IS14950 - 2001 Fish - Dried and Dry Salted - Annex D Moisture

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इंटरनेट मानक

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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS 14950 (2001): Fish - Dried and Dry-Salted [FAD 12: Fish

and Fisheries Products]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

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“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
Is 14950:2001
( Superseding IS 2345:1985, IS 2883:1985, IS 2884:1979,
IS 3850:1973, IS 3851:1966, IS 3852:1985, IS 3853:1985,
IS 4302:1985, IS 5198:1985, IS 5199:1985, IS 5471:1969,
IS 5472:1985, IS 5736:1985 and IS 8836: 1985)

Wwh Ji/d*

Indian Standard

ICS 67.120.30

0 BIS 2001


NEW DELHI 110002

July 2001 Price Group 5

Fish and Fisheries Products Sectional Committee, FAD 12

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, afler the drafi finalized by the Fish and
Fisheries Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Food and Agriculture Division Council.

A variety of Indian fishes are sold internally and also exported in dried form and dry-salted form. Earlier, the
requirements of individual fish were covered under separate standards namely, IS 2345 : 1985 ‘Dried prawns/
shrimps ( second revision )’, IS 2883 : 1985 ‘Dried white baits ( STOLEPHORUS sp ) ( second revision )’,
IS 2884 : 1979 ‘Dried and laminated Bombay Duck (first revision )’, IS 3850: 1973 ‘Dry-salted thread fin
( DARA ) and dry-salted jewfish ( GHOL ) (first revision )’, IS 3851:1966 ‘Dry-salted catfish’, IS 3852:1985
‘Dry-salted leather jackets ( CHORINEMUS sp ) (first revision )’, IS 3853: 1985 ‘Dry-salted horse mackerels
( CARANX sp ) (first revision )’, IS 4302:1985 ‘Dry-salted mackerel (first revision )’, IS 5198:1985 ‘Dry-
salted seer fish (first revision )’, IS 5199:1985 ‘Dry-salted shark (first revision )’, IS 5471 : 1969 ‘Dried shark
fins’, IS 5472:1985 ‘Fish maws (first revision )’, IS 5736:1985 ‘Dry-salted SURAI ( TUNA) (first revision)’
and IS 8836: 1985 ‘Dry-salted DHONIA (first revision )’. While reviewing these, it was decided to amalgamate
these in one comprehensive standard to make it user friendly. Consequently this new standard would supersede
above mentioned standards. Besides amalgamating the standards, requirements for microbiological and heavy
metal limits, have also been added.

In the preparation of this standard, due consideration has been given to the provisions of the Prevention of Food
Adulteration Act, 1954 and Standards of Weights & Measure (Packaged Commodities) Ru[es, 1977. However,
this standard is subject to the restrictions imposed under these, wherever applicable.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding of numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value, should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Is 14950:2001

Indian Standard

1 SCOPE 5.2 The material shall be tlee from visible fhngal, insect
or mite infestation.
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
methods of sampling and test for various types of dried 6 REQUIREMENTS
and dry-salted fish.
6.1 The material shall be prepared and processed as
2 REFERENCES given in Annex C under hygienic conditions
The following Indian Standards listed contain provisions [seeIS4303 (Parts land2)].
which through reference in this text, constitute provision 6.2 The material shall be free from artificial colouring
of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions matter and firming agents except common salt. Food
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision additives for fish and fisheries products permitted under
and parties to agreements based on this standard are PFA Rules maybe used.
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying
the most recent editions of the standards indicated 6.3 The material shallmeet the microbiological and heavy
below metal requirements as given in Table 1.
1SNo. Title Table 1 Microbiological and Heavy Metal
594:1981 Common salt for fish curing (second
revision ) ( Clause 6.3)

2237:1997 Prawn — Frozen — Specification

SI Characteristic Requirement Method of Test,
( third revision) No. Ref to Annex of
1S 2237
4303 Code of hygienic condition for fish
industry: (1) (2) (3) (4)
(Part 1): 1975 Pre-processing stage ( j7rst
i) Total plate count, 100000 B
revision ) .
(Part2) :1975 Canning stage (jlrst revision) ii) E.coli, Maxlg 20 c

