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Table of Contents
Introduction 0
Step 1 - Practice - The Billionaire's Brain and Jennifer Lopez's Voice 1
Step 2 - Adaptation - Blue-Footed Booby Birds, ESS, & The 500 Year Old Mind 2
Step 3 - Humility - Sam Walton’s Night In A Brazilian Jail, Stealing From McDonald’s &
Michael Jordan's Humility 3
Step 4 - Mentors - Picasso’s Rising Tide & The Law of 33% 4
Step 5 - Patterns - My Poor Friends & Cameron Diaz’s Parrot 5
Step 6 - Lies - Sculpture vs. The Lottery & The Anthropic Media Bias 6
Step 7 - Jungle - Martin Seligman’s Salary Slave and Learned Helplessness 7
Step 8 - Integration - The Integrated Good Life & The Four Pillars of Eudaimonia 8
Step 9 - Simulation - Warren Buffett’s Book-A-Day Diet & Making War With A Multitude
Of Counselors 9
Step 10 - Toughness - Stoic vs Epicurean Arnolds 1000 Reps Apache Cold Showers
and the Spartan Whipping Post 10
Step 11 - Evolution - The Whispers Of 10,000 Generations, Dunbar’s 150 &
Evolutionary Mismatch 11
Step 12 - Destiny - Mike’s Stack Of Resumes, My 96 Year-old Grandma & Your Eulerian
Destiny 12
Step 13 - Dichotomy - The Amish Vacation, Tap Dancing To Work & Avoiding What You
Love 13
Step 14 - Preparation - The Shaolin Monk & Touching An Electric Fence 14
Step 15 - Math - Descartes & Solving Problems With A Calculator 15
Step 16 - Renaissance - Rousseau, The Renaissance Man & Iron Sharpening Iron 16
Step 17 - Hours - Elon Musk’s 14-Hour Workday vs. The 4-Hour Workweek 17
Step 18 - Perspective - Man-On-The-Moon Contrast Keeping Easy Things Easy 18
Step 19 - Money - & The $32,000 Brain Budget 19
Step 20 - Imagination - Richard Branson’s Hurricane & The Imaginary World Of Kanye
West 20
Step 21 - P.A.S.E. - Mastering The Four P.A.S.E. Energies & Casanovas Chameleon
Step 22 - Results - The Seven-fold Path To The Obvious Signs 22 21
Step 23 - Walls - Landing Your Plane On The Great Wall 23

67 Steps

Step 24 - Endgame - Gandhi’s Funeral, Stephen Covey’s Wars, & Flurries Of Activity
Step 25 - Seasons - Joel Salatin On Nature Laughing Last, The Respect Of 24
Seasons, and The Terrible Twos 25
Step 26 - Mistakes - Belts, Suspenders, Failing To Fail, The Six Sigma Heartbeat, &
How To Not Crash Your F-22 26
Step 27 - Trenchmates - The Frontman & The Two Ways To Pick Your Trench Mate 27
Step 28 - Rain - Lao-Tzu’s and John Wooden's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad
Day 28
Step 29 - Entropy - Stephen Hawking, Entropy, & Remembering The Future 29
Step 30 - Convictions - Peter Drucker, The Cluttered Attic And The Invention Of Rules
Step 31 - Management - Delegating To Shalini & Sam Walton’s Over-The-Shoulder 30
Style​ 31
Step 32 - Probability - Slot Machine Probability & Chasing The Mirage 32
Step 33 - Teachability - Teaching Pigs To Fly & Pushing On Strings 33
Step 34 - Duration - Bill Gates & The Ten Dark Years 34
Step 35 - Modelling - Ignoring The Ninety-Nine, & The One-Tenth Rule 35
Step 36 - Lollapalooza - The Sucker In The Room & The Lollapalooza Effect​ 36
Step 37 - Why Restaurants Fail 37
Step 38 - Throwing Idiots To The Crocodiles 38

67 Steps

67 Steps to reach the Good Life

Memorization Tactic:

67 Flying Papyrus Rolls are Flying towards my Front Door

1. Jennifer Lopez is dancing on the first floor at the entrance of my neighbors door -
2. Walking up the stairs a Chameleon is sitting on the rail - Adaptation
3. The Chameleon is shooting his tongue and catching a Humble Bee - Humiliation
4. Walking up the stairs there is a mentally retarded that got stung by the Humble Bee and
is running after me - Mentors
5. I run around him and suddenly the walls start changing patterns - Patterns
6. When I see at my door a giant Greek sculpture - Sculptor Mentality
7. With a giant monkey on it ringing like a madman the ring - Jungle
8. The Monkey is from the Integration Police checking if there are migrants at my home. -
Integrated Life
9. Suddenly the neighbor opens his door due to the loud noise hands me angrily an
amazon package - Simulation
10. Because the monkey doesn't shut up, the neighbor releases a loud spartan battle cry
and starts kicking the Monkey - Toughness

1. I come in and Klea is running towards me, her hands and mouth are full of chocolate -
Evolutionary Mismatch
2. Behind her is her funny Step dad Destiny the Starcraft Player playing with 4 balls -
Destiny (Four Questions)
3. Klea jumps on me and I fall back with her at the wall. I kiss her and notice that the wall
got a crack. - Dichotomy
4. I see her curly hair right and left like Confucius: "Do the difficult when it is easy." -
5. She has trouble with her homework and shows me her Math homework - Math
6. And her English Homework - Renessaince Man
7. I look up and a giant clock is ticking above our heads - Hours
8. The giant ticking clock is a picture of the moon - Perspective

Introduction 4
67 Steps

9. I take off my shoes because my food hurts. And I find a coin in my shoe. - Money
10. Klea pics the coins up and plays with it, as though it were a portal to another dimension
- Imagination

1. In the Bathroom are four mice. One plans, the other works, the other is depressed and
the other talks - PASE.
2. The one that plans is a PhD and gives a lecture about the science of cheese.
3. When the working mouse managed break a hole into the wall to leave.
4. I look into the mirror and am shocked to see a grumpy old man
5. I look deep into my eye and see myself as a kid, young-ling, adult and an old man -
6. I remember all the Mistakes I have done in life, as I accidentally burn my hands on the
hot water - Mistakes
7. When the bathroom divider opens and my hot naked assistant... - Trenchmates
8. ... is taking a bath with an umbrella - Rainy Day
9. The window glass suddenly breaks... - Entropy
10. Because an escaped convict jumps through and tries to rob me, but I punch him in the
face. - Convictions

Introduction 5
67 Steps

Step 1: The Billionaire's Brain & Jennifer

Lopez's Voice

Lesson Summary
Coach: "When you are not practicing, someone else is. And when you meat them, you will
lose." Someone else is out there, trying to pursue the same goal as you.

Part of to deserve it, is practicing.

The hard truth is, most people are not practicing enough. They think they are going to
become an actor, but no, you got to practice.

Most people give up. We have to become literally a person, practicing our craft. You have to
increase the odds of whatever it is we want.

Michael Jackson would practice his spin for eight hours in the mirror. Cultivating the
intangibles is sometimes just hours put in.

Arnold Schwarznegger said that life is about reps and sets.

When people can't cope with it, they invent reasons to feel better about themselves.
Pessimism, because we are told is the reason for our success is outside of our control. We
grow up around people who have failed.

Take your destiny into your own hands. Increase your worth a damn factor.

Practical Things: How many books are you reading? What is your dedication to get what you

You have to learn to like the grind.

Tangibles are like college degrees. Intangibles are like a passionate person. One thing you
can put your finger on literally and print it out, another one you can't. Cultivate the

The best and most convincing lie is the lie you tell yourself.

Two things to increase your worth a damn a factor:

1. Add - Injection of knowledge and wisdom into your brain to remove all the ingorance.
Our deserve it factor come through the addition of things.
2. Remove – Remove ignorance. Rewire our brain and remove the false disabling

Step 1 - Practice - The Billionaire's Brain and Jennifer Lopez's Voice 6

67 Steps

ignorance that we have been tought.

Are you worth it?

Each day go to bed a little step smarter. There is no shortcut to success. When everybody
else is partying, if you are practicing, that is the increase of your worth-a-damn factor.

The world does not respond to need, it only responds to seed.

The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a bunch of undeserving people. You
can fool some people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

Some people have the tangibles, but the intangibles weren't there.

You want to be a successful entrepreneur who changes the world? When you are partying
and somebody else is practicing, learning, reading, mentoring or at a seminar. And one day
you will meet them in business and your business will lose. Not 24/7, but a good amount of
energy. The good news it that working towards a goal is making us happier. Love to learn
the grind, because there is no endgoal. Life is what happens to us, when we are on the way.

Success is a universal kind of goal. Look yourself in the mirror and judge yourself honestly.
Bank account does not lie.

Find your blind spots:

1. Starting things and not finishing them

2. Adding things up

It is hard to identify your blind spots, because that is why they are blind spots. But the way to
find them is feedback analysis.

There are three types of knowledge according to the Dalai Lama:

1. Worst type of knowledge are people who just read or heard about it.
2. Contemplating Knowledge
3. Instinctual Knowledge is the best knowledge

It is not what you hear, it is about what becomes instinctual.

Who would you bet on, on your high school? And then become that person.

The pessimistic approach where people feel locked in, out of their control, they do not as
well as the people who realize, that you can grab the strings of life and destiny. (like Kon-

We want those rules to be there. When you live long enough, you will probably get what you

Step 1 - Practice - The Billionaire's Brain and Jennifer Lopez's Voice 7

67 Steps

1. What is your plan to start deserving what you want from life?

Work with focus, without distraction for hours straight. Aim for quantity as well as quality
in work and social interactions. Don't subdue to mindless distractions like information
overload from news and news-accumulation sites and reduce entertainment to consume
it only when you deserve to get some balance.

2. What is your 1 to 10 worth-a-damn awareness factor?

I am aware of nearly every obstacle in my life. People (even investors) sometimes tell
me about them and I give them right. Also I am aware what the right path is. BUT I have
this knowing doing gap. Also this procrastination: "Oh, I know I have to study for this
goal... but... let me check what Tai Lopez is saying right now." So, what is awareness
worth, if you don't close the open gate and let the cows go out? I guess someone needs
awareness to fix the problems he is aware of, doesn't he? I still do need the awareness
to love the grind (knowing unknowns), which I currently don't have yet, but at least I
have the knowledge that there must be something out there, I am not aware yet. Known
Unknowns so to speak.

3. If you would see yourself in high school, would you have bet on yourself, to get
10% of the income you are going to have?

No. Because there wasn't enough independence in excellence and opinion, although
I've always been an excellent communicator and negotiator (got a lot of empathy and
know how to use it). But other pupils had awareness too. The quite ones sometimes
surprise you. Back then I was a dreamer without knowing, that you always get what you
deserve. Today I am still a dreamer, but I am well aware of what is going on around me,
even if I let bad things negligently happen. Which sucks.

Step 1 - Practice - The Billionaire's Brain and Jennifer Lopez's Voice 8

67 Steps

Step 2: Blue-Footed Booby Birds, ESS, &

The 500 Year Old Mind

Lesson Summary
This lesson is about adaptation. Things aren't black or white. You can't believe, that
someone or something is wrong, relying on your archaic 500 year old brain.

Use the "Evolutionary Stable Strategy", which is an evolutionary concept that is simplified in
the "Cow and Grass Example", where the cows saliva is healing the grass, so that the
eaten grass gets healthy through the cow. Thus both the cow and the grass have adapted to
the situation, that the cow loves eating grass.

How to find out, when you need to adapt? You know from the signals you are perceiving
and receiving. Don't wait for months or years. You get signals? Adapt to it. To leave the safe
harbor, because you get signals that something is going to get worse, needs courage,
because it isn't safe on the sea, till you arrive at the other port.

Many people don't adapt to situations and then get their heads cut. Similarly every person
runs around, believing in their ethics and morals and how things should work out. Then they
meet other people and want to tell them how the others "should" do stuff. But this is not how
things work out.

You need to adapt to the situation. You've got a partner, business partner or friend whom
you think SHOULD behave differently? How about you adapt to the situation and change it

1. What's the #1 area that you haven't evolved and changed as quickly as you should

My personal believe was, that things are going to work out with my SO. But I believe
now, that I should have adapted earlier, seeing the signals. I always thought that either I
am going to change for the better, or she is. And partly we both changed for the better.
But she is not the person I need right now, nor in the future. The best thing would have
been to adapt to the signals within a few months. Now it costed me years and I am still

Step 2 - Adaptation - Blue-Footed Booby Birds, ESS, & The 500 Year Old Mind 9
67 Steps

not adapting fast enough, because I have my hope and dreams, that this relationship
will still be a healthy, stable, supportive and loving relationship, someday in the future.
Fuck. But I still have hopes. This is the part where I need to adapt.

Step 2 - Adaptation - Blue-Footed Booby Birds, ESS, & The 500 Year Old Mind 10
67 Steps

Step 3 - Sam Walton’s Night In A Brazilian

Jail, Stealing From McDonald’s & Michael
Jordan's Humility

Lesson Summary
This lesson is about, humility. You have to be humble, to live the good life. Not necessarily
outwardly humble but inwardly.

Jesus Christ made the anecdote about two sons, who got an order from their father. The
first son said he would do it, but didn't. And the second son said he wouldn't, but he did.
Who was the obedient son? Apparently the second one.

In a same way, we have to become humble, like Sam Walton, who crawled around the floor
to measure his competition, because he wanted to know, if they know something, that he
didn't know.

Although he was already a billionaire. We have to be humble, to seek and ask and admit
that we don't know the answers and to ask other people to teach us. We have to find those
and hunt them down and show inwardly humility, like the actions we already took. The
money we spent, and the things we accomplished will show if we were really humble.

We have to become like a mental Robin Hood. He stole from the rich and gave to the
poor. Similarly there are persons, who have mental gold inside of them, and we should seek
them, hunt them and take their gold from them.

To live the good life, you have to become humble. Freud explains, that children are never
afraid to ask how things work. And we should not be afraid too.

But life is hard and painful and the human has experienced that when he asked in the past,
when he was vulnerable, he got shot down. This pain made us become less humble. But
you can stay proud and cocky on the shell, as long as you are humble inwardly, which is
shown in your actions.

Want to find out your Average Numerical Humility Score (ANHS)? Answer the following
four questions on a scale from 1 to 10 and average them out.

1. How much do you read? 3

2. How good has you been on tracking Mentors down and getting them? 0

Step 3 - Humility - Sam Walton’s Night In A Brazilian Jail, Stealing From McDonald’s &
Michael Jordan's Humility 11
67 Steps

3. Copying the competitors. How good are you at copying the competitors? 0

4. Spending your money. How much money have you been spending on becoming a
Robin Hood mentally? To get to this seminar? 1

Just on your ANHS somebody can tell, what your bank account looks like, when you
wake up in the morning. If you are fit. And if you are happy right now. Your goal is that
score to get up.

1. What is the Number 1 area, where you have not been humble enough in action?
(Health, Wealth, Love?)

I am definitely not humble enough with normal people around me. Only because I found
my mentors "online" I think, that there isn't a thing, the average Joe can teach me.
Although this is quite the opposite, since the Average Joe knows a lot more about
certain topics, like dating or sales, that I don't know.

2. What is the intangible think you are going to do today?

Just bought 5 books from Amazon Germany for around 48€, good investment. Also
going to send two emails. One to an investor, I want to apologize a 2nd time, for my
stupid behavior. And one to an investor I want to seek out as my first mentor.

Step 3 - Humility - Sam Walton’s Night In A Brazilian Jail, Stealing From McDonald’s &
Michael Jordan's Humility 12
67 Steps

Step 4 - Picasso’s Rising Tide & The Law

of 33%

Lesson Summary
This lesson is pretty straightforward. Everybody who has achieved something, had some
mentors. Everybody.

And along with Tai, many own their success to them. It is unavoidable to seek and hunt them
down with persistence.

Go for the big and best ones. Don't settle with just one. Make 18 months goals on how to
cultivate your relationship with them, because we as human beings, don't just learn auditory,
visually or kinesthetically (by doing). We learn through osmosis.

Good artist copy, great artist steal.

Even Newton said, that he was standing on the shoulders of giants. And always remember,
the best mentors are those who are still doing and are still busy. They might be rough and
make you feel uncomfortable. But this is the way to get pushed in the right direction. It is
your job to get the information out of them, that you need.

The law of 33% percent is also to make you feel relieved, when you're with people under
you, because you will charge up your confidence.

Don't fall into the common pitfalls while searching for mentors:

1. Feeling uncomfortable around them and avoiding it

2. Looking for perfection

How to get mentors?

Half success is continuously showing up. Take it slow to form relationships. Start by
attending a book signing. Show up when he is making a read. Send them a letter.

Best way to attract mentors.

1. Make a blog, or become a freelance journalist for a magazine and say that you want to
write an article about someone.
2. Then you email this someone... hey someone, I would like to interview you for an article
3. Then after you do the interview, send them a little gift (reciprocal bias)

You are not going to win them all and it's a skill to keep an mentors interested.

Step 4 - Mentors - Picasso’s Rising Tide & The Law of 33% 13

67 Steps

Ends not good or bad. It's just the natural circle and progressions of life. Spring Summer
Autumn and Winter. A circle never ends, but you can only go around a circle so many times.

Books don't replace mentors. Get the best. The rule is 3 gives for 1 reward. Don't be clingy
or desperate, because it is not attractive. You want people to think they are investing in
potential. Forge long lasting relationships.

Nothing is impossible for him who tries.

1. Who are the 10 mentors you are going to seek out and what is your plan to learn from

For business
Freddy Zwanzger, Vishen Lakhianni, Georg Graf Waldersee (Vorsitzender

For networking Chief of regional BNI, Florian Schulz? For being liked:
My Mayor Oberbürgermeister Jung (politics),

For relationships James Marshal, and another random high level player, For
business/knowledge: Lamber T. Koch, Peter H. Vaupel (ex-SSK Boss), Gunther
Wölfges (current SSK Boss)

For speedreading/mnemonics: Peter Kovacs aus Nürnberg, Christiane Stenger,

Gunther Karsten (Weltmeister), Jonas Ritter

For sales: Rolf H Ruhleder (Meine 202 besten Tipps für Verkäufer), Martin Limbeck

Step 4 - Mentors - Picasso’s Rising Tide & The Law of 33% 14

67 Steps

Step 5 - My Poor Friends & Cameron Diaz’s


Lesson Summary
This lesson is about expanding our awareness to understand patterns within and without our
social environment, which we haven't yet paid consciously attention to yet.

