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Research Methods

CW2 Individual Proposal CIS2101

What security and usability features does Jolicloud

Operating System have in comparison to other well-known
Operating Systems?

John McGowan 20857870

1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................2
2.0 Rational..............................................................................................................................................2
3.0 Scope.................................................................................................................................................2
4.0 Key Words.........................................................................................................................................2
5.0 Aims and Objectives..........................................................................................................................3
6.0 Literature Review..................................................................................................................................3
6.1 Security Factors of an Operating System and Cloud computing........................................................4
6.2 Jolicloud Operating System................................................................................................................5
6.3 Open Source software.......................................................................................................................5
6.4 Fundamentals of an Operating System..............................................................................................5
7.0 Methodology.........................................................................................................................................6
7.1 Methods............................................................................................................................................6
7.2 Focus Groups.................................................................................................................................6
7.3 Experimental Design......................................................................................................................7
7.4 Sample Questionnaire...................................................................................................................7
8.0 Ethics.................................................................................................................................................8
9.0 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................8
10.0 Project Plan..........................................................................................................................................9
10.1 Task and date information:.............................................................................................................9
10.2 Gantt chart:....................................................................................................................................10
1.0 introduction.........................................................................................................................................13
1.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................13
1.2 research Techniques............................................................................................................................14
1.3 analyzing results..................................................................................................................................14
1.4 Any problems/learning difficulties.......................................................................................................14
1.5 benefits from the modules..................................................................................................................14
1.6 Would you do anything different?.......................................................................................................14
1.0 Introduction
This document identifies the usability and security of JoliCloud Operating System. The
document shows how the usability and security of Cloud Operating Systems compares to non-
cloud Operating Systems. In order to show this research a series of tests, focus groups and
questionnaires will be conducted to challenge the usability and security of the Operating
System. The participants will include a mixture of technical users and non-technical users; the
following report will consist of a literature review, which details the critical aspects of cloud
computing, security within Operating Systems and usability of Operating Systems. The
methodology section explains the collection of primary data and justifies the methods which
will be used.

2.0 Rational
The aim of this project is to identify the quality of user experience and security mechanisms
within JoliCloud Operating System. The user experience has been tested conducting a series of
computer tasks which are designed to test the usability of the Operating System. The test
involves certain tasks in which one may perform on a non-cloud Operating System. The
participants have been given a certain tasks to complete which they normally would do on a
daily basis and be asked to complete the same tasks using only the cloud as their resource. The
reason this research is taking place is to discover the new Operating System and its usability
and security features.

3.0 Scope
The project will cover the security features of Cloud operating systems within this project
Jolicloud is been used. The security features will include the mechanisms in place to secure
personal data stored online and how the user expresses their thoughts about storing
information online rather than using a hard disk. The project also covers the actual user
interface and usability of the operating system; this will be compared to other well-known
operating systems for example Windows. The actual security mechanisms will not be altered or
modified during this research therefore keeping Jolicloud as standard.

4.0 Key Words

Cloud, Jolicloud, User Experience, Security, Operating Systems, Security Mechanisms, Testing
5.0 Aims and Objectives
The aims of this document are listed below: -

Aim Objectives Methods

Identify the quality of user To identify positive and Conducting research via
experience and security negative responses from testing, focus groups and
mechanisms in place within users. questionnaires.
JoliCloud Operating System.

To understand the usability Literature review of Cloud

and security of the Operating Operating Systems and
System. Operating Systems
To identify the security Conducting research via
within Cloud Operating focus groups and
Systems. questionnaires.

6.0 Literature Review

The literature review is a breakdown of cloud operating systems in general and what crucial
security needs to be considered during the testing cycle in order to make a useable piece of
operating software. Numerous journals and Authors will be accessed throughout this evaluation
to give an outline of the subject and its surroundings.