11427:2001 Fish and fishery products — iii) Coagulasepositive, 100 E

Sampling (first revision ) Staphylococci, Maxlg
iv) Salmonella, per 25 g Absent F
v) Heavy metals:
For the purpose of this standard, particular variety of
a) Mercury,mgkg, Max 0.5 L-3
a fish or shell fish given in Annex A shall include all
the important commercial species of that fish or shell b) Zinc, mgkg, Max 50.0 L-4
fish. c) Copper, mgkg, Max 10.0 L-4
4 GRADES d) Arsenic,mgkg, Max 1.0 L-5
e) Lead,mgilcg,Max 1.0 L-6
Necessary grades designation for various types of fish
may be assigned based on size and mass of a single t) Tin, mg/kg,Max L-7
piece of fish as given in Annex B. A tolerance of 10 1) For product packed 50.0
percent by mass of the net mass of the next higher or in tin plate
lower grade or both grades put together in a pack shall 2) For product packed 250.00
be included. in other packing
5.1 The product, its skin and flesh shall have 6.4 Dry fish and dry-salted fish shall also conform to
characteristics colour. The meat and stomach portion the requirements given in Table 2 and Table 3
should be firm. respectively.
1s 14950:2001

7 PACKING AND MARKING o Date of packing;

7.1 Packing g) The words ‘Best before ...... (month and year)’
to be indicated; and
The material shall be packed in a suitable package/
container as agreed between the purchaser and the h) Any other requirements as specified under
processor. Intheabsence ofanysuch agreement the the Standards of Weights and Measures
(Packaged Commodities) Rules, 19771
material shall be packed in packages which are leak-
Prevention ofFoodAdulteration Rules, 1955.
proof, impermeable to oxygen and moisture and prevent
deterioration during transportation and storage. In 7.2.2 BIS Certification Marking
case polyester/polythene laminates are used, only food
grade plastic materials shall be used. The product may also be marked with the Standard
7.2 Marking The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
7.2.1 Each container shall be marked or labelled with the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
the following particulars: 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
The details of conditions under which the Iicence for
a) Name of the material with indication of dried the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
or dry-salted; manufacturers or producers maybe obtained from the
Bureau of Indian Standards.
b) Name and address of the processor;
c) Batch number or code number;
8.1 The method of drawing representative samples of
d) Grade; the material, both fresh and frozen for test and the criteria
for conformity shall be according to the method
e) Net mass; prescribed in IS 11427.

.. .
Table 2 lkqui~ments for Dry/Salted Fish and Fish Products
( Clause 6.4)

S1 Characteristics Dry-Salted Dry-Salted Dry-Salted Dry-Salted Dry-Salted Dry-Salted Dry-Salted Dry-Salted Dry-Salted Dry- Method of Test,
No. Mackerel Seer Fish Leather Surai Shark Cat Fish Threadfin Jew Fish Horse Salted Ref to Annex
Jacket (lima) (Dara) (Ghol) Mackerel Dhoma

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13)

i) Moisture, percent 30.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 40.0 40.0 35.0 35.0 D
by mass, Max

ii) Sodium chloride 25.0-30.0 25.0 -30.0 25.0 -30.0 20.0-25.0 25.0-30.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0-30.0 10.0 -15.0 E
(on moisture free Min Min Min
basis> percent
by mass

iii) Acid insoluble ash 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 F
(on moisture free
basis), percent by
mass, Max

Table 3 Requirement of Dried Fish

( Clause 6.4)

S1 Characteristics Material Method of Test,

No. — .——— ——. - .-— — ——. .— Ref to Annex
Dried Laminated Dried Dried Dried Dried
Bombay Duck Bombay Duck White Baits Prawns Shark Fins Fish Maws