Rich friends compared to poor friends have certain behavioral patterns that emerge from
their characters, and our goal is to see those patterns.

What are poor friends always doing? And what are rich friends doing?

Who is asking a lot of questions? Who is talking about politics and social events? Who is
talking and who is doing? What differentiates healthy and fit people from unhealthy and unfit

See the patterns and adapt to them.

Similarly we can start to notice patterns between eloquent people and social anxious people.
How is the first dressed? How are they walking, talking and what do they eat? How do they
shake hands?

Write those things down, because if they are pattern, they are certain rules that apply to the
characteristic of being successful, rich, fit or whatever the endgoal is you want to achieve.

1. What is the difference that you have noticed between rich friends and poor friends?

Poor friends:
They smoke pot. They play video games and if you talk to them, they never got any news to
tell. They sleep late and wake up late. They don't save money. They don't invest into their
appearance and dress rather poorly. They like sports. They are soft, rational, emphatic and
pacifist. They watch a lot of TV and consume a lot of internet. You can always find time to
meet with them.

Rich friends:

Step 5 - Patterns - My Poor Friends & Cameron Diaz’s Parrot 15

67 Steps

Fashion: They always dress good. Wearing a nice jacket and nice shoes or even a really
good sitting suit for business appointments. You won't notice them wearing the same outfit

Social Life: They know a lot of people and many peers call them for advice on semi-related
topics to the business, because they know that he knows a lot of people and often can
provide a solution.

Character: They are ballsy. They speak and ask questions, even when they are part of a
crowd. Also they are not afraid to blow a deal, if it does not meet their standards. They are
aggressive when it comes to money and often go to court about it and care a lot about their
own legal protection. They are doers, they are no talkers.

Body: They work out and try to be in shape. Going to the gym or other martial art courses.
They know a lot about health and nutrition in explicit detail to what needs to be eaten.

Time: They are always busy and know always weeks in advance, what they will be doing. It
is difficult to get an appointment with them. They don't waste time on time-eating websites
like reddit or similar mindless activities, although some watch TV, a social activity with
others. Also they don't waste time socializing too much. They might be somewhere for a
couple of hours. But not a whole evening just sitting around and talking. They don't
necessarily wake up early but they never miss social business appointments and are there
always on time and always showing up.

Money: They always save. When they spent, they do it for their business or on appearance
(fashion), education (books, courses, seminars), on trips with their significant others. Also
they see clients as a prey and are good at hunting them down. People trust them easily,
because they are confident.

Step 5 - Patterns - My Poor Friends & Cameron Diaz’s Parrot 16

67 Steps

Step 6 - Sculpture vs. The Lottery & The

Anthropic Media Bias
This lesson is about the falsified perception of the process of success.

Our generation is influenced by a massive media and narrative bias, which repeatedly
reports stories in shorter and fewer words to explain correlation on success, by
oversimplificating the causalities of it.

Nobody wants to hear that Bill Gates never took a day of from his 20 to 30 and was just in
his cubicle. This does not generate ratings for the media.

Thus the population gets the impression, that success is like a lottery. You just try it and boy,
one day you'll be millionaire if the idea is good enough.

Those stories exist, but they are just as rare, as being eaten in the ocean at the beach by
shark, which is the equivalent in probability of death by being hit by a piece of metal on the
head, which had fallen from a plane.

But as long as media are repeating them (media bias) and portraying them in oversimplified
ways (narrative bias), people tend to believe that it is true, if we hear it more often.

In essence, a lottery is not the way success works.

Success works by selecting a rock. And each day you chip away a part to make it a

Chose your rock wisely according to your genetic predisposition and your strengths as
examined by Peter Drucker. The rock represents the direction and it doesn't matter how long
it takes, because the so called grind, is what life is made of.

If you hope the grind to go away some day, you better reconsider, because life is the grind.
You will never for example reach optimal health, because this means living.

Be directional focused, if you want change. Don't be fooled by media bias. Every day
skipping a chimp of the rock away.

Step by step you get ahead, but not necessarily in fast spurts. But you build discipline
by preparing for fast spurts. Slug it out, one inch at a time, day by day. If by the end of the
day you live long enough, most people get what they deserve.

Easy come, easy go. A fence that goes up fast, goes down fast. The trees that are slow to
grow, bear the best fruits. Easy come, easy go.

Step 6 - Lies - Sculpture vs. The Lottery & The Anthropic Media Bias 17
67 Steps

"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly."

Happiness is not something you get, it is the fruition of a multitude of factors, that you are
doing well.

"You want things easy, but not easier than they can't be." Einstein

1. What is the #1 area that you have taken the lottery approach? What was the result?
What is your new sculpture plan?

Definitely in business. I had a business idea and the business background and I had the
technical business partner to build the product. We executed on the plan and we attracted a
lot of high quality leads who waited to get the product and we just needed to ship, to become
millionaires (over a period of 2 years, while reinvesting revenue into our SAAS business

Turns out, that if you don't program it on your own, it is probably not going to happen. Now
my approach is to become a master in web application development, so that in ten years I'll
be able to bootstrap the worthiest ideas in sprints and in the scalable quality I want them to,
which is I believe the right direction to take, because I programmed since I was 16 and was
fascinated by it long before, thus choosing a rock, to which I have an affinity and which also
represents my comparable strength.

Step 6 - Lies - Sculpture vs. The Lottery & The Anthropic Media Bias 18
67 Steps

Step 7 - Martin Seligman’s Salary Slave

and Learned Helplessness
This Lesson is about what James Altucher already in his book "Chose Yourself" described.
We got to understand, that the System is the cage, and that we will not be happy in it, like
the monkeys who are not happy in their safe cage either. We have to step out of the cage
and walk into the jungle. This walking into the jungle might be the biggest obstacle that a
man fears.

But the jungle of the modern world is amazing, and it would be a big mistake to be in the
cage at present times. The gates are solely in our mind and we are locked by our fantasy. All
we need is to understand, that we have a choice to step out and walk into the jungle.

The jungle might be more risky, than the safe cage, where everything we need gets
delivered to us, but you will never get the good life, without taking risks.

The jungle represents risk. And with risk, if you do it right, comes reward. And the reward is
the good life.

If we stay with what is safe, it won't help us either, because it is a false economy, it's penny
wise and dollar foolish for most of us. And the times where the man worked for someone
else to get feed were only for a short period of time in human history and secondly they are

On the other hand the risk is minimal today, because in business we have countless
opportunities to get funded, to take loans, to network to connect and in the worst case
receive state support or file bankruptcy. Socially we probably are never going to see each
other on the street again, and have ways to find partners online.

To get the good life, you can't be the monkey in the cage and take each paycheck like you
take your bananas.

Helplessness is like waiting for the next book to help us... and we keep waiting. We keep
waiting for the teacher to hand us the chapter. For society to pick us. For a girl to chose us.
For destiny to bring us our well deserved million. That's not how it works.

The most unhappy people, are the ones that feel their life is out of their control. But
everything is within our control, we just have to get out of the cage and grab what we need.
How? By innovating! By being creative, persistent and by repetition and practice.

Innovate your way out of any helplessness you think you have.

Step 7 - Jungle - Martin Seligman’s Salary Slave and Learned Helplessness 19

67 Steps

Only Sloth and Unreliability will ruin your life.

Train your brain to do the things you say and then do them.

1. What is one specific instance you were helpless and in hindsight what would you have
done differently?

When I was young I married early, because I wanted to help a girl I loved, which didn't speak
the language, to stay in the country.

Afterwards she became socially, financially and linguistically fully dependent. And her
"temperament" didn't support a healthy relationship either.

Here I felt helpless, because I though that I couldn't break up with her, without making
irreparable damage to her life and career, due to the fact, that she would have to discontinue
her studies and leave the country, thus I felt responsible for her future.

I sat back and hoped that everything is going to turn out for the better. I endured and waited.
It didn't.

In hindsight, I should have been much more self-centered, egoistic and harsh. But this is not
who I am as a character. Therefore I believe the way to innovate myself out of this situation,
must have been the known synthesis.

Though I had a complete lack of awareness due to my inexperience with women, in

hindsight, knowing then what I know now, I should have worked proactively in finding her a
job, making her independent and breaking up.

Leaving a person you love, because you know he isn't a good fit for you, is still a harsh
move. All the more when you know, she isn't capable of taking care of herself, in a foreign
country she doesn't speak the language and being forced to work at minimum wage to pay
for her desired lifestyle.

But we make choices for ourselves. And first we have to take care for ourselves and then we
can help others. Furthermore, we need to be proactive and seek the solutions, instead of
waiting for them to come to us.

I've never felt helpless in any other way, because there are solutions to every problem

I know this is kind of personal and personal information shouldn't surface into public, but I
believe that we are all here to be open about ourselves and to learn from each other.

Step 7 - Jungle - Martin Seligman’s Salary Slave and Learned Helplessness 20

67 Steps

Step 8 - The Integrated Good Life & The

Four Pillars of Eudaimonia
This lesson shows us, how the good life looks like, because society unnecessarily
compartmentalizes the parts in our life, instead of integrating everything into one piece.

Most people today have everything separated. Their work, their gym, their love life, their
family, everything seems separated from each other.

But the good life is only attainable through the integrated life.

We need to shift the small parts in our life and integrate them with each other, so that we
don't compartmentalize the parts of life anymore.

The people who have the good life, have their work integrated with what they like.

They make friends in the field they like. They don't separate their spare time from their work
time and thus they don't need to be after their vacation and they don't hate Mondays,
because they do what the like and they like what they do. Their work is their life and their life
is their work.

But the same integration applies also to the remaining pillars of the good life. You need to
integrate health into your life. Don't just compartmentalize it, by having it Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays from 7 to 8 at the gym. You need to integrate it in your daily life.

Also the same applies to the Pillar of Love, which represents friends, family and romance.
Integrate your love life into your work. Start a business with a friend or family. Find
romance in the field you adore. Integrate your neighbor in your health life.

Linear reductionists break their life in small pieces and assemble those pieces together to
get their life.

But life can not be reduced, and compartmentalizing it is not OK.

Life is just life. My life is my work and my work is my life. Aspire a life where every day is a
good day, instead of having a life, where you hate 11 months of the year. Don't make church
just the Sunday for you. Make it part of your life.

We seek the integrated life and not the parts in it. Health, physically. Wealth, financially. Love
through friends, family and romance. Fulfillment through purposes larger than yourself.

Step 8 - Integration - The Integrated Good Life & The Four Pillars of Eudaimonia 21
67 Steps

We measure the good life through measuring and focusing every moment of our life,
on how close we are getting to the integration of life and hitting on those four
interdependent cylinders.

Why do you go to the gym? You should have a gym in your house.

According to the edge theory in Biology, life is most present at the intersections between
forests and meadows or between meadows and ponds, instead of deep in the forest or
deep in the ponds.

Accordingly at those intersections, where the 4 pillars integrate with each other, we
find happiness, because it is an integration instead of separation.

Don't be a linear reductionist. Integrate your job into your social stuff. Pick an industry that
brings you around people you love. Make business with family. Doesn't mean that you have
to pick any- and everyone.

The sum of the parts can be greater. Integrate. Look for areas in your life, where you are
not integrating.

If you say you are christian, than Sunday is the same as Monday.

Jeff Bezos says, if you decide something, commit to it. And own it. Be it.

Avoid the dichotomy, where you do something that you don't love, to do something that
you do want in your spare time. Make your spare time the same as your everyday time.

Adapt your life to have it integrated to what you want. You like tennis? Why don't you start
shifting your work toward tennis? Why don't you play tennis in your spare time? Meet
women playing tennis.

1. What are two things that you have not integrated well in your life?

Love and Work are not integrated at all. I work most of the time alone and after that I nurture
my relationships. I keep them completely separated, but I would love to integrate specific
family members into an upcoming business. Why not. I'll do that for the next project.

Health. I don't necessarily go to any gym, nor do I do any sports. But I integrated push ups
every time I use the flush, since I mentally connected it to trigger my motivation for doing so.
I also should integrate other people for running. Might use sex as a sport also.

Step 8 - Integration - The Integrated Good Life & The Four Pillars of Eudaimonia 22
67 Steps

Step 9 - Warren Buffett's Book-A-Day Diet

& Making War With A Multitude Of
This lesson is all about reading books and why it is so important, that we commit to reading

To get ahead in life, we must learn. And everybody learns by mistakes, but it is a hell of a lot
easier to learn by the mistakes of others.

The ability to simulate the future gives us a jump ahead to those individuals, who only learn
on the basis of overt trial and error. The trouble with overt trial is that it takes time and
energy. The trouble with overt error is that it is often fatal.

Mother nature should be the teacher of last resort, because the lessons of mother nature
can be fatal. Fatal to your business, fatal to your health and fatal to your dreams and life.
Our brain evolved, so that we no longer have to learn through trial and error.

Simulation is both safer and faster. And the wisest and most successful people in life are
readers. From the Great Alexander, who had his own library with him, to Warren Buffet who
reads 5 hours a day. A rich mans house, has always a library.

Everybody wants the good life, but not everyone is willing to read, because the acquisition of
a new skill and money takes humility.

But wide is the path that leads to destruction and many are the people that go on it and few
are the people that go on the narrow path that leads to the kingdoms.

We went to the moon, because we were built with the ability to learn.

We generally succeed through accurate simulations of outcomes, without having to go

through it, to get whatever we want.

Everything depends on the quality of what we read. Thus what should we read?

In general there are books, that have stood the trial of time. These are older books. Then
there are books from good authors, like Arnold Schwarznegger on Health and Working
out, or from Sam Walton on Business. The quality of the Author is a good indicator. Also
Biographies are a good choice. Don't judge a book by it's cover. The best way is to work
through Tai's book list by priority. And remember, don't read only on business, because the
Good Life has 4 pillars. 25% of the books you read should be on health. Since it is the first
Pillar of the Good Life.

Step 9 - Simulation - Warren Buffett’s Book-A-Day Diet & Making War With A Multitude Of
Counselors 23
67 Steps

And also don't go for speed reading. When reading books, get the Gold Miner mentality.
Grab a book and skim through it. If you find one piece of gold in one chapter your mission
was successful.

Avoid the mentality of having to read a book from start to finish, because you fear to miss
something. Instead embrace the chaos of missing something, because there is always
opportunity cost for the time you invest to read everything, secondly because you are
assuming, that you can't read the book again later. Your relationship with a book should be
like a relationship with a human being. You meet multiple times, once for 10 minutes, other
times for 10 hours.

Books are the easiest way to simulate outcomes.

Read in the morning an old book, even if just for 5 minutes. One great thought of a great
thinker is enough. Learn to fall asleep by reading a how-to book, which is connected to your
industry, when you try to nap. Biographies in the evening and fiction at night, if fiction at all.

Nine out of ten successful people read. The ones who can simulate the future do win.

The only people who operate alone are poor people. Everybody else, the rich friends all
have accountants, lawyers, CFO, board of advisers, paid consultants. They make war with a
multitude of counselors. You won't be a specialist in everything.

1. What has been your biggest excuse for not reading, and what book reading pace are
you going to commit to?

Actually I like reading, because there have been a lot of books which have opened my
mind. Maybe why don't I read everyday? Well, I read everyday, but not a book everyday,
because of time restraints, since I have the notion, to count a book as read, if I have
read it from start to finish. But I will commit to read at least one book a week from start
to finish. I know I'll probably do more, because I just finished Social by Lieberman, and
have started Gary Kellers The One Thing today. But still. The books I commit to read in
the following order will be:

i. The One Thing, Gary Keller

ii. When I Stop Talking You’ll Know I am Dead
iii. Confessions of an Advertising Man
iv. The Selfish Gene – Richard Dawkins

Step 9 - Simulation - Warren Buffett’s Book-A-Day Diet & Making War With A Multitude Of
Counselors 24
67 Steps

Step 9 - Simulation - Warren Buffett’s Book-A-Day Diet & Making War With A Multitude Of
Counselors 25
67 Steps

Step 10 - Stoic vs Epicurean Arnolds 1000

Reps Apache Cold Showers and the
Spartan Whipping Post
This lesson explains why some people made it and others with the same wishes and
intentions didn't. In general they can be divided in two parties.

The Epicureans, who think that humans should live for now, drink, eat and marry, for
tomorrow we might die.
The Stoics who believe it is better to forgo present pleasure, in the hopes that we get
something better in the future.

Since Newton's 3rd Law states, that for every action, there is an opposite and equal
reaction, it makes all the difference, if we are stoic or epicurean.

History showed us, that a nation is born stoic, and dies epicurean. Great nations and
great businesses are built by people who are willing to sacrifice present luxury for a future
benefit. It also means nations and businesses, lives and families fall apart, once they get into
the hands of soft people.

The tough are the ones who are followed. The tough are the ones who are considered
brave. And the toughest man, get the rewards of life. Before Arnold Schwarznegger went
to USA, he had a German idol. He once visited him and was shocked, that his idol started
training at 5 in the morning. Thus he toughened up and woke up the same time.

Adversity makes man, and prosperity makes monsters.

In the same way, the rewards go to the man who are the toughest. If you are tough, you
might get rewards, but once somebody else is tougher, your business and women are
going to follow him.

For good or bad, we live in a world of technology and this has made us slowly but truly
weaker. And we have to develop a thick skin.

A prime example of toughening up, were the Spartans. They trained their children from
ground up. They encouraged fighting. And they fed their children as much, so they don't
become sluggish, but also giving them a taste of what it is, to not have enough, by
intentionally scarcening the food supply. And sometimes they took a man and whipped him
so hard, that some of them died. But the survivors were the tough ones.

Step 10 - Toughness - Stoic vs Epicurean Arnolds 1000 Reps Apache Cold Showers and the
Spartan Whipping Post 26
67 Steps

We have to find the balance. The balance should be accustomed to our current soft level, so
maybe it is 1 part convenience and 2 parts challenge. Or if you are softer start with 3 parts
convenience and 2 parts challenge.

Tremendous power and respect in business and in life will come to you, when you are

Even your bones work like this: "Use them or lose them". There is a penalty for not
hardening up.

Story time
Let's say one night as you walk out of a restaurant you get in trouble. You are confronted by
two big people, that seem hostile. And then one of your friends comes out of the restaurant:
"Hey, what's going on there?".

