 39 CHAPTER SIX Summer Adventures 46 CHAPTER SEVEN A New 56 DOSSIERS Nova Scotia 4 | Canada and its Wildlife 30 | The Maple Tree 52 FILMOGRAPHY 54 KET KET-style activities 8, 14, 16, 21, 22, 27, 29, 82, 36, 37, 38, 43, 44, 50, 55, 60 | UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT 14, 21, 27, 36, 43, 50, 60 T:GRADE2 Trinity-style activities (Grade 2) 15, 27, 29 AFTER READING 62 The text is recorded in full (ZB These symbols indicate the beginning and end of the passages [B% linked to the listening activities. Halifax Nova Scotia [HB The story you are going to read takes place in Canada. Anne lives in Nova Scotia, It is one of the three Maritime Provinces! of Canada and it is on the Atlantic Ocean. The name of the province is Latin for “New Scotland”. Winters are very cold and summers are warm. Here is some more information about Nova Scotia. Populatior 922,000 Capital city: Halifax, population — 390,000 Other cities: New Glasgow, Lunenburg, Yarmouth, Digby, Truro 1. Maritime Provinces : areas of land near the sea. Answer the following questions. How many people live in Nova Scotia? What is the capital of Nova Scotia? Nova Scotia is on the What is the flower of Nova Scotia? Name three cities in Nova Scotia. lor Lucy Maud Montgomery November 30, 1874, in Clifton, on Prince Edward Island, Canada Books: Anne of Green Gables, 1908 Dies: Anne of Avonlea, 1909 The Story Girl, 1911 Anne of the Island, 1915 Anne’s House of Dreams, 1917 Rainbow Valley, 1919 April 24, 1942 aan a Cee aa Un UY YOU READ Match the words (1-4) with their meaning or picture (A-D). horse and buggy not pretty, not beautiful orphan B child without parents orphanage > a place where a child without parents lives te ugly ) 7 er a [E& Listen to the first part of Chapter One and choose the correct answer - A, BorC. What can Mrs Lynde see from her kitchen window? How old is Matthew? CHAPTER ONE Mrs Rachel Lynde is sitting by her kitchen window. She sits there because she can see the road very well from there. A man with a horse and a buggy comes up the road. “It’s my friend Matthew Cuthbert,” she thinks. “Where's he going at half past three in the afternoon? Why isn’t he working on his farm?” Matthew Cuthbert lives with his sister, Marilla, in a big old farmhouse, ! called Green Gables. “I'm going to visit Marilla,” thinks Mrs Lynde. “I want to ask her about Matthew.” Marilla Cuthbert is a tall, thin woman with gray hair and blue eyes. She doesn't smile very much, but she has a kind heart. 1. farmhouse : the main house on a farm, where the farmer lives. “Good afternoon, Marilla,” says Mrs Lynde. “Where’s Matthew going this afternoon?” “Hello Rachel,” says Marilla. “Matthew's going to Bright River Train Station. We're getting a little boy from an orphanage in Nova Scotia. He’s coming here on the train.” “An orphan boy!” says Mrs Lynde in surprise. “Why do you want an orphan boy? “Matthew's sixty years old,” answers Marilla. “His heart isn’t very strong and he wants a boy to help him on the farm.” “That's not a good idea, Marilla,” says Mrs Lynde. “You're bringing a strange boy into your house and you don't know anything about him.” “Perhaps you're right,” says Marilla. “But Matthew needs a boy on the farm. Don’t worry!” When Matthew gets to the Bright River Station there is no train. There is only one little girl of eleven at the station, She is very thin and has got long red hair and big gray eyes. She is wearing an ugly dress and she is carrying an old bag, When she sees Matthew she says, “Are you Mr Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables? I'm from the orphanage.” Matthew looks at the little girl and is very surprised. “There's a mistake,” he says. “You're a girl, not a boy!” The little girl smiles and says, “I'm happy because I'm going to have a home soon! How wonderfull” Matthew looks at her and thinks, “The poor girl. I can't leave her at the station. I must take her home and then Marilla can tell the orphanage about the mistake.” The little girl gets into the buggy and Matthew drives home. She talks a lot and Matthew listens. He's a quiet man but he likes listening to the little girl. 40 ints of Green (en “Look at those beautiful trees,” says the girl happily. “I love trees and flowers. I like pretty dresses too, but at the orphanage we only have ugly dresses. I'm going to be happy with you and your family. The only thing that makes me sad is the color of my hair.” “Why?” asks Matthew, looking at her hair. “It’s red. T hate red hair,” says the girl sadly. When they get to Green Gables, Marilla opens the door. “Who's this, Matthew?” asks Marilla, looking at the girl. “Where's the boy?” “There isn't any boy,” says Matthew. “But we want a boy, not a girl,” says Marilla angrily. “You don’t want me!” cried the girl. “You don’t want me because I'm a girl! Oh, what can | do?” “Please don't ery,” says Marilla. “You can stay here tonight. What's your name?” “My name's Anne Shirley,” says the girl. “Anne is a very nice name,” says Marilla. “Come and have dinner with us.” After dinner Marilla takes Anne upstairs to bed. Anne gets into a clean, warm bed and starts to cry. Marilla goes downstairs and talks to Matthew. “I’m going to talk to Mrs Spencer tomorrow,” says Marilla. “We're going to send this girl back to the orphanage. We need a b “She's a nice little girl,” says Matthew slowly, “and she’s interesting. She likes us.” “But Matthew, a girl can’t help you on the farm,” says Marilla, looking at her brother. “But Marilla, perhaps we can help her,” says Matthew kindly. ‘The next morning Anne wakes up and runs to the window. It is a beautiful sunny morning. 