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Tatad, Neil Christian C.



Define the following:

1. Entrepreneurs
- An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing
most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of
setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. The
entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new
ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.
2. Nurse Entrepreneur
- A proprietor of a business that offers nursing services of a direct care,
educational, research, administrative, or consultative nature.
3. Nurse Intrapreneur
- A nurse intrapreneur treats his or her job and workplace like their
own business in terms of the energy, thoughtfulness and drive with
which tasks and challenges are approached. This nurse sees a
problem, assesses how to mitigate it and implements a plan to correct
the situation.
4. History of nurse entrepreneurs
- Entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important within nursing
care as societal changes give space for new entrepreneurs in the field.
Entrepreneurship means that salaried nurse develops, promotes, and
delivers an innovative health care or nursing practice.
5. Skills of entrepreneurs
 Business management skills
 Teamwork and leadership skills
 Communication and listening
 Customer service skills
 Financial skills
 Analytical and problem-solving skills
 Critical thinking skills
 Strategic thinking and planning skills
 Technical skills
 Time management and organizational skills
 Branding, marketing and networking skills

6. Characteristics and personal qualifications of nurse entrepreneur

 Creative
 Passionate
 Confident
 Optimistic
 Motivated
 Visionary
 Goal-oriented
 Risk-taker
 Persuasive
 Knowledgeable about products and services
 Ability to connect with people
 Ability to make quick decisions and take actions
 Ability to understand financial situations
 Adaptable

7. Scope of entrepreneurial practice

 Entrepreneurship moves even beyond from the closed system of an

 Entrepreneurship in its capacity boost the economy which enables
societal transformation not only for meeting a demand but also to
earn cash for the entrepreneur, entrepreneurship thus gives jobs for
the society and this improves communities. Entrepreneurship
instigates a lot more than mere creation of business. 
 Entrepreneurship promotes new businesses and provides
opportunities to improve the new business sectors. 

Before, washing machines are not yet invented so women had to wash their
clothes without energy resources or water resources. This inspired a new
company to sell low energy washing machines. This would save time which in
turn they utilized the extra time to educate themselves.  

8. Reference

Entrepreneur (

Nurse Entrepreneur (International Council of Nurses. Guidelines on the nurse

entre/intrapreneur providing nursing service. Geneva, Switzerland; 2004).

Nurse Intrapreneur-Keith Carlson, BSN, RN, NC-BC


Skills and Characteristics of an Entrepreneur


Scope of entrepreneurial practice


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