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Julia’s Strange Experience

 Have you ever had a strange experience? Which details

can you recall? Were you afraid?

1. Listen to the first part of the story. Tick the sounds you hear.

Car keys people talking a piano

a car door a woman yelling

The wind blowing dogs growling a cat miaowing

Thunderstorms Pouring rain a car engine

a plane taking off a baby crying

Leaves cracking footsteps lightening

wood burning

2. Before you go on listening, predict what is going to happen,

you may want to follow these questions.

 Where is Julia?  Do you think she bump

 What is she doing? into someone or
 What is the weather something?
like? Why are details  What happens to the
about the weather car?
relevant?  Who screams? Why?
3. Part 1 Analyzing the setting

A. Using words from the box write relevant details about the
moon far below crashed cliffs flashes
country lane swayed wild windscreen
against waves pouring

B. Part 2: comprehension

Answer the following questions

1. Why was Julia driving alone? Where was she going?

2. Why did she stop the car?
3. What happen? Did her original plan changed?
4. Why did she scream?

4. Complete the first part of the story with the correct word.

Julia ……………………….( to be) from a party, she …………….. (drive)

because her husband had decided to stay home. It was midnight when
Julia…………. (leave) the party but the rest of the guests ……………… (not
plan)to leave so early. Julia was afraid because she ………………… (not-
know)the way back home very well. She …………………… (think) she had
taken the wrong turning. On top of this, the night …………. (to be) wild and
stormy and there was no moon to lighten the lonely road. Julia drove very
slowly because it was dark. Suddenly, she …….. (see) two green eyes in
the middle of the road. She slammed her foot on the break and picked up
a torch. When she got closer to the cat, it …………….. (miaow) and ……………
(run) the trees. Julia was wet through and angry. She ……………….. (go) back

to the car but the lights ……………….. (not work) After some minutes,

knowing that the storm would never stop Julia ………………..

(decide) to ………………. in the car. Suddenly….

 Considering this is one of those typical

stories on the road, how do you think this
story continues?
5. Listen to the second part of the story and decide if the
following sentences are right or wrong.

1. The woman offered to take Julia to a police station.

2. Inside the Woman’s cottage, Julia saw a wet coat and a scarf.

3. Julia stayed the night because she needed help.

4. The following morning the woman’s husband prepared

breakfast for all of them, but the woman didn’t wake up.

5. Julia was scared when she saw the black cat coming into the

6. Julia shivered when she saw a picture of the old man. He

looked like a ghost.

7. The woman and the cat were ghosts. The woman had died
many years ago.
6. Complete the chart with the main details about this story.
Use specific vocabulary.

Introduction: Setting



7. Do you think this is a good story? Why? Why not? How

would you improve the storyline? What about its title?

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