12 A Surprise in Avonlea “This is a beautiful place and I’m happy this morning,” Anne thinks. “But I can’t stay here...” That morning Marilla and Anne take the horse and buggy and go to Mrs Spencer's house. “Tell me your story, Anne,” says Marilla, while she drives the buggy. “It’s not very interesting,” says Anne. “I’m an orphan and I live in an orphanage with a lot of other children. I’m alone in the world. No one wants me or loves me. I really want a family Marilla suddenly feels sad and looks at Anne's big gray eyes. They stop at Mrs Spencer's house and Marilla talks to her about the mistake. “Oh, I’m sorry,” s Mrs Blewett, needs of children.” “Mrs Blewett?” asks Marilla. “I know her and she’s a very unkind Mrs Spencer. “But I have an idea. My friend, girl to help her. She has a new baby and a lot woman. I don't like her. No, for now Anne is going to stay with us.” Marilla and Anne leave Mrs Spencer’s house and get into the buggy. “Oh, Marilla,” say Anne excitedly, “can I stay with you and Matthew? Can I?” “Yes, you can stay at Green Gables with us,” says Marilla smiling, “but you must be good.” “Oh, thank you!” cries Anne. “I’m a good girl, Marilla and I can work hard!” 13 UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT COMPREHENSION CHECK Are these sentences “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B)? If there is not enough information to answer “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn't say” (C). There is an example at the beginning (0). Mrs Lynde is sitting in the bedroom. A Right @®wrong C Doesn't say Matthew Cuthbert is Mrs Lynde’s friend. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Marilla Cuthbert is fifty-five years old. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Matthew Cuthbert works on a farm. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Anne doesn’t like the color of her hair. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Anne is very sad and does not have dinner. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Marilla wants to send Anne back to the orphanage. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Marilla and Anne go to Mrs Spencer’s house. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Mrs Blewett has five children. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Mrs Blewett is Marilla's good friend. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Anne is very happy because she can stay at Green Gables. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say @ OPPOSITES Match the opposites below. ugly short thin young old beautiful tall sad happy bad good fat VOCABULARY Now complete the following sentences with some of the opposites. The first is already done for you. © Matthew Cuthbert is sixty years .....2!¢ 1 “Look at those .. trees,” says Anne happily. 2 Anne is not fat, she is .. , 3 In winter the days are . 4 Anne starts to cry because she is 5 6 “?'m going to be . with you and your family,” says Anne. rma. girl, Marilla, and | can work hard!” says Anne. WHERE’S HE GOING? WHY ISN’T HE WORKING ON HIS FARM? Where and why are question words. Here are some words we often use to make questions. What ...? (for things) When ...? (for time) Why ...? (for a reason) Who ...? (for people) Where ...? (for places) BE]. QUESTION WORDS Read the sentences below and write the correct question word. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 ...Whst.... is Green Gables? Green Gables is a big old farmhouse. .. color is Anne’s hair? Anne's hair is red. is the Bright River Train Station? The Bright River Train Station is near the river. is Anne Shirley? She is an orphan. is Anne crying? She is crying because no one loves her. ... does the bookshop open? The bookshop opens at nine o'clock in the morning. T:GRADE 2 SPEAKING: ROOMS IN THE HOUSE Mrs Rachel Lynde likes sitting in the kitchen near the window. Talk about your house with a partner. Use these questions to help you. How many rooms are there in your house? Can you name them? What is your favorite room? Describe your bedroom. One BEFORE YOU READ KET LISTENING |@® Listen to Chapter Two. For questions 1-5, tick (/) A, B or C. 4 Mrs Lynde visits Anne and Marilla A [Jin the morning. B [_] inthe evening. C [in the afternoon. 2 Anne's hair looks like A [_]an apple. B [J acart. Cc a tomato. 3 Mrs Lynde says Anne is A [_] thin and ugly. 8 [_| tall and pretty. c [J short and fat. 4 On Sunday Anne goes A [_| to play in the garden. B to church. © [| to see her friends. 5 Diana Barry has got A [_] blonde hair and blue eyes. B [] black hair and brown eyes. c [| red hair and gray eyes. Bl READING PICTURES Look at the picture on page 19 and answer these questions. Describe Anne's room. 2 Why do you think Anne is crying? 3 What do you think Marilla is saying to Anne? CHAPTER TWO One afternoon Mrs Lynde wants to visit Marilla and meet Anne. f When Mrs Lynde ar looking at the beautiful flowers. es, Anne is outside in the garden. She is Irs Spencer says you want to keep Anne in your home,” says Mrs Lynde. “Ye “But you don't know any he’s a nice girl and Matthew and | like her,” says Marilla. hing about children,” says Mrs Lynde. “T can learn,” says Marilla. “I like children.” Suddenly Anne runs into the kitchen and sees Mrs Lynde. “Well,” says Mrs Lynde, looking at Anne, “you're certainly very thin and your hair is red — like a carrot! And you haven't got a pretty face.” Anne's face is red and she is angry. She looks at Mrs Lynde and I hate you! I hate you! You're very unkind and you're fat!” aT. AUnerOA Gomer Marilla is surprised and says, “Anne! Go to your room!” Anne runs upstairs to her room and starts to cry. Mrs Lynde says, “Lm going home! Your little orphan is a bad girl and you're going to have big problems with her.” Marilla goes upstairs to Anne’s room and says, “Oh Anne, now Mrs Lynde is going to tell everybody in Avonlea about you.” “She's very unkind,” says Anne, crying. “She thinks I’m thin and ugly, and she doesn’t like my red hair.” “You must say ‘sorry’ to Mrs Lynde,” says Marilla. “No, never!” says Anne. Marilla tells Matthew about Mrs Lynde. He smiles and says, “Mrs Lynde never thinks before she speaks. Don't be angry with Anne.” Matthew goes to Anne’s room the next morning and says, “Please go and say ‘sorry’ to Mrs Lynde. She's not a bad