IRC-69-1977-Space Std. For Roads of Urban Areas

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me euio7 SPACE STANDARDS FOR i ROADS IN URBAN AREAS - ‘THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS 1996 SPACE STANDARDS FOR ROADS IN URBAN AREAS Prbtshed by int Pblahed + Decanter, 1977 Repeined: Angus 1996 (igh of Pabliation and of Translation ae reered) mrcs@-in [SPACE STANDARDS FOR ROADS IN URBAN “The Space Standards for Roads in Usban Areas were approved by the Trafic Enginesring. Committee (personae! gien below) in ‘hele mening ldo the Th Deverber, 1976: Topo ee ‘These standards were then processed by the Specifications & Standards Commitee in ther meting eld on the 6th May, 1977 ‘These wee later approved by the Exeutve Commitee and faaly by the Coun in thee 80k meting elé on the 29th July, 1977 2.1. The unstion of network of urban rosds Is to ensure ‘afeand eficient cirelation of ratte, To achieve thi through tfc routs should no be wed for iret assess to bilng, oF vento mjgor roads serving the bulings, beware it that care Dot fn he capacity of the through couter will be reduced but the Intersection will aso Be unsafe. Moreover, we heavy volume of trafic on through routes wil ast the environmental charateris- tesa safety of the residential arts 22. tthe intrest of ecient road transportation, which ffertvly serves the various land wos aan orban aren and at the Sime Une enures open comunity development, is desirable iSeabinh snework of roads divide sto erent casiiation, tach stem serving a patil function or prpose, The pineal factors tobe considered io. desigaating "ads Into. appropriate Clacations ae the exiting and proposed land wes, overall fenvel demand, patirs of movement by various modes of tanspor- tatoo, safety of trac, enveonmental considerations et, 213, These standards des wth saslication of streets ia wrtan ceasing diferent stent and their sghtokway Le. spate fequirement 24, ‘The slandands prtin 10 urban roads in pin nly. Si, Expresoay ‘A divided eel highway for motor tafe wih, fall ox pata cons of sess and provided generally wth grade separations ut 5.2, Arteria Highvay/Steet [A evel term denoting a higbwaystet primal for Ueough trae usually oa a sontsu0Us route 23, Sabateria Hlghway/Stset ‘A genera term denoing a highwaystreet_primaity for theough traftenaly on a coninus toute but ofeiag somewhat lover Teel of tee mobilty then the artera street 34, Collector Sretoad [Astrea o toad foroletng and distribu trate from and 2 to loca srestshoads and. also for providing secs to artei stretseouds, 2.5, Local Stroetfoud ‘Asteet ot toad primarily for acess 10 residence, business or uber abating Prope A. CLASSIFICATION OF STREETS Road in urban ates should be casi into the folowing cra es" @ agra (ip Subanei see (in. Cor tan |: FUNCTIONS OFTHE DIFFERENT STREET SYSTENS Sul, Expeosomays “The function of expressways eto ester for_movement of heavy wotumes of motor tafe al high speeds. They connect major Toutes atts generation and are iniended 10 seve. Ups of em aed long leagth betesa large residential areas nds) rcummesal coneea‘ions and he ceneal busines dstt. They eS Sieued highways with high standards of geomet and full on avin eotol of acess, Thay are generally provides with rage TGpasrion at intretions. Parking, loading. and sloadisg of ‘Pos and pedestrian tafe re aot permitted oo hese highways 52, Arterial Streets “This system of sets, along. with expressmays where they exis secvees ih picpal nework for ehough tafe flows. Sigs Sihilstcrgun ravel such a btwesa central business iteet and aajine denn res or between major suburban centres takes Sth tsystem, Aver sents should be coordinated with 3 siting 30d proposed expressway systems to provide for ditrbuton ‘nd colleion of tough tafe to and from ‘vate ad calle Slorstreet tems, Conny exenil for ster tee to sue efcent overeat of through tal. A propery develo: Deland designated arterial street sytem would help to eniy evidential neighbourhoods, induces and comercial areas. ‘These sees ay geacaly be spaced at Tes than 1S hs sy developed cette bustess sree and at # ilies or more in surely developed urban finger. The areril scot ate geerly ‘vided highways with fll or paral ascers. Parking loading and tnfoaiog ects are usually rected and rule. Pedest fans are alowed to cous ony at intersections 53. Sabana Siete ‘These ate functionally sila to atrial sheets ut wth some wat lover level ot teavel mobility. Thee spacing tay vary from bout 0.5 Am inthe ceatal Buinest dite lo 80 Ska i the ‘burbs fangs, 54. Colston Strets The fenton of collector streets 9 ealest tee from lea sires and fed) Ito the arterial and siartera res or ie ‘erst. These may be locate in residential eighboushoogs, besos seis and industrial ares. Normally, fll access i-allowed fn these streets fom abutting properties. "There ae few ashing ‘estritions except during the pak hou SS. Local Streets ‘These are intended primarily to provide access to abating ‘opety and normaly do not cary Ia voles of tre Mejor ‘ftps in urban azea either originate Irom or tema on tse strech. Local streets may be tesla, somerll or insti spending onthe predominant use of he adjoining land. "They allow untested packing and podestian movemets, 4 6 SPACE REQUIREMENTS OF DIFFERENT CATEGORIES 641, ‘The overland width required for diferent road catego. ies will epend on a numberof faclos, forinatarce present and Shute wate land ue pater ikely flare deslopments, De {Tominant means of travel ee (62, The recommended range of land width for diferent eases of stents ten in Table ‘Tate | Recomenoen Lino Worst rox Sasets tw Ustan Aneas cose of et ‘ecommede od wih TL Typical eotesections of dierent classes of stress are shown in Fis 110 U1. Thee are sunt only for generl_ guidance (Croseezions for pvticulr stations shouldbe determined on the ‘bss of ature and steasiy of tate and other requirement, (Cosiatstions ny be developed in stages according t0 neds. 112, The cosestetins_ shown will be adequate for genera requirements, suchas planation of rouside wees, accommodation ott series and sie rains. But if there ea ned to prove ‘ional faites, overall dimeasions should be suitably intese,

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