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Jefferson Parish Library

Computer Training Team Basic Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a word processing program which allows you to create text
files. Word calls those files documents. A document can be anything from a
memo to the great American novel.

Upon opening the program

you are presented with a
blank sheet of paper on
which you can just start
typing. To type, the insertion
point or cursor must be Insertion point (Cursor)
present. This appears as a
vertical blinking line on the Endmark
page. Anything that you type This document now consists of only a single
will appear on the page at page. 1/1 shows that the insertion point is on
the point where the insertion page 1 of a one page document. If the
document was 4 pages long and the insertion Scroll
point is blinking. You will
point was on page 2 this would read 2/4. area
also see an endmark. Typing
cannot be done past the
endmark. The insertion point
is on page 1 The distance
The Status bar shows the Unless you create
position of the insertion from the top The line
additional columns there
point and how many pages of the page of text
is only a single column
are in your document.
Status Bar

All documents start out as a single section.

You must add section breaks to have more
than one section in a document.

Word automatically wraps text around to a new line as you type. Once you
reach the end of a paragraph the Enter key will move the insertion point down
to a new line. The Enter key should only be used at the end of a paragraph or
to insert blank lines.
Once you have begun typing if you need to erase and correct any errors you
can use the backspace and delete keys.
Backspace - erases to the left of the insertion point (cursor)
Delete - erases to the right of the insertion point (cursor)
To move the insertion point around in the area you have typed without
affecting the text, use the arrow keys on the keyboard or point with the mouse
to where you wish to move the insertion point and click.
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Standard Toolbar
Formatting Toolbar

Menu Bar

If you wish for

When you first click
the entire menu
on any item on the
to always open
menu bar you are Clicking on the
when you click
presented with a double-headed
on the menu
concise menu arrow will
bar click on
displaying only the immediately
Tools, then
commands that are expand
most popular and those the menu.
that have been used
most recently. In a few
seconds the menu
expands to show all
commands. The raised
commands are the
ones that appeared on
the concise menu. Remove the checks from
these two items.

Standard & Formatting Toolbars

A quick and easy way to do many of the things found on the menus is to use the buttons on the Standard toolbar
or the Formatting toolbar. If you are not sure what a button will do, simply point to it, allow the pointer to rest
there a few seconds and a screen tip will open identifying the function of that button.

Working with Multiple Documents

One way to open a new

document is to click on the
New Blank Document
button on the standard
toolbar. This presents
you with another
blank sheet of paper.
Or, if you use the
New command
from the File menu
you may choose from a
variety of templates
including resumes,
professional letters and

When only a single document is open the buttons

Word temporarily names your new file on the Title Bar operate as program buttons.
Document1 as seen on the Title Bar. Resize
Minimize Close

Reduces program
to a button on the Taskbar
First click - reduces size of
With a single document open there is also a close button beneath the Title Bar. program window
This button will close the single document you have open. Click again - restores
window to full screen
You may open multiple new documents which Word temporarily names
Closes the program
Document2, Document3, etc.You rename these when you save the files.

With more than one document open the buttons on the Title Bar
are no longer program buttons. They now become document buttons
and will minimize, resize and close only the document you have on
screen without affecting the program in any way.

Moving Between Documents

There are two ways to move back and

forth between documents:
1) click on the button on taskbar that
Each document that you represents the document
open is represented by
2) click on the Window menu. A list of
a button on the taskbar.
open documents appears with a check
next to the document you are presently
viewing. Click on any document listed
and you will move to that document.

When you open a new blank document the following are already set:
 Font and size - “Times New Roman” is the name of the font and the size is 10pts
 Line spacing - all lines will be single spaced
 Alignment - text will be lined up straight with the left margin
 Margins - top = 1”, bottom = 1”, left = 1.25”, right = 1.25”
 Paper Size - 8 ½ x 11
 Orientation - portrait (vertical)

All preset formats may be changed before, during or after typing your document. You
may select a different font and size either by using the menu bar or the formatting
toolbar. You may do this before you start typing, but to make changes to text you have
already typed, you must first highlight or select the text that you wish to change.