woman, but she never thinks before she speaks.” “Alright, Matthew,” Mrs Lynde.” In the afternoon Marilla and Anne go to Mrs Lynde’s house. Anne. “Iam thin and ugly. And ays Anne. “Today I’m going to say ‘sorry’ to “Mrs Lynde, I’m very sorry, you're right about my red hair.” “I'm sorry too,” says Mrs Lynde, smiling, “I never think before | speak. But don’t worry about your ted hair, because hair sometimes changes color when you grow up.” “Oh, good!” says Anne. “That’s kind of you. Can I go outside and play in your garden?” “Yes, of course,” says Mrs Lynde. Then she looks at Marilla and says, “You know, I like that girl.” On the way home that afternoon, Anne puts her little hand into Marilla’s hand and says, “I’m happy, Marilla! I love my new family and my new home!” 18 ia ee a " ate Seyret Gables One day Marilla says, “Anne, I’m going to buy you a new hat and make you three new dresses.” “Thank you!” says Anne. “I like pretty dresses because the other girls have them.” But Anne doesn't like the new hat or the dresses. “Why don't you like the new dresses?” asks Marilla. “They're not pretty, but I can wear them,” says Anne. “And I can put some flowers on my hat.” When Anne goes to church on Sunday the other girls laugh at her funny hat with flowers. One day Anne comes home and is very excited. “Marilla, there's a big party next week. Can I go? “Yes, Anne, you can go,” says Marilla, smiling. Anne has a wonderful time at the party and makes new friends. Diana Barry is now Anne’s best friend. She has got black hair and brown eyes, and she is pretty, She likes pretty dresses. She is the same age as Anne and lives at Orchard Slope, across the river. Anne and Diana play together every day. Sometimes they play in the garden and other times they play in the woods. On rainy days they read books and tell stories. They also like to draw pictures. On cold winter days it often snows. Anne and Diana sit near the window and watch the snow fall. Diana’s mother brings them hot tea and biscuits. They are always happy together. 20 UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT er EI COMPREHENSION CHECK For questions 1-5, choose the best answer ~ A, B or C. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 Marilla does not know anything about A [| flowers and gardens. B [¥| children. ¢ [the tarm. 1 Anne is very angry A (and her face is red. 8 [] and she runs to the garden. © [_] but she does not say anything. 2 Anne says that Mrs Lynde is A [J old and ugly. B [J tall and thin. ¢ (JJ unkind and fat. 3. Anne must go to Mrs Lynde’s house and A (| say ‘sorry’. B [_| say ‘hate you’. ¢ [bring her some flowers. 4 Marilla wants to A [_] buy some new shoes for Anne. [_] make three new dresses for Anne. ¢ [| give Anne a new book to read. 5 Anne goes to a party A. {_] but she does not have fun. B [J onarainy day. c [| and she meets Diana Barry. EA VOCABULARY - ODD ONE OuT! Circle the word in each group that is different from the others. 1 A tall B thin C fat D happy 2 A flowers _B trees © farm D garden 3 A horse B train Cc car D boat 4 A hair B nose Cc eyes D ears 5 A party B lunch C dinner D breakfast 6 A dress B jacket © coat D shoes PREPOSITIONS Complete the sentences with the correct preposition in the box below. under in between for on at Marilla goes to town . Tuesday morning. 1 2 The Cuthbert family has lunch ; .. noon. 3 Itis very cold ... . January. 4 “These flowers are .. you, Marilla, ” says Anne. 5 Diane and dane aley. 6 Anne sits .. Ker _ £¥ CONVERSATION Complete the five conversations. Far questions 1-5, mark A, Barl. oo There is an example at the beginning (0). CP AG ABE ... Marilla and Matthew at the dinner table. O What time is breakfast? A later @®at seven o'clock © early 1 Where is the school? A I don't know. B There isn’t any. © Ten minutes. 2 Can you speak French? A Yes, | can. B Yes, | speak. © Yes, | know. 3 Pass me the butter, please. A Thank you. B Here you are. © You're welcome. 4 How much money do you have? A many B any © none 5 Do you like school? A No, I'm not. B No, I can't. © No, | don’t. BEFORE YOU READ "| Bi vocasuLary Match the words (A-D) with each picture (1-4). A slate B fall © strawberries D cherries CHAPTER THREE In Avonlea school starts in the fall,' in the month of September. On the first day everyone is excited. Lessons start at half-past eight. Anne likes school and makes friends with the other girls. But she doesn't like the teacher, Mr Phillips. He is an old man with white hair and glasses. He is not friendly. One day a new boy comes to school. He is tall and has got brown hair and brown eyes. All the girls like him, “Who's the new boy?” Anne asks Diana. “He’s Gilbert Blythe and he’s from Avonlea, friendly boy.” Anne’s desk is near Gilbert's. He often looks at Anne but she doesn't look at him. Anne is not interested in Gilbert. One day he takes her long hair in his hand and s ” says Diana. “He’s a “Carrots! Carrots!” Then he laughs loudly. 1. fall : American word for autumn: 23 Anne looks at Gilbert and she is very angry. “I hate you, Gilbert!” She takes her slate and hits Gilbert on the head with it. The slates breaks and the pieces fall on the floor. Everyone in class is surprised. Mr Phillips cries, “Anne Shirley, what are you doing?” “Anne's a bit angry because...” says Gilbert, but he can’t finish his sentence. “Anne, go and stand in front of the class and don’t say a word!” says Mr Phillips angrily. Anne stands in front of the class all afternoon. Everyone looks at her, but she doesn’t look at anyone. “I don’t want to talk to Gilbert again,” she thinks, “He’s a terrible boy!” After school Gilbert tries to talk to Anne. But Anne doesn’t look at him and goes home with Diana. “Don't be angry with Gilbert, always I'm sorry, Anne, really!” ys Diana. “He’s not a bad boy. He laughs at my hair because it’s blac “[ can’t forget those words about my hair,” says Anne sadly. Anne and Gilbert don’t talk to each other but they are the b students of the class. One