Completed Internship Portfolio

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Internship Portfolio

Study Abroad

Name: Madeline Tomecek

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Center for Experiential Learning Internship Experience
Loras College
Study Abroad L. EXP-494
Three Credit Portfolio

Internship Portfolios provide students with a summation of their experience. They allow the student to
take a reflective view of where they started, how their internship helped them to learn & develop new
skills, and provide a launching into the next steps in their educational & professional careers.

The European education system differs from the American system for internship. Many businesses,
organizations, and institutions in Europe are not used to having college students working with them
as interns. Keep this in mind as you get to know the organization and individuals during your

The three credit internship covers 150 hours of on-site work experience and is designed to guide the
student through an introduction into career readiness & exploration. The Portfolio is the culmination of
those experiences with an emphasis on learning and expanding the professional skill set.

In order to receive a Passing grade for the Three Credit Internship, students must complete the
following documents/assignments and submit them within this portfolio in the following order:

1. Title Page – Name, Loras College, Semester of Internship, Name of Internship Site &
2. Narrative description of Internship Site (see sample information to include)
a. Name of the site, location, number of employees, primary industry
b. Overview of the organization – is there an organizational chart? How are policies
formed? Whom does the organization serve?
c. Human Resources – What role does this department play in your internship area?
3. Letter of Motivation
4. Initial Resume
5. Completed Learning Plan (Template is included)
6. SnapShot #1
7. SnapShot #2
8. Reflective Journal Questions & Responses – As submitted weekly on eLearn
9. Final evaluation from Site Supervisor – evaluation form & instructions are available on
10. Final Essay – Answering, expanding, and reflecting on the questions:
a. What did you do?
b. What did you learn?
c. Why did it matter?
11. Updated Resume including your internship experience

Completed Portfolios are due on eLearn by 11:00pm _____on the Last Friday of the Semester__

Madeline Tomecek



YMCA Crèche Dublin


YMCA Childcare Dublin, 53 Aungier St, Dublin, D02 CH96, between 12 to 20 employees,
The organization is set up with a supervisor and room leaders. Policies are formed based off of the regulations for
childcare throughout Ireland. They have room ratios meaning that only a certain amount of children can be in a room with
the teacher at a time. Staff need to make sure food is regulated, laundry is done properly, and rooms are cleaned up to
the standards.

The YMCA provides childcare in Dublin City Center ranging from three months to six years as well as an after school
program in which they have a partnership with the local primary schools. The YMCA is equipped with a sports hall, food
service, and outdoor playground area.

Goals of the Organization:

- Provide a safe and promoting environment
- Promote respect towards self, others, and environment
- Independence through structured and flexible activities
- Opportunities for children to achieve goals set by both themselves and staff members
- Meet the needs of both children and families (in addition to families with special needs)

YMCA Childcare aims to ensure that through its work with children each child will be:
 Welcomed in a safe and caring environment with a happy and friendly atmosphere.
 Afforded an opportunity to work with activities which are creative, fun and stimulating.
 Given praise and encouragement in an atmosphere where opportunities to succeed and positive behavior are
 Encouraged to develop both a respect of, and understanding of, their environment and their peers.
 Given the opportunities to realize their full potential and learn new skills, in conjunction with developing their self-
confidence and a positive self-image.
 Listened to and regarded as individuals where their feelings and opinions are taken into consideration and valued.

From my involvement in the crèche, I didn’t interact or have the opportunity to observe a human resources department. I
know the crèche works hand in hand with the community development section of the YMCA and I believe that they would
work closer together.

Curriculum Vitae
Name Maddie Tomecek
Address 1240 Adeline St.
Home Dubuque, IA USA

Term Dublin Shortlets

Dublin 4, Ireland
Home Phone 563.581.6007

Personal Information
Date of Birth 29/May/1999
Nationality American
Gender Female
Desired Employment

Work Experience
March 2016-Present
St. Columbkille’s Early Childhood Center, Dubuque, IA,
Afterschool Associate
 I work with school age and preschool age children
in an afterschool program.
 Close the center daily, knowledge of the ProCare
January 2018- system, daily jobs around the center, interaction
with parents