Who would you want to come out of that restaurant?

The deity person, soft hands, soft skin. Or somebody who has a few scars on their face.
Who took of his shirt and had the whip scars of the Spartans? Forget the soft, bring on the
hard person.

Be mentally the equivalent of Arnold Schwarzenegger. You need to toughen up.

Toughening up will give you an competitive advantage. Jeff Bezos for example never
used the elevator.

Next time you don't want to do something, just do it to train your brain.

Step by step you get ahead and not necessarily in fast spurts. Entrepreneurs will save the
world, but it will be the Stoic entrepreneurs.

Practical Steps
Take a cold shower. (Tai does it 4-5 times a week)
Go a week without any sugar.
When you lose a client or an experiment in business fails, you will probably freak out,
but no. This is like a scar on my back like the Spartans and one day it will turn me into a
Lift waits, which is the only thing that renews the body on a cellular level.


Step 10 - Toughness - Stoic vs Epicurean Arnolds 1000 Reps Apache Cold Showers and the
Spartan Whipping Post 27
67 Steps

1. What area are you not tough in, and what is 1 thing you can do to toughen up?

There are a lot of things. Maybe I should start with taking a cold shower for 2 seconds
for once a week. I often make push-ups, but I always hesitated using my knuckles for
push-ups, like some family members, who do martial arts, kept recommending me for
years. Also I go for no sugar till the rest of the 67 steps.

Step 10 - Toughness - Stoic vs Epicurean Arnolds 1000 Reps Apache Cold Showers and the
Spartan Whipping Post 28
67 Steps

Step 11 - The Whispers Of 10,000

Generations, Dunbar’s 150 & Evolutionary

Lesson Summary
This lesson teaches us the importance of overcoming the evolutionary mismatch and
explains how it influences us daily in possible negative ways.

Scientifically speaking our genes change approximately 1% for every 10.000 years. This
means that our instincts and impulses that control our responses to our environment
are influenced by our historic heritage. This influence is called the voices of 10.000

Everyday those voices of 10.000 generations whisper to us, and we need the awareness to
adapt to this fact, because our world has changed. What our "gut" tells us to do, might
not be good anymore, because it is built on thousands of generations that had
different living conditions.

Just 100 years ago around 90% of the population lived in rural areas and 10% in urban
areas. Today this ratio has been reversed. And 1.000 years ago, people were more likely to
die from starvation, than be fat.

Because our environment has rapidly and radically changed through the industrialization our
intrinsic biological impulses haven't yet adapted.

We still live with voices in our head that tell us what to do and what to refrain from. But when
those voices are working against us, as they sometimes do, they spread depression,
chronic disease and general unhappiness. This mismatch of genetically rooted influence
which works against us, is called the "evolutionary mismatch", because our neural
programming doesn't have the genetic memory to understand the complexity of the modern

Physically our bodies are accustomed of sleeping in the dark and being awake in the
morning. Lights didn't exist. They slept on the ground. Humans slept in close proximity with
one another to the sounds of the fire and the sounds of our relatives inside the same tent.
Food was scarce, so when we found food with sugar, fat and salt, our brain told us to eat as
much as we can.

Step 11 - Evolution - The Whispers Of 10,000 Generations, Dunbar’s 150 & Evolutionary
Mismatch 29
67 Steps

Financially we were accustomed to spend our resources, because life was short. Saving
was not part of our evolutionary heritage.

Love and relationships wise we stayed a life long with the people we grew up with. And
the more trouble we endured with them, the closer they got to us.

Brought to our modern world this means, that our brain still tells us to eat sweet, salty or fat
food, although we live in abundance now and it is bad for us. We produce insomnia and
depression, because we try to make new friends, although we are not wired to make
friendships in our adulthood. Our environment changed. And our genes didn't change
with it. People are the same as they've been.

Modern aches are due to our mismatch. And though our voices of 10.000 generations
served us well, we have to be careful to decide, when we can hear our gut and when not.

Literally half the battle is to understand and be aware of this concept.

Thus revive old friendships. Always keep with old friends.

The world is at war with you. Don't depend on your willpower to not eat the pringles,
because you have the voices of 10.000 generations against you.

Bond with old teachers. Old family members. But don't pick anyone. They still have to
qualify for if they block you on your way to the good life.

In the modern world, if you don't know who the sucker is, than you are the sucker. Don't be
the sucker!

Bow your knee to those 10.000 generations, because the genes just change 1% for every
10.000 years. So even if we get 10.000 years experience, we will still be 99% genetically of
how the people were 10.000 years ago.

Our task is to be aware of the evolutionary mismatch. To understand that the modern world
is at prey with us and if we don't adapt to it, we will get sick, broke and unhappy, if we don't
control those whispers of 10.000 generations.

They are forceful and we shouldn't rely on our will power to control them. Instead we should
adapt. If you work with those voices, they get you ahead.

And remember, if we don't feel vulnerable, our mind will make us feel depressed,
because we were built to depend on each other.


Step 11 - Evolution - The Whispers Of 10,000 Generations, Dunbar’s 150 & Evolutionary
Mismatch 30
67 Steps

1. What is a specific area of your life where the whispers of 10,000 generations is not
working, and what could you do to change it?

Dependence. I always thought the ultimate goal is independence, but I am wrong here. I
kept saying to myself that "we are all born alone, we all die alone." But the truth is, that
we are born in a social group, and we should die around a social group. This piece I got
from Mr. Lieberman.

I also thought that all relationships, meaning those built in youth and those built in
adulthood, can have the same importance for happiness. Though a look around us at
the numbers of reality seem to indicate, that there might truly be a difficulty in bonding
ability between adults. I am not sure this applies to romance though.

I will get in touch back with: Markus Zink, Rober Burmeister, Natascha Malla, Giorgos
Malla, Oliver Blomel, Yalzin, Matina Kalamara, Theo Pitzawa,

Step 11 - Evolution - The Whispers Of 10,000 Generations, Dunbar’s 150 & Evolutionary
Mismatch 31
67 Steps

Step 12 - Destiny - Mike’s Stack Of

Resumes, My 96 Year-old Grandma & Your
Eulerian Destiny
This lesson is about finding yourself and your destiny. It is one of the most important
ones, because we falsely believe that we have a lot of options, which in reality we don't. We
can either decide to pick 10 things and become average at everything or to pick the one right

But picking the path of average won't cut it, because we live in a highly competitive world
with over 7 billion people and if we don't apply the 5% rule, we won't succeed and live the
good life.

The 5% rule describes, that a lot of very skillful people are able to reach up to 95% on a
global competitive scale. But still the only ones who make it in this world are those who
go over 95%. The 96s%, or 97s% or even 99s% or 100s%, these are the ones who leave
a mark on this world and pass the funeral test.

And in a highly competitive world we can't be that good in many things. We have to niche
ourselves and invest those 10 dark years to become a master in this field.

So the next most important question then is, how do we know which field to pick? Or
rather how do we know in which field we can actually become good at? Because remember
what Peter Drucker said, we can only build on strength.

To find out the field in which we can excel answer the following four questions and watch
out for the intersections of these questions, because there you will find your destiny.

1. What did I grow up with? Had bad experience? Make your mess your message.
Father Real Estate Entrepreneur. Early PC access. Less emotional. I am a greek.
2. What have strangers consistently complimented you in? (Feedback Analysis)
Having good business ideas. Having highly educated and mature thoughts. Very
diplomatic. Patient. Good in teaching.
3. What have you been doing for the last 10 years? Part studying economics. Other
part educating myself about web programming. Working either in Web business or Real
4. What can you talk about effortlessly on a Saturday night, when you are not
working and are with your friends? (Avoid Dichotomy, never live for your weekends)
Technology. New Knowledge I gathered. Psychology. Business ideas and opportunities.

Step 12 - Destiny - Mike’s Stack Of Resumes, My 96 Year-old Grandma & Your Eulerian
Destiny 32
67 Steps

Then have big goals around your signature strength. Have big goals but not delusional ones.

Answer those questions not only for your career, but also for your physical health
and love life. Are you most happy being promiscuitive? Do you want a wife and a settled
family? Are you a social butterfly like Casanova?

People should define every aspect of their personality before they start their career, whether
by using the Meyers Briggs Test or other tests, because you only can build on strength.

Nonetheless, it is not about what you or society thinks fits best, because we can only find
happiness, if we adapt to the condition we are best suited for. An extrovert trying to live the
life of an introvert will be in the same extend unhappy as the other way around.

Find your destiny. And break it down into one sentence with maximum 10 to 12
words. No matter how long it takes for you to do it.

If you are unsure, experiment. Want to know the difference between an experiment and a
mistake? A mistake is an experiment that ran too long!

1. What is your one sentence businessplan?

Growing businesses online using measurement systems.

Stabll: Improving businesses through customer interaction.

Tai: "Spreading good ideas using mass media."

Step 12 - Destiny - Mike’s Stack Of Resumes, My 96 Year-old Grandma & Your Eulerian
Destiny 33
67 Steps

Step 13 - The Amish Vacation, Tap Dancing

To Work & Avoiding What You Love
This lesson teaches the importance of avoiding the dichotomy in life, which evolves into
the false mentality that vacation is good. Because needing a vacation implies that there is
something in your life you need vacation from, which you should avoid.

Working 10 months for having 2 months vacations is pathetic, because happiness is not
found with people who have a vacation mentality.

A day lost is not like a dollar lost. You can't get a day back.

The progress is on how to set up your life so that your work becomes your vacation.
And we do not live for vacation.

Picasso once said, that we should never permit a dichotomy to ruin our life, a dichotomy
where we don't like what we do, so that we can have pleasure in our spare time. We should
look for a situation, in which our work gives us as much happiness as our spare time.

If we have a job, were we need vacation from, we should never come back, because a life
build around vacation is no life at all.

We may need downtime, like every Sunday, because downtime as part of a cycle is OK. The
problem arises when vacation becomes a non integral part of your life.

The question then arises: Should you then only do what you love? NO!

Because love as a lusty impulse has the evolutionary purpose to be that intense, that it helps
us overcome fears and explore new areas. But love wasn't build to last. Therefore we
shouldn't marry a woman we "love", like lust. Because once we are married, the love goes
away and all that is left is just another person you have to get along with. And it is a ton
easier if we like this person on a compatibility level.

The same applies to our career. We should run from oversimplified and generalized advice
that says "do what you love". We got to find something where vacation becomes only a

Bill Gates asked, when was the last time he had taken vacation and he responded that it
was 25 years ago, because if you live the good life, vacation is not important.

Warren Buffet tap dances to work. Genuinely. He wakes up and loves that he wakes up, to
do what he does everyday.

Step 13 - Dichotomy - The Amish Vacation, Tap Dancing To Work & Avoiding What You Love
67 Steps

When we are not tap dancing to work anymore, we need to change something.

So, don't choose something you love, because the opportunistic mentality is almost as
dangerous as the vacation mentality. Focus only on building on strength.

So in short this lesson is about three parts.

1. Avoid Vacation Mentality – An integrated daily flow with some ritual to it, but no
anticipation or no life build around anticipation of spare time. Read "Learned
Optimism", what makes you happy is the opposite of vacation time, the gleam in
the eye. You need downtime, not necessarily vacation. Vacation mindset is flawed on
every level.
2. Tap Dance To Work – Robin Williams had all the Money in the world, but he stopped
Tap Dancing to work. You need the gleam in your eye. The endgame is a gleam in the
eye, an upturn to the face, an emotional drive. Judge it by the way you wake up.
3. Decide your Long-Term Destiny on Strength, not on Love - Don't do what you lust
after, lust goes away. Lust exist to drive you past fear and explore. But at the end of the
day, they don't last, because they are not supposed to last. Michael Jordan just liked
Basketball, he didn't love it. We have to be level-headed in our long-term destiny.

1. Have you been vacation minded?

Yes and No. I haven't been on vacation the last 3 years, even though I got offered
vacation for free, because I preferred getting things done. But I still think, that a good
vacation to see old friends, cousins and family is worth it a couple of times a year,
regardless if you got things done, because things will never be really done.

2. When you wake up, do you feel like tap dancing to work?

There was a phase, when I tap-danced to work when I was building a business. I was
let down by a business partner and discontinued the business. Since then I haven’t
been tap-dancing to work anymore. I probably should start again on this business idea,
with another partner, or alone??

1. Are you in danger of pursuing something you lust after instead of something you like?

I don't think so. I don’t lust for anything, except success. I liked videogames, and I don’t
try to build a carrer on them... But seriously, I decided my long-term-destiny a year ago.
It is something I believe I like doing, because it is a continous challenge, it’s new, it
helps people make more money and I get ultimately a part of it. Now I only have to go
through those 10 dark years, of which I hope that I already passed a couple.

Step 13 - Dichotomy - The Amish Vacation, Tap Dancing To Work & Avoiding What You Love
67 Steps

Step 13 - Dichotomy - The Amish Vacation, Tap Dancing To Work & Avoiding What You Love
67 Steps

Step 14 - Preparation - The Shaolin Monk &

Touching An Electric Fence
This lesson is about to prepare for the difficult, when it is easy.

The media bias shifts our mentality indoctrinates us that life is a butterfly and we are going to
tip toe through it, though the reality is that life is going to throw adversities at us and the best
way to deal with them is to be prepared.

Imagine you are 30 and you are getting mugged and beaten up. Instead of playing the
victim, you could have actually anticipated, that bad things are going to happen, and you
could have prepared for them. You could have trained since you were 5.

This "Everything is your Fault" mentality, is what is necessary to adopt. Not necessarily in a
depressing way of thinking, but rather with the thought, that we are at least going to prepare
for the next time, when a bad thing happened to us.

Like it or not, over the next years our health will be challenged by sport, illness or accidents
and we need to prepare your body as long as you are healthy. When we are young, we
don't necessarily need muscles, but it is when we get older, that the muscles we built are
going to help the most.

Prepare for the difficult for when it is easy.

In every area of your life. Save money, when you have it, because when you'll be broke you
won't be able to. Train your body, when you are able.

Unfortunately today the blind are leading the blind, because our parents haven't been tough
about this lessons. But if we follow the blind into the forest and we get lost, whom are we
going to blame?

Don't put of for tomorrow what you can do today.

What is the worst thing that can happen to me on the 4 pillars? Then prepare for those.
Maybe you need life insurance? Stop driving motor cycles? Whatever that thing might be.

It's all preparation. Forget the Law of Attraction, because words only get you so far. As
long as it is tempered and surrounded by a heck of a ton of action and preparation.

If we don't have it in our mind, we have it in our heel.

Hey, I messed up, but you know it is OK to be a little bit delusional, I'll be better prepared
next time.

Step 14 - Preparation - The Shaolin Monk & Touching An Electric Fence 37

67 Steps

We are not just what we are and have been. We can do better. Human consciousness exists
because we are simulation machines. We are self-education machines.

It is time to solve the puzzle, before it becomes a nightmare. So do it now.

1. What is an example of a pain in your heel and what can you do to fix it?

On money, I have always been a big saver, but a couple of bad decisions in your life can set
you back in this area. Nonetheless I am preparing my career and skill-set in exactly the
direction which I see my strengths in and which I anticipate to be valuable and scarce in the
future, therefore I am currently in preparation mode. I might just prepare a little bit harder
each day.

My health is currently top, therefore it must be the perfect time to prepare for the future. I
currently do 80-120 push-ups a day and want to start boxing to be prepared when the time
needs it. Buying a gun is also worth it.

Relationships have also suffered the last couple of years and it has been a pain in my heel.
But I am steadily preparing to build a larger and more valuable network. Yesterday I had
dinner with my first chosen mentor. I started inviting my neighbors. I hooked up with old
relatives, got to know their friends and tomorrow I am being at a Street Game Lair to
improve my Social Skills. Only thing left is sending gifts to induce the power of reciprocity
and working on my online persona.

Step 14 - Preparation - The Shaolin Monk & Touching An Electric Fence 38

67 Steps

Step 15 - Math - Descartes & Solving

Problems With A Calculator
This lesson teaches how to make decisions right. Decisions need to be taken along the path
to the good life and mistakes must be avoided at all cost, because a human being can only
make so many mistakes until his time is up.

How do we separate a good from a bad decision? The answer is fairly simple. We use

Descartes, trying to separate the truth from the false himself, concluded that most political,
economical or social theories couldn't be verified as undoubtedly 100% correct, since every
theory could have a millionth of probability to be false. Thus by trying to go to the bottom of
the truth, he concluded that only math had the ability to be 100% correct.

In a similar way we need to apply quantifiable reasoning into our decision making ourselves,
if we want to understand the quality of our options.

Quantifiability should not only be applied on investment decisions either, or whether you
decide to invest in a degree or into a business. But presumably in all areas of life, where you
are unsure which path to take, even with friends, when you need to figure out if you should
hang out with them or not.

A bad friend might give you +2 points of comfort for every hour you spent with him, but might
give you -1 of opportunity cost and -2 in value you get from him.

Even worse might be a friend that puts you down which might equal to -2. So at the end of
the day you get -3 points for every hour you spent with him. Which might be pretty bad and
you should reconsider your affiliation.

Equally you should always have a calculator on you and get better in math and
statistics. Play some probability and mind games like chess. And in the end try to objectify
and quantify your life. Don't use it to an extreme, but use it plenty, if you want to reduce
mistakes and get the good life.

1. Of two different future choices, calculate the odds of one doing better than the other and
why do you think that it will?

Stabll Business Idea Presumptions:

Step 15 - Math - Descartes & Solving Problems With A Calculator 39

67 Steps

100 Clients á 1.200 a year = 120.000 € revenue. Calculated opportunity cost for each
month: 2.500 €.

Option A: Programing it myself.

Probable time to completion: 6 months till MVP. Necessary knowledge needed to acquire:
Asynchronous Javascript on the Frontend tested with EmberJS or Polymer. Some deeper
PHP knowledge on the backend for authorization, authentication, Investment: 8 Months of
my time. (82.500 = 20.000) Chance of working out: 50% Investment decision: 0,5 120.000 –
20.000 = 40.000 €

Option B: Finding a business partner to program it.