Saturday Marilla says, “I have to go to town this afternoon. You can invite Diana here for tea and cake. There are some strawberries and cherries on the table. And there’s a bottle of fruit juice in the kitchen.” “Are there any chocolate biscuits?” asks Anne. “No, there aren't any,” says Marilla. “But there's a big chocolate cake.” “That's great!” says Anne happily. “Thanks, Marilla! I love you!” “[ love you too, Anne,” says Marilla, miling at her. “You're a good girl!” 2. best : superlative form of good. Ants ol Green Gables Anne and Diana play in the garden in the sun and they have a wonderful time. “T'm thirsty,” says Diana. “And I'm hungry,” says Anne. They both laugh. “Let's go inside for rawherries and cherries too.” tea and cake. There are s They have tea in the sitting room. Anne goes to the kitchen to get the bottle of fruit juice. There are two bottles on the table. Anne takes the big bottle of cold apple juice. Diana is very thirsty and drinks three glasses of cold apple juice very quickly. After the third glass Diana says, “Oh dear, I’m not feeling well. I want to go home.” “What's wrong, Diana?” asks Anne, worried. “{ don't know, Anne,” says Diana. “I'm sorry, but I have to go home On Monday Anne goes to Mrs Lynde’s house to bring her a book. But Anne comes back crying. “Why are you crying, Anne?” asks Marilla. “Please tell me.” “Oh, Marilla, it’s something terrible,” says Anne, crying. “Diana’s mother is very angry with me. She says Diana was? ill on Saturday!” “UI?” says Marilla. She thinks for a minute and says, “Oh no, now | remember. It's my mistake! The two bottles on the kitchen table — one was very cold apple juice and the other was fruit juice! Cold apple juice can make you ill on a hot day. I'm very sorry, Anne.” Marilla puts on her coat and hat and goes to see Diana’s mother, Mrs Barry. She tries to explain everything, but Mrs Barry does not a bad girl,” says Mrs Barry, “and she must not play with Diana anymore!” When Marilla gets home she tells Anne about Mrs Barry. Anne is sad because she likes Diana very much. And now she can't play with her. 3. was : past tense of the verb to be; third person singular. 26 UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT COMPREHENSION CHECK Read the summary of Chapter Three. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space to say what happened in this chapter. There is an example at the beginning. (0). : School starts (0) ....8.... September in Avonlea. On the first day of schoo! (1). is excited. Mr Phillips is the teacher, but Anne does not like 2 . He is not friendly. Gilbert Blythe sits (3) .. Anne. One day he takes (4) .......... long red hair and says “Carrots! Carrots!". Then he laughs and Anne is very angry. She hits Gilbert (6) .......... the head with her slate. Anne doesn't talk to Gilbert anymore. Anne invites Diana to tea (6) .......... Saturday. There are (7) «........ good i things to eat. They play in the garden and then have tea. Diana drinks three glasses of cold apple juice. Then she wants to go home (8) she is not feeling well. Diana’s mother is angry because Diana is ill. Marilla explains (9) .......... to Mrs Barry, but she says, “Anne is a bad girl. Diana must not play with her anymore!” O Aat Bin Cc on 1 A everyone B anyone © every 2 Ahe Bit c him 3 Ato B at © near 4 A her B she C its 5 Ain B above Con 6 Aon Bin © for 7 A alotof B lots © alot 8 A why B but © because 9 A anything B everything G nothing GRADE 2 SPEAKING: MONTHS OF THE YEAR School starts in September in Avonlea. Talk to a partner about the months of the year. Use the questions below to help you. When does school start in your country? What is your favorite month? Why? What month is your birthday? Name some cold months. Name some hot months. aneona El WHAT TIME Is IT? A Write the times in numbers and words. There is an example at the beginning (0). B Now answer the following questions. What time do you... get up in the morning? have breakfast? leave the house in the morning? have lunch? do your homework? go to bed? OOF ON= G Now compare your times with a partner. “THERE ARE SOME STRAWBERRIES AND CHERRIES ON THE TABLE,” SAYS MARILLA. We use some in positive sentences and any in questions and negative sentences. “Are there any chocolate biscuits?” asks Anne. “No, there aren't any,” says Marilla. There are some yellow flowers in Marilla’s garden. Anne is drinking some milk. El Some or ANY? Complete the following sentences with some or any. 1 Have you got ... .. money? 2 Gilbert gives Anne . flowers for her birthday. 3° Marilla puts ... fruit juice on the table. 4 Are there . books in your room? E 5 Has Gilbert got friends? 6 Diana must do . homework this evening. 7 Anne doesn’t want .. .. sweets. 8 Mrs Lynde hasn’t got .. ... children, Ker @ waitine Diana invites Anne to a party in her garden. Complete the invitation. Write one word for each space. Dear Anne, I'm going to have a party (0) .. Saturday afternoon (1) . my garden. All (2) . girls in my class (8) .. ... coming to the party. Can you come? The party starts (4) .. My mother is going (5) half-past three. make a big chocolate cake for everyone. There (6) .... . a lot of games we can play. Hive (7) .. Orchard Slope in the big white house by the river. There @).. a tall green tree in front (9) ....-........ my house. Your friend, Diana Barry T:GRADE2 @ SPEAKING: FRIENDS Diana Barry is Anne’s best friend. Talk about your best friend with a partner. Use the following questions to help you. ‘4 2 3 4 5 What is your best friend's name? How old is he/she? Where does he/she come from? What do you do together? What are his/her hobbies? felrene Canada and its Wildlife [AB Canada is a very big country in North America. It is a beautiful country with a lot of forests, mountains, rivers and wildlife. There are about two million lakes in Canada! Here is some more information, Size: 3,854,085 square miles i Population: about 34 milion Capital city: Ottawa, population 813,000 Other cities: Toronto, Quebec, Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver, Halifax, Victoria, Regina, Whitehorse, Yellowknife Canada’s wildlife eens Polar bear SPEAKING Answer the following questions. 