Loras College , Dubuque, IA, USA

Advancement Office Student worker
 Work with team to plan, prepare, and execute
events for alumni on and off of campus
 Knowledge of basic office skills and Raiser’s
October 2017- edge programs

St. John LaSalle Pastorate, Richardsville, IA, USA

Religious Education teacher-3rd/4th grade
 Plan, prepare, and execute lesson plans
surrounding topics in the Catholic faith
 Help students lead prayer services and Masses to
promote hands on learning
Volunteer FINAL
2018-2019 LEARNING
DuBuddies, Dubuque, IA, USA PLAN
 Purpose is to foster one-on-one friendships This should
between people with disabilities and people be a
without disabilities around the Dubuque

Loras College Dance Marathon, Dubuque, IA, USA

 Family Committee Member
revisited &/or revised Learning Plan based on your initial plan submitted at the beginning of your

The Learning Plan is a tool designed to provide you with direction & guidance as you begin and
during your internship. The Learning Plan should be considered a “living document” – to be revisited
frequently as a way of gauging your progress.

*The final Learning Plan is to be included in the student portfolio

Components of the Learning Plan
~ Goals/Skills/Objectives: What do you want to learn, know, understand, or put into practice?
These goals should be identified based on your long-term career objective, understanding of
the industry, &/or recognized skills needed to enter your career field. Using action words
(determine, develop, demonstrate, etc.) will help drive your objectives.
For example: “Improve my communication skills”; “Strengthen problem-solving skills”;
“Develop cultural awareness & put it into practice”

~ Means: How will accomplish your goals? What tools will you need to access?
For example: “Meet weekly with supervisor to discuss professional writing skills”;
“Attend a professional development workshop on grant writing”; “Participate in a
webinar on the use of social media”

~ Assessment: How will you know if you have met your goals? Will this be a subjective
determination? Is there a relevant skills assessment tool?
For example: “Seek verbal feedback from supervisor every other week”; “Create a
press release for supervisor review”; “Complete an on-line communication ability


Identify two job/career objectives or skills this internship will help the student develop.

1. Goal/Objective: Experience an education system through a different culture.

Means: Ask questions from the teachers present in the various classrooms.

Assessment: Develop knowledge about the daily schedule, working environment, and
how the crèche is running on a daily basis. Although I was only a volunteer, I truly feel
that I had a part in the center. I was able to work with the teachers to plan activities that
were tailored to the needs of each child, knew backround information on the children,
and created bonds with a lot of the staff members. I learned that while there are
differences within education, there are also a lot of similiarities. While education is not
universal, care is and I learned that even around the world, there is a lot of people
working really hard to provide for children all over the world.

2. Goal/Objective: Form relationships with the children in the crèche.

Means: Engaging in games, songs, activities, meals, playground, and other times
throughout the day with the children.
Assessment: Ability to know most names and needs of children. I knew everyone’s
names (at least for the three rooms I rotated between)!!!! I formed so many positive
relationships with the children and honestly, they were the hardest children to leave. I
will miss their smiling faces and hugs.

 Supervisor goals (What does the supervisor want the intern to learn/accomplish?)
o The ins and outs of working in a crèche in Ireland, gain work experience, and form
relationships within the crèche.

 Supervisor expectations (What does the supervisor expect from the student?)
o Help out in assigned room with whatever tasks need help with. Engage with students
and potentially help plan/execute lessons or activities for the children.

 How can the supervisor & intern collaborate to help obtain these objectives?
o It is important that questions are asked where needed and to move throughout all the
various rooms in the crèche to experience a variety of setting and learning
SNAPSHOT #1 : A Day in the Life

Provide a photo that includes the following:

 Maddie Tomecek, Sophomore, Elementary Education

At the YMCA, I get to play, work, and interact with children. So

basically my dream Internship placement!!! The YMCA is a little
different, though than the center I work at back in the States. Their
curriculum is based around the ideas of Montessori. At first, I was
a little skeptical of this because my ideas of Montessori were
messy, unorganized, childplay. However, I was able to work
alongside people who are working to revitalize the program there
and have it better align with the true guidelines of Montessori. We had so much fun along the

SNAPSHOT #2 : What I Learned

Provide a photo that includes the following:

 Maddie Tomecek, Sophomore, Elementary Education

One of the coolest parts of my internship experience, was

being able to interact and work alongside kids from all
over the world! While, a big group of children and
coworkers were Irish, a lot were not. I met people from
Romania, Spain, England Poland, Italy, and the list goes
on! This map shows just ONE room of children and where
they are from. While communicating (with both coworkers
and children) was difficult from time to time, everyone has one thing in mind: the wellbeing of
the children. And there were some of the sweetest children I have ever met at the crèche! I
most definitely will miss all the hugs, smiles, laughs, story-tellings, and art projects I have
done the past semester!