To highlight or select:
Any amount - place pointer at either the beginning or the end of text, hold down
the left mouse key and drag across the text, or click at the start of the selection, scroll to
the end of selection, and then hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and click
Single word - double-click the word
Line of text - move pointer to the left of the line until it changes to a right-pointing
arrow, and click
Paragraph - move pointer to the left of the paragraph until it changes to a right-
pointing arrow, and double-click, or triple-click anywhere inside the paragraph
Entire document - move pointer to the left at any point in the document until it
changes to a right-pointing arrow, and triple-click

Font & Size

To make
changes from
the menu bar
Click on
on the
menu bar
then Font.

You have many

choices in the Font
window including a
variety of fonts, sizes,
colors and effects.
Each choice you make
is displayed in Preview
so you can try many
things before actually
applying those changes
to the document.

By clicking on to the right of

Times New Roman on the
Using the formatting toolbar you are presented
formatting with a list of fonts to choose from.
toolbar to The top portion lists the fonts used
change the most recently.
font You must scroll to view the entire
and the list of fonts. Click on your choice.

To change the size click

Bold Italics Underline
You may have to scroll to find
the size you want or simply By simply clicking on the buttons
type in the size. you turn these options on and off.

Line Spacing
& Alignment

To change the
line spacing
click on Format
on the menu bar,
then Paragraph.
The Paragraph
window opens.
Once the Paragraph window
opens click on under
Line spacing.
Alignment Click on your choice.
can be changed
from this window
but there is also a Preview pane displays
quick and easy way how the changes will look.
to set alignment by
using buttons on the Don’t forget to click on OK
formatting toolbar when you are done.
as seen in the
examples below.
Alignment buttons

Clicking on any
of the alignment
buttons will change
the position of the
entire line of text
in which the
insertion point rests.
If you wish to change
the alignment from
one line to the next
remember to move
your insertion point
down to the next line
before changing the
For example: If you
want the first line
centered, click on the
center align button
and type. Then if you
wish the next line to
be left aligned, hit
the Enter key to
move down to the
next line and then
click on align left.

Paper Size &

Click File

Click Page Setup When Margins tab is selected, click on

arrow buttons or type in size of margins.

you to
see how

Clicking on the
Paper Size tab
in Page Setup
offers a choice of sizes
including legal.

Click on button
to open drop-down box
of choices. Click on the
size you desire.

You may also choose

As with most dialogue boxes
which way to type
click on OK when you are done
across the page;
for your choices to take effect.
Portrait (vertical) or
Landscape (horizontal).
Notice the examples in

Cut, Copy,
and Paste Word Provides the cut, copy and paste commands to manipulate text within a
document. Copying text allows you to keep the text in its original location,
and then paste a copy of the text in a new location. Text that you cut is
removed from its original location, and can then be pasted in a new location.

To Copy & Paste Text:

Select the text by highlighting the text you wish to
Click Copy on the Edit menu or the
Copy button on the Standard toolbar.
A copy of the text is placed on the clipboard,
leaving the original untouched.
Place the insertion point in the new destination and
click Paste on the Edit menu, or the Paste button on
the Standard toolbar. The text you have highlighted
will appear at the new destination.

Selected Text

To Cut and Paste Text:

Select the text you wish to cut

by highlighting the text.

Click Cut on the Edit menu or the

Cut button on the Standard toolbar. The text
will be removed from its original location and
placed on the clipboard.

Place the insertion point at the

new destination, and click Paste
on the Edit menu or the Paste Selected Text
button on the Standard toolbar.
The text will be placed at the new destination.

If you make a mistake, don’t panic! Word has an Undo/Redo feature on the
standard toolbar. The left arrow is Undo. The right arrow is Redo.
Clicking on Undo displays a list of the most recent actions you can undo.
Click the action you want to undo. If you don't see the action, scroll through
the list. But, when you undo an action, you also undo all actions above it on
the list. If you decide you didn't want to undo an action after all, click Redo.

Spell & Grammar Check

The squiggly lines you see above indicate that Word views these terms as either
spelling or grammar errors. This does not always means that the flagged items
are incorrect. It may not recognize foreign languages or certain terms. You can
run the spell/grammar check by clicking on on the standard toolbar.