1 Do any of these animals live in your country? If so, which ones? 2 Are any of these animals in danger of extinction? (Extinction means they don’t live anymore.) 3 What can you do to help these animals? Why is it important to help them? BEFORE YOU READ Ker EI LISTENING |HEz Listen to Chapter Four and choose the correct answer - A, B or C. 1 Who goes to Charlottetown? A [_] Anne and Minnie May B (J Mrs Lynde, Marilla and Diana’s parents © [ Diana’s parents and Marilla 2 What time do Anne and Matthew have dinner? A [Jatsix o'clock B [_] at quarter past six © [Jat half past six 3 Where does Anne do her homework? A [Jin the kitchen 5 [Jather desk © [_] inthe sitting room 4 Why is Diana afraid? A [[] because her parents are away B [_] because her little sister is ill © [] because there is a storm outside 5 Where is Matthew going? A [to Charlottetown B [to get some medicine © [J to call the doctor & READING PICTURES Look at the picture on page 35 and answer these questions. Where is Diana’s sister? How old do you think she is? What is Anne doing? How do you think Diana feels? Rona CHAPTER FOUR A few weeks later Marilla, Mrs Lynde and Diana’s parents go to an important meeting in Charlottetown. They all sleep in Charlottetown that night. Anne stays home with Matthew. They have dinner at half past six and then Anne does her homework in the kitchen. It is a cold winter evening. Suddenly there is noise outside and Diana runs into the kitchen. Her face is white and she is afraid. “Anne, Matthew, please help me!” she says. “Minnie May is very ill. She has a high temperature and she can’t speak! My parents are away in Charlottetown. Perhaps my little sister's going to die! Please come with me.” “Oh, Diana, I'm very sorry,” says Anne. “But don’t worry, I can help you. Marilla has some good medicine for high temperatures. I'm going to get it.” Anne runs upstairs and gets the bottle of medicine. Matthew puts on his coat and s: “Please hurry, Matthew, Anne puts on her coat and says, “Let's go, Diana. I have Marilla’s ys, “I'm going to call the doctor.” ays Anne. medicine in my pocket.” 33 i 1 NTO eoTe It is a windy evening outside and the ground is covered in snow. Anne and Diana walk quickly to the Barry's house, When they get there Anne goes to see Minnie May. She is very ill and her face is red. “Minnie May must go to bed,” says Anne. She and Diana take off Minnie May’s clothes and put her to bed. Then Anne takes the bottle of medicine out of her coat pocket and gives some to Minnie Mz Anne and Diana sit near her bed all night. They are worried. Anne gives Minnie May more medicine during the long night. “Where's the doctor?” asks Diana, looking at the clock on the wall. “I don't know,” says Anne. “I’m very worried.” Early in the morning Matthew comes with the doctor. “I'm sorry we're late,” says the doctor. “Winter is a busy season for me because a lot of people are ill.” The doctor looks at Minnie May carefully and then smiles at Anne. “Minnie May is feeling well now, thanks to you, Anne! You're a clever girl.” “Oh, thank you, Anne,” says Diana. “You're a wonderful friend! I'm going to tell my parents when they get home.” “I'm glad because Minnie May is feeling well,” says Anne, smiling at her friend. Anne and Matthew go home early in the morning. Anne is very tired and goes to bed. She wakes up in the afternoon and Marilla says, “Mrs Barry wants to thank you! Minnie May is feeling well today, And she sa you can play with Diana again. “Oh, that’s wonderful!” says Anne happily. “Diana is my best friend. Can I go and see her now?” “Yes, you can,” says Marilla. “I'm proud? of you, Anne. Now put on your warm coat and hat, be ause it's snowing outside.” Anne runs outside and is a very happy girl. 1. proud : happy about something a person does. UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT COMPREHENSION CHECK Are the sentences “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B)? If there is not enough information to answer “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn't say” (C). There is an example at the beginning (0). 9 Mrs Lynde, Marilla and Diana’s parents go to the theater in Charlottetown. A Right @®wrong © Doesn't say 1 Diana needs help because Minnie May is very ill. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 2 Diana's little sister is five years old. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 3 Matthew has some medicine for Minnie May. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 4 Matthew wants to call the doctor. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 5 Diana and Anne put Minnie May to bed at eight o'clock. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 6 Anne gives Minnie May some medicine. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 7 Anne and Diana sit near Minnie May’s bed alll night. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 8 Matthew and the doctor arrive at seven in the morning. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 9 Mrs Barry is happy because Minnie May is feeling well. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 10 Anne and Diana can play together again. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 11 Anne goes to bed early in the morning and wakes up in the afternoon. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 12 Anne goes to visit Diana at half past three. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say er NOTICES Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? There is an example at the beginning (0). John’s Pet Shop 4 ‘We only sell cats Avonlea Post Office | Closed on Sunday site Nova = Open every day Dr Brown’, | except Wednesday, Office Strawberry cakes Home vi iSits °n Monday only E] Don't make any noise. [] You can buy stamps here from Monday to Saturday, [_] You can’t buy flowers here in the afternoon. You can always come here. [J You can’t buy a bird here. [J You can’t bring your dog here. MaaK+AO Hi CHARACTERS Look at the characters in the pictures in the book. Describe each one using the words in the box below to help you. thin loves trees and flowers blue eyes tall__gray eyes orphan tall grayhair kind black hair _likes pretty dresses white hair not friendly lives at Orchard Slope _ pretty friendly brown hair old wears glasses brown eyes. Gi CONVERSATION Complete the conversation. What does Anne say to Diana? Write the correct letter next to the number. There is an example at the beginning (0). Diana: Do you want to visit the zoo? Anne: (0) Anne: (1) Anne: (2) Diana: Can Gilbert come with us? Anne: (3) Diana: Alright. Where can we meet? Anne: (4) Diana: How much are tickets? Anne: (5)... A Yes, I can. D On Sunday afternoon. In front of the park. B They're 60 cents. Early. H_ No, he can’t © Yes, | do. F At half past two. BEFORE YOU READ Ker Hl LISTENING © Listen to Chapter Five and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Tr Mr Phillips is the new teacher at Avonlea school. (e) Marilla invites Mr Allan and his wife to tea. (ma) Marilla wants to make a cake. Marilla and Anne visit Mr and Mrs Allan at four o'clock. Mrs Allan eats two pieces of cake. ] Everyone likes the cake. OHORONDA Bik CHAPTER FIVE Anne Makes a Cake The long summer vacation starts at the end of June. Mr Phillips leaves the Avonlea school and the old minister ' leaves the church, too, A new minister comes to Avonlea and his name is Mr Allan. He is a young man and has a pretty wife. Marilla and Matthew want to meet the new minister and his young wife. “I’m going to invite Mr and Mrs Allan to tea on Wednesday,” says Marilla. “Can I make a cake for them?” asks Anne. “Yes, that’s a good idea,” says Marilla. On Wednesday morning Anne gets up early and starts to make a cake. “I want to make a good cake for Mr and Mrs Allan,” she thinks. 1, minister : a religious person: ae Avan Ps Green Gable She works in the kitchen all morning. She puts the cake in the oven and after forty minutes it is ready. “The cake looks good,” says Anne to Marilla. “Now I’m going to put some tea cups and dishes on the table. And we need some flowers. on the table, too.” Mr and Mrs Allan come at four o'clock in the afternoon. “Welcome to our home!” says Marilla, smiling. She and Matthew are wearing their new clothes. “Thank you,” says Mr Allan. “What a lovely table with flowers!” says Mrs Allan. Anne sits at the table with Marilla, Matthew, and Mr and Mrs Allan. Everyone talk Then Anne asks, “Would you like some cake, Mrs Allan?” and laughs. “Yes, please,” says Mrs Allan. “I like cake.” ‘Anne cuts some cake for Mrs Allan. She puts a piece of cake in her mouth, but she doesn't like it. “Is something wrong with the cake?” Marilla thinks. She eats a piece of cake too. “Anne, something's wrong with this cake!” “Oh!” says Anne. “I put some vanilla? in the cake.” She runs to the kitchen and gets the little bottle of vanilla. On the bottle it says ‘Vanilla for Cakes’. Marilla opens the bottle and says, “This isn’t vanilla! It’s medicine! Sometimes I use old bottles and put medicine in them. I'm very sorry.” Anne looks at Marilla and Mrs Allan and says, “Medicine! Oh, no!” She runs to her room and starts to cry. After a few minutes there is someone in Anne’s room, but she is crying and can't see the person. 2. vanilla ; a flavor that is used in ice-cream and cakes. 40 a Anne of Green Gabl “Oh, Marilla,” says Anne, “everyone in Avonlea is going to hear about my cake. They're going to laugh at me. I can’t look at Mrs Allan again... I’m very sorry. Please tell Mrs Allan.” “You can tell Mrs Allan,” says a voice. Anne turns around and sees Mrs Allan! “Please don't cry medicine in the cake is a funny mistake.” “Oh, Mrs Allan!” s cakes but this time... nne,” says Mrs Allan, smiling at Anne. “The ‘Anne surprised. “I’m very sorry. | like making “Don't worry!” says Mrs Allan. “My husband and [are glad to meet you and your family, Come downstairs and show me the flowers in your garden. I love flowers and gardens. One day you can come and see mine.” Anne and Mrs Allan go downstairs and walk in the lovely garden. About a week later Anne runs into the kitchen with a letter in her hand. She is excited. “Look, Marilla!” she cries. “Here’s a letter for me. There’s my name on the envelope.” She opens it quickly and reads it. “There’s a tea at Mrs Allan’s house tomorrow afternoon, and I’m invited!” says Anne happily. “I can wear my new dress and new shoes!” During the tea, Mrs Allan says, “A new teacher is coming to Avonlea in September. Her name is Miss Muriel Stacy and she's very nice.” “Qh, that’s wonderfull” says Anne happily. “I like the new teacher's name, School is going to be fun in September.” a2 UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT COMPREHENSION CHECK Read these sentences about Chapter Five. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C). There is an example at the beginning (0). © Who is the new minister in Avonlea? A [4] Mr Allan B Mr Phillips c [_] MrBarry 1 Who puts flowers on the table? A [] Marilla B [] Matthew © [Anne 2 What does Marilla sometimes put in old bottles? A [_| fruit juice 8 [| medicine ¢ [| vanitia 3 Who loves gardens and flowers? A [] Mrs Allan B [J malian c [J Diana 4 Who invites Anne to tea? A Mrs Lynde B [] Diana c Mrs Allan 5 Who is new teacher at Avonlea school? A Mrs Allan B Miss Muriel Stacy c [| Mr Phillips 6 When does school start in Avonlea? A [next year « 8 [Jin September ¢ [J inwinter (5 Listen to the tourist guide giving information about the Charlottetown Bus Tour. Then choose the correct answer below - A, B or C. What time does the tour start? What animal does not live at the z00? CHARACTERS Who says what? Match the sentences (1-10) with the characters (A-G). You can use