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

i) Moisture, percent by 15.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 10.0 8.0 D

mass, Max

ii) Sodium chloride 7.5 6.0 2.5 5.0 — — E

( on moisture free
basis ), percent
by mass, Max

iii) Acid insoluble ash 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.5
(on moisture free
basis), percent by
mass, Max

1 i

IS 14950:2001

( Clause 3 )



1. Mackerel Rastrelliger SP. Horse Mackerel g) Decapterus sp.

( Contd ) h) EIagatis sp.
2. Seer Fish a) Scomberomorus guttatus
j) Gnathanoidon sp.
b) S. commerson
k) Megalaspis sp.
c) S. lineolatus
m) Naucrates sp.
d) S. kuhilli
n) Scomberoides sp.
e) S. interruptus
p) Selar sp.
3. Leather Jackets a) Chlorinemus Iysan q) Selaroides sp.
b) C. tala r) Seriola sp.
c) c. tol s) Trachinotus sp.
d) S. sanctipetri t) Ura. spis sp.
4. Surai (Tuna) Thunnus sp. 10. Dhoma a) Johnieops sp.
(Croakers or b) Johnius sp.
5. Shark a) Pristis sp.
Jew Fish) c) Nibea sp.
b] Galeocerdo sp.
d] Otolithus sp.
c) Sphyrna sp.
e) Protonibea sp.
d) Carcharinus sp.
O Sciaena sp.
6. Cat Fish a) Arius sp.
11. Bombay Duck Harpodon nehereus
b) Batrachocephalus sp.
c) Osteogineosus sp. 12. White Baits Stolephorus sp.
d) p[otosus Sp.
13. Prawns a) Penaeus sp.
7. Threadfin (Dara) a) Polynemus sp. b) Metapenaeus sp.
b) Polydactylus indicus c) Parapenaeopsis sp.
8. Jew Fish (Ghol) Pseudosciaenna diacanthus 14. Fish Maw
a) Eel Miraemesox talabonoides
9. Horse Mackerel a) Alectis sp.
b) Jew Fish Pseudosciaena sp
b) A[epes sp.
c) Threadfin Polynemus indicus
c) Atropus sp. d) Giant Croaker Otolithoides brunneus
d) Carangoides sp. e) Cat Fish Arius sp, Tachysures sp
e) Caranx sp. t) Bekti Lates sp, Psmoperca sp
f) Citula sp. g) Lizard Fish Saurida sp

Is 14950:2001

( Clause 4 )


The material shall be of the following two grades: The material shall be of two grades:
Grade Mass, g Grade Mass, kg
Large Above 50
With Head Without Head
Standard 50 and below
Extra large Above 4 Above 3.5
Large 3t04 2t03.5
The material shall be of the following two grades:
Grade Length, cm’)
The material shall be of two grades:
With Head Without Head
Small up to 45 up to 37.5 Grade Mass, kg
Large Above 45 Above 37.5 With Head Without Head
NOTE — In the case of ‘large’ grade it may be either
dried whole or may be cut into convenient pieces Extra large Above 3.5 Above 3
transversely before curing. Large 2.5 to 3.5 2t03
The material shall be of the following two grades: The material shall be of the following two grades:
Grade Mass, g
Grade Mass, kg
With Head Without Head
With Head Without Head
Large 400 and above Above 350
Standard Below 400 Below 350 Large 400 and above 350 and
Standard Below 400 Below 350
The material shall be of the following two grades:
Grade Mass, g ,JEW FISH) .

Small upto1000 The material shall be of the following three grades:

Large Above 1000
Grade Mass, g
Large Above 150
The material shall be of three grades:
Medium looto 150
Grade Mass, g
small Below 100
Large Above 3000
Medium 3000-1000
small Below 1000 The material shall be of three grades based on size

The material shall be of two grades: Grade Size, cm’) Mass, kg2J

Grade Mass, g Large Above 20 Above 10

With Head Without Head Medium 15t020 7.5 to 10
Small Below 15 Below 7.5
Large 500 and above 400 and
1) Length in Mntimetres measured from the tiP of the
Standard Below 500 Below 400 snout to the base of the caudal fin in the case of the
dried fish.
1)Total lengthin centimetres of a single Salt cured seer
3 Mus of 1000 individual fish in kilograms.