Probable time to completion: 2 months finding him, 3 months till he completes MVP.
Investment: 25% equity. 5 months of my time. Chance of working out: 80% Investment
decision: 0,8 (0,75120.000) – 12.500 = 59.500 €

Winner is Option B, finding a business partner. (The above equation is just exemplaratory,
because there are still a few things I didn’t take into account, like several different probability
equasions for the same option, or benefits from acquiring skills through Option A, which I
could benefit on future projects and would therefore lack, if I went with Option B. Will make a
more analytical calculation at some other point.)

Step 15 - Math - Descartes & Solving Problems With A Calculator 40

67 Steps

Step 16 - Rousseau, The Renaissance Man

& Iron Sharpening Iron
This Lesson is about the benefits of being a knowledgeable man, because different
pieces of broad knowledge are like different pieces of ingredients, that are necessary to
cook the good main meal known as the Good Life.

Most big man in history, like Bertrand Rousseau, Karl Marx, George Lucas and many more
have been man of the Renaissance, meaning that they knew not only about their own key
areas, but also about Literature, Astronomy, Languages, Geography, Mathematics,
Economics and many other different parts of knowledge.

We should consider simulating this behavior, because the world is ruled by smart man.

Many man make the mistake, that they stop at certain areas and don't divulge further in the
path of knowledge.

But even if you are an atheist, you should read about religions. If you are a conservative,
you should read about liberal aspects. If you are a communist you should read about
capitalism, because as iron is sharpening iron, a good friend is sharpening a good

In the same way our mind is sharpened from the minds of other great men.

Therefore there is a lesson to be learned from Renaissance Men, who spoke a multitude of
languages, knew about art, mathematics and all these different aspects.

The "edge effect" describes that most sparks of life happen where areas are meeting
with each other.

At the edge of the forest to the meadows or to the pants and rivers is where the action
happens compared to the depth of the forest, where mostly plants are growing.

Similarly a broad variety of different topics are generating the same edge effect in our
mind and character.

Therefore read also books of areas you didn't want to consider before. Read about different
religions. Read about Art and Psychology. Learn different languages because those are the
supportive pillars that give your key main area the necessary edge.


Step 16 - Renaissance - Rousseau, The Renaissance Man & Iron Sharpening Iron 41
67 Steps

1. What is one of your weaknesses and what is your solution to fix it?

Health, I haven't yet read anything about fitness, sport and physical life optimization,
because I thought I didn't need it, as I am healthy. (Although I am currently reading the
Story of the Human Body, don't know if it already counts).

Step 16 - Renaissance - Rousseau, The Renaissance Man & Iron Sharpening Iron 42
67 Steps

Step 17 - Elon Musk’s 14-Hour Workday vs.

The 4-Hour Workweek

Lesson Summary
This lesson is about the hours. There is no way we can achieve, whatever it is we want
to achieve, if we don't put in the hours for it.

There is no man that has had an impact whatsoever, who didn't put in the hours. Elon Musk,
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joel Salatin.

"A man will live by the sweat of his brow."

And if you work a 100 hours a week, when everybody else is working 40, you'll accomplish
in a few months, what takes the average person a year.

Don't even start to want to figure out how to cut time working. You have to love the grind.
And to love the work you do, because work is life and life is work. It is like marrying a
wonderful person you love, but wanting to figure out, how to spend less money with her.

If you don't put in the hours, it is either because you don't love what you do, or because you
are genuinely lazy, in which case there is no hope for you.

Elon Musk just outworked other people. The thought of wanting to work less, is like a
cancer and you have to root it out, because otherwise it will spread and destroy your life.
You have to work and grind to get what you want.

Sometimes it helps to think ahead to the time, when you will be old and weak and you will
wish more than anything to be able and to have the energy to get out of bed and to do the
stuff you want and to work the whole day.

Don't get caught in the moment, because thinking in the moment have destroyed peoples

Always remember, the second you stop working and grinding it out, you're not alive. Life is
the grind, and once you hate the grind you hate life, but once you love the grind you
will love life. Just don't forget to balance it also out.

And forget about sourcing things out. To do it right, you have to do it yourself. The biggest
accomplishments come from individuals.

Step 17 - Hours - Elon Musk’s 14-Hour Workday vs. The 4-Hour Workweek 43
67 Steps

There are some things you can get help with, but it won't get down. There is no person with
impact, that didn't put in the hours.

You will put in the hours, if you want to have what you want.

1. Which of the four big areas of your life do you have the 4 hour workweek mentality and
how do you plan on fixing it?

Business and Self-Education. It’s not that I don’t like what I am doing. And I have caught
myself sometimes working and programming so that I wonder after days, why my
fingers hurt. But what I hate the most is that I so easily distract myself with mindless
activities that consume my productive time. I hope to fix it, by improving my work
environment, either by having a mirror in front of me or by being in a co-working space,
where I am seen, if I fool around.

Step 17 - Hours - Elon Musk’s 14-Hour Workday vs. The 4-Hour Workweek 44
67 Steps

Step 18 - Man-On-The-Moon Contrast

Keeping Easy Things Easy
This Lesson teaches us two simple and practical steps to improve our process to get what
we want.

Contrast Effect
This effect helps our brain to understand most things we want are rather simple. We want to
make a million dollar? Well, some people managed to put a man on the moon, which is
really hard. Compared to this contrast making a million dollar is simple.

But don't confuse simple with easy. Acquiring what you want in life is not easy. It is hard,
but simple.

First see the contrast. There are people who made a couple of billion dollars. Is it possible to
make a million? Yes. How much is it a day? Around $3.000. An hour? $300. Can you figure
out how to make $300 an hour? Or start with $100?

In the same way the contrast principle can be applied to all pillars of health, wealth, love and
happiness. If Arnold Schwarzenegger managed to work out 6 hours a day, can you work out
15 minutes?

Without contrast the brain things that the tasks are huge, but with contrast they
become simple for the mind. They just need to be broken down into their small parts, so
that our brain understands that they are manageable.

But don't let the contrast screw around with your mind. Because the second you make 100
grant, you want to live the lifestyle of 130 grant, because evolution pushes you always
forward. Be reasonable.

The contrast effect helps use overcome an internal barrier.

Alexander the Great once said, that there are only two kinds of people, the one who
conquers fear and the one who suffers and dies from it.

Keep Easy Things Easy

In life there are the hard things and the easy things that need to be done. Easy is sending
email. Selecting a car. Going to work. Nevertheless people spend an inconsiderable
amount of time on easy tasks, like writing a big email instead of calling or driving 2 hours

Step 18 - Perspective - Man-On-The-Moon Contrast Keeping Easy Things Easy 45

67 Steps

to work.

Everything needs to get their appropriate time so that time is spend on the hard things,
like how do I grow my business or how do I stop being broke. Instead most people spend a
lot of time on the question of what smart phone to chose or what car they should select.
Who cares about thus unimportant stuff.

Keep things simple. Move next to where you work and just have one pair of cloths.

Not getting the small things right, doesn't hurt. Having the big things bad, does hurt.

What type of car do you want? Who cares! What kind of smart phone should I get? Don't
spend days on unimportant stuff. Spend time thinking on how to not be broke. How many
books on business have you read?

Devote seven hours a day on the hard things.

Health is not that hard. Making money is a little hard. Social is also hard. If you invest 3
hours a day to increase your social skills, this is what you will remember in 20 years,
not if your car has been black or blue.

1. What is something that should be simple that you made hard?

Program some stuff and putting them online. I know some stuff is simple to do, but for
some reason I keep thinking too much about unimportant details, that don't make any
difference at all. Just start.

2. What is something that is hard that you made too simple?

Relationship. Thought it was easy to manage. But it is actually harder than I thought.

Step 18 - Perspective - Man-On-The-Moon Contrast Keeping Easy Things Easy 46

67 Steps

Step 19 - & The $32,000 Brain

This lesson explains where to spend your money, because it is essential for the man you
ought to become.

The idea is, that you should calculate and track your discretionary income, which is your
income minus your fixed expenses, like rent, to be able to spend money on matters that

In general the idea is to spend 30% of your discretionary income on your brain. It can be
books, seminars or even a tour to a place where a highly educated person lives. Seriously, if
you have $100 discretionary income, spent $30 on your mind. If you have $100.000 residual
income, spent $30.000 on books and seminars. It's a matter of ratio and less a matter of

The other 30% of your discretionary income should be spent on life, because you need
social intercourse and fun because life might be over tomorrow.

And the last 30% shouldn't be spend at all, they should be saved.

To start doing this, get a sheet of paper or use excel and track your income. Then calculate
your exact discretionary income. After that you can do the math yourself. But remember that should become your friend. Don't be penny wise and dollar foolish. Be
dollar wise.


30% on your mind

30% on life
30% for savings

1. Right now, what is the discretionary income that you have available to you?

I'd like to keep this amount for myself.

1. How are you currently spending it? In other words, what minors are you majoring in?

Step 19 - Money - & The $32,000 Brain Budget 47

67 Steps

I saved a lot of it. And when I spent it, I did it on a suit, books, mentors and a few bucks
on some socializing. Would say about 60% mind and cloths, 30% on mind, 10% on

2. What are you going to reinvest in?

I'll book probably a seminar in mnemonics and speed reading. Also in gifts and dinners
for mentors and mentors to come. Also I am going to enroll in a university course in
economics. Then probably some more books of Tai's list.

Step 19 - Money - & The $32,000 Brain Budget 48

67 Steps

Step 20 - Richard Branson’s Hurricane &

The Imaginary World Of Kanye West
This lesson teaches us the role of imagination and the right mentality to get the good life.

Firmly speaking, our good life does not yet exist. We need to use our imagination first in the
four pillars of the good life to create it in our mind. And once we have created it in our mind,
we need to reshape the world into the life we want by reverse engineering the process
of getting there.

The definition of an entrepreneur is someone who remakes the world in his own image. And
we all need to become entrepreneurs if we want the good life.

What would most people do, when they were stuck on an island because of a hurricane
warning? They would probably say: "Well, OK, there is nothing I can do." But what do
entrepreneurs like Richard Branson do? He innovated his way out of it. He chartered a
private jet, without having the money, so he sold tickets to the jet, that he had chartered and
got off the island and also made a profit.

What do we want? Let's find out what it is and then reverse engineer it our way to get
it. Tai wanted to make a living by reading books, so he shaped the world around him to be
able to do it.

In the world there are three kinds of people. The ones that make things happen, the
ones that watch things happen and the ones that wonder what happens.

As long as we are in the first two categories, we are doing fine. Because the general process
is that we first have to watch things happen, before we can make things happen.

The process of literal re-imagining, makes things happen. It takes some time, skill, due
diligence, experiments and failures.

Right now: If we are independently wealthy, how would we reshape the world we live in,
which consists of 16 hours of our waking time? When do we wake up? Which people are
around us? Family? Professional people in a corporate environment? What does our goal
look like? Are you a mover or geographically stable?

Define it and then reverse engineer it. Want to be a Growth-Hacker and make it a
business? What do you need to do for it to happen? You need to add value and get
customers. How do you get customers? I can make a little website an offer it to my friends.
How do you make people go on the website? You can start with your friends. Every time you
meet someone, ask them to join your "Book of the Day."

Step 20 - Imagination - Richard Branson’s Hurricane & The Imaginary World Of Kanye West
67 Steps

Similarly reverse engineer yourself to where your goal is. Richard Branson wanted to be in a
world, where he could go wherever he wants whenever he wants. He created this world.

All it takes is:

1. We must innovate, we must be creative, we must be optimistic, and we also have to be

2. We need to be realistic in our goal in a sense that we choose something that aligns with
our eulyrian destiny (strenghts).
3. We need to be patient. The process to reshape the world in your image is your life, so
you don't really want to get to the end. The only time when there will be no more
struggle in life, is when you're dead. Death will naturally come to you, so don't hurry to
go to the end. As long as we move everyday a little bit closer to our goal and we
go to sleep a little bit wiser, don't worry about how fast you move. Who cares how
fast we go? Who lives the longest in nature? Elephants and turtles. And the shortest
lives do fast-pacing animals like birds have.
4. And we need to be specific in the definition of the big four things. Healthwise. Do you
play soccer? Boxing? Wealth? Imagination wise, how are you making your money?
Socially? Are you an extrovert? Introvert? Do you have people around every day? Big
family? Romance? Happiness? How do you get this? Being religious? Reading? Being
a monk? Being around the right people? (BTW the social part is the most important)

We can have anything we want, but not everything. So we might need to cut here and
there things to reorder them in the shape we want them to be.

Life is like a parachute jump. You only got one chance.

Sidenote 1: The most money you will ever make is in the thing that matches up with your
skillset, natural affinities, natural drive, natural ambitions and curiosity. Never chase the
mirage, which is facing you but always moving away.

Sidenote 2: Starting a business and not making money right away is not a failure, as long as
we are moving slowly in the right direction. This is Thomas Edison principle of edition.

Sidenote 3: You can have anything you want, but not everything.

Sidenote 4: Most powerful word in USA is “imagine”.


Step 20 - Imagination - Richard Branson’s Hurricane & The Imaginary World Of Kanye West
67 Steps

1. What does your world look like that you’d like to reimagine around health?

I like boxing. It improves my reaction, cardio, endurance, speed and strength. It is

besides Judo, an ancient sport. It relieves stress and increases my sexual market value.
I like to imagine myself using boxing as a balance to my work every evening.

2. In your ideal world, where is your income going to come from? How are you going to
reverse engineer?

In my completely ideal world, I am a specialist in growing businesses online using

measurement systems. Analytics to keep companies on track, measuring employee
performance weekly and in real time and implementing data driven approaches to
minimize management interaction and let the company breathe and their employees

Ideally I only need a laptop with an internet connection to do my day to day job, thus
being able to move flexible around europe and the educated world, as long as my
schedule doesn’t suffer. I work with people I love at companies I own or co-own
together, thus combining my social needs together with my work. I am always
surrounded by family and friends in my business. This is were 60% of my income
comes from, from my own businesses. 20% I get through being an authority in my field
on Growth Hacking, holding classes, lectures and speeches on data driven business
development and 20% comes from working for other companies as a consultant.

3. Socially, what does it look like?

I have loving, healthy, stable and supportive relationships with the people I love most,
my children and wife. And deep, reliable and meaningful connections with around 120
people, who I can trust and who can trust me.

I am only around people who I like.

4. How are you going to be happy?

I am spiritual. I read a couple of eastern books and I imagine myself continuing this and
also having circles where I can humbly ask what I don't understand, until I reach a point,
where my understanding of science and my spiritual understanding is perfectly aligned.

Therefore I imagine myself meeting once a week with spiritual people, at my house or at
the temple, where we do ceremonies, eat and talk and align our lives and world to our
spiritual understanding.

Step 20 - Imagination - Richard Branson’s Hurricane & The Imaginary World Of Kanye West
67 Steps

Step 21 - Mastering The Four P.A.S.E.

Energies & Casanovas Chameleon
This lesson teaches a powerful technique to influence humans, even ourselves, called
the P.A.S.E. technique.

Casanova, the Social Chameleon, once said: "I saw that to accomplish anything, I must
bring all my physical and moral faculties in play, make the acquaintance of the great and
powerful, exercise strict self-control and play the chameleon."

But once you are a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Therefore we have to bring out
different parts of our personality, to convince different kind of people.

To understand how this technique works, we have to go into the details.

P.A.S.E. stands for Practical, Actionable, Social and Emotional tendencies inside of

Every person has all of them inside, but on different levels of dominance. When we
understand which part of the P.A.S.E. system is dominant within a person, we can start
using this knowledge to our advantage, by projecting the same tendency towards them and
speaking their language, because like attracts alike and the second we can read a person,
we will see tremendous things happen, the next time we use the system on them.

The goal is to become good in every area, so that we can switch them on and off whenever
needed and secondly we have to use it to also know and convince ourselves.

P.A.S.E. - Practical
Practical people are generally slower. They are planners who like to plan things in advance
and stick to them. They are not super flexible and also not super changeable which has the
disadvantage of being not adaptable enough. These practical people approach you more
reserved. The second you know they are Practical, slow and steady, methodical, you don't
try to be too pushy with them.

P.A.S.E. - Actional
They are the kind of people to whom you say: "We're Vikings we are going to knock down
this castle wall. Everyday we go, we spent 8 hours hitting the wall, and when we knock it
down, it is a clear path and a clear goal that doesn't change". They are kind of in their
routine and rigid and thus horrible, when they need to be changing on a dime, like

Step 21 - P.A.S.E. - Mastering The Four P.A.S.E. Energies & Casanovas Chameleon 52
67 Steps

"yesterday we attacked this wall, now new information is coming, we need to attack the
other wall." Those people have the attitude "Oh, come on, let's make things happen. Let's
go!", they are like fire. Like many entrepreneurs, they start a lot of businesses but the A-
energy is the starter, but the P-energy is the finisher, which makes them to don't always stick
to their things, because they are not patient enough. With an Action person you can try to
close a deal right away.

P.A.S.E. - Social
Social people don't like plans a lot. They rather go with the flow in a hippyish vibe. They
don't like conflict that much and are often OK to do things others want, in order to be with
people. Action people are much more aggressive in this matter. Social people are very
social, in a sense that they like being around people. A practical man likes to be with people,
because it makes him feel secure. Action men like to be around other people because they
will help them get things done. Social people instead like to be around people purely
because they like to be around people. Everyone has a part of this energy, but for some
people it is dominant. They are a bit flaky. They don't stand up for themselves, even when
they should. If you are with a Social Person befriend them, keep the conversation light, go
with the flow. Hop around different restaurants and bars. Be spontaneous.

P.A.S.E. - Emotional
They are like the deep ocean. They often times hold things in. They are sensitive. The
upside is that they are intuitive and naturally good at reading people. And the downside is
that they are too easily offended by fear or by their environment. They don't have the thick
skin that is needed to go through lives obstacles. If you are with an emotional person, you
try to connect by opening up and being vulnerable. Show them yourself and they will
open up themselves.

Once we understand P.A.S.E. we understand Casanovas Chameleon, because if we know

the dominant factor in a person, we know how to speak his language.

Example: If we know the dominant factor of a person is Action, we can talk to him in his
language to influence him: "Hey... Let's make it happen. Today is the day. Let's not
procrastinate. Let's go, go go go go go go!!! Why wait? We don't need to make a plan. Let's

Just the consciousness to start typing people and analyze them is a big step ahead.

As a side note Practical and Emotional are related as well as Social and Action are

Step 21 - P.A.S.E. - Mastering The Four P.A.S.E. Energies & Casanovas Chameleon 53
67 Steps

You've to be a chameleon, but not in an inauthentic way, because you have a little bit of all
those in you.