The first section will focus on the security factors of an Operating System and Cloud computing.
This is to ensure a fair underlining of the infrastructure of the security mechanisms needed to
secure such an Operating System. The Second section consists of the Jolicloud Operating
System and a brief overview of its history and how it became what it is today. The third section
will take a look at the debate on open source and commercial software and how it affects the
users. This information is required at Jolicloud is based on Linux source code which is open
source and available for the public. The fourth section consists of the necessary fundamentals
of an Operating System this includes the usability and user interaction within an Operating
6.1 Security Factors of an Operating System and Cloud computing
In order to gain an understanding of the security within Cloud Operating Systems it was
necessary to gather the required information. Handbook of Cloud Computing the authors of
Borko Furht & Armando Escalante (2006, pg 12) describes the security requirements for cloud
computing providers, he states The security requirements for cloud computing providers begins
with the same techniques and tools as for traditional data centers, which includes the
application of a strong network security perimeter. However, physical segmentation and
hardware based security cannot protect against attacks between virtual machines on the same
server. Borko Furht and Armando Escalante goes on to mention Cloud computing servers use
the same operating systems, therefore an attacker can remotely exploit vulnerabilities in these
systems and applications in addition, co-location of multiple virtual machines increases the
attack surface. By using Borko Furhts theory it shows that a Cloud Operating System is more
vulnerable and open for attacks rather than non-Cloud Operating System.

Trent Jaeger the author of Operating Systems Security defines the ideal goals of Operating
Systems security he goes on to mention (2008, pg 3 -4) The idea goal of operating system
security is the development of a secure operating system. A secure operating system provides
security mechanisms that ensure that the systems security goals are enforced despite the
threats faced by the system. These security mechanisms are designed to provide such a
guarantee in the context of the recourse and scheduling mechanisms.

This information shows that an Operating System needs to ensure that the systems security
goals are ensured, for instance when using Jolicloud Operating System does the Cloud use
certain mechanisms to ensure this security. Trent Jaeger goes on to describe the meaning of a
secure Operating System. (2008, pg 3 -4) The term "secure operating system" is both
considered an ideal and an oxymoron, Systems that provide a high degree of assurance in
enforcement have been called secure systems, or even more frequently "trusted systems". This
shows that the actual term secure Operating System can be ideal but also inconsiderable;
Systems that actually provide a high-end of security are known as “trusted systems”.

Cloud computing platforms such as Google's App Engine or Microsoft Azure also provide the
option for authentication using their public identity services, such as Google Accounts, Or
Microsoft Live ID. This information shows that by using a more authentication login manner will
allow the Operating System to become more secure. Jolicloud uses Facebook authentication as
an option. Gautam Shroffs goes on to mention (2010, pg 199) Once the user is logged in
securely, each HTTP request contains a 'user' context that carries the security tokens or tickets
requires by the chosen authentication mechanism. The user context needs to be validated on
the server by every application service before it is processed.
6.2 Jolicloud Operating System
The authors then moved onto looking behind a brief overview and history of Jolicloud by
looking at its internet technologies and capabilities. Barrie Sosinsky the author of Cloud
Computing Bible describes Jolicloud Operating System as the following “Jolicloud concentrates
on building a social platform with automatic software updates and installs. The applications
launcher is built in HTML 5 and comes preinstalled with Gmail, Skype, Twitter, Firefox and other
well-known applications. Any HTML 5 Browser can be used to with the Jolicloud interface.” This
shows that the Operating System is up to standard with web technologies such as HTML 5
which allows full use of the users experience online.

As Jolicloud is built on the platform Linux it was essential to have a brief understanding on this
Operating System. The works of Author’s Jose M. Garrido & Richard Schelesinger (2008, pg 15)
were referred to and found information regarding the history of Linux dating to its parent, Unix.
“Unix was originally introduced in 1974 by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson while working at
AT&T Bell Labs. The operating system was developed on a small computer and had two design
goals: small size of the software system and portability. By 1980, many of the users were
universities and research labs… The Unix family includes Linux, which was primarily designed
and first implemented by Linus Torvals and other collaborators in 1991. Torvals released the
source code on the internet and invited designers and programmers to contribute their
modifications and enhancements”

6.3 Open Source software

Fadi P. Deek and James A. McHugh authors of Open source: technology and policy describe
open source as the following, (2005, pg 1) Open source is transparent; the source code itself is
viewable and available to study and comprehend. The code can be changed and then
redistributed to share the changes and improvements. It can be executed for any purposes
without discrimination. Its process of development is largely open, with the evolution of free
and open systems typically preserved in repositories accessible via the systems and the
opinions of observers about proposed changes. This information is crucial as Jolicloud is based
on Linux which is open source and available to the public to download.