Study Abroad
Internship Journals

Description & Questions

[Type the document subtitle]

Madeline A. Tomecek

Journal Questions

Week 1 17/01/19 Date Total hours worked _seven hours

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week. What connection does the
experience have to your personal or professional goals?

Response: The YMCA offers programs from infants to school age. My job is to go wherever
they need me to go and help wherever they need me to help on Tuesday’s and Thursdays from
nine to five. I started on Thursday because my Garda information wasn’t fully completed. So
for the next couple Tuesdays and Thursdays, I will still be learning the ins and outs of the
center and how I fit in as a volunteer (my official role.) On Thursday, though, I was given the
opportunity to work in the Montessori/ playground room. Montessori's main idea for learning
is based on play so yes, I spent the whole afternoon playing with the cutest kids ever. One
child and I talked about tractors for (not exaggerating) forty five minutes. He claims he has the
most tractors where he lives.... but, in his defense, I don't think he has ever been to Iowa. He
was also wearing a yellow jacket, and when I asked him if his favorite color was yellow, he
replied yes because it's bright like the Sun . There’s a chance he’s my long lost child???) I
helped zip jackets and put on hats to go outside. The center has a playground attached to the
Montessori room and we were able to go outside. This is the perfect experience for what I
hope to do in the future as an elementary school teacher and hopefully school counselor.

This week respond to the following question regarding your experience to this point.
What do you think will be the key events and features of this experience?

Response: Back home, I work at St Columbkille’s Afterschool and preschool program, which
is very similar to my role at the YMCA. However, since I am only a volunteer, there are a
number of things I am not allowed to do. I think the most challenging part of the internship
will be coming from a position where I did almost everything to one where I am limited in my
capabilities. It will be interesting to compare the two positions and also how Ireland childcare
procedures differ from those in the States. However, I am excited to begin to connect with kids
on a closer level and get to know more about the different cultures. I am a firm believer that all
kids should be treated equally and I can’t wait to be able to teach them as they teach me along
the way too.

Week 2 Date 1-22-19 & 1-24-19 Total hours worked ____16_________

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week.

Response: I had the opportunity to help redesign and reorganize the toddler classroom. We
declutter and created more station/center learning areas for the children. We also made toys
and centers more accessible to the age level. I also was able to set up, lead, and help the
Montessori three year olds make caterpillars out of recycled egg cartons.

I am still learning my role in the center and when to observe and when to help out. I am
beginning to learn the children’s names and offer my educational background/advice when

What assumptions are you making about the people involved in this experience, including yourself?
What do you observe about your behavior and actions and those of others?

Response: The first assumption I have been made since being involved in this experience is
that the education system is different in Ireland than it is in the States. I am slowly still trying
to figure out if it is because of the difference in cultures or because Montessori is different
than preschool. Everyone is shocked to learn that I have to go through four years of school I
also made the assumption that all the children in the school would be Irish: however, I am
quickly learning that this is not the case. The children and other workers are from all over the
world and all different backgrounds—a few are way more recognizable than others. I have
noticed that communication is difficult between staff and students. I have trouble
understanding conversations and understanding my role in the community. I have also
noticed that teaching styles are harsher than in the States. In the Montessori style, there is
less direction and more consequence meaning that students are given more time for on their
own exploration which seems to lead to more behavior in the classroom. The teachers have
less of a lesson plan format and are more relaxed.