If you are on a party, bring out the S. And if you are with someone in a room, bring out the
E., if you are sitting with your accountant, bring out the P.

Come to an awareness, that it is okay to judge people. Everything in life is synthesis.

For practical application start listening more in a genuine way to asses the situation. Then
start analyzing yourself. Next the people you know well. Then acquaintances and in the end
the strangers. Then start with living those areas, like for the next hour, I'll be practical.

What ideas can you do, to strengthen some of your areas? Learn to understand people. It
will help you in many ways. It will make you make friends and influence people. And you will
be able to even influence yourself.

Myself: P.E.A.S. Bianca: S.A.P.E. Dad: A.P.S.E. Mom: S.A.E.P. Mimoza: P.E.S.A. Shpetim:
A.P.S.E. Klea: dbd

1. Which is your dominant and why do you think it's that?

I am a PEAS. I am definitely a practical guy, because I like planing. Think before you do.
I am master of preparation, I can prepare for days, weeks and months or even years. I
once was given a manual task. I recorded exactly how much time each sub task needs
to be able to make plans in the future on how much such task should take, if delegated
to someone else. I love discussing business ideas and getting into the implementation
details. Too bad other people don't like details, but they are the steps you need to take,
so why not elaborate about them? I always know exactly where the journey is going. I
know exactly which path to take, what is wrong and right.

2. Which is your weakest?

Comparatively my weakest point is the Action part. With so many plans in my head, I
have to stick to one after the other and drill on each until I get to the ground and find oil
:) It is my weakest, but not necessarily the one I put last, because as an Entrepreneur I
need P and A much more than E.

3. What are your Mom and Dad?

Dad is APSE. Mom is SAEP.

4. How can you bring out each of these in a practiced way, one each day?

Step 21 - P.A.S.E. - Mastering The Four P.A.S.E. Energies & Casanovas Chameleon 54
67 Steps

I can call someone each day to be S. Sitting alone with someone and being emotional...
I am practical every day, so I don't need to be more analytical than I am already. I can
be A, while sitting in the office, getting the lovely programming grind done, to move to
the more interesting tasks.

Step 21 - P.A.S.E. - Mastering The Four P.A.S.E. Energies & Casanovas Chameleon 55
67 Steps

Step 22 - The Seven-fold Path To The

Obvious Signs
This lesson is about the scientific process on how to achieve results in the most efficient
way. This process has been the only method, that has brought us out of the 500 years old
dark age and it is a guaranteed way to bring results.

What we want is to lay aside the old thinking of black and white. Things are generally not
good or evil. When Copernicus found out, that the earth was moving around the sun, he
thought he would get honors and awards. But instead the old way of thinking brought him

Similarly we want to avoid the dark age and apply to our processes the Seven-fold Path to
The obvious signs:

The 7 step method to effectively and efficiently move towards your goals is to:

1. Ask yourself a question

2. Research the answer to that question
3. Make a hypothesis (sample answer)
4. Test it for a while
5. Observe while you are doing the test
6. Step back and analyze what you observe, when that test is done running
7. Make war with a multitude of counselors or ask other smart people to review the other 6
steps you did and to give their opinion.

It is stolen from a scientific 7 step process:

1. You look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself a question. (How can I have a less fat
2. Research the answer. Seek and you will find. Google, books, whatever.
3. Hypothesis: I am eating out 3 times a week. Based on what I read, I should eat less
processed food.
4. Test things 3 to 4 months. What is the difference between an experiment and a
mistake? A mistake is an experiment run too long.
5. Etc. And apply it to whatever you want

As long as we run our experiments quickly we are able to get new things to our tool belt. Try
new diets. The key is to finish your experiments. And always remember, that 50% of
people quit after one failure. 80% quit after two and 95% quit after three failures.

Step 22 - Results - The Seven-fold Path To The Obvious Signs 56

67 Steps

Coincidentally many self-made billionaires have failed in business and went bankrupt three

People never finish, make sure you finish the experiment and then ask your multitude of
counselors for the results. Ask your mom or whomever others opinions you value.

When you finished, you start over. If you go through 7 cycles of it, you will see incredible
results. If it seems hard, what is the alternative path? The alternative path is to never do it

Start iterating to find out different tools for different times. Time is moving forward. We are
already moving through life, but we don't want to be the guy who is doing an experiment
for 10 years. In 10 years we should have done 40 experiments. Eventually we know, what
makes us money.

1. Regarding your physical health, where have you been black and white and not
experimented enough? What can you do to experiment more?

I don't eat strictly. I work out, making 80 to 120 push ups a day, but have still the same
eating patterns. I shall experiment trying different diets that help me built the healthy
and beautiful body I like to have. I shall research what food helps to get a healthy and
beautiful body and skin. I shall make the hypothesis, that if I continue this for 2 months, I
shall see results. I'll test it for two months and observe myself while I am doing the test.
After the test is done, I should analyze the results and I shall ask a multitude of
counselors, what they think of my body.

2. Regarding your business/wealth/career, where have you been black and white and not
experimented enough? What can you do to experiment more?

I've been black and white in regard to selling actual stuff. That I have to learn stuff,
before I can sell them. Can I sell things which I don't have any idea how to build them?
I'll research the answer and sell build the hypothesis, that it is possible to sell
something, which does not yet exist and which I myself don't know how to build. I'll test
it for two months, making one visit a day. I'll observe the results while I am doing the test
and step back and analyze the results, once the test is finished. Then I'll make war with
a multitude of counselors.

3. Regarding your social life, where have you been black and white and not experimented
enough? What can you do to experiment more?

Step 22 - Results - The Seven-fold Path To The Obvious Signs 57

67 Steps

I always thought that having multiple long term relationships was incompatible with my
current relationship. I'll research the answer and probably built the hypothesis that from
having a second LTR my current LTR will benefit. I shall experiment with multiple
women and see if it works out.

4. Regarding your happiness, where have you been black and white and not experimented
enough? What can you do to experiment more?

Reading a lot of eastern spiritualism made me biased. I shall open up to every


Step 22 - Results - The Seven-fold Path To The Obvious Signs 58

67 Steps

Step 23 - Landing Your Plane On The Great

Getting to our goals, is like landing a plane on an airplane carrier, when there is a
storm around. For most people it seems impossible to land the plane in a storm on their
target and they will crash, because there are many places where we can crash, but only
one place where we can land.

How do we land the plane wherever we want to go? Through "force of will", which is
developed through faith.

Before we can make it through the storm of life, we must have faith that we have the
success before we have it, because without faith, we will not be able to make it through.

There is a story of a group of man on a raft in the middle of the ocean, stuck there for 67
days. They didn't have food for 47 days, they were attacked by Japanese fighters and
sharks but in the end, the ones who had faith survived, the others died.

But blind unrealistic faith will not get you anywhere. We have to be prepared and trained
for the storm and the obstacles of life. To conquer up the required force of will, we have
to go with our eulyrian destiny to take our plane and land it on realistic goals.

Furthermore the problems we perceive depend on our perspective, therefore reading

history or traveling will help us put our storm into perspective and make it look what it
really is, a bump on the street.

Going after our goals, we will encounter obstacles hitting us like a wall. Those blows will set
us back and the only man who make it in life, are the ones who innovate around those
wall. For every wall that raises in front of you, there regularly 5 to 7 ways to innovate
around it, because where there is a will there is a way. What does it take to get through
the wall?

1. A sledge hammer to strike through the wall. Sometimes it takes raw will power that we
need to have in our tool belt.
2. A shovel to dig under it.
3. A ladder to climb over it.
4. Running shoes to run around the wall.
5. A helicopter to lift you.
6. Etc.

Step 23 - Walls - Landing Your Plane On The Great Wall 59

67 Steps

Similarly we have to innovate through our walls to reach our goals and land our plane. It is
the mentality that matters, because most people get hit and they stay hit, because they
don't innovate enough. How much time should we invest to knock down the walls?
However much it takes.

Coupled with perspective: "It's not as bad as you think." We can take our problems, break
them down through linear reductionism in baby steps and start with the first brick.

What might be a first wall? Financial independence? Can it be making $1000 extra a month?
Is it around $30 extra a day? You think this is possible? Once you broke down the first brick,
the wall loosens up and the 2nd brick is easier to kick off. The 3rd even easier.

But as we see our wall that keep us awake at night, we need to get some perspective on
them, because they are normal and we need to remember that the second we go trough
our wall, there will be another wall waiting for us.

Knocking down the walls of life is the grind. And the grind is the life.

Therefore we have to beautify our way through the walls like a parkour, because there
will never be a time, when we will have made it.

And even if there will be a time, when all our planes landed, we will feel depressed, because
we will be 90 years old and we will wish to be young again, like we are right now.

Don't live the life of the masses in quite desperation that is confirmed resignation.

Reach your goals and people will respect you for it. People will look up to you for it. You will
respect yourself

Break down the problems from big into small ones. Work on the small goals and next
thing you know the wall falls.

But don't race to the end, because the end is the end and there is no reason to get to
the end too fast.

1. Do you have a realistic plan that can generate faith?

Yes. I have a plan, based on my skillset, on what I grew up with, based on my strength
and on what I got consistently compliments for and on what I can talk every evening if
getting the opportunity.

2. On a 1- 10 scale how strong is your ability to conjure up and generate force of will?

Step 23 - Walls - Landing Your Plane On The Great Wall 60

67 Steps

Depends. Sometimes I feel like my force of will is 3, other times it rises to 6. As you said
that force of will comes through faith, I believe that I can set more realistic goals to
increase my faith and to conjure up my force of will. But what about thinking Big?

3. What have you lost perspective in?


1. What books are you going to start reading to put life back into perspective?

Will Durant - History

Step 23 - Walls - Landing Your Plane On The Great Wall 61

67 Steps

Step 24 - Gandhi’s Funeral, Stephen

Covey’s Wars, & Flurries Of Activity
This Lesson helps you define your end goal, because having a clearly defined war-winning
endgame goal in general and also in the four pillars of the good life, helps us to move
towards the right things, instead of moving towards the wrong things.

Joe Salatin said, that if we don't know what the endgame is, and we don't know what we are
working towards, we run the risk of becoming good at the bad thing.

Most people today are always busy doing stuff, always having flurries of activities.

If we don't know what the endgame is and we don't know what we are working
towards, we run the risk of becoming good at the bad thing.

If we want it or not, our brain is continuously and subconsciously assessing our situation and
doing math on the question of how good of a life we are living.

Our brain adds up the sum of all accomplishments and the earned respect of our
peers. And if our brain assesses that we are not doing well, it manifests in our conscious life
as functional depression. We can't just be happy, but we can move towards something.

The best way to consciously assess our life is to ask the question: "When I die, how many
people will show up on my funeral?" And each year we have to look at our life and see if
we move up on this scale.

Defining a war-winning endgame goal helps us moving toward that goal.

Unfortunately we are early conditioned to be awarded for just flurries of activities, where the
general concept is to just "do stuff", which represents the battle mentality. The second we
get paid by someone in exchange for our time (for example per hour), we have the incentive
to stretch out those hours. When we get paid for hours, we don't need to really rush.

More importantly we need to think about what we need to accomplish and then we don't
have to worry about the activity, if we think with the end in mind (the funeral test).

Don't commit to stuff, that you can't do. And if you commit, you have to do it.

There are four wars that we need to win:

1. Health, define an end-goal for your body. How do you want to look like?

Have a body trained in the martial arts of boxing. With endurance and power.

Step 24 - Endgame - Gandhi’s Funeral, Stephen Covey’s Wars, & Flurries Of Activity 62
67 Steps

2. Wealth, reach at least the $80.000 to $100.000 for financial independence. Once
you've reached them, there is also prosperity and wealth impact to reach.

3. Social, have good family, friends and romantic relationships. (Tai has an excel
spreadsheet for his 150 people). Have those relationships meaningful.

4. Happiness, the fulfillment for pint up desires. Playing our part in the theater of life.

If you win all four wars, you will win the funeral test.

The men who can manage men, manage the men who can only manage things. But
the men who manage money, manage all. See yourself more valuable than money and
invest in yourself.

Whatever big decision we have to take, should be answered with the endgame
question in mind.

Will it bring us closer to our defined war-winning endgame of Health, Wealth, Love and
Happiness and ultimately to our funeral test?

Let's make sure we define, what our end-goal in those 4 pillars of the good life. People who
win the funeral test, have just gone straight to their goal. Directly. If our goal is definite, you
can reach it.

What do you want your funeral to look like and what do you want people to say about you?

1. For you who is the epitome of someone who has passed the funeral test?

Wladimir Putin. Albert Einstein. Jerry Whinetraub.

2. Do you have a clear end game war winning concept for your life?

Not yet. I'll make one. When would I say, I won the war in life in general.

3. What does your winning the war in the four pillars of life look like?

Endgame in: a. Health – Having a body as a boxer. b. Wealth – Breaking the $50
Million barrier in wealth. c. Love – Having 150 meaningful relationships and at least 15
friends who can coun’t on me and who I can count on. d. Fulfillment – Being happy
when I die.

1. What is your weakest pillar that you create flurries of activity for?

Wealth. Working all the time 100 hours a week, but what is the money in your bank
account? Work ON the business NOT IN it.

Step 24 - Endgame - Gandhi’s Funeral, Stephen Covey’s Wars, & Flurries Of Activity 63
67 Steps

Step 24 - Endgame - Gandhi’s Funeral, Stephen Covey’s Wars, & Flurries Of Activity 64
67 Steps

Step 25 - Joel Salatin On Nature Laughing

Last, The Respect Of Seasons and The
Terrible Twos
This lesson teaches us the law of nature, that strikes regardless of our plans. There is an
outside bigger picture, which whom we belong to. We are just part of it with our plans and it
is better to be aware of it, because whenever we find ourselves in a fist fight with mother
nature, we will most certainly loose, since nature is the teacher of last resort.

Similarly to the metaphor of nature, there are naturally occurring cycles of success. The
media bias, which also includes our eyes as media, perceive solely the Fall in this cycle,
because we tend to see the harvest. The people who have made it.

But in all actuality all success stories happen slow.

The average millionaire takes 10 to 12 years to reach his success. Even though the
media bias makes us believe that success happens over night and our false believe lets us
expect that success has to come within 6 months of our undertaking.

But nature laughs last, and if nature says that it takes that long, then who are we to fight
nature? Therefore we need to stay in the business long enough. We need to find the one
thing and hold on to it and never let it go. We can bounce around products but not
around industries.

The way a business progress is like a child. The first years it keeps you awake at night and
in the terrible two it drives you crazy. But after a lot of investment, children will grow and start
supporting you when you are old. We don't want a child that goes from 2 to 20 years old. We
should not be like most entrepreneurs who look at a one year old business and are
complaining, that it is not paying the bills.

Together of our understanding on how nature works, we need to also understand natures
timing and get and understanding and respect of seasons.

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Media bias has made us acclimated to think that we
are always in our Fall of our lives.

In Winter it is the time of planning, finding the industry. Of accumulating knowledge. Of rest
and where we charge our batteries. It is also the time of darkness and coldness and it is
easy to loose faith in winter, but as sure as nature pushes us into the winter, it will push us
out of winter, if we survive it. Many people don't make it out, get stuck and depressed here.
Some people call this the 10 dark years or the 10.000 hours.

Step 25 - Seasons - Joel Salatin On Nature Laughing Last, The Respect Of Seasons, and
The Terrible Twos 65
67 Steps

In Spring we start to experiment. We might plant seeds and observe. Replant them if it
rained too much or the soil froze. We are not yet sure if what we do is correct, but we are
slowly selecting the product.

Summer is the time of activity, where the product is selected and we work really hard,
putting in the 100 hour work week. Where we know what we do and where we get less
sleep and loose more energy. Where we put all eggs in one basket and watching that

Fall is the time to enjoy the harvest and to collect the rewards. Most people get this time in
their 40's, 50's or 60's.

We can't quicken the curve too quickly. Everything needs to go through childhood. The good
news is the light at the end of the tunnel. We have to remove all the timeliness of instant
success that the media bias and mass media bias is putting in our mind.

By being too impatient we will kill the two year old child. Babies will be babies. If we
start pushing on nature too much, we will get an equal of opposite reaction. And we don't
want to get lessons of nature, because nature is the teacher of last resort. It is the meanest
of all teachers.

This doesn't mean that we have to be slow, but that we have to respect the seasons.

Also there is no free lunch. Everything is a cause and effect.

1. What was a winter in your life, and knowing what you know now what would you have
done differently?

In my first entrepreneurial undertaking I should have counseled more counselors when I

was in research of the product. I should have been more aware of my surroundings and
picked my business partners more carefully. Also adapting faster in this area, when the
soil needs to be chosen and the seeds to be planned. I should have got more mentors
who could have warned me about pitfalls.

2. What was a spring in your life, and knowing what you know now what would you have
done differently?

Spring was the time when we experimented with the product. We experimented if there
was any demand.

3. What was a summer in your life, and knowing what you know now what would you have
done differently?

Step 25 - Seasons - Joel Salatin On Nature Laughing Last, The Respect Of Seasons, and
The Terrible Twos 66
67 Steps

Here we should have build and sold the product. We didn't become active here,
because tasks were not properly assigned. Organization was bad. Production was slow.
Co-Founders had the 2 hours a week mentality. The result was pretty sad, but it could
have been avoided, if I had adapted quicker in spring when I became aware of the

4. What was a fall in your life, and knowing what you know now what would you have done

I can recollect my university time. When I had put a lot of planning and work to my math
and statistics exams and finally got the A's that I deserved. I was happy about those
rewards, because I deserved them, due to my hard work I had put into. Every day,
literally countless hours studying in the library and at home. In every available minute.

5. What season are you in now and what are you going to do differently now?

I am again in winter right now. Figuring out a new product on my own. ("Growing
businesses online, using measurement systems.") and reorganizing the previous
business ("Improving businesses using customer interaction") with new partners and
maybe new investors. This time I shall adapt more quickly to problems I'll encounter and
generally stay close to these 67 steps.

Step 25 - Seasons - Joel Salatin On Nature Laughing Last, The Respect Of Seasons, and
The Terrible Twos 67
67 Steps

Step 26 - Belts, Suspenders, Failing To

Fail, The Six Sigma Heartbeat & How To
Not Crash Your F-22
This Lesson teaches us the one rule to get the good life and how to follow it: Make no
mistakes by using the Six Sigma Approach.