IS 14950:2001

B-12 LAMINATED BOMBAY DUCK Grade Size, cm’ )

The material shall be of two grades based on size and c 30 and below 40
mass: D 40 and above
Grade Size, cm’) Mass, kg2J B-16 DRIED FISH MAWS
Large 15 and above 500 and The material shall be of the following three grades:
Small Less than 15 Less than 500 Grade 1 — Clear to slightly discolored.
Grade 2 — Moderately mottled.
Grade 3 — Extensively discolored.
The material shall be of two grades based on count:
B -16.1 The material shall be of the size grades as given
Grade Count3)
in Table 4.
Large Below 200
Table 4 Size Grades
Small 200 and above
( Clause 16.1)
S1 No. Name of Species Grades Count/kg
The material shall be of the following four grades
(1) (2) (3) (4)
depending upon count:
i) Eel a) 15 and below
Grade Cound)
b) 16 to 30
Large Below 50 c) 31 to 45
Medium 50 to 250 d) Above 45
small 251 to 500 e) Broken

Tiny Above 500 ii) Jew a) 12 and below

b) 13 to 25
c) Above 25
The material shall be of the following two types: d) Broken
a) White fins, and iii) a) 7 and below
b) Black fins. b) 8 to 15
c) 16 and above . .
Depending upon the size of the fins the material shall
d) Broken
be of the following grades:
ivj Giant croaker a) 7 and below
a) Dorsal, Ventral and Pectoral fins:
b) 8 to 15
Grade Size, ems) c) 16 and above
A Below 10 d) Broken

B 10 and below 20 v) Cat fish a) 40 and below

c 20 and below 30 b) 41 to 100
D 30 and above c) 101 and above
d) Broken
b) Caudal ( tail ) fins:
vi) Bekti a) 12 and below
Grade Size, cm5)
b) 13 and above
A Below 20 c) Broken
B 20 and below 30 vii) Lizard fish a) 15 and below
b) 16 and above
l) Lengthin centimetres of the laminatedpiece.
c) Broken
z) Massof 100 pieces in grams.
3, Count= Number of white baits per I 000 g.

4, Count = Number of prawns per 1000 g.

-$)Length of a single dried shark fin in centimetres when 1) Length of a single dried shark fin in centimetres when
measured from the tip to upper or anterior corner. measured from the tip to upper or anterior corner.

. .d

Is 14950:2001


( Clause 6.1 )
C-1 DRY-SALTED FISH be cleaned thoroughly with potable water and dried
either in the sun on clean raised platforms or drying
In the preparation of dry-salted fish ( mackerel, leather
racks or in artificial driers.
jacket, seer fish, surai, shark, cat fish, threadfin, jew {