Week 3 Date _____________________ Total hours worked 16 hrs__

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week. What connection does the
experience have to your personal or professional goals?
A lot happened this week. I was sent out to find a tablet charger. My boss asked me if I knew
how to get to the EuroGiant and in my head I was thinking, “No I barely know how to get to the
YMCA” but I smiled and nodded and went on my way. I found it very easily and was really
proud of myself until I got back and found out it WAS AN IPHONE charger not a Samsung
charger. So I was sent back out to return it and find the new one. Easy enough, except
EuroGiant doesn’t have Samsung chargers so I was given a list of other places that might
have phone charges…Picture this: a Maddie wandering around Downtown Dublin looking in
sketchy alley phone stores looking for a Samsung charger. After finally making the three-mile
hike back to St. Stephen’s mall—I found one BUT it was ten euros. I had four. So I sulked back
to the YMCA to share the bad news, and maybe offer to look for it online. However, I was given
the extra six euros and made the hike back. Just as a disclaimer, I am not complaining and
happy to help—this is more of documenting my experiences.

There are kids at the childcare that the other workers struggle to communicate with and they
tend to always send them my direction.

I was also forced fed mushy potentially pumpkin, potato soup and called Smellie Maddie.

On a bright side, I spent Thursday with the school age kids (like kindergarten age) and it was
so refreshing to be back in a similar environment to what I am used to. There is more structure
and opportunities to engage with the students. I also feel like I can relate with the worker
better and communicate with them better as well. It’s really interesting to learn more about
schools in Ireland. I also was able to learn some new ideas and techniques to try out in my
future classroom.

What does this experience point out to you about your own attitudes, biases, or preferences?
What are you learning about yourself through this internship?
I am definitely being exposed to lots of different cultures and how they all align and work
together. It is definitely challenging to say the least. I am learning that I took for granted my
job back home.

Week 4 Date _2/5/19 and 2/7/19_ Total hours worked __16___________

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week.
Response: This week I am working on interacting more with my coworkers and creating
opportunities between children and other adults.

Reflect on your cultural experience; think about an attitude or opinion, a social situation, learning a
new word, a new food and response in one or two paragraphs.  Describe the experience. How did
the experience make you feel?  What did you learn from it?

Response: I learned that the Polish Christmas season goes until February 2 nd. I am also
learning about different Polish holidays from my coworker. Because there are children from
China at the center, we celebrated Chinese New Year by talking about the year of the Pig and
by also making paper cutouts. I am learning parts of other languages (polish, Spanish,
Romanian, Irish, etc) as well as being able to help teach English to my co-workers as well.

This internship is exposing me to an environment that is completely different than the one I
grew up in. These kids are so culturally smart because they are surrounded by a vast variety
of countries, cultures, and languages. I am definitely becoming more open minded about the
world around me. I have discovered that I love learning about various cultures and traditions.
It is also very interesting to learn how the education system works worldwide.

Week 5 Date _2-12-19 2/14/19 Total hours worked: 17 hours

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week. What connection does the
experience have to your personal or professional goals?
This week I was able to help execute the Valentine’s day craft of making cards for the
children’s parents. I was also able to help replace the bulletin board in the classroom. I feel
like I am beginning to find my place in the center and engage more with the workers there.
There’s another intern from the United States as well and I feel less than a stranger. The kids
are starting to remember me and are excited when I come in. I love to read to them, engage on
the playground, and lead songs. I work on homework with the afterschool kids and work on
various activities such as coloring, holiday theme projects (valentine’s day). I also
experienced the struggles of toilet training a student in the class who had three accidents in
one day and interviewed the teacher in the class about

How does your classroom based learning apply to this experience? What contradictions between
your classroom learning and practical application have you noticed (if any)?
I am able to apply my knowledge of early childhood to the Montessori room. In education we
talk about how people look down at teachers and teacher’s rights. I was able to use this
knowledge to talk with a fellow worker about the various education systems, both in the
States, Ireland, and even Romania. In early childhood, we talked about people such as Maria
Montessori; however, I haven’t had the opportunity to apply it in an observation/student
teaching environment. Apparently the Montessori room doesn’t teach real life lessons such as
flower arrangements, shoe shining, etc so I am not receiving an “actual, realistic” observation
of a Montessori room (at least from the viewpoint of the teacher). From another teacher’s
viewpoint, the students have too much time to learn through play. In my classes we learn that
play is important for learning and children shouldn’t be constantly sitting

In teaching we also learn the importance of co-teaching. In centers, there needs to be an

adequate student to teacher ratio. If there is more than one teacher, it is importance that they
work together to teach the students. The students and teachers are supposed to be engaged
with each other at all times. For example, during circle time, all children should be attended to.