each character more than once. A Anne © Marilla E Gilbert G Mrs Lynde B Mrs Allan D Diana F Matthew 1 “His heart isn't very strong and he wants a boy to help him on the farm.” (| “I'm happy because I'm going to have a home soon!” “But you don't know anything about children.” “Carrots! Carrots!” “Anne, Matthew please help me!” “The medicine in the cake is a funny mistake.” “This isn’t vanilla! It's medicine!” ae “lm going to call the doctor.” “Diana’s mother is very angry with me.” “|'m going to tell my parents when they get home.” O Somroanhan SHE PUTS A PIECE OF CAKE IN HER MOUTH, BUT SHE DOESN'T LIKE IT. Look at this negative sentence: Anne doesn’t live in London, she lives in Avonlea. We form the negative of the Present Simple of most verbs by using don’t (do not) or doesn’t (does not). Vyou/we/they don’t live He/she/it doesn't live @ PRESENT SIMPLE NEGATIVE Complete these sentences using the verb in brackets. Decide if the sentence is positive or negative and add don’t or doesn’t when necessary. There is an example at the beginning (0). fee Anne ....d9¢8nt like. Marilla Diana and Anne... Mrs Allan .... Diana and Anne Matthew ... Anne .. (like) Gilbert. (have) any children. .. (play) together. . (invite) Anne to tea. ... (go) to school in July. «+ (alk) a tot (make) a cake for the new minister. OnaRaN+AO CHAPTER SIX Summer Adventures During the hot summer months, the girls in Avonlea have parties in JAS their gardens. One day Diana has a big party. She invites all the girls in her class. Diana’s mother makes a lot of good things to eat and drink. After lunch they play outside and have a lot of fun. Everyone is talking and laughing. “Let's do something exciting!” says Diana. I can climb the tall tree in front Iright,” says her friend, Josie. of your house, Diana.” “Be careful, Josie,” say Mary and Sally. Josie starts to climb the tall tree and gets to the top. She is very happy. “Now let's play a very exciting game,” says Diana. “Who can climb to the top of my house? “The top of your hous says Josie. “But that’s dangerous.” “No, it’s not dangerou says Anne. “I'm brave.! I can do going to climb to the top of your house, Diana.” “Stop, Anne!” says Sally. “That’s very dangerous.” 1. brave : not afraid. a6 Surmmer Adventures Anne gets a ladder? and starts to climb to the top of the house. She climbs slowly but it is very difficult, Suddenly she falls to the ground. “Oh, no!” cry the girls. They run to her and say, “Anne, Anne, are you dead? Say something!” ce is white and she doesn't speak. She slowly opens her eyes. “I'm not dead, but my leg hurts a lot. I can't walk.” Diana's father carries Anne home to Green Gables. When Marilla sees Anne she is afraid, because she loves her very much. “What's wrong?” asks Marilla. “Don't worry, Marilla,” says Mr Barry. He tells her about the game and explains everything to her. After a few weeks Anne feels well and goes back to school. She likes Miss Stacy because she is a friendly teacher. Her lessons are always interesting and Anne likes doing her homework. One spring afternoon Marilla gets home but she can’t find Anne. She looks everywhere. “Where is she?” she thinks. “Is she playing with Diana again?” She is worried. Before dinner Marilla goes upstairs to Anne's room. It is dark inside the room and she sees Anne on her bed. “What's wrong, Anne?” she asks. “Are you ill?” “Oh, Marilla,” says Anne sadly, “look at my hair!” “It’s green!” cries Marilla, surprised. “Why is it green?” “There's a new man at the market. He sells hair dye. | like black hair so...,” Anne can't finish her sentence and starts to cry. “My poor girl!” says Marilla. “Black hair dye probably makes red hair turn green!” Let’s wash your hair,” says Marilla. But the green color does not go away. 2. ladder 3. hair dye : you use this when you want to change the color of your hair. a7 Av of Green Ga ies “I can’t go back to school,” says Anne. “The girls and boys are going to laugh at me. What can I do?” “Let me think,” says Marilla. “I have an idea: let's cut your hair short.” Marilla cuts her long green hair. When Anne’s friends see her short hair they are surprised. “You look nice with short hair, Anne,” says Diana. “Yes, you do,” says Josie. “I like it. I'm going to cut my hair short, too.” After some weeks Anne's hair becomes red again. One summer day Anne and her friends sit by the river. They see an old boat there. “Let's play a game with the boat,” says Anne. “One of us gets into the boat and goes down the river to the big bridge. * The other girls can walk to the bridge and we can meet there.” Anne climbs into the boat and the river carries her down to the bridge. But the boat is old and suddenly water comes into the boat. Anne is afraid because she cannot swim. The boat starts to go under water. Anne is in danger. “What can I do?” she thinks. Then she sees a big tree and she catches a branch’ with her hands. Anne is cold and wet and she can’t move. “Help! Help me!” she cries loudly, but there is no one on the river. Suddenly she sees a boat and there is a boy in it. It is Gilbert Blythe. “Anne, what are you doing here?” he asks, suryrised. She tells him about the old boat and he pulls her into his boat. “Thank you,” says Anne coldly. “Let's be friends,” says Gilbert, smiling at Anne. “Your hair looks very pretty now.” “I'm not your friend!” says Anne angrily. “All right,” says Gilbert. “I'm not going to ask you again!” 