If the item is not an

error you can choose to
Ignore the alternatives
offered in the Suggestions
box and even Add the
item to the Word
dictionary so it will
recognize it in the future.
If the item is incorrect
you may click on the
correct suggestion and
then on the Change
Saving a Document

To save your document click File on the menu bar then Save As.

When the Save As dialog box opens a location is already chosen. You can choose a
different location. Click button to view other locations.

If you are on a library computer,

you must save to a disk. To do
this you must first insert the disk,
then click on 3 1/2 Floppy (A:).

Give your document a name that is

short and simple, and that you will
recognize when you wish to find it
in the future. Highlight what is in
the File name text box and simply
type the name. Word adds the .doc
to the end of your name.
Then click on Save.

Once the document has been saved the Save As dialog box will close and the new name you
have given the document will appear on the Title bar.
Opening a Saved Document
You can quickly access a saved document by using the Open button on the standard toolbar.

If the right location is not shown in the

Look in text box, click on the drop-
down arrow and click on the location
where your file is saved. Then either
double click on your document (the
names are listed in alphabetical order)
or single click on your document, then
click Open.

Places Bar
Gives you one click
access to five
commonly used
folders from the
Open dialog box
and the Save As
dialog box.
The example to the
right shows that a
single click on the
History button lists
the most recently
accessed folders
and documents.

Click on the document or folder from the list in the window and then on the Open button.

Back Button

The back button in the Open dialog box and

the Save As dialog box moves you to your
last location. If you were last in the History
folder as shown in the example above, a
click on the back button will take you back
to the History folder.

Print Preview

Before you print the document you may want to see how it will actually appear
on the printed page. Click the Print Preview button on the Standard
toolbar. This will show basically how your margins look and how the text is
positioned on the page. If you would like to examine a page more closely you
can zoom in on a page simply by clicking on it. Click again and you zoom back
out. Often when you first open Print Preview only a single page is displayed
although there are more pages to your document. The Multiple Pages button
on the Standard toolbar will display all pages. How to use this feature is
explained in the example below.

To exit Print Preview without printing, either click on

the Close button on the Standard toolbar or the on
the Title bar.

To see all of the

pages that exist,
click on the
Multiple Pages
button, drag the
mouse down
through all of
the page frames
until they all
turn blue and
click. Notice in In this case you would only want to print pages 1 and 2. You would
this example have to go to the Print dialog box to do so. Clicking on the Print
there is actually button on the Standard toolbar will simply print one copy of
a blank page at every page including the blank third page. You must go to the File
the end of the menu and choose Print from the menu in order to have more options
document. and control in printing.


The Print dialog box that opens when you click on Print from the File menu
allows you to choose options such as the printer, which pages are printed and
the number of copies. It also allows you to decide whether or not to collate
your pages.

Click on drop
down arrow to
choose a different
Use arrow buttons
to set number of
copies or just type
in the number.
Click check box
All - every page to have pages
Current page - the page that the Insertion collated.
point is on Once all of your
Pages - individual pages and ranges of choices are set
pages entered as the instructions show click OK.
Selection - only the selected (highlighted)

Help !!!

Yes there is help, but there is more than one way to access Help in Word.

The Office Assistant, also known as Clippy, is one way to find information. He
usually resides in the lower right hand corner of your screen. If not, click on the
question mark button on the Standard Toolbar. If you click on
Clippy the interactive box that you see here appears with
suggested topics. You may just click on a topic or use the text
box to type a question or a single word such as “print.” You
may be presented with many choices. Click on any of the blue
underlined text (see below) to move to that topic immediately.

Once you have clicked on a topic in the

above box, your instructions appear in a
box like the one to the right. Often you
will be offered the Show Me option. If
you click on it you will be shown exactly
what to do.

From the File menu, select New.
A frame will then appear to the right.
Choose General Templates.

Click on tab in Templates dialog box that says Other Documents.

Click on any of the four Resume templates listed below.
The Resume Wizard will guide you through the process whereas
the other three templates allow you to do more on your own.


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