6.4 Fundamentals of an Operating System

Understanding the knowledge on what makes a good Operating System was considered in
order to apprehend why JoliCloud Operating System will offer a responsive graphical user face
and make use of a good user experience. , Colin Ritchie (2001, pg 23) begins by describing the
barebones of an OS as “a provider and manager of machine resources”, John English (2005, pg
17) continues the description of an OS by saying Operating Systems should be “Efficient, the
Purpose of a computer is to perform tasks for you, the user. The more time and space the
operating system uses, the less there is left over for you to use productively. Reliable, you want
to be able to guarantee that the operating system will not fail unexpectedly” This information
shows that an operating system needs to be able to provide and manager machine resources in
an efficient, reliable and simple manner.

As a Cloud Operating System runs entirely online it was necessary to gain an understanding of
web-based architecture. Gautam Shroff the author of Enterprise Cloud Computing: Technology,
Architecture, Applications describes the level of security needed for such an Operating System.
Gautam Shroff states (2010, pg 199) A security framework for a web-based architecture needs
to decide what level of secure authentication it will utilize and how. Simple security involves
transmitting a hashed User ID and password across the network which is then matched for
authentication. The basic JAAS library of Java supports such authentication as well as more
secure authentication in a pluggable manner.

7.0 Methodology
In order to gain the required information, certain methodologies and approaches will be used
to gather and collect data.

7.1 Methods

7.2 Focus Groups

Lia Litosseliti author of using focus groups in research explains why using focus groups can be
beneficial for research. Lia Litosseliti goes on to mention (2007, pg 16) “Focus group research is
useful for revealing through interaction the beliefs, attitudes, experiences and feelings of
participants, in ways which would not be feasible using other methods such as individual
interviews, observations or questionnaires.”

Two different focus groups will be conducted in order to gather as much information as
possible, the two focus groups consists of a dual moderator focus group which allowed one
moderator to ensure the smooth progression of the session while the other moderator made
sure all topics are discussed and covered. The second focus group consists of an online focus
group which allows all participating members to share information and responses via their own
personal computers; this might allow the members to become more open and responsive.
There is also the possibly of “back room” chat sessions which only the moderator or the other
observers can access to discuss and gather information.
7.3 Experimental Design
Y.k signh the author of Research methodology: techniques and trends describe the
Experimental Method as the following: (2005, pg 167) “It is oriented towards the discovery, of
basic relationship among phenomena as means of predicting and eventually, controlling their
occurrence”. Y.k signh goes on to mention that the experimental design will include Simple
experimental designs; within this case certain experimental will be given to the users to

Wayne Goddard the author of Research Methodology: An Introduction describes experimental

research as the following (2007, pg 8) Experimental research is the cornerstones of science are
experimental and creative research. Experimental research is primarily concerned with cause
and effect. Researchers identify the variables of interest and try to determine if changes in one
variable result in changes in another. Experimental research might be used to determine if a
certain material is fire-resistant or if a new teaching method achieves better results.

Due to JoliCloud Operating System 1.2 being a fairly new Operating System, there will be very
few people who have actually used the Operating System for personal use or business use. This
information made it clear that the authors had to expose individual to Jolicloud before they
could gather any significant information. The Laboratory Experiments focus on keeping all
variables the same expect the one which is been used to collect the data. Within this situation
the changing variable will be the individual using Jolicloud Operating System.

7.4 Sample Questionnaire

Questionnaires will be presented before the use of the Operating System and after the testing
of the Operating System. This will be to gather their opinion on the security and usability about
Jolicloud Operating System before actually exposing the individual to the Operating System.
Once the user has performed the tasks given, they will be given a different questionnaire and
the collected information from this may differ from their original first opinion.