4. “ — 5. branch a as UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT Ker El. COMPREHENSION CHECK Are these sentences “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B)? If there is not enough information to answer “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn't say” (C). There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 Diana invites her friends to a party in her garden. A [Z| Right B [] Wrong C [] Doesn't say 1 Marilla makes a lot of good things to eat for the party. A [] Right B Wrong ce Doesn’t say 2 Diana’s party starts at eleven o'clock in the morning. A [] Right B [] wrong ¢ [_] Doesn’t say 3 Josie does not want to climb the tall tree. A (J Right B Wrong = C Doesn’t say 4 Anne falls from the ladder and hurts her leg. A (Right B [] Wrong ¢ [_] Doesn't say 5 Matthew carries Anne home because she cannot walk. A [Right B [) Wrong ¢ [_] Doesn't say 6 Miss Stacy is tall and is very pretty. A Right B [J wrong ¢ [_] Doesn't say 7 Anne is very sad because her hair is black. A [J Right 6B [] wrong ¢ [_] Doesn't say 8 No one likes Anne’s short hair. A (J Right B Wrong c Doesn't say 9 Anne is in danger because water comes into the boat. A [J Right B []Wrong © [[] Doesn't say 40 Anne and Gilbert become friends. A [] Right B []wrong [] Doesn't say VOCABULARY Match the adjectives (A-F) with the correct situation (1-5). There is an example at the beginning (0). Situations 0 [€] When you want to eat, you're ... A quiet. 41 [_] When you run a lot, you’re B. afraid. 2 [_] When you go to the library, you're ... C hungry. 3 When the summer ends, you're ... D thirsty. 4 When you want to drink, you're ... E sad. 5 When you see a monster, you're ... F tired. Hi WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE? Match the descriptions (A-F) to the pictures (1-6). A It’s cloudy. Cc It’s raining. E It's windy. B it’s sunny. D It’s foggy. F t's snowing. «“?M NOT DEAD, BUT MY LEG HURTS A LOT,” SAYS ANNE. In this sentence but is a conjunction. Conjunctions join different ideas in a sentence. GJ CONJUNCTIONS Complete each of the following sentences with one of the conjunctions from the box. You can use the conjunctions more than once. because and but = or 4 Anne cannot walk her leg hurts. 2. Is Josie happy «.. .. sad? 3 Miss Stacy is a good teacher ... everyone likes her. 4. Gilbert talks to Anne, . . she does not like him. 5 Minnie May is in bed ... she is ill. 6 Do you want some water . .. some milk? EVERYONE IS TALKING AND LAUGHING. We use everyone when we talk about all people. We use everywhere when we talk about all places. We use everything when we talk about all things. EVERYONE, EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE Fill in the gaps with everyone, everything or everywhere. Marilla looks ... . for Anne, but she cannot find her. . on the table is good to eat. 1 Br 3 There is a lot of snow .... in the park. 4 5 6 Anne makes friends with in the shop is expensive. . in the garden,” says Diana. ional flag of Canada is red and white with a big red maple leaf in the center. The maple leaf on the flag is the symbol of Canada’s beautiful forests There are about 128 kinds of maple trees. They sia, Europe, North Africa and North sl 2 ful trees are usually 10 to 45 meters tall. Their flowers are red, orang yellow and green. In autumn the leaves of the maple tree change color and they become orange, red and yellow. Maple syrup! comes from the maple tree and it is very sweet. 1. syrup : a sweet liquid that com tree trunk i cesar eens enema People put it on pancakes and eat them for breakfast. You can buy some very good a maple syrup in Canadian shops and supermarkets. People use maple wood to make musical instruments like violins, violas, cellos, double basses and drums, because this kind of wood carries sound well. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. 1 Red and white are the colors of the Canadian flag. There is a big white maple leaf on the Canadian flag. About 128 maple trees grow in Canada. A maple tree can be 45 meters tall. Maple syrup is very good to eat. People use maple wood to make musical instruments because the wood is not expensive. Anne of Green Gables (TV film) 1985 Director Kevin Sullivan Actors Megan Follows as Anne Shirley Colleen Dewhurst as Marilla Cuthbert Schuyler Grant as Diana Barry Jonathan Crombie as Gilbert Blythe Look at the stills! and answer the questions. Still number 1 A Where is Anne? B What is she thinking? © How old is Anne in this still? D Does Anne look like you imagine her? E Write your own caption? for this still. Still number 2 ‘A Who are the two characters? B_ How old is Anne in this still? © How is Anne different from the first picture? D_ What page of the story does this picture refer to? E Write your own caption for this still. still : (here) a photograph of the 2. caption : words printed near a picture scene of a film. that explain something about the picture. 54 BEFORE YOU READ er Hi LISTENING [EE Listen to Chapter Seven and choose the correct answer - A, B or C. 4 Where are Anne and Marilla sitting? A [Jin the bedroom B [_] inthe garden ¢ [Jin front of the fireplace 2 What is Marilla going to buy? A [J anew dress for Anne B [_| new glasses © |_| apair of shoes 3. Who wants to be a teacher? A [Anne B [_] Diana © [) sosie 4 Where is Queen’s College? A [Jin England B [in Charlottetown c [Jin Avonlea 5 What does Diana show Anne? A [| anewspaper B []anexam c [ apicture of Gilbert 6 Why doesn’t Gilbert go to Redmond College? A because he doesn’t pass the exam B because he leaves Avonlea Cc because his father doesn’t have any money BV READING PICTURES Look at the picture on page 59 and answer these questions. 4 Where are Anne and Gilbert? 2 Describe them 3 What do you think they are saying to each other? A New Life sining. Marilla and Anne are sitting in One November evening it’s front of the fireplace.! Marilla looks at Anne and smiles. Anne is almost fifteen. She is a tall, pretty girl and Marilla loves her very much, But Marilla has a problem. She cannot see well because her eyes are tired and weak. “My poor eyes! I need new glasses,” she thinks. “I'm going to buy them tomorrow. “Anne,” says Marilla, “you're a big girl now. It’s time to think about your future. Miss Stacy says you're a very good student. Do you want to study at Queen's College in Charlottetown? Do you want to be a teacher?” “Oh, y College is expensiv ” Anne says happily. “I want to be a teacher! But Queen's 56

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