There is a social fallacy that states, that mistakes are normal. It is true that we learn by
mistakes, but they don't have to be necessarily ours.

How many times do you want an airplane engine to fail?

Similarly we can implement in our lives tools and systems that can help us prevent
doing mistakes in our lives, because the path of trial and error is futile. For one trial takes
time, which we don't have because life is short. And for second errors can be futile.

How would your life look like, if you could reduce the amount of fails in your life on a daily,
weekly, monthly or yearly basis? Even if it is forgetting something important. Doing your
accounting wrong. Doing 3.4 mistakes for every millionth attempt you are executing on

There is a rule that everything that can go wrong, will go wrong at the time when you need it

Six sigma perfection means that for every millionth time you attempt something, only
two or three of them go wrong. It is a belt system with which the company Motorola could
save $17 billion. It is a quality control tool. Sigma Level One does around 670.000
mistakes per 1.000.000 attempts. That means 67%. Some people are like this, who
everything they touch goes wrong. In Sigma Level Two the failure rate drops to 30%. Then
to 3%. Then to under 1 percent. And in Sigma Level Six it drops to 3.4 mistakes out of a
million attempts.

The one rule to have the good life is: "To not make mistakes!"

To not make mistakes, we need to get rid of the expectation of our own failure. We
shouldn't allow ourselves to make anymore mistakes. With this mentality in mind, we
can use four tools to reduce the amount of mistakes significantly. On a side-note: Expecting
things to go wrong, is the surest prevention of them going wrong, because the simple task of
monitoring them, keeps them from failing.

Tool 1: Redundancy

Step 26 - Mistakes - Belts, Suspenders, Failing To Fail, The Six Sigma Heartbeat, & How To
Not Crash Your F-22 68
67 Steps

Plan and implement multiple systems in your life, because you can expect things to fail.
Have more than one babysitter available. Have more than one developer available for the
task. Use Belts and Suspenders, for when your belt fails you, you'll have suspenders, and
for when your suspenders fail you, you'll have a belt. We need to know that our babysitter
will fail us and we need to keep our finger on the pulse of things.

Tool 2: F-22 Exercise on Planning

Make a plan like the F-22 pilots for the Best Case, Most Likely Case and Worst Case
scenario and built a solution plan to them, because when shit hits the fan, things are
moving so fast, that we can not act correctly, if we hadn't planned ahead for this
situation. Similarly have solutions laid out for anything that can go wrong in your
undertakings and in your life in general.

Tool 3: Actually learn Six Sigma

This system can't be learned that easily, as there are yearly courses to get certification on it.
But it is recommended to research it on your own.

Tool 4: Increase Simulation Factor

It is true we learn by mistakes, but they don't have to be necessarily our mistakes. Therefore
it can't be stressed enough to make war with a multitude of counselors. To learn from
historians, philosophers, entrepreneurs, alive or dead. We must increase the knowledge
level our brain can suck in. Read books, have mentors, use accountants. Don't do anything
on your own.

1. Of the 6 levels of sigma what skill level are you at? How often do things go wrong?

Six Sigma One. Nearly everything I touch goes wrong.

2. What is the primary reason you think you're at the level you are at now in six sigma

No redundancy. Only planning for best case scenario. Consciously avoiding anything
negative even when it is right in front of me.

3. Of the things talked about in the video which of these do you need to work on most?

Redundancy and planning ahead.

Step 26 - Mistakes - Belts, Suspenders, Failing To Fail, The Six Sigma Heartbeat, & How To
Not Crash Your F-22 69
67 Steps

4. To get from point A to point B (your goals) what is your F-22 plan to get there? Your
most likely, your least likely, and the perfect plan?

Jump starting my Growth Hacking Agency.

Best Case Scenario: I'll finish my Agency Website. Do adwords, actively go after
clients and they hook. Marketing hooks also. Partnerships and other agencies with
whom I collaborate bring the really big fish, like Telekom, Mercedes and Volkswagen.
Getting some big projects to execute on them. Have to hire a small and competent
team. Money flows in greatly. Hire salesman. Implementing a system to keep the pulse
in the business. Withdrawing and going after a more scalable product like Stabll. Hiring
a good manager to run the company.

Worst Case Scenario: I'll get sick and not being able to complete the company
website. Can't start attracting customers, since the customer touch points are failing me.
I'll loose the income sources I currently have and also loose my job. Will get denied
social security and can't pay the rent. Can't feed myself. Starve. Rent is due. My wife
leaves me and I fall in ultimate disgrace in front of everyone I know.

Solution: Eat healthy. No alcohol, drugs or other toxic substances. More salad, fruit and
exercise, to prevent going ill. But if I go ill, I will partner up with somebody else, and split
the company in 51% 49%. If we can't get clients to pay, we do it for free to build
reputation and get a state funded business loan till then. Until the business loan is
given, which can take up to 12 months, I'll take another loan or sell my property for food.
I move into a WG to reduce cost of living or sleep in my car. Get a gym membership to
shower myself. Try to get a job in sales to move things back into the correct direction.

Most Likely Scenario: I'll complete the company website. I'll start market my product.
The first clients will be hard to get, but lastly will a lot of persuasion, I'll get a low level
client who pays nearly nothing. Building on them we get some more clients to rebuild
their website, to drive traffic to their company site and to conversion optimize their
website to generate them leads. If we are successful doing that, we get more
experience, customer is happy and we use "recommendation marketing" on them. Bills
are paid by the state, since revenue is still low. I therefore work in sales in the Online
Marketing Industry or as a Web Developer for another agency. Slowly but steadily we
are growing our baby. We hire a sales representative and collaborate with SEO
agencies. We send them clients for SEO, they send us clients for Content Marketing
and Conversion Hacking. After a year or two, we start to get a positive income stream of
around $4.000 a month, which will make me able to give up my part time job as a web
developer and focus completely on the agency. I'll built a subdivision in this company of
three smart people, who will work two days a week building more scalable products.

5. What is a practical thing you can do to have a better back up plan?

Step 26 - Mistakes - Belts, Suspenders, Failing To Fail, The Six Sigma Heartbeat, & How To
Not Crash Your F-22 70
67 Steps

Split money in multiple pockets, wherever I am.

Step 26 - Mistakes - Belts, Suspenders, Failing To Fail, The Six Sigma Heartbeat, & How To
Not Crash Your F-22 71
67 Steps

Step 27 - The Frontman & The Two Ways

To Pick Your Trench Mate
This lesson is about the importance of coalitions and on how to choose the right allies.

Many undertakings, like a business, can be compared to a trench war, because we live in a
highly competitive world where not every business we start is going to succeed and not
every investment will win.

Even in trench warfare, if we stick it out long enough and we do the right things with the right
people correctly, we start to win ground.

But we will loose quickly if we are the only person in the trench. We must have allies
and form coalitions. In family, business or even just in a gym membership. Whom do you
want to have side by side by you?

As an example in wealth there are four levels in Financial Fundamentals:

1. Scarcity
2. Financial Independence
3. Prosperity
4. Wealth Impact

At minimum we need to get out of the first to reach at least Financial Independence, and for
this we need to know how to assemble a coalition.

How to assemble our trench mates.

Number 1: Loyalty
When Warren Buffet assembles his trench mates, he is looking for three things: Energy,
Intelligence and Integrity, because a person without integrity will screw you over.

Tai Lopez looks mainly for loyalty. He rather has people who are a little less skilled, little
less intelligent, little less energy but loyal instead.

The loyalty factor can be ranked from 1 to 10 using your intuition for your partners, investors
and employees. The loyal people will stick around, when the bullets are flying around
in the trenches, the hardships come, you are sick or other friends are leaving you.

Number 2: Complementary

Step 27 - Trenchmates - The Frontman & The Two Ways To Pick Your Trench Mate 72
67 Steps

There is no such thing as a well rounded person, but only a well rounded team.
Similarly a team in the trench needs to complement each others weaknesses and don't
compete with each others strengths. When trench mates compete on their strengths, the
guns are pointed at the trench mates instead of at the enemy. Every business partnership
needs people who are extroverted and introverted. We want the people on our side are
not the ones that are competing with you.

Therefore we need to define who is going to be the front person. You don't want the
guns of the trench man shooting at you. They should be shooting at the other side.

What are the best ways to choose trench mates?

There are two very opposite ways which both work and have their advantages and

Charlie Munger way / Quicker approach

With this approach, we don't interview the person directly, but his referrals and
references of the person, because if we get by direct interviews, we hire people who are
really good at interviewing. Their main skill might not be what we think it is. They might just
be good actors.

Lets say we want to hire Bob, get everyone Bob was around the last ten years and get their
opinion on Bob. Don't ask Bob directly. The reason this works is because people are not
naturally going to deceive you, but they are naturally putting their best foot forward. Simply
find out the background of people, though the background doesn't predict the future. But we
should at least have that information. If we do it right, it is very effective.

Private Equity Hedge Fund way / Slower approach

Direct Interview. Meeting people face to face. They did 27 interviews over one year with
one person. We can understand a person in a blink of an eye, but it takes about a year to
gather enough information to really see all sides of them.

The Hedge Fund takes you out to dinner in the last interview and counts how many times
you say thank you to the valley, the doorman, the waiter and if you don't do a minimum, then
all the other 26 past interviews don't count, they don't hire you.


Step 27 - Trenchmates - The Frontman & The Two Ways To Pick Your Trench Mate 73
67 Steps

1. What is a relationship you have been betrayed in? And how can you make it better next

B.G. Find out his background. Give it more time, before choosing ultimately for the

2. What is a business relationship you have been betrayed in? And how can you make it
better next time?

Fortunately haven't been betrayed in business yet. There was an incident where there
self-interest of the co-founders out weighted the interest of the company, but I wouldn't
call that betrayal.

3. What is a friendship you have been betrayed in? And how can you make it better next

Haven't yet been betrayed romantically.

4. Where is a partnership where you have not been complementary?

Business. He was good in programming. I wanted too. Clearly I shoot at him in the
trench, because I didn't see him executing his tasks.

Step 27 - Trenchmates - The Frontman & The Two Ways To Pick Your Trench Mate 74
67 Steps

Step 28 - Lao-Tzu's and John Wooden's

Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
This lesson teaches just one simple thing: Prepare for the difficult, when it is easy.

Like it or not, the rainy day will come.

If live long enough, there is a day coming for us, where our car will crash down, we will get a
tremendous hospital bill or we will just have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, where
we will need money. And when it is easy to save money? When you have plenty. When is it
the most hard to save money? When you need it most.

Prepare for the rainy day today and you will go through it like a breeze.

Preparation proceeds good luck. We have choices. We can either make the choice to wait
for things to happen to us, which is what 99.9999% of people are doing. Or we can prepare
for tomorrow today.

Before you go to bed. Write just three things you want to do the next day on a piece of
paper, and this little habit helps tremendously.

How do we prepare?
While brushing your teeth, map out what you are going to do tomorrow. What you
should do tomorrow. Avoid cognitive biases, go first things first. What is the most
important thing that is going to have the biggest impact on my health, wealth, love
and happiness.

Get the mentality that within certain parameters you control your own destiny.

When you want to procrastinate, remember Lao Tzu, do the difficult when it is easy.

The pain, discomfort, punishment, death of dreams. Let them drive and motivate you. You
could do this tomorrow. But you could do this today.

The Amish say: "When you don't know what to do and you have something hard to do, just
jump right in, and the next thing you know, it is half way done."

The reason that most of us, are not doing the things we know we should, is because we
perceive pain in doing it now. If we just jump into it, our brain understands, that the thing we
perceived as so hard, is not that hard. The source of our procrastination comes from a false
understanding of how much pain it will be.

Step 28 - Rain - Lao-Tzu’s and John Wooden's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day 75
67 Steps

If you give yourself too much time to contemplate, you are building things up. Just
jump right in.

Do the most difficult thing in the morning. The procrastination keeps us at a place, where
we are forgetting that the harsh, rainy, bad day will come. But if we prepare for it, we will
breeze right through it. Imagine never dealing with those struggles of the bad days.

The lesson is simple: Do what is difficult, when it is easy. You can't buy health insurance,
when you are in the hospital. Do what is difficult, when it is easy.

1. What is something difficult that you put off and it came back to bite you?

College. Procrastinated too much. Bit me painfully.

2. What is a bad habit that you have?

Inefficiently working in flurries of activities. Contemplating too much about the color of
this, design of that, structure of this. Instead of accepting and embracing imperfection.
Perfection is the killer of production.

3. What is a resolution that you can make to change just one thing?

I'll plan out the next day, when I brush my teeth and write three things I should do for the
next day.

Step 28 - Rain - Lao-Tzu’s and John Wooden's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day 76
67 Steps

Step 29 - Stephen Hawking, Entropy, &

Remembering The Future
This Lesson is about three laws of nature, time, entropy and simulation. It teaches us
how to slow down entropy and see into the future.

Several things in the universe are certain. One thing is that time is moving forward.
According to Stephen Hawking’s newest insights psychological, cosmological and
thermodynamical time is irreversibly moving us forward.

Another law is the law of entropy. Entropy states that as time progresses things get more
disorderly and chaotic. Cells start making more and more mistakes. As we get older, we
get more sick. Our body decays. Even fire looses its heat, the more the flames pass trough
time and distance themselves from the core.

"It is not that we have a short time to live. But that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough.
And a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements, if it
was all well invested. But when your life is wasted in needless luxury and spend in no good
activity we are forced at last by deaths final constraint to realize that it has passed away
before we knew it was passing. So it is we are not given a short life, but we make it short.
And we are not ill supplied (with time) but we are wasteful of it. It is a small part of life, most
people truly live. Indeed all the rest is not life, but merely time."

Our greatest enemy is expectancy. The second we expect endless time or the ability to
reverse mistakes, the second we make this false assumption, we will spent our time
frivolously. Instead of going straight lines, we take circular routes, we take our time. But the
most valuable commodity is not money. It can be lost and remade. The most valuable
commodity is time.

Where do people waste their time in primarily?

1. Spending time for the benefit of other people (f.e. in a job were you make other people

The one way to get rid of entropy is to double down and invest in our self. The injection of
our time, effort, focus and concentration on our life. Plainly speaking: Take time for

If we don't invest in our self's, day by day, our health will slowly decay and our wealth will
slowly go downhill. By injecting our time and focus we can't reverse these effects, but we
can slow down the decay.

Step 29 - Entropy - Stephen Hawking, Entropy, & Remembering The Future 77

67 Steps

The only way to reverse time, is by remembering the future, which means the successful
simulation of the life of other people. Through qualitative knowledge, reading books, we are
getting insight, which is just as if we are slowing down time.

Time is the most valuable resource, since it is irreversible and can not be gotten back.
So the lesson is, don't waste it in needless luxury and no good activity. Instead invest it in
your self to reverse the acceleration of entropy.

Embrace the fact of time.

1. How have you been squandering your time?

Not any more. At least not much. But in the past with video games.

2. What or who could you be embracing that you have been procrastinating seeking out?

There is a guy in Berlin whose connection I shall be embracing.

3. What are you going to do to slow down entropy?

Boxing for health. Saving and investing. Traveling for love.

Step 29 - Entropy - Stephen Hawking, Entropy, & Remembering The Future 78

67 Steps

Step 30 - Peter Drucker, The Cluttered Attic

And The Invention Of Rules
This Lesson teaches us to challenge our believes, that might have been set through prior
conditions, surrounding environment and cultural trend.

Many people have so called disabling ignorance's, that they cannot accept another point of
view, because they hold strict rules in their mind of how things are supposed to work and
how things need to be done.

This lesson challenges us to dig deep on our believes and to shake them up, to find out if
they truly hold, or if they are merely standing on weak ground. For this we just have to ask
ourselves three times the WHY question.

Warren Buffet suggests, that we drop each year a believe that we held for granted.

In this way we are continuously cleaning the attic of our mind and making space for fresh
and new ideas to be occupied with our thoughts.

This lesson is not about dropping all our believes. It merely points out, that we have to
challenge them instead of blindly following them, because they have been taught to us
by our parents, society or our past self.

Removing "disabling ignorance", let us understand new concepts to come closer to the truth.

Donald Rumsfeld says:

"There are known knowns. There are things that we know that we know. We also know that
there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns. The ones we don't know, we don't know."

For example we have a believe that sport is mindless. Is this a disabling ignorance? What
are the rules we make up?

Our mind is like an attic. It gets full. How do we clean the attic? Well drop a conviction every

Go into the morality or spirituality, where we decided for rules and dig them out. Think T.V. is
dumb? Ask three times WHY.


Step 30 - Convictions - Peter Drucker, The Cluttered Attic And The Invention Of Rules 79
67 Steps

1. What is a belief that you held very dearly for a long time that you now realize is crazy?

Sorry to disappoint. Can't remember a time, where I held a believe very dearly for a long
time that proofed to be crazy.

2. What is something that you believe that you could take the opposite side of?

I am vegetarian on spiritual grounds, since I believe in karma and the afterlife. I ordered
two books, one "The Science of Near-Death-Experiences". After I work them through I'll
see if my long term believe is BS. Nonetheless I can take theoretical point of meat
eaters easily, if I throw away the spiritual part and focus on the rest.

3. Write out an opposing argument to something you believe.

Arguing that we only have this life: It is indeed true that the world has for eons tried
to solve the mystery of life. Many claim to have reached it, but what matters in the end
are not subjective impressions, since they can be influenced and falsified. What matters
in the end is the objective measurement. And the ability to adapt to our surroundings.
Similar to business, we can't base decisions on wishful thinking. We have to measure
everything that life gives us with the same rule. We can't argue that for business, that
we are going to use objective measurement to determine future action, but discard this
measurement when it comes to the spiritual world some people assume. In eons there
hasn't been the possibility yet to measure, if there is any truth to the afterlife. Quite
contrarily there has been a lot of evidence that suggests an evolutionary point of view,
where humans are merely an adaptation and all species have common ancestors dating
back to so called replicators billions of years ago. It is quite possible, that our
evolutionary derived consciousness, in its ability to include itself in its simulation
process, has merely adapted wishful thinking to face the fear of death, since there isn't
any hard evidence of a world, in which we continue as what we are, whatever we are.