The questions within the questionnaire allow the individual to give both qualitative and
quantitative data which consists of open questions where the individual may explain his answer
in more detail rather than a closed question. The qualitative data will be looked through for
key phrases in which will be matched up to the codes provided from the selected authors based
on the security and usability of Jolicloud Operating System. The collected data will be arranged
into graphs, charts and will be discussed depending on the outcome. This research method is
backed up with what Author Catherine Dawson states in her book (2009, pg 31)

“Many researchers tend to use a combination of both open and closed questions. That way, it is
possible to find out how many people use a service and what they think about that service on
the same form.”
This allows the individuals to grasp an overview before and after testing, the individual might
have already heard of Cloud Operating System but has not yet been exposed to one. Therefore
an understanding and opinions will differ after actually testing the Operating System. The
overall benefits of this method allows the authors to acquire data about those who have not
used Jolicloud Operating System and compare the data they gave against the data the
individual gave after they have test Jolicloud Operating System. This allows an indication on
how easy people might judge the usability and security of Cloud Operating Systems before
actually testing.

8.0 Ethics
In order to obtain the information required, methods of data and information will be gathered
in a significant manner. Various means of information and data collation will be used this will
consist of Laboratory experimentation, Survey research and focus groups. These types of
methods will ensure the authors with a suitable and appropriate amount of qualitative and
quantitative data to use. The following methods of research will use ethical considerations
throughout its research and presentation; this includes the British Computing Society Ethical

9.0 Conclusion
In conclusion the aim of the project is to identify the quality of user experience and security
mechanisms in place within JoliCloud Operating System. This will be using various
methodologies and approaches in order to grasp an outline of data and information. The
literature review illustrates an understanding on what has been researched and conducted in
relation to this topic and project.

10.0 Project Plan

10.1 Task and date information:

10.2 Gantt chart:


1.0 introduction
This small report will show my learning outcomes and what I have learned within the module
this including different research techniques. The report will also cover how I was able to
analyze the information I got from working within the group. The report will also cover any
problems or learning difficulties I may have suffered during the module and what benefits I
have receive from the module. The report will also discuss what I would do differently.

1.1 Overview

I believe I have grasped an understanding of research methods and approaches, before the
actual module started I was intimidated by actually obtaining and gathering the data however
after the module tutor explaining in great detail within presentations and seminars I was then
able to get the understanding which I needed to look past the emotion I was feeling at that
time. After working within a group for a mini-dissertation, this gave me the confidence and
professional skills needed in order to move forward to an individual dissertation. When
working in the group we looked at different approaches and methods when taking out the
research, since we was working with something fairly new (Google OS) I found it personally
exciting as I previously wanted to do research about this current Operating System. The
questionnaire designs which were completed gave me the understanding on how people feel
when approached, asking them to fill out the questionnaire, this allowed me to respond and
use different techniques in order for them to take the time out to fill the questionnaire in.

I now understand the different ways to actually gather information, As we was conducting an
Operating System we did not include a focus group however we did take part in a couple which
allowed me to grasp an understanding on how the situation works and how to use different
methods in order to achieve an outcome. By giving the presentation with the group at the end
of the mini-dissertation allowed me to act on a professional level and show the research which
was collected and analyzed. This allowed me to show the different methods and approaches in
which we used within the group to carry out the investigation. By giving a presentation with the
group allowed me to act professional and show the research which was collected. This gave me
confidence and also allowed myself to gain essential and crucial skills which are needed within a
working environment. Working within the group allowed me to socialize and take part within
research, this allowed me to gain new skills and gain the confidence to show my opinions to the
1.2 research Techniques
I have gained a great understanding of different types of research techniques and methods
which vary from collecting data from questionnaires to using other forms such as focus groups.
The questionnaires we conducted within the group consisted of different types of data,
quantitative and qualitative this allowed the group to get different data and information which
was needed.

1.3 analyzing results

I have gained a great understanding of different analyzing methods; within the group mini-
dissertation we used are results to discuss an overview of the operating system from a non-
biased point of view. We were able to use this information we gathered and put this
information into visible charts and graphs.

1.4 Any problems/learning difficulties

At the beginning of the module I was daunted by the actual research and gathering information
however a few weeks in I was able to grasp an understanding, this by using blackboard and its
resources and attending the presentations also within the seminars and speaking to the tutors.

1.5 benefits from the modules

I will be able to use the research methods skills within real life for example within a working

1.6 Would you do anything different?

I believe that the group dissertation was a success, however if I were to do something
differently it would consist of changing the time management. As there were time in which I
felt some work was rushed however this was not down to the group but mostly due to actual
time management.

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