fish, horse mackerel and dhoma ) the fresh fish is split C-5 DRIED PRAWNS
open by a cut !lom dorsal side along the vertebml cohnnn
and the entrails and gills are removed. The knife is In the preparation of dried prawns, the material shall
passed deep along the.vertebral column and the fish be prepared from tlesh prawns characteristic in colour
is flattened out. Scores are made pn the thick fleshy and shall be flee from black discoloration. The material
parts by passing the knife lengthwise. After washing shall be of the following four types:
the fish, salt shall be smeared in proportion of not less
than 1:4 by mass on the cut surface of the fish and a) Boiled, peeled and dried prawns;
the fish is kept under cure for not less than 24 h. Salt b) Boiled, dried and deshelled prawns;
used for curing shall conform to IS 594. The salted
fish is washed slightly to remove excess of undissolved c) Peeled, boiled and dried prawns; and
salt and dirt. The fish is dried in sun spread over drying
racks for a period of 10 to 18 h over two to three days. d) Dried uncooked prawns shell-on.
During drying, the fish is turned upside down
Cooked material shall be prepared by cooking the whole
occasionally to facilitate quicker and even drying. The
prawns/peeled prawns in brine. It is then dried.
fish while drying shall be protected against
Alternatively, it shall also be prepared by peeling,
contamination from dirt, sand, flies and insects. In the
cooking and then drying. Dried, uncooked, shell-on
case of large size fish, it maybe cut longitudinally into
prawns are prepared by simple drying.
pieces of suitable size.
C-2 DRIED BOMBAY DUCK The strength of the brine shall be such that it shall
not impart too much saltiness to the material. The salt
In the preparation of dried Bombay duck, the fresh
used shall conform to IS 594. The cooking time shall
fish as soon as it is landed is washed with clean water
be such that the shells get loosened from the meat
to remove all adhering impurities and hung in pairs
and the material acquires a firm texture. The material
on ropes between vertical poles, the jaws being used
shall be dried either in the sun or in artificial driers
for locking in pairs. The tish is dried in the sun. It
under hygienic conditions.
may also be dried in artificial driers.
C-3 LAMINATED BOMBAY DUCK The limits for the presence of shell material in the cooked
types and grades of the material shall be as follows:
[n the preparation of laminated Bombay duck, the fresh
tish is thoroughly washed in clean water. The guts a) Peeled, boiled : Absent for all grades
are removed and then washed well again. The gutted and dried prawns
tlsh are suspended from a scaffold for surface drying
for about 2h. At this stage, remove the head, tail and b) Boiled, peeled : Not more than 0.5 percent
tins using a sharp knife or scissors and split and dried prawns by mass
longitudinally along the belly portion. Bones can be
c) Boiled, dried : Large and medium
removed if required. Dip the fish thus laminated in
and deshelled prawns grades — below
sufficient quantity of 1 percent brine (prepared from
1.0mrcent. Small and tiny
refined salt) for 20 min. Drain the fish and spread on
gra~es below 5.0 percent
drying racks to a moisture level of 16-17percent. Flatten by mass
the product by means of a roller press. Trim the sides
to get pieces of uniform size. Dry the product again The limits for broken pieces of meat in the material shall
for 1-2 h so that the final moisture content is about 15 be as follows:
percent. It is always advantageous to use a tunnel
drier for drying the product to improve the quality of a) Peeled, boiled
Not more than 1.0
the finished product. and dried prawns
I percent by mass for all
C-4 DRIED WHITE BAITS b) Boiled, peeled grades
In the preparation of dried white baits, the fish shall and dried prawns

1s 14950:2001

c) Boiled, dried and Large and medium clean water and dried in the sun preferably by hanging
deshelled prawns grades — below3.O on poles or ropes or by spreading on mats or by artificial
percent, small and tiny driers till the moisture is reduced to 10 percent. The
d) Dried, uncooked
grades below 5.0 material shall not have salt or lime excrescence on the
prawns with
percent by mass surface.

In the case of dried shark fins, the dorsal, ventral and Fish maws is prepared from the air bladder of fishes,
pectoral or caudal fins of edible sharks shall be used such as cat fish, jew fish, eel and Indian salmon. The
for the preparation of the product. The material shall air bladder afler removal shall be washed thoroughly
be prepared from fresh sharks. The fins maybe cut as in clean water and shall be free from stains, blood
soon as the sharks are landed. While cutting, avoid vessels, shreds, blood spots, etc. The material shall
as much flesh as possible. Any flesh attached to the be dried in the sun by spreading on drying racks/
cut fins should be removed. The fin shall be washed platforms or by artificial driers till a satisfactory product
with clean water. The tins may be dusted with salt in is obtained. Fish maws shall be in split, chunk or any
the ratio 1: 10( salt: fins). The cut portions maybe other form as agreed to between the purchaser and
dusted with salt and a little lime and treated fins should the vendor. The material shall be well-dried not sticking
be kept for 24 h, The fins should again be washed with to each other.