Step 30 - Convictions - Peter Drucker, The Cluttered Attic And The Invention Of Rules 80
67 Steps

Step 31 - Delegating To Shalini & Sam

Walton's Over-The-Shoulder Style
This lesson teaches us on how to manage people.

To get the good life, we already learned the importance of building strong alliances and
coalitions to get what we want. And if we find ourselves in such a group of people, we will
have an urgent need for proper management. Sometimes we will be in charge, sometimes
we will be in the middle and sometimes we will be under someone who is in charge.

What is the correct way to manage people? And this does not apply only to business. It
applies to our maids, our cooks, our mechanic to whom we gave our car.

To answer this, we will have a look at the causes, when things get really bad (by the way
don't confuse control with managing).

What makes Management Fail?

The most successful people couldn't just take things and delegate them to other people. The
most successful people always had to have an active role.

When we delegate, we sometimes forget, that everybody has his own interest at heart. And
if we let other people do things, which are not in our best interest, we don't manage the
situation well. The first time the fault might be on them. But the second time it is certainly

So if we delegate something and then disappear and expect it to be done, when we are
back, we will find it in shambles, because the law of entropy makes something more and
more chaotic, when we don't give it our attention.

For example you bring your car to a mechanic. If you just leave it there and tell him to fix it
and you'll be back in a week, he will most certainly take advantage of you. Instead we got to
tell him exactly what we think is wrong, that he should call and give you an estimate, before
he starts working. We have to be involved.

The most important rule is: We can't delegate, what we don't know!

This doesn't mean that we have to master everything. But we need a basic understanding
of everything we want to delegate, because otherwise it will inevitably end horribly for us.

Therefore there is a time, where we have to become a Jack of All Traits. Before we
delegate something, first we got to learn how to do them ourselves.

Step 31 - Management - Delegating To Shalini & Sam Walton’s Over-The-Shoulder Style​ 81

67 Steps

We don't have to master them and it implies only things that are important to our lives
success. Going to a doctor? Know about your condition, what your pulse must be and how
the blood pressure has to be. Don't expect others to have your best interest at heart.

No one ever has our interest at heart as much we do ourselves. And for us to expect this
from others, is not only naive and unrealistic, but it is going to be painful.

Sam Walton used a so called "Over-The-Shoulder Management". Not

micromanagement where we are sitting behind someone all day and telling him what to do
in every moment.

We need to let people work but every once in a while, peek over there. Trust, but

If we want to rise above the masses, we need to be able to become above average and
learn whatever is important to be learned.

The more we learn the more we earn, and the ability to manage people, is a valuable skill.
Never ever delegate things you know nothing about.

Watching is a part of managing people and managing our own life.

If we get this right, we will be able to built highly competent teams. As we inject our energy
and reverse entropy, by overseeing and watching it, we eventually built a group of massively
competent people around us.

There is even evidence in parenting. If we are raising children and we give them no
boundaries and they know we are not going to double check on them, they are actually less
happy. The human brain is built to be socially interactive and part of this interaction is

Be accountable to yourself by not delegating things you don't know about. Put in the
time to learn those for yourself. And then expect people to be willing to let you manage

If we have someone who never wants to be looked over the shoulder, we might not have to
work with them. Eventually there are some people we have to let go.

And most importantly, if we get this part wrong, we are going to be on a treadmill and be
doing everything ourselves, which is the quick path to the opposite of the good life.

Side notes

Step 31 - Management - Delegating To Shalini & Sam Walton’s Over-The-Shoulder Style​ 82

67 Steps

The man who can manage men, manage the men who can only manage things. But the
man who manages money, manages all. (It means, if you can only manage things, like f.e.
the cash register at McDonald's, you'll be worse of than the man who can manage people
who are doing the Cash Register. So if you are a Manager in McDonald's, you are going to
make more money. But if you can manage money, like investors, you manage all.

1. What is a nightmare story where you delegated something and didn't look over the
delegated persons shoulder?

Again. I delegated to a programmer to do something. He needed a couple of months,

and when he was "ready", the project had already died off. In hindsight, pretty stupid.

2. What are some things that you need to build basic everyday life knowledge in?

Car. Social Media. Analytics. Health.

3. In your primary career, what is something that you are delegating without enough
knowledge? And you are going now to commit to get more knowledge?

Analytics. Programming.

Step 31 - Management - Delegating To Shalini & Sam Walton’s Over-The-Shoulder Style​ 83

67 Steps

Step 32 - Slot Machine Probability &

Chasing The Mirage
This depressing, yet pragmatic lesson explains how life seems to deliver results and how
countless people die while chasing a non-existent mirage. How doing everything right, might
still not give the results we long.

We grew up in an environment, where when we did something good, mommy would come
and reward us. But life is not that way.

Even if we do everything right. When we work hard and put in the hours. Even if we
are smart and are reading a lot of books. Even if we are humble and adaptive. Yet, life
still doesn't give us the outcome we want. But why?

Because we live in a world of uncertainty.

There is no black or white. Convictions that were believed to be true 100 hundred years ago,
are ridiculed today. And in the same way our convictions today might proof wrong in the
future. It seems like we will never know for sure, how life truly works. What does it have to
do with the reason we don't get the good life?

Having strong convictions about which business partner to choose, which product to launch,
which partner to marry, to stay at the job or to built a business is like chasing a mirage.

A mirage is an imaginary place which we will never find. And the desert is full with the
bones of people who have chased the mirage.

And in a similar way our convictions of what is right and wrong might lead us to get lost in
time, miss the good life and die miserably.

Thus dropping those convictions, we are left with uncertainty and we got to be willing to
accept uncertainty, because the only way to know for sure, which choices are the correct
ones, is to built an alternate universe and to observe the outcomes of our decisions, which
apparently can't be done by you an me.

Is there a certain way to get the good life? Unfortunately not.

But still there is a chance, and we get the best chance through moving towards the slot-
machine probability.

Imagine two slot-machines. Machine A gives you a 1/10 chance of winning, while Machine B
gives you a 1/20 chance of winning.

Step 32 - Probability - Slot Machine Probability & Chasing The Mirage 84

67 Steps

Sometimes Machine A is not going to give any results even though the chance is 1/10, and
successively players will lose at Machine A. While sometimes when we use Machine B we
win, even though the chance is 1/20. And that is how life seems to work.

Sometimes we can do all the right things and it still won't work out. And sometimes we get a
little bit lucky, we did the wrong thing and we won. And then we get confused, because
people are pointing at Machine B and sooner or later we are sitting at the 1/20 Machine. But
this mentality is incorrect, because it is still better, even when we are losing, to sit at the
1/10 strategy.

In life we also got to choose. In health, wealth, love and happiness. We have to choose
between business partners, between products to launch, between women. And we feel
paralyzed, because we are looking at the needle in the height stack, to understand which is
right and which is wrong. And we will never find it, because we live in a world of uncertainty
and we can't bring certainty to all the things we wish we could.

But one choice is going to be Probability A and one is going to be Probability B. Therefore
we should go down the path that wins 1/10 and not the path that wins 1/20, even though the
1/20 wins some of the time.

With which woman should we continue a relationship? Sometimes we just choose one and
wish that things will work out, but we have to go with the numbers, if we don't want to
chase a mirage.

Because a mirage is a dangerous game. People are chasing the mirage and think, that
maybe there is a sea of water, if I follow what I see. But quite contrary this train of thought
has low odds. The better odds are staked to the people who use a plastic stredge to collect
the morning dew until they are rescued. The better odds might be not as cool, but it is
slow and steady to get enough water to survive.

This way of thinking is harder.

And further accepting uncertainty and probability presupposes a scary conclusion. That we
can do the right thing all our life and still not get what we want. And this is hard to cope with,
because we are wired to think in anthropomorphic understandings of cause and effect, of
black and white. That our mommy will reward us, if we do our best.

But even though we do our best, the world might still not acknowledge our efforts.

The way life seems to work, is that we need to know stuff. Therefore a good strategy to
increase our probability of success is increasing our skills.

Increasing skills is a good slot-machine. Doing that long enough and eventually somebody is
probably find out what we did. But it won't happen over night and it might not happen

Step 32 - Probability - Slot Machine Probability & Chasing The Mirage 85

67 Steps

That's why we love get-rich-quick-schemes, because here we have cause and effect. We put
a quarter in the slot-machine, we pull it, every time we win. But in reality we won't. We have
to give the world time to catch up with our accomplishments.

There is a famous poem by Rudyard Kipling called “If.”

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;

If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

If we can stick with the plan. If we can stay at the table, even though we know we are doing
the most likely path, the most probable, even though it is not giving results. If we can stick
with it and do that, ours is the earth.

When we reach this plateau, where we don't see results. The steady continuation is what
separates the children of the adults.

Failure is logarithmic, success is exponential.

Step 32 - Probability - Slot Machine Probability & Chasing The Mirage 86

67 Steps

At slot-machines we lose money, that can be regained. But in the slot-machine of life we
loose time. Marrying the wrong person, taking the wrong diet, partnering up with the wrong
partner. We are going to waste years of our life, and not all the money in the world can bring
time back.

Side notes
The reason there are 67 steps, is because it takes precision to go where we want to go.
Even a small misstep in direction, one omitted lesson, can make us miss the good life.
Comparing it to a space rocket even the most marginal misdirection, will cause the rocket to
miss the target by hundreds of miles. Don't miss the good life.

1. What is your thing that you have been able to stay with past the 18 month plateau?

Continuing Web Application Development, Growth Hacking and Digital Marketing.

2. What's an example of something you gave up to quickly on?

Definitely college. I got hot on business and hadn't the patience to stick with the odds of
getting my Diploma therefore I dropped out. I am still going to finish it, by enrolling
again. I live in Germany, so why not, free education is good.

3. What is the clear path that you know you should take but have not taken and what is
your resolution to get there?

Back to college. Stick with it. Do business on the side. Or fifty-fifty. Hopefully business
doesn't go to well, because I am going to stick with college.

1. What is an improbable 'horse' that you have been betting on?

Get-rich-quick start up idea. The idea is not bad, not at all. But it is naive to think that I can
be a millionaire, when the foundation is unstable. Slow steady foundation and everything
else might come.

Step 32 - Probability - Slot Machine Probability & Chasing The Mirage 87

67 Steps

Step 33 - Teaching Pigs To Fly & Pushing

On Strings
This Lesson teaches how to manage individuals, with whom we have conflict of interest and
who are not teachable.

Walking through life, we will inevitably encounter individuals with whom we will have
interests of conflict. They may do things that run against our interest to get the good life and
in most cases we will sit down with them to resolve the conflict.

If we sit down with them, we will find out, that people can generally be divided in two kinds
of people, so called pigs and innocent ignorants.

Innocent ignorants are individuals, who might not know, but they are willing to learn
and adjust their behavior to convincing and reasonable argumentation.

On the other side there are people who don't know, yet they are not willing to learn.
These people are called pigs and they belong to the worst people we will find in life. They
are by definition not teachable, because they are not willing to accept information from
outside their cognitive view. And no matter how hard we try to change those peoples minds,
they first become defensive and ultimately offensive against you.

We shouldn't try to teach a pig to fly, because we can't do it and it bothers the pig.

Whenever someone bothers us, we have a choice. We can sit down with them and teach
them. If they understand, they might not be a pig.

Maybe someone in your life is ruining your happiness and you have a choice. You can try to
sit down with them and teach them. If he accepts, he might not be a pig.

On the other hand a pig is somebody who doesn't know and doesn't want to learn and we
must be separating the pigs from the innocent ignorants, if we do not want to draw false

On a side note Jesus Christ said to not give our pearls to swine, because they will eat them
and turn then to us and bite us.

Similarly if we inject our limited energy to help ignorant people, it is like we are giving them
our pearls, the things in our brain, the knowledge which we acquired through hard and
painful experience and we are trying to pass it to them. And Jesus Christ and Allan Nation
both say the same thing: Don't do it.

Step 33 - Teachability - Teaching Pigs To Fly & Pushing On Strings 88

67 Steps

Because the more you help pigs, the meaner they get. And this might lead you to conclude
that you won't help people anymore.

So where is the fine line to decide, when to persevere on them and when to quit them?
Where is the fine line between impatience and too much patience? We might never know
where the line is, but for sure we better find it using the Serenity Pryer, before our dreams

Serenity Prayer: "God grand me the serenity to accept the things I can't change,
courage to change the things I can and the wisdom know the difference."

And to be wise, we have to use more than one tool, because the opposite of wise is just
using one tool. We should not only conquer people, but also seduce them.

Pigs need their own time line. We have to meet them willing and ready and let the other
ones get through their own paths, until they have the necessary pain to listen. And the only
way to move pigs, is to cause them pain and discomfort, by withholding food or salary or
calling them out, making them feel bad, embarassing them. If we then on the other side
control the rewards of the pigs, the food and salary, we can cause them to go where we
want them to go. But it must be with their own time line.

To move pigs we have to become more persuasive and let time do the rest. And every once
in a while there is a time, when you meet a pig, that doesn't come. That is resistant. And you
got to cut them out.

Get rid of one friend a year, because some people are never going to align with you.
And there is no solution to that.

Side notes
Side note 1: The good thing about hard work is, you are always hungry and you are always

Side note 2: The acquisition of knowledge is not as important as the application of

knowledge. You've got to do both.

Side note 3: Process is listening first, contemplating next and application last.

1. What is an example of a person that is never going to come around and be able to be

Step 33 - Teachability - Teaching Pigs To Fly & Pushing On Strings 89

67 Steps

I call him B. It's hard to crack him, since he doesn't really take the time to listen. He is
not a bad person, just an epicurean guy, who things that he got all the knowledge he
needs in school and who feels entitled for results, without really deserving it, then
blaming circumstances for the missing results. He has definitely his ups, but
unteachability is one of his downs.

2. How are you going to go about cutting them out of your life?

I won't cut them out of my life, because I have them close to my heart. I know it goes
against the "odds" of getting the good life, but I am socially wired that way to care for
them a couple of more chances. I am also aware, that I am breaking the first of the 67
rules regarding adaptability, since I stick to this person, although past experience shows
that he is probably a mistake. But he is kind of family now.

3. What is an example of you pushing on a string?

My own skills. They need more time to develop. Although Tai might say to himself:
"Don't be such a slow learner, Tai". I'll just stick to it, no matter if I am slow or fast.

4. What do you think you need to do to get the wisdom to know the difference?

Following your insight closely. Make war with a multitude of counselors. Read some
books on personality analysis.

Step 33 - Teachability - Teaching Pigs To Fly & Pushing On Strings 90

67 Steps

Step 34 - Bill Gates & The Ten Dark Years

This lesson shows the discrepancy between realities patterns and the Media Cognitive Bias,
which shows us only the end result.

Biologically as creatures we are dependent on our senses to accept reality. We live by

touch, smell, taste, audio and visual.

Unfortunately the world has become a place, where our senses are bombarded by
thousands of stimuli every day by various channels of media. We believe that we are in
control of our thoughts and actions, yet every piece we are wearing, we wear it, because in
one way or another we have been successfully influence and succumbed to the
merchandise we bought.

Today there are billboards everywhere. The number of websites went from 1991 from only
one to over a billion. We don't have control over our brain, though we thing we do.

This leads to a culmination of problems we encounter, but for this lesson we will focus on the
unrealistic time frames we set on ourselves and expect results for the good life.

Analyzing successful individuals, like

Bill Gates,
Pablo Picasso,
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Ludwig van Beethoven,
Michael Jordan,
Coby Briant,
Sam Walton (and the list continues),

there is one obvious pattern, that is almost never mentioned through Mass Media:

Every one of those individuals passed through a process called the 10 dark years,
where they factually disappeared from the map.

Bill Gates started his interest in computer when he was 12. Though from his 20 to his 30, he
never took a day off. Not even one. This pattern of disappearing from the map for 10
years to study and develop has been a constant pattern in life for every successful

Contrary to the factual reality, media bias teaches us the far opposite. Being presented
solely with the results, while also omitting their causality, often leads us to the false
conclusion that success can be achieved within unrealistic time frames. Even worse is, that

Step 34 - Duration - Bill Gates & The Ten Dark Years 91

67 Steps

most of us likely adopt a lottery-ticket-mindset, with which we believe that success requires
just a good idea.

But in reality success requires a long-term strategy of committed focus and effort.

Part of the success of Alexander the Great has been attributed to the fact, that his mentor
Aristotle taught him "how to live", because the Greeks believed that humans are not
equipped with learning "how to live", from birth.

And unfortunately parents today haven't learned it either and thus aren't able to pass this
knowledge to their kids. But the things we didn't learn young, we are doomed to learn at
some point or never at all. Yet people haven't learn how to live, suffer through life.

Success takes time. A fence that is built up fast, falls down fast. Health wise, we can't just
expect to exercise one day for 12 hours and expect the same result as exercising for 4 days,
3 hours each.

The discrepancy between reality and media cognitive bias might therefore result in anxiety,
because we go through media and are bombarded with unrealistic time lines.

Are my expectations too high in the short term?

Starting a business is sometimes compared to a baby. The first year it is troubling you a lot.
The second year it drives you crazy. But slowly and steady with the right amount of energy
injection a kid will grow and start to take care of itself and after a while it will take care of you

The temptation to give up is the greatest, when we are close to succeed.

The only realistic time frames for individual goals are: 67 days, then 18 months, then
10 dark years.

Therefore we have to limit the time we watch news or YouTube. And we should start looking
at the full story by reading biographies.

Give yourself some time to succeed.

1. What is an example of something you have had an unrealistic time frame for health?

I haven't yet worked on my health, because I hadn't had any health issues yet and also
never needed diet, since I always thought of food as a necessity in the past, instead of
something worth proactively acquiring.

2. What is an example of something you have had an unrealistic time frame for wealth?

Step 34 - Duration - Bill Gates & The Ten Dark Years 92

67 Steps

Thought that I could be a millionaire until 31.12.2014. Didn't quite work out.

3. What is an example of something you have had an unrealistic time frame for love and

I have to pass here, since I never had to set any time frame for love and relationships in
the past, due to my needs being met early on.

4. What is an example of something you have had an unrealistic time frame for

"Happiness" was also never a priority, due to its lack of specificity.

5. What is a more realistic time frame for these goals?

Wealth: Millionaire in 5 years. Happiness: 3 years. Love: 2 years. Health: 18 months of

work out.

