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Second Conditional:


1. We can use it to talk about things that are probably not going to
happen in your future. (Hypothetical future situations).Maybe I'm
imagining some dream for example:

 If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.(It is something not very
possible to win the lottery in your future)

 If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello. (It is not very
possible for many people to meet the Queen of England in their future)

 The teacher would travel all over the world if he was rich. (It is not
very possible for the teacher to become rich in the future)

 She would pass the exam if she studied.(She never studies, so it is

not very possible for her to pass the next exam)

2. We can use it to talk about things in the present which are

impossible, because they are not true. (Hypothetical present
situations).Look at the examples:

 If I had his number, I would call him. (I don't have his number now,
so it's impossible for me to call him).
 If I was you, I wouldn't spend my money on cigarettes

 If the teacher Juan Carlos had a cat, he would feed it, (The teacher
doesn’t have a cat now so it is impossible to feed a cat you don’t have).

 If the coronavirus didn’t exist, we would be in room H-102 in this

moment. (The coronavirus exists so we are not in room H-102 because
we have to protect )


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