[Tables 2 and 3, S1 No. (i)]


D-1 PREPARATION OF SAMPLE oven at 100+ 1“C for 6 h. Cool in a desiccator and
weigh. Retain the dried material for the determination
Cut the large pieces into small size and mix. Grind the of sodium chloride ( see Annex E ) and acid insoluble
pieces as finely as possible preferably using an electric ash ( see Annex F ).
grinder so that a homogeneous sample is obtained.
Keep the material in an airtight container in order to D-3 CALCULATION
prevent loss of moisture during subsequent handling. M, x 100
D-3,1 Moisture percent by mass= ~
Use this material for testing. 2
Ml= loss in massing of the sample, and
Weigh about 5 g of the prepared (see D-1) sample into
a tared silica crucible or dish. Dry the dish in an air M2= mass in g of the sample taken for test.

Is 14950:2001

[ Tables 2 and 3, S1 No. (ii)]

E-1 REAGENTS 2 min. Add 1 ml of ferric alum indicator and titrate with
standard potassium thiocyanate solution until a
E-1.1 Standard Silver Nitrate Solution —0.1 N. permanent light brown colour appears.
E-1.2 Dilute Nitric Acid — 1:4.
E-1.3 Ferric Alum Indicator Solution Sodium chloride (on moisture-free basis ),
A saturated solution of ferric alum 5.85 X (V,N, – V2N2)
p~rcent by mass =
[Fe NH, (S0,)2.12 H,O]. M
E-1.4 Standard Potassium Thiocyanate Solution
—0.1 N, V,= Volume, in ml, of the standard solution of
silver nitrate used;

Take 1 to 2 g of the dried material ( see D-2.1 ) in a Nl = Normality of the standard silver nitrate
250-ml beaker and add 50 ml of distilled water tie from
chloride and heat on a water bath till all the sodium Vz = Volume, in ml, of the standard potassium
chloride goes into solution. Filter in a 250-ml conical thiocyanate solution used;
flask and wash with distilled water, free from chloride
till the washings are free from chlorides. Add 20 ml of N2 = Normality of the standard potassium
dilute nitric acid and a known volume of standard silver thiocydnate; and
nitrate solution, sutllcient to precipitate all the chlorides. M = Mass, in g, of the dried material taken for
Add 5 ml of nitrobenzene and shake vigorously for the test.

[ Tables 2 and3, SINO. (iii) ]

F-1 REAGENT at 600+20 “C for 1 h. Cool in a desiccator and weigh.

Ignite the dish again for 30 rein, cool and weigh. Repeat
F-1.l Dilute Hydrochloric Acid — 1:1.
the process till the difference between two successive
F-2 PROCEDURE weighings is less than one milligram. Note the lowest
Weigh accurately about 2 g of the dried material
( see D-2 ) in a tared porcelain, silica or platinum F-3 CALCULATION
dish. Ignite with a Mekerbumer for about 1h. Complete
F-3.1 Acid insoluble ash (on moisture-free basis),
the ignition by keeping in a muffle furnace at
100x( M2-M)
600 +20 ‘C until grey ash results. Cool and add 25 ml percent by mass =
of dilute hydrochloric acid, cover with a watch glass (MI-M)
and heat on water bath for 10 min. Cool and filter
through Whatman filter paper No.42 or its Mz = Lowest mass, in g, of the dish with the acid
equivalent. Wash the residue with hot water until the insoluble ash;
washings are free from chlorides as tested with silver
M = Mass, in g, of the empty dish;
nitrate solution and return the filter paper and residue
to the dish. Keep it in an electric air oven maintained Ml= Mass, in g, of the dish with the dried material
at 135 + 2 ‘C for about 3 h. Ignite in a muffle furnace taken for the test.


Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under thelhmeau oflndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the aetitities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in t.lie country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. Nopartof thesepublicatio~ maybe reproduce(l in anyform without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards :!

Amen@nents are issued to standards as the need arises onthebasis of comments. Standards are also reviewed $
periodically; astandarcljalong with amendments is reaffkrned when such review indicateM.hat no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards /i’
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue [’
of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and’ Standards: Monthly Additions’,
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. FAD 12 ( 911 ). (
Amendments Issued Since Publication
Amend No. Date of Issue Text AfTected



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