SUD Life Elite Assure Plus

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Benefit Illustration

(This shall form a part of the policy document)

Na me of Pros pect/Policyholder: ABCD ABCD Pro p o s a l N o :

Age: 52 N a m e o f th e Pro d u ct: S U D Li f e El i te As s u re Pl u s
Na me of Life As s ured: ABCD ABCD Ta g Li n e : LiI nf de i Ivin ds uu aral nNceo nPlLia nnk e d N o n Pa r ci p a n g S a vi n g s
Age: 52
U n i q u e I d e n fica o n N u m b e r: 142 N 059 V02
Policy Term: 15
Premium Pa yment Term: 5 1s t Yea r 4.50%
GST Ra te a nd a pplica ble Ces s , if a ny
Amount of Ins ta lment Premium: 5,27,640 2nd Yea r Onwa rds 2.25%
Mode of Premium Pa yment: Annua l

This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums and benefits under the policy.
Policy Details
Policy Option 5-5-5 Base Plan Sum Assured Rs 58,05,000
Annual Output 1,50,000 Base Plan Sum Assured on Death (at inception of the policy) Rs. 58,05,000
Monthly Output 30,000 SUD Life Family Income Benefit Rider - Traditional (UIN: 142B007V01) Rider Sum Assured Rs. 0
SUD Life COVID -19 Benefit Rider-Traditional (UIN: 142B023V01) Rider Sum Assured Rs. 0

Premium Summary
Base Plan Riders Total Instalment Premium
Instalment Premium w ithout GST 5,27,640 0 5,27,640
Instalment Premium w ith First Year GST 5,51,384 0 5,51,384
Instalment Premium w ith GST 2nd year Onw ards 5,39,512 0 5,39,512

(Amount in Rupees)

Guaranteed Non - Guaranteed

Annualized Survival Benefit - Monthly Other Benefits if any - Annual Death Benefit
Policy Year Surrender Value Max(GSV, SSV)
Payout1 Payout 2 Maturity Benefit3 Guaranteed Surrender Value4 (GSV)
Special Surrender Value
Non - (SSV)

1 5,27,640 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 0 0 0

2 5,27,640 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 3,16,584 7,03,798 7,03,798

3 5,27,640 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 6,33,168 11,23,616 11,23,616

4 5,27,640 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 10,55,280 15,95,214 15,95,214

5 5,27,640 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 14,51,010 21,22,889 21,22,889

6 0 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 15,82,920 22,61,628 22,61,628

7 0 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 17,14,830 24,09,656 24,09,656

8 0 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 18,46,740 25,68,713 25,68,713

9 0 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 19,78,650 27,39,960 27,39,960

10 0 0 0 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 21,10,560 29,23,398 29,23,398

11 0 3,60,000 1,50,000 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 17,32,470 26,83,071 26,83,071

12 0 3,60,000 1,50,000 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 13,54,380 23,31,288 23,31,288

13 0 3,60,000 1,50,000 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 9,76,290 19,44,675 19,44,675

14 0 3,60,000 1,50,000 0 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 5,98,200 15,19,169 15,19,169

15 0 3,60,000 0 12,00,000 58,05,000 1,16,10,000 5,02,020 11,99,894 11,99,894

Notes : Annualized premium excludes underwriting extra premium , frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders , if any and Goods & Service Tax.
1 Payable at the beginning of the month- accumulated for the year.Monthly benefits for the year is calculated as chosen Monthly Payout * 12.
2 Payable at the end of the year
3 Payable at the end of policy term.
4 Payable at the end of the year after deduction of Survival Benefits (i.e. Monthly Payout and Annual Payout)

Terms and Conditions

1. Surrender Benefit
Surrender of the policy is allowed after 2 consecutive full years’ premiums have been paid. During the Policy Term, Surrender Value payable will be higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value and

Special Surrender Value.

2. Quantum of benefits in respect of Non-Guaranteed category may vary.

3. The Rider available under the plan.

Presently,the following riders are available under this product on payment of additional premium over and above the Base premium provided conditions on riders (Entry Age, Policy Term,
Premium Paying Term, Sum Assured etc) are satisfied.
a. SUD Life Family Income Benefit Rider - Traditional (UIN: 142B007V01)
b. SUD Life COVID-19 Benefit Rider - Traditional (UIN: 142B00XV01)

4. Policy values are as of year end.

5. Tax Benefits
Premiums payable and benefits receivable under this plan are eligible for tax benefits as per the prevailing tax laws. w.e.f. from April 01, 2012, to qualify for tax benefit on premium(s) paid under
section 80 C & for tax benefit on maturity/survival proceeds under section 10 (10 D) of the IT Act, 1961, the sum assured should not be less than 10 times the annualised/single premium. Please
consult your tax advisor for details

6. Proposal Deposit
The proposal deposit receipt given in respect of the consideration amount paid to the company does not bind the company to accept the risk on the life of the life proposed under the proposal for

7. About Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company Limited

Star Union Dai-ichi Life insurance is the name of the company and 'SUD Life Elite Assure Plus' is only the name of the Plan and does in no way indicate the quality of the policy, its future
prospects or returns.

8. Goods & Services Tax and applicable cess,if any will be charged on premiums as per prevailing tax laws.This is subject to any change in the tax rate.

9. For more details on risk factor, terms and conditions, please read the Sales brochure of the plan carefully before concluding a sale.

In case you require any clarification, please consult your insurance advisor or call our office.

I, ___________________________ (Name), have explained the I ___________________________ (Name), having received the
premiums, and benefits under the product fully to the prospect / informa on with respect to the above, have understood the above
policyholder. statement before entering into the contract.

Date: Signature of Agent/ Intermediary/ Official Date: Signature of Prospect / Policyholder


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