Week 6 Date _feb 19&21 Total hours worked: 17

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week.
Response: Well for starters, I didn’t get to go to the lego movie so that was kind of sad. Other
than that, it was a typical week. The classes were combined so there was a mix of age groups
in the classroom. The weather was very nice on Thursday so we spent a lot of time outside—
almost all the of the students in the crèche were on the playground. It was so much fun to
interact with all the different age groups. There is also another American at work but we
haven’t interacted much—I think he’s from Boston. Some of the workers are recognizing that I
am not Irish so they are starting to ask me more about America. It’s interesting to share

What are you learning about yourself in terms of communication style, adaptability, and contribution
to the professional setting? How do these qualities/skills impact others in your work environment?
How are you impacted by those qualities/skills of others?
Response: I am learning that communication is difficult especially with the different
languages, accents, and phrases. I have learned how to become adaptable by going where
they need me in the crèche and through a variety of age levels. I think it’s important to be
easygoing in the workplace and this job is teaching me how to improve my need for
control/always knowing where I should be or even what I should be doing. I think it’s
interesting to see how all the different personalities come together to form a working

Week 7 Date 4/26 and 4/28 Total hours worked 17 hrs

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week. What connection does the
experience have to your personal or professional goals?
Response: A lot of staff left this week. The new hire started working. It’s ironic that I know
more than her. She’s really nice and it’ll be interesting to see how the two teachers work

What are you observing about your work environment? If you could, what are two things you would
keep and two things you would change? What emotions and thoughts does this experience trigger in
Response: The work environment is very chaotic. Honestly if I worked full time at this center I
would put more structure into the morning routine. Things seem hectic as they are right now
and they are overwhelming. However, I talked with another Montessori teacher, and I learned
how Montessori is supposed to work. I would incorporate more guidelines that aligned. I
would also replace the broken toys. To be honest, my internship stresses me out. Also,
everyone thinks I want to own a crèche (daycare) even after I try to explain my major to them.

Week 8 Date_3/5 and 3/7___ Total hours worked: 17 hours

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week.
It was “pancake day” this week so of course we had pancakes and jam for snack! And a mini
carnival where the children came to the crèche all dressed up in costumes and we had a mini
parade/fashion show to show them off.
This week I am working on a project for Mother’s Day, which is celebrated the 31 st of March in
Ireland. They are throwing a party for all the moms and the teacher wants to put why each
student loves their mom all around the room. My job is to ask all the three year olds why they
love their mom. Some of the things they say are funny but others are hard to communicate
with making documenting their responses tricky. We made tulips this week with forks and
paint so that was fun. In the afterschool, we made decorated shamrocks. The children were
wearing costumes on Thursday (I am not 100% sure why…) but as I was working on
homework with Sophia, the new employee was sitting across from us and all she kept saying
was how pretty Sophia is. Like this is why she struggles with homework because all she has
ever been told is how pretty she is. It’s difficult to not be able to defend her so I subtly tried to
by stating how great of a job reading/practicing her tricky words she was doing. Also, another
little girl was working with the employee and I could tell how hurt she was when she wasn’t
being called pretty. I know it’s not my place but these girls should be taught that they are all
beautiful—i.e. on the inside (there’s so many better ways to describe someone than pretty),
strong, smart, funny, etc. We just celebrated National Women’s Day and this is why women
have so much disrespect in society…sorry, for the rant but on one hand it’s frustrating and on
the other, it makes me want to empower girls so much more.
Now that I am starting to learn how things work there, I am able to help without being asked
and the teacher is starting to give me more projects (such as setting up tables, hanging up
children’s work, eliminating, etc.) which takes away from the constant guessing I was doing
earlier in the semester.

You will soon have to reflect on your experience for your mid-term evaluation. Write three bullet
points about this internship now, while it is fresh in your mind.
Response: My supervisor is still completing my evaluation and “needs to talk with the
teachers I am working with to get their perspectives on me”. So I haven’t been able to talk with
her about my evaluation and I will add my bullet points after we have that conversation.