Step 34 - Duration - Bill Gates & The Ten Dark Years 93

67 Steps

Step 35 - Ignoring The Ninety-Nine & The

One-Tenth Rule
This lesson teaches us two simple rules to achieve masterly results, by controlling the
sources of information from which we learn from.

Rule 1: "Ignoring the 99"

A secret to life is ignoring 99 of 100 people. But when we find the one right person, to do
everything they say.

Growing up, we have adapted the behavior of listening to many people for advice and then
filtering out what we believe is right.

But the Rule of Ignoring the 99 states, that we should search and find for the one
individual who has the expertise and then do what they say. Then test it, observe and
listen again. If their advice stand the test of time, do everything they say.

Remember that no person has all the answers to every thing, therefore the rule does not
state to take literally just one person as a mentor. Instead it introduces the idea to adopt the
right ratio: For every 100 people, there will be only one worthy listening too.

The same ratio applies to the Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness. It applies also to books
and YouTube videos.

Once you have found the right person or the right book, read it again over and over,
because a persons capacity, energy, memory and time is limited and can't be spend on an
unlimited amount of books, advisers or mentors.

There is no person to give you all the answers. It is not recommended literally one person to
be a mentor, but that the ratio should get more aligned with the 1/100. The same applies to
books. For every book you accept, there has to be 99 which you ignore. And read the same
book over and over again.

We have to become elitist in regard to the information we let inside, because in this life
we have to play the game with the right odds.

Sometimes the one person who we don't listen to, might be right, but we have to play the
game of odds, when deciding whom we let inside our brain.

Step 35 - Modelling - Ignoring The Ninety-Nine, & The One-Tenth Rule 94

67 Steps

Often times owners are listening to employees they shouldn't be listening to, because
employees are still learning there themselves. They are not that skilled, yet they are
influencing the decision of the owners. We have to be elitist, not in a condescending way,
but in a pragmatic way. Sometimes experts can be wrong, but whom do we entrust to make
brain surgery? Our buddy or a qualified surgeon? Therefore we have to become elitist in
such situations. People have to earn our trust, when we come listening to them.

We don't have all the time in the world and we don't have time to listen to people who are
going to lead us astray.

Rule 2: "10% Rule"

We do always only 10% as good as the person we are listening too. If we are following
a person, we will never do as good as the person, but only 10% as good as them.

This is another reason why we have to be picky to whom we are listening to, because if we
follow the best of the best, we will have better results, than if we follow our neighbor.

Go straight to the top. Listen to Stephen Hawking for physics. Michael Jordan for basket.
Michael Schumacher for racing. Warren Buffet and Sam Walton for Business. Klitschko and
Muhammed Ali for Boxing. Neil Strauss, Mystery and James Marshal for Dating.

This lesson is not about putting in one million hours or grinding it out. It is a philosophical
change, which gives results more effortlessly and even over night.

We always move into a direction. But to move into the right direction, we have to better
control the sources of information who come in, because humans are not very good at
ignoring senses. Our ears have no choice.

Start cutting out bad influences. Go into your book shelf and start burning bad books or even
worse give them someone else to suffer with them. It even applies to friends unfortunately.
Humans talk about other humans 80% of the time. If there is a person who does this all the
time, cut this person out.

But here is where this lesson becomes interesting.

Not only do we have to cut out the bad one, but we also we also have to cut out the

Cut off average advisers, mentors and business partners, the average YouTube video,
friends and dating partners. The enemy of greatness in our life, is just settling for good.

Step 35 - Modelling - Ignoring The Ninety-Nine, & The One-Tenth Rule 95

67 Steps

Obviously we shouldn't cut out everything in our life, because not everything is for achieving
greatness for example family. But some sources of information, can be cut out without

There is no absolute, there is just a direction we have to go.

Side notes
Side note 1: The accumulation of knowledge is not as important as the application of

Side note 2: YouTube video Tai liked Stephen Hawking – Nature of Reality

1. When it comes to health, whom are you listening to that should be ignored?

My father knows and talks a lot about health, nutrition and diets. He knows more than
the average, but I intuitively never really listened to him, because children often don't
listen to their parents.

2. When it comes to wealth, whom are you listening to that should be ignored?

Some friends make good money and I am listening to them.

3. When it comes to love and relationships, whom are you listening to that should be

Mother in Law gives a lot of sometimes unwelcome relationship advice, but I have
stopped listening to her a while ago, because she is good but not a master in it.

4. When it comes to happiness, whom are you listening to that should be ignored?

Happiness is for me about spirituality, which isn't priority at the moment, therefore I don't
listen to anyone.

5. When it comes to health who are you going to start listening to?

Since I want to box, I'll buy some books about boxing. Maybe Muhammed Ali (whom I
dislike his cockiness) or Klitschko (whom I also dislike for his style.)

6. When it comes to wealth who are you going to start listening to?

To Tai Lopez. Also Sam Walton’s book is next. And the next mentor I have to find, has to
be a good one.

Step 35 - Modelling - Ignoring The Ninety-Nine, & The One-Tenth Rule 96

67 Steps

7. When it comes to love who are you going to start listening to?

The seduction community has a lot of knowledge about attraction and dating. James
Marshal seems like a good pick, though he doesn't talk about relationships, his advice is
nonetheless solid in regard to women.

8. When it comes to happiness who are you going to start listening to?

Some Dalai Lama, Srila Prabhupada, maybe Jesus Christ, Buddha, Confucius.

Step 35 - Modelling - Ignoring The Ninety-Nine, & The One-Tenth Rule 97

67 Steps

Step 36 - The Sucker In The Room & The

Lollapalooza Effect
This Lesson teaches us how to prevent cognitive biases taking advantage of us by
recognizing and avoiding them.

We now live in a world where we are bombarded with 2,000 to 4,000 ads a day. We believe
that we can be immune to them, but we are not, because the mind is like an iceberg which is
90% below the water.

In poker, when you play for 30 minutes in a room of people and if you don't know who the
sucker is, than you are the sucker. And similarly there are sources at work, that try to take
advantage of you.

As a countermeasure we must take control and take the horns of life and move them

An easy "conscious" decision to not be the sucker in the room, doesn't mean that we aren't
going to be, because there are up to 25 cognitive biases that work in the mind against us to
persuade us (reward, punishment, liking, disliking, association, availability, pavlovian
responses, delusion, senescence bias, chemical bias, etc. ).

Resistance against single cognitive biases might work, but many cognitive biases are
working simultaneously and are almost irresistible and the only countermeasure of them is
recognition and avoidance.

The Lollapalooza Effect, which has been coined by Charlie Munger, describes multiple
cognitive biases working at the same time against us.

The effect is best seen in an auction, where it is said that you always loose. Because as
you walk into an auction there is a person on stage (authority bias) who is counting down
from 3 to 1 (creating scarcity and urgency) and people are competing for the same thing
(social bias and social proof), which a thing you want (reward bias) and if we miss out it
creates the pain bias.

This mixture of cognitive biases is called the Lollapalooza Effect.

We as individuals can stand the effect of one bias, but the collection of multiple cognitive
biases is a force too powerful that are irresistible to the human mind. Which is why we have
to avoid being in such a situation.

Step 36 - Lollapalooza - The Sucker In The Room & The Lollapalooza Effect​ 98
67 Steps

Never overestimate the will power, that is necessary to withstand persuading forces of
media, value and believe systems.

Avoid those sources all together. Strengthen your mind by learning about them and
sometimes when you see other people using them against you, flip it and use those
techniques to convince those people yourself using those cognitive biases on them.

Before we start judging those effects as bad or good, we also need to put into perspective,
that the world is a competitive place and only because someone is trying to take advantage
of you, doesn't mean he is evil. Everybody you will meet has his own best interest at heart.

We shouldn't freak out about that everybody is trying to take advantage of us. Every
organism is in competition. Even on a cellular level. Everybody and everything wants
and we are willing to make other people suckers for it. Not because we are evil. But because
we compete for what we want.

The philosopher Adam Smith verifies that the dynamic of competition is the force that
makes the world move forward. And it is in our hand to put this philosophy into a
worldview where everybody wins.

The message is easy, don't be the sucker.

There are people who make things happen, people who watch things happen and people
who wonder what happens. Now you know at least, why things are happening that way they
are, and you don't have to wonder anymore.

1. What is a time you have thought everybody had your best interest in mind but instead
you were the sucker in the room?

I once worked with somebody who convinced me that doing work for his company
would indirectly help our shared company, so I offered my services to his company. I
thought he had "our" best interest at heart, but that it just needs time to come around.
Turns out, his company grew and grew and the shared company didn't. End of sad

2. What is an example of you being persuaded, and what was it that persuaded you?

I saw an Owen Cook (association bias) video and there was a guy who threw a party
(social proof) and as soon as he talked it was instantly clear, that this guy was very
smart (liking bias). Thus I searched and found him and bought a course of him.

I like smart people, which is what persuaded me to look him up.

Step 36 - Lollapalooza - The Sucker In The Room & The Lollapalooza Effect​ 99
67 Steps

3. What do you think about the world not being so black and white?

I feel that this statement makes reality on the one side easier to understand, but on the
other hand more difficult to live, because suddenly you can't blame anyone anymore,
which I believe might be difficult for some individuals to accept. Personally I have
stopped seeing the world in "black or white" a while ago, but am still inclined to drop this
belief, if it new evidence presents, that there are forces at work which truly are good and
evil. For the moment I don't know of any.

Step 36 - Lollapalooza - The Sucker In The Room & The Lollapalooza Effect​ 100
67 Steps

Step 37 - Why Restaurants Fail

This lesson lets us understand why businesses fail and how we can set our business up for
success by controlling the three of the classic areas of production, land, labor and capital.

Often businesses fail, historically speaking on above average rate at restaurants, and often
times we wonder and try to understand, why they failed. Was there too much competition?
Was the price not right? Was the quality bad? But by looking and our poor-friends/rich-
friends linear segmented patterns we can break failure down to the three classic factors of

1. Land (Network)
2. Labour (Skill)
3. Capital (Cash)

Land In the modern world, land is outdated and we mean connections by it. Those positional
advantages are meant by the quote “it is not what you know but who you know”, that is
regarded as land.

Social people have a tremendous amount of network, and if we lack of connections, we have
to improve on this matter, because one of the things that makes us win at war, is knowing
the terrain (Lao Tzu). In a competitive world of 7 billion people we have to use any positional
advantage, so that the competition has to run uphill to compete with us.

And that advantage is necessary, if we don’t want to build on weakness, because will have a
hard time standing up and thriving, in a competitive world of 7 billion people. It is not about
taking advantage, but more of having an objectively advantage. We can’t build on weakness.

If we lack here, we need to pick up a book on “How to win friends and influence people”,
learn persuasion techniques and improve on this.

Labour Labour is our skill and the skill of the team around us.

We need to work on our personal skill. The more you learn, the more you earn. To get what
you we, we have to deserve what we want, the world is not yet a crazy enough place to
reward a bunch of undeserving people. The easiest way to deserve it, is because of the
amount of skill that we bring to the table. So we need to have a tremendous amount of skill.
Going streight to the top, with the Law of 10%, so pick your mentors carefully. And with the
Law of 95%, that states, that we have to be among the 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99% and
100% of our industry.

Step 37 - Why Restaurants Fail 101

67 Steps

Capital Capital means Cash. Free cash that we have available to invest. It takes money to
make money, this is certainly true. But there are always exceptions, because many people
have started from nothing. And there are also people who have raised a ton of money
through private/public investment, bonds, credit card, franchise fees, licencing fees,
consulting, the list goes on. But the simplest one is being a good steward with the money we
have right now. Joe Salaton lived 7 years with his wife in his parents attic, so he could save
enough money to build a farm and his dreams. In 20 years he spent only $500 on cars.

At some level people get what they deserve, and the people who have been good with the
money have the probability on their side. Therefore balance consumption and savings.

So why do restaurants fail? Generally it is as simple as not having these three components.
Either by missing out on one or more of these classic factors of land, labor and capital.

This lesson, among with the other lessons of the 67 Steps, are here to increase our
understanding of why things fail, so that we don’t wonder what happen, but watch what
happen, to be able to make things happen. is to give you an understanding, of why things
fail. Ask every business which failed, how well they were connected? What their labor was
and their capital?

By isolating patterns through our rich-friends/poor-friends methodology we will be able to put

patterns into perspective and piece things together so that we will come to a place where we
have knowledge and understanding, where we can make good decisions and where we can
even start a restaurant and not have to worry about failing.

These three classical areas of production can also be applied to every other area of the
good life.

In health, where we try to change our body, we can see land as whom we are connected
with. Labor is what health, diet and excercise knowledge we have in our brain by reading
books and capital is the amount of cash we are able to spend on health, since gyms, healthy
food and personal trainers are expensive.

In love we need land to make more friends, it takes labor to be empathic, respected and
likeable and it takes money to make gifts and buy plane tickets to go visit them.

So these three classic factors are applicable to every area of the good life.

Imagine yourself trying to compete with Warren Buffet in building and investment company.
Sit down and compare youself on these three areas of production with Warren Buffet and
find out if you beat him anywhere: Do you know more people? Do you know more about
investment? Do you have more capital?

Step 37 - Why Restaurants Fail 102

67 Steps

Even if a person has every competitive advantage compared to you, as long as you pick a
niche where he is not and does not want to be involved in, like for example the internet, our
competitive disadvantages do not matter.

Think about the difficult times in our life, might they be right now, the source of the difficult
has always been either a lack in those three areas of production or we were competing with
people who had much more momentum in these areas.

Therefore we need to get out and encompass those three areas of production and pick a
niche at something specific, where we have a competitive and comparative advantage. It is
not just being good at land, labor and capital. It is being good in comparisment to the others
opportunities that customers have to do business.

Be good. Find your advantage. And you will be in your optimal state, which will make you
happier. Knowing and implementing what we learn here, will be giving us a head and
shoulders advantage.

Step 37 - Why Restaurants Fail 103

67 Steps

Step 38 - Throwing Idiots To The

This lesson is about competition and companion. It explains which individuals to compete
with, whom to avoid and whom to ally with. This lesson is an instruction on how to gain a
comparative advantage against our competition.

What type of person to compete with

Doubtless we are going to compete with someone else in some way, but we have the ability
to choose the area of people we want to compete with. And it is better to compete with
idiots than with genius.

We learn from history that the first rule of biology is competition. Mother nature has not
read the declaration of independence, nature does not see all people equally and nature
laughs last. And even if we are not operating on a primal animalistic understanding of
humanity, we can't deny basic competition among men, the forces of nature or competition in
our body and its dissolution by bacteria.

Therefore in business, we don't want to place ourselves in an area, where our

competition is full of mostly genius. Charlie Munger once said that, what we really want
is to compete with a bunch of idiots, and fortunately these come in large supplies.

Stay with your natural strengths, even in a highly competitive field and tweak your
business or career in a direction, where your competition is less genius to gain a
comparative advantage with the people around you.

And only if we succeed to claim our comparative advantages we will be able to trade with
others in a profitable way, because in contrast to economic theory of comparative
advantages, a single human is limited in their capacity. So secure yourself your
comparative advantage by tweaking your business in areas of low skilled competition
and apply these comparative advantages in the three areas of classical production of land,
labor and capital.

What type of people to avoid in life

Step 38 - Throwing Idiots To The Crocodiles 104

67 Steps

As much as it is important to know with whom to compete, it is also important whom to

avoid when it comes the time to build alliances with employees, business partners and

When we put stability and loyalty as the litmus test for building our land and castle we have
to get rid of people with a distorted self image, because they cause the most trouble.
People who have a distorted sense of self are unstable, because the world is always going
to give those persons feedback, that they are either not as good as they think they are or
that they are way better than they think of themselves. And as soon as an opportunity
arises they will jump at it, no matter the casualties.

High self esteem individuals who think they are better than they are, have also been
regarded as most violent, because their bloated self esteem does not deal well will rejection.
If they find a chance, where they can spring up to a higher level on your back, at your
expense, why wouldn't they do it? They see themselves as high and want to get
acknowledged by other people, therefore they take their chance.

Low self esteem individuals see themselves as horrible, bad looking and less skilled than
they really are. At some point they are going to take their chance and take the big jump, and
when the moment comes they take casualties and we don't want to be a casualty.

Both cases cause trouble, because they are erratic, they surprise you and then they come
back and bite you to jump at an opportunity at your expense. Therefore avoid people with a
distorted self image.

What type of person to hang out with

Now that we know what kind of person to avoid, the person to ally with is the opposite of it.
We have to align with people who can judge themselves accurately, because they will
be the more stable and loyal candidates in life, for your trench wars, to built your land and
your castle.

We want people we can count on and loyalty is the only thing that we can build on and
the question about self image is the litmus test. By spending time with them, observing and
common sense we can get a good enough understanding if they pass the test.

Optimistic people are fine. Critical or negative people offer their balance to the team also.
And it is okay to be tough on yourself. But the general vicinity to the accurate level of
self image must be met.

What are crocodiles?

Step 38 - Throwing Idiots To The Crocodiles 105

67 Steps

When building our caste we need a moat around our castle to protect it from the
competition. The moat around is our land, labor and capital.

The crocodiles are our comparative advantages and the idiots we throw inside are our
competitors, which we choose by definition to be weaker than us. Competition is going
to attack our castle and we need a moat around it to protect it and our allies inside to be

Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. If
you feel opportunities are closed, keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking and eventually
what you are looking for will be discovered. The reason most people don't find their destiny,
is because they give up too quick.

Everybody at the end of the day thinks they are better than you, even if they don't want to let
on, that's part of the drive to be humans, they want to beat.

Answer the question below, print this sheet and keep it in your 3-ring business binder.

1. What is an example in your life socially where you have allied with unstable people?
Let's call her D. She was great. Top student. Many academic distinctions. A 10. Then
she stopped working on herself. Time passed and she still thought she is worth her past
accomplishments, which is difficult, because her current accomplishments lacked. Little
bit Unstable, yet I don't know if it was a bloated or low self esteem, since people try to
compensate for what they lack.

2. How can you adjust your career so that you are working with your competitive
advantage? Tweaking my industry to go in a direction with less skilled organizations,
which is not difficult to find for the moment. But I've to make haste slowly.

3. What are your advantages? Analytic strength. Technology. Web development. Planning.
Digital. Automation. Data driven rationality.

4. What new allies do you need to go out and make? When time comes, loyal allies with
complementary strengths.

Step 38 - Throwing Idiots To The Crocodiles 106

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