Week 9 Date 4-12 & 4-14 Total hours worked __18______

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week. What connection does the
experience have to your personal or professional goals?
It was St. Patrick’s day this week so we made crafts with the children such as shamrocks,
hats, and bookmarks. I feel like this week, I really started to bond with the children. I officially
know all of their names and they even come run to give me hugs when I come into the room.

What is a challenge you have observed or faced? How did you respond to that challenge? What, if
anything, would you do differently if facing this challenge again?
A challenge I have faced is communication both with the staff and also with the children (i.e.
understanding accents of others, understanding my role, etc.) At first, it was really hard and I
found myself nodding and smiling a lot, hoping they didn’t ask a question. But now, I am able
to communicate back and engage in conversation. If I was faced with this challenge again, I
would try to ask more questions instead of hoping for the best.

Week 10 Date ___3/19/19 Total hours worked __8___________

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week.
I made playdough yesterday. There is also a child with autism in the Montessori room and yesterday,
a lady came in to observe him. She observed him in September and is back again. They are trying to
prove that they need three teachers in the room to help out on a daily basis. Lee is the sweetest boy
and yesterday, I was sitting with him at the table while he was colouring and (I haven’t heard him talk
at all since being there); however, he would take a crayon out of the box and say its colour. Although,
you could barely hear him, the words were there!!! The observation lady said that they were doing a
great job working with him, and I would have to agree. They also had soccer yesterday so I was able
to help take all the kids to soccer and watch them during practice. It’s really cool that they have a
structured time set apart with an actual coach and it helps them release a lot of energy!! I also taught
the school age girls how to make Rainbow loom bracelets.
This week, we are traveling to Amsterdam on Thursday so I won’t be in. I also have a meeting set
up with my supervisor about my midterm evaluation on Tuesday. I think she is done consulting with
the other teachers….

What have you accomplished that you hadn’t expected? What have you been unable to accomplish
that you had hoped?
Honestly, I didn’t think I was going to be able to learn all the children’s names! But I can name off all
the children in both the three year Montessori and also BOTH school age rooms. I also know all the
staff’s names as well. I am also working with the school age teachers to make a portfolio of art the
children have made for me/projects we have worked on.

While I haven’t been able to teach a lesson/plan a project of my own, I have been able to help with all
art projects and assist in day to day tasks. This level of observation, I think, has taught me more than
teaching an actual lesson would have, so I am grateful for the level of involvement they have given

Week 11 Date _26.3.18__ Total hours worked _16____________

Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week. What connection does the
experience have to your personal or professional goals?
Response: Happy Mother’s Day!
This week we were finishing up working on the mother’s day projects for their party on Friday. We
painted the children’s hands and pressed them into a heart, then we wrote why the children love their
moms inside of the heart. I also helped Ioana plan out the classroom arrangement for the party. They
also hired another employee to help out with Lee.

A child in the morning on Tuesday also started punching another child, the teacher, and kicked
everything in sight. He then told the teacher some very colored, choice words. So I got to experience
the process the Crèche took to handle the situation. They brought the mom in early to collection to
discuss the child’s behaviors (unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed in on that meeting.) But, now they have
a notebook that they use to document each incident that happens out of anger with the child. On
Thursday, he became so angry again that they had to remove him from the classroom and the
teacher had to use the “toy strategy” to get him to calm down. The toy strategy involved the teacher
giving him a box of toy animals and he was told to tell her how he was feeling. He chose the tiger and
the lion and they had a discussion about why he was feeling angry.

I was also able to attend a community hub session where all the employees are given a little break to
enjoy a cup of tea and engage with one another.

In afterschool, I led the class in making cards for their mums. I also learned a little bit of polish but I
couldn’t repeat it so please don’t ask :P

If asked in an interview, “How would you describe your internship experience?” – How would you
respond in order to provide an accurate description of your site, tasks, and learning?
My internship is similar to a daycare setting in the states. The site provides children with learning
opportunities, snacks and dinner, and an outdoor playground/gym to run around in. They are based
off of Montessori context. I really enjoy working with the school age students. I am learning a new
form and methods of teaching that I sometimes struggle with but it also is expanding my horizons as
a future educator. I help out at the crèche wherever I am needed and I have begun to form
relationships with most, if not all, of the students who attend.

Week 14 Date _4/2/19 and 4/4/19 Total hours worked __16 hrs_______
Summarize your tasks and what you are learning for the week.
Today, I had this realization that I only have one week left at my internship and things always get
better right when I am getting ready to leave. I finally have started to find my internship and now I am
leaving. The kids and staff members are not as intimidating as they used to be and I can
communicate with all of them WAY better than when I first started. Today, Charlene and I worked
together to create a new craft for the afterschool students. We created bunny rabbits out of random
materials found throughout the classroom—paper plates, ribbon, crepe paper, googly eyes, etc. She
also learned how to use pinterest so we were talking about our favourite ideas. She was so surprised
to learn that there are so many ideas floating around cyberspace.

There was only one waffle with jam left and two kids were both sad that they wouldn’t get one. So I
solved the problem by cutting the waffle in half, a somewhat simple solution. However, Jade came up
to me and said, “Maddie, how do you know how to make everyone happy when they’re sad?”

A funny concept really that a person has the ability to cheer everyone around him or her up but
doesn’t have the capacity to do it to themselves.

On Tuesday, it hailed but all the students thought it was snow! They were SO excited to be out on the
playground during it. Jade and Luil were even making snow angels. I wish I was able to capture the
look of innocence on their faces. I watched from the window as I proceeded to clean the room from
snack. But I was there to greet them when they came in clothes damp but still happy.

Julita created a fun board game for the students all about Dublin. And I want to steal the idea for my
future classroom. The game is centred around a map and the children take turns rolling the die and
then moving the piece the amount of spaces. Each space has a location throughout city centre and
then it is the teacher’s decision what the activity the students complete is. For example if the space
says Trinity College, then the children have to share what they want to be when they grow up.

(a little side story that made me so happy was when it was Sophia’s turn (and the teacher guessed
that she wanted to be a princess) and Sophia just looked at her and said “No, I want to be a vet.”)
LIKE YES, GO SISTER!!! GIRLS CAN BE SMART TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another example, is Dublin zoo. One student is given an animal and the others have to guess. Or the
National Art Gallery, one student models and the others have to draw him or her. The possibilities
with this game are endless and it all depends on the teacher. It was so much fun! And super easy to
make!!! It also helps integrate other cultures into the classroom.

As you reflect upon the totality of your experience, what kind of attitudes about work have you found
in Ireland/Portugal? How is it the same or different from work in the US? What is your own personal
philosophy about “work”? (A means to an end? Drudgery? Meaningful?) How does this tie into your
values and life in general?
This experience has showed me that childcare is universal. For the most part, everyone at the
crèche in Ireland and at the center back home have the needs of the child in mind.

Week 15 Date _4/2/19 and 4/4/19 Total hours worked __16 hrs_______

Easter Break
Summarize what are you doing during the break? How is this contributing to your international
experience? Describe a cultural experience with the same questions as Week 4.

Kristen, Danny, and I are spending the first five days in Krakow, Poland. Then, we are saying
goodbye to Kristen, and Danny and I are heading off to Budapest, Prague, and Frankfurt. Then, we
are meeting up with Matt in Barcelona. We have a lot planned but I am excited and (kinda) ready for
it. We still need to completely book everything but it should be a lot of fun for everyone.

I have had the opportunity to meet so many people from so many different backgrounds, cultures,
environments, etc. and I am finally getting to experience the authienticness of their home countries. I
feel like once you get to know a person’s (hometown) or country, you know more about them. I am so
excited to try lots of new foods, meet new people, and explore lots of new towns. There’s a lot of
history in Europe and I can’t wait to experience all (well, at least most of it). 

Final/Midterm Evaluation:


a. What did you do?

b. What did you learn?
c. Why did it matter?

An Open Letter to the YMCA Crèche Dublin:

I arrived to 53 Aungier St, Dublin, D02 CH96 late on the second Thursday after arriving to a

whole new country. Of course, I got lost. Looking back now, I know the route like the back of my hand

and the idea that I even got lost in the first place is unthinkable. I got off the One bus confidently took

a left when I should have taken a right, wandered around the city, stopped in a few coffee shops for

directions along the way but finally wound up at the place that would greatly affect the rest of my

semester in Ireland for the better.

For me, an entire semester without children was unthinkable, so I want to thank you for giving

me the opportunity to be a part of someone little to make a BIG change. Thank you for allowing me to

impact the hearts of children but more importantly, thank you for allowing the children to impact my

heart. The first few weeks in the Montessori room were honestly stressful but it’s because I was

looking at my situation with the wrong perspective. What I saw as an unorganized, chaotic mess, was

in reality growth, perspective, creativity.

As a volunteer, I was able to step back and simply observe the children. Here’s a glimpse into

what I saw:

- Lee (who when I first started) didn’t talk at all but by the end of my time he was smiling and

responding when I asked him the shapes names and colors.

- Jade always told me how I knew how to make everyone feel better when they were sad.

- Aria giggling whenever I spun her around and we’d have tickle fights

- Ioana who worked tirelessly to make sure the children had what they needed. She also taught

me the ins and out of Montessori.

- Juliette who I could never tell if she was upset with me or not.

- I saw staff leave and staff come back. I saw the before and the after.

- I saw messy. I saw clean. I saw organized. I saw unorganized. I saw calm. I saw hectic.

- Archie who normally would fight with the other children but instead sat down with me to learn

all about dinosaurs.

- Children who refused to eat their dinner or snack which led to lots of food waste. If they simply

added a little salt not as much food would be wasted.

- I saw tears. I saw smiles.

- I learned that a bathroom is called a toilet. The garbage is the bin. Garbage is rubbish. A

diaper is a nappy. Childcare is known as the crèche.

- Most importantly, I learned that saying goodbye to the children (and staff) was WAY harder

than I ever expected it to be on that very first day. Or even week. Or month. Something that I

couldn’t wait to be over actually ended up being the thing I wish I could turn back the clock on.

Since being in Dublin, I haven’t made too many friends but I did make 30 little new friends who

changed me more than they will ever know.

On my last day, Juliette read my fortune. She asked me what I wanted to do in the future and I

told her that I wanted to be a teacher. She looked me in the eyes and told me that I was meant for

more than to just be a teacher. These are her words while she wrapped me in a hug:

“You are quiet but a strong quiet. You love to help others. I see you being a volunteer. You

know that the YMCA as opportunities all over the world. I see you helping others in another

country. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you are too quiet.”

The YMCA taught me many things. It taught me how to smile, laugh, communicate, engage

with others, and my favorite of them all: I am capable. I am capable of teaching. I am capable of

being an inspiration. I am capable of doing all the crazy things I have dreamt of. Someday, I might

be back. Or I might be somewhere else helping others see the potential in themselves. I hope that
one day in this crazy, small world that I run into those children and take them for the impact they

have had on me.

You all thanked me for the help I gave you on my last day. So it is my turn to thank you. Thank

you for opening my eyes and showing me that education and childcare are universal. Care is care

no matter the language, country, or denomination.

You all told me that I would be missed but I think it is the other way around.

Thank you for making my time in Ireland more fun than I could have imagined.


Curriculum Vitae
Name Maddie Tomecek
Address 1240 Adeline St.
Home Dubuque, IA USA

Term Dublin Shortlets

Dublin 4, Ireland
Home Phone 563.581.6007

Personal Information
Date of Birth 29/May/1999
Nationality American
Gender Female
Desired Employment

Work Experience
March 2016-Present
St. Columbkille’s Early Childhood Center, Dubuque, IA,
Afterschool Associate
 I work with school age and preschool age children
in an afterschool program.
 Close the center daily, knowledge of the ProCare
January 2018- system, daily jobs around the center, interaction
with parents

Loras College , Dubuque, IA, USA

Advancement Office Student worker
 Work with team to plan, prepare, and execute
events for alumni on and off of campus
 Knowledge of basic office skills and Raiser’s
October 2017- edge programs

St. John LaSalle Pastorate, Richardsville, IA, USA

Religious Education teacher-3rd/4th grade
 Plan, prepare, and execute lesson plans
surrounding topics in the Catholic faith
 Help students lead prayer services and Masses to
promote hands on learning
DuBuddies, Dubuque, IA, USA
 Purpose is to foster one-on-one friendships
between people with disabilities and people
without disabilities around the Dubuque

Loras College Dance Marathon, Dubuque, IA, USA

